Mrs. George W. Haggard 2-56 1507 Har d ouin Austin, Texas The one great rule We will serve no of composition is to group or party but will hew hard to the speak the truth. truth as we find it —Thoreau O'rxas Otistrurr and the right as we An Independent Liberal Weekly Newspaper see it. VOL. 46 MARCH 28, 1955AUSTIN, TEXAS NO. 50 PAY NOW FOR YOUR 1960 SUPPER Profiteering Balinese Opening Rushed By Senators (We delay our series on Gal- veston Island, the Maceo gambling In the brochure is a blank check, The B-Room has long been rec- veston Island for this special syndicate is so confident there will which all interested recipients can ognized as the syndicate's most lu- story from our Galveston corre- be no new deal that they plan to use to send in their donation, or crative gambling establishment. It spondent. Next week the series begin rebuilding their Balinese contribution, or meal ticket money. Is Charged was once raided by the Rangers. resumes with an article on "That Room within 60 days. The letter and brochure also ex- Oldtimers say as near as they recall Damn Kugle.") However, according to a plan an- plained that if for some reason, it happened in the early 40's or per- DeWitt Grand Jury nounced by the operators, Vic and construction was not started by haps late '30's. No one can remem- Special to The Texas Observer Anthony Fertitta, reconstruction of September 1st, the money would be ber what brought it on, but some Says Influence Peddling GALVESTON the syndicate's number one gam- promptly refunded. The brochure point out it was one of the few Should Be Studied Despite recurrent rumors of a bling spot and night club will be failed to mention how much the times the Rangers really seriously pending Ranger crackdown on Gal- partially financed by the patrons bigger Balinese Room is expected penetrated the mythical M "Maceo- AUSTIN through a sort of ultra-swank din- to cost, how big it will be, how Dickinson Line." DeWitt County's angry ner ticket sale. many of the select invitations were Countians are regarding the new grand jury has criticized sent out, and how much of the Balinese Room announcement with State Senators for taking Legal Situation The Fertittas have mailed per- total cash the Fertittas are hoping sonal letters and multi-colored, mixed emotions. They don't know money "for various types of to borrow in advance in the form whether to accept the membership eight-page brochures to "select" of meal ticket sales to prospective representation" on matters members of the Turf Athletic Club. plan as an indication the gamblers' customers. bank is actually running low, or affecting a state program and Tangled in Irving In brief, the letter blandly suggests The B-Room, as it is known has called attention to a fed- that the prospective member send whether it is just another way of throughout most of the South, shading the dice. Mainland Attor- eral law against Congressmen Beard Faction Wins in at least $100 for "deposit cou- burned down last October, report- a n d government officials pons" that can be spent at the rate ney Jim Simpson, a former FBI In Election By 316 Votes edly from a fire which was agent who sought the county at- practicing before any govern- of $20 per year (no discount or in- touched off by faulty wiring. Dallas Correspondent torney's office on a "clean up gam- ment agency on a matter in terest) for ham sandwiches, flam- About a year earlier, it had almost The Texas Observer bling ticket," only lost by eight which the Government might ing sword steaks, or what not. suffered the same fate when it IRVING votes in 25,000 cast. Inside sources be interested. Islanders were so overwhelmed caught fire from one of its own say the gamblers have been a little Now that the Irving School Dis- They called for serious legisla- by the idea that it wasn't possible famous Flaming Sword dinners. reticent to re-invest their B trict has been abolished by the vot- ,-Room tive study "of the widespread prac- to get a fair representation of re- The management discontinued the insurance money in the face of such ers, people around here are settling tice of profiteering from public po- action to the suggestion that they dinners for a while after that. untoward developments. down to the task of selecting a new sition." contribute $100 in advance for din- board and unraveling the legal ners to be served them from one Congressman John J. Bell and ialess that the school fight here State Senator Gus J. Strauss have brought about. to five years from now. The letter explained: appeared before the jury. Bell testi- *elk Fired School Superintendent Dr. Loyal Democrats Plan "We have 'decided to rebuild the fied in Austin last week that when John A. Beard has filed an appeal he was a state senator he took more of his dismissal by the now-abol- Balinese Room. We anticipate con- struction will begin within the next than $27,000 from group land pro- hed board. He has also filed a moters under the State's veterans' it against that group for slander. 60 days and completion is expected Organization for '56 around August 15. 1955. land program. Strauss received About a hundred teachers who Special to The Texas Observer Roosevelt Hotel here, also elected $11,500 under the same circum- were fired after walking off their "With a program of this type and WACO Mrs. R. D. Randolph of Houston stances. Both said the money they nn behalf of various principles scope it is necessary that we pre- Loyal Texas Democrats deemed vice-chairman; Byron Skelton of got was for legal ss.rvices. persaialities in the contro- vail upon a certain group of Turf Temple, chairman of the 62-mem- here Sunday to strengthen and or- "Influence peddling by public of- rsy have filed appeals to the Athletic Club members ... our new ber executive committee; Mrs. A. L. ganize for the 1956 elections. ficials has been soundly discredited, :'exas Education Agency in Austin. policy will place membership on a Voigt of San Antonio, executive The Democratic Advisory Council publicly condemned, and should, we Just what will become of these more exclusive basis. We are happy secretary; Mrs. Jud Collier of Mum- of Texas voted to establish a 16- feel, be made illegal by the laws actions is now the question. to tell you that a screening com- ford, director of women's activities; member steering committee "to of this State," the grand jury said. Irving voters decided, 1,962 to mittee has selected you to be in- strengthen and organize the Demo- and Truett Smith of Wylie, treas- ,646, to abolish the school district cluded in this group. cratic Party in Texas." urer. "Our investigation has disclosed payment of large sums of money to Saturday. The election was quiet, The decision on political organi- "It is our plan to issue deposit And Judge James Sewell, re- certain State Senators for various but it attracted 89 percent of the zation culminated several months coupons amounting to not less than elected chairman of the group, an- types of representation on matters city's registered voters. The vote $100 to each selected member. Each nounced that Senator Estes Kefau- of preliminary work on the subject. means in effect that the seven- directly affecting State Funds and a book will provide (5) $20 coupons ver of Tennessee will speak in San The executive committee of the member Board which fired Beard, State program. To conveniently with the first coupon redeemable Antonio May 6 and in Houston May Council is to designate ten regions nine principals and school execu- designate said sums as 'Legal Fees' till. on or after June 1st, 1956, and the 7. Kefauver's appearance will "ac- for organizational purposes. The does not, in our opinion, satisfac- tives, and 200 school teachers and remainder of the coupons being centuate the Democratic Party's pall members has been junked. committee members in the regions torily explain them. honored each succeeding year of great resurgence in Texas," Sewell will then select one member from The board members are expected "We feel that such practice is in operation. These coupons are good said. their number for the steering com- direct conflict with the duty of said to step down after the vote is can- for both food and service." The Council, meeting in the vassed this week. (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 7) 11. The schools will be administered by the Dallas County school offi- MORSE IS UNDONE *tab until a new district can be ablished and new school board mbers chosen. leard says he feels vindicated. Polka Dots and Orange Juice . teachers and principals said y were not protesting on his be- If anyone in the Legislature could be called a prototype E but rather on behalf of the of the Texas politician, it would certainly be Jimmy Phil- it of school people to say what lips, Angleton's puckish-faced, lantern-jawed senator with y wished and to conduct them- es as free citizens in political the trademark black cigar, bow tie and polka-dot handker- other matters. chief. It's easy to spot him on the Senate floOr. You might Buildings May Fly notice the cigar or the tie or the handkerchief, which he occasionally mops his seemingly untroubled brow with. ill Flag, House Decides But more than likely you'd spot AUSTIN him because he would be talking.
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