Holy Name Procession a Great Plan
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¿i' «? VOL LXXII PITTSBURGH, THURSf OCTOBER 7. 1915. NO. HOLY NAME PROCESSION A NARROW ESCAPE. A GREAT PLAN CARDINAL GOTTI. The Supreme Pontiff's Imminent The Venerable and Aged Prelate Is The Great Parade, Sunday, October Danger He Received a bhock. Cardinal Gibbons Projects a Magnifi- HI—Pope Benedict's Sympathy. 10—A Glorious Demonstration of cent Scheme—1 he Crowning While the Pope was driving in the Vat- On Friday evening, September 24, Card- Faith and Morals. ican gardens iccently the horses drawing f eature oí His Work. inal Golti, Prelect ui the bacrcd College his carriage ran away. They were stopped oi the Propaganda Fide, had a sudden Quietly and reverently over 40,000 Cath- by the garden wall and one of the horses ( ardiñal Gibbons has conceived a plan laintmg nt in his apartment in the palace olic men of the Pittsburgh diocese will was killed. The Pope received a severe o' tnat congregation, lie fell heavily to shock, but returned to his apartments on by which he hopes to reach the zenith of march through the city streets next Sun- 1 the lioor, his Head striking first. VV hen day, October 10, testifying to their belief toot through the Vatican galleries. his remarkai) .* achievements during his iic was lilted up he was in a semi-con- in one of the most sensible laymen's move- The horses were the gift of Cardinal long career oi usefulness to the Catholic s' luus condition, but soon afterwards ral- ments of the age—the abolition of blas- Bauer, Archb'shop of C)limit/., and were Church in making, from an educational lied. Apart irom some bruises caused by phemy and intemperate language, and an splendid spec mens of the Hungarian viewpoint, Washington, D. C\, the "Rome" the fall, and a slight concussion of the I iced. The Pope was greatly attached to increasing reverence tor the name of the o i America. "rain, l lis, Eminence seems to be little Creator. them. tiie worse lor the mishap. Owing, how- Rt. Rev. Bishop Canevin, Rev. Francis bor possibly- a whole decade the ven- ever, to Ins advanced age—lie is eighty- MeCabe, spiritual director of the Holy CINCINNATI CONVENT FIRE. erable prelate has dreamed of uniting a one years old—it is feared that his re- number of the more important American Name Diocesan Union, John B. Sullivan, A lire recently threatened for a time to covery may not be as complete as could ecoles astical colleges as units of a great Pres dent of the union, and other officials destroy the convent of the Good Shep- be desired. On being informed of the oc- will head the procession when it starts herd, Carthage. It started in the large university, but in view of the war's devas- currence, Pope Benedict manifested great from Fifth anu Liberty, at 2 o'clock. \\ il- barn and had gained a strong headway be- tation in Erupoe his plan has taken on concern, and immediately sent a special liam 11. Exner, of McKcesport, will be fore discovered. Most of the horses were vaster proportions. Cardinal Gibbons now messenger to make inquir es. grand marshail. The first division will rescued by the employes, but, as the barn plans to establish in a beautiful section of form on Liberty, with Henry Fitzpatrick was stocked with hay, the flames spread the American capital a center of religious BIGOTRY COLLAPSES. as chief marshal, assisted by the following rapidly, and before the fire department tducation that will bring together not only There has oeen a notable falling off in aides: W. T. Bcane, Stephen W. Connel- could respond damage, which is estimated the higher colleges and seminaries as de- the anti-Catholic campaign throughout the ly, M. J. Clark, John Dingos, Sr., Robert close to $25,000, had been done. The chil- partments of the Catholic University at tountry during the past few months. It W. Egan, F. F. J. Litet, Michael Curce, dren of the inst tut ion were so well taken Brook'and, D. C., with unlimited advant- is true that Bishop Burt is still heard oc- Michael A. Iialleran, John Marohn, I). J. care of by the Sisters that no excitement ages for students, but representative schools casionally frantically urging the b;gots to Ryan, John 1'. Lang, Charles Hopper, prevailed. save the country from Rome. But Burt John F. Mullen, Joseph White, Sr., Flor- embracing practically every order and so- The origin of the lire is mysterious, and has become a stale joke, even among the ence J. Kretz, M. B. Donnelly, John F. ciety compris ng the Catholic priesthood. the fact that at three in the afternoon a bigots themselves. The doting old Gen- Caughan, Thomas J. Kearney, Thomas Perhaps if '.he great scheme becomes a second fire broke out in the cow barn eral Miles still believes the country to be Donohue, C. P. McCoy, Andrew Simer, S reality the archdiocesan See will be trans- i lose by leads the authorities to believe :n danger and his "Guardians of Liberty" M. Ring and Michael Purtell. ferred to the capital though it is known that both were of incendiary origin. are doing valiant service, under his direc- Churches in this division will move in 'hat as long as the Cardinal lives it will íeinain in Baltimore. t on, in making general fools of them- the following order: St. Paul's, St. Agnes', TO APPEAL FOR MEXICANS. selves. A few 'lecturers" can still occa- For several years most of the religious St. Augustine's, St. Aloysius of Dunbar, sionally find an audience so ignorant as to BALTIMORE, Md„ October 6—A coun- orders in the Catholic Church have been St. Aloysius, Wilmerding; St. Ansclm's, accept their ravings any to pay them for try-wide appeal for the relief of distress steadily increasing the representation at Swissvale: St. Bartholomew, Crab Tree; delivering them. But they are finding it in Mexco will be made through the three the Catholic University. The Paulists have £t. Brigid's; St. Benedict's, St. Cecil a's of hard to keep up the pace. There is notli- Cardinals, 14 Archbishops, 100 Bishops and ¡heir own departments, their own build- Glassport, Help of Christians, Corpus *ng new for them to say and excitement practically 18,000 clergy of the United ings and their own faculty. Likewise the Christ», St. Caiman's of Turtle Creek, cannot be sustained on stale lies. The States to the Catholics of the country. Marsts are trongly represented, as are Mother of Good Counsel, Epiphany, St. movement has all but collapsed except in I bis move was decided upon at a confer- the Dominicans, Franciscans, Sulpicians Elizabeth's, St. Francis of Rossiter, Holy few benighted communities where bigot- ence at Cardinal Gibbons' residence. and priests of the Holy Cross. Family of Latiohe, Holy family, Polish; ry still survives. St. Gertrude'? of Vaudergrift, Sacred To the Sulpician Seminary of St. Mary, ENTERS ON NEW DUTIES. Heart of the Fast End; Sacred Heart of one of Baltimore's most historic institu- Jeannette; Sacred Heart of McKcesport; Rev. I)r. Sigourney Fay, late of the tions, and Tic'dentally the alma mater of FATHER PHELAN'S PAPER. Immaculate Conception of Bloom field; Im- Catholic University, Washington, last the Cardinal, goes the distinction of hav- The will of the late Rev. Father David maculate Conception of Connell^villc, Im- week assumed charge as headmaster of the ing taken the first definite step in recent S. Phelan, editor of The Western Watch- maculate Conception of Irwin, Immaculate Newman School for Boys, Hackcnsack, vears toward the realization of Cardinal man, leaves the paper to Mrs. Henrietta Heart, Po'lish; St. James' of Wilkinsburg, N. J. Dr. Fay was formerly archdeacon Gibbon's most cherished dream. Through Mac Donald, in trust for her daughter. St. Joachim, St. John the Baptist, St. rnd canon of St. Paul's Protestant cathe- their Retreat Fathers in Washington, it Marjorje. and io Edward J. Dunne and John's of Scottdale; St. John's of Union- dral at Fond du Lac. has become known, they have negotiated Mrs. Stella Fsson. The policy of the town; St. Joseph's, Bloomfield; St. Jos- for the purchase of an extensive tract of Western Watchman, ;t is stipulated, shall eph's, Braddock; St. Joseph's, Derry; St. ORPHANS* HOME BURNED. land exactly opposite Gibbons Memorial be "unflinching loyalty to the Catholic Hall, í recent imposing addition to the Joseph's, New Kensington; St. Kieran's, A late press dispatch from Nevada, Mo., Church." TIii large library of Father Catholic University. Though their plans St. Lawrence, St. Mary's Forty-sixth says: Seventy-live children, all in their Phelan is left to the Kenrick Seminary. have not been fully announced, it is believ- street; St. Mary of Mercy, St. Mary of n ght clothes, were led to safety by the id the members of St. Mary's faculty in- Mount Carm'1, of Braddock; St. Mary's, Sisters of St. Francis' orphans' home near ;cnd within a jew months to begin prepar- A HIGH PROMOTION. of McKcesport; St. Martin's, Derry; Our here when that structure was destroyed ations for the removal of a large major- Lady of Blessed Sacrament; St Patrick's, by tire. The lire was started accidentally Very Rev. Peter O'Calaghan, C.S.P., na- iiy of the seninary student body to the SS. Peter and Paul, St. Peter's, Forbes by one of the orphans with a lantern. tional president of the Catholic Total street; St. Peter's, McKcesport; St.