Confirmed Occurrence of Indian Ocean Twospot Cardinalfish

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Confirmed Occurrence of Indian Ocean Twospot Cardinalfish ISSN: 0001-5113 ACTA ADRIAT., SHORT COMMUNICATION AADRAY 59 (1): 153 - 158, 2018 Confirmed occurrence of Indian Ocean twospot Cardinalfish Cheilodipterus novemstriatus (Osteichthyes: Apogonidae) in the Levantine Sea: first record from the Syrian coast Malek ALI 1*, Majd KHADDOUR1 and Christian CAPAPÉ 2 1 Marine Sciences Laboratory, Basic Sciences Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria 2 Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, case 104, Université Montpellier II, Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] The authors present the first record of Indian Ocean twospot Cardinalfish Cheilodipterus novem- striatus from the Syrian coast (eastern Mediterranean).The species is described including morpho- metric measurements and meristic counts. This new finding confirms the establishment of a viable population of C. novemstriatus occurs at present in the Levant Basin. Key words: Osteichthyes, Apogonidae, Cheilodipterus novemstriatus, Lessepsian migration, population INTRODUCTION et al. (2015). Additionally, CROCETTA et al. (2015) found the species in waters surrounding Cyprus Of the six species belonging to the family Island, and IRMAK & ENGIN (2015) and TURAN et Apogonidae, which inhabit the Levantine Sea, al. (2015) from the coast of Turkey, In Iskenderun in the Eastern Mediterranean, five are Lessep- Bay and off Mersin Province, respectively. sian migrants (sensu POR, 1978), and among them, All observations concerning collected and/ Indian Ocean twospot Cheilodipterus novem- or underwater photographed specimens suggest striatus (RÜPPELL, 1838). It is considered as one that C. novemstriatus could be, at present, sub- of the most recent records of non-indigenous stantially established in the Eastern Mediterra- species known to date in the Mediterranean nean. Is native range includes the Red Sea, Gulf Sea (BARICHE & AZZURRO, 2012). C. novemstria- of Oman and the Persian Gulf (GON & RANDALL, tus was first recorded from Tel Aviv’s coastal 2003; FROESE & PAULY, 2017), and from these waters, where two specimens were collected by areas C. novemstriatus entered into the Mediter- SCUBA divers from a shipwreck situated at 30 ranean Sea, through Suez Canal. m depth (GOREN et al. 2010). BARICHE & AZZURRO Surveys regularly conducted in the Syrian (2012) photographed several specimens while marine waters since several decades (see SAAD, SCUBA diving in the coastal waters of Lebanon, 2005) offered us the opportunity to collect a where it was also furtherly reported by ZENETOS specimen of Cheilodipterus novemstriatus and 154 ACTA ADRIATICA, 59 (1): 153 - 158, 2018 Fig. 2. Cheilodipterus novemstriatus captured off the Syr- ian coast: (2279 MSL), scale bar = 10 mm delivered to the laboratory for examination, and all measurements were recorded to the nearest millimeter with digital caliper and the weight to the nearest milligram. Morphometric measure- ment with percentages of total length (%TL) are given in Table 1. The specimen was preserved in 10% buff- ered formalin and deposited in the Ichthyologi- Fig. 1. Map of the Mediterranean Sea showing the coast of Syria and indicating the capture site of Cheilodipterus novemstriatus (black star) comment and discuss on the species occurrence in the area and the Mediterranean Sea. MATERIAL AND METHODS The source of information about captures of species unknown or rare off the Syrian coast is the result of a collaboration with experienced fishermen aware of fishing grounds. The help of local communities was considered by research- ers to enlarge and improve attention in fisher- ies research, it was referred as local ecological research following ANADÓN et al. (2009), used to track geographical distribution of alien species in their new living area (AZZURRO et al., 2011; Fig. 3. Map of the Eastern Mediterranean indicating AZZURRO & BARICHE, 2017). the capture sites of Cheilodipterus novemstriatus, by On 02 October 2016, one specimen of Cheil- chronological order. 1: Off Tel-Aviv (GOREN et al. odipterus novemstriatus (RÜPPELL, 1838), was (2010). 2: Northern Lebanon (BARICHE & AZZUR- captured from 25m off Lattakia Beach, located RO, 2012). 3: Eastern Levantine Sea (ROTHMAN et on the Syrian coast, by 35º 46´ E and 35º 29´ N al., 2013). 4: Iskenderun Bay, Turkish waters (TUREN et al., 2013). 5: Off Mersin, Turkish waters (IRMAK & (Fig. 1), using trammel net, on sandy bottom, at ENGIN, 2015). 6: Cyprus waters (CROCETTA et al., 6m depth., and described in the present paper, 2015). 7: Northern Lebanon (ZENETOS et al., 2015). following BELLO et al. (2014). The specimen was 8: Coast of Syria, this study. ALI et al.: Confirmed occurrence of Indian Ocean twospot Cardinalfish Cheilodipterus novemstriatus ... 155 Table 1. Morphometric measurements in mm and meristic rounded eyes, snout short and rounded, preoper- counts recorded from the specimen of Cheilodipterus cle ridge smooth, the edge serrate on vertical novemstriatus (2279 MSL), captured off Syrian coast part and around angle, but smooth on ventral Morphometric measurements mm %TL part; small canine teeth in both jaws; no canines Total length 48.7 100.0 at lower jaw symphysis; two dorsal fins well Standard length 39.5 81.1 separated, the origin of the first slightly beyond Fork length 44.9 92.2 pelvic fin origin, anal fin opposite to second Head length 14.2 29.2 dorsal fin. caudal fin forked. Color of body pale Interorbital space 2.5 5.1 brown, with 4 dark brown stripes; black caudal Eye diameter 4.9 10.1 spot; front of first dorsal fin dark; other fins pale Pectoral fin length 7.8 16.0 or slightly dark-pigmented, belly silvery with Pectoral fin base 1.4 2.9 scattered dark spots on ventral and dorsal parts, First dorsal fin length 5.9 12.1 but not on sides. First dorsal fin height 6.3 12.9 Morphology, colour, morphometric measure- Second dorsal fin length 7.7 15.8 ments and meristic counts observed in the Syrian Second dorsal fin height 9.2 18.9 specimen of Cheilodipterus novemstriatus are in Pelvic fin length 7.1 14.6 total agreement with GON & RANDALL (2003), Anal fin length 8.3 17.0 GOREN et al. (2010), BARICHE & AZZURRO (2012) Anal fin height 8.6 17.7 and GOLANI et al. (2017). This finding increases Body depth 10.2 20.9 the number of fish species previously reported Pre-pectoral length 14.1 29.0 in the same area (ALI et al., 2017), C. novemstria- Pre-first dorsal length 14.9 30.6 tus should be included among the number of Pre-second dorsal length 21.8 44.8 (sensu POR, 1978) Caudal peduncle length 11.2 23.0 Lessepsian fish species found in the Syrian marine waters. The right number First dorsal spine length of 1th 7.3 15.0 dorsal fin of Lessespian bony fish species recorded to date off the Syrian water is 45 species; 37 spe- First dorsal spine length of 2th 8.8 18.1 cies were recorded by SAAD (2005), a species by dorsal fin SABOUR et al. (2014), and we recorded to date 7 Meristic counts species including C. novemstriatus. Addition- First dorsal rays VI ally, a single elasmobranch species, honeycomb Second dorsal rays I + 9 stingray Himantura uarnak (FORSSKÅL, 1775) Pectoral fin rays 12 was recorded (ALI et al., 2010). Present and previ- Pelvic rays I + 5 ous records of C. novemstriatus are plotted in Anal rays II + 8 Figure 3, indicating that the species is at present Lateral line scales 23 substantially established in the Eastern Mediter- ranean. cal Collection of the Marine Sciences Labora- Following GOREN et al. (2010) and BARICHE & tory, Agriculture Faculty at Tishreen University, AZZURRO (2012), such phenomenon is the result Syria, under the catalogue number: 2279 M.S.L. of the global warming of the Mediterranean (Fig. 2). waters since two decades at least (see FRANCOUR et al.,1994) and also due to the ability of these RESULTS AND DISCUSSION species to penetrate into the Mediterranean Sea through Suez Canal (QUIGNARD & TOMASINI, The Syrian Cheilodipterus novemstriatus 2000), enhancing the introduction of exotic spe- was a small specimen measuring 48.7mm TL cies in this sea. BARICHE & AZZURRO (2012) and weighing 1.56g; it was identified by the noted that most of records of Cheilodipterus following combination of characters: body oval, novemstriatus were made by SCUBA divers, tapering backward, head large with large and and following AZZURRO et al. (2011) noted that 156 ACTA ADRIATICA, 59 (1): 153 - 158, 2018 information provided by fishermen and sea lov- more than once specimens of Cheilodipterus ers cannot be totally ruled out, reflecting the role novemstriatus,, first time was in 2015, but they of local ecological knowledge in such investiga- could not catch any specimen before 2016. tions. Syrian fishermen reported they had seen REFERENCES ALI, M., A. SAAD, M.M. BEN AMOR & C. CAPAPÉ. (October 2015). Medit. Mar. Sci., 16(3): 2010. First records of the honeycomb stingray 682–702. Himantura uarnak (FORSSKÅL, 1775), off the FRANCOUR, P., C.F. BOUDOURESQUE, J.G. HARME- Syrian coast (eastern Mediterranean) (Chon- LIN, M.L. HARMELIN-VIVIEN, M. L. & J.- P. drichthyes: Dasyatidae) off the Syrian coast QUIGNARD. 1994. Are the Mediterranean (Eastern Mediterranean). Zool. Midd. East., waters becoming warmer? Mar. Poll. Bull., 49 (1): 104-106. 28(9): 523-526. ALI, M., A. SAAD, M. ALKHATEED, S. RAFRAFI- FROESE, R. & D. PAULY. 2017. FishBase. World NOUIRA & C. CAPAPÉ. 2016. First record of Wide Web electronic publication. In: R. hollowsnout grenadier Coelorinchus cae- Froese & D. Pauly (Editors). <http://www. lorhincus (Osteichthyes: Macrouridae) from>, ver- the Syrian coast (eastern Mediterranean). sion 01/2017. Annales, ser. Hist. nat., 26(2): 203-206. GOLANI D., L. ORSI-RELINI L., E. MASSUTI, J.-P. ANADÓN J.D., A. GIMÉNEZ., R. BALLESTAR & I. QUIGNARD, J. DULCIC & E. AZZURRO. 2017. PÉREZ. 2009. Evaluation of local ecological CIESM Atlas of Exotic Fishes in the Medi- knowledge as a method for collecting exten- terranean Sea: alien fishes, invasive fishes.
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    MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 322: 249–257, 2006 Published September 20 Mar Ecol Prog Ser Trophic ecomorphology of cardinalfish Adam Barnett1, 2,*, David R. Bellwood1, Andrew S. Hoey1 1Centre for Coral Reef Biodiversity, School of Marine Biology, James Cook University Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia 2Present address: Marine Research Laboratories, Nubeena Crescent, Taroona, Tasmania 7053, Australia ABSTRACT: Trophic diversity in 9 cardinalfish species was investigated by comparing 14 morpholog- ical characteristics of their feeding apparatus with dietary data based on stomach content analysis. Analysis of the morphological characteristics separated the 9 species into 3 distinct groups. The first group (Cheilodipterus macrodon, C. artus and C. quinquelineatus) was characterized by elongated heads; the second group (Archamia fucata, Apogon guamensis, A. cyanosoma and A. fragilis) by large gapes; and the third group (Apogon exostigma, A. doederleini) by wider heads and low trans- mission coefficient in their jaw mechanics. Stomach samples, however, revealed that morphology was of limited utility in predicting dietary groupings. The majority of species examined displayed generalist diets. The results indicate that while morphology may predict feeding potential, or feeding mode, actual resource use in this group may be shaped primarily by other modifying factors such as behaviour and prey availability. In contrast to other reef fish groups, morphology does not appear to play a strong role in influencing diet in the Apogonidae. KEY WORDS: Coral reef · Diet · Apogonidae · Trophic ecomorphology · Functional morphology Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher INTRODUCTION Considerable advances in our understanding of the mechanical basis of feeding performance in fishes Cardinalfishes (Apogonidae) are represented in all have been made using a functional approach (Wain- tropical and warm temperate seas, with over 300 spe- wright & Bellwood 2002).
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