October 4, 2016 CONFIDENTIAL Submitted Pursuant to Rule 408 Federal Rules of Evidence Mr. Mark Y. Hirata Assistant Attorney Gene
I l I I I ill I lour ),111 I Cite. I ,tdr.,1 I I Ilan? NH/ 1900(1 \\ 21' coil] October 4, 2016 k Cal 1q0,1 Scinnicl CONFIDENTIAL Dial/ II" Submitted pursuant to Rule 408 S114111'111, 1)1,1,1,1' 1&,,incy I'm 4,7 Federal Rules of Evidence Kichar I. 111(1101 ;II 111,,I,2 1),1111CI 11 11111 Mr. Mark Y. Hirata Mr. Stewart Young ( rum111,.. A. .Inhnsan Assistant Attorney General Assistant Attorney General 111170h:1111 U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Sc'011 A 01 185 South State Street, Suite 300 185 South State Street, Suite 300 ncr L. Iit,t)11C1 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 ,I111 1)1111.101? flali,1 I Mr. Stewart C. Walz /'thin 11ill,,1- Senior Litigation Counsel .111,1111] 1,) . 1 U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 1 ,1,,,I,J11 1 85 South State Street, Suite 300 S ho bc II" Thmnp,m1 Gentlemen: 11 .11\711111 . 11 1:111 /1‘11 A Cillh1111 I. 16'1, In August 2014, the State of Utah's Office of Legislative Auditor released its audit Ri11,11C1' IIIR.1110P1 ("Legislative Audit") of the Utah Transit Authority ("UTA" or the "Authority"). The Audit identified several areas where the lack of adequate institutional controls .1 and oversight led to problematic actions taken by the Authority. I' ( I WI )1111g In the past several years, UTA has taken many steps to address its previous ,V,111hIll .1 I 1;HW organizational weaknesses.
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