Mrs. George W. Haggard 2-56 1507 Har d ouin Austin, The one great rule We will serve no of composition is to group or party but will hew hard to the speak the truth. truth as we find it —Thoreau O'rxas Otistrurr and the right as we An Independent Liberal Weekly Newspaper see it.

VOL. 46 MARCH 28, 1955AUSTIN, TEXAS NO. 50 PAY NOW FOR YOUR 1960 SUPPER Profiteering Balinese Opening Rushed By Senators (We delay our series on Gal- veston Island, the Maceo gambling In the brochure is a blank check, The B-Room has long been rec- veston Island for this special syndicate is so confident there will which all interested recipients can ognized as the syndicate's most lu- story from our Galveston corre- be no new deal that they plan to use to send in their donation, or crative gambling establishment. It spondent. Next week the series begin rebuilding their Balinese contribution, or meal ticket money. Is Charged was once raided by the Rangers. resumes with an article on "That Room within 60 days. The letter and brochure also ex- Oldtimers say as near as they recall Damn Kugle.") However, according to a plan an- plained that if for some reason, it happened in the early 40's or per- DeWitt Grand Jury nounced by the operators, Vic and construction was not started by haps late '30's. No one can remem- Special to The Texas Observer Anthony Fertitta, reconstruction of September 1st, the money would be ber what brought it on, but some Says Influence Peddling GALVESTON the syndicate's number one gam- promptly refunded. The brochure point out it was one of the few Should Be Studied Despite recurrent rumors of a bling spot and night club will be failed to mention how much the times the Rangers really seriously pending Ranger crackdown on Gal- partially financed by the patrons bigger is expected penetrated the mythical M "Maceo- AUSTIN through a sort of ultra-swank din- to cost, how big it will be, how Dickinson Line." DeWitt County's angry ner ticket sale. many of the select invitations were Countians are regarding the new grand jury has criticized sent out, and how much of the Balinese Room announcement with State Senators for taking Legal Situation The Fertittas have mailed per- total cash the Fertittas are hoping sonal letters and multi-colored, mixed emotions. They don't know money "for various types of to borrow in advance in the form whether to accept the membership eight-page brochures to "select" of meal ticket sales to prospective representation" on matters members of the Turf Athletic Club. plan as an indication the gamblers' customers. bank is actually running low, or affecting a state program and Tangled in Irving In brief, the letter blandly suggests The B-Room, as it is known has called attention to a fed- that the prospective member send whether it is just another way of throughout most of the South, shading the dice. Mainland Attor- eral law against Congressmen Beard Faction Wins in at least $100 for "deposit cou- burned down last October, report- a n d government officials pons" that can be spent at the rate ney Jim Simpson, a former FBI In Election By 316 Votes edly from a fire which was agent who sought the county at- practicing before any govern- of $20 per year (no discount or in- touched off by faulty wiring. Dallas Correspondent torney's office on a "clean up gam- ment agency on a matter in terest) for ham sandwiches, flam- About a year earlier, it had almost The Texas Observer bling ticket," only lost by eight which the Government might ing sword steaks, or what not. suffered the same fate when it IRVING votes in 25,000 cast. Inside sources be interested. Islanders were so overwhelmed caught fire from one of its own say the gamblers have been a little Now that the Irving School Dis- They called for serious legisla- by the idea that it wasn't possible famous Flaming Sword dinners. reticent to re-invest their B trict has been abolished by the vot- ,-Room tive study "of the widespread prac- to get a fair representation of re- The management discontinued the insurance money in the face of such ers, people around here are settling tice of profiteering from public po- action to the suggestion that they dinners for a while after that. untoward developments. down to the task of selecting a new sition." contribute $100 in advance for din- board and unraveling the legal ners to be served them from one Congressman John J. Bell and ialess that the school fight here State Senator Gus J. Strauss have brought about. to five years from now. The letter explained: appeared before the jury. Bell testi- *elk Fired School Superintendent Dr. Loyal Democrats Plan "We have 'decided to rebuild the fied in Austin last week that when John A. Beard has filed an appeal he was a state senator he took more of his dismissal by the now-abol- Balinese Room. We anticipate con- struction will begin within the next than $27,000 from group land pro- hed board. He has also filed a moters under the State's veterans' it against that group for slander. 60 days and completion is expected Organization for '56 around August 15. 1955. land program. Strauss received About a hundred teachers who Special to The Texas Observer Roosevelt Hotel here, also elected $11,500 under the same circum- were fired after walking off their "With a program of this type and WACO Mrs. R. D. Randolph of Houston stances. Both said the money they nn behalf of various principles scope it is necessary that we pre- Loyal Texas Democrats deemed vice-chairman; Byron Skelton of got was for legal ss.rvices. persaialities in the contro- vail upon a certain group of Turf Temple, chairman of the 62-mem- here Sunday to strengthen and or- "Influence peddling by public of- rsy have filed appeals to the Athletic Club members ... our new ber executive committee; Mrs. A. L. ganize for the 1956 elections. ficials has been soundly discredited, :'exas Education Agency in Austin. policy will place membership on a Voigt of San Antonio, executive The Democratic Advisory Council publicly condemned, and should, we Just what will become of these more exclusive basis. We are happy secretary; Mrs. Jud Collier of Mum- of Texas voted to establish a 16- feel, be made illegal by the laws actions is now the question. to tell you that a screening com- ford, director of women's activities; member steering committee "to of this State," the grand jury said. Irving voters decided, 1,962 to mittee has selected you to be in- strengthen and organize the Demo- and Truett Smith of Wylie, treas- ,646, to abolish the school district cluded in this group. cratic Party in Texas." urer. "Our investigation has disclosed payment of large sums of money to Saturday. The election was quiet, The decision on political organi- "It is our plan to issue deposit And Judge James Sewell, re- certain State Senators for various but it attracted 89 percent of the zation culminated several months coupons amounting to not less than elected chairman of the group, an- types of representation on matters city's registered voters. The vote $100 to each selected member. Each nounced that Senator Estes Kefau- of preliminary work on the subject. means in effect that the seven- directly affecting State Funds and a book will provide (5) $20 coupons ver of Tennessee will speak in San The executive committee of the member Board which fired Beard, State program. To conveniently with the first coupon redeemable Antonio May 6 and in Houston May Council is to designate ten regions nine principals and school execu- designate said sums as 'Legal Fees' till. on or after June 1st, 1956, and the 7. Kefauver's appearance will "ac- for organizational purposes. The does not, in our opinion, satisfac- tives, and 200 school teachers and remainder of the coupons being centuate the Democratic Party's pall members has been junked. committee members in the regions torily explain them. honored each succeeding year of great resurgence in Texas," Sewell will then select one member from The board members are expected "We feel that such practice is in operation. These coupons are good said. their number for the steering com- direct conflict with the duty of said to step down after the vote is can- for both food and service." The Council, meeting in the vassed this week. (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 7) 11. The schools will be administered by the Dallas County school offi- MORSE IS UNDONE *tab until a new district can be ablished and new school board mbers chosen. leard says he feels vindicated. Polka Dots and Orange Juice . . teachers and principals said y were not protesting on his be- If anyone in the Legislature could be called a prototype E but rather on behalf of the of the Texas politician, it would certainly be Jimmy Phil- it of school people to say what lips, Angleton's puckish-faced, lantern-jawed senator with y wished and to conduct them- es as free citizens in political the trademark black cigar, bow tie and polka-dot handker- other matters. chief. It's easy to spot him on the Senate floOr. You might Buildings May Fly notice the cigar or the tie or the handkerchief, which he occasionally mops his seemingly untroubled brow with. ill Flag, House Decides But more than likely you'd spot AUSTIN him because he would be talking. tainly didn't hurt Phillips. One re- A Senate-approved resolution that He's the talkingest lawmaker in the porter described him as a man who would have barred the American history of the Nnited States. can never be content unless he has flag from display on the State Cap- They call him Jimmy Phillibus- a bear by the tail. itol, other state-owned buildings, ter, now, because he's the champ. Last week Phillips couldn't find a and state parks was slapped down He talked 23 hours and 35 minutes bear, but he had an issue and he in the House last week. last week an fractured the world was going after it: "The poor crip- Rep. Maury Maverick called the filibuster record. Oregon's Senator pled children of Texas who can't attention of the House to the pro- Wayne Morse set the old record by afford to have their little legs vision—adopted as an amendment talking 22 hours and 26 minutes on straightened." by Senator Searcy Bracewell to tidelands oil last year. He was seeking "a measly mil- Senator Dorsey Hardeman's resolu- Jimmy is a politician. He admits lion dollars" extra for Galveston's tion—with the statement: it, enjoys the distinction immensely John Sealy to tack onto "I would like to remind Senator and works hard to play it straight. the giant general appropriations Hardernan that while we are all He has never made any bones about bill. "What could be more worthy!" Texans, in the last analysis our al- it, because he's always running for boomed Phillips. legiance is to the United States of office—any office. A number of his colleagues didn't America. This is too much." He once cracked: "Give me agree with him—notably Senators The House agreed with Maverick enough money and I'll make W. Lee George Parkhouse of Dallas, Wil- by a voice vote. O'Daniel's campaigns look tame." Liam Shireman of Corpus Christi The Hardeman resolution as When the veterans' land investi- and Dorsey Hardeman of San An- passed by the House says that the gations were dragging along in the gelo. He had some support, though, Texas flag shall always occupy "the early weeks, Phillips livened things so he got the floor just before noon, position of honor" in Texas ahead up by giving Attorney General Wednesday, and started talking. Af- of the flags of other states, nations, John Ben Shepperd a ruthless go- ter five hours of warmup Wednes- and international organizations- ing-over in questioning. It defin- day, he took the floor again Thurs- •xcept for the U. S. itely hurt Shepperd, and it cer- (Continued on Page 4) PHILLIPS Let those flatter who fear, it is not an American art. The Elephant and The Blind Men —JEFFERSON Eli; $27,000 John J. Bell was a state senator. He pushed the veterans' land program through the Senate. Then he took $27,000 from promoters of group land deals. He testifies that the money was for legal services. If the work John J. Bell did for those land promoters was worth $27,000, we have entered the wrong profession. But the question is, should we have become a. lawyer or a state senator?

Jhe out Shed a tear for the Houston Chronicle. What a plight it must be to retire nightly and dream of the goblins that are capturing your country. Goblins the people approve of, at that. To-wit : The Chronicle says that the U.S. is racing toward social- ism. In evidence, the Chronicle cites public power, acreage quotas for farmers, farm parities and subsidies, government "in the insurance field through social security," public hous- ing, slum clearance, and foreign aid "to countries practicing socialism." Further, wails the Chronicle, Eisenhower wants federal underwriting of health insurance and "a broad and costly highway building program which will give the federal government greater control over all industries allied with road building." Obviously, mention "federal government" three times, quickly, and the Chronicle editorial staff would frubble away in fury. Jesse Jones used to work for Roosevelt, administering one of those horrible federal "initial" agencies; RFC. Long time ago, we guess.

CX – eX eX • • • • Well! The light has dawned on Herbert Brownell, our steadfast Attorney General. - Harvey Matusow, the ex-fired, helped Brownell and his agents get information on communists and alleged commun- ists. As long as he was helping make the Government's points, why be skeptical? Bartlett appears exetusively in The Texas Observer Now Brownell—stung by Matusow's testimony that De- partment of Justice agents encouraged him to lie—says Matusow is the focal point of a communist plot to destroy the Government's "confidential informant system." 9 of 11 Committee Members Were Absent Brownell did not hesitate to use the testimony of a man AUSTIN other thing of value received by a week, let it be said that members who had embraced professional lying (as communists must) The paid lobbyists of the lobbyist from his employer; "in de- of the House often must choose be- and then said he wasn't a liar any more. Third House of the Texas tail all expenditures or disposition tween several simultaneous corn- of such money or other thing of mittee meetings. This is a session',1 Somehow we can't drum up sympathy for Brownell now. Legislature now go about value, showing the persons to whom at which many complex and diffi- Maybe he'll take the lesson to heart and eye the blather- their business of influencing such expenditures or dispositions cult matters are being considered—'_ ings of ex-reds with caution in the future. When is a red an lawmakers with no public are made," and all money or things insurance, water, securities, taxa- ex-red,? And an ex-red an ex-ex-red ? And an ex-ex-red an check on how much money of value "paid to or promised" an- tion, and social welfare legislation didi ex-ex-ex they get, how much they other for lobbying purposes. —and one cannot be two places at 111187 spend, or how they spend it. The only exception would be ex- once. For many sessions liberal penditures of $25 or less "for partic- It is also true that one way to viouo Point legislators have tried to get ular items." The total of such ex- kill a bill to which no one wants a through a law to regulate lobbyists. penditures would have to be shown, to admit his opposition is to boy- Everyone who is interested in the land scandal should, we For just as many sessions, the bill but not each item. A lobbyists cott the committee meeting on it. believe, keep one obvious point high forward in their minds: has been quashed. would not have . to detail his per- Present at the House Rules Com- Judging from the short but al- sonal expenses— but again he mittee hearing on the Lobbyist Reg- only one state official, Bascom Giles, has been charged with would have to give the total figure. criminal misconduct in office. ready bizarre history of House Bill istration Act last week were 659 by Maury Maverick of San An- Thus, a lobbyist could still pick chairman, Bill Andis of Amari Allan Shivers and John Ben Shepperd, as members of the tonio, the 54th session will follow up a legislator's lunch check, buy and one other member, W. C. R( Veterans' Land Board, cannot escape their responsibility for the same pattern. him a hat, give him a few bottles Sr., of Beaumont. Absent w carelessness and neglect of a $100 million program. But the At a scheduled House Rules of liquor. But anything over $25, Doug Bergman, Dallas; Ben G land scandal investigations have turned up absolutely no Committee hearing on the bill last like hotel bills, plane tickets, suits, ing, Brownfield; Pearce John: evidence of any kind indicating any misconduct of the more week, only two of eleven committee and a pregnant et cetera, would Austin; Joe Pyle, Fort Worth; members showed up. The next day have to be registered—under pen- roy Saul, Kress; Wade Spiln serious nature by these two men. Maverick tried to get the House to alty of law for a violation. McAllen; Stanton Stone, Freep It is true that all present state officials, particularly Shiv- order the committee to report to Two other sections speak for R. L. Strickland, San Antonio; the House immediately on the bill. themselves: James W. Yancy, Houston. ers and Shepperd, will suffer politically for what Bascom 1 Giles is accused of having done, but fair-minded people can- The House refused, 81 to 48. "No person shall obtain or seek Here is the roll call vote (81 Whether the 82 percent absenteeism to obtain money or other things of 48 nays, 2 present, 18 not vot not take that fact and extend the accusations against Giles will continue at the committee value from anther person upon a to the other two members of the Board. To do so would be pretense, claim, or representation Aye, to table the motion for an intine- meetings remains to be seen. diate committee report on the lobbyist an exercise in guilt by association, and we got quite enough Maverick's bill would be called that he can or will attempt to in- registration bill: of that during the recent McCarthy Era. the Lobbyist Registration Act for fluence, except by appeal to reason, Allen, Allison, Anderson, Andis, 'Atwell, the action of any member of either Baker, Banks, Bates, Bell, Bergman, All of which may be gratuitous—but we are afraid not. "the regulation of persons promot- Bishop, Blaine, Brashear, Bristow, Bryan, ing or opposing the passage of bills House of the Legislature Burkett, Carpenter, Carr, Cheatham, Cloud, Cory, Cowen, Cox of Conroe, or resolutions by the Legislature or "No person shall solicit, per- Cox of Temple, Crim, Crosthwait, De Is executive approval thereof." suade, influence, or attempt to in- Garza, Ellis, Fenoglio, Ferrell, Ford of fluence any Senator or Representa- Bogata, Gillham, Glass, Glusing, Hale, Every person who "for compen- Hazlett, Heatly, Heideke, Heitman, Hogue, sation or valuable consideration of tive in the Legislature of this State Hosey, Houston, Huffman, Jamison, John- Tly• aexas Mbstrurr son, Kennedy, King, Kirklin, PI atim - by the promise or payment of any kind" promotes or opposes leg- McDaniel, McDonald, McGregor, Mart Incorporating The State Observer, combined with the East Texas Democrat islation with legislators "or the money or other thing of value: (1) Moore of Arlington. Morgan, Murp' Governor by private interview," to cast his vote either for or against Niemann, Osborn, Pyle, Reeves, Rc MARCH 28, 1955 Sadler, Sandahl, Saul, Schram, Schwa appears before a legislative com- any pending measure, either in of Galveston, Slack, Smith of San Marc `44110 3 mittee for or against legislation, or committee, or in either House of Spilman, Stone, Storey, Strickla Published once a week from Austin, Texas. Delivered postage prepaid $4 per annum. the Legislature; or, (2), to speak or Stroman, Talasek, Thurmond, Turin Advertising rates available on request. Extra copies 5c each. Quantity orders available. pays someone who is doing such Ward, Welch, Wilson, Wohlford, 7:: ra::, . work, would have to register with work for or against any pending Nay, that is, not to table the motion : Entered as second-class matter April 26, 1937, at the Post Office at Austin, Texas, measure, or one about to be intro- under the act of March 3. 1879. the Secretary of State's office. Armor, Benton, Berlin, Briscoe, Carmi- That office would maintain what duced into either House of the Leg- chall, Chapman, Clements, Cobb, Dewey, MAILING ADDRESS : Drawer F, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas. islature; or (3) to abstain from Duff, Dugas, Elliott, Ford of Corpus OFFICE OF PUBLICATION : 504 W. 24th St., Austin, Texas. Phone : 70746. Maverick's bill would call "the Christi, Hardeman, Holstein, Hughes, People's Docket" on which would speaking or voting on any measure; Hunt, Isaacks, Jackson, Jones, Joseph, Editor and General Manager be entered for public inspection or (4) to absent himself from any Kelly, Kirkham, Koliba, Lane, Lee, Leh- Ronnie Dugger man, Lieck, McGregor, Mcllhany, Mc- this information required of the committee meeting, or any session Neil, Maverick, Mullen, Murray, Patten, Field Supervisor Office Manager Circulation Manager Pipkin, Pool, Puckett, Sanders, Schwartz Mrs. Dell Sackett Sarah Payne Jim Dyer lobbyists: or part of a session of either House of Brenham, Smith of Beaumont, Spring, Names and addresses of lobby- while any measure is being consid- Stewart, Walling, Wheeler, Winfree, Ye- We will serve no group or party but will hew hard to the truth as we find it and ists and employers of lobbyists; a ered or voted on." zak, Zbranek. the right as we see it. We are dedicated to the whole truth, to human values above all Present (but not voting) : Moore of the foundation of democracy: we will take orders interests, to the rights of man as brief description of the legislation In fairness to the absent members Houston, Sayers. from none but our own conscience, and never will we overlook or misrepresent the truth to serve the interests of the powerful or cater to the ignoble in the human spirit. they are interested in; all money or at the House Rules Committee last Not voting: 18.

Page 3 March 28, 1955 THE TEXAS OBSERVER Only One Question Pertinent at Yalta: Were FDR, Churchill Guided by Treason? By H. M. BAGGARLY He must decide on the basis of was he who laid the foundation for Editor. The Tuli« Herald present knowledge and wisdom. victory against Germany and Japan.

li " ritten for The 7'e.r«8 Ime rve r Unfair criticism of Roosevelt and May we never forget that it was he TULIA, TEXAS Churchill ten years later is one at who had the foresight and the cour- the cheapest and most despicable age to take things in his own Yalta is back in the news forms of petty politics and is the hands, enabling us to get the atomic now after ten years. The GOP tool of men with little souls. bomb before Germany. Had it been is still running on the alleged No responsible person questions necessary to wait for a Republican There was once a great poet who the good intentions of Roosevelt administration to make up its mind misdeeds of another adminis- Subversive at Work? wrote: "Oh consistency, thou art a and Churchill in bringing the war concerning the development of such tration rather than seeking jewel." There are those who say to a speedy conclusion at a mini- a bomb, Germany probably would To the Editor: to justify its right to rule on that this pledge does not amount to mum of cost. have ended the war before McCar- Our press here in Houston has the basis of a positive, con- an obligation. To which the answer On the basis of their knowledge thy and Knowland had agreed on been mighty niggardly with the seems to be neither does a pledge structive program of its own. and information available at the what to do. news regarding the veterans' land from the Governor amount to any- Come 1956 and it should be able time, no one can say/dogmatically scandal—the last word being used Our memories are so good con- thing. Keep this in mind: No one to say to the voters, "Re-elect us that their judgment was faulty. We advisedly. cerning the mistakes of Roosevelt. has to vote a Democratic ticket. No because of our record of the past all know that the uppermost Nevertheless, I gather from. what But we forget so soon his fireside one has to take a pledge, but the four years." But what is it saying? thought in the minds of all was not has been published that our former chat of March 5, 1933, when he law in Texas requires it in order to It's asking the public to support it Russia but Japan. We welcomed brought hope to a discouraged, al- Land Commissioner—the one who again because of alleged criminal in 1952 joined forces with the Re- make the vote legal. Think it over. Russia's aid against Germany right most hopeless nation. We forget the G. L. HUCKABY mistakes which it accuses the Dem- at the time that England's back was struggle he made to arm Guam and publican partisans i n decrying ocrats of making 10 years and more "Trumanism" and "Democratic cor- Austin ago. against the wall and our own exis- to prepare for war during the late tence was threatened. And all of '30s, a struggle which largely was ruption"—is involved, yea verily, Only pertinent questions to be us, including the Republicans, were futile. We forget that his partners almost submerged. asked today concerning Yalta are: just as happy when we heard that in some of his alleged "mistakes" I've been wondering: and that Even in Texas Were Roosevelt a n d Churchill Russia had entered the war against were such men as Dwight D. Eisen- started me to doing a little reading To the Editor: guided by treasonable intentions Japan. hower, who some five or ten years As a subscriber to the Observer First, I picked up Vol. 1 of Ver- when they made certain commit- Granting, for the sake of argu- later have taken on immortality since its first issue, I have enjoyed non's Annotated Constitution, and ments in exchange for Russian aid ment, that Roosevelt and Churchill and have become infallible, accord- very much the news which the Ob- in the supplement there appeared in defeating Japan? Can something made honest mistakes at Yalta, may ing to some people. server prints that the Texas daily what is identified as Article III, be learned from this conference we ask just when an honest error We forget that history is record- newspapers are not permitted to Sec. 49-b. From it I quote: which will help us to deal more in- in judgment became the unpardon- ing that some of the military ma- print. It is bad enough that the "There is hereby created a Board telligently with similar problems able sin? If it is, then let's get busy neuvers which brought about ulti- State Government is dominated by arising in the future? to be known as the Veterans' Land and start hanging Eisenhower, mate victory in World War II have a machine which makes t h e Everything else is immaterial. Board, which shall be composed of Benson, Truman, Hoover, and all the marks of genius and that they wealthy wealthier and the poor the Governor, the Attorney Gen- America and England charged the others who likewise have been were fathered by FDR. poorer and succeeds particularly in eral, and the Commissioner of the Roosevelt and Churchill with the guilty at some time or other. disgracing the State with the rest And in remembering all his General Land Office." .... responsibility of waging World War The vulgar release of immaterial of the country. It is even worse, faults, we sometimes forget the "All lands thus purchased shall II to a speedy conclusion. We de- conversation which took place at however, that in addition to domin- contribution Roosevelt made to be acquired at the lowest price ob- manded it be done at the soonest Yalta or any other place is dishon- ating the State Government they American agriculture when he tainable, to be paid for in cash, and possible moment so we could get orable and a display of politics in also control the daily newspapers found it flat on its back. Yes, some shall be a part of the Veterans our boys home and stop all the its cheapest form. Churchill, for in- and most of the radio stations, are too young to remember while Land Fund." bloodshed. We weren't too inter- stance, is accused of remarking in since practically the same people others just have short memories. The constitutional mandate was ested in how it was accomplished. a private conversation that he own both the newspapers and the Remember? implemented by the Legislature in "never had liked the Poles." Con- We reject the doctrine of the in- radio stations. 1949 by the enactment of Article A man charged with such respon- sider the impact of such a state- fallibility of man, whether it be With this condition existing for 5421 M, Vernon's Annotated Civil sibility has awful decisions to ment, whether it be true or false, Roosevelt or Eisenhower. Ten years so under- Statutes ... (to wit): long a time it is easy to make. He is caught between the on international relations .... from now we will be able to look stand how the gentleman ... John "Sec. 25. The Board shall meet on pressures of impatient persons back Just as dishonorable is the irre- back and pick out errors in judg- W. Wilkinson feels like any change the First and Third Tuesdays of home and that which he believes to sponsible charge of Senator Know- ment which are being made today. is near treason to the machine and each month in the General Land be right at the time. And he is not land that Roosevelt lied to Con- But we hope that if he fails to sur- such followers as he evidently must Office .... The Chairman of the infallible. He must rely upon im- gress. It's easy to make such a vive the company he has to keep, be .... (The Stump, Feb. 28) perfect, human judgment. Unlike charge against a dead man who nobody will be so uncouth as to Board may call a special meeting of No, the "blue-chip boys" are too same at any time he thinks neces- his critics in later years, the Mon- can't defend himself. drag Eisenhower out of his grave busy to write a letter like Mr. sary, by giving the other members day morning quarterbacks, he can- Before w e crucify Roosevelt and charge him with falsehood and kinson's letter, so Mr. Wilkinson notice thereof." not see the end from the beginning. again, may we not forget that it treason. apparently is a little frustrated that From what has been printed by he hasn't yet gotten into the inner the local papers, I gather that our circle. ... this warps his viewpoint great and noble Governor, and his with respect to the good of Labor equally admirable and energetic Unions, the same as there is good Attorney General, have, collectively Two Fine Old Disturbers of the Peace in any organization, association, or and severally, played like "there group of society ain't no such law"—as far as they Thank God for the Liberals, Pro- are concerned. gressives, Heretics or whatever else Now, maybe I'm biased: but it Puzzle the Orthodox Liberals in Austin the status quo-ers want to call does appear to me that both the them, for if it were not for them A couple of wonderful, old-time Governor and Attorney General beer and, a processing tax on motor drinking buttermilk, eating corn- we would still live in the dark ages demogogues—real disturbers of the are equally responsible with the fuels. bread and riding to hounds East and would never have found out peace—are shattering the long- Land Commissioner for the proper He started getting support, and Texas style. that the world is round. There is pickled complacency of the Texas administration of the Veterans' there are some who say this now no doubt either that he would have Legislature this session. Phillips, just as tireless a cam- Land Law; unless, of course, some has resulted in the Administration paigner, hands out bubble gum to two troughs from which the people subversive has changed my copy Jerry Sadler in the House and switch to an "omnibus" tax pro- would feed, one for the favored kiddies and match folders to their of the constitution and statute to Jimmy Phillips in the Senate are gram. The Governor had selected parents. "Your fulltime personal few, the other for those who are make it thus appear. Assuming, hard at it. They haven't stopped motorists, students, and smokers to State Senator," the folder pro- supposed to take what's left, with however, that my copy is correct, I legislatin' and agitatin' since they carry the tax load. claims. no complaint and without even a came to town on Jan. 11. They've would like to ask, "Why has there question as to the justice of the The Senate special committee in- Both have pounding, pulsing been no criticism of the two gen- had more fun, made more noise, strong oppressing the weak .... vestigating "alleged irregularities" speaking styles, and they pull no and disturbed more tone-deaf col- tlemen, one who has nothing to say, Keep up the good work and may- in the Veterans Land Board was punches when they're riled. Sad- leagues than anyone else in years. the other who has everything to be some of the newspapers Mr. Wil- drifting quietly along early in the ler once said: "W. Lee O'Daniel say, both with the idea—aided and kinson is so fond of may finally The Legislature is more like a year. There had been few startling wants to save the rich man's money abetted by our 'free press'—of di- become ashamed and decide to Legislature with Sadler and Phil- disclosures. T h e hearing would and the poor man's soul." Phillips, verting attention from themselves"? serve the people as a free press lips around. surely have been adjourned by Feb. once accused of hating John Ben .... Put the rascals out! It's should, even in the State of Texas. It's not known whether they 15 had not Phiilips insisted that it Shepperd way back in his college time for a change! continue. days, retorted: "I didn't know he J. E. CROSSLAND even speak to each other, but GEORGE W. EDDY Pasadena, Texas they've shown remarkable similari- He was again opposing "Adminis- went to school!" Houston ties this session in style, action, tration men" last week when he On one question the two dis- and intent. filibustered for John Sealy Hos- agree. Sadler says he is definitely Think It Over No Part of Him Both are conservatives—but not pital's extra $1 million. They say happy where he is, that he is not a the Jaycee-businessman type you'd he is a, Shivers man (he definitely candidate for any other office. To the Editor: To the Editor: is a good friend of Ben Ramsey) I am reading the daily papers and think. They're conservative in the Phillips indicates he's running for As I have written to Jim Sewell but he continues to touch on issues The Texas Observer regularly. I sense that, say, a Gulf Coast rice something besides state senator— himself, it was a shock and a great the Administration would prefer farmer or an East Texas hillbilly probably, certainly eventually, for think you are reporting the facts, as disappointment to read his state- left alone. is conservative. Actually, they both Governor. is the duty of a newspaper, as good ments in the March 7 Texas Ob- could be aclled radicals. An interesting sidelight to the as any newspaper I read .... server, wanting to bring Shivers in Despite Sadle r's unqualified The noise they've made — and Phillips filibuster was the visit of I wish to call your attention to with us. statement, the two may collide they've made a lot of it—has gen- Rep. Maury Maverick Jr. to the reports in the daily press of March What on earth can he mean? We some day in a quest for higher of- erally startled the liberals here, Senate chamber. Maverick, the 3 relative to Governor Shivers's "beat our brains out" trying to de- fice. What a noisy, wonderful race because the two have thrived upon quiet but effective liberal leader in speech at the $50.00 dinner in Dal- feat that rascal last year, and we that would be. —BB opposition to conservative-backed teh House, sat through most of the las. The Governor is reported to don't want any part of him .... measures. talkathon, always near Phillips, al- have said that he would not take I failed to understand his view- UNIVERSITY HISTORY ways watching. He looked like he an oath to support the nominees of point and would like an explana- Both jumped on attempts to raise AUSTIN the cost of public higher education was trying to figure the fellow out. the Democratic Party. I wonder if tion, I could not believe my eyes Some unwritten chapters in the the Governor was blind or did not when I read his statements. He to students, although such a plan is Most of the liberals don't know history of the University of Texas backed by the Administration. vote in the Democratic primaries said, "I wish he'd get over his mad how to figure Sadler, either, but will be revealed soon by Dr. W. M. during the last few years. This at the Democratic Party and quit Sadler, long a stormy figure in they're usually for him and his W. Splawn, who was president of pledge is at the top of every ticket his peeving and pouting and help us Austin as a member of the Rail- measures. the institution from 1924 to 1927. and is there as a result of law all rebuild the Democratic Party." road Commission and as a two- A political unknown in 1938, Sad- Splawn, who just concluded a long passed during his Administration He is the guy who tore our Dem- time candidate for governor, came ler hired a hillbilly band two and distinguished career with the and signed by Allan Shivers, Gov- ocratic Party in Texas to shreds. back as a "freshman" member of months before W. Lee O'Daniel an- Interstate Commerce Commission, ernor of Texas. Not only is the We certainly don't need that trai- the Legislature this year and nounced for governor and began will make known his knowledge of pledge at this top of the ticket, but tor and we real Democrats will promptly introduced two bills in campaigning for railroad commis- the University in those years at the the voter signs his name to the have no part of him .... direct opposition to the Governor's sioner. He won. He became noted request of current President Dr. stub. Unless this is done, the ballot LENA MASSENGILL program. He asked for a tax on for his fondness for dipping snuff, Logan Wilson. is not legal. Dalla THE TEXAS OBSERVER Page 4 March 28, 1955 Phillips Finds an Issue Solons Shuck And Rides to a Record Early Lethargy (Continued from Page 1) AUSTIN nibus tax measure to raise the $60 day at 10:49 a.m. and entered into Texas lawmakers lost some of million needed to fill the needs of the oratorical orgy in earnest. their mid - session lethargy and the general appropriations bill. He picked up the bulky report on made things look more like a Leg- The machinery for such a move the $1.5 billion appropriations bill. islature last week. was already available. Rep. Stanton He waved it in the air and boomed It was more fun for some, more Stone earlier had introduced a bill statements which were repeated in work for others, and a great deal redrafting the entire omnibus tax one way or another for the next 23 more interesting for onlookers, who code. hours: packed the galleries in larger num- Such a move could open up every "I wouldn't even call this bill ber than at any time this session. category of natural resources, gross niggardly ... It's too cheap to be There were all the trappings of a receipts, insurance premium, beer glorified by that title. Legislature: floor fights, backstage excise, occupation and sales tax. "This massive missive of mis- were out in record number' as ma- The House was busy most of the management ... You have to be intrigue, a rumored switch in Ad- week passing major legislation. lucky enough to have a mental ill- ministration strategy. Lobbyists Among the bills were measures: ness or tuberculosis or you can't jor bills began moving through the Giving the State Insurance Board get adequate treatment in Texas ... legislatiVe mill. broader powers to examine and re- "John Sealy is the only state There was even a filibuster, and ject proposed insurance companies; charity hospital for general cases it was a whopper—a new national revising the election code; provid- and you are kicking it around like record (See Page 1). ing a new corporation code; and a poor little orphan child ..." With slightly more than a month protecting the interest of children He railed against "that wilful lit- remaining of the regular session, in divorce cases. tle group, so few in might, un- the House and Senate both had The bill sharply revising the elec- mindly of all the needs for essen- voted out the State's record billion tion code made country boys in the tial services even to the point of the dollar spending bills. The general House unhappy because it required rejection of a pittance of the total appropriations measures will be all voters over 60 to obtain perman- budget to staff empty charity hos- thrashed out later in conference ent poll tax exemption certificates. pital beds." committee. The rural legislators hoped they He appealed to the "generosity The lawmakers now know where could call it back from the Senate. and humanitarianism" of his col- to spend the money. In ensuing The main feature of the election leagues "to help the sick, needy, weeks they must decide on who bill would do away with hot sum- weak, lame and crippled." pays for the expanded State ser- mertime campaigning by dating the * vices. They have several choices: first primary on the fourth Satur- day in May instead of July and the "I've been around a long time," smokers, motorists, students, cor- porations and developers of natural second priamry the fourth Saturday he said, "and a lot of 'em are gen- in June instead of August. erous before the election. But many resources, to name a few. In this respect, the Administra- Two regulatory bills stood closer lose their generosity after the votes to final House and Senate passage are counted. Those are the ones tion was rumored to be considering at the end of the week. who have came and went since I a switch in strategy for pushing through its suggestions on how and The House, gave preliminary ap- came." who pays. If true, liberal legislators proval to a bill by Rep. Charles He asked how his colleagues Kirkham Jr. of Cleburne providing could resist such a simple and hu- backing bills in opposition to the Governor's recommendations could tighter regulation of the sale of mane request as his because of share in the credit for causing the stocks and securities in Texas. "Somebody's economic trajectory The bill was approved 89-52 on slid out of someone's slide rule-ian switch. More and more in recent weeks second reading in the House. It has standard of economics ... which sentiment for Rep. Jerry Sadler's already passed the Senate. Reps. has resulted in the concoction of an gas processing and beer taxes was Barefoot Sanders of Dallas and instrument as garbled and as gob- Frank Carpenter of Sour Lake bled up so that it could only be the evident. Sadler had filed the pro- guided the bill through steady but product of somebody's infertile cessing tax in opposition to the Governor's suggestion for an in- ineffective opposition. One more '-. thinking, because fertile thinking House reading is all that is re- i of this kind could do violence to crease in the State gasoline tax. quired. the essential services of this state." Sadler'& measure would actually lower the tax, while bringing in - "It is a sad, sad story," he said. A bill raising capitalization re- "If you could have walked with me more money. quirements for certain Texas life along the corridors and seen this The change in Administration insurance companies was one read- - human derelict, the wreckage of strategy was reported to be working ing away from passage in the Sen- some poor unfortunate person—the like this: ate. The bill's author, Senator ray of hope that burns through Junk the suggested "single shot" Searcy Bracewell of Houston, wants 1 their eyes that here through the measures such as the two-cent gas- to require all future legal reserve generosity of Texas people I am oline sales tax and the one-cent cig- life companies to put up $250,000 going to receive the treatment from arette tax, concentrate on an om- capital and $125,000 surplus to or- a skilled physician. No discrimina- ganize. tion, it makes no difference, just as Phillips said later he could have Limited and full capital stock the Good Book says, it makes no continued the filibuster. "I was go- companies now can get into busi- difference ..." ing to talk as long as it took," he ness with $25,000 and $100,000 re- Newsmen and senators didn't said, his voice still holding up. "I spectively. know how long he would hold the could've talked the rest of the day Other developments included: floor, but they didn't think he and into the night ... I don't think Final reading of a bill to license would keep it up for long. "He's I lost." dispensing opticians, who make just perfecting his record," one re- He still has a chance for his glasses which physicians prescribe. porter said (Phillips, at the time, amendment in a Senate-House con- Senate passage of a bill to re- already held the state filibustering ference committee on the general quire written examination for ap- championship with a mark of 17 appropriations bill. plicants for license as legal reserve hours, 55 minutes, set in 1951.) JIMMY PHILLIP S Phillips said he expected to be life insurance agents. But he didn't stop. He gathered punished politically for his fight A Senate resolution proposing an steam as he progressed. from the Bible, and later two Bi• Somebody else equipped him against the bill as it was written. amendment to the Constitution au- Photographers fell in love with bles. He switched from drinking with a microphone. He grabbed it "They'll take the hide off anyone thorizing the issuance of $100 mil- him. There wasn't an instance dur- vast amounts of water to sucking in his fist and continued to pace up who insurrects," he shouted. "But lion in state bonds and levying a ing the 23 hours, even when his on a lemon. and down, the microphone amplify- what we need is a little insurrec- three-cent ad-valorem tax to fi- voice was down to a rasping whis- From time to time, Senators ing his whisperings. tion around here anyway." nance an Administration - backed per, that he didn't produce for the Searcy Bracewell of Houston, Rog- In the post-dawn hours the gal- —BILL BRAMMER water program. cameramen. He mugged, minced, ers Kelly of Edinburg and 0. E. leries again filled and senators be- prayed, flailed the air, hoisted the Latimer of San Antonio would spell gan filing in. This seemed to give bulky bill, quaffed gallons of water, Phillips with questions, many of Phillips renewed vigor. His voice kicked off his shoes. There wasn't them long and involved. came back—particularly after an FOR THE TRUTH YOU NEED TO KNOW a pad picture taken in more than hour's rest while Bracewell asked 200. As Phillips' talkathon moved him lengthy questions about the Support and Subscribe to toward t h e Thursday midnight amendment. Once Sen. Shireman walked over mark, his audience grew smaller. At 9 a.m. he was going strong and stood between Phillips and a Soon he was talking to only a few again, still in his stocking feet. At cameraman. reporters, a few senators, and a 9:15 Hardeman, who had been pre- THE TEXAS OBSERVER Phillips stopped and looked. large number of empty red leather siding most of the time in place of "You're handicapping me, Senator. chairs. Ben Ramsey, interrupted him. Your attitude is typical of the sub- Most of the senators were in "I would like to announce that Address: Drawer F, Capitol Station, Austin. committee which sent this bill out." their offices, taking various re- you have just broken the record set Later, Parkhouse walked by Phil- freshments or getting some sleep. by Wayne Morse—why, I do not Name: lips' desk. "... I protest against the One senator even slept on a couch know. You have spoken longer than status quo," was the part the Dal- in the ladies' rest room. any lawmaker in a legislative de- las senator heard. Once Phillips noted the varia- bate." Street Address: "You mean you want niggers in tions in the size of his audience. Phillips said: "I • appreciate the that hospital, Jimmy?" Parkhouse "Maybe as they stumble in and announcement, but I'm more inter- City & State: said, smiling. stumble out, they'll catch fire and ested in votes than records." On the first day Senator Otis get on my wagon," he said. And apparently he was, because (signed) Lock of Lufkin asked the chair for In the late hours he kicked off it wasn't until 10:24 a.m.—after his a clarification of rule governing a his shoes and paraded around in supporters had returned to their One-Year Subscription, The Texas Observer, $4.00 filibuster. his stocking feet, pounding on one seats—that he collapsed in his chair ( )Bill me ( )Enclosed "If the distinguished senator desk and then another. He never and said: "I hope ... that you will from Angelina County would pull stopped talking, even when his vote ... for my amendment." (We will be glad to send sample issues of The Texas his nose out of Facts Forum Maga- voice failed him around 4 a.m. He His amendment was tabled in- Observer to friends of our readers at no charge. Send zine long enough to read the rule shrugged his shoulders and kept stead by a 14 to 11 count. "Just two book, he wouldn't have to ask such moving his lips. "I lost my voice," more votes," he sighed. Later in us the name and address and, if you wish, the issue or crude and rude disturbing ques- he whispered to a passerby. Some- the day the appropriations bill was issues you prefer to have sent.) tions," said Phillips. one brought him some gargle and a shoved through without any floor As time passed he began reading half gallon jug of orange juice. amendments.

Page 5 March 28, 1955 THE TEXAS OBSERVER United Policy Bell's Services Availa A Cong ressman is Listless As He Tells of $27,000 Land' Deal Income AUSTIN appeared before the Board as a (The first appraisal on this deal don't recall services to Daugherty Abroad Urged No one, least of all Con- whole—that is, Giles, Governor Al was for $64,000. The second ap- now. I probably did contact the gressman John J. Bell, could lan Shivers, and Attorney Genera 1 praisal was for $87,000. The deal Land Office." John Ben Shepperd. He said n 0 Peace Is Mutual Goal, conceal the sense of shock was closed for $99,000 with no in- Ramirez Ranch ($500) : "Senator and tension last week as Bell both times. He made representa dication of a second reappraisal.) Strauss and I had numerous confer- Leslie Hackler Says tions to Giles and Jackson, but no t House committee chairman Joe ences. There was some question of recounted in detail his receipt before "the Board," he said. DALLAS of $28,000 for what he de- Burkett of Kerrville summed up the Relinquishment Act. Some ap- After this first' exchange in Th e Bell's House testimony on the plications had to be withdrawn. I Leslie Hackler, who was a scribed as legal services in Observer, witnesses began men Democratic candidate f o r point of what he did for the money: don't recall doing any work on the block land deals under inves- tioning Bell's name in the publi "Then if I understand your testi- mineral leases." Congress here last year, has tigation in the veterans' land hearings. On Feb. 21, The Texas mony," he said, "the most work Oak Grove Ranch ($6,258.35) : "I called for united support for program scandal. Observer printed photostats show you ever did was look over some looked over all of the applications the national Administration's Bell told how, when he was a ing that "LCJ," presumably Jack files, deliver them to the Land Of- and I believe I delivered those ap- Formosan policy. state senator, he had been em- son, had made Bell a $90,000 offer • fice, maybe make a few calls, con- plications to the Land Office." He Addressing the Democratic ployed as a lawyer in ten block on behalf of the State in the Mitch- fer with Vandygriff and others, did not prepare any of the applica- Women's Political Associa- deals.. He received a total of $27,- ell Lake transaction and that he and keep available if you should tions. "I did check on 'em," he said. tion, Hackler said that the 247.01 for assisting with block deals and Alvis Vandygriff, then a former be needed." That's right, said Bell, La Moca deal ($8,000) : "What if Eisenhower policy in Formosa is in Guadalupe, Robertson, Wilson, executive secretary of the Board except that he looked over some anything—what work or services similar to "the limited war policy" Zavala, Edwards, Dimmitt, and were interested in the deal. abstracts. did you perform in the La Moca of former President Truman ex- Webb counties. Last week, Bell said that Jackson "Did you ever write a title opin- deal?" Burkett asked. "Generally cept at two points. Eisenhower does He said he had talked to Bascom "may" have made him the $90,000 ion?" Burkett asked. the same I have in these others," not intend to use ground troops in Giles, then Land Commissioner, offer. "No, sir," said Bell. Bell said. He had "no recollection" the defense of Formosa, he said, Laiirence C. Jackson, then execu- None of the investigators drew "In all these deals I was avail- of the call on his availability, he and the Administration now favors tive secretary of the Land Board, any conclusions from Bell's testi- able for legal services," he said. said. "You have no recollection of the policy of "hot pursuit" accord- and other Land Board staff workers mony last week. Nobody com- "Did they call on you?" Burkett any particular legal services except ing to which attacking Communist on deals in which he was inter- mented publicly except John J. asked. conferences early in the matter?" aircraft would be followed to their ested. Bell. He said: "I don't recall," Bell replied. Burkett said. "That's right—except He told how he took $4,000 in "As an attorney I have received home base. (The Truman Admin- Bell's Legal Services maybe some later conferences," Bell istration granted the area behind cash as half-payment on one fee legal fees from persons who sold said. the Yalu River the status of neu- without giving a receipt for it last land under the veterans' land pro- Burkett gave Bell one of the La Moca deal ($1,400 for helping tral territory.) year. gram. These fees were paid to me stiffest interrogations of the entire McLarty get a mineral lease) : "I Both parties are trying to avoid He told of three loans of $6,900 to for services rendered as an attor- land investigation. The chairman's merely went down and talked te war in the Far East, Hackler said, T. J. McLarty, one of the block deal ney and were for all legal services chief objective was to nail down the Humble people," he said. He and "unless we feel that the pres- promoters who employed him. He I might be called on to render. The exactly what Bell had done for his made only one trip. Humble (Hous- ent policy is leading to catastrophe, did not take a note or security for client in each instance engaged me clients. He led the Congressman ton) consummated the lease agree- we should stand united behind our any of these loans. to represent him in a business un- through each of the ten deals in ment with McLarty without fur- Government in its foreign policy." When pressed by House and Sen- dertaking and I did so to the best question. Here is what Bell said on ther work by Bell. A resolution presented by Mrs. ate investigating committee mem- of my ability and was compensated the question of his services for each Ruble Ranch ($625): "I don't be- W. S. Bramlett commending the bers on exactly what he did to accordingly. Each client, so far as I deal, with his fee on each in paren- lieve much work was required," Legislature for repealing the cross- earn such large fees, Bell said fre- know, is an honest and legitimate thesis: Bell said. filing law was unanimously ap- quently that he was "available" to businessman, and I did not at that Guadalupe County deal ($4,- 0. F. Rains ($350). "I don't re- proved. render legal services. He looked time nor do I now have any feeling 916.16). Bell said there was an ab- member the services." over applications but did not pre- that in representing these clients I stract and some memos, and he Fort Tran Ranch ($150): Bell pre- pare any legal papers. He saw a few have violated any legal, moral, or made an attempt to straighten out pared none of the papers and exam- State Young Demo Meet abstracts but did not write any title ethical rule." mineral rights but was unsuccess- ined no abstract but said he Set for Houston in June opinions. He held conferences with He represented Ralph G. Slocum, ful. He said he advised and con- "checked on the matter." Chessley Special to The Texas Observer principals in the deals. In one deal Batey, T. J. McLarty, G. ferred with promoter T. J. McLarty. Loamey Land ($3,650): "My work 0. Daugherty, HOUSTON in which he received $6,258.35, he The Rio Grande "My services were available at all on that was similar to the other," Corp., and The Young Democratic Clubs of said he "looked over" the applica- 0. F. Raines. times." He did not prepare any he said. tions and believed he delivered Texas will hold their annual state Asked for Reappraisal deeds, contracts, or other legal pa- How Fees Were Set convention at the Shamrock Hotel them to the Land Office. pers. He talked to Giles and Jack- here June 10-12, Dean Johnston, At the end of a very long Thurs- Questidning of Bell focused on son. It developed that Bell did not president, has annonuced. day, John J. Bell, the freshman three areas: how much money did Mitchell Lake ($1,635) : "There send his clients in these cases any About 250 delegates attended last Congressman from Cuero, had left he get, what legal services did he wasn't a great deal to do. It seems statement of his fees., Sir- -4c., year's convention representing 1,500 more questions posed than he had perform to earn it, and how was to me that I talked to Mr. Giles Jimmy Phillips of Angleton 6,ced members. Johnston said that the answered. the amount agreed upon and deliv- and Mr. Jackson in connection with him if there was any formula he number of clubs and members has He was listless and apparently ered? the reappraisal." He made several used to set them and he replied: increased since last year. Officers sad throughout the day. He seemed Bell testified he asked for a re- trips to Austin to confer with Van- "Sometimes there was and some- will be elected and various policy to have little emotional tension left appraisal in the Mitchell Lake dygriff and people in the Land Of- times there wasn't." stands defined. inside. He spoke so low under ques- transaction and recalled that he fice. He did not recall preparing Burkett asked him how the "odd tioning that spectators who came to was told it might be made. He said any legal instruments. He "may figures" of his $6,258.35 fee in the hear what he would say missed a JUDGE WILSON TO SPEAk he talked to Giles or Jackson have" looked at some applications. Oak Grove Ranch deal were ar- lot of the testimony. Before and about it. G. 0. Daugherty ($562.50) : "I rived at. Bell said he could not ex- SAN ANTONIO after the interrogations, he greeted Will Wilson, associate justice of plain that. a few old friends, spoke to report- the Texas Supreme Court, will dis- "Well, if they had sent you ers without interest. cuss "the political issues in the $1,258.35 instead of $6,258.35, what He relied solely upon his mem- water problem" at the 26th annual would you have done, taken it?" • ory, a prepared two-page statement, John J. Bell spring luncheon Burkett asked with a strain of exas- of the Alamo City and a single sheet of yellow paper Women's Democratic Club here peration in his voice. April 1 at noon in the Gunter with some figures on it. He had no "Yes sir, I think I would," Bell other records with him and indi- Qualifying many of the details with such phrases as "I think," "I Hotel. believe," and "as I remember," U. S. Congressman John J. Bell told replied. cated he could not present any In the Oak Grove case, Bell re- Wilson, mentioned recently as a House and Senate committees last week about the money he had possible candidate for Governor, others. called he had asked Slocum to Carefully, he began and ended eceived when a state senator as legal fees from promoters of group was selected with four other dis- write the check to McLarty, who trict• attorneys to advise the Na- his testimony at both hearings with land deals. The state auditor's first total on Bell's fees was $28,112.50, in turn wrote another check for the tional Conference on Organized the statement: but Bell later made some corrections, and The Texas Observer's total, same sum to Bell. He could not re- "Of course, Mr. Chairman, I am Crime while he was DA in Dallas based on notes taken at both hearings, is $27,247.01. member why that had been done. giving this information to the best Pressed on why he took half of County. He was assistant attorney Deal, County general in 1941-42. During World of my ability and memory." Payer of Fee Date Amount the $8,000 La Moca fee in cash, he said he called Vandygriff, who War II he saw combat in New Gui- — , Guadalupe T. J. McLarty Oct. '52 $4,916.16 (1) nea and was commanding officer The first public intimation that came to Cuero with the money. Bell might be involved in the land of the 465th Field Artillery Bat- Mitchell Lake, Chessley Beaty & June '53 - "I was under heavy campaign scandals appeared in The Texas Robertson and personal expenses at that time talion on Northern Luzon. Ralph G. Slocum Nov. '54 1,635.00 (2) Observer on Jan. 31. (the fall of 1954) and I used part of This newspaper exchanged a se- Fort Tran Ranch, WITNESS CRITICIZED that money for personal expenses," ries of wires with Bell about Wilson Sen. Gus Strauss Oct. '53 750.00 PORT ARTHUR he said. whether he had ever represented "He (Vandygriff) did not ask for The Jefferson County chapter of — — , Zavala G. 0. Daugherty Oct. '53 562.50 any applicants before the Veterans' a receipt?" Burkett asked. Democratic Veterans of Texas has Land Board. criticized a Port Arthur attorney Ruble Ranch, Wilson Slocum (or his partner)Nov. '53 625.00 (3) "No sir," replied Bell. At first he replied that he had Of Bell's loans of $3,000, $3,650, for his testimony before a Senate represented veteran applicants. Ramirez Ranch, committee. and $250 to McLarty, Burkett asked A return wire asking him if he Edwards Slocum Feb. '54 500.00 Bell if he was in the loan business. A resolution unanimously had represented group land promot- adopted by the chapter said that B. Oak Grove Ranch, No, Bell replied. "I make a few ers brought no response. A follow- small loans to my friends," he said. T. McWhorter, who was prominent Dimmit Slocum (4) March '54 6,258.35 up letter asking if he had repre- Burkett asked him if he had ever in opposition to the Port Arthur sented any group land promoters, Loamey Ranch, DimmitSlocum (6) March '54 3,650.00 made a loan as large as $3,650 be- retail strike, stated as a witness such as T. J. McLarty or C. 0. Ha- "that employers could not get a fair fore "without taking a note," and gan, "before the Veterans' Land Rio Grande Corp. Bell replied: deal in the courts of Jefferson Board" brought a wire stating: La Moca, Webb via Alvis Vandygriff Aug, '54 8,000.00 (6) County." "I think I did one time, yes, sir." "The answers are no." Burkett asked Bell how long he McWhorter testified to this effect — , Wilson 0. F. Raines Not given 350.00 McLarty was one of the chief had been a lawyer. "About 20 while supporting a bill which would group land promoters with whom let employers bring suits for in- TOTAL $27,247.01 years," he replied. "Would you say Bell did business, testimony last that the fees you received in these junctions against strikers in count- week showed. Bell said he received from McLarty one $3,000 check that was repayment of a ies other than where the strike loan ; one $500 check of which $250 was repayment of a loan and the rest a fee ; matters were usual, ordinary, and A reporter asked Bell about the a check for $3,066.66, of which $1400 was for "helping secure an oil and gas lease" customary?" Burkett asked. originated. wire. Bell replied: on the La Moca land in Webb County ; and one $3,000 check as a fee. Bell said he received $2,500 but passed along $1,125 to Alvis Vandygriff, former "I don't know, Mr. Chairman," "I believe it was, 'Before the executive secretary of the Veterans' Land Board who was also an attorney on Bell said. But he said that he had WALKER GETS CLUB Board'." this deal. Vandygriff returned $250 of the $1,125 to Bell. Bell said he received $1,250 but passed along $625 to Senator Gus Strauss of testified one day before a state Special to The Texas Observer By this he meant that the in- Hallettsville. who was also an attorney on this deal. agency for $1,000 and "maybe in a HUNTSVILLE quiry from The Texas Observer At Bell's request, for a reason he cannot recall, Slocum made out the check to week" earned $2,500. He did not A Young Democratic Club has or- T. J. McLarty, who Bell says was not involved in this deal, and in turn McLarty had asked if Bell had represented wrote out a check to Bell for the same amount. say what state agency. In the Sen- ganized in Walker County. Jack group promoters "before the Vet- At Bell's request, Slocum made this check out to McLarty ; Bell said he was ate hearing, however, he said he Robbins has been elected chairman, lending the money to McLarty. erans' Land Board." He was ex- Bell said he got $4,000 of this in a check and at his request Vandygriff brought had represented Albert York of Clint Taylor vice-chairman, and plicitly asked by both the House $4,000 to Bell in Cuero, which Bell says he used for "personal expenses." He Victoria before the Railroad Corn- Chaff les Coates secretary-treasurer. explained he was in the middle of a campaign (for Congress) and had heavy and Senate investigators if he had Dersonal costs. mission. —RONNIE DUGGER Page 6 March 28, 1955 Clint Enjoys His THE TEXAS OBSERVER 'PINK ART' ARGUMENT Evolutionists SUBSIDES IN DALLAS Private Island DALLAS One sidelight of the latest flare- The Dallas art controversy is up was the accusation that the Mu- Richardson and Murchison have Meet in Texas subsiding. seum does not pay enough atten- By DICKSON TERRY been described as a couple of small Now that a few more resolutions tion to local artists. Staff C or res po ► dent town boys who made good. As one have been passed, apparently the The Art Association's committee St. Louie Post-Dispatch Dallas oil man said, "They are both For First Time . opponents of the Dallas Museum of replied to that one: (Fifth excerpt of a series) Fine Arts on the grounds that it nice guys. They have the simplest, AUSTIN "Forty-five paintings, or approxi- DALLAS displays the work of Communists most innocent desire in the world— The Society for the Study of mately 30 percent of the pictures are content to let the matter drop. ... Although Houston is the focal to make money. All they want is Evolution will meet in the South- purchased by the museum in the The Museum replied to charges point for Texas oil millionaires. more." .... west for the first time in history last five years, are by local and claiming close to 1000, with Dalas Richardson is a bachelor and has that there were only three works regional artists," the committee next month. by artists accused of pro-red in- running second, the Big Rich are lived in the same two-room suite at The University of Texas will be said. clinations. Two of these, by Diego found scattered over the state. the Fort Worth Club for 16 years. host to the scientific group April Rivera and Joseph Hirsch, are val- Among them, for example, are Mr. He collects western paintings by 8-11. It is a world-wide organiza- ued at $2,000 and $3,500, but they U. T. Students Argue and Mrs. George Ray Gilliland, who Charles Russell a n d Frederick tion founded ten years ago. It has were given to • the museum by the live in a town called Gilliland Remington and in his bedroom he members in virtually every civi- National Academy of Design and a Over Integration Study which is about 100 miles west of keps a bunch of suitcases fully lized nation. About 100 zoologists. AUSTIN Wichita Falls. They made the front packed for three different climates gallery dealer, respectively. The botanists, geneticists, geologists, and A fight is developing over a bill pages of the country not long ago —hot. cold and medium. Saves time. third, by George Grosz, was bought other scientists are expected to at- passed by the students' legislature with a major soiree they held in he explains. He insists that he can't by the Dallas Art Association for tend. at the University of Texas estab- Hollywood. The husband is a Big say how much he is worth .... $275 in 1945. Matters to be discussed by the lishing a commission to study inte- Rich oil man. His wife is the widow Murchison, like Richardson, had Tom Suggs, Mrs. Alex Camp, and scientists include cross-breeding gration and what effect it will have of a rich oil man, and she recently an eye for a dolar when he was Angus Wynne, Jr., a committee of experimental results, inheritance on the University. sold out her late husband's hold- still in knee pants. Although his the Dallas Art Association, reported characteristics, living cells, fossils. The Student Assembly passed $17,000,000. father was a bank president, Clint that there was no basis whatever" ings for eatistical biology, and relations the bill two weeks ago. It directs got pu at 3 o'clock in the morning for the charge of the Dallas Public The Hollywood party the Gilli- of organisms to environment. to run his traps, and sold coon pelts Affairs Luncheon Club that the Mu- the student president, Jerry Wilson. lands staged cost $30,000. It had a The Society NVill have an all-day to Sears, Roebuck. He was so poor seum was being used for the pre- to appoint representative students fountain that spouted imported field trip in Central Texas on April and faculty members to the com- in mathematics that his teacher put sentation of the "art and concepts champagne all evening in a steady 9. The Texas Natural History Col- him in a special class where he had of Communists." mission. stream, and guests ate caviar that lection of the University will hold to learn to do sums in his head .... An American Legion Post and a Wilson was preparing to do so, cost $28 a pound. open house April 10. Working with friend Sid in the Lions Club got in on the act. but a student assemblyman, Byron Fullerton, asked the Student Court A lot of people get their ideas of cattle trading business, he had The Metropolitan American Le- to restrain him on grounds that the how the Big Rich live from things $1500 in the bank when he entered Talmadge To Speak gion Post that that, while it was not like this, and from stories about TexaS Trinity University. After two questioning the quality of the work Assembly "overstepped the bounds of our jurisdiction." He maintains fabulous characters like McCarthy. months in college he was caught in In San Antonio March 30 of the artists in qUestion, "does Mr. student organizations would be af- A lot of the Big Rich, on the other a crap game and was told he could SAN ANTONIO (Stanley) Marcus (of the Dallas fected by the activities of the com- hand, live quiet, orderly lives. and stay in school if he signed a no- The American Heritage Protec- Art Association) maintain that mission and that the Assembly is frown on such didoes. gambling pledge. He wouldn't make tive Committee has formally an- Communist Party membership or not authorized to take action with For example three of the richest such a promise and went back nounced That former Georgia Gov- Communist front . affiliation should such an implication. men in the world live in the Dallas- home to work in the bank .. . . ernor Herman E. Talmadge—"Great have no bearing uponu decisions to , At week's end, Arnold Sweet, Fort Worth area. But two of them, Clint is not as rich as Sid, but he Georgian, Great American" — will purchase, accept, or exhibit an art- chief justice of the students' Stu- Sid Richardson and Clint Murchi- believes in living it up and he does speak at the Municipal Auditorium ists' work?" I dent Court, granted a temporary son) have led such retiring lives a lot more with his money. He here March 30. The Post asked that considera- restraining order until both sides- that the rest of the country never shuttles between his various prop- The committee, which also de- tion be given to the "affiliation of court present their petitions. heard of them until they came into erties in a large private plane scribed Talmadge as a "Great Ora- these artists with an international Fullerton says that the Assem the news last spring by putting called "The Flying Ginny," named tor." reported that admission would conspiracy that has . already en- bly's jurisdiction is the only issue $20,000,000 into Robert R. Young's after his second wife, Virginia. His be free. Senator Joseph McCarthy slaved the world and whose minion- involved. successful battle to get control of first wife died in 1927. had been scheduled to speak here soldiers have wantonly murdered, the New York Central Railroad—on He owns a 25-room house out- under the group's sponsorship on imprisoned, and brain-washed Tex- nothing more than a telephone call March 4, but he• changed his mind. ans who are members of the United THORNTON TO CONTINUE side Dallas and a 3300-acre ranch AUSTIN from Young. still farther out. He also has a 75,- The committee is charged with States armed forces." The Inwood Lions Club said that Governor Shivers has named E. The third man, Haroldson Lafay- 000-acre ranch in the Mexican Si- anti-Semitism by the Anti-Defama- if some of the artists are commun- H. Thornton Jr., of Galveston ta ette Hunt, is reputed to be the rich- erra Madre mountains which can tion League of B'nai B'rith. Friends ists, "whatever monies ... or public continue serving as chairman of the est man in the world today. The be reached only by plane. No roads, Roy Cohn and George Sokolsky ad- acclaim they receive ... would aid Texas Highway Commission until ino;ruamportant thing about Hunt, to telephone. He uses it when he vised McCarthy not to make the the communist cause." Feb. 15, 1957. hovt:(Ar, is the fact that, although wants to get away from things. speech. he remains personally obscure, he He also has a 1000-acre island in is the driving force behind the the which he uses highly controversial Facts Forum, as a hunting preserve, and he has tax-exempt foundation which just finished landscaping and mod- How to Protect Your Doorways from claims its only aim is to promote ernizing a $100,000 farm near his discussion and understanding of all old home town of Athens. important national and interna- When Murchison and Richardson Rain in Just 20 Minutes .. . tional issues. Its critics describe it and other Big Rich from Dallas and as the biggest private political- central east Texas want to relax, propaganda machine in the United they go to the exclusive Koon States .... Kreek Klub where, paradoxically, everything is plain as an old shoe. They loaf around in cabins, wear Install this Childers old clothes, play gin rummy for a cent a point, and do a little fishing. Racist Officer * * Door Canopy yourself The state of Texas has almost with just pliers and two-thirds of the nation's proven May Be Fired oil reserves. It has produced so far screwdriver. SAN ANTONIO more than 25 billion dollars worth of gas and oil, and it has brought in A San Antonio police officer who as many as 10,000 new producing states publicly that any minister wells in one year. who preaches brotherhood and so- This often means, for those who cial equality with the Negro "is find it, wealth that runs into the nothing but a Communist" has been hundreds of millions. recommended for dismissal from These people are known down the police force here. here in the Lone Star State as the Patrolman Tom Reagan, a candi- Big Rich, and it is generally agreed date for the San Antonio City that the Big Rich category starts Council, has asserted he is Texas with the possession of at least $50,- leader of a white supremacy group 000,000. Below thaat you are just called the "National Association for ordinary rich. It was this state of the Advancement and Protection of mind which led Glenn McCarthy, a Majority of the White Race." when he was at his peak and worth He was suspended with pay sev- somewhere between $200,000,000 to protect your eral weeks ago pending an investi- and $400,000,000, to make his much- The attractive, low-cost way quoted remark about Jesse Jones, doorways is this Childers Aluminum Door Can- gation. The investigation by the opy. So easy to install you can cio it yourself. city manager and police chief re- who made a fortune in Houston Dress up that uncovered doorway today. Save sulted in charges that Reagan is real estate: , at this special sale price! Just four pieces, that's all you have to incompetent and that he exhibits "Poor Jesse," he said with genu- put together with a Childers door can- conduct prejudicial to good order ine sympathy, "he never had more opy. It comes complete in carton—you and violates the rules and regula- than $60,000,000 in his life." • Beautiful styling that harmonizes with the can put it up in 20 minutes. tions of the police department. (END OF SERIES) lines of any home. Basis for the charges were news- • Painted by a special process to stay new paper quotations from interxiews looking for years. &se al with Reagan. In one he had stated OLON ROGERS CH. 2879 • Every Childers Awning and Door Canopy Is to a reporter: "Any minister that fully guaranteed. Jwsto Price $2995 gets up and preaches brotherhood and social equality with the Negro COMPLETE PROTECTION is double-crossing the white race FULL 48 INCH WIDTH After sale you pay up to $47.50 and gentiles, and he is nothing but RENT-A-TOOL CO. a Communist." MOBILE PUBLIC ADDRESS Order direct — or write for the name Other interviews contained anti- EQUIPMENT of your nearest Childers dealer. Semitic statements as well as fur- CHILDERS TRADEMARK ther attacks on Negroes. COMMERCIAL PAINT SPRAYS The written charges stated that ALL-ALUMINUM Reagan, by his remarks, has dis- SALES — RENTALS CHILDERS MFG. CO. graced "not only your police de- 1107 QUITMAN HOUSTON Houston 8, Texas partment and your city, but also .2c;Maj 3620 W. I I th St. the State of Texas." Page 7 March 28, 1955 of Austin, this the 28th day of February, 30-CENT HOUR CHARGED 1955. CLASSIFIED ADS THE TEXAS OBSERVER 0. T. MARTIN, JR. Clerk of the District Courts, To submit a classified ad, write Drawer Travis County, Texas. F, Capitol Station, Austin. or call 70746. If this citation is not served within 90 By (s) GEO. W. BICKLER, Deputy. Labor Groups Oppose days after date of its issuance, it shall be 48-4 returned unserved. BUTANE TRACTOR KITS—Vapor con- versions for small and medium tractors. WITNESS, 0. T. MARTIN, JR., Clerk CITATION BY PUBLICATION of the District Courts of Travis County, only $3:. Money order or COD. Install THE STATE OF TEXAS your own. Kit includes regulators, hoses, Texas. TO Everett E. Frame Defendant, in the Issued and given under 'my hand and Bracero Law Features fittings, instructions ; everything but bottle hereinfater styled and numbered cause: the seal of said Court at office in the City WASHINGTON and bracket. Specify make, model tractor. You are hereby commanded to appear of Austin, this the 18th day of March, before the 126th District Court of Travis Satisfaction or money back. R. N. JONES, 19:;5. AFL and CIO spokesmen opposed features of a bill for the 3002 Dutton St., Dallas. County, Texas, to be held at the court- 0. T. MARTIN, JR. house of said county in the City of Aus- continuation of the Mexican farm labor, or "bracero" pro- Clerk of the District Courts, tin, Travis County, Texas, at or before Help Wanted Travis County, Texas. 10 o'clock A. M. of the first Monday after gram at hearings before a congressional committee here. BY' (s) GEO. W. BICKLER, Deputy. the expiration of 42 days from the date of Milton Plumb, CIO legislative representative, said that 49-4 issuance hereof ; that is to say, at or AGENTS WANTED before 10 o'clock A.M. of Monday the 2'th many Texas farmers are paying the braceros, Mexican na- CITATION BY PUBLICATION day of April, 19 ,5, and answer the peti- MAKE $20 PER DAY selling rural mail tion of plaintiff in Cause Number 100,902, tionals employed under terms of a Mexico-U.S. labor agree- box signs that shine brilliantly at night. THE STATE OF TEXAS TO John Anderson, Defendant, in the in which Ruby Frame is Plaintiff and ment, 30 cents an hour instead of P. 0. ruling requires name on mail box. Everett E. Frame is defendant, filed in Free sample outfit. Illuminated Sign Co., hereinafter styled and numbered cause: the 50 cents required by the con- You are hereby commanded to appear said Court on the 9th day of March, 195,, partment needs a much larger staff 3004 1st Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. and the nature of which said suit is as 49-3 before the 126th District Court of Travis tract. to enforce the labor contracts. County, Texas, to be held at the court- follows: Being an action and prayer for judg- Plumb said that the Labor De- Andrew C. McLellan, consultant SEVERAL GIRLS to address, mail post- house of said county in the City of Aus- tin, Travis County, Texas, at or before ment in favor of Plaintiff and against of the Texas State Federation of cards. Spare time every week. Write Box Defendant for decree of divorce dissolving 161, Belmont. Mass. 10 o'clock A. M. of the first Monday after Labor who collaborated with Ed the expiration of 42 days from the date of the bonds of matrimony heretofore and WOMEN WANTED. Temporary, six issuance hereof ; .that is to say, at or be- now existing between said parties ; Plain- Idar, Jr., of the Texas GI Forum tiff alleges cruel treatment on the part months. Mail postcards. Good handwriting fore, 10 o'clock A. M. of Monday the 2nd state Ups Bonus on the booklet, "What Price Wet- or typewriter. Box 47, Waterton, Mass. day of May, 1955, and answer the peti- of Defendant towards her of such a na- tion of plaintiff in Cause Number 100,961, ture as to render their further living to- backs?" testified that Federal Judge in which Juanita Anderson is Plaintiff gether as husband and wife altogether in- James Allred is not in favor of en- STRINGERS—The Texas Observer is and John Anderson is defendant, filed in supportbale ; Plaintiff further alleges that building up a bank of reliable reporters said Court on the 16th day of March, 1955, one child, who is now four years of age, forcing the law against the en- all over Texas. Professional reporters of and the nature of which said suit is as was born of said union and that Plaintiff .41 Oil leases trance of wetbacks into the U.S. an enlightened turn of mind are urged follows: should be awarded its care and custody to contact the Editor, The Texas Observer, Being an action and prayer for judg- and that defendant should be required to AUSTIN He said wetback smuggling has Drawer F, Capitol Station, Austin. ment in favor of Plaintiff and against contribute the sum of $98.00 per month increased in Brownsville-Laredo Defendant for decree of divorce dissolving for the support of said minor until it Oil, gas, and other leases on land ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES— the bonds of matrimony heretofore and reaches the age of 18 years ; Plaintiff fur- that belongs to the State—tide- section as compared with sections If you have some spare time and would now existing between said parties ; Plain- ther alleges no community property was of the border further west. like to help The Texas Observer grow, tiff alleges cruel treatment on the part acquired ; Plaintiff further prays for re- lands, riverbeds, bays. and uplands write the Business Manager for advertis- of defendant toward plaintiff of such a lief, general and special ; —will be sold on sealed bids on McLellan also said that 123,000 ing solicitation forms. Percentage of sales nature as to render their further living All of which more fully appears from American citizens living in Texas can be arranged. The Texas Observer s together as husband and wife altogether Plaintiff's Original Petition on file in May 3. Drawer F, Capitol Station, Austin. insupportable. Plaintiff further alleges this office, and to which reference is he..e The School Land Board has called leave the state annually looking for that no children were born of said union made. work to the North while Mexican and no community property was accumu- If this citation is not served within 90 for the bids on 346.000 acres-186,- lated : Plaintiff prays for costs of suit and days after date of its issuance, it shall he 000 in tidelands, 123,000 in bays, nationals are being brought in from relief, general and special : returned unserved. Mexico under the bracero program. All of which more fully appears from WITNESS, 0. T. MARTIN, JR., Clerk 34.(100 in uplands, and 3.186 in river- LEGAL ADS of the District Courts of Travis County, plaintiff's original petition on file in this beds. Other labor spokesmen con- CITATION BY PUBLICATION office, and to which reference is here Texas. Issued and given under my hand and tended that this situation depresses THE STATE OF TEXAS made; This will be the first sale of tide- If this citation is not served within 90 the seal of said Court at office in the wages in this COLittry and deprives TO Willie Mae Ward Defendant, in the City of Austin, this the 9th day of March, lands leases since December, 1953, hereinafter styled and numbered cause: days after date of its issuance, it shall American citizens of work. be returned unserved. 1955. w*.en $32 million in cash bonuses You are hereby commanded to appear 0. T. MARTIN, JR. before the 126th District Court of Travis WITNESS, 0. T. MARTIN, JR,, Clerk were collected by the state. Farmers along the Texas border of the District Courts of Travis County, Clerk of the District Courts, County, Texas, to be held at the court- Travis County, Texas and in the Rio Grande Valley al- house of said county in the City of Aus- Texas. For reasons not announced, the Issued and given under my hand and the By (s) GEO. W. BICKLER, Deputy most uniformly favor either an tin, Travis County, Texas, at or before 48-4 Board has tripled the minimum 10 o'clock A. M. of the first Monday after seal of said Court at office in the City of open border or a bracer() system Austin, this the 16th day of March, 1955. bonus from $5 to $15 per acre. The the expiration of 42 days from the date NOTICE OF INTENTION TO of issuance hereof ; that is to say, at or 0. T. MARTIN, JR., royalty is increased from one- whereby they get cheap Mexican Clerk of the District Courts, INCORPORATE before, 10 o'clock A. M. of Monday the TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: eighth to one-sixth, and the annual labor for their farms. 9th day of May, 195r, and answer the 1st Travis County, Texas. By (s) ELI GREER, Deputy. NOTICE is hereby given that Paul Ren- rental fee is upped from $2 to $3 an The Mexicans who cross the bor- Amended Original petition of plaintiff in 49-4 ick, sole proprietor, doing business under Cause Number 96,565, in which Allie Ward the firm name of Freeport Office Equip- acre. der for the work agree with the is Plaintiff and Willi e Mae Ward is de- THE STATE OF TEXAS ment Company, intends to incorporate The tidelands are in Calhoun, farmers. fendant, filed in said Court on the 22nd such firm without a substantial change of day of March, 1935, and the nature of To any Sheriff or any Constable within the firm name, after the expiration of Cameron, Matagorda, Galveston, which said suit is as follows: the State of Texas—GREETING: thirty (30) .days from the 14th day of Jefferson, Kleberg, and Nueces Being an action and prayer for judg- You are hereby commanded to cause to March, 1955. Shivers Plans To Attend ment in favor of Plaintiff and against be published, ONCE a week for three suc- FREEPORT OFFICE EQUIPMENT counties. Defendant for decree of divorce dissolving cessive weeks in a newspaper published in COMPANY the bonds of matrimony heretofore and Travis County, Texas, the accompanying By (s) PAUL RENICK now existing between said parties ; Plain- citation, of which the herein below fol- Sole Proprietor Demo Governors' Meet lowing is a true COPY. Shepperd To Address tiff alleges cruel treatment on the part of 48-4 AUSTIN defendant towards him of such a nature as CITATION BY PUBLICATION to render their further living together as THE STATE OF TEXAS .44 CITATION BY PUBLICATION Court on Integration For the first time, the Democratic husband and wife altogether insupport- TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE STATE OF TEXAS AUSTIN National Committee will sponsor a able; Plaintiff further alleges that they THE ESTATE OF Ernest August Von TO Sam Johnson Defendant, in the have no community property and no chil- Texas will be represented by At- Quintus, Non Compos Mentis, hereinafter styled and numbered cause: meeting of all Democratic govern- dren ; Plaintiff further prays for relief, No. 12,808, County Court Travis You are hereby commanded to appear torney General John Ben Shepperd ors in Washington May 4-5, and general and special ; County, Texas. Oscar Dube, Guardian before the 126th District Court of Travis kpril 11 ...when the Supreme All of which more fully appears from thereof, filed in the County Court of County. Texas, to be held at the court- Governor Allan Shivers of Texas Plaintiff's First Amended Original Peti- Travis County, Texas, on the 22nd day of house of said county in the City of Aus- Court hears oral arguments about will be in attendance. tion on file in this office and to which December, A. D. 1954, his Final Account tin, Travis County, Texas, at or before reference is here made; how racial segregation should be National Chairman Paul Butler of the condition of the Estate of said Er- 10 o'clock A. M. of the first Monday after If this citation is not served within 90 nest August Von Quintus, Non Compos the expiration of 42 days from the date done away with in the public announced that one of the purposes days after date of its issuance, it shall be Mentis together with an Application to be of- issuance hereof ; that is to say, at or returned unserved. schools. of the meeting will be to develop a discharged from said Guardianship. before, 10 o'clock A. M. of Monday the WITNESS, 0. T. MARTIN, JR., Clerk Said Final Account and Application will 18th day of April, 1955, and answer the Shepperd said he will describe closer working relationship be- of the District Courts of Travis County, be heard and acted on by said Court on petition of plaintiff in Cause Number the "peculiar position" of Texas in tween state party headquarters and Texas. the first Monday next after such three 100,868, in which Carrie Johnson is Issued and given under my hand and the publications, the same being the 11th day Plaintiff and Sam Johnson is defendant, the segregated education question. the national committee. seal of said Court at office in the City of of April, 1955, at the Courthouse thereof filed in said Court on the 4th day of He is expected to ask that the Shivers has not been associated Austin, this the 22nd day of March, 1955. in Austin, Texas, at which time and place March, 1955, and the nature of which 0. T. MARTIN, JR., all perSons interested in the Account for said suit is as follows: State be allowed to work out its with the national committee since Clerk of the District Courts, Final Settlement of said Estate are re- Being an action and prayer for judg- own adaptation to the Supreme he broke away to support Eisen- Travis County, Texas. quired to appear by filing a written an- ment in favor of Plaintiff and against By (Si GEO. W. BICKLER, Deputy swer and contest said account and appli- Defendant for decree of divorce dissolving Court ruling of May 17, which held hower for President in 1952. He cation should they choose to do so. the bonds of matrimony heretofore and that segregation in public schools says he has no way of knowing TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The officer executing this writ shall now existing between said parties ; Plain- violates the 14th Amendment to Notice is hereby given that Frank J. promptly serve the same according to re- tiff alleges that she and defendant have whether the meeting with Butler Pohl and A. C. Traweek, Jr., doing busi- quirements of law, and the mandates lived separate and apart without cohabi- the Constitution. will lead to a healing of the breach. ness as Household Supply Company, Mata- hereof, and make due return as the law tation for a period of seven years, next dor, Texas, intend to incorporate such bus- directs. before the filing of said petition ; Plain- iness without a change in name after the Given under my hand and the seal of tiff further alleges that no children were expiration of thirty (30) days from this said Court at office in Austin, Texas, this born as issue of said marriage and no the 29th day of March, 1955. the 16th day of March, A. D. 1955. community property is at issue ; Plaintiff HOUSEHOLD SUPPLY CO. EMILIE LIMBERG further prays for relief, general and spe- Official Profiteering Hit By Frank J. Pohl Clerk of the County Court, cial : By A. C. Traweek, Jr. Travis County, Texas, All of which more fully appears from (Continued from Page 1) immunity from further prosecution. By (s) M. EPHRAIM, Deputy. Plaintiff's Original Petition on file in 49-3 this office and to which reference is here NffiCi 3.1S to the people who elected TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Senator Jimmy Phillips, Angleton, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: made for all intents and purposes ; m, and penalizes the State, its said he did not believe this was Notice is hereby given that Perry R. If this citation is not served within 90 Love and Dr. L. B. S. Richter, partners, Notice is hereby given that Jack Shack- days after date of its issuance, it shall ds, and its citizens." possible, but Hardeman said that doing business under the firm name of elford, Builder of Corpus Christi, Texas, be returned unserved. 'he federal law, the grand jury there was a legal case which might Reliable Geophysical Company, intend to intends to become incorporated under the WITNESS, 0. T. MARTIN, JR., Clerk incorporate such firm without a change firm name of Jack Shackelford Builder, of the District Courts of Travis County, I, carries a fine of up to $10,000 make it possible. of name on April 1, A. D. 1955. Inc. Texas. prison terms for Congressmen (This newspaper stated Feb. 21 RELIABLE GEOPHYSICAL COMPANY JACK SHACKELFORD Issued and given under my hand and By (s) PERRY R. LOVE, Partner 49-4 the seal of said Court at office in the government officials who prac- in an editorial that in Ferantello City of Austin, this the 4th day of March, CITATION BY PUBLICATION before any government agency vs. State, certain questions were CITATION BY PUBLICATION 1956. my matter in which the Gov- THE STATE OF TEXAS 0. T. MARTIN, JR. raised about whether a legislative THE STATE OF TEXAS TO Leon Fisher Defendant, in the here- Clerk of the District Courts, nent might be "directly or in- committee grants witnesses im- TO Charles Joseph Nohra, Defendant, in inafter styled and numbered cause: Travis County, Texas the hereinafter styled and numbered ctly interested." There is no munity from prosecution by urging You are hereby commanded to appear 48-4 cause: before the 126th District Court of Travis state law in Texas now, the them to testify after they have in- You are hereby commanded to appear County, Texas, to be held at the court- NOTICE OF INTENTION TO before the 126th District Court of Travis house of said county in the City of Aus- INCORPORATE d jury said. voked their constitutional immun- County, Texas, to be held at the court- tin, Travis County, Texas, at or before TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:, ee page 5 for a full report on ity against self-incrimination.) house of said county in the City of Austin, 10 o'clock A. M. of the first Monday after NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Travis County, Texas, at or before 10 s testimony in Austin.) O A Travis County land deal was the expiration of 42 days from the date of Emile A. Robin and Marcel Robin, doing o'clock A. M. of the first Monday after issuance hereof ; that is to say, at or be- business under the firm name of NA- _ other land scandal develop- disclosed in which three Latin- the expiration of 42 days from the date fore, 10 o'clock A. M. of Monday the 18th TIONAL DECORATORS, intend to in- ments last week: American veterans testified they of issuance hereof ; that is to say, at or day of April, 1955, and answer the peti- corporate such firm without a change of before, 10 o'clock A. M. of Monday the tion of plaintiff in Cause Number 98,467, the firm name after the expiration of The DeWitt grand jury re- were paid $35 to $40 to sign legal 2nd day of May, 1955, and answer the in which Mae Bell Fisher is Plaintiff and (30) days from the 1st day of March, turned 21 indictments against papers and to allow the use of their petition of plaintiff in Cause Number Leon Fisher is defendant, filed in said 1955. 100,992, in which Helen Dolores Nohra is Court on the 5th day of May, 1954, and NATIONAL DECORATORS five men who have already been in- discharge papers in a land deal. Plaintiff and Charles Joseph Nohra is de- the nature of which said suit is as fol- (Firm Name) dicted on other counts. They were A witness told Senate investiga- fendant, filed in said Court on the 18 day lows: By : Emile A. Robin of March, 1955, and the nature of which Marcel Robin, Partners 47-4 C. T. Ernster, T. J. McLarty, Henry said suit is as follows: Being an action and prayer for judg- tors that Bascom Giles, then Land ment in favor of Plaintiff and against Robinson, Ed Ledbetter, and Ted Being an action and prayer for judg- NOTICE OF INTENTION TO Commissioner, told him it would be ment in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendant for decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and INCORPORATE Preusser. all right if a third veteran became Defendant for decree of divorce dissolving STATE OF TEXAS the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between said parties • Plain- O Bascom Giles appeared before involved in the deal although he tiff alleges cruel treatment on the part COUNTY OF NUECES now existing between said parties ; Plain- Notice is hereby given of the desire and the DeWitt group and testified did not want to buy any land. tiff alleges cruel treatment on the part of of defendant towards her of such a na- ture as to render their further living to- intention of the W. J. Riley Company, r several hours. defendant towards her of such a nature as 325 Wilson Building, Corpus Christi, Texas The land was sold by Calcasieu to render their further living together as gether as husband and wife altogether insupportable ; Plaintiff further alleges to become incorporated under the name O State Auditor C. H. Cavness Lumber Co., but Bill Drake, presi- husband and wife altogether insupportable. of W. J. Riley Co., Inc., with the same Plaintiff further alleges that three chil- that one child was born of said union : a n d Department of Public dent of Calcasieu, said his company that plaintiff is the proper person to be mailing address. dren were born of said union which said W. J. RILEY Safety Director Homer Garrison first took title to the land from deal children are all minors and plaintiff is awarded its care and custody and for which she prays judgment ; plaintiff fur- d-b-a W. J. Riley Company both granted before the Senate in- promoter R. K. Allen of Leander in the proper person to be awarded their 47-4 custody and for which she prays judg- ther prays for an order of court requiring vestigating committee that they connection with a debt and sold it ment : Plaintiff further alleges that dur- defendant to contribute to the support of said child ; Plaintiff further alleges that PUBLIC NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF have as yet undisclosed evidence of to veterans simply as a "business ing said marriage one 1954 Mercury Se- PARTNERSHIP dan, certain real property and household there is no community property • Plaintiff irregularities in the program. They matter." further prays for relief, general and spe- Notice is hereby given that the part- goods and furnishings were accumulated ; cial; nership between Fred A. Martin, and Don were called upon by the committee The House State Affairs com- that said real property is being paid for W. Tobin, under the firm name of VOS- O All of which more fully appears from to present the information, and out of the separate estate of plaintiff and BURG & MARTIN SHOES, of Austin, mittee subcommitteed for study the other property is needed by plaintiff Plaintiff's Original Petition on file in Texas, was dissolved as of the 13th day , they said they would. five proposed reforms in the land for the care of plaintiff and said three this office; of December, 1954, and all debts due to \ 0 A division of opinion among minor children, wherefore plaintiff prays If this citation is not served within 90 said partnership are to be paid and those program while the Committee on for title to and possession of all of said days after date of its issuance, it shall be due from the same discharged at 125 West the Senate investigators became Constitutional Amendments in the property, real and personal ; returned unserved. 7th Street, in the City of Austin, Texas, apparert over the possibility that a House proved wary of a proposal to Plaintiff further prays for relief, gen- WITNESS, 0. T. MARTIN, JR., Clerk where the business will be continued by eral and special ; all of which more fully of the District Courts of Travis County, Don W. Tobin, under the firm name of .din line of questioning might extend the program with another appears from Plaintiff's Original Petition Texas. VOSBURG & MARTIN SHOES. rant to witnesses before the group $100 million. on file in this office and to which refer- Issued and given under my hand and FRED A. MARTIN ence is here made; the seal of said Court at office in the City DON W. TOBIN Page 8 March 28, 1955 THE TEXAS OBSERVER Railroad Lobby Resists Conservatives Silent Barge Canal Competition On Texas Foundation American history has been streaked with fights between the railroads and inland barge AUSTIN the incorporators. These three and canals since early in the Nineteenth Century. The Texas Legislature is now embroiled in. Silence surrounds the present Mrs. Al Buchanan, San Antonio: a classic instance of this conflict of interests. status of "The Texas Foundation," Horace Blalock, Marshall; and Fred ov er Texas stimulating opposition to the incorporated by Texas conserva- Brown, Mineral Wels, make up the The ponderous railroad lobby is at work a 11 tives under the laws of Texas as an six-member Board of Directors. Trinity River Authority. educational and benevolent organi- The Foundation has been called a The Trinity River drains almost fifth of the water is used: the rest most of the taxes for the authority zation by Texas conservatives. "tax dodge" for the financing of 18,000 square miles in 19 counties. flushes into the Gulf. To drama- (there is a I limit of 10 cents per The Foundation was co-sponsor conservative "propaganda" by lib- The river channel is 455 miles long. tize this waste, Authority partisans $100 valuation, and it could be lev- with the State Democratic Execu- eral leaders. The charter on file at It rises north of Fort Worth-Dallas cite the fact that Dallas and Fort ied only on property in the 19-shed tive Committee of the $50-a-plate the Secretary of State's office says: and drops south toward Houston, Worth together use only 150,000 watershed.) Sanders says that the Shivers dinner in Dallas recently, "2. The purpose for which it is circling Sam Houston National For- acre-feet of water a year for all North Texas urban area would ben- but it was not mentioned a single formed is to support an educational est and emptying into the east side purposes. efit chiefly through the navigation time during the evening. Reporters and benevolent undertaking as au- of at Anahuac. Inland barge traffic is cheaper, feature—that is, cheaper and in- checking afterwards asked George thorized by subdivision 105 of Ar- The 19-county area in the section but slower than rail transportation creased shipping facilities. Sandlin, chairman of the Executive ticle 1302 of the Texas Revise Committee and an incorporator of Civil Statutes of 1925, as amends " drained by the Trinity is now mo- on heavy bulk goods and on some One objection has been raised by the Foundation, what had hap- More specifically, but without bilized behind a plan to turn the kinds of farm products. Where persons who think that the Author- li iting the purpose as stated abo river into a navigable barge canal. speed is a factor, of course, railroad ity itself should be elected by the pened. Mr. Sandlin promised a statement soon. Since then, he has such corporation shall organize Some of the river's bends would be transport has the economic advant- citizens of the area. As it is now not said anything more about it. conduct within or without the State straightened out, but the canal gen- age. proposed. the Authority would con- of Texas formal classroom discus-- erally would follow the riverbed. Navigation has been an objective sist of 18 persons, not more than A check of the corporation rec- ords in the Secretary of State's of- sion groups devoted to the study Lakes would be dammed up, of river developments in Texas be- seven of whom could be from Dal- fice in Austin shows that the Foun- and consideration of the science of many thousands of acres of land fore, but apparently it has not been las and Fort Worth. These people dation charter was filed Feb. 17, government and education, and irrigated, floods controlled, and soil feasible. But for the navigation fea- would be appointed by the Gov- 1955, with George Sandlin of Aus- shall establish a fund for the pur- conservation strengthened by a ture and the railroads' apparent ernor. The voters would have to ap- pose of awarding annual scholar= master plan which would require conviction that it would be feasible prove taxation before the master tin, Frank Wood of Wichita Falls, and J. M. Patterson, Jr., of Austin, ships to students who show an out- any up-river acts of the Trinity on the Trinity, the Authority prob- plan could go forward. proficiency in the field of River Authority to be co-ordinated ably would have been approved standing Cities near or on the canal would Collin, Dallas, and Tarrant. political science, such awards to be with Texas soil conservation au- without controversy.. But the rail- include Corsicana, Athens, Pales- thorities. roads say that the barge canal The bill was approved unani- made in accordance with the by- tine, Madisonville. Waxahachie, and mously by the House Conservation laws of this organization." The river basin's development would be unfair subsidized compe- Huntsville. would not be comparable to TVA, tition and would hurt the indus- and Reclamation Committee. Sihce The charter does not make it or even to many river develop- trial development of areas in West The 19 counties are Chambers, then various House members have clear whether the classroom dis- ments in Texas, because of the geo- Texas. They say transportation fa- Liberty, San Jacinto, Polk, Trinity, been committing themselves against cussion groups are to be classc's physical nature of East Texas. cilities in West Texas would atror- Walker, Madison, Houston, Leon, the bill, and the issue is in doubt. organized under the auspices of the There is not enough elevation, nor phy under the new competition. Ellis, Anderson, Freestone, Hender- House consideration is expected Foundation or discussion groups in is the configuration of the land con- To this, the proponents of the son, Navarro, Rockwall, Kaufman, within the onth. classrooms in the public schools. ducive to hydro-electric power gen- plan—led by one of the sharpest erating dams. Texas legislators in either House, Every year, 6,000,000 acre feet of Barefoot Sanders of Dallas—reply: water pour down the winding river it is true that freight rates will be A vitally important message to all -ICT Group stockholders bed of the Trinity. Only about one- cheaper. And the argument that the industrial development of one area will stunt the growth of other areas YOU ARE ENTITLED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NEW Loyal Democrats Plan is ludicrous, they say; all the facts of the economic development of the Nation support the thesis that Organization for '56 when one area industrializes, all (Continued from Page 1) surrounding areas are enriched by the increased and expanding activ- mittee. The six officers will also belong. The steering committee will ity. STOCKHOL "If the railroads would only see then select a statewide organizing it," Sanders says, "in the long run director. it would even benefit them." The It also developed at the meeting increased industrial activity would that Dr. Homer P. Rainey, candi- be one factor; increased east-west date for Governor of Texas in 1946, demand for railroads, because of has tentatively accepted an invita- the increased shipping into Fort SHARING PLAN tion from Dallas Democrats to Worth-Dallas via the canal. would speak there on April 21, San Ja- ICT.. Life cinto day. Rainey is now living and be another. After many months of hard work and careful study, The But, Sanders admits, in the short writing in Missouri. Insurance Company is ready to announce an exclusive personal bene- run, rail traffic would be decreased Sewell said that the Council from Fort Worth-Dallas to Houston. Group stockholders only! meeting was harmonious. It was fit plan for ICT Houston's opposition does not closed to reporters. stem from fear that the Anahuac "We all pledged to work together port would compete with Houston's, Called "Stockholder Profit Sharing All who participate in the Stockholder for unity and harmony of effort for since the latter deals mostly with Plan", and available only to ICT Group Profit Sharing Plan create profit for the further advancement of the ocean traffic, and an island canal plan offers: themselves in two ways: Democratic Party," Sewell said. stockholders, this is generally limited to barge traf- He announced that Kefauver will fic. But Houston leaders do resent address at $10-a-plate fund-raising 1. INCOME-PRODUCING 1. FROM CASH DIVIDENDS PAID ON the prior assignment (in the Trinity dinner at La Villita in San Antonio INVESTMENT UNITS OF THE PLAN bill as proposed now in the Legis- at 7 p.m. May 6 under the local aus- lature) of 300,000 acre-feet of water 2. AS STOCKHOLDERS IN ICT IN- pices of the Bexar County Demo- to the Liberty and Chambers 2. SAVINGS BANK SECURITN SURANCE COMPANY OR ICT DIS- crats. The next night at 7:30, Ke- Counties Navigation District. Hous- fauver will address a $20-a-plate COUNT CORPORATION, YOU ton, itself suffering from a water 3. LIFE INSURANCE PROTECTION dinner at the Shamrock Hotel in SHARE IN THE PROFITS MADE BY shortage, looks north to the pro- ICT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Houston under the sponsorship of jected and federally-approved Lake the Harris County Democrats. Liberty (not yet in existence) for "We are certainly delighted that its own expanded water needs. Estes Kefauver, a great Democrat In addition, a statement by Mayor If you are an ICT Group stockholder, Home Office Representatives will and a Southern leader, is to be in Roy Hofheinz and Houston Cham- Texas," Sewell said. ber of Commerce President Ben soon be calling on you to fully explain your rights under the Plan and show "It seems to us who are active in Belt made the point that the Trinity you how to exercise them. For your own benefit and profit, give these the Democratic Party that it serves River Authority would be a party Texas and the South best," he said. to actions by the State Board of Representatives an opportunity to point out the many exclusive advantages He said that when the Democrats Water Engineers in allocating water are in control in Washington, Tex- to users from the controlled sup- the Plan offers. , ans and Southerners are in posi- ply. But Sanders replies to this that tions of trust and authority, "and the Authority would have no vote Many of you may want to have the Plan explained in detail to you before we believe that is better than the on the state board—would simply a Home Office Representative has the chance to contact you personally. Northern radical Republicans." have the right to make recommen- Mrs. Voigt said that ticket rep- dations like any other interested Below is a coupon to be filled out and mailed if you would like to have resentatives are being appointed in party. each of 30 South Texas counties for Sanders also says that the reduc- complete facts on the Plan as soon as possible. the Bexar County Kefauver dinner. tion in the waste flow of the Trin- In addition, Sewell announced, ity into the Gulf would leave OP the Democratic Advisory Council plenty of water for everybody. voted to appoint subscription chair- Dallas and Fort Worth would pay Gentlemens man in the 254 Texas counties for REMEMBER, STOCKHOLDER PROFIT The Texas Observer. SHARING PLAN IS FOR ICT I understand the Stockholder Profit Sharing Plan offers me es an ICT Group stockholder many exclusive,unpre- STOCKHOLDERS ONLY! cedented benefits. I want to be among the first ICT RAYBURN DINNER Compliments stockholders to hear all about the Plan and receive my WACO Allotment Certificate. So, please have a Horne Offic.. Representative call on me as soon as pouible. Judge James Sewell said here Sunday that Texas Democrats ac- cept the challenge of Oklahomans CROUCH and PRINGLE MI 1 C T Name and will sell 750 tickets to the na- tional dinner honoring Speaker LIFE INSURANCE Addre Sam Rayburn of Bonham in Wash- T ington April 16. GROUP COMPANY RUIL0111G l BUI19 HOMO City State Oklahoma Democrats recently Fort Worth said they intend to sell 500 of the g:EgS2 402 • tickets, which are priced at $100 each. Ad No. D218-6N-1955, 3 col. x 10" B&W