At) Ql'hhti ^Hlstot %) W^M^\^\^^, ^Hwi^I#T*Hi<M^, ?G^Tflest, Tlrzn
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at) Ql'hHti ^HlStot •l) ^'FJt?!?^ (^.) i^Rl^lRl* qiRff •«l(^!ri( #g ^, MT. •§. ^. ^. gt^. %) M ^. TT. (W.), ^5^ RiJmi^tH cbHWM^, Mf^cild^d. %) w^m^\^\^^, ^Hwi^i#T*Hi<M^, ?g^TfleST, tlrzn^ (^^nfld (jJlgiRich jsrocyr^prqfl^, 1o) gy<4^ ^<>U|t\3(1 cll'ii^el, ^oScfcT ciTlNAI 3?^% (w) ftle|t)R7l <tiif6c<J, ^TTrJefT^, *TT. $. ^. ^. gtJr, ^?^ S?) ftKk*>< M. ^\. (>HMI<^cb), ^itefPJ?- qt^#W (^ g^Tf^T^ ^?rafTc5?ITc3^ ft-cTsM ^FI^) 1«) ^R^^^. ^. ('HMW*), QiJIcijiT^I >ll\;)P)!inci)ri ^cTT^, ^9Icn^^JR^. ?5, 5^- 'i^?5. 1^) 'Hchrichc^^d ^RJIST, -"TT. f. ^. 'tJHiRi* 45, OTf V^, gt^. 1) Abu'l-Fazal, Allami.The Ain-i-Akbari, Translected by H. Biochmann, M. A. Third Edition, 1977. 2) EHQM & Dowson. The History of India as told by its own Historians (Bad Shah- namah by Abdul Hamid Lahori) Allahabad, 1964. 3) Elijrit & Dowson, Muntakabul-l-labab of Muhammaces hashm khati klan, Vol. VII, 1964. 5M« 3) KarveC.G., New Mint in Poona.Ga marking rupee (Gasikka)'>iT.?.^.'t.grfr^t'n1^Vol XXXIl 4) Khare G. 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