THE October 2018 Volume 62 No.WORD 8 EDITORIAL Volume 62 No.8 October 2018 COVER: THE HOLY TRINITY Icon handwritten THE by Janet Jaime WORD
[email protected] TAKE 3 EDITORIAL by Bishop JOHN CONTENTS 5 THE ROLE OF THE PRIEST AS CHARGE SPIRITUAL FATHER IN THE ORTHODOX SPIRITUAL LIFE by Bishop THOMAS Joseph and Peter Schweitzer OF YOUR 11 JUSTIN MARTYR, DEFENDER OF THE FAITH by Fr. Dan Daly TIME 16 CREATING A DYNAMIC MARRIAGE by Fr. Aaron Warwick 19 GRIEF IS A FUNNY THING by Gregory Abdalah 20 ARCHDIOCESAN OFFICE 21 FR. NICOLA YANNEY: THE FIRST PRIEST ORDAINED BY THE FIRST BISHOP by Amy Hadley BISHOP JOHN 28 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS THIRD CONFERENCE 30 COMMUNITIES IN ACTION 32 SCOUTING AWARDS 33 MAKE SOME MEMORIES AT THE ur father and chief shepherd to be realistic in what we expect of ourselves. ARCHDIOCESE CONVENTION Metropolitan JOSEPH often Sometimes we may pair up difficult things with by Alan Abraham suggests to young clergy and fun or easy ones, so that we can provide our- 34 ORATORICAL FESTIVAL by Cassidy Lee Irwin those seeking a spiritual life selves with an incentive or reward to get the to take control of their time. more difficult things done first. If we have a I would like to reflect on this task that is daunting, or one we just don’t want Letters to the editor are welcome and should include the O author’s full name and parish. Submissions for “Commu- counsel a bit, because I am captivated by its to do, it may be better to get it out of the way nities in Action” must be approved by the local pastor.