Chrysto N Louncil

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Chrysto N Louncil 11 AGENDA ITEM SJO. a!&-- WIMTTES OF THE MEETING OF CHRYSTON CO-ITY COUNCIL, HELD IN THE PUBLIC HALL, MUIRHEAD, ON MONDAY CHRYSTO N 21st SEPTEMBER 1998 at 7-30pm.-... \LOMMUNITY LOUNCIL Mr H Rae, Mrs E M Young, Mr D Mixray, Mr R Clelland, Mrs E Ruxton, Mr B Rice, Miss R Anderson In Attendance: Police Liaison Officer Constable Thomson Chair: Miss R Anderson Apologies for absence were intimated from Councillor Gray, Constable Leaning, Mr Herron, Mr Lindsay, Mr Darkins, Mr Lavery, Mr Egan, Mrs Seran and Mr Stirling. A welcome was extended to the Members attending, with a swial word to Constable Thomson deputising for Constable Leeming. l4imtesof The Minutes of the Meeting on 31st August had been circulated. theprevious Adoption was agreed by the Council. meting: Police Constable Thornson spoke of 15 incidents since the previous Meeting. Liaison: These included 2 house break-ins, 3 thefts of motor vehicles, 3 attempts of thefts of motor vehicles and three thefts from vehicles. Problems discussed were the dangerous situation at Lanrig Park with vehicles parked on both sides of the road during football games, and horses being ridden on pavements and the A.80 path. These items were noted, and it was agreed that the Secretary request a designated parking area at Lanrig Park, and advise Environmental Health Department regarding the deposits left by horses on pavements. Constable Thomson was thanked for his attendance and advice. PlaDning ckmsultatiosls: Licensing Applications It was noted that Mr Cyril Clark was asplying for a public house licence for lOOD Cmbrnauld Road, Muirhead. Weekly Planninq Lists The Lists from 28th August to 11th September were considered. 150 Drumcavel Road, Muirhead An application for a dwelling house with Associated Domestic Garage was noted. A similar asplication had been refused previously. Extension at Crow-wood Hotel Complaints were received regarding trees being felled. The Secretan had written to Planning Department as tree felling had not been in the Planning List of 9th May. 122/124/ ..... 12 Planning CmsU~tioars 122/124 Main Street chrv ston continued: Amended plans for 124 Main St Chryston were noted. It was agreed to submit objections on the grounds that the application would have an adverse effect on the home at No 120 and the vacant lot at 124. Beazer Development Letters had been sent re lack of information regarding the servicing of the site, of dust and dirt on the roads, of absence of wheel washing and road cleaning, of removal of trees and bushes and interference with the drainage of Garnkirk Moss. Right of Way - Mollinsburn to Annathill Legal Services Division had still not given guidance. Northern Corridor Community Form It was agreed that Mr Rice would be the Community Council Representative. 0 Consultation on Dealing With Anti-Social Neiqhbours Policy A report had been sent to the Director of Housing as requested. Elections: Community Council Elections The Election had been advertised in the District. Eleven completed nomination forms had been received for the 12 vacancies in the Elected Members Section by the agreed break-off date. The Forms were valid and it was agreed that the following ndnees be declared elected:- Mr R Clelland, Mr S Darkins, Mr G Egan, Mr R Herron, Mr J Lindsay, Mr D Murray, Mr H Rae, Mr B Rice, Mrs K Seran, Mr R Stirling and Miss R Anderson. Two representatives of Local Organisations were Mrs Ruxton for Chryston Church of Scotland, and Mrs E Young for Church Road Neighbourhood Watch. It was agreed that appointment of Office Bearers be considered 0 at the next Meeting. v: North Lanarkshire Minutes The Minutes for September were received and various items of interes. to the Council noted. Greater Glasaow Health Board Copies of the Health Improvement Programme 1998-2003 were received and distributed. Stobhill Hospital Copies of Minutes etc were received and noted. Copies of the Consultation Paper on Land Reformwere received for Collpnent by 30th Noveniber. Strathclyde/ ..... 13 0agl;tiXllzed:-@- Strathclyde Police - Joint Police Board Minutes Copies of the Minutes were received and noted. North Lanark Tenants and Residents Federation Notice was given of a meeting on 29th September at Ccrmbernauld. Beaconbus The disputed account had been paid thanks to Mrs Young's intervention Anstruther Holiday Project Good reports were being received from the holidaymakers. A considerable donation would be required from the Camunity Shop to help With the travel expenses of 21,500 for the season. Beacon Community Shop The shop would be open on 26th September. Norther Corridor Association of Cananunity Councils The Secretary had attended a meeting on 16th September and it had been agreed to keep the Association going. It was agreed that Mr Murray would take up the vacancy left by Mr Ros Northern Corridor Area Committee of North Lanarkshire Council The Secretary had attended the Meeting held in the Pivot Centre on 10th September. It was agreed that a get well card and some flowers be sent to Mr and Mrs Rose from the Members. That being all the business in hand, the Members were thanked for attending, and the Meeting was declared closed. 14 16th October 1998 LOUNCIL - Dear Sir/Madam The next Meeting of the Community Council will be held in the Lesser Public Hall, Muirhead on 26th a?ToBER 1998 at 7.3Opu. It will be appreciated if you will endeavour to attend to consider the business in hand. Miss R Anderson I, Neuk Ave Muirhead Chryston G69 9M 'phone 0141 779 1072 1. Chairman's Remarks 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting and Adoption thereof. 4. Police Liaison 5. Camumity council Elections 6. Planning Consultations 7. Business Arising from the Minutes a. Secretary's Report b. Members' Business 8. Correspondence and Business arising therefrom. 9. Various Reports 10 . Any Qther C-tent Business 11. 15 /=-= MINUTES OF THE KEETING OF CHRYSTON COl4XUNITY COUNCIL, HELD IN THE PUBLIC CHRYSTON HAUr WJIRHEAD, ON HONDAY 26th OCTOBER OMMUNITY AT 7.30pm Sederunt : OUNCIL Mr G Egan, Mrs E.M. Young, Mr R Clelland. Mr D Murray *cMr S Darkins, Mr B Rice, Mr R Herron, Miss R Anderson In Attendance: Councillor W. Hogs JP Constable Leeming, Police Liaison Officer Chair : Mr Robert Herron Apologies for Absence were received from Councillor Gray, Mr Lindsay, Mr Stirling, Mrs Seran, Mrs Ruxton and Mr Rae. Mr Herron welcomed Councillor Hogg, Constable Ueming and the Members attending. Ninurtegof The Minutes of the Meeting of 21st September had been circulated. pre\riaus Adoption was proposed by Mr Murray, seconded by Mrs Young and Meeting: agreed by the Council. Eolice Constable Leeming spoke of a slight increase in the crime figures, Liaisun: mainly due to car crimes. Five vehicles were stolen, including two recovery vehicles. One was recovered and another was burned mt,. There were 9 thefts from cars and 2 attempted thefts.' Two youths frm outwith the area were arrested in Moodiesburn in connection With the car thefts. Other 8 thefts had included one business incident, 2 cycles and 2 thefts from a construction site. All areas were having problems and Plain Clothes Officers were patrolling the Stepps, Moodiesburn and Chryston Areas. Regarding horses being ridden on the pavements, Constable Wng had visited Woodhead Farm and asked for co-operation in having the problem resolved. Constable Leeming was thanked for his report and assistance. mllarHogg Councillor Hogs spoke of the District Council's plan to build a new car park in Mollinsburn. He spoke of a land fill tax credit which could be available to offset the approximate cost of &80,000. He explained the system and requested that the Camunity Council applied to Entrust to enrol as an Environmental Body. The registration fee would be U00 and he suggested that the mal Grants Cdttee might be contacted for assistance. The Council agreed to apply and Councillor Hogg was thanked for his attendance and advice. -t;zr Cmunity Council Elections wil Elections: It was agreed to postpone the Elections until the next meeting when more of the Members would be in attendance. 16 Planning =tatims: Weekly Planninq Lists The Lists from 18th September to 16th October were considered. lOOD Cumbernauld Road Muirhead, change of use from Snooker Room to public Bar and Function Suite Mr Cyril Clark's application was noted. 105 Main St., Chrvston A change of use of church Officer's Dwelling to Meeting Rooms/Office and Extension to the Building was noted. It was agreed to object to a business enterprise in a Residential Area, the Vans were Mobile Shops. 122 Main St., chryston - Dwellinq House 0 Planning permission had been granted and the Secretary had requested a copy of the conditions. Cuttinq Down of Trees at Crow-wood House Hotel The site had been examined and the Architects had been contacted to ensure that only where necessary should trees be felled. It was agreed to enquire if access off the A.80 would be imprbved. Beazer Development Confinnation was given from Planning Department that the site works were being monitored. Beazer's Construction Director considered that dust and dirt were kept to a minimum. Residents of the area still disagreed With this. Free Standing Siqns at Muirhead Post Office 0 Legislation was in progress to have these signs remwed. Heathfield - Dump ins on Former Brickworks Site SEPA had asked for information on the present owners and this had been supplied. Rights of Way - Mollinsburn to Annathill Legal Services were gathering helpful information from Residents. Sub-Post Office, Muirhead A petition had been started With a view to retaining the Post Office in Station Road. Letters had been sent by persons in the District opposing any change.
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