A Stratigraphic Section Through the Silurian Turbidite Sequence (Peary Land Group) in Northern Nyeboe Land, North Greenland

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A Stratigraphic Section Through the Silurian Turbidite Sequence (Peary Land Group) in Northern Nyeboe Land, North Greenland GEUS Report file no. A stratigraphic section through the Silurian 22488 turbidite sequence (Peary Land Group) in northern Nyeboe Land, North Greenland Poul-Henrik Larsen and Jan C. Escher GRØNLANDS GEOLOGISKE UNDERSØGELSE 1991 GRØNLANDS GEOLOGISKE UNDERSØGELSE RAPPORT 151 _ t\ A stratigraphic section through the Silurian turbidite sequence (Peary Land Group) in northern Nyeboe Land, North Greenland Poul-Henrik Larsen and Jan C. Escher 1991 Larsen, P.-H. L. and Escher, J. C. 1991: A stratigraphic of the Merqujoq, Lauge Koch Land, Wulff Land and section through the Silurian turbidite sequence (Pe­ Nyeboe Land Formations, the Castle ø Member of ary Land Group) in northern Nyeboe Land, North Nordkronen Formation and the Chester Bjerg Forma­ Greenland. Rapp. Grønlands geol. Unders. 151, 21 tion are described. pp. Authors' address: A stratigraphic section is presented through the 6330 Geological Survey of Greenland, øster Voldgade 10, m thick Silurian turbidite sequence of the Peary Land DK-l3S0 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Group at Hand Bugt in northern Nyeboe Land, North P.-H. L. present address: Statoil, Løkkemyra, Postboks Greenland. Thickness, age and sediment characteristics 2123, N-6S01 Kristiansund N, Norway. Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Kalaallit Nunaanni Ujarassiortut Misissuisoqarfiat Geological Survey of Greenland The Geological Survey of Greenland (GGU) is a research institute affiliated to the Mineral Resources Administration for Greenland (MRA) within the Danish Ministry of Energy. As with all other activities involving the non-living resources in Greenland, GGU's investigations are carried out within the frarnework of the policies decided jointly by the Greenland Home Rule Authority and the Danish State. © GGU, Copenhagen, 1991 ISSN 0418-6559 Contents Dansk sammendrag - Imaqarnersiuineq . 4 Wulff Land Formation .................... .. 15 Introduction ................................. 5 Nyeboe Land Formation .................. .. 18 Sedimentary logs and beds thickness diagrams. 5 Castle ø Member (Nordkronen Formation) ... 18 Merquj6q Formation 6 Chester Bjerg Formation. ................. .. 20 Section 14a .............................. 7 Summary and discussion . 20 Section 14b. .... .. ..... .. ................ 11 Acknowledgements ......................... .. 21 Thors Fjord Member ....................... 13 References ................................ .. 21 Lauge Koch Land Formation ................ 13 Dansk sammendrag Artiklen præsenterer en stratigrafisk profil gennem der og sedimentære karakteristika for Merqujoq, Lauge de 6330 m tykke, sandede, silure dybhavssedimenter i Koch Land, Wulff Land og Nyeboe Land Formatio­ Peary Land Gruppen i Hand Bugt, det nordlige Nyeboe nerne, Castle ø Member i Nordkronen Formationen Land, Nordgrønland. Desuden beskrives tykkelse, al- samt Chester Bjerg Formationen. Imaqarnersiuineq Allaaserisami Kalaallit Nunaata avannaani, Nyboe tassa kinnganerit immikkoortinneqarsinnaasut issussu­ Landip avannaa tungaani, Hand Bugtimi sioqqat imar­ saat, pisoqaassusaat isikkuilu allaaserineqarput. Taak­ pissuup naqqata kinnganeri qaleriissitaartut 6330 mete­ kulu saniatigut Nordkronen Formationip iluani immik­ rinik issussuseqartut, silurip naiaani kiviorarsimasut il­ koortut Castle ø Member-imik taaguutillit kiisalu Ches­ isaritinneqarput. Kiisalu Merqujome, Lauge Koch Lan­ ter Bjerg Formation allaaserineqarput. dimi, Wulff Landimi Nyboe Landimilu Formationit, Introductian During the regional rnapping programme by the ~orth Greenland, documenting the thicknesses, ages Geological Survey af Greenland in western North and sedimentalogical eharacteristies af the formations Greenland in 1984-85 (Henriksen, 1985, 1987), two <lild mernbers ol" thc reary Land Group. wecks weee used for geological invcstigations in Hand Bugt, northern Nyeboe Land. At this locali!)' a scction i~ cxposcd across the strike af the Nyeboe Land linear belt ol Dawes (1982) which is an E-W trending zone ol FRANKFIELD BUGT nearly vertically dipping Silurian turbiditcs. The helt is STEPHENSON ø REPULSE HAND traceah!c over il distance of more thun 170 km from Kap \ Brcvoort in the west to Stephenson ø in the east (Fig. BRE~;~::~ BUGT li1 1) (Larsen & Escher, 1985, 1987). In the Hand Bugt ~ area the beft rcaches a width af about 5-7 km and tbe l~~~ '"' arca offers an excellent opportunity to study a lang, WULFF stratigraphic section through the Silurian decp~watcr sediments exposecl in the cliffs around the bay (Fig. 2). The Siluric1n turhiditc seqllence is referred to the & 3 r~ Peary Land Grollp hy Hurst Surlyk (1982). being part of the thick Lower Palaeozoic deep-wawr scquence deposited in the Franklinian Basin af North Greenlancl and northern FIlesmere Island. Canada (Trettin & o 50km Balkwill, 1979). The evolution and stratigraphy af the basin in North Greenland is described by Surlyk & Hurst (1983, 1984) and Higgins er al. in press. Fig. l. Western North Greenland showing geographical names This paper presents a long and almost comple[e sec­ mentioned in the text. Thc Nycboe Land linear belt is in" tion through the Silurian turbiditc succession in western JicaLed from Kap Brcvoort to Stephenson 0. Sedimentary lags and beds thickness diagrams The stratigraphie seetlon rncasurcd through thc Silur­ graphie faeies scbeme shown in Pig. 4, whieh was ian turbidite sequcncc in thc Hand Bugt mea is pre­ erected by llurst & Surlyk (19.s2). with some additions sented in PJate 1 and a generalised section log is shawn by Larsen & Escher (1985, 1987), in Fig. 2. The measured section has been divided into B<:d thiekncss diagrams are used to illustratc system­ two parts as sho~.'n in Plate l and in thc oblique aerial atie variations in the thiekness af sandstone turbidites photo of thc locality (Fig. 3). The lowcr part (scction and the relations of sandstone turbiditc sequenecs ver­ 14a in Fig. ~) covers the basal 259 m af the Peary Land sus mudstone intervals (Figs 9-10, 12, 15). Group turbidites which outerop in tbe northern part of To eOl1struct a bcd thickness diagram eaeh ROllrna­ thc I-land Bugt region. The uppcr part (sectioll 14b in division (Bouma. 1962) of a single Lurbidite bed is plot­ Fig. ~) covers approximately ~300 m of the Silurian tcd horizontal1y showing the sand/silt divisions (Tabcd) turbidites locatecl to the soutb. A stratigraphic sequence to the rigbt and thc mudstonc division (Te) to tbc lefl. of approximately 2000 m separating thc two scctions has Sequences af a1ternating Te and Te divisions are also not been investigated. ploned to tbe lefl. Non-graded. struetureless fine sand­ Sejeeted parts of seetians 14a and 14h have been stone turbidites, which cannot be described by BOUOla­ logged in detail and standardised aecording to the lithol­ divisions, are plottcd to tbc right in tbc diagrams with ogy and structure legend shown in Fig. 4. Other parts the same ornamentation as the Ta-divisolls. This way of hciVe been logged in general applying tbe lithostrati- plotting the thiekness of each wrhidite hed gives a visual 6 Fig. 2. Generalisd :-ectioll log of the 6330 III t!lick succession m af Siluri,m lurbidites of lhe PeMY Land Group rncasured in 6000 Chester Bjerg Fm Hand Bugt. J10rlhern Nyebnc Land. - ?- 5000 Nyeboe Land Fm impressioll af the bed thickness variations and lhe sand (silt)/mud ratio. It also provides an easy way to delin­ O• Castle ø Mb O eate S<lndSlOnC versus mudstone intervals and to ilIus­ "o - (Nordkrorten Fm) " tratc. the dominating Bouma-division(s) involvcd. Wullf land Fm 4000 oO- Merquj6q Formation ~ <o Lauge Koch Land Fm c °"z Thc Mcrquj6q Formation was erected hl' HUfs! & "~ w --' 3000 Surlyk (19R2) and forms fhe lowermost lithostrati­ Thors Fjord Mb iO • ~ (Wulll Land Fm) graphic unit of the Peary Land Group exposed in the ID Q. Nyeboe Land linear belt at Hancl Bugt (Fig. 3). Hurst & Surlyk (1982. rig. 2 & platc 4) JescribcJ the formation 2000 in central North Greenland and predictcd its occurrence > o in northern Nyeboe Land. although it was not distin­ MerQujoq Fm Ow w> guished an lheir reconnaissance map" Larsen & Escher .0 :)~ (19~S) traccd the Merquj6q Formation weslward illla 1000 northern Nyeboe [.and. Herc it corresponcls to 'map unil 3' of Oawcs (1982, fig. 49). an Hendrik ø il Includes unit '3A' af Oawes & Peel (1984). Seclion 14a (Plate 1) represents the lowerrnost 259 rn o*,,==_-J - -Cambfian-=Lower Silurian- L--_~--' of lhe Merquj6q Formation, while the basal part af clastic sediments -....-,- WULFF LAND HENDRIK ø NYEBOE LAND i L ..J'_~ ~ .. Fig. 3. View to the east across northcrn Nyeboe Land of the steeply dipping Silurian turbidites of the Nyeboe Land linear belt. C-S: Cambrian- Lower Silurian clastic sediment. M: Merquj6q Formation, TF: Thors Fjord Mcmber (\Vulff Land Formation). LKL: LlUgC Koch Land Formation. WL: Wulff Land Formation, NL, Nyeboe Land Formation, C0: Cas)le ø Mcmber (Nordkronen I'ormalion). CG: Chester Gjerg formation. Aeriai photograph 546 E~Ø, no. 11575; copyright Kon- og Malrikelsty­ rcl~cn, Denmark. 7 lithology Slruclure Facies F"Ol Mass"c DiSO'08 nlS"O ~ Conglomeratc ~ D conglome,atC A Pebbly saMstone ~ Parallel lamlnallOo Q j"A, O'1I3,,,aea poebble con9'ome,ale Saodstolle ~ 10d,.I,oct par~II..1 IKm",ahoo D Noo.0'3'''''' m..d,um 5mall scale eross lamlnat,on O! f,n" saOOSlo"" o E8 8 Non_g'30eO S.I1SIOO" 00 l3'SJ w .. "~ 1.. ",,,,aTlot> 1"'.", or lone ~M"ls!one ~ S,II,'on" F,a .." 'am.03"oo (lo"m3 ~r ..s."'1 ~ II C, '3 Imedium O' line san<lstonel lotcrlaminale<l mud.tooe 1501.) I~I Comolu!e lleddUlij II] and sandstooe l50~-.) Bouma Tb o'esen! A~lal<;lamal,on C C, D MlJdstooe G lIine sanastonel lamloaled m",I.lone Bouma Te p,,,.,,"1 C 1",1t.'Ton" '" ye,~ 3 Iooe sandSlOne J liiI!!!I S,ar~ed "ppies D -1--1 CIKY !Ia~ .. s IC/e 3$ la""'5 C.. lcar'IO(JS ~,,,u<lonO<Jul ...· ~ Fig. 4. Ijthology, Slruelure ,lild lithostra­ k "I lC E 1 1) Tele 38 la,..." ligraphieal faeic~ schcmc llS1:c1 in the figures ~ Concr"loon, lC _10<: I 11 Ihroughollt {he tcxl and Plate l, Thc eOIll­ ~ Slumps Tele plete 'Bouma sC411cncc' (Bolll11a, 1%2) is I""~j Loads dcscribcd by Ihc symbol Tabedc. Incumplelc TO/" aU",na1in9 V~lriOllSly ~lS. sequcllccs are dcscribcd c.g.
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