Dundee Law Leaflet
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Tracey Dixon Tracey House stood. stood. House left stands where the Engine the where stands left The wooden building on the on building wooden The entrance is clearly seen here. seen clearly is entrance The Law Tunnel southern Tunnel Law The unearthed. One of them appears to be a fragment of an ink-pot. an of fragment a be to appears them of One unearthed. reasonably fine Roman Samian ware pottery have been have pottery ware Samian Roman fine reasonably levelled and a defensive parapet erected. Some fragments of fragments Some erected. parapet defensive a and levelled just short of Byron Street. Byron of short just date has been found. During the Iron Age the summit area was area summit the Age Iron the During found. been has date maps, running from Kinghorne Road to Road Kinghorne from running maps, on the hill. A steatite (soapstone) cup-shaped lamp of Iron Age Iron of lamp cup-shaped (soapstone) steatite A hill. the on the tunnel is still marked on modern on marked still is tunnel the dating from the Bronze Age, 3,500 years ago, have been found been have ago, years 3,500 Age, Bronze the from dating railway was rerouted. The location of location The rerouted. was railway People have been using the Law for thousands of years. Burials years. of thousands for Law the using been have People Scotland. The tunnel was in use until the 1860s when the when 1860s the until use in was tunnel The Scotland. railway. This was one of the earliest powered railways in railways powered earliest the of one was This railway. People and the Law the and People eastern side of the Law. It carried the Dundee to Newtyle to Dundee the carried It Law. the of side eastern the East Port. East the was driven through the “tail” of rock and boulder clay on the on clay boulder and rock of “tail” the through driven was Burn to near to Burn In the 1820s, a 300 metre long and 3 metre diameter tunnel diameter metre 3 and long metre 300 a 1820s, the In and of the Dens the of and Geodiversity Site. Site. Geodiversity The Law Tunnel Law The Burn to the West Port, West the to Burn In October 2000 Dundee Law was designated a Local a designated was Law Dundee 2000 October In textiles. The first factories followed the courses of the Scouring the of courses the followed factories first The textiles. the Law and the City of Dundee is told in this leaflet. leaflet. this in told is Dundee of City the and Law the water was used both for power and for the treatment of treatment the for and power for both used was water During the early industrial development of Dundee, running Dundee, of development industrial early the During Dundee area helped to shape the character of both of character the shape to helped area Dundee (Armistice Day) and on Remembrance Sunday. Remembrance on and Day) (Armistice ago. The story of how the dramatic origins of the of origins dramatic the how of story The ago. 1914); 24th October (United Nations Day); 11 November 11 Day); Nations (United October 24th 1914); water to the surface again forming springs. springs. forming again surface the to water on several significant days - 25 September (the Battle of Loos of Battle (the September 25 - days significant several on and violent volcanic eruptions some 415 million years million 415 some eruptions volcanic violent and (known as joints) in igneous rocks but these can also channel also can these but rocks igneous in joints) as (known stands on a base of light grey Cornwall granite. A beacon is lit is beacon A granite. Cornwall grey light of base a on stands of sandstone or mudstone. Water can flow through cracks through flow can Water mudstone. or sandstone of a long history that began with massive river floods river massive with began that history long a Braddock of Wimbledon. It has massive bronze doors and doors bronze massive has It Wimbledon. of Braddock it comes up against igneous rock or even a less permeable layer permeable less a even or rock igneous against up comes it The prominence and shape of the Law is the result of result the is Law the of shape and prominence The the architect was Thomas was architect the through glacial till may come to the surface as a spring or well if well or spring a as surface the to come may till glacial through was completed in 1925 and 1925 in completed was making it a spectacular location on a clear day. clear a on location spectacular a it making impermeable igneous rock intrusion. Similarly water flowing water Similarly intrusion. rock igneous impermeable the summit of the Law. It Law. the of summit the sandstone may be forced to the surface when it encounters an encounters it when surface the to forced be may sandstone summit of the Law is uninterrupted in all directions all in uninterrupted is Law the of summit the most obvious feature on feature obvious most the comes to the surface. Water flowing through permeable through flowing Water surface. the to comes only 572 feet (174 metres) high but the view from the from view the but high metres) (174 feet 572 only The Dundee War Memorial is Memorial War Dundee The realise that they refer to natural wells and springs where water where springs and wells natural to refer they that realise skyline from many areas of the City of Dundee. It is It Dundee. of City the of areas many from skyline and “Wellgate” are all familiar names but many people do not do people many but names familiar all are “Wellgate” and Memorial known and dramatic landmark, dominating the dominating landmark, dramatic and known In Dundee “Rockwell”, “Butterburn”, “The Ladywell”, Ninewells” Ladywell”, “The “Butterburn”, “Rockwell”, Dundee In The War The The conical grassy slopes of Dundee Law are a well a are Law Dundee of slopes grassy conical The Wells and Springs and Wells DUNDEE LAW LAW DUNDEE A Local Geodiversity Site Geodiversity Local A Tracey Dixon Tracey A microscopic view of the minerals in the Andesite. Location and Access It is possible to drive to the top of Dundee Law via Law Road. DUNDEE LAW Using the Rocks This can be reached from Hill Street or Kinghorne Road at the A Local Geodiversity Site east end of the Law. The Law can be easily climbed from any 1. Quarrying the Law direction, except from the north where there are rocky outcrops. The igneous intrusion of the From the roads around the hill, well-maintained paths lead Law is made of a rock called through woods on the Open Space Andesite.Andesite is named BGS lower slopes. Dundee Law Allotments after the Andes Mountains in South America where it is a very Hill St War Memorial There are parking spaces Water Tower common rock type. The andesite was quarried as a reinforcing Hilltown B960 A929 stone for building. on the summit of the Law Kinghorn Rd at the end of Law Road. The old quarry is on the north side of the Law and can be Broughty The summit complex Lochee Rd A923 Ferry Bus examined from the road that leads to the top. The molten includes a balustrade and Coupar Station rock (magma) cooled into crude polygonal columns. There Angus City walkway, illustrated Centre are also vertical joints with some brown iron staining. Rain information boards, Tay Bridge and frost continues to decompose the outer skin of the rock a direction indicator and 500m Railway Station A85 to expose fresh surfaces which, in their turn, are attacked by the Dundee War Memorial. weather. This is called spheroidal or “onion-skin” weathering. 2. Paving Stones from Mud About Local Geodiversity Sites (LGS) The Lower Devonian mudstones make good paving stones and have been extensively quarried, particularly in Angus. Dundee Law is a Local Geodiversity Site. This means it is a place Fossils have been found in these mudstones including that people can visit to learn more about their local landscape primitive fish, crustaceans and plants. and its geology. Tayside Geodiversity aims to identify and publicise a network of 3. Dundee Tenements Local Geodiversity Sites to increase public awareness of the The tenement buildings of Dundee were built to house a Region’s rich geological heritage. It also aims to conserve and rapidly growing work develop these sites. Other Local Geodiversity Sites include force as the city Balkello Hill in the Sidlaws, Stannergate Shore near Broughty expanded. They are built Ferry and Seaton Cliffs at Arbroath. from stone obtained from local quarries such as If you would like to join a small group of dedicated amateurs Carmyllie near Carnoustie and professionals to continue this work, then please contact: and Kingoodie at Tayside Geodiversity Invergowrie. These c/o Perth Museum provided grey 78 George Street, Perth, PH1 5LB sandstones of variable quality. Some sandstone T: 01738 632488 is very rich in the mineral E: [email protected] mica that causes the www.taysidebiodiversity.co.uk/geodiversity stone to flake and weather badly. This leaflet was produced in the memory of Mr John Scobie of Lawside Road. ““Still greatly missed, many thanks for all the happy hours up the Law. Thank you Grandad.” Tayside Geodiversity is affiliated to the Edinburgh Geological Society, a charity registered in Scotland : Charity No. SC008011 L. Booth Design, Print: Angus Council Print & Design Unit Making of the Law mudsmmudsds sandssdsann sandseandds & ppebblesbble Lower Devonian 1.