Rodentia, Insectivora & Scandentia Conservation & Information Network of South Asia (RISCINSA) (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY OOFF MMEEMMBBEERRSS DIRECTORYDIRECTORY Rodentia, Insectivora & Scandentia Conservation and Information Network of South Asia RISCINSA (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) Layout and Compiled by Latha G Ravikumar, S. Radhika, G. Arul Jagadish and K. Geetha Edited by R. Marimuthu and B.A. Daniel Sponsored by Chester Zoo, UK Conservation Planning Specialist Group, USA Produced by Zoo Outreach Organization August 2020 (Fifteenth electronic publication) Zoo Outreach Organization & CPSG, South Asia 12, Thiruvannamalai Nagar, Saravanampatti Coimbatore 641035, Tamil Nadu, INDIA Ph: +91 9385339862 & 9385339863 Email:
[email protected];; Sujit Chakraborty Scientific Chair, Email:
[email protected] Sally R. Walker Convenor, Email:
[email protected] Mike JorDan Senior Conservation Advisor, National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, Email:
[email protected] Giovanni Amori IUCN SSC Small Mammal Specialist Group, RLA Focal Point, Email:
[email protected] AnDrew Smith Chair, IUCN SSC Lagomorph Specialist Group, Email:
[email protected] Sanjay Molur Red List Authority, IUCN SSC Small Mammal Specialist Group, Email:
[email protected] OBJECTIVES OF RISCINSA v Encourage and promote the study of non-volant (non-flying) small mammals (rodents, insectivores, tree shrews, etc,) by organizing and running a network of all specialists, providing them useful services. v Maintain a check-list and database -- as complete and correct as possible -- of rodents and insectivores of South Asia providing local, national and regional information to be shared with important national and international agencies and organizations.