Honour for Years of Service

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Honour for Years of Service Warm homes start here plus % bonus 30OFF INSTALLED INSULATION No Payments & No Interest Cambridge until January 2018 On‘Warm Homes Start Here’ insulation purchases* Space calls Minimum spend $1500. Offer expires 31 October 2016. Cnr Queen & Oliver Sts, CAMBRIDGE Nicole Ph: 07 827-5139 Page 6 Edition • Mon – Fri 7am – 6pm • Sat & Sun 8am – 6pm Wednesday, June 8, 2016 SERVING CAMBRIDGE SINCE 1981 cambridgeedition.co.nz Honour Getting air for years of service JOSEPH PEARSON Hautapu rugby club life member Ken Moreland will be a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit after he was named on the Queen’s Birthday Honours list. Moreland, who’s affectionately known by everyone as Jake, has been affiliated with Hautapu since 1962 when he first wore the red, white and black jersey as a player, aged 16. He’s been a life member since 1988 and Moreland has gone above and beyond for more than just his own club in the Waikato. Ken ‘Jake’ Moreland has been Moreland’s services as a associated with Hautapu for 54 years player, coach and administrator since his debut as player. of rugby for Hautapu, Cambridge PHOTO: NATASCHA GARLAND / WAIKATO TIMES. and Waikato have seen him con- tribute significantly to sport over the years – and earn him the and Liam Messam – come through honourable nomination. their ranks to become a part of Moreland had little knowledge last year’s World Cup winning of any forthcoming award, or who squad. put his name forward. But he’s also served as ‘‘I don’t actually know,’’ More- chairperson of the Waikato rugby land said of his nomination. council of clubs, deputy ‘‘Someone nominates you and I chairperson of the Waikato Rugby assume gets other people to sup- Union, assistant manager of the port them. Chiefs for three years and presi- ‘‘But I don’t know how it all dent of the Waikato Rugby Union works. I just got a letter asking me from 2010 to 2013. if I would accept this award and I In 2011, Moreland founded the said yes. Perago Trust to support aspiring ‘‘I understand there are differ- young Cambridge athletes and ent ceremonies around the has been an active member of country and they give you some Cambridge Life Skills Trust, form of recognition where you get which provides free counselling a medal or something official.’’ for Cambridge children. Moreland’s been on Hautapu’s His personal highlight during committee since 1968 and spent 20 his 54 years with Hautapu was years as president, presiding over watching the club win their first the most successful period in the ever Breweries Shield title in Cambridge teenager Dane Kirk has a goal in his sights- getting to the Olympics. The freeskier has been on the Snow club’s history, which has seen two 1998, and they’ve since won three Sports New Zealand Development Team since 2014 and has attended a number of their camps, preparing him for elite All Blacks – Tawera Kerr Barlow more in 1999, 2006 and 2007. level skiing and trick and skill progression. Read more about his journey on P24. Committed to eye care LATE NIGHT OPEN NOW OPEN for Cambridge APPOINTMENTS 9am - 5pm W weekdays e s c rd are owa AVAILABLE for c Collins and Sons Ltd SUNDAYS We will look after all your dentistry requirements in Earthmoving and Cartage 10am – 2pm our friendly, caring and 187 Queen Street 52 Victoria Street, Cambridge GARY SCOTT professional environment. ANNE TOMLIN Ph 07 823 0700 ( Formerly Amcal Cambridge) www.tarbutt.co.nz Cambridge 33 Duke Street, Cambridge CAMBRIDGE SMILE CENTRE 07 823 7337 A (Next to Fire Station) PHONE 827 5653 A 7110704AB www.collinsandsons.co.nz Phone 827 6597 24 DICK STREET, CAMBRIDGE Cambridge Pharmacy 6493549 AU-7006671AV 2 CAMBRIDGE EDITION, JUNE 8, 2016 stuff.co.nz YOUR PAPER, YOUR PLACE did you know... With 2.5 million cars for four million people, New Zealand’s 1. car ownership rate is one of FROM the world’s highest. The netball draws can be found on THE page 22. EDITOR 2. Try your hand at a quiz, hosted by ’m standing in for Viv this the St Peter’s Parent’s Association. week while she’s on leave. Details are on the Whats On pages.w CONTENTS I I found inspiration from 3. Conversations................................................... 4 Warwick Johnson this week 1 Space camp........................................................6 (page 11). Warwick has dedicated Read about the man who has the House removal.................................................11 most of his life to moving original key to the pink church on What’s on...................................................... 12-13 buildings around the North page 11. Motoring........................................................18-19 Island. A job that might seem 4. uninteresting to some was a Have you tried traditional Dutch passion of his, and the amount of food? Your chance is coming. See love and effort he put into it is page 3 for the story. clear. to do list This newspaper is At 82-years-old he has some 2 3 5. subject to NZ Press interesting stories to tell – stories The Cambridge Patchworkers meet Council procedures. that I wish I had time to sit down weekly and are welcoming new A complaint must first and listen to. members. See how you can join on be directed in writing, within one month of Stories that are real, and filled page _. publication, to the editor’s email address. with love. He even has the If not satisfied with the response, the original key to Cambridge’s ‘pink complaint may be referred to the church’. Press Council. PO Box 10-879, These days people are The Terrace, Wellington 6143. switching jobs every few years. Or use the online complaint form at www.presscouncil.org.nz Please But Warwick didn’t – he stuck 4 5 include copies of the article and all with it his whole life and moved correspondence with the publication. many iconic buildings. What do they say? Work in a job you love, and you will never Contact us EDITOR: Viv Posselt, 827 3840,027 216 3691, viv.posselt@fairfaxmedia.co.nz. MANAGER: Pam Ryan, 027 294 1405. REPORTER: work a day in your life... Emma James, 827 3840, 027 204 2932, emma.james@fairfaxmedia.co.nz. ADVERTISING SALES: Manager, Samantha Cutler, 827 Emma 3840, 027 497 9416, samantha.cutler@fairfaxmedia.co.nz: Hayley Elvines, hayley.elvines@fairfaxmedia.co.nz: Alison Osborne, alison.osborne@fairfaxmedia.co.nz. CLASSIFIEDS: Angela Farrell, angela.farrell@fairfaxmedia.co.nz (deadline Mondays 4pm) ROP AD DEADLINES: 4pm Thursday DIGITAL EDITIONS: cambridgeedition.co.nz ADDRESS: 13 Anzac St, PO Box 372 Cambridge 3450 MISSED DELIVERY: 827 3840 or angela.farrell@fairfaxmedia.co.nz. Audited net circulation 15,581* ABC (Dec 2014) Horsing Around SPINAL COLUMN As a Chiropractor practising in Cambridge, I am often dealing with patients whose injuries stem from working with or riding horses. Just about every facet of the equine industry has its own potential for injury. Jockeys and riders get injured in falls, farriers suffer from posture related pain, dressage competitors require perfect postural balance and poise, hunters often tumble, stable hands strain their backs with lifting and shovelling. Recreational owners may get knocked by their horse when loading them into a trailer, and old timers may still suffer the results of injuries of many years ago. My simple advice to horse riding folk is this: 1- Riding horse; good 2-Falling off horse; bad 3- Shovelling horse poo; very bad. Riding exercises and strengthens the postural ‘core’ muscles around the spine, and good coaching will improve posture and balance. Often aches and pains will diminish with the movement of riding, however falling off rarely improves anything. Lots of shovelling poo will eventually lead to wear and tear, however not shovelling poo results in neck deep poo, which is bad. If you suffer from horse related injuries come and see me at the Cambridge Chiropractic Clinic and I’ll give you treatment and advice to get you back in the saddle. The horse poo however, is all yours. NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE THE POWER OF CHIROPRACTIC CARE • BACK PAIN • SPORTS INJURIES • NECK PAIN • STIFF SHOULDERS • HEADACHES • LACK OF SLEEP B.Sc. M. Chiro • SORE LEGS • WEAR AND TEAR Clinic Hours: Monday 12pm-8pm | Tuesday 8.15am-2pm Thursday 12-8pm | Friday 8.15-2pm CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Gareth Jones You are welcome to call outside these hours to make or change appointments. 9 Dick Street, Cambridge Tel. 0077 8 82727 0 0339339 | wwww.cambridgechiropractic.co.nzww.cambridgechiropractic.co.nz AU-7212497AF stuff.co.nz JUNE 8, 2016, CAMBRIDGE EDITION 3 Dutch market coming to town Briefs PLAYCENTRE GRANT Tamahere Playcentre has EMMA JAMES received $1,922.84 towards the cost of the second phase of a A new Dutch market coming to protect to extent its playcentre Cambridge will be a monthly cel- building. The funds were part of ebration of all things Netherlands. an almost $31,000 allocation Organised by local residents made by the Waikato District Huub and LiesbethVerstegen, the Council’s Discretionary Funding market’s aim is to help people of Committee to a number of local Dutch descent connect with each community groups. other, and for everyone else to experience the culture. ALTRUSA CONFERENCE It will be held at St Andrew’s Four members of the Cambridge Church on the last Saturday of Altrusa Club attended the Altrusa every month, except in July when Conference held in Hawera in it will be moved forward a week May. The four locals were Janet because of another booking at the McComb, Irene Walker (past venue. president), Jan Lineham and De- Verstegen said there were ane Busby.
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