Mollinsburn Road, Annathill
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Application No: C/07/01303/FUL Date Registered: 26th July 2007 Applicant: Zoom Developments 95 West Regent Street Glasgow G2 2BA Agent ID Partnership 95 South Woodside Road Glasgow G20 6NT Development: Erection of 27 Dwellinghouses Location: Former Travelling Peoples Site Mollinsburn Road Annathill Coatbridge Ward: 6 Coatbridge North & Glenboig Cllrs Clarke, Sheilds, Wilson, & McWilliams Grid Reference: '272739670604 File Reference: CIPLIANM65OICMILR Site History: Development Plan: Glasgow and Clyde Valley Structure Plan 2000 Monklands District Local Plan 1991, Including Finalised First Alterations A, 6 & C September 1996 The site is zoned as HG8 (Travelling People) in the Local Plan. Contrary to Development Plan: Yes Consultations: Scottish Environment Protection Agency No Objection Scottish Water No Objection British Gas No Objection Scottish Power No Objection British Telecom No Objection Representations: 7 letters of representation received. Newspaper Advertisement: Advertised on 8'h August 2007 Planning Application No. C/07/01303/FUL WMrn"b" Construction of 27 Dwellinghouses IlutnMll,ir.anErmmlmn#I LmI.*L*I,*T"YN hWl".!i Former Travelling Peoples Site Mollinsburn Road nm4ir*u. ?' I IW ,1114 .'I,.,WtU*I.LII-Iii,Itill,, #ilbl,C *,% Annathill Coatbridge ... BI>Yl"*'li E; +- No1 to Scale Recommendation: Approve Subject to the Following Conditions:- 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2. That a visibility splay of 4.5 metres by 90 metres, measured from the road channel, shall be provided on both sides of the vehicular access and before the development starts, everything exceeding 1.05 metres in height above the road channel level shall be removed from the sight line areas and, thereafter, nothing exceeding 1.05 metres in height above road channel level shall be planted, placed, erected, or allowed to grow, within these sight line areas. Reason: In the interests of traffic safety. 3. That, no dwellinghouse hereby permitted shall be occupied until a 2.2 metre wide footway is constructed along the full frontage of the site, in accordance with the specifications of the Roads Authority and as described in the Roads Guidelines published by the said Roads Authority. Reason: In the interests of traffic and pedestrian safety. 4. That no dwellinghouse hereby permitted shall be occupied until the road and footpath adjacent to it have been constructed to basecourse standard and the road and footpath shall be maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority during the construction phase. Reason: In the interests of traffic and pedestrian safety. 5. That before the last dwellinghouse hereby permitted is occupied, all roads and footways shall be completed to final wearing course. Reason: In the interests of traffic and pedestrian safety. 6. That before any of the dwellinghouses hereby permitted are occupied 2 car parking spaces shall be provided within the curtilage of the plot and outwith the public road or footway, and thereafter be maintained as parking spaces. Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site. 7. That PRIOR to any works commencing on site, the applicant must confirm in writing to the Planning Authority that the foul drainage can be connected to the public sewer in accordance with the requirements of Scottish Water. The surface water must be treated in accordance with the principles of the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland published by ClRlA in March 2000. Reason: To prevent groundwater or surface water contamination in the interests of environmental and amenity protection. 8. That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, full details of the proposed surface water drainage scheme shall be submitted to and for the approval of the said Authority. For the avoidance of doubt the drainage scheme must comply with the requirements of the publication titled 'Drainage Assessment : A Guide for Scotland' and any other advice subsequently published by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) or the Sustainable Urban Drainage Scottish Working Party (SUDSWP). The post-development surface water discharges shall ensure that the rate and quantity of run-off to any watercourse are no greater than the pre-development run-off for any storm return period unless it can be demonstrated that a higher discharge is necessary to protect or improve the aquatic habitat. SUDS shall still be provided even where discharges are proposed to public sewers notwithstanding any conditions imposed by Scottish Water. If the area of ground illustrated on Drawing No,G:774 L-001 N for the SUDS is inadequate for the purpose, a revised layout drawing for this part of the proposed development shall be submitted to and for the approval of the Planning Authority prior to any works of any description being commenced on the application site, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the said Authority. Reason: To ensure that the drainage scheme complies with best SUDS practice to protect adjacent watercourses and groundwater and in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of existing and future residents adjacent to and within the development site. 9. That the SUDS compliant surface water drainage scheme approved in terms of Condition 8 shall be implemented contemporaneouslywith the development in so far as is reasonably practical. Within three months of the construction of the SUDS, a certificate (signed by a Chartered Civil Engineer experienced in drainage works) shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming that the SUDS has been constructed in accordance with the relevant ClRlA Manual and the approved plans. Reason: To safeguard adjacent watercourses and groundwater from pollution and in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of existing and future residents adjacent to and within the development site. 10. That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. For the avoidance ofdoubt the provision of a close boarded fence along the frontage of the site is not acceptable and full details of a wall or combined wall and fence shall be submitted for consideration. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail. 1 1. That BEFORE any of the dwellinghouses hereby permitted, situated on a site upon which a fence or wall is to be erected, are occupied, the fence, or wall, as approved under the terms of condition 10 above. shall be erected. Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of the area. 12. That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping, for the areas hatched green on the approved plans, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, and it shall include:- (a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, boundary treatment, grass seeding and turfing; (b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted; (c) an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows, plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development, (d) details of the maintenance of these works. (e) a timetable for completion of the works Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail. 13. That all works included in the scheme of landscaping and planting, approved under the terms of condition 12 above, shall be completed in accordance with the approved timetable, and any trees, shrubs, or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged, or become diseased, within two years of the full occupation of the development hereby permitted, shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species. Reason: In the interest of the amenity of the site and the general area. 14. That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, a woodland management and maintenance scheme, covering the areas of woodland planting within the areas area hatched green on the approved plans, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, and it shall include:- (a) proposals for the continuing care, maintenance and protection of the trees, shrubs and hedges, including details of the timing and phasing of all such works; (b) details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted, and the phasing of such works. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail. 15. That BEFORE the occupation of ,the fourth last dwellinghouse, the woodland management and landscape maintenance schemes approved under the terms of condition 14, and 12 shall be in operation. Reason: In the interest of the amenity of the site and the general area. 16. That, notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, no development shall take place within the curtilage of plots 7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15 and 16 as shown on the approved site layout plan, other than that expressly authorised by this permission. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider the further development of these plots. 17. That BEFORE the development hereby