Navajo Preparatory and IB School Hot Breakfast for Grade 9‐12 August 2018 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 30 31 1 2 3 Dutch Waffle Peanut & Jelly Whole Wheat Bagel on a Stick Cream of Wheat Strawberries Sandwich Cream Cheese Plain Peach Slices Apple Wedges Choice of Milk Orange Smiles Melon Cup Choice of Milk Banana Choice Milk Choice Milk Choice of Milk 6 7 8 9 10 Whole Grain Biscuit Migas‐Eggs w/Corn Tortillas Cheese Toast Egg Muffin Sandwich Egg and Cheese Croissant Jelly Pkt Tortilla Whole Wheat 6 in. Mango Chunks Diced Pears Peach, Strybry, Banana Milk Boiled Egg Melon cup Choice of Milk Choice of Milk Choice of Milk Tropical Fruit Salad Choice of Milk Choice of Milk 13 14 15 16 17 French Toast Pudding Tater Breakfast Bake Cinnamon Cheese Stick Cold Cereal Monterey Egg Bake Melon cup Orange Smiles Mango Chunks Whole Wheat Toast Whole Wheat Toast Choice of Milk Choice of Milk Choice of Milk Banana Cantaloupe Blueberries Choice of Milk Choice of Milk 20 21 22 23 24 Scramble Eggs with Ham Morning Roll French Toast Sticks Oatmeal Breakfast Burrito Egg Whole Wheat Toast Orange Smiles Turkey Sausage Patty Banana Mango Chunks Peach Slices Choice of Milk Honeydew Melon Assorted Juice Choice of Milk Choice of Milk Choice of Milk Choice of Milk 27 28 29 30 31 Scramble Eggs Strawberry Yogurt Parfait Breakfast Taco Breakfast Sausage Pizza Whole Wheat Pancake Whole Wheat Toast Craisins Orange Smiles Mango Chunks Mixed Berries Apple Wedges Choice of Milk Choice of Milk Choice of Milk Choice of Milk Choice of Milk