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Public Document Pack MEETING: OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE (REGENERATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES) DATE: Tuesday 16 September 2008 TIME: 6.30 pm VENUE: Town Hall, Bootle Member Substitute Councillor Councillor Papworth (Chair) R Roberts Griffiths (Vice-Chair) D Jones Booth Hill Cluskey (Spokesperson) Brennan McGinnity D Hardy C Mainey D Rimmer S Mainey Fenton Pearson Sir Ron Watson Weavers (Spokesperson) Howe Webster P Hardy COMMITTEE OFFICER: Michele Wainwright Telephone: 0151 934 2666 Fax: 0151 934 2277 E-mail: [email protected] If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist. A G E N D A 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. 3. Minutes (Pages 5 - 8) Minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2008. 4. Revenue Expenditure, Capital Programme and (Pages 9 - 88) Performance – 2007/8 Portfolio Final Accounts Report of the Chief Executive, Strategic Director Regeneration and Environmental Services, Planning and Economic Regeneration Director, Environmental Protection Director, Leisure Director, Head of Tourism and Finance Director. 5. Parking Services Review - Update Verbal report of the Strategic Director Regeneration and Environmental Services. 6. Sefton’s new Local Area Agreement (LAA) 2008-2011 (Pages 89 - 94) Report of the Chief Executive. 7. Response to questions arising from the Leisure Services (Pages 95 - Departmental Service Delivery Plan end of year report for 100) 2007-08. Report of the Leisure Director. 8. Work Programme 2008/09 and Key Decision Forward (Pages 101 - Plan 1 September - 31 December 2008 112) Report of the Legal Director. 9. Exclusion of Press and Public To consider passing the following resolution: That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph …7. of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act. The Public Interest Test has been applied and favours exclusion of the information from the Press and Public. 10. Business Support Activities in Sefton (Pages 113 - 128) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 THIS SET OF MINUTES IS NOT SUBJECT TO “CALL IN”. OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE (REGENERATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES) MEETING HELD AT THE TOWN HALL, BOOTLE ON 8 JULY 2008 PRESENT: Councillor Papworth (in the Chair) Councillors Griffiths, Booth, Cluskey, McGinnity, C Mainey, S Mainey, Pearson and Weavers 8. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE An apology for absence was received from Councillor Webster. 9. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were received. 10. MINUTES RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny (Regeneration and Environmental Services) Committee held on 3 June 2008 be confirmed as a correct record. 11. ALTERNATING WEEKLY REFUSE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION SERVICE (AWC) IMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Further to Minute No. 60 of the meeting of the Scrutiny and Review Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services) held on 8 January 2008, the Committee considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director which outlined the progress of introducing Alternative Weekly Collections across the Borough. It was also noted that the portfolio had been without a Cabinet Member since May and therefore no Cabinet Member reports had been produced in the interim. It was agreed at the Cabinet meeting on 12 June that a progress report would be submitted to the Cabinet Member in July. It was reported that the kerbside contract could not be reviewed until 2010 when the contract ends and it was pointed out that the new specifications would include the use of ‘Bring Banks’. The Committee noted that the phased introduction of the new refuse and recycling arrangements across the Borough had highlighted issues that were particularly unique dependent on the location. For example the North of the Borough has a large number of flats and the South of the Borough Page5 5 Agenda Item 3 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE (REGENERATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES)- TUESDAY 8TH JULY, 2008 has a large number of terraced houses. Therefore for the roll-out of the arrangements in the South of the Borough it has been agreed that there will be a continuation of an amended bag system. It was noted that initial teething problems would be expected as the arrangements required a cultural shift from residents. The Committee was informed that no formal enforcement had been carried out as yet and there had been a low rate of genuine complaints about the new way of working. The Committee was informed that as a result of the introduction of the new AWC refuse and recycling arrangements that the Borough-wide recycling rate, to date, had increased significantly to 30%. The Committee commended the officers who have been dealing with issues arising from the new arrangements, and also the department for the achieving the increased rate of recycling. It was noted that despite the high achievement of Sefton that there may still be a potential fine for Merseyside for not meeting targets. RESOLVED: That:- (1) the Council Department and officers be congratulated on the successful introduction of the new arrangements, and achieving the increased rate of recycling; and (2) the Committee continue to receive 6 monthly progress reports. 12. HOUSING MARKET RENEWAL DEPARTMENT - SERVICE PLAN 2008-2011 The Committee considered the report of the Housing Market Renewal Director which detailed the Department’s service plan for 2008/09. The report detailed the three-year objectives for 2008/2011 and set out the annual plan for 2008/09. There was discussion about the progress of the Compulsory Purchase Orders and it was noted that the national economic downturn could have an impact on future development. The Committee was also informed that there had been a recent Audit Commission inspection of the New Heartlands which had achieved reasonable outcomes. RESOLVED: That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee accepts the report. 13. LEISURE SERVICES - SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN 2007-08 - END OF YEAR PERFORMANCE The Committee considered the report of the Leisure Director which detailed the Department’s performance against its service plan objectives for 2007/08. Members raised concerns about the level of vandalism in Page6 6 Agenda Item 3 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE (REGENERATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES)- TUESDAY 8TH JULY, 2008 certain areas and had some queries about the figures relating to the sickness level in the department. RESOLVED: That:- (1) this Committee recommends that at least part – perhaps 20% - of the £650k expected surplus from the cemeteries and crematoria income should be retained by the Leisure Department. It seems farcical that Leisure has to borrow to maintain this department when making a surplus. (2) the Committee is informed about the progress of the proposed new crematorium in West Lancs. (3) the Committee receive a report about security measures regarding cemeteries and crematoria. (4) the Committee receives a copy of the condition survey on the Botanic Gardens Museum. (5) the Committee receives a progress report on the Urban Tree and Woodland Strategy. (6) the Committee receives a further explanation and breakdown of the figures relating to the leisure passport scheme. (7) the Committee receives an update on the feasibility study for the social enterprise incorporating workshops, environmental training centre and biomass production. (8) the Committee receives an update of the QUEST accreditation at Dunes Splash World and information about the snagging issues, work being carried out to fix them, and when this will be completed. (9) A report be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee monitoring progress in relation to recommendations of the Arts and Artefacts Working Group. 14. WORK PROGRAMME 2008/09 AND KEY DECISION FORWARD PLAN 1 JULY TO 31 OCTOBER 2008 The Committee considered the report of the Legal Director which detailed the Key Decision Forward Plan for the above period. The Committee was advised of its right to pre-scrutinise any Key Decision which fell under its remit. The Committee agreed amendments to the membership of the Community Involvement-Licensing Act Working Group. RESOLVED: That (1) Cllr C. Mainey becomes the Lead Member for the Community Involvement-Licensing Act Working Group; and (2) progress in relation to the Working Groups be noted. Page7 7 Agenda Item 3 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE (REGENERATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES)- TUESDAY 8TH JULY, 2008 15. PARKING SERVICES REVIEW The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration & Environmental Services which sought the views of the Committee on a review of the Parking Service. The report was presented by Councillor John Fairclough (Cabinet Member – Technical Services). There was considerable discussion about issues such as residents schemes, blue badge scheme, park and ride and enforcement. It was agreed that Members would feed back particular issues of concern to the Cabinet Member (Technical Services). RESOLVED: That:- (1) the Overview and Scrutiny Committee accepts