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Digestive-System,-20-Times.Pdf K23 ® Latin English 3B MICROanatomy™ Digestive System Oesophagus Tunica muscularis: The model illustrates the structure of the fine tissues B Fundus of stomach Tunica mucosa: 6 Stratum circulare of four characteristics sections of the digestive Mucous membrane: 1 Epithelium mucosae (nonkeratinized 7 Stratum longitudinale system: 1 Outer mucous tissue (small depression in squamous epithelium) 8 Tunica adventitia the mucous membrane of the stomach) 2 Lamina propria 9 Tunica serosa • Esophagus 2 Actual mucous membrane 3 Lamina muscularis mucosae 10 Goblet cell • Stomach 3 Mucous gland of the fundus of stomach 4 Tela submucosa 11 Enterocyte • Small intestine 4 Muscle layer in the mucous membrane 5 Glandula oesophagea • Large intestine 5 Sub-muscous tissue Tunica muscularis: Muscular tunic: 6 Stratum circulare The structures of the walls of the digestive system 6 Circular layer 7 Stratum longitudinale are basically the same, but modified from section 7 Longitudinal layer 8Tunica adventitia to section. The following layers can be found in all 8 External coat sections (from inside to outside): 9 Serous tunic Fundus gastricus 10 Peptic cell Tunica mucosa: • Tunica mucosa (mucous membrane): 11 Parietal cell 1 Epithelium mucosae (Foveola gastrica) Epithelium mucosae 12 Mucous neck cell 2 Lamina propria Lamina propria 3 Glandula gastrica Lamina muscularis mucosae C Jejunum (small intestine) 4 Lamina muscularis mucosae • Tela submucosa (sub-mucous tissue) Mucous membrane: 5 Tela submucosa • Tunica muscularis (muscular tunic): 1 Outer mucous tissue Tunica muscularis: Stratum circulare 2 Crypt 6 Stratum circulare Stratum longitudinale 3 Actual mucous membrane 7 Stratum longitudinale • Tunica adventitia and Tela subserosa (external 4 Muscle layer in the mucous membrane 8 Tunica adventitia ® coat) 5 Sub-muscous® tissue 9 Tunica serosa • Tunica serosa (serous tunic): Muscular tunic: 10 Peptic cell Lamina propria serosae 6 Circular layer 11 Parietal cell Lamina epithelialis 7 Longitudinal layer 12 Mucous neck cell 8 External coat The front of the model, from top to bottom, shows 9 Serous tunic Jejunum (Intestinum tenue) a magnified view in histological section of the indi- 10 Endocrine cell Tunica mucosa: vidual sections of the digestive system and their 11 Paneth’s granular cell 1 Epithelium mucosae fine tissue structures. 2 Crypta D Colon 3 Lamina propria On the back of the model, highly magnified views Mucous membrane: 4 Lamina muscularis mucosae of didactically interesting areas of each of the dige- 1 Outer mucous tissue 5 Tela submucosa stive system sections shown on the front are 2 Crypt Tunica muscularis: emphasized. 3 Actual mucous membrane 6 Stratum circulare 4 Muscle layer in the mucous membrane 7 Stratum longitudinale 5 Sub-muscous tissue 8 Tunica adventitia A Esophagus [gullet] Muscular tunic: 9 Tunica serosa Mucous membrane: 6 Circular layer 10 Endocrine cell 1 Outer mucous tissue (nonkeratinized squa- 7 Longitudinal layer 11 Paneth’s granular cell mous epithelium) 8 External coat 2 Actual mucous membrane 9 Serous tunic Colon 3 Muscle layer in the mucous membrane 10 Goblet cell Tunica mucosa: 4 Sub-muscous tissue 11 Enterocyte 1 Epithelium mucosae 5 Esophagal gland 2 Crypta Tunica muscularis: 3 Lamina propria 6 Circular layer 4 Lamina muscularis mucosae 7 Longitudinal layer 5 Tela submucosa 8 External coat 3B MICROanatomy™ Verdauungstrakt Deutsch Español 3B MICROanatomy™ Tracto digestivo s Modell zeigt den feingeweblichen Aufbau vier B Magengrund El modelo visualiza la estructura tisular fina de cua- B Estómago, fondo arakteristischer Abschnitte des Verdauungstraktes: Schleimhaut: tro porciones características del tracto digestivo: Túnica mucosa: 1 oberstes Schleimhautgewebe (kleine 1 Epitelio mucoso (foveola gástrica) Speiseröhre Vertiefung in der Magenschleimhaut) • Esófago 2 Lámina propia Magen 2 die eigentliche Schleimhaut • Estómago 3 Glándula gástrica Dünndarm 3 Schleimhautdrüse des Magengrundes • Intestino delgado 4 Capa muscular de la mucosa Dickdarm 4 Muskelschicht in der Schleimhaut • Intestino grueso 5 Tejido submucoso 5 Unterschleimhautgewebe Túnica muscular: r Wandaufbau des Verdauungstraktes ist prinzipiell Muskelhaut: La estructura de la pared del tracto digestivo es en 6 Capa circular ichartig, aber von Abschnitt zu Abschnitt modifi- 6 Ringfaserschicht principio homogénea, pero con determinadas modi- 7 Capa longitudinal rt. Folgende Schichten sind allen Abschnitten 7Längsfaserschicht ficaciones en cada una de las porciones. Las siguien- 8 Túnica adventicia meinsam (von innen nach außen): 8 Äußere Hülle tes capas son comúnes a todas las porciones (del 9 Túnica serosa 9 Seröse Außenhaut interior al exterior): 10 Célula principal Tunica mucosa (Schleimhaut): 10 Hauptzelle 11 Célula parietal Epithelium mucosae 11 Belegzelle • Túnica mucosa: 12 Célula accesoria mucosa Lamina propria 12 Nebenzelle Epitelio mucoso Lamina muscularis mucosae Lámina propia C Yeyuno (Intestino delgado) Tela submucosa (Unterschleimhautgewebe) C Leerdarm (Dünndarm) Capa muscular de la mucosa Túnica mucosa: Tunica muscularis (Muskelhaut): Schleimhaut: • Tejido submucoso 1 Epitelio mucoso Stratum circulare 1 oberstes Schleimhautgewebe • Túnica muscular: 2 Cripta Stratum longitudinale 2 Einbuchtung (Krypte) Capa circular 3 Lámina propia Tunica adventitia bzw. Tela subserosa (äußere Hülle) 3 die eigentliche Schleimhaut Capa longitudinal 4 Capa muscular de la mucosa Tunica serosa (seröse Außenhaut): 4 Muskelschicht in der Schleimhaut • Túnica adventicia o tejido subseroso 5 Tejido submucoso Lamina propria serosae 5 Unterschleimhautgewebe® • Túnica serosa: Túnica muscular:® Lamina epithelialis Muskelhaut: Lámina propia 6 Capa circular 6 Ringfaserschicht Capa epitelial 7 Capa longitudinal e Modellvorderseite stellt von oben nach unten die 7Längsfaserschicht 8 Túnica adventicia nzelnen Abschnitte des Verdauungstraktes mit 8 Äußere Hülle La cara anterior del modelo visualiza, en sección 9 Túnica serosa en feingeweblichen Strukturen im histologischen 9 Seröse Außenhaut histológica y a gran aumento, las determinadas 10 Célula endocrina hnitt stark vergrößert dar. 10 endokrine Zelle porciones del tracto digestivo con sus respectivas 11 Célula de Paneth 11 Paneth-Körnerzelle estructuras tisulares finas, de arriba a abajo. f der Modellrückseite sind didaktisch interessante D Colon reiche der einzelnen auf der Vorderseite des D Dickdarm En la cara posterior del modelo se ponen de relieve, Tunica mucosa: odells dargestellten Verdauungstraktabschnitte in Schleimhaut: a muy gran aumento, zonas de interés didáctico de 1 Epithelium mucosae hr starker Vergrößerung herausgearbeitet worden. 1 oberstes Schleimhautgewebe las determinadas porciones del tracto digestivo 2 Crypta 2 Einbuchtung (Krypte) representadas en la parte anterior del modelo. 3 Lamina propria 3 die eigentliche Schleimhaut 4 Lamina muscularis mucosae Speiseröhre 4 Muskelschicht in der Schleimhaut 5 Tela submucosa Schleimhaut: 5 Unterschleimhautgewebe A Esófago Tunica muscularis: 1 oberstes Schleimhautgewebe (unverhorn- Muskelhaut: Túnica mucosa: 6 Stratum circulare tes Plattenepithel) 6 Ringfaserschicht 1 Epitelio mucoso (Epitelio pavimentoso no 7 Stratum longitudinale 2 die eigentliche Schleimhaut 7Längsfaserschicht cornificado) 8Tunica adventitia 3 Muskelschicht in der Schleimhaut 8 Äußere Hülle 2 Lámina propia 9 Tunica serosa 4 Unterschleimhautgewebe 9 Seröse Außenhaut 3 Capa muscular de la mucosa 10 Goblet cell 5 Drüse der Speiseröhre 10 Becherzelle 4 Tejido submucoso 11 Enterocyte Muskelhaut: 11 Saumzelle 5 Glándula esofágica 6 Ringfaserschicht Túnica muscular: 7Längsfaserschicht 6 Capa circular 8 Äußere Hülle 7 Capa longitudinal 8 Túnica adventicia 1 3 5 6 7 8 51 2 4 A A 1 2 3 4 1 B 5 B 10 6 7 8 11 9 12 1 2 3 10 4 5 6 C C 7 2 8 9 11 1 2 3 4 10 5 D 6 D 2 8 9 11 7 Appareil digestif 3B MICROanatomy™ Français Português 3B MICROanatomy™ Tubo digestivo modèle montre la structure des tissus fins de qua- B Fundus de l’estomac O modelo mostra, em suas estruturas finas de tecido, B Fundo do estômago (fundo de saco maior) parties caractéristiques de l'appareil digestif : Tunique muqueuse : quatro trechos característicos do tubo digestivo: Schleimhaut: 1 Tissu de la muqueuse supérieure (petit 1 Tecido mucoso superficial (pequena œsophage creux dans la muqueuse gastrique) • Esôfago depressão na mucosa gástrica) estomac 2 Lamina propria • Estômago 2a mucosa propriamente dita intestin grêle 3 Glande muqueuse du fundus de l’estomac • Intestino delgado 3 Glândula mucosa do fundo do estômago côlon 4 Lamina muscularis mucosae (musculaire • Cólon 4 Camada muscular na mucosa muqueuse) 5 Tecido submucoso structure de la paroi de l'appareil digestif est en 5 Tissu de la sous-muqueuse A constituição da parede do tubo digestivo é em Túnica muscular: ncipe la même, mais modifiée de segment en seg- Muskelhaut: princípio do mesmo tipo, mas modificado de 6 Camada de fibra circular ent. Les couches suivantes sont communes à tous 6 Couche de fibres annulaires segmento em segmente. As camadas seguintes são 7 Camada de fibra longitudinal segments (de l'intérieur vers l'extérieur) : 7 Couche de fibres longitudinales comuns a todos os segmentos (de dentro para fora): 8 Túnica externa 8 Enveloppe extérieure 9 Derme serosa Tunique muqueuse : 9 Tunique séreuse extérieure • Túnica mucosa: 10 Célula eucariótica lame épithéliale (épithélium de la muqueuse) 10 Cellule principale Epitélio mucoso 11 Célula parietal lamina propia (tissu conjonctif de la muqueuse, 11 Cellule de revêtement Lâmina própria 12 Células mucosas do colo chorion)
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    Small Intestine The small intestine extends between the stomach and colon and is divided into the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Although there are minor microscopic differences among these subdivisions, all have the same basic organization as the rest of the digestive tube - mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, and serosa or adventitia. The transition from one segment to another is gradual. The proximal 12 inches of its length is generally considered duodenum, the remaining proximal two-fifths jejunum and the distal three-fifths ileum. The small intestine moves chyme from the stomach to the colon and completes the digestive processes by adding enzymes secreted by the intestinal mucosa and accessory glands (liver and pancreas). Its primary function, however, is absorption. Approximately 8 to 9 liters of fluid enters the small intestine on a daily basis. Food and liquid intake represents 1-2 liters of this volume the remainder coming from endogenous sources such as salivary, gastric, intestinal, pancreatic, and biliary secretions. Of this volume 6-7 liters is absorbed in the small intestine with only 1-2 liters entering the colon the majority of which is absorbed at this location. Only as very small amount of fluid is evacuated in the stool. The majority of water is absorbed passively in the gut and is largely dependent on an osmotic gradient. Specializations for Absorption Three specializations - plicae circulares, intestinal villi, and microvilli - markedly increase the surface area of the intestinal mucosa to enhance the absorptive process. It is estimated that these morphological features provide an absorptive surface area of 200 M2. Plicae circulares are large, permanent folds that consist of the intestinal mucosa and a core of submucosa.
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