Rise to the Do Righties Have ExxonMobil CEO: The Most Twenty-Five Years of Challenge p 8 the Upper Hand? p 14 Valuable Asset p 20 Love in the TNRB p 28 ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2014 winter ALUMNI MAGAZINE issue Winter 2014 marriottschool.byu.edu publisher Lee T. Perry Managing editor Robert G. Gardner editor Megan Bingham art director Jon G. Woidka copy editors Lena Harper Monica Weeks contributing editor Nina Whitehead assistant editor Katie Pitts Olson contributing writers, editors, Sarah Kay Brimhall designers, & photographers Trevor Carver Logan Havens Todd Hollingshead Bryce Lawrence Brett Lee Chadwick Little Spencer Ngatuvai Jason Redford Spencer Wright Magazine design BYU Publications & Graphics all coMMunication should be sent to Marriott Alumni Magazine 490 Tanner Building Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602-3187 Phone: 801-422-7696 Fax: 801-422-0501 eMail:
[email protected] Marriott aluMni Magazine is published by the Marriott school oF ManageMent at brighaM young university, provo, utah. the views expressed in Marriott aluMni Magazine are not necessarily endorsed by byu or the church oF Jesus christ oF latter-day saints. copyright 2014 by brighaM young university. all rights reserved. Find this and past issues oF Marriott aluMni Magazine online at marriottmag.byu.edu students queue For shirts coMMeMorating the Marriott school’s twenty-FiFth anniversary on 28 october. students, Faculty, staFF, and aluMni are celebrating this iMportant Milestone by donating twenty-Five thousand hours oF service by the end oF the 2013–14 school year. log your hours at marriott25.byu.edu. photo by eMMa vidMar. I’ll have you know Europe is full of French bulldogs.