The N. 17 N.E. – May June 2010

The bimonthlyC magazine of Africa - Caribbeanurier - Pacific & European Union cooperation and relations

Report Burundi Now at peace, moves forward Discovering Europe From to : Liberty Road

Dossier Turbulence in ACP aviation

EU Development Commissioner Piebalgs: Exclusive interview Good governance is my priority with Bafana Bafana captain The C urier Table of Contents THE COURIER, N.17 NEW EDITION (N.E) Editorial Board

Co-chairs Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Secretary General Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States

Stefano Manservisi, Director General of DG Development European Commission

Core staff

Editor-in-chief DOSSIER CIVIL SOCIETY ON THE MOVE Hegel Goutier 12 22

Journalists Marie-Martine Buckens (Deputy Editor-in-chief) Debra Percival EDITORIAL 1 Editorial Assistant Okechukwu Umelo PROFILE Production Assistant Telm Borràs Anthony Hylton: Trade and aid are still in Europe’s Contributed in this issue interests 4 Colette Braeckman, Victoria Burbidge, Elisabetta Degli Esposti Merli, Sandra Federici, Catherine Haenlein, Elisabeth Lequeret, Souleymane Mâazou, Jacqueline Meido-Madiot, Romano Prodi. A Road Map to increase African Dev Nadkarni, Andrea Marchesini Reggiani Integration 5

Project Manager Gerda Van Biervliet TO THE POINT

Artistic Coordination, Graphic Conception Gregorie Desmons Haiti: careful planning, not speedy reconstruction: Meeting with the Mayor of Port-au-Prince 6 Graphic Conception Loïc Gaume ROUND UP 8 Public Relations Andrea Marchesini Reggiani DOSSIER Distribution ACP Aeronautic Industry Viva Xpress Logistics -

Photo Agency ACP aviation: Time for turn around 12 Reporters - A Single African sky? 13 Cover A regional centre of excellence for safety 14 Hill of Buga in Burundi. At sunrise, the farmers set off for the fields. Pacific: At the cusp of a mini-revolution? 16 © Andrea Frazzetta / LUZphoto Turbulent times for Caribbean airlines 18 EU grounds African airlines 20 EGNOS: EU satellite for African skies? 21

Contact CIVIL SOCIETY ON THE MOVE The Courier 45, Rue de Trèves A cultural understanding – Islamic Relief 22 1040 Brussels (EU) African Civil Society Organisations missing out [email protected] on dialogue with China 23 Tel: +32 2 2345061 Fax: +32 2 2801406

Published every two months in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese

For information on subscription, Go to our website or contact [email protected]

Publisher responsible Hegel Goutier

Consortium Gopa-Cartermill - Grand Angle - Lai-momo

The views expressed are those of the authors and do not represent the official view of the EC nor of the ACP countries.

The consortium and the editorial staff decline all responsibility for the articles written by external contributors. ROUND UP 24 DISCOVERING EUROPE 26 INTERACTION 38 REPORT 46

ROUND UP ACP-EU elected representatives concerned at the situation in Madagascar 44 Rithy Panh discusses his collaboration with Burkinabé director Gaston Kaboré – Interview 24 Sudan: A step towards the 2011 referendum 45 Cannes 2010: the ACP group ensures the promotion of its cinema 45 DISCOVERING EUROPE Normandy & Bastogne ( and Belgium) REPORT Liberty Road 26 Burundi From Normandy to Bastogne 27 The Battle of Hastings in cartoon strip 29 Burundi moves forward, now at peace 46 St. Thérèse, ‘Patroness of the Missions 29 Economic development in Burundi: a quickening Farmers from developed and developing countries face of the pace 48 the same struggle 30 Multiple oppositions 51 A territorial approach to development 31 NGOs and Press: Brave enough to monitor abuses 52 Electricians without borders 32 Extensive aid for a land risen from the dead: A culture of literature and gastronomy 33 Interview with Alain Darthenucq, Head of the EU Delegation 54 Success of a well-planned project 56 ZOOM Vivace Bujumbura 57 Burundi: Places to visit 58 Aaron Mokoena: Bafana Bafana’s exemplary captain 34

CREATIVITY OUR PLANET Je danse donc je suis (I dance therefore I am) 59 Earthquakes: between fatality and lucidity 36 Dak’art 2010: retrospective and perspective 60 Rosenclaire: investing in the immaterial 61 Homage to a ‘Visionary Africa’ 62 INTERACTION

Democratic Republic of the Congo: a demand for FOR YOUNG READERS 64 sovereignty 38 Africa’s re-birth in bronze 40 World Cup 2010 63 Food security remains at the heart of development strategies 42 Interview with Commissioner Piebalgs: ODA not sufficient to reach the MDGs 43 YOUR SAY/CALENDAR 64

The 2010 ACP Courier Photo Competition has been launched! ultural centre promoting artists from countries in Euro- Cpe, Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific and cultural For more information visit our website at exchanges between communities through performance or contact [email protected] arts, music, cinema, to the holding of conferences. It is a meeting place for Belgians, immigrants of diverse origins and European officials.

Espace Senghor Centre culturel d’Etterbeek Brussels, Belgium [email protected]

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 1 Ogoni boy, Niger Delta, Nigeria. © George Osodi Courtesy of the Centre for Fine Arts Brussels (BOZAR).

The 2 C urier Editorial

On the problem of neutral evaluation, especially in Africa's case

s the headlines read, Africa Europe in their evaluations of the road celebrates 50 years of inde- travelled since independence by the pendence this year. It is the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), object of attention in both the for example. This is not true, however, AfricanA and European press, though of Colette Braeckman in her article for it is mostly French-speaking African The Courier, which shows that despite countries that are celebrating their all the travails, threats and handicaps anniversaries, and the column inches which still exist, the DRC seems to be are therefore largely in the French- witnessing a new dawn. speaking press. In Belgium, the commemoration of The celebrations taking place on a large the anniversary of the independence of and official scale in the 17 African the DRC and of Africa has taken on a countries in question have provoked special importance, with a vast number caustic criticism from opponents. This of cultural activities centred on the is particularly true of Senegal, where major festival ‘Visionary Africa’, at the the highlight has been the inaugura- renowned Centre for Fine Arts (Bozar) tion of the colossal African Renaissance and the Brussels Film Festival. But Monument, apparently the largest in even culture is not immune to contro- the world. It has provoked an outcry versy. At the eleventh hour the festival among groups opposing the country’s removed from its programme the film President Wade, as well as in Europe. ‘Lumumba’, by the respected Haitian film-maker Raoul Peck, as it questions The Courier has visited the monument the role of the Belgian State or officials and reports in this issue on the history thereof in the assassination of the hero and artistic conception of the work, of Congolese independence, Patrice which has a theatrical quality which is Lumumba, a politician considered to perhaps pompous but no more or less so be upright even by his detractors. And than is the norm for this kind of symbol this at the same time as Raoul Peck is all over the world. The Courier provides a guest of honour at ‘Visionary Africa’. an account of comments by officials and citizens in Senegal, some of whom In any evaluation of the DRC since inde- consider that Senegal and the black race pendence, the currency flowing into the in general are indeed deserving of such country for its mineral resources and great symbols. In the French press, the squandering of these plays a major much space has been devoted to the role. It is hard to provide a verdict. At opposition’s charges regarding the cost the time of independence, the DRC had and poor taste of the celebration and to either one or two university-educated the personality of the president of the citizens, depending on which source is republic, and above all to a somewhat believed. Some have wondered whether negative assessment of the 50 years of any country could have managed with African independence. The monument only one or two citizens educated to has, however, cost the Senegalese treas- this level, when deals had to be struck ury nothing; it was a deal made with with a throng of experts from extremely North Korea, as President Wade points wealthy nations. And how and why did out, using his official speech to remind it come about that such a vast country us that Senegal’s independence fol- had only one or two citizens educated lowed five centuries of foreign presence at university? This question is in itself there, including the period of slavery an assessment. and colonisation. So as we can see, the evaluation can be So it is 550 years that need to be no more than a partial and biased one, assessed, and not 50. But it remains perhaps like any such assessment. the case that just before independence the country was a great deal richer than it is now, and this has been brought Hegel Goutier up by a number of commentators in Editor in chief

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 3 Profile

Anthony Hylton. "Trade and aid are still in Europe's interests"

Debra Percival genuine understanding of amounts of state aid into the Caribbean insisted on the needs of the Caribbean their own economies and this, other ACP countries, region”, says Hylton. created public deficits; in particularly given the amaican politician, trade terms amounting institutional arrangements Anthony Hylton, is a Is the EPA benefitting to a subsidy. At the same in the ACP itself, have not former Foreign and Jamaica? time, Caribbean countries, wanted to move beyond Trade Minister and including my own, are the confines of the ACP- J Energy Minister. Now We warned the incoming under International EU arrangements. Legally an opposition Member Jamaican government Monetary Fund (IMF) speaking, however, the of the Parliament, he has that the EPA was not Programmes. We are facing ACP group has a separate held the seat of Western truly developmental. ACP a tremendous amount of existence. Saint Thomas Parish for countries were being asked fiscal consolidation and the People’s National Party to sign away potential compression. This is the On the EU-Latin since 1993. His skills as benefits of the preferential context in which we must America-Caribbean negotiator for the Caribbean trade arrangements [ed: now open our market to Summit, 19 May 2010 region in drawing up notably sugar and bananas]. Europe. the Cotonou agreement As a lawyer, even now I The Caribbean needs to between African, Caribbean say that Cotonou’s sugar “Call it cooperation have a different kind of and Pacific (ACP) protocol was a binding or partnership, relationship with Latin states and the European arrangement. The EPA what is really America and Brazil. Some Union (EU) earned him does have potential. The call for a Latin American- National Honours from benefits are largely to needed is a genuine Caribbean arrangement the Government of Benin. be gained on the goods understanding of without the He fought for the interests side, but only if there is a the needs of the and Canada. We have had of the ACP in the Doha market-building exercise in Caribbean region” a dialogue between the Round of world trade the Caribbean. Caribbean EU, Latin America and the talks and for his region in people were given a three- Caribbean for some time concluding an Economic year moratorium [ed: easier The future of the ACP but my concern is that this Partnership Agreement access to the Caribbean Group is not tri-lateral. So far, (EPA) with the EU. Jamaica market for EU goods and Latin America has been is in the CARICOM bloc services is due to be phased The ACP Group was speaking to Europe and countries that signed an in from the end of 2011 founded in Georgetown, the Caribbean to Europe. EPA implemented at the on expiry of the Guyana in 1975. As Presumably if not restricted end of 2008 which will moratorium]. We never Minister, I argued that the to trade, there are wider, eventually lead to free trade thought that those three Georgetown Accord should global sets of issues that can with the EU. We spoke with years were sufficient. In the be given real life so that be discussed. him about recent ACP- intervening years we have the ACP could build other EU developments. “Call it had a global recession and kinds of relationships, with To read the full interview with cooperation or partnership, almost every EU country the United States, Asia and Anthony Hylton, see: what is really needed is a has pumped massive other groupings. Whilst

The 4 C urier Romano Prodi. A Road Map to increase African Integration © Foundation for Worldwide Cooperation

Andrea Marchesini Reggiani Cooperation, which through financing. we must be realistic: the addresses social, cultural, This thesis is still under idea of working without economic and political discussion, and has not China or the USA is fter holding the problems with the aim of been agreed upon by unthinkable in Africa today. role of Prime promoting new proposals everyone. Those who Rather, we should try to Minister of for collaboration in the oppose the idea of a strong work with them to find a Italy twice, as international context. AU are those who favour common policy towards wellA as President of the bilateral relations with those the continent, aiming to European Commission, The Courier met him at the African countries with strengthen the role of the what international position first big event organised which old ties exist. But AU and to define long-term does a politician aspire to by his foundation, the multilateral cooperation strategies at the continental next? Having overseen two ‘Africa, 53 Countries, One with and between African level, which are respectful of fundamental European Continent’ convention, countries is vital to their all local realities. projects – the single held on 21 May 2010 in future, and anyway, history currency and the fifth Bologna. Participants at has condemned bilateral Development policies enlargement of the EU the convention included relations. are at the basis of the (the sixth enlargement Abdoulaye Wade, President history of EU, but do you came under the Barroso of Senegal, Thabo Mbeki, For a while now, there think that they could be presidency) – Romano Prodi former President of South has been much discussion endangered as a result of has now decided to turn his Africa, Asha Rose Mgiro, about the impact of China the fear and selfishness attention to Africa. UN Deputy Secretary- on Africa. What should that seem to dominate General and Andris Europe’s position be? public opinion? In September 2008, United Piebalgs, EU Commissioner Nations Secretary-General for Development. It would be useful for the I had the privilege of being Ban Ki Moon selected Prodi EU, China and the USA to President in better economic as President of the African What is your view about come together, in order to times. We were able to carry Union-UN Peacekeeping the role of the AU in peace avoid a situation in which out important work, such as Panel, the aim of which keeping? Africa ends up as a pawn starting up finance to enable was to make relationships in a game between vying the AU to play an active role between the UN and I believe that it is important powerful countries. The in peace keeping. Despite the AU closer and more to increase the participation EU has gained a great some worries from public profitable. of the AU in the decision- advantage: unifying so many opinion, cooperation has making process and in different countries and remained a constant for the In addition to giving courses the execution of peace therefore asserting itself as a EU (the EU gives over half at prestigious universities, operations on the African model, and as a body which of worldwide public aid to he has created the continent, and to bolster is capable of exercising development) and I hope it Foundation for Worldwide its ‘peacekeeping capacity’ strong coordination. But stays this way.

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 5 To the point

Aerial view of makeshift tents in Port au Prince © AP / REPORTERS

Haiti : careful planning, not speedy reconstruction

Meeting with the Mayor of Port-au-Prince

Jean-Yves Muscadin Jason, the Jean-Yves Muscadin Jason, mayor of Port-au-Prince Mayor of Port-au-Prince, the capital © Hegel Goutier of Haiti laid waste by the earthquake Hegel Goutier encourage both reflection and the pro- of the 12th January, was invited to duction of plans like management, town Brussels at the end of April by the planning, public security and transport European Parliament’s Development programmes”. Committee. He also met the European explained to them”, he said to The Courier, “that before Interview Commissioner for International talking about reconstruc- Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and tion, you need a construc- HG – On 12 January, where were you “Ition plan. I have asked for support when everything collapsed under Crisis Response to give his views on the reconstruction process, stressing from the European Parliament for a your feet? long-term multidisciplinary develop- the importance of planning rather than ment centre for Port-au-Prince and J-Y M J – I was hosting an adminis- starting work straight away.* its metropolitan area, as this would trative meeting of the city council’s

The 6 C urier To the point

accept these people who arrive with everything and who are frightened of us, who don’t want to go into the so- called danger zones, what the NGOs call ‘red zones’ ? Now at least there is a local government which can provide reassurance, and take them to those areas where there are problems.

When an NGO arrives with thou- sands, or millions, of bags of rice and hands them out in a way lacking in all respect, that spoils people and distorts the economy. These bags of rice are subsidised. We have rice in Haiti. Why don’t we subsidise it to give to peo- ple? In the medium term, there’s no room on the market for our rice from Artibonite, which is an area that wasn’t hit by the earthquake.

In a few years’ time, our country will Water distribution in Port-au-Prince, January 2010. © Contrasto / REPORTERS start to ask these questions about aid again. We will either still be receiving aid, which will be a disgrace, or we finance department in an administra- programme we’ve started with several will be looking after ourselves. Either tive building. There was a dull thud, Mexican towns that we managed to set we have partners, or we have backers. and people ran out. I didn’t know up local civil protection units just a few Backers impose their own ideas, but what it was, and I went to get my days before the earthquake, with about partners take the time to talk things PDA (Blackberry) from the city council thirty technical staff who had just been over and work with you to find solu- building, and put it in my bag. Then trained. tions together. the building collapsed, and I found myself under the rubble, along with a Is it true that the earthquake has * The EU Development Commissioner few employees. There were other col- created a kind of positive cathar- Andris Piebalgs visited Haiti later. leagues who were stuck, and I went to sis? There seems to have been a lot look for help. We managed to get eve- of progress in Haiti in the last few ryone out, but there were several deaths years. at the run-down town hall, which had Haiti: EU-funded fallen down, and about a hundred at On the first days after the catastro- reconstruction begins the city council, including fifty school- phe, those who were on the streets children. The city council runs eight were citizens and volunteers linked European Commissioner for Devel- local schools, and all of these collapsed. to the city council. We managed to opment, Andris Piebalgs, signed get neighbourhood councils going, and the first five funding agreements for Did you yourself realise the extent of that’s what helped us deal with the the damage straight away? disaster. Besides, Haitians are fight- Haiti’s reconstruction during a visit ers, people who are used to struggling to Haiti, 23-24 April. They amount At first, no. It was when I came out that against adversity, and the earthquake to €200M of a total European Com- I realised it had been an earthquake. has shown our ability to respond. Our mission €460M package pledged so I went straight to speak to our civil experience in Haiti might be helpful to far for the country’s reconstruction. protection squad, and then out into other countries that suffer disaster like the streets to help people. I saw it was this. We got up, came together, and dug Piebalgs opened the first section a catastrophe. It was terrible. I went into the earth with our fingers, without of works of national road no.3 link- to several hospitals to look for doc- waiting for the tractors and excavators, ing Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien tors who could look after the seriously and we managed to save quite a lot of in the north of the country. He also injured. It was a traumatic experience, lives. It’s also a valuable opportunity inaugurated the construction site of and I’m still suffering from it. to build something new: we have to build and not rebuild, and find our own the new ‘administrative city’ which Why are the city council’s civil pro- Haitian solutions. And that can only be will replace the destroyed buildings tection units so important? done with citizens who are conscious housing Haiti’s state institutions, and what does that mean?, who have a sense laid the first stone of a school re-build The State in Haiti is weak, and it has of belonging to something on which never wanted the city council to be we have to work each day to improve in Mirebalais. “The future of Haiti lies strong. It’s true that there is a consti- and polish, and who must understand in government and people’s hands. tutional stipulation for administrative that they are the masters of their own And I want them to know that Europe and financial autonomy for councils, future. will be a determined partner for the but not all city councils have been fully coming years”, said Piebalgs prior set up yet. I came here in March 2007, Was this all done with the help of the and first I had to fight within the frame- international community? to the Haiti visit. The total amount work of decentralised cooperation with earmarked to date by EU Member foreign organisations to build up the We have received aid, but the kind States, the European Commission city council. When I arrived, there of aid that kills. When you receive and the -based Europe- was an embryonic volunteer organisa- five planes full of hundreds of bottles an Investment Bank (EIB) for longer- tion which worked directly with the of water, those plastic bottles stay in Interior Minister in the area of civil Haiti, and we have to deal with that. term projects is €1.235bn. protection. It’s thanks to the twinning How are we going to get Haitians to

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 7 Round up © Marie-Martine Buckens Marie-Martine ©

European diplomacy Badaguichiri market, Niger. The CAP negatively affects countrydeveloping agriculture.

Speaking to its partners with one voice: takes its first steps an ambitious and difficult goal. Five months after the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty, the 27 European Union (EU) act to promote comprehensive policies”, much emphasis on national Ministries member states finally agreed on 26 said the High Representative, Catherine of Justice. April they would establish the guidelines Ashton who is British. The head of for the future EU External Action Service French diplomacy, Bernard Kouchner, For their part, European develop- (EEAS). A compromise which has not agrees: “Europe needs this new dip- ment NGOs and non-European NGOs lomatic tool in order to act in a more (CONCORD, CIDSE, Aprodev, Oxfam, been to everyone’s taste. effective, clearer and more coordinated etc.) have demanded an “urgent and way”. comprehensive” revision of the EEAS Marie-Martine Buckens proposal, stating that it goes against This European diplomatic service European interests and those of the would be made up of around 5,000 poorest people in the world. In addi- people. A third would come directly tion, the NGOs will argue – with the urope needs an External from member states, and two thirds help of lawyers – that, under European Action Service, which from the Commission and the Council. Treaties, the role of the EEAS should will, in a coordinated However, before the service is put in be limited to the Common Foreign and manner, present our place, it will be necessary to win over the Security Policy (CFSP) of the Union response“E to the challenges which we European Parliament, which has threat- and, in any event, should exclude devel- face around the world and which will ened to block the service if it places too opment cooperation.

Call for CAP reform to achieve MDGs

The European Union’s (EU) Common Ag- den”, said Eckhard Deutscher, Chair of cies are simply out of sync with regard to ricultural Policy (CAP) must be urgently the Development Assistance Commit- developing countries”, said Deutscher. reformed if the eight Millennium Devel- tee of the Paris-based Organisation for opment Goals (MDGs) are to be met by Economic Cooperation and Development German Socialist Member of the Euro- 2015, says the Millennium Campaign for (OECD), at the recent launch of the study, pean Parliament Gabriele Zimmer said, Europe – the European branch of a United ‘Give Development a Chance – Europe’s “CAP reform will be a reality check for Nations’ interagency set up by former UN CAP needs urgent reform’, drawn up by the MDG package. As we will soon en- Secretary General, Kofi Annan, to support the Millennium Campaign. ter into the negotiations over the next EU citizens’ efforts to hold their governments budget, we need to fundamentally reform accountable for achieving the MDGs. “The biggest challenge the EU’s devel- a subsidies regime that stands for waste opment aspirations are facing is the lack at home and damage abroad”. “Official Development Assistance (ODA) of policy coherence. The trade, develop- cannot alone bear the development bur- ment, agriculture and environmental poli- Find out more:

The 8 C urier Round-up

Security guarantee for Sahelian countries

The armed wing of the former ruling Islamic Courts in Somalia, Al-Shabab is a powerful resurgent group and has been fighting foreign troops in the country since early 2007. © AP Photo

The “non-Maghreb” situation that Sahelian countries – or terrorism on to its neighbour the European Union, currently prevails between the five a southern flank. The authors of the with the prospect of new opportunities report see cooperation between states and also bringing new responsibilities, countries of Western North Africa and a Euro-Maghreb partnership as one and also opening up to its south, pre- could weigh on the security situation, of the keys to this lasting security, not senting many challenges, which is an both of the EU and of the Sahelian just for the countries of the Maghreb increasingly important factor in the bal- countries. That is the substance of the but for the region as a whole. ance of the entire region. For Europe, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa warning issued by the Thomas More Combating crime the strategic stakes are changing with Institute, a European think-tank. the need to consider the Maghreb and On the subject of combating crime and Sahelian area in its globality and its terrorism, the report’s authors stress its diversity.” “Maghreb and Sahelian” dimension and M.M.B. thus the need for all the Maghreb coun- With the upcoming series of meetings tries to be included in moves towards between the EU and ACP countries, common security with the Sahelian the UfM (Union for the Mediterranean) countries, “or even beyond, as suggested summit in Barcelona, the stated objec- n 7 April in Brussels, the by the links with South American drug tives of the Spanish presidency – which Thomas More Institute traffickers”, advises the report. wants to strengthen relations with the held a conference to present Maghreb and Africa, its favoured stra- its new report, Towards a “A new wider geographical tegic partners – and the new EU inter- sustainableO security in the Maghreb: an approach is needed that nal security strategy, is this a favour- opportunity for the region, a commit- encompasses the entire able context for a better awareness of ment for the European Union (EU). The Maghreb and Sahelian area” the stakes? “However you look at it”, fruit of several months of research and adds Lesueur, “there is no denying the interviews by a multidisciplinary team, “At the interface of two continents, the facts… On the migration issues, on the the report looks at the threats to lasting Maghreb region constitutes a crossroads, terrorism and trafficking threats, and on security in the Maghreb (Mauritania, historically, geographically and geostra- the border problems in the region, a new Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya), tegically”, Jean-Thomas Lesueur, general wider geographical approach is needed whether in the form of tension between delegate at the Thomas More Institute, that encompasses the entire Maghreb states, the challenges linked to immi- told us. “It is a region that is changing and Sahelian zone”. gration – from the region and from the rapidly and is opening up … opening up

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 9 Round-up

Hope for the Kalahari Bushmen

The visit to Botswana in March 2009 of James Anaya, United Nations spe- cial rapporteur on indigenous peoples, seems to have produced results. The Bushmen, driven from their ancestral lands in the Kalahari in 2002, will have their case heard once again by the High Court on 9 June.

M.M.B. diamond company that had apparently Agreement, namely respect for human announced its intention to mine the rights, democratic principles and the site. To get the Bushmen to settle in new rule of law. At these meetings, the pres- camps, the government sealed the well idency added, the government informed he question was also raised on the existing reserve. James Anaya the EU on the follow-up to the High at the European Parliament called on the government to reopen Court ruling. The presidency said that in March this year by Irish the well, considering that the Bushmen “according to our information, the San/ MEP Brian Crowley. He who had returned to the reserve were Bushmen nominated last December Tasked the EU Council “to assess the “facing deplorable and dangerous living their representatives who have been extent of the harassment facing the conditions due to their lack of access to tasked to discuss the issue with the Kalahari Bushmen”. water.” government. In order to find a solution to their relocation, contacts are now Flashback. On 13 December 2006, the Hearing underway with the government”. The High Court of Botswana declared the case will be heard again by the High expulsion of Gana and Gwi Bushmen to The reply to Brian Crowley’s question Court in early June. be “unlawful and anti-constitutional” on the part of Europe was cautious. The and that they were entitled to live on Spanish Presidency pointed out that the their ancestral lands in the Kalahari issue of the San/Bushmen was the sub- Central Reserve (KCR). These expul- ject of regular discussions between EU About 100,000 Bushmen still live in sions began a few years after diamond Heads of Mission and the Government deposits were discovered in the reserve of Botswana. These discussions take Botswana, Namibia, South Africa in 1980. The operating licence, which place in the context of Article 8 of and Angola, where they have lived belonged to De Beers, was sold to Gem the Cotonou Agreement that provides for tens of thousands of years. Diamonds, a new company set up with for formal and systematic dialogue on The Central Kalahari Game Re- employees of the former South African the three key elements of the Cotonou serve lies in the heart of Botswana. It was created to protect the tradi- tional lands of the 5,000 Gana, Gwi and Tsila Bushmen and their neigh- bours, the Bakgalagadi, as well as the wild animals on which they depend. Other Bushmen, the Bu- kakhwe, who live close to the Oka- vango Delta, in the northeast of the country, have concluded an agree- ment with the NGO Conservation In- ternational and the company Wilder- ness Safaris to set up an ecotourism camp. Conservation International sees this as an initiative that will en- able tourists to discover the cultural heritage of these Bushmen and for the latter to use the resulting finan- cial resources for development pro- jects, thereby reducing the burden on the wild fauna. A Basarwa woman smokes from a handmade pipe in Metsiamenong, a remote village in the heart of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Botswana. © Reporters

The 10 C urier Round-up

New ACP management team

Okechukwu Umelo

new team of Assistant Secretaries-General of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) haveA been appointed, which for the first time in the organisation’s history From left: Nthisana Matlhogonolo Philips, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, includes two women. Achille Bassilekin III and Michele Dominique Raymond. © ACP Secretariat

The four appointees are: Nthisana Matlhogonolo Philips (Botswana, Southern Africa), Head of the Development Finance and Intra-ACP Department of Administration, Programming. Finance and Human Resources; Achille Bassilekin III (Cameroon, Central The selection of the new management Africa), Head of the Department of team was announced by ACP Secretary- Sustainable Economic Development General, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, fol- and Trade; Michele Dominique lowing a competitive recruitment pro- Raymond (Haiti, Caribbean); Head cess in four of the six ACP regions. of the Department of Political Affairs Chambas underlined the qualities of and Human Development; and Paulo his new team which include its gender S. Kautoke (Tonga, Pacific), Head of diversity and varied professional experi- the Department of Macro-Economics, ences and competences. Paulo S. Kautoke. © ACP Secretariat Bayimba resounds in Uganda

The third edition of the festival will take place from 17-19 September, 2010 at the Uganda National Cultural Centre in Kampala

Catherine Haenlein

he first Bayimba International Festival of Music and Arts was held in 2008. It was, in fact, the Tfirst organised festival in Uganda’s his- tory and represented a brand new expe- rience for its people. A large and diverse Youngsters dance to Islamic matali rhythms. © Bayimba Cultural Foundation audience was mesmerised by the vibran- cy of the beats, sounds and colours ema- nating from an eclectic range of events. to the event, with a series of workshops diverse artistic forms has led to a profu- Since then, the festival has become an and pre-festival events in Gulu in May, sion of innovative cultural and creative eagerly anticipated annual event, and Mbarara in June and Mbale in July. exchanges, stimulating new forms of over 100 artists from Uganda, East artistic collaboration. The festival has Africa and beyond have performed on The organisation behind this cultural also played an important role in pro- its stages, with acts ranging from live phenomenon is the Bayimba Cultural jecting the music and arts of Uganda bands to dance, graffiti, storytelling, Foundation – a Kampala-based asso- and East Africa to both a local and an video mixing, fashion shows and ‘silent ciation whose vision is to make Uganda international audience. The Foundation disco’. – and East Africa as a whole – an charges no entrance fee, thereby ensur- important hub for music and art on ing that the event is accessible to the Plans for the third edition of the festi- the African continent. And the festival widest possible audience. val are well under way, and an exciting has indeed had a profound impact on range of live performances is expected. the creative and cultural landscape of For more information on the festival, please No less interesting will be the build up the region. The unique fusion of such see

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 11 Dossier © Reporters Photononstop © / Cape Verde Peninsula, Sal, Airport, bording. ACP aviation: Time for turn around

Debra Percival The absurdity of the lack of frequent ernments on a single African airspace connections between major capitals has been slow. It sets out the principle on the African continent operated by of free market access of eligible air indigenous African airlines was recent- carriers for intra-African connections. he link between the allevia- ly brought home when chatting with With passenger numbers expected to tion of poverty and a thriving a Congolese journalist colleague in soar over the next 15 years in the con- civil aviation industry may Dakar, Senegal. He was 4179 kilometres tinent, we look at the issues preventing not be obvious. Our focus miles from home yet the easiest way for a single market from taking off in the onT the sector in the following pages him to return was with an EU airline continent. highlights the development of aviation via Paris (Dakar-Paris, 4065 km) then – both for passengers and cargo – in boarding another plane flying a flag of We look too at growing Africa-EU African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) an EU member state to Kinshasa (Paris- cooperation in the sector from safety countries as key to economic and social Kinshasa 6,043 km). He almost doubled and security related matters, economic development. the time he should have spent in the air regulation, the environment, training – and carbon emissions – in addition to and funding for navigational aids which The dependency of a region on aviation having to submit to visa requirements will open up more regional airports is no greater than in the small island when transiting an EU member state. on the continent. The EU is offer- states of both the Caribbean and the His experience alone speaks volumes ing to share its own aviation develop- Pacific, but they are both encountering about the current domination of African ments including the Single European challenges. In the Caribbean, rising skies by EU-based airlines. Sky, which is an ambitious initiative to fuel costs and the global downturn reform the architecture of European air have hit airlines hard. In the Pacific, Africa’s single market awaits traffic control to meet future capacity however, there is optimism that polit- take-off and safety needs. ical cooperation and the arrival of smaller jets will increase services and But so far progress on the Yamoussoukro give tourism a boost. Decision of 1999 between African gov-

The 12 C urier Dossier

A Single African sky?

D. P. if and when liberalisation comes, dense point to point traffic will be needed if low cost carriers are to survive.

frican airlines have been hit European domination by the global financial down- turn. In February 2009 alone, Inter-continental flights to and from the African airlines posted a pas- African continent are currently domi- sengerA drop of 13.7 per cent, according nated by European operators which carry to AFRAA, the Nairobi-based African over 70 per cent of passengers to and from Airlines Association which groups 40 of the continent on a weekly basis. Back in the continent’s indigenous airline compa- the 1970s and the 1980s, Africa had 26 nies. This year the ash cloud over Europe, inter-continental airlines, including the caused by the eruption of Iceland’s vol- company Air Afrique covering 11 states. cano Eyjafjallajökull caused the cancella- Today just nine African carriers operate tion of some flights operated by African inter-continental routes says AFRAA. carriers with both passengers and cargoes of fresh fruit and vegetables and cut flow- Some African airlines have benefitted ers particularly from East Africa affected. from bilateral agreements with third countries in securing intercontinen- Such events of a more unpredictable and tal routes, says AFRAA. They include: volatile nature have compounded the Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Airways, South longer term issues of African airlines. African Airways, and Royal Air Maroc, They include safety, the connected issue Afriqiyah and Egyptair. But the body says of weak investment, the ‘brain drain’ of that there is a need for better intra-Afri- pilots and engineers and the slow progress can connectivity and further expansion towards liberalisation of African skies. is needed to shorten inter-city travel time and reduce costs. The Yamasoukkrou Decision on the Liberalisation of Air Transport Markets The issue of safety of African carriers is in Africa in 1999 set out to create a single a huge one, says AFRAA. It says that 58 African sky by 2002 but its implementa- per cent of the continent’s aircraft have tion has been slow. It is one of the areas an average age of 19 years. The aircraft where the EU feels that it can share construction company, Boeing puts the its “best practices”, the EU’s own sin- investment needed in the African fleet at gle airspace established in 1992 having $60bn between 2007 and 2027. increased the number of intra-EU routes by over 40 per cent and the number of What's more there are environmental airlines operating in the EU market by concerns connected to operating older more than 25 per cent. aircraft. AFRAA says that fleet renewal is vital to reduce the global carbon imprint AFRAA hopes that the liberalisation will of African airlines. Although the body lead to more low cost African airline oper- applauds the EU’s aviation carbon trad- ators and more passengers but it points ing initiative, it would prefer a global out that airlines need to be in a position approach initiated by the International to survive liberalisation and that invest- Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). ment is currently lacking. According to AFRAA statistics, the African continent AU-EU Aviation road map currently accounts for only four per cent of the world’s civil air traffic. It currently A roadmap for EU aviation cooperation has just seven low cost operators and between the EU and the African Union

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 13 Dossier

Commission (AUC) took off last year in Commission (AFCAC) to look at ways of al satellite, EGNOS, especially to improve Namibia at an EU-sponsored gathering of pushing ahead an African single aviation safety at regional airports on the African policy-makers, aeronautics industry rep- market into operation. continent. EGNOS already has receivers resentatives and service providers from in North Africa (see separate article). both continents. The outcome was more There was also agreement on further EU-AU cooperation to improve aviation cooperation in air traffic management Find out more: safety and security as well as implementa- and on dialogue on environmental con- tion of the Yamoussoukro Decision on cerns. liberalisation for air passengers and cargo. The EU agreed €750,000 of funding to Also in the pipeline is possible EU financ- the Dakar-based African Civil Aviation ing for an extension of its own navigation-

A regional centre of excellence for safety The European Union (EU) is providing funding for training at the African School of Meteorology and Civil Aviation. The Courier interviewed its Director, Sadamba Tchagbele.

Souleymane Mâazou the air space of member states. Today, EAMAC has 18 member states, includ- ing France. They include countries of ould you tell us about your central as well as west Africa. When institution? it was set up, EAMAC mainly com- prised French-speaking countries, but The African School of Mete- now also has Portuguese and Spanish- C orology and Civil Aviation speaking member states. (Ecole Africaine de la Météorologie et de l’Aviation Civile – EAMAC) is one What role does EAMAC play within of four training centres of the Agency the context of regional integration? for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (l’Agence pour la In terms of integration, our institution’s Sécurité de la Navigation Aérienne en role is essentially one of cooperation. In Afrique et à Madagascar – ASECNA), this respect, it contributes to a high degree located in Dakar, Senegal. Our institu- of integration among member states. tion celebrated its 50th anniversary last The tools of integration are our train- December. EAMAC has made an enor- ing institutions, in particular EAMAC mous contribution to ensuring safety in located in Niamey, Niger, ERSI in Douala Sadamba Tchagbele. © Souleymane Mâazou

The 14 C urier Dossier

(Cameroon), ERNAM in Senegal and the Training institutes must therefore keep adapt to them. Another related challenge APSEC centre (aviation security), also pace with developments by adapting to concerns the capacity of training centres. based in Senegal. These training centres technological developments in order to This involves scaling your training centre generally work and contribute towards meet the requirements of customers who to meet requirements, taking account of the integration of our states, in particu- want staff to be trained to carry out vari- the fact that needs vary. Discussions are lar with regard to the men and women ous tasks on board an aircraft or on the taking place at the African level, with the involved in aerial navigation services in ground. I would like to make a distinc- assistance of ICAO, to create synergies our states. EAMAC has received funding tion here because ASECNA is prima- between the African training centres. from the EU to provide training. rily an aerial navigation service provider. It does not encompass on-board areas, Another challenge is language training What are the main challenges in the but ensures the smooth management (ed: the ICAO has decided that from field of safety and training? of flights, in particular to prevent colli- March 2011 no pilot or air traffic control- sions. All of our training meets the stand- ler can practise unless they are proficient They are primarily technological. In the ards and practices recommended by the in English). This is a significant challenge field of aeronautics, aircraft are being International Civil Aviation Organisation for us, as we are mainly French speaking. built to go faster, are increasing in size (ICAO), the international body which and are being designed to travel great- establishes regulations aimed at ensuring Are you facing any other difficulties? er distances. Various safety provisions safety in the air space of all countries. have to be met regarding each of the Yes, above all in terms of funding for the aspects I mentioned. There are many Do you face other challenges? training institutions. However, the crisis safety challenges concerning technology, is a global one. The economic and finan- aircraft construction and in-flight service. Yes, in particular with regard to require- cial crises obviously have repercussions Aircraft control panels have advanced ments planning. This is one of the issues for institutions like ASECNA, and as we enormously. ICT (information and com- under discussion today at the African level belong to ASECNA, we inevitably feel the munication technology) has extended into – how can requirements be better com- impact of these events which are having a all fields, including aviation. municated to enable training centres to global effect.

Madagascar. © Laif / Reporters

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 15 Dossier

Pacific: At the cusp of a mini-revolution?

Will more regional co-operation between governments and the arrival of smaller jets open the Pacific’s skies and boost tourism receipts?

Dev Nadkarni

or almost all island countries in the Pacific region tourism has always been either the biggest or the second biggest single revenueF earner after remittances – and certainly the biggest avenue for both direct and indirect employment.

But natural factors like long distances and thin markets – small markets with low seat loads where frequent flights are not economically viable - have conspired with issues ranging from inadequate infrastructure and perceptions of politi- cal instability to – more recently – eco- logical uncertainty, undermining the true potential of the region’s beautiful destinations.

This has resulted in under investment both in the infrastructure and transport sectors leading to high costs, less-than- optimal services and slow growth in the islands’ economies that almost entirely depend on tourism for their survival.

Long, thin routes – typically of three hour or longer duration that require jet aircraft but with low passenger demand - and lack of appropriate aircraft to cost- effectively address this twin problem have plagued the aviation industry for decades, making some sectors in the region among the most expensive in the world.

Added to that, a practicable air services agreement called PIASA (Pacific Islands Air Services Agreement) remained non-ratified for years, delaying a much needed open-skies policy across the region – though good progress is now being made with better understanding between governments.

An airplane flies over Aitutaki the Cook Islands. © Reporters

The 16 C urier Dossier

TIDES [medium to long distance; with low seat craft in CPAs between operators. This occupany] nature of Pacific island air refers to code shares between airlines At a recent European Union funded routes and could offer solutions to the involving the capacity of the whole of "Tourism Investment for the Develop- region’s long standing problems. the aircraft shared between two partner ment of Enterprise and Sustainability" airlines.The slice and dice concept pro- conference in Samoa (TIDES) the More studies were necessary, he said, but poses that the cabin of a single aircraft Pacific Asia Travel Association’s (PATA) solutions could be worked out around be shared between three, four or five Sydney-based Regional Director PIASA. One idea – though never tried or more different airlines instead of the Chris Flynn, said Capacity Purchase anywhere else in the world so far but one usual share practice of only two airlines Agreements (CPA) between operators that holds promise for the islands region being involved. innovatively tweaked around the real- according to Mr Flynn – was to slice and ities of the uniquely long and thin dice the cabin capacities of larger air- China has introduced a number of Pacific Island nations to its preferred tourist destinations

The region, however, is at the cusp of a mini revolution in aviation with the arrival of the new generation of smaller regional jets that are economical to run with lower seat load factors. Also, their appearance in the region – especially in Australia – coincides with new trends within island governments to co-operate regionally that will hopefully lead to more open skies sooner rather than later. Smaller jets

The proliferation of smaller capacity jets with concomitant open skies will undoubtedly bring a whole new world of opportunities for Pacific Island tour- ism where it would become possible to island hop and experience more than one island destination in the course of one holiday because of convenient inter- island connectivity – something that is achieved today only by cruise ships.

With the world emerging out of the recession, tourist arrivals from New Zealand and Australia, the region’s primary source markets, have already begun to improve. Interest in the region is also bound to skyrocket from more non-traditional markets following the Shanghai Expo between May and October this year where the Pacific Islands have a combined pavilion that will be among the largest at the event.

In addition, China has introduced a number of Pacific Island nations to its preferred tourist destinations: all this holds promise for ever growing tourist numbers as can already be seen by the increased number of flights between Pacific destinations and Asia and the US over the past 12 months.

An airplane flies over Aitutaki the Cook Islands. © Reporters Savai'i, Samoa. © D. Percival

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 17 Dossier

Jamaica, Montego Bay, Buccaneer Beach right at the Sangster International Airport. © Reporters Turbulent times for Caribbean airlines

Rising fuel prices, coupled with the Victoria Burbidge Addressing the country’s House of Parliament, Prime Minister Golding global recession, have had a negative said the airline had wracked up losses impact on the sustainability of the of J$126bn, including losses of J$31bn Caribbean’s indigenous airlines. Some ne airline which has recently over the last three years. Details of the have been forced to merge or cease opted to quit the market is sale are yet to emerge but it is expect- Air Jamaica. After operating ed that Caribbean Airlines will con- operations. in the industry for 41 years, tinue to operate routes that support the OJamaica’s national carrier has thrown Jamaican tourism product, which has in the towel. An agreement for its pur- its major market in North America. chase by Trinidad and Tobago-owned Caribbean Airlines was expected to be Ian Bertrand, aviation consultant and finalised late April 2010. According former chief executive of British West to Jamaica’s Prime Minister, Bruce Indian Airways (BWIA), the prede- Golding the continued loss making cessor to Caribbean Airlines said Air operation was the main reason for the Jamaica’s failure was due mainly to sale. It was also one of the country’s its mandate to fully support the coun- conditionalities for Jamaica securing try’s tourism product. “If you want to an agreement with the International lose money, support tourism, support Monetary Fund (IMF). routes that are strongly ethnic”, he told the Courier. “It is not that the manage-

The 18 C urier Dossier

Air Jamaica Airbus. © Shutterstock

ment was bad, the mission statement Bahamasair is the national carrier ride. In 1971, 75 per cent of its shares was wrong.” of the Bahamas. It was set up after were acquired by Court Line, a well- the discontinuation of service to the known British charter airline. Courtline New environment Bahamas by British Airways in 1970 went bankrupt three years later but to and Pan American Airlines in 1973 due save the airline, 11 Caribbean coun- But Norman Girvan, Professorial to the fuel crisis leaving a void in tries came to the rescue and bought Research Fellow at the University of the Bahamian transportation industry. the airline. the West Indies’ (UWI) Graduate Tourism and the lives of persons living Institute of International Relations in on the Islands were hurt. According to To save it from bankruptcy again, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago the airline’s website, since the 1990s LIAT was partially privatised again in pointed out that the operating environ- it has faced several challenges includ- 1995 and in January 2007 it announced ment for the airlines industry today ing the loss of revenue particularly on an intended merger with regional com- is vastly different from what it was routes to the United States and escalat- petitor, Caribbean Star Airlines. They when BWIA and Air Jamaica were ing costs. The Board of the carrier then entered into a commercial alliance, in their heyday. “Deregulation and mandated that the airline only engage involving the flying of a combined Information Technology have brought in routes that would be profitable for schedule. However in June 2007, the a large number of new players into the the company. It has also introduced share holder Governments of Barbados, industry and changed the way of doing several initiatives to plug the holes in Antigua and St. Vincent instead gave business. Low-cost operating, no frills the carrier. These included the conver- the go ahead to the Board of Directors services, discounting and differential sion of its fleet to more fuel efficient to buy out Caribbean Star Airlines in pricing are among the hallmarks of ones. October 2007. LIAT has subsequently the new business models,” he said in changed its slogan to ‘LIAT, Star of a recent presentation on Caribbean Bertrand says that Surinam Airways the Caribbean’. The airline is owned air transportation. “Fuel price increas- has also faced financial difficulties. by seven Caribbean governments, with es, security and environmental con- Established in 1955, the airline started three (Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, cerns and global recession have greatly its domestic activities and scheduled and St. Vincent and the Grenadines) increased the cost and volatility of the services between Paramaribo, the capi- being the major shareholders. business environment”, he added. tal, and the small bauxite town of Moengo, using pleasure planes. On 30 Bertrand predicts that competition It is not the first time that a Caribbean August, 1962, the Surinamese Luchtvaart from the bigger players in the market airline is exiting the market. BWIA was Maatschappij was officially established. will get “stiffer”. He says that the region wound up in 2006. “It was privatised It was only after the Dutch speaking does not have the financial capacity to in the 1990s and continued to make country’s independence that the air- sustain loss-making airlines. “This is losses, and has now reverted to state line established a transatlantic route to not an industry for the faint hearted or ownership. Its rebranding as Caribbean Amsterdam in the Netherlands. shallow pockets”, he said. Airlines however was a strategic move and may reflect its long-term ambi- LIAT’s bumpy ride International carriers from North tion”, said Girvan. America and Europe such as JetBlue, Bertrand was cautious however about Jet Air, Air Tran and Westjet have been Bertrand, the man in-charge at BWIA commenting on the operations of capitalising on the Jamaican market. In at the time said, “BWIA failed largely Leeward Islands Air Transport Services just one year the four carriers expand- because it was undercapitalised… it flew (LIAT). Headquartered in Antigua ed into Jamaica. Traditional carriers unprofitable routes”. He further pointed in the Eastern Caribbean, LIAT was such as US Airways, American Airlines, that the other regional airlines were founded in 1956 and today services 22 British Airways and Delta have also also experiencing difficulties, notably destinations in the Caribbean. Over the expanded their scheduled services. Bahamasair and Surinam Airways. years the airline has also had a bumpy

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 19 Dossier

EU grounds African airlines

An EU ban on over 100 African D. P. Tome and Principe, Sudan, Swaziland airlines from its airspace is and Zambia. Further, the majority of benefitting EU companies, says the aircraft of one company of the Comoros, Air Service Comoros are banned from African Airlines Association (AFRAA) he latest update of the EU’s entering EU skies, as are all aircraft of based in Nairobi, Kenya. regularly revised ‘blacklist’ of Rwanda’s Silverback Cargo Freighters. international air companies that do not comply with EU European winners regulationsT was published on 30 March 2010. Eleven – out of a total of 17 coun- “The ultimate beneficiaries of the ban tries – and a total of 111 companies on are European airlines which dominate the list are from sub-Saharan Africa. African skies to the disadvantage of African carriers. If any list is to be AFRAA says that the EU list dam- published, it should be done so by the ages both the reputation and business of ICAO, the global regulatory of avia- many scheduled African airlines whose tion safety, which has a known track safety records and adherence to safe- record of impartiality”, says AFRAA’s ty standards of the International Civil Secretary General, Nick Fadugba. Aviation Organisation (ICAO) are com- parable to the best airlines anywhere in AFRAA argues that the majority of the the world. African airlines on the list have never EU's 'banned' logo. © EC operated scheduled flights to Europe, The ultimate beneficiaries of do not plan to do so and have no air- the ban are European airlines craft with the range to fly to any EU which dominate African skies state.“The list includes many airlines to the disadvantage of African that only exist on paper and are not carriers operational”, says AFRAA. The United States (US) has a more useful position, The banning of all Sudanese carriers – it says, with regards to African air safety due to a poor safety performance of the challenges having launched a ‘Safe Skies civil aviation authority of Sudan and for Africa’ initiative to upgrade African persistent non-compliance with inter- aircraft capacity by developing skills national standards in area of oversight and provide infrastructure to improve – is one of the new entries in this thir- safety. “All this is being done at a time teenth update. And although Angola’s when only a few US carriers are operat- airlines remain blacklisted, the ban on ing to Africa”, says AFRAA. It wants TAAG Angola Airlines has been partially the EU to emulate the US programme lifted, meaning that the airline can now with its own safety improvement pro- operate under certain conditions with gramme for the African continent. specific aircraft to all destinations in the EU. “We are ready to support countries that need to build up technical and Those countries whose carriers are administrative capacity to guarantee the blacklisted are; Angola (see exception), necessary standards in civil aviation”, Benin, the Democratic Republic of says EU Commissioner for Transport, Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Sim Kallis Gabon (with the exception of three carriers that are able to operate under To view the full list: restrictions and conditions), Liberia, transport/air-ban/list_en.htm Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Sao

The 20 C urier Dossier

EGNOS: EU satellite for African skies?

The African Union (AU) and European Union (EU) are cooperating on how to improve satellite communication navigation in African skies to enhance safety and propel the continent’s economic development forward. One option is to extend the EU’s own European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System (EGNOS) to the whole of the African continent, its benefits extending to aviation and beyond.

D. P. from ground systems placed in North potential of an EGNOS-like system was Africa. identified in the first Action Plan of the 8th partnership of the Africa-EU strat- “Aircraft from the EU to Africa and egy dealing with Science, Information hen jointly used with vice versa will be able to use the same Society and Space. the existing Global navigation instruments over both con- Positioning System (GPS) tinents. It is also worth mentioning that A decision on the all-important and other satellite con- the same signal is being used in the USA issue of funding could come at stellationsW presently under develop- and in Japan, and is being developed in ment, EGNOS will reduce accidents India and Russia”, says Fabio Pirotta, the end of year at the Africa-EU on approach and landing particularly spokesperson for the EU’s Enterprise Summit for regional airports without traditional and Industry Commissioner, Antonio navigational aids. EGNOS consists of Tajani. “An already completed cost- The political go-ahead from the EU for three geostationary satellites and a net- benefit analysis of deploying a system EGNOS (or a similar system) for Africa work of ground stations. It transmits a like EGNOS calculates a gain of €1bn and a decision on the all-important issue signal containing information on the for African society,” adds Pirotta. of funding could come at the end of year reliability and accuracy of the position- at the Africa-EU Summit to be held in ing signals sent out by GPS and allows Improved air transport navigation and Tripoli, Libya on 29-30 November 2010, its users to determine their position to safety standards in African skies were says Pirotta. “The building of EGNOS within 1.5 metres. Aircraft flying over priorities pinpointed at the first Africa- has cost over €700M to cover Europe. the northern part of the African con- EU aviation high-level meeting in Any solution to cover Africa would tinent can already receive information Windhoek, Namibia in April 2009. The involve sharing part of the EGNOS infrastructure and would hence cost substantially less”, he adds. The sky’s the limit

Beyond aviation, EGNOS has spin-offs in other sectors and could be applied to improve knowledge of the positioning of seagoing vessels, animal husbandry and land management as well applications in the oil and mining industries.

The EU wants to extend EGNOS to Africa which uses exsiting navigation satellite constellations (GPS, Glonass) and potentially Galileo - a system of 30 satellites in medium orbit in development). © ESA

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 21 Civil Society on the move ©Islamic Relief Worldwide, Stefano Massimo children from pastoralist families in education during a drought. Pupils at the Umar Al Farooq School, Kenya. Islamic Relief funding for the school’s rehabilitation kept

A cultural understanding

Islamic Relief (IR) is a faith-based Non – Islamic Relief Governmental Organisation (NGO), but it does not just assist Islamic In Chad, the EU is presently co-fund- values of the Islamic faith that guide its ing with IR an 18 month ‘Community actions. “The act of giving is not only communities in developing countries, Development project in the Salamat one of generosity but also to fulfil rights as its speedy aid to Haiti showed. Canton’ (€563,243) to promote local to the poor”, she explains. IR was one of empowerment in 118 villages. the first NGOs to go into Haiti following the January 12 earthquake. In Sudan and D. P. Although it is particularly active in Ethiopia, IR also implements projects African nations with Muslim communi- with non-Muslim communities as it is ties – Chad, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Somalia, the case in Juba (South Sudan). Sudan and Malawi – Douik says it is the et up in 1984 and based in Birmingham, the United Kingdom, it works with the world’s poorest communities Sregardless of race, religion or gender, Vital aid to Sudan explains Sarah Douik, its Brussels-based international officer. Its partners in over In 1984, Sudan was the first country of the dividends of peace to communi- 30 countries implement and coordinate where IR worked following the famine. ties, are being implemented by 48 na- aid, from the provision of water supply Many of the projects are focussed on tional and international NGOs. to education and emergency humanitar- conflict recovery and include drilling IR emphasises the importance of a sec- ian aid. boreholes, improving health facilities ond phase of the project which could be The act of giving is not one of and reintegrating refugees. hampered because Sudan did not sign generosity but also a duty to fulfil IR is also leading an NGO EDF support- the Cotonou Agreement (2000-2020) rights to the poor ed consortium under a Rehabilitation before the deadline, July 1, 2009 and is Douik says that it has easier access to and Recovery Programme. EU-funded so not currently eligible for funding un- Muslim grassroots communities espe- (initially for 2006-2009 with €54.3M der the 10th EDF (2008-2013). In March cially through using local technical from the 9th EDF), and administered by 2010, the European Commission told experts and a few senior expatriates from other developing nations. In Chad its the United Nations Development Pro- IR and other European NGOs active in country director is Mauritanian and in gramme (UNDP), it is reaching 800,000 Sudan in writing that it is trying to find a Mali, Moroccan. Its funders include the people in ten areas across rural Sudan. solution to address the vulnerable popu- European Commission Humanitarian Individual projects which include ex- lations in Sudan using unspent 9th EDF Office (ECHO) and the EU’s European Development Fund (EDF), , panded agricultural production, medical funds (2000-2007). the United States, France, the United treatment, job creation and explanations Kingdom and Sweden.

The 22 C urier Civil Society on the move

African Civil Society

Organisations missing out people of jobs, and according to Holslag by the belief that China has contacts with local political elites. He said there was a general perception of China being on dialogue with China “a negative and new colonising power”. No home grown CSOs

D. P. Society Organisations (CSOs) and other But the conference also put the spot- actors”, said Stefaan Marysse, Professor light on the lack of home grown African of Political Economy at UCSIA. Zoom CSOs to raise such issues of China- into a map of the infrastructure of Africa relations. Many of the continent’s n many parts of sub-Saharan sub-Saharan Africa in the 1950s still CSOs, said Anthony Otieno Ong’ayo, Africa, China is emerging as an under colonial rule and compare it with had been set up with European funding economic – and political – power. that of 2010. They are almost identical specifically to address European issues. But more needs to be done to get and show that such investment remains He called for wide-ranging pan-African civilI society organisations (CSOs) in outward looking – towards seaports – CSO dialogue to address and raise the both Africa and China involved in mon- as opposed to creating transport links problems linked to China’s presence in itoring the deals done between African within the continent. “Economic rela- Africa governments and Chinese consortia, tions with China are very much the heard a conference, ‘China, Africa and same as a colonial power but without the Within China, CSOS are a fairly recent the European Union’, organised by political domination”, said Marysse. phenomenon, put at 870,000 in 2002, the Institute of Development Policy said Otieno Ong’ayo. They have mini- and Management of the University of Other issues which should be taken on mal contact with the international com- Antwerp (UCSIA), Belgium. by both Chinese and African CSOs munity, he said. The status of unregis- include the conditions of labour used by tered Chinese CSOs is precarious and China’s push into Africa is often cited Chinese companies in Africa, environ- they lack legitimacy and face fund- as “win–win” for both China and Africa mental degradation created by Chinese ing difficulties whereas the activities where African governments exchange projects and the new xenophobia of those that are registered are lim- commodities such as oil, cobalt copper, emerging in Africa directed at China, ited by government policy; they can gold, ore and diamonds for Chinese con- Jonathan Holslag, Head of Research at neither advocate nor organise. Otieno cessionary loans used for much needed the Brussels Institute of Contemporary Ong’ayo thus called for Chinese CSOs infrastructure investment for economic Chinese Studies said. He alleged 40 to form partnerships with similar CSOs growth. murders of Chinese on the continent in in China and also for more partnerships the last five years. The growing tension between Chinese CSOs and African “The challenge is how this will trick- beyond peaceful protests is being pro- academia. le down to the ordinary people. This voked by Chinese companies bringing is what should be analysed by Civil in their own people and depriving local See:

A visitor viewing items exhibited at the Africa Pavilion at World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China. © Reporters / Novosti

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 23 Round up © ACP

“For me, access to Rithy Panh and Gaston Kaboré in the Pavillon “Les Cinémas du Monde” in Cannes. images is a right” Interview by Elisabeth Lequeret* Journalist and critic for Cahiers du Cinéma

Rithy Panh, the Cambodian director ou were patron of this year’s and who also want to showcase it. of the famous documentary ‘S21- la Cannes Film Festival, along machine de mort khmère rouge’ with the actress Sandrine You are a renowned film-maker (The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine), Bonnaire, of the Les and in 2006 you also founded the YCinémas du Monde Pavilion ... Bophana audiovisual resource cen- talks to us about a productive tre, in Phnom Penh … working reationship with Imagine, It was an honour and a great experi- Gaston Kaboré’s training centre in ence. I came into this with lots of We wanted to grow in three direc- intentions: that there would be an tions: memory, training and produc- Ouagadougou. exchange, a meeting point with these tion. We started off with the most twelve young filmmakers, including pressing, memory. Given our history six who incidentally are from the ACP and the state of audiovisual archives area. We need to back the future, and in Cambodia, collecting and restor- they are the future. It was wonderful ing the existing archives, which were to meet the young Nigerian filmmak- disappearing as a result of a lack of er, Elhadj Magori Sani, and discover money, was a must. At the same time, his impressive documentary, ‘For the we trained archivists and researchers. best and for the onion’. Our role is to We recently received a grant to put tra- talk about them. I'll keep in touch to ditional Cambodian music online for see how they develop and how I can be free. It is published as open content. of help. I hope that more like Gaston Those who download the music can, if Kaboré and Rithy Panh emerge, peo- they wish, help us by making a dona- ple who make the cinema they like, tion, within their means: one Euro,

The 24 C urier Round up

The band from RDC "Staff Benda Bilili" at the opening of the Directors' Fortnight in Cannes. © ACP

two Euros or more. The money will be used to save Cambodian culture.

How many people work at Bophana Actress Sandrine Bonnaire (centre) with M.R Makongo, President of the Committee of ACP Ambassadors (left) and and what type of organisation is it? Mrs Jeanette Kavira Mapera, Minister for culture and arts in the DRC. Accompanied by young ACP directors invited to the Cannes festival, they ascend the stairs together for the screening of the film by Chadian, Houroun who was Thirty-five, whose average age is winner of the jury prize. © ACP under 30. It is a non-profit associa- tion. The idea is to create a structure, then at a later point, when the state has the funds, hand it over to them, It’s a project dealing with access to people should get more involved in so that in the next ten years, Bophana images: what are the images? South-South exchanges. This is not a will become the National Cinema of Images from the films produced by the money issue, but a political one. And Cambodia. Imagine centre, and perhaps eventu- an issue of mutual trust. Everyone At the same time, we also have to ally images from television and films must assume their own responsibili- train technicians, to build the core shown in the Cinema of Ouagadougou. ties. If Gaston and I wanted to do professions. At the moment we have There is no point in digitising images business, we would. But we love our two training programmes, for cam- if they are then left on a shelf. For countries, we love our culture, our era operators and sound technicians, a project to work you need the com- people, everything. taught by Cambodian technicians who mitment of a professional. Gaston is I trained myself ten years ago. We try a great filmmaker. He really wants to Do you have projects in other coun- to include people outside the system, convey something. He realised that it tries in the ACP zone? people who are disadvantaged. Every was he who for years had brought eve- time I go into a paddy field, I think ryone together at Fepaci (Federation Five African countries are interested that there may be an Eisenstein look- of African Filmmakers). He is a man in the project. They are going to come ing after the oxen. of integrity. All this interests me. He to Bophana to see how it works and wants to help us; I want to help him, perhaps, eventually, Imagine will take When did your work with Imagine, it’s natural. I am therefore kept up to over and work with them. Gaston Kaboré’s training centre in date with what he does in the train- Ouagadougou, start up? ing field. He has very good ideas, Which countries? like bringing in professionals from Two years ago. Gaston is a great film- animated films. I applauded his move We have been liaising with maker and a great friend. He started to build a centre where disadvantaged Mozambique and Rwanda. We need working in the area of training, where young people could sleep and work. to identify the countries where the he is much more advanced than us. We cannot do this at Bophana because memory-related need is urgent. We For example, Imagine is already work- of a lack of space, but it's a great idea! have met with people, but the way they ing on an animation project. On the operate is a little too expensive. There other hand, there was no equipment “Ideally, French-speaking are too many members of staff. We available to access images at Imagine. people should get more need to discuss these choices. Gaston’s Ouagadougou is almost like the Mecca proposal is to create three or four posi- for cinema in black Africa. Gaston involved in South-South tions, and then expand according to Kaboré does not, of course, claim to be exchanges” demand. Because there is work to be replacing the Cinema of Ouagadougou. done; we have to work with those in Rather, in a more modest way, Imagine Are you working on projects together? education, to make one’s voice heard. sets out to provide public access to the At first people think it's not free, or cinema, not only in Burkina Faso, but Yes, film cycles. And archivists from that it is complicated but our system also continent-wide. My principle is to Imagine have come to train with us. is as easy to use and fun as an Internet always invite people to come to see us. They learnt about our technology, then search browser. So, Gaston came to Cambodia, with a a computer expert from Cambodia representative of the centre to observe. spent one month in Burkina Faso to * You can find the whole interview in Then they wrote up the project, tailored help get the project started. It works French on the Courier website: to their own needs. Bophana has lent its very well. They speak to one another expertise, that's all. Mostly technology. in French. Ideally, French-speaking

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 25 Discovering Europe © Marie-Martine Buckens Marie-Martine © Arromanches – what's left of the artificial Mulberry harbour built in June 1944

Liberty Road

Report by Marie-Martine Buckens neighbour, the Netherlands, to be freed the fact that three quarters of it was from the Nazis after another horrify- razed to the ground by the end of the ing battle, the Battle of the Ardennes, Second World War, and following the centred around the town of Bastogne ‘Road to Freedom’ – a route running ixty-six years ago, after long, in Belgium. This issue’s ‘Discovering from the landing beaches to Bastogne secret preparations, the allied Europe’ section looks at these events. – visitors will encounter the past but, landings began on the beaches The main focus is on Normandy – or more importantly, the present as well. of Normandy on 6 June 1944. more precisely Lower Normandy; until In particular those men and women TheS liberation of the European coun- the versatile French decided to reunite who, through hundreds of associations, tries occupied by Hitler’s Germany was the Lower and Upper parts – the ancient are cooperating with their counterparts under way. The landing, followed by dukedom whose name harks back to the in the South, as this region has based the Battle of Normandy, paved the way arrival of the Vikings ten centuries ago. its ethos on adopting an ‘international for the , and then the outlook’. whole of France. Four months later, it Leaving Caen, which is still known as was the turn of Belgium and its northern the ‘city of a hundred steeples’ despite

The 26 C urier Discovering Europe

From Normandy to Bastogne

ainte-Maire-Eglise is a small cliffs, they had to cover 400 metres of village just a stone’s throw open ground. By 8 o’clock, more than A look back at history away from Madeleine Beach, half of the 6,000 men in the first four which became legendary waves were either dead or wounded. underS the codename ‘’. By the first evening of Operation On 6 June 1944 at 1 o’clock in the Overlord, 35,000 men had landed, but During the Second World War, the morning, 15,000 American parachut- 3,000 were left on the sands in what Axis powers controlled most of Eu- ists dropped into the area. After three would go down in history as ‘Bloody rope, with the exception of Great hours of fierce fighting, Sainte-Mère- Omaha.’ Eglise became the first French vil- Britain. The USA, a rising economic lage to be liberated. Shortly before- Further along the coast, Arromanches- and industrial power, achieved deci- hand, the English took possession of les-Bains, at the far end of Gold sive military victories in the Pacific Bénouville bridge, an impasse to the Beach, was taken by the English on in 1944 and the Allied troops were north of Caen, a prefecture in Lower the morning of June 6. Once the Normandy. German defences had been breached, fighting in North Africa. On the east- the Allies faced the problem of how to ern front, Soviet forces had great An impressive Allied fleet, made up of get fresh supplies through and land difficulty in holding back the Ger- 7,000 war ships and landing vessels, heavy equipment, as all the major mans despite logistical support from appeared along the Norman coast- ports, like Le Havre and Cherbourg, line. They were confronted with the were in the hands of the Germans. the Americans. Stalin suggested Atlantic Wall, a daunting network of Arromanches was chosen as the site that the Allies also carry out opera- 12,000 blockhouses and artillery posi- for the construction of an incredible tions in Western Europe to provide tions stretching from Norway to the 500-hectare artificial port codenamed relief for his front. The Allied com- Spanish border. ‘Mulberry’. With a landing capacity of 7,000 tonnes of cargo a day, this manders – Roosevelt for the USA, ‘Bloody Omaha’ artificial port was a key factor in the Churchill for Great Britain and Stalin progress made by the Allied forces. for the USSR – decided to open up The landing itself was able to get It helped to secure the gradual lib- the front in France, more specifically under way. At Omaha Beach, just to eration of Normandy and in particu- the east of Utah Beach, a first wave lar , a town close to Mont in Normandy, where the Germans of American soldiers leapt into the Saint-Michel, freed by General Patton least expected it. It was decided water from the landing vessels. It was on 31 July 1944. that the invasion would take place low tide and to reach the foot of the from Great Britain, which became a military hub where equipment was stored and thousands of soldiers were trained.

Sixty-six years on, this battle re- mains the most significant logisti- cal operation of the landing. Three million soldiers, mainly American, British and Canadian but also from other Allied forces (French army, Polish, Belgian, Czech, Dutch and Norwegian troops) crossed the Eng- lish Channel to land in Normandy; 130,000 arrived on D-Day.

The Bayeux Memorial commemorating the Battle of Normandy © Marie-Martine Buckens

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 27 Discovering Europe

Torches every kilometre of the way The battle of Normandy – a constant reminder at the Caen Liberty Road begins in Sainte-Mère- memorial Eglise. Stone markers, erected at one- kilometre intervals, line the route and Built on the site of a former blockhouse the event? It most certainly is, judging a torch is carved on each of them. where the German General Richter had by the number of tourists from Europe, The route crosses France from west his command post, the role of the Caen Canada, America and Asia who cross to east until it reaches , where it goes northwards to Luxembourg and memorial goes beyond exhibiting the the landing beaches. before finishing in Bastogne, in history of the landings. It has the greater Belgium, a distance of 1,145 km. ambition of encouraging reflection about ‘La poche de Falaise’ peace by presenting the history of the In December 1944, the Germans launched a final offensive in the 20th century. In this respect, it is the only Tourists also flock to another memorial, Ardennes. For Hitler and his chief-of- museum in the world offering a complete nestling in the heart of the Auge region, staff it was the last throw of the dice. look at the period from 1918 to the pre- at ‘La poche de Falaise’ where a key While the Battle of Bastogne was just sent day. battle took place in August 1944. After another chapter in this bloody conflict, its outcome was crucial to the defeat the capture of Cherbourg at the end of of the Nazi army. The German army Its activities are never-ending. Enjoying June, the allies’ progression was halted. came face to face with the American a strategic position around 12 kilometres Operations Epsom, Charnwood and divisions. On 22 December, General from the landing beaches, the memorial Goodwood in the British sector and the McAuliffe’s legendary response to a surrender ultimatum was “nuts”. has just opened (May 2010) a permanent Americans’ arduous war of the hedge- exhibition dedicated entirely to D-Day rows in Normandy’s bocages had failed To overcome the shortage of ammuni- and the ensuing battle in Normandy, to push back the German front. The bat- tion which threatened to become cata- which lasted until the end of August, just tle of Falaise opened the way for the al- strophic, several parachute operations were carried out. On 26 December, a few days before the liberation of Paris. lied forces to liberate Paris, but there was Patton’s troops broke through the The exhibition, built around 10 areas, a heavy price to pay. Tens of thousands German defences, entering Bastogne. features 80 information panels, maps al- of allied soldiers met their deaths within However, the battle did not end until 16 January. Eight hundred of the lowing visitors to follow the progression the space of several days, while the num- encircled troops were killed, 3,240 of military operations, 500 photos, slide ber of fallen on the German side was ten injured and 661 disappeared or were shows and films as well as posters, mod- times higher. General Eisenhower said taken prisoner. els and items from the memorial collec- the battle was one of the greatest killing tions. Is such interest in this tragic chap- grounds of the war and marked the be- ter of history still justified 66 years after ginning of the end of the conflict.

Viewpoint indicator in Arromanches © Xavier Rouchaud

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St. Thérèse, ‘Patroness of the Missions’ The Battle of Hastings in cartoon strip

More than 700,000 pilgrims travel every lay attachée to the Carmelite Order. Thé- Hung in Bayeux cathedral in 1077, year to the Basilica of Lisieux, built in rèse knew some atheists, friends of her this 70-metre long and 50-centime- honour of Sister Thérèse of the Child Je- uncle. She herself, suffering from tuber- tre high tapestry, which is in fact a sus. But the city benefits little from the pil- culosis, wondered about the existence piece of fine embroidery, depicts a grims because of a lack of hotel accom- of God. But she decided to believe. Her watershed in European history – the modation – a situation which the public “little way” is the opposite of the doctrine victory of William the Conqueror, and religious authorities have decided to of the period which placed the utmost Duke of Normandy, over the English improve. importance on effort. Her “effort” was in at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. offering up the small deeds of everyday Little Thérèse, as she is also known, con- life. She made reference to St John of the The tapestry welcomes more than sidered by the Catholic religion as one of Cross – God is love – in contrast to the 40,000 visitors each year, depicting the greatest saints of the 20th century, Jansenists, with their image of a vengeful the epic tale which begins in 1064 had an extraordinary life. An extraordi- God. In this way, Thérèse brought a new when Edward, the aging King of Eng- nary but short life which began in 1873 message. Very quickly, people began to land who had no direct heir, sent his and was brought to a close 24 years later, go to Lisieux, “a bit like the way that some brother-in-law Harold to Normandy after two years spent in a “night of faith”. people visit the St-Sulpice in Paris, after to offer the crown to William, whom The future saint entered the Carmelite having read The Da Vinci Code!” he had chosen as his successor. But Order when she was 15 years old. She despite taking an oath of allegiance began writing what would collectively Canonised in 1925, Pope John Paul II de- to William, Harold seized the crown come to be known as the “Story of a clared her the 33rd Doctor of the Church of England on Edward’s death in Soul”. Her writings, published in small in 1997. Patroness of the Missions, Thé- 1066. It only took William, who would numbers shortly after her death, quickly rèse of Lisieux’s popularity has spread become William the Conqueror, sev- became an overwhelming success. to many countries around the world, as eral months to prepare his troops evidenced by the number of Carmelites, and lead them to victory at Hastings, Why? “In the early 20th century, anti-cler- especially in Africa, and also in the Car- where he defeated Harold and his icalism was virulent in France”, explains a ibbean and Asia. army on 14 October 1066. Count- less people have studied this unique work and many believe the only true subject of the tapestry to be the con- quest of England and its justification. It served as a kind of political white paper as well as incidentally provid- ing religious and moral edification.

However it is interpreted, the Bayeux tapestry remains a masterpiece of creativity. The method of narration, the continuous scene-by-scene de- velopment and the style of accen- tuating subjects in relief are similar to the techniques used in cartoon strips. Eternal travellers, the Vikings were influenced by artistic styles from faraway lands that are reflected in the tapestry – Barbarian art (drak- kars, furniture), Byzantine (flat fig- ures), Muslim (brick arches), Persian Sassanid (sacred fire between the lions) and Egyptian Coptic (column capitals and interlacing).

Part of the Bayeux tapestry © Reporters The Lisieux Basilica © Sunset / Reporters

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 29 Discovering Europe

Historical farms in Lower Normandy © Xavier Rouchaud Farmers from developed and L’Esprit Village has been a developing countries face the staple in Orne for 17 years same struggle Going back to nature is reality in Lower Normandy. Proof of this can be found in the ever growing suc- Pascale Cauchy, the Vice president of the Lower Normandy Region, has been cess of L’Esprit Village. The adven- in charge of Culture and Heritage since 2010, prior to which she headed ture began in 1993 when Sylvie Le decentralised cooperation for six years. Calvez and Claire Lelièvre decided to create l’Acteur Rural, a media company based in La Carneille, in ur decentralised coop- farmers in Normandy have now made eration is exemplary, the change and are practising a type the Normandy countryside. The and has even been of agriculture which is more respectful aim, we read in the magazine, is “to singled out by the towards the environment. A type of demonstrate that the countryside is “OEuropean Union”, explains the former agriculture which is also highly benefi- undoubtedly a place of memory, cul- Deputy Mayor of Caen by way of intro- cial to farmers in the developing world Niger. © Marie-Martine Buckens duction. She continues: “To give you an since it does not generate surpluses, ture, knowledge and know-how but example: five months ago we organised the surpluses which would then appear also a place of creativity, innovation, a conference bringing together farmers on stalls in developing countries and a laboratory where the future is built from both developed and developing which would stifle local production. nations. We invited our traditional part- Decentralised cooperation serves this in a different way”. Over the years, ners from Madagascar and Macedonia, purpose”. How? “By serving communi- l'Acteur Rural has acquired new and representatives from Peru. At this ties; meaning those in the developed communication tools: la Lettre de conference I spoke about our vision and developing worlds working together l'Acteur Rural aimed at professionals for the wealthy producers in developed or even by asking an NGO to carry out countries. And yet, look at the milk the work. But it is not up to the NGO to which was subsequently replaced by crisis in Europe, which is hitting our say what’s right; it has its own special- the Blog des Acteurs on territorial producers in Normandy hard. In reality, ised area. Whereas a community knows and sustainable development, the because it’s a case of food security, we how to develop its own territory and can website of the Village magazine, and are facing the same problems as devel- advise developing communities.” oping countries”. a space for debates. Today it has a Pascale Cauchy fully understands how permanent team of five people and a Respect of agriculture to apply the concept of decentralised network of around 15 writers spread cooperation to the area of culture, for throughout France. The magazine Pascale Cauchy, elected representative which she has been in charge since of the Europe-Ecologie Party, goes on to January. “Ideally, it’s about looking at changed its name over time to be- say: “The problem is the vicious circle how culture – as well as its economic come l’Esprit Village. in which most farmers find themselves. and social roles – can function as a Productivity is a synonym for overpro- source of decentralised jobs. I have a lot duction, but also for indebtedness and of work ahead of me...” Info: excessive pollution. Fortunately, some

The 30 C urier Discovering Europe

players mainly provide support in West Africa; Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Niger - but also in Madagascar, the Balkans and, to a lesser extent, in south- east Asia.”

The Horizons Solidaires network focus- es on and works with the majority of these bodies in Lower Normandy.

The network’s main tasks are to pro- vide support, information and train- ing for member organisations. “We are currently in a post-evaluation phase, and are setting up a development approach based on the region”, added Lia Chevalier. Taking account of devel- opments in national and international cooperation, all the network’s missions and actions focus on three key areas: ‘resource centres’, ‘engineering and training’ and ‘dialogue forums’. “An international outlook”

The project representative explained: “The nature of the activities carried out by the regional network, Horizons Solidaires, is very diverse. It provides individual and collective support for the players in Lower Normandy, aiming to improve their practices and strengthen their capacities. It raises awareness of decentralised cooperation among the local and regional authorities and sup- ports them in their projects. It offers players a forum for exchange, dialogue and pooling of their activities, in partic- ular through the Mali and Burkina Faso intensified dialogue groups. Thanks to Niger. © Marie-Martine Buckens its communication tools, the network keeps all players in Lower Normandy informed of meetings, events, sympo- siums, other international cooperation events and co-financing opportunities”.

There are more than 300 players in The network is supported by both the Ministry of Foreign and European A territorial the field of international solidarity in Affairs and the Regional Council of the Lower Normandy region. Most Lower Normandy. Its policy guidelines have joined forces as part of the are set out in a tripartite agreement. In ‘Horizons Solidaires’ association, addition, the network is committed to approach to the ‘international outlook’ policy estab- which is aiming to develop a new lished by Lower Normandy as part of approach: a territorial approach to the Lower Normandy regional develop- development development. ment initiative. There are now nine French regions which have multi-player regional net- works: Resacoop in the Rhône Alpes region, Lianes Coopération in the Nord- ia Chevalier, project represent- Pas de Calais region, Medcoop in the ative for Horizons Solidaires, Provence Alpes Côtes d'Azure region, explained: “These players, CentreAider in the Central region, most of which are non-profit Cercoop in the Franche Comté region, Lorganisations, include educational insti- Auvergne, Réciproc' in the Champagne tutions, public bodies and around 30 Ardenne region, Alcid in the Pays de la local and regional authorities commit- Loire region and Cap Coopération in ted to decentralised cooperation. These the Aquitaine region.

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 31 Discovering Europe

Electricians without Borders (Electriciens sans frontières)

The Lower Normandy section of ‘Electriciens sans frontières’ (Electricians without borders) provides electricity and water for people in need in West Africa. Set up three years ago, this relatively new NGO is working on four projects, three of which are at implementation stage.

e are 35 volunteers, people who have taken early retire- ment and employ- “Wees. Most of us come from the engi- neering industry”, explained Maurice Roupsard, President of Electriciens sans frontières (ESF) in the Lower Normandy region. Based in Caen, the recently established organisation is still in the development stage. Mr. Roupsard added: “Our first task is to raise our profile. We have only existed for three years. We joined the Horizons Solidaires regional network as this enables other regional organisations or authorities to call upon us.”

This enabled ESF in Lower Normandy to secure its first major project in January 2009. “Cherbourg town hall asked us to examine and take delivery of a 64 m² solar field in Casamance, Senegal. The electricity produced should enable a water tower to be supplied with water from boreholes and a battery system to be set up for local lighting”, said Mr. Training -Photovoltaïc and Water project in Casamance. © Electriciens-sans-frontières Roupsard. In addition to the receipt of materials, the developing NGO has also provided training for drill opera- tors to enable them to intervene in The project has been launched by the ensures the project conforms to the code emergency situations. “All of the drill regional authorities in Casamance in of ethics established by ESF at national operators in the region have been given line with the new priorities of Horizons level. We later carry out a brief iden- this training. We have also taken advan- Solidaires (see separate article). Mr. tification mission on the ground. We tage of the opportunity to meet the Roupsard explained: “Within the then appeal to companies in the Lower team responsible for the hydro-electric framework of decentralised coopera- Normandy region to provide the funds plant in Dakar to allow them to take tion, a regional authority from the north required.” The NGO –which can call over”, explained the President of ESF in is cooperating with a regional author- on the expertise of ESF France, estab- Lower Normandy. ity from the south. The project has lished in 1986 – is currently working on to be sustainable, and the population three other projects in Mali, Togo and Sustainability has to be able to use and maintain the Madagascar. In addition to pumping equipment, which is where the training systems for drinking water, autonomous The water tower (which had not been we provide comes in.” In Casamance, energy production projects, essentially used for 20 years as the diesel pump had ESF worked with another NGO from photovoltaic solar equipment, aim to broken down) should enable the village Cherbourg and received financial sup- provide lighting for classrooms and out- to be supplied with water and new areas port from the European Union. patient and maternity clinics. of market gardening to be established. Mr. Roupsard said: “This will prevent Mr. Roupsard underlined: “We are not a an exodus from the countryside. We funding provider. The studies we carry also want to stop new crops, like jat- out are free of charge. We then draw up ropha, from becoming new cash crops, an agreement and submit the draft to like cotton.” the ESF’s National Committee, which

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A culture of literature and gastronomy

apital of the Lower Normandy The region also boasts highly acclaimed region, Caen was known as artists like Le Poussin, Géricault, the ‘Norman Athens’ in the Fernand Léger and Marcel Duchamp. 17th century, in reference It has also provided inspiration for toC the academies of art and literature many others, including Claude Monet, established there during the period. The Courbet, with his falaises d’Etretat, and city and its region delight in maintain- Eugène Boudin, who painted the beach ing this reputation, without overlooking at Trouville. Another major artistic another art form dating back more than achievement is Gymnopédies by Erik a millennium, the art of cuisine. Satie, a pianist and composer born in the region. In May 2005, the prestigious Magazine © Marie-Martine Buckens Littéraire commented: “Caen is today a genuine centre of literature in view of the magnitude and diversity of its exhi- bitions and literary and philosophical Apples and tripe institutions ... it has kept alive the glit- tering literary memory of the original city, better known for its memorial and The bocages – the wooded countryside owes its reputation to the fact that it was beach landings than for literature, and typical of Lower Normandy – looks like in the rations issued to soldiers during yet...” The poet François de Cornière a patchwork of English gardens, where the 1914-1918 war. Other cheeses, like explored Caen in a work which is sadly apple trees, interspersed with pear trees, pavé d’auge and pont-l’évêque, followed out of print, but available in the city’s compete with one another in huge haras, close behind. excellent network of libraries. A vivid portrayal of the 1950s and 1960s, when which are properties with prestigious Caen was enjoying a recovery after the names like the Aga Khan. While the haras The list of recommendations is far too bombings, gives it an extra sparkle. He are often hidden from view, concealed long, but don’t leave Mont-Saint-Michel writes: “Isn’t it in Caen that they’ve behind hedges perfectly manicured with without tasting the salt meadow lamb or been talking about the May revolu- tion since February 1968? Yes! But it’s dressmakers’ shears, the orchards can Caen without trying its famous tripe. ignored”. been seen from everywhere. They are a mouth-watering sight. Going back even further, wasn’t the most ancient work in French literature, La Apples are used for all sorts of things in Chanson de Roland, an epic poem from the end of the 11th century, written in Normandy, not least tarts, apple juice Anglo-Norman? This region’s passion served at breakfast, cider taken as a for literature has never been in doubt pre-lunch aperitif, and finally calvados, since. There are other names we could enjoyed between courses in the even- mention; Guy de Maupassant, Jules ing – they call it the “trou normand” (Nor- Barbey d’Aurevilly, Gustave Flaubert, the much celebrated author of Madame mandy hole) – or simply as a digestive. It Bovary, and even Marcel Proust who, is a liqueur that has had controlled des- despite being a Parisian, looked out ignation of origin labelling (appellation over the bocages, lingering in Cabourg, contrôlée) since 1942. Just like Camem- and immortalised them in A l’ombre des bert, the famous cheese from the village jeunes filles en fleurs (In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower). of the same name, and which partially

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 33 Zoom

Aaron Mokoena with project participants. © Aaron Mokoena Foundation Football training project, Aaron Mokoena Foundation, South Africa. © Aaron Mokoena Foundation

D. P. and O.U. one of Portsmouth’s last four remain- ing matches of the Premier League this Aaron season. “Along the way there will be a lot of sacrifices. You have to be ready for e will lead out the South these but most of all, enjoy it”, says the African players onto the field 29-year-old midfielder. Mokoena: in their first game on 11 June 2010 against Mexico Aaron was born in the township of Hwhich kicks off the FIFA World Cup in Boipatong, 45 minutes south of the upgraded Soccer City Stadium in Johannesburg. “I loved being in sport. Bafana Johannesburg. Known as ‘the Calabash’ I used to play basketball and volleyball”, its design is based on an iconic African he tells us. He was spotted at an early pot, and it is a short-distance from the age by South African football legend, football-crazy township of Soweto. Jomo Sono, who had his own club, Bafana’s Jomo Cosmos “He saw me playing and Aaron currently plays for Portsmouth approached me”, says Aaron. He spent FC, a side that has had its ups and the next two years playing in South exemplary downs this season. It is at the bottom of Africa and at just 17 was the youngest the English Barclays’ Premier League ever player in South African side to be (it has already been relegated and is in picked for the national side, a record administration due to debts) yet has also that still stands. captain won through to the country’s FA Cup final, to be held on 15 May in London’s Adapting to Europe Wembley Stadium against the team at What drives Aaron Mokoena, captain the top of the League - when we went to Aaron left South Africa at just 18 to press - Chelsea. play in Germany for Bayer Leverkusen, of the ‘Bafana, Bafana’ (Boys), South and subsequently for Dutch side Ajax Africa’s national football team? We What would Aaron tell young people Amsterdam and Belgium’s KRC Genk spoke to him as he was preparing for who would like to be in his football and Germinal Beerschot Antwerpen. the FIFA World Cup Finals on home boots? “All I can say is follow your He left for the UK in 2005 to play for heart, but the most important thing is Blackburn Rovers and this season joined turf. to be committed”, he says on the eve of Portsmouth FC. He speaks of the per-

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the day, I don’t like to think about the match but like listening to my music until the game starts.” “ …you always have to be in control of your life and not let fame control you”

He is clearly relishing the prospect of leading the host team out onto the field at the Calabash – the historic stadium

Football training project, Aaron Mokoena Foundation, South Africa. © Aaron Mokoena Foundation where Nelson Mandela held his first mass rally after his release from prison in 1990.The coming weeks are extreme- ly busy. After training for the FA Cup Final, he was to join the national side in South Africa in the run up to the World sonal wrench of leaving South Africa oping local junior leagues to increase Cup Finals. He says participating in the at a young age and having to adapt to participation in competitive football; FA Cup Final is now the highlight of the unfamiliar practicalities of grow- also improving infrastructure for sport. his career; previously it was playing in ing up in Europe. “I wanted to follow Aaron has put some of his own money the FIFA World Cup Finals in 2002 in my dream. I really loved football and into the Foundation and has some spon- Japan and South Korea. wanted to make it in football and here I sors but is keen for other partners to am today”, he says. come on board. “It is open doors for But he won’t be drawn on giving pre- others to come in and help”, he says. dictions for the World Cup: “I feel that Eager to give something back to his coun- this World Cup will be a surprising one try, last year he launched in Boipatong ‘Mbazo’ for everyone”. It is the first time that the Aaron Mokoena Foundation which the tournament has been held on the aims to develop football in South Africa Known as ‘Mbazo’ (‘The Axe’) because African continent. “I hope that African to the levels of what has been achieved of his tackling skills, he says that his countries can do well. Most of all, South internationally by South Africa’s nation- nickname has stuck because of the way Africa has to do well and we are training al rugby and cricket teams as well as in which he unswervingly takes eve- very well and very hard at the moment”, developing young persons’ life skills rything on and never gives up. “I am he says. through sport.“It’s all about creating a very committed character but at the opportunities for girls and boys. I want same time, a very humble person. I do Will he still be playing for Portsmouth to leave a legacy”, he tells us. As captain not allow fame to take me over. I am next year? “At the moment, I don’t know of the national side, a lot of people look always in control of my life and destiny. what’s going to happen. I still have to sit up to him. “It is using football as a vehi- I want to be myself, not somebody else. down with the administrators and see cle but developing them in sport and life I want to enjoy my life and be judged in what their plans are. I just want to play in general for the future of South Africa. a positive way”, he says. Off the field, football”, he tells us. Not everybody can become a footballer. he relaxes by playing golf and snooker, South Africa needs doctors, administra- watching movies, reading and listening “I have been so lucky to have big coach- tors and teachers and so on.” to music: “Almost anything that makes es like Carlos Parreira [South Africa’s me dance”. current coach] who told me that you Projects to be sponsored by the always have to be in control of your life Foundation include developing coach- So how is he preparing for all the and not let fame control you. He also ing skills, especially at community level, big games this summer? “It’s all about treasures the words of his Portsmouth developing a football curricular pro- training. The day before the game, I coach, Avram Grant: “In football [and gramme in schools, introducing girls love my privacy and have a quiet time life] you have to learn from and forget and young women to football and devel- to think about the game ahead. On all the negative things”.

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 35 Our planet Associated Press / Reporters Residents walk along a central street in Goma, Congo, against the backdrop of Mount Nyiragongo. ©

Earthquakes: between fatality and lucidity M.M.B. or the ACP states, it is no doubt the Pacific region that is most at risk, Dr Michel Van Camp, The earthquake that ravaged Haiti was not at all exceptional, seismologists will a seismologist at the Belgian RoyalF Observatory, tells us. A quick look tell you. What has changed over the past century is the influx of populations to urban centres located in risk areas, resulting in an exponential increase in the at the list of major earthquakes (a mag- nitude equal to or greater than 6 on the number of earthquake victims. While waiting for a necessary review of national Richter scale) in the past three months planning policy, we take a look at some of the world’s hotspots. confirms it: of the 50 earthquakes list- ed (!) more than 20 were recorded in the Pacific: in the Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga, or in Papua New Guinea, a major epicentre. “It is what is known as the Pacific ‘ring of fire’. The seismic activity there is intense, as it also is in nearby countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan certainly, and even Alaska.”

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Stretched to breaking point Resettlement as Landslides and African The Caribbean (again for the ACP states) the need arises volcanoes comes second to the Pacific. “Before the disaster in Port-au-Prince there had not The sprawling growth of Bukavu, And Africa? “Compared with the been an earthquake in the region for 250 located on the banks of Lake Kivu Pacific and Caribbean regions, the years”, explains Van Camp. “But the in the Democratic Republic of the African continent has been spared, Caribbean Plate is moving at the rate of Congo (DCR), in the vicinity of vol- relatively speaking, thank God”, says more than 1 cm a year compared with the North American Plate. Do the calcu- canoes, the Indian megalopolises Van Camp. But seismic risks, and lation: that makes 2.5 metres of tension in the Ganges Valley, close to the above all volcanoes, are neverthe- built up in the course of two and a half Tibetan plateau, or the many homes less real, especially along the fault centuries. It could not hold out much built in flood zones (as France re- line of the East African Rift that runs longer. It is like an elastic band stretched cently learned to its cost)… There from Ethiopia to the Zambezi, over to breaking point that finally snaps.” Yet he sees the Caribbean as an area less at is a long list of dangerous places 6,000 km in length and between 40 risk than the Pacific Coast of America in on the planet where people, despite and 60 km wide, creating the chain this region. warnings or even after being driven of great lakes and the site of many “Cities are becoming potential out by disaster, have settled, in the volcanoes. These are most numer- belief that they can escape an inevi- ous (67) and least known in Ethiopia, weapons of mass destruction” table fate. where Erta Ale has been erupting The Belgian seismologist points to a continuously since 1967. future high risk region: the foothills of the Until the authorities decide to act. But Himalayas where India is colliding with compulsory relocation often gener- Then there is the Nyragongo, close the Eurasian continent. “Earthquakes ates anger and incomprehension, as to Lake Kivu in the DRC. This leg- of a magnitude of 8 are in the making. When you look at the number of major was the case after Hurricane Katrina endary volcano is also unique, by cities located in the Ganges Valley, then in New Orleans (United States) and, virtue of its alkalinity that renders disaster scenarios are certainly to be just recently, the floods that hit areas its lava fluid and therefore very fast expected.” Although, like other seis- of Western France. In Mozambique, flowing (up to 100 km an hour) and mologists, he stresses the unexceptional nature of current seismic activity, Van following the 2001 and 2007 floods, dangerous. The inhabitants of Goma Camp also issues a warning: “There will populations living on the banks of the will never forget the years 1977 and be more and more victims when you con- Zambeze River were moved to about 2002 when major lava flows covered sider that more than half the population 50 resettlement centres. In Tehran, sections of the city, leaving thou- now lives in major urban centres. Cities President Ahmadinejad is seeking to sands dead. The presence of large are becoming potential weapons of mass destruction”. He also points out that induce no fewer than 5 million peo- quantities of methane gas in the many cities in the Mediterranean Basin ple to move home due to fears of an depths of Lake Kivu (an estimated 65 are still on the danger list: Cairo (which earthquake. In the absence of a gen- km3) is another threat to the popula- was partly rebuilt using blocks from the uine regional planning policy, these tions of the region. pyramids following an earthquake in the are all decisions taken in isolation as Middle Ages) and Alexandria (which lost its lighthouse), Istanbul, a number the need arises. Luc André, head of the Department of cities in Algeria and Morocco, and of Earth Sciences at the Royal Muse- also Tehran. um of Central Africa in Belgium, cites the Nyragongo as an excellent case study. “Its magmatic activity can also produce increase of the methane and CO2 contents within the deepest parts of the Kivu lake. Lake Kivu is a stratified lake and a landslide could easily cause an inversion of this stratification.” Carbon dioxide is also found in small pockets close to the ground, known as ‘mazukus’ (‘devil’s breath’ in Swahili), where it stag- nates, being 1.5 times the density of air, killing any people or animals who venture into it. Luc André: “It is there- fore vital for planners to map seismic zones, zones at risk of landslides. But this is far from being the case and as the concentration of popula- tions in urban areas increases so too does the risk. Look at Bukavu on the shores of Lake Kivu. It has become an urban sprawl. The slightest land- side and we risk another disaster.”

People walking on the hardened lava of the Nyiragongo, though it is still warm. © Reporters / Jan Van de Vel

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 37 Interaction © Reporters / Beatrice Petit Beatrice / Reporters ©

Democratic Republic

of the Congo: On 6 dec 2006, Joseph Kabila became the first elected President of RD Congo with support the international the of community, a demand for sovereignty

Colette Braeckman cent of the votes, are feeling the pressure of time: 30 June 2010 will be a time of celebration but also a time for introspec- tion and review while the next elections, n the eve of the 50th anni- set to take place in 2011, are already versary of its independence, determining the political agenda. which will be celebrated in Kinshasa on 30 June 2010 Countering the scepticism of the inO the presence of King Albert II of International Crisis Group, which Belgium, the Democratic Republic of in April denounced the stalemate Congo (DRC) is experiencing a unique regarding the democratic project, the moment in its history with the recon- National Assembly has launched the struction of its infrastructure and the next Independent National Electoral reordering of a state so often presented Commission (INEC). Its office is to as bankrupt. The authorities, whose be limited to seven members, all from mandate comes from the 2006 elections political parties, to the great displeasure won by President Kabila with 58 per of civil society which will not be repre-

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sented. The INEC will have the task of organising the 2011 presidential and parliamentary elections, and the local elections, which should have already taken place, having been postponed yet again. When the celebrations come to an end on 30 June, the election race will begin, with a notable absentee: Jean- Pierre Bemba, still held in The Hague by the International Criminal Court. The leader of the Movement for the Liberation of Congo, a rebel movement which became a political party, vice- president from 2002 to 2006, a chal- lenger to Kabila with 42 per cent of the votes in the second round, Jean-Pierre Bemba is still regarded by his followers as the natural leader of the opposition and his absence will weigh heavily on the elections.

If the reconstruction work is to con- People look at newspapers at a makeshift news stand in on a Kinshasa street, Democratic Republic of Congo. © AP tinue, it is a safe bet that the current authorities will be given credit for man- aging to mobilise the necessary capital. However, past contracts with Chinese IMF has postponed the review of the of a structured movement receiving sup- state companies had to be revised and Congolese case until July. The experts port in neighbouring countries. reduced; loans provided by China in will once again investigate the now order to revive the mining sector and for famous ‘Chinese contracts’. Insecurity large infrastructure projects originally amounted to US$9bn, but pressure from Writing off the debt would, neverthe- Other regions also remain plagued by the International Monetary Fund, who less, revive the ‘social front’ which con- insecurity: the formidable Ugandan feared the country becoming indebted tinues to lag behind such as increasing rebels of the LRA (Lords Resistance again, forced the Congolese to renounce wages in the public sector and finally Army) are still rampant in the Uele US$3bn. This is a sacrifice which could establishing free education. district, where they commit atrocities be offset by new partners: South Korea, against civilians (kidnapping of hun- which has pledged to build the Banana On the eve of the 50th anniversary of dreds of villagers, maiming, sexual vio- deep-water port, Turkey and Brazil. For independence, it appears that, in sev- lence ...), and these groups have not yet its part, the European Union has just eral areas, the Congolese authorities been eradicated despite the efforts of the provided a major donation: €337M to intend to restore state authority and Congolese army and the military train- be allocated to infrastructure, the health reduce what they perceive as the trus- ing that is now provided in Kisangani by sector and improving river navigation. teeship of the international community. American instructors. This demand for sovereignty explains Chinese contracts the desire to see the United Nations In addition, the war in Kivu is far from Mission in DR Congo (MONUC), over: the military operations carried out In addition, the economic situation is which has been present in this country against Rwandan rebels by the FDLR improving: benefiting from the dou- for ten years, bring its work to a close (Democratic Forces for the Liberation bling of the prices of raw materials, the in November 2011. In fact, Kinshasa of Rwanda) have allowed the repatria- government has for the first time set hopes that in 2010, the MONUC forc- tion of more than 20,000 Hutus, but aside surplus funds, limited inflation es will refocus on the eastern side of armed groups still control certain min- to 14 per cent, stabilised the exchange the country. The most recent events ing sectors and take revenge on civilians rate of the Congolese Franc at 900 FC which have occurred in the province of while the former Tutsi rebels of Laurent to one dollar and the Finance Minister, Equateur show that this may be a risky Nkunda (who is still under house arrest Matanda Ponyo is certain that this gamble: in fact, over the Easter week- in Rwanda) are generally integrated into year the DRC will achieve the long- end, the rebels, meaning the Enyele, a the national army but still control their awaited, almost mythical ‘completion tribal movement, attacked Mbandaka, former strongholds. point’ of the HIPC (Heavily Indebted the capital of Equateur, and the opera- Poor Countries), enabling the country tions to regain the city were conducted The Congolese authorities believe to cancel US$10bn off the total of its by the Congolese armed forces with the that the national army, which is in the foreign debt, estimated at US$13.1bn. support of a MONUC contingent. It process of restructuring, will be able, There is, however, one disappointment: later emerged that the rebels, armed and within a year, to take over from the while the authorities had hoped that equipped with sophisticated communi- 20,000 MONUC peacekeepers, but the the writing off would occur before 30 cations devices, were not just fishermen international community could decide June, as a kind of ‘birthday gift’, the fighting to recover their ponds, but part otherwise...

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 39 Interaction

Africa’s re-birth in bronze

The colossal bronze African Renaissance Monument, conceived by Senegal’s President Abdoulaye Wade, surges into Dakar’s skyline with a strong message of Africa’s rebirth. It creates a dramatic silhouette on a featureless area of the city’s landscape and promises to raise funds for the country’s young children.


ounding the ‘Corniche’ in Senegal’s capital, Dakar, a giant African man protec- tively holding a woman with Rhis right arm comes into view. His left arm surrounds a baby who is point- ing towards the Atlantic Ocean and beyond. The bronze monument rises from the extinct Ouakam volcano at the Almadies tip, the most Westerly point of the African continent. At 53 metres, it is now the world’s tallest statue. Inaugurated on 3 April 2010, the day before Senegal celebrated its 50th anniversary of independence, it symbol- ises the rebirth of the African continent after five centuries of slavery and two of colonisation.

Dwarfing even Christ the Redeemer overlooking Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (40.44 metres) and New York’s (46.5 metres) the monu- ment’s lifespan is put at 1,200 years. Some African Heads of State including Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe, Liberian president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and cur- rent President of the African Union, Malawi’s President Ngwazi Dr. Bingu Wa Mutharika and other dignitar- ies, notably civil rights activist, Jesse Jackson, were in Dakar to give it their seal of approval. New ties with Europe

President Wade explained to the gather- ing that the robust African man exits the volcano “as if propelled by an invis- ible force, replacing the straight jacket of the past with fresh stirrings from inner Earth”. After the tragedy of slav- ery, the statue sends the message that “Africa is still there, not broken”, said African Renaissance Monument. © Deftek 2010

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Haiti in the spotlight Dakar. © Deftek 2010 Haiti’s past and present tragedies took centre stage at the inaugura- Wade, and is surging forth to form new sioned by President Wade in his 2006 tion. The performance of a scene relations. Based on a union of reason, book, ‘Un destin pour l’Afrique’ (A des- of the 1963 play, The Tragedy of cultural complementarities and mutual tiny for Africa Paris ed. Michel Lafon, King Christopher (La Tragédie du friendship, a new triangular cooperation 2006, 262 pages). Mansudae Overseas between Africa, Europe and Americas Project Group of Companies, a North Roi Christophe) by Martinican Aimé was replacing the triangular trade - Korean group, one of only a few in the Césaire gave a voice to one of the based on slavery, he said. From the world still making such huge structures, heroes of Haiti’s revolution (1791- 15th century onwards this consisted of was contracted for the construction. 1804) which led to independence Europe capturing and buying slaves in Although the statue was estimated to from France and the formation of the Africa and selling them to the United have cost 12bn CFAs (its current market States to labour in the cotton fields. The value is estimated at upwards of 20bn first Black Republic. Although Henri- cotton was then sold to Europe. CFAs), not a single penny had to be paid Christophe’s Kingdom in the North said Wade. A legal "payment in kind" of Haiti fell, the monuments he cre- The statue also symbolised the need to agreement was reached whereby North ated, the Sans Souci Palace and the incorporate in the continent’s develop- Korea was given land by Senegal’s State ment both its “vibrant and talented Property Registration Department. ‘Citadelle’ remain standing after the youth” and its diaspora as a “sixth 12 January 2010 earthquake. region”, said Wade. “The time for take- Some members of the Islamic faith have off has arrived for Africa”, he added. protested at the monument’s represen- President Wade called on other Af- tation of the human form but it is dif- rican governments to follow his own The monument cost ficult to find other criticism on Dakar’s nothing to build streets. Most say it sends the message example in offering land to Haitians that “Africa is rising”. “Other conti- following the quake. As descendants At a seminar in Dakar on the theme nents have their monuments, so why not of black slaves, he said they had a of African renaissance on 3 April, Africa?” said others interviewed. right to a new life on the continent. President Ngwazi Dr. Bingu Wa For many of the slaves traded to the Mutharika explained that the African Inside, when up and running, the visi- Renaissance meant a “a way of life”, to tors’ centre exhibition spaces, shops Americas, ‘the door of no return’, remove poverty and hunger, establish and galleries are expected to generate of the old slave post on the Ile de good governance and move develop- income. Visitors will eventually be able Gorée, a 20 minute ferry ride from ment forward which should be driven to ascend by lift – or stairs – to the hat Dakar, would have been their last by science and technology. Other par- on top of the man’s head where there footstep on the African continent. In ticipants put across the message that is a circular observation ‘terrace’ that Europe was closing to African peoples looks across the Dakar peninsular to the the speech on the inauguration of and fears that Europe’s special relation- Atlantic Ocean beyond. The State holds the African Renaissance Monument, ship with Africa was being negated by 55 per cent of the monument’s shares, President Wade said that Ile Gorée, Europe’s closer relationship with the the Abdoulaye Wade Foundation 30 per now a heritage site of the United Mediterranean basin, including North cent and the National Agency for Young Africa. Children, 15 per cent. Wade has pledged Nations Educational, Scientific and that during his period in office, 100 per Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Hungarian sculptor cent of the monument's earnings will go “carries the stigma of this shameful to the national Children’s Agency and traffic that Senegal has declared a A sculptor of Hungarian descent, Virgil to the ‘Case des Tout Petits’, an associa- crime against humanity”. Magherusan, designed the statue envi- tion benefitting young children.

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 41 Interaction

Food security remains at the heart of development strategies

On 31 March 2010, two years to the day after the first hunger riots broke out in various countries of the south, the European Commission presented its new strategy to help developing countries address the issue of food security in both emergency situations and over the long-term.


hile in the aftermath of the 2008 riots all the industrialised countries blamed themselves, rec- ognisingW that they had neglected agri- culture in their aid programme, on 31 March the European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, empha- sised that: “Enhancing food security remains an issue of primary importance for the European Union (EU). We have placed food security, sustainable agri- culture and rural development at the heart of our policy towards our develop- ing country partners. It is unacceptable that, in 2010, one billion people are still suffering from hunger and malnu- trition.” He added that the initiative would help to meet the Millennium Development Goals. Somali's demonstrate against high food prices, May 2008 in the capital Mogadishu. © AP Photo/Mohamed Sheikh Nor “It is unacceptable that, in 2010, one billion people are still suffering from hunger and tional community. Within this frame- agreed at the G8 summit of world lead- malnutrition.” work, Andris Piebalgs announced that ers in 2009. the Commission had decided to allocate The strategy presented by the almost €3bn billion in 2010-2012 within Info : Commission includes two ‘strategic the initiative on global food security services/dev-policy-proposals_en.cfm frameworks’, one of which ensures food security over the long-term, and the other in emergency situations. Kristalina Georgieva, the Commissioner responsi- ble for policy on emergency humanitar- The long-term priorities ian aid, said: “there can be more effec- tive ways of helping people, other than In its communication the Commission sion of targeted and flexible social through simple food hand-outs.” The proposes: safety nets adapted to local contexts; Commissioner explained the new meas- - A substantial increase in support to de- - Promoting better integration of nutrition ures envisaged include providing seeds mand-led agricultural research, exten- in development policies, including in ed- and tools to disaster-affected farmers sion and innovation, aiming to reach 50 ucation and health, and related capacity to help them get back on their feet and offering cash grants so that people can per cent by 2015; building; buy the food they need – helping local - A joint initiative with the African Union - Support for the reform of the Commit- producers in the process. to accelerate the implementation of the tee on World Food Security to make it African Land Policy Guidelines; the pivotal global institution on food se- The long-term strategy foresees a series of measures (see box) involving both - Support for the establishment or expan- curity. EU Member States and the interna-

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Interview with Commissioner Piebalgs “ODA not sufficient to reach the MDGs”

M.M.B. everybody. It is only if we see our aid as a in other fields, work for development. catalyst, that we can harbour such ambi- I will work closely with my colleagues tions. Indeed, such a change could hap- in trade, agriculture, environment, pen if this money can be used as a seed climate change, security, and migra- n 21 April, you delivered to boost growth through supporting tion, all to ensure a coherent approach. the first major development the creation of new markets, generating The accompanying message is that the policy statement of your new industrial activity or building capacities EU must define a common position in mandate in the form of a such as improved tax systems. view of the UN Summit on MDGs in 12-pointO Action Plan in support of the September and speak with one voice Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Good governance is key to development. to call upon other donors to match our These are the internationally agreed tar- Without the rule of law, security or level of commitment. gets for tackling poverty worldwide by sound public finances aid will never suc- 2015. ceed in giving people a long term future. Some of the member states are far If we ignore this we will succeed only from reaching their objectives of 0.7 What are the central messages of in poverty management, not poverty per cent of their GNI for development your Action Plan? alleviation. Simply keeping people alive aid. Given this, would it be better to is not my objective. work on another basis? Two main points: Europe has to respect its commitments regarding financial The Plan also focuses on the ‘qual- I don't think so. Member States agreed support to developing countries and has ity’ side of aid. We have to make every to the 0.7 per cent target set out by the to ensure that we have the best value for euro count, and target the poorest and UN in view of achieving the Millennium money. Europe has already committed most fragile countries – for example Development Goals. Some of them to increase its aid to developing coun- in Haiti and sub-Saharan Africa – as already reached this target, others are tries which today amounts a €49bn in well as the MDGs that are most off going in the right direction. Changing 2009. We are the most generous donor track, such as maternal and child health, the basis would send a wrong message. in the world, contributing to more than food security and education. On top of However, this does not prevent us from half of global aid. Yet, we know this that, the Action plan also refers to the thinking about new sources of financ- will not be enough if we want to reach importance of making our EU policies, ing for development. ODA alone will our target of 0.7 per cent of EU GNI to aid and ensure a drastic reduction of poverty by 2015. This is do-able but requires a lot of political will. The Action Plan thus proposes to Member States to establish realistic and verifi- able annual roadmaps to be reviewed by EU leaders every year until 2015. What is at stake is Europe’s credibility on the global scene.

Why are we calling for more and better aid? We are talking about simple things, those that we take for granted in our lives. They are: reliable access to clean water, to energy, to a working transport infrastructure, health services and to education. I also add security and rule of law as fundamentally important pre- requisites for development.

We should not live under any false assumption that this aid on its own will succeed in bringing clean water, energy, healthcare, transport and education for Andris Piebalgs. © EC

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not be sufficient to reach the MDGs. There is more than room! The Lisbon fully working together in selected pilot Developing countries also have to help Treaty calls for coordination of EU and countries. A more recent example of this themselves by raising further domestic national policies, to increase efficiency principle is the EU action plan for the resources. We will help them to set up and plays on the complementarities. reconstruction of Haiti. We have been sound and transparent taxation systems, It provides the Commission with the able to establish a common plan, and to and we will accompany them in the fight possibility to “take any useful initiative present a joint pledge of €1.2bn during against tax evasion. Promoting good to promote the coordination” of these the international donors' conference on governance will be one of my priorities. national and EU policies. I already 31 March. Now, I will work with our intend making good use of this compe- international and Haitian partners to With the new EU external relations tency by calling Member States to coor- ensure that aid is properly used. This is policy, is there room for cooperation dinate upstream their programming of how the EU can be stronger and more between the EU and individual mem- aid so that we avoid redundancies. That efficient. ber states’ development policies? If way, we could save as much as €3 to so, how do you see this new coopera- €6bn yearly. For some time now, the EU tion working out in practice? and Member States have been success-

ACP-EU elected representatives concerned at the situation in Madagascar

“I would like to convey one of the Assembly’s concerns and that is the dramatic situation in Madagascar”, declared Louis Michel at the inaugural meeting of the 19th session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly on 31 March in Tenerife (Spain).

M.M.B. whether through coups d’etat or civil manipulation of democratic processes”. Milupi stressed the direct involvement Agrofuels to the rescue of of the African Union, ECOWAS food security? ddressing Spanish Foreign (Economic Community of West African Minister Miguel Angel Mora- States) and the SADC (Southern African Contrary to the opinion of most ana- tinos, the MEP and Assembly Development Union) in the political lysts, the PANGEA association be- co-president called on the crises in Niger, Guinea and Madagascar. lieves that food and agrofuel produc- AEU Council to strengthen European tion can go hand in hand. Meghan sanctions imposed on Madagascar The ACP Assembly, which twice a year and to bring them into line with those brings together 78 MEPs and 78 national Sapp, Secretary General of Part- decided on by the African Union (AU). MPs from the African, Caribbean and ners for Euro-African Green Energy Pacific states, relegated the delegations (PANGEA), told the ACP-EU Joint “The elections have become a major from Niger and Madagascar to the rank Assembly meeting in Tenerife that source of conflict and political violence”, of observers without voting rights on agrofuels had been wrongly present- said ACP co-president Zambian Charles grounds of the lack of constitutional Milupi, expressing his regret, “when order in those countries. Louis Michel ed as responsible for the 2008 rise in fact they are intended to decide pointed out that Niger “is making in world food prices. She countered between political sensibilities and positive proposals that point in the right claims that agrofuels have served to guarantee peace and stability”. He direction”. Equatorial Guinea, which is link food prices to oil prices by point- added that “as members of parliament also grappling with political problems, ing out that rice prices remained high and of the JPA we must fully oppose did not send delegates to the Tenerife any non-democratic seizing of power, meeting. even after oil prices fell. Another ar- gument submitted by Meghan Sapp is that food production has risen steadily at the rate of two per cent a year over the past 20 years while the population growth rate dropped to 1.14 per cent a year. She also stressed the detrimental effect of trade barriers and subsidies that re- duce access to food and drew atten- tion to the structural adjustment pro- grammes imposed on the developing countries in the 1980s that resulted in them opening up their markets to food exports from Europe, the United States and Brazil at dumping prices.

Madagascar © Laif / Reporters

The 44 C urier Interaction

Sudan: A step towards the 2011 referendum

D. P. and the referendum which is expected Socialist Member of the European to determine whether the south – which Parliament, Véronique de Keyser, is largely Christian – should split from together with a six-MEP delegation the mostly Muslim north. EU Foreign headed by Portuguese Socialist, he Africa-European Union Ministers also said that the EU was Ana Gomes, reported allegations of Ministerial dialogue held committed to maintaining a high level of widespread meddling in the voting in Luxembourg 26 April humanitarian aid for Sudan in response process. Gomes, however, applauded called on Sudan to settle to the needs on the ground. Sudan has not the “lively political debate” which she itsT outstanding differences post- signed the Cotonou agreement (2000- hoped would now propel the country’s election and fully implement the 2005 2020) and does not receive European “democratic transformation” forward. Comprehensive Peace Agreement Development Fund (EDF) assistance. She added that it was important that the (CPA). The CPA includes the holding EU Ministers also called for all parties EU already look beyond the referendum of a January 2011 referendum on in the Darfur crisis to address the root to help ensure that Sudan does not southern Sudan’s self-determination. causes of conflict in a peaceful dialogue. become a failed state. “We should not end up with institutions in the south At a separate meeting, the EU’s 27 Sudan’s recent national poll returned that are weaker than those in the north Foreign Ministers said they had incumbent President Omar-al Bashir which is the case already,” said Gomes. concerns that Sudan’s recent legislative with 68 per cent of the vote, whereas She suggested that funds be used elections, held 11-15 April – the first in the semi-autonomous southern part under the EU’s stability instrument, in 24 years – had not fully complied of the country, leader of the Sudan for example, to build the capacity of with international standards. However, People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), institutions and civil society. they too voiced support for the CPA Salva Kirr, received 93 per cent of between the Government of Sudan and the vote. The 130-strong EU observer Sudan People’s Liberation Movement mission for the elections, led by Belgian

Cannes 2010: the ACP promotes its cinema

For the first time the ACP Group was the official partner of the Les Cinémas du Monde Pavilion (World Cinema Pavilion) in Cannes. At this 63rd edition of this prestigious festival, the President of the Committee

of ACP Ambassadors, Mr. René Makongo, the Ambassador of Gabon, The grand premiere: Mahamat Saleh Haroun, an official explained to the cinema going public how the policies of the ACP Group are selection, took the Jury Prize. With “A Screaming contributing to cultural development in ACP countries. Man…”, the Chadian director, officially in competition in Cannes for the first time, has made his fourth feature film. In 1999, his first film “Bye-Bye Africa” was selected for the Venice Film Festival and won the Best First Film Jacqueline Meido-Madiot* Day’, a special event to welcome 12 Prize. Next “Abouna” was presented at the Director’s young filmmakers from the Artistic Fortnight in 2002 and “Daratt”, received the Special Jury Prize in Venice in 2006. With “A Screaming Man”, the Delegation, including six from the ACP, ACP Secretariat is delighted that a film supported by the and three beneficiaries of the ACPFilms ACPFilms Programme is gaining recognition. © M.S. Haroun) Programme. A public meeting was held or 10 days, the ACP Secretariat on ‘development cooperation policies in and the ACPFilms Programme, the cultural field’. The event whipped up along with its partner lively debate, which went on throughout As the ACP Committee of Ambassadors EuropeAid, which manages the festival, and especially during the examines possibilities for the cultural EU-fundedF external programmes, legal workshops led by Maître Michel sector’s future funding under the 10th accompanied the young ACP directors, Gyori. The ACP Secretariat, also a European Development Fund, the award in partnership with OIF, RFI, TV5 partner of the Film Market, hosted of the Jury Prize to Mahamat Saleh Monde, CFI, and the French Ministry a ‘Producers Network’ round table. Haroun, only strengthens the call from of Foreign Affairs. Overall coordinator ACP professionals for continued political was CulturesFrance, which was running As well as accompanying ACP and financial support in the field. It the Les Cinémas du Monde Pavilion. filmmakers, the ACP Secretariat was is vital for the expansion, including a partner in the opening evening of the economic development, of both the The tone of the Festival was set ‘Director’s Fortnight’, with a screening ACP creative sector and film industry. even before its official opening. On of the film ‘Staff Benda Bilili’ directed 13 May 2010, the ACP Secretariat by Renaud Barret and Florent de La brought the Les Cinémas du Monde Tullaye, which showcases a musical *Jacqueline Meido-Madiot is the Consultant Pavilion to life by organising an ‘ACP group from the city of Kinshasa. on Cultural Policies for the ACP Secretariat.

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 45 Report © Hegel Goutier Meeting point Livingstone and Stanley in 1871.

Burundi moves forward, now at peace

Hope is reborn and new initiatives Report by Hegel Goutier more concern about the risk of fraud are bearing fruit. “Peace is back”. It’s by political parties than about issues of not really fresh news; the last armed ethnicity. The country’s new constitu- tion balances the “one man, one vote” faction laid down its arms back in our years have passed since system with a quota arrangement for April 2009. But this is one of those the first elections recognised each ethnic group at all levels of power. countries that appear to be locked as democratic. A new round of Forty per cent of seats for deputies are into an image which people hold of elections will begin this May, automatically reserved for Tutsis, and Ffrom local councils to the president, Hutus and Tutsis enjoy equal represen- it, in this case that of ethnic conflict. continuing until July or August. It’s tation (50-50) in the upper chamber, Burundi deserves to be discovered, clear that the demons of old have not yet the Senate, even though the latter group for the economic opportunities, for its been fully exorcised. No one would dare represents just 16 per cent of the total programmes to strengthen democracy, to exclude altogether the possibility of population. Neither one of the two outbreaks of ethnic hatred, but observ- groups may possess more than 67 per for its beauty, and above all for the ers appear to be optimistic and that cent of the local administrative staff in qualities of its people, hospitable, progress hence far is irreversible. any given municipality in the country, respectful of others, and full of nor is any party allowed to be mono- The blurring of the ethnic ethnic. curiosity about the outside world. factor Should the 2010 elections pass without The most significant victory chalked up incident, Burundi will enter a new era by the country in the last few years is the in its history, allowing its potential, in blurring of the ethnic factor. At the time which a number of foreign organisations of the Courier report in April, there was have already shown their interest, to

The 46 C urier Report

shine. The fields of hydroelectric power, that he was a Hutu, and that the kings The elections of 1993 were won by the the mining of minerals, and tourism all almost always married Tutsi women. FRODEBU party, made up for the most look promising. And then there’s the The descendants of these unions are part by Hutus, and the president of country’s strategic position for southern known today as ‘Ganwa’, neither Hutu Burundi, Melchior Ndadaye, was assas- and central Africa. nor Tutsi. sinated in the same year, sparking off a wave of massacres against the Tutsis. Forty per cent of seats for The first European explorers arrived in deputies are automatically the area in the middle of the nineteenth This turn of events led to the arrival of century. Livingstone and Stanley met in UN troops and to the long Arusha peace reserved for Tutsis, and Burundi in 1871. In 1890, the country process under the auspices of President Hutus and Tutsis enjoy equal became a German protectorate, joining Mandela, which eventually resulted in representation (50-50) in the with Rwanda under the name Ruanda a peace agreement finally brought to Urundi, but the monarchy survived. completion when the last Hutu armed upper chamber, the Senate. After the First World War, the League movement, the FNL, laid down its arms of Nations entrusted Ruanda Urundi to at the end of 2009. The introduction Belgium, which was to annex the two of the new constitution guarantees the History countries to Congo in 1925. The first of participation of both principal ethnic the major revolts against the occupying groups in all levels of administration in Like the rest of Africa, the territory power took place in 1934. the country. occupied today by Burundi was already settled at the start of the Paleolithic The colonist’s game: Tutsis * See Christine Deslaurier’s Petit Futé Guide period, as proven by the ‘finds’ of carved against Hutus to Burundi. stones. Iron tools also show that human beings were active here in the early Iron What followed is recounted for us by Age. Oral sources transmitted from gen- the historian Augustin Nzojibwami, eration to generation by accredited pos- former president of the FRODEBU sessors of the truth point to the arrival (Front for Democracy in Burundi) in the area of the Great Lakes around a political party who tirelessly works thousand years ago of a people speaking for dialogue between the two com- a Bantu language. This group is consid- munities. The Belgian administration’s ered to be the Hutus, a farming people policy was to use the Tutsi minority who supposedly drove out the Pygmies, against the Hutu majority. In 1957, the whose descendants are thought to be ‘Bahatu Manifesto’ made its appear- the Twas, a marginal group today. A ance in Rwanda, followed by a revolt later period saw the arrival from the against the colonial system. At the end north-east of Africa (Ethiopia, Egypt, of 1960, local elections with universal Somalia) of the Tutsis, who were live- suffrage were organised in the three stock farmers. territories. In Burundi the victorious parties were those which advocated a The first kingdom of Burundi was regime of trust territory rather than established at the end of the eighteenth outright independence. The legislative century, under the leadership of the elections of September 1961, however, king (Mwami) Ntare Rushatsi, a mythi- were won by the UPRONA (Union for cal hero. Most oral sources indicate National Progress) party, a supporter of independence and largely made up of Tutsis. On 1 January 1962, Rwanda and Burundi hence became autonomous states and six months later, on 1 July, they became formally independent. At this point the two countries separated. The former opted for a republican sys- tem and the second remained a monar- chy. Shortly after, the prime minister of Burundi, who was also a prince, was assassinated. Burundi fell into the tur- moil which would only come to an end in 2009. In 1966, under the leadership of UPRONA, a one-party system, which was to last until 1982, was introduced. A major outbreak of killings took place in 1972.The victims were essentially Hutus and some 300,000 people were killed. Mwaro village. © Hegel Goutier Painting of a king. "Oral sources indicate that the first kings (Hutu) almost always married Tutsi women" © Hegel Goutier

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 47 Report

Bujumbura. Restaurant. © Hegel Goutier Economic development in Burundi: a quickening of the pace

HG – The President of the Republic of our countries, and in the case of Yves Sahinguvu is the first vice- is in the Democratic Republic of the Burundi, major industrialisation works president of Burundi, a position Congo (DRC) at the moment. Is this are going ahead like nickel extraction at reserved for a Tutsi under the terms visit part of the consultation process Musongati. between countries of the Great Lakes of the constitution ratifying the Arusha region? “The crisis has also led to a Accords, which put an end to fifteen reduction in budgetary support” years of civil war. It is true that the President is vis- iting the DRC. Relations within the How has the global economic crisis Economic Community of the Great affected Burundi’s economy? Lakes Countries (CEPGL) are very good. Burundi is also part of the East The world crisis has hit us hard. We African Community (EAC). After all the have just come out of fifteen years of conflicts in the region, things are now conflict. The last rebel group only laid going very well between Burundi, the down their arms in April 2009. Burundi DRC and Rwanda. Trust is being revi- is a country that depends mainly on its talised and the economy boosted. The agriculture, in particular the cultivation region’s development bank, the BDGL, of coffee and tea for export. The crisis which put the three countries back on has had its repercussions, most sig- their feet has now been relaunched, nificantly in the drying-up of bilateral and agricultural projects are up and aid. There has also been a reduction running once more. The methane gas in direct investment. The most impor- of Lake Kivu is being exploited by the tant factor has been reduced export DRC and Rwanda, and Burundi is soon earnings. Between July and September to join them. Other projects in the pipe- 2008, the price of our coffee fell by 24.1 line, include the Ruzizi 3 hydroelectric per cent. The crisis has also led to a dam, the power station needed by all reduction in budgetary support.

The 48 C urier Report

the various elections: local, presidential, What about intimidation of journalists? and for the legislature and the Senate. Observers have been invited, and the It is true that a few journalists have been EU has responded very positively, pro- intimidated, arrested and taken to pris- viding 83 observers. There will also be on. There are presently no journalists in other observers from the African Union prison, and things have got better. (AU), the EAC, the CEPGL, and from Belgium, France and Germany. Given the massacres of the past, is it the case that justice and recon- “We have reached an agreement ciliation between Hutus and Tutsis with the United Nations with is impossible without a Truth and a view to no amnesty being Reconciliation process like that of granted for war crimes, South Africa? genocide and crimes against humanity” Social reconciliation is a must for Burundi. Specific measures were taken There are, however, some difficulties after the Arusha Accords. These were and challenges. There have been isolat- integrated into the Burundian consti- ed cases of intolerance, and confronta- tution and the electoral code, name- tions between young people affiliated to ly the quota system. We have 60 per Yves Sahinguvu. © Hegel Goutier political parties, particularly involving cent Hutus and 40 per cent Tutsis (the individuals linked to the majority party. minority ethnic group) in the govern- The government has already taken steps ment, and the same proportion in the Which backers have reduced aid? to put an end to these problems. There National Assembly. In the Senate, it is have been attempts by certain mem- 50 per cent for each group, because this Countries which have helped us histori- bers of political parties to purchase is the authority with the responsibil- cally, like France, but we are genuinely attestations of registration for certain ity of keeping an eye on what happens happy that the European Union (EU) individuals, but the CENI (National in the other governmental institutions. has provided support and continued Independent Electoral Commission) has It is 50-50 too in the army, and at the to do so in 2009. An organisation has taken effective measures to counter such rank-and-file level of local government, been set up to keep tabs and auster- fraud. We also have to pay close atten- no one ethnic group can have more ity measures have been taken as far as tion to fraud related to the use of infor- than 67 per cent of local administrative public spending is concerned. Greater mation technology, but on the whole we staff, etc. transparency has been introduced in are optimistic. the administration of State finances. We have asked for budgetary support from the EU and €7.5M from the ‘vulner- ability FLEX’ programme. We have also received strong support from Belgium.

Budgetary support is normally granted to countries with relatively high standards of government. How are preparations for the forthcoming elections?

The government is very happy about what has already been achieved in the lead-up process to the May elections. The electoral code has already been promulgated, the electoral commission set up, the calendar announced, and the enrolment of voters completed. Now is the time for the posting of electoral lists. The financing is in place, and there is a shortfall of only $US10M, which we hope to be able to find between now and the elections. The code of conduct for the different political parties has been agreed, and a decree has been announced summoning the voters to Resha Beach / Lake Tanganiyka. © Hegel Goutier

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 49 Report

Other measures have also been taken to recover and honour Burundian cultural values and encourage mixing at a ter- ritorial and ethnic level, like the peace villages housing internally-displaced Tutsis and repatriated Hutus who have returned from Tanzania (of whom there are almost 800,000).

We have reached an agreement with the United Nations with a view to no amnesty being granted for war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. As far as the possible future relationship between the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Tribunal for Burundi which are to be set up, we still have to come to an understand- ing. Is the Tribunal prosecutor going to be satisfied with the cases that the Commission refers to him, or will he be able to submit a case to the court himself?

Burundi seems to be lagging behind its neighbours economically. Rwanda, for example, has its sights set on becoming a minor economic dragon.

Several programmes have been set up with a view to kick-starting the econ- omy. We have plenty of assets, like our major nickel deposits, petroleum in Lake Tanganyika, the lake itself, and a range of truly magnificent landscapes. A number of backers are now at the point of making investments. As far as the East African Community (EAC) is con- cerned, we are in the process of bring- ing all the customs systems together, including VAT regimes. In the near future, I believe that we will perhaps Independence monument, Bujumbura. "We have plenty of assets". © Hegel Goutier progress faster than Rwanda.

As regards government, there has priorities? Are you interested in We are keen for our people to enjoy free- been some harsh criticism, in par- relations with China, Thailand and dom of movement in the wider region. ticular in relation to the fraudulent Brazil? This has already been achieved within sale of the presidential plane. the EAC, and is due to come into force We are a landlocked nation. We have to in July 2010. Burundi has had problems, This has been in the news for three or have good relations with neighbouring of course, with dualism between the four years now, and in fact the National countries. China gives us support in two ethnic groups. We now need to bury Assembly has set up a commission which a wide variety of fields, such as health this in the context of a larger political has published a report on it, and this is care, agriculture and many more. With group, in order to forget our internal now in the hands of the Ministry of regards to Thailand, we are perhaps disputes. We mustn’t forget that we only Justice. We firmly believe that this proc- taking our first steps now, with a project have small, with a population of just ess will be rapidly dealt with and those in the pharmaceuticals field. We con- eight million, so we have to be part of a who were ultimately responsible for this tinue, however, to enjoy close relation- bigger unit. abuse will be brought to justice. It is not ships with long-standing partners like acceptable that a plane should be sold Belgium and the EU. under conditions that were not properly specified, or that such lapses should be We decided to seek integration into the allowed to pass unpunished. EAC for a number of reasons, the first and foremost being the small size yet What are your other foreign affairs significant population of our country.

The 50 C urier Report

Multiple oppositions

On the eve of the elections, around through the Constitutional Committee, forty opposition parties are lined up to the President has illegally dismissed 22 face the government of the president deputies who criticised him. Parliament is in fact the only institution with the of the republic, Pierre Nkurunziza, legal right to call for such a sanction. whose rule is based largely on the The President has also been accused of Jean Minani / FRODEBU Sahwanya having turned a blind eye to a militia support of the CNDD-FDD* party. In (scission de Frodebu). © Hegel Goutier the absence of reliable opinion polls, it linked to his party which has terrorised members of the opposition. This militia is impossible to evaluate the electoral is alleged to have killed as many as six significance of the opposing parties, members of FRODEBU. but all of these groups are harsh critics of the government, accusing The leader of UPRONA, Bonaventure Niyoyankana, lays emphasis too on the it of poor governance, thinly-veiled culture of impunity in favour of power- repressive actions, and corruption. ful organisations that apparently played a role in crimes against humanity in the years of the conflict, and also of the criminals who assassinated the vice- president of OLUCOME (Watchdog for the Fight against Corruption and Misappropriation of Funds), Ernest f observers are to be believed, Manirumva, and other defenders of civil Léonce Ngendakumana / FRODEBU. © Hegel Goutier those in the best position to take liberties. He also attacks the nepotism of advantage of the situation are the which the government is accused. old parties previously in power, IFRODEBU and UPRONA, and a Alexis Sinduhidje of the MSD (Move- new movement led by the fiery Alexis ment for Solidarity and Democracy) Sinduhije, formerly an independent says he wants to build a country which journalist who, after conducting investi- is completely without fear. He says the gations into a number of murky business State should grant each citizen the right deals, spent time in prison for “insulting to protection.This is not the case today, the head of State”. he says, giving the example of his own imprisonment under a false pretext. He For Léonce Ngendakumana of believes that in Burundi it is the State FRODEBU, grievances against the which is responsible for the death of citi- party in power are multiple.The govern- zens: “Even today, the State continues to ment puts budgets for programmes to kill citizens”. With such a panorama of the vote without providing all the neces- fear, panic, terror and lack of protection Alexis Sinduhidje / MSD. sary information. Examples can be seen of the individual, continues Sinduhije, © Hegel Goutier in a set of six dams, and a large airport the State is holding up to ridicule the in the centre of the country. According freedom to do business. Furthermore, to Ngendakumana, the government has he is not in favour of the current finan- also covered up serious cases of misap- cial system, which obliges citizens, and propriation of funds, as, for example, the rural poor in particular, to take on in the case of the fraudulent sale of the debts at usurious rates of interest, when presidential plane when it is supposed to in Burundi the people already pay very be leading the fight against corruption. high taxes, which amount to 70 per cent of GDP. Ngendakumana also accuses the presi- dent of abusing his power. He says the second vice-president of the country, * Conseil National Pour la Défense de who blew the whistle on the plane la Démocratie – Forces de Défense de la affair, has been excluded from the par- Démocratie (National Council for the liamentary committee and accused of Defence of Democracy – Forces for the conniving with the opposition, and that, Defence of Democracy) Bonaventure Niyoyankana / UPRONA. © Hegel Goutier

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 51 Report

NGOs and the Press Brave enough to monitor abuses

One of the few positive effects of Stand up and be counted related to the governance of the coun- the serious conflicts of the last 30 try. Nduwayo questions those in power years between the Hutu and Tutsi In recent years, young people allied with who agree to be interviewed. “But we political parties have formed militias give all those involved the chance to communities has been the dynamism and been involved in clashes with knives explain themselves. Before anything is of today’s civil society, with a press and stones. These attacks carried out by published, it is critiqued by all those committed to good governance and young militiamen have not led to any implicated. We generally avoid giving reconciliation between communities deaths, but other killings have occurred names, except in blatant cases which which opposition parties have attributed are already in the public domain. But and democracy. to political motives. There have been at when we do make a denunciation, we least five of these deaths, according to don’t mince our words.” A recent case the vice-president of the OLUCOME studied by the OAG is the annulment group (Watchdog for the Fight against by the Minister for Domestic Affairs Corruption and Misappropriation of of the ruling registered by FORSC Funds). There have also been numerous (Forum for the Strengthening of Civil he president of the Iteka cases of rape, which is endemic despite Society), considered to be a flagrant League (League for Human the end of the war, and the association case of abuse of power. The FORSC had Rights), Joseph Ndayizeye, known as SERUKA (Stand Up and Be demanded explanations regarding the sums up the political situa- Counted) has led the way in defending killing on the 9th of April 2009 of the Ttion in Burundi. “Since the end of the victims and making a real attempt to vice-president of OLUCOME, Ernest conflicts, the situation has improved a apprehend the criminals. Manirumva, which has become a cause lot as far as street violence is concerned, célèbre of NGOs and the independent but the same is not true of human rights. Onesphore Nduwayo, the director of press. It is clear that there are still murders, the OAG (Watchdog for Governmental banditry and cases of rape of women. Activities), an umbrella organisa- OLUCOME is an important symbol. What is most shocking is that the perpe- tion comprising a number of groups, Its offices have been searched and it is trators are not identified and arrested by explained that the OAG publishes in- clear that they are under surveillance, the police and taken to the courts.” depth reports on a variety of topics to the extent that its representatives

Journalist (Radio-TV Renaissance) and leader of opposition. © Hegel Goutier

The 52 C urier Report

Poster of the NGO OLUCOME. "Corruption benefits few and kills many"… The vice-president of the NGO was killed. © Hegel Goutier © Hegel Goutier Verbatim Innocent Muhozi, director of Radio-TV Renaissance

“First of all, this job is our choice. If we do it, it’s not to earn money, but to received us behind reinforced doors, radio stations, and above all the TV defend ideas and values. The coun- with CCTV cameras everywhere. Its station Télé Renaissance have recently try has been the victim of idiocies of president, Gabriel Rufyiri, says: “Yes, been in the spotlight, along with two a pseudo-ethnic nature where peo- we do live in a state of anxiety. We evangelical TV stations which do not carry out investigations and denounce broadcast news, but produce awareness- ple were massacred without anyone powerful individuals. We know that building programmes. really knowing why, just because the truth of the strongest is always the they were manipulated. one that prevails. Since 2003, we have Among the best of the radio stations is investigated more than 1,000 dossiers Radio Isanganiro, which was set up in on “those in power, the government, 2002 during the civil war and coura- I have lost friends who were in the and the courts”. geously supported reconciliation and wrong place at the wrong time, or fraternity. It was Radio Isanganiro which had the wrong colour skin. We have The Press: determination and brought up the dossier on the presiden- to tell ourselves we can make a use- responsibility tial aircraft, and it continues its work today, providing information and work- ful contribution in the fight against Denise Mugugu, one of the journalists ing for reconciliation. Even the music fratricidal hatred and the like. I let my whose relations with the authorities are programme presented by Excellent co-workers do their work; what I ask strained, is president of the House of Nimubona, held in great esteem among of them is that they respect everyone, the Press, an institution funded by the the young, is a voice for raising aware- European Union which also serves as a ness. Télé Renaissance, has been attacked with benevolence but also with inde- school for specialised studies, a studio, by the youth militia of the party in pendence. We are part of a society an audiovisual archive and a centre for power, which assaulted the vehicle of that is extremely bloodied and very the analysis of audiovisual information. one of its production teams. Mrs Mugugu highlights the drift which poor, which means unhappiness in is apparent in government media, which And yet all those in charge of these the everyday lives of families without attack individuals who have had a brush media organisations and NGOs rec- hope who cannot feed themselves. with the government, even in terms of ognise that the situation has improved This kind of drama plays no part in their private lives. “Relationships with a great deal, as repression is no longer those in power get complicated every an everyday occurrence. Perhaps this the political debate here, however. time a journalist dares to research cer- is a sign of moderation and a spirit of tain cases of misappropriation of funds. responsibility? I set up this station to say ‘We are all Right now there are no journalists in citizens of the same country, and we prison, but they are the object of intimi- dation.” should have the same rights and the same obligations’. That is our edito- In this respect, two weekly magazines, rial line in a nutshell.” Iwachu and Arc-en-ciel, community

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 53 Report

The European Union and Burundi Extensive aid for a land risen from the dead

Interview with Alain Darthenucq, Head of the EU Delegation

The European Union (EU) is the s regards the overall situation in Burundi, the European dip- largest contributor to Burundi, both lomat considers that in many of aid in general and one of its most ways "the situation is bad but theA overall trend is good. An observ- important elements, budgetary aid. er might think nothing is going well, A number of EU countries also make human rights, justice, infrastructure, additional contributions, such as governance, the economy, or entrepre- Burundi’s historical partners, Belgium neurial spirit. But if we consider the and Germany, and its other key chaotic state the country has come out of, the progress made since the Arusha donors, France, Holland and the UK. Accords is remarkable." The general level of support from the EU and its member states is on the As an example of this, he cites the return increase, states Alain Darthenucq, of peace after 13 years of civil war, the democratic legitimacy of the govern- Head of the EU Delegation in ment, the impressive freedom of the Bujumbura. press, the number of political parties recognised (more than 40), the work of the National Audit Office and the State Police Complaints Authority, the aboli- tion of the death penalty, the new Penal Code punishing sexual violence, and the fulfilling of the quota for 30 per cent of women in public institutions. "There are still problems, of course, but in the last few years Burundi has provided itself with a set of tools which have not yet been used either perfectly or in their entirety."

HG – What are the central themes for European cooperation in Burundi?

AD – The most visible aspect of our co-operation is in infrastructure. For example, we have just completed 31 km of streets in Bujumbura, and have recently built two roads in the east of the country. Just as important is our work to help ensure good governance, like the census of the population for the elections, for which we have covered up to 80 per cent of the costs. In the same field, the EU has provided support for the creation or improvement of impor- tant mechanisms such as the State Police Complaints Authority and the National Audit Office, the establishment of 44 ‘residential courts’ in small villages, and © Hegel Goutier

The 54 C urier Report

Ijenda Tea factory. "In 2009, tea produced the highest revenue ever recorded in Burundi". © Hegel Goutier

the planning of a new Land Code – even and free prenatal medical care, but same time sustain export crops, in par- now conflicts over land are still the prime without providing sufficient means ticular tea, coffee and palm oil, as these cause of violent death. Decentralisation to do this. are Burundi’s only sources of export is also a key area, and here training and revenue. We have also provided aid to skills development are vital. The second It is true that the money is not yet on relaunch the horticultural sector. In phase will involve the strengthening of the table, but we believe that budget- 2009, tea produced the highest revenue village institutions so that they have ary aid will allow this to happen. More ever recorded in Burundi; although the enough resources, and support for the than half of the State budget comes price was stable, improvements in qual- decentralisation of services provided by from external sources, and the EU, the ity allowed Burundian tea to be sold at a the State. Commission and member states provide price 50 per cent higher than the previ- more than half of this aid. As regards the ous average. The third sector is health, where there Commission, the budgetary aid paid in has been a significant increase in financ- 2009 was more than €40M, that is, about The last sector we are involved in is ing in the five-year period from 2008. 40 per cent of the total aid paid out to providing support for a civil society that Pilots are being carried out with the Burundi in that year. On top of the budg- is already highly dynamic. We are work- new national health programme, which etary aid from the 2008-13 period, there ing with associations like ITEKA, OAG, focuses on results-based decentralisa- have been contributions from two other COSOME, FORSC, OLUCOME, and tion. sources, the EU food programme and the the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vulnerability FLEX programme, with a and we also support the media, especially Can you tell us more about this new view to countering the effects of the food via the House of the Press. national health programme? crisis and the economic downturn on the country. As so much still needs to be done in The government has decided to try a Burundi, the EU plays a role in many large-scale pilot programme, in five of the The fourth area of EU intervention is fields. Its public image is very good country’s 17 provinces. We are involved rural development, financed through the there, and it is highly visible, which in this, along with other partners. five-year plan and the food programme. makes Burundi a kind of laboratory for Eighty-five per cent of the population European aid. Some people have criticised the fact lives in rural areas. Major operations that the government has decided to have been performed to allow Burundi impose policies of education for all to produce basic foodstuffs and at the

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 55 Report

Good governance: everyone’s business Success of a well-planned project

‘Gutwara Neza’ (Good Governance) is an integrated, wide-ranging project financed by the European Union to the tune of €20M, and also supported by the World Bank. It involves the training of judges, construction of village courts, informing the population about their legal rights, conciliation mechanisms for land conflicts, etc. Véronique Parque, the project coordinator, is full of enthusiasm, and knows all her co-workers on the ground. Itaba, Meeting of the village on human rights and good governance. © Hegel Goutier

verdict, one had to pay. Besides, crimes One of the best-known successes of the committed against humanity had not programme has been the village courts been brought to justice. and the management of often bloody land conflicts, which up to now the From this starting point, an action courts only dealt with as a last resort. plan was devised. The first step was Villagers’ associations elect ‘hill com- the organisation of an awareness-rais- missions’, with volunteer members who ing campaign about access to justice. conduct surveys of properties in cases here are three main pillars Brochures and noticeboards with draw- of conflict (for example, between neigh- to ‘Gutwara Neza’: the rule ings and photos were prepared, and a bours), and generally manage to reach of law, transparency in pub- number of meetings were arranged so an amicable agreement, which will then lic affairs, and public par- that villages could discuss the topic. be registered in the courts. Tticipation. From another point of view it might be said that the project combines The second aim was to train magistrates On the day the Courier visited the village economic, political and administrative locally, the third to construct or rehabil- of Itaba, near the town of Gitega, the management. As regards political gov- itate buildings for use as courts, and the local courts were in session, with three ernance, the key factors are the rule of final one to establish controls over mag- judges dispensing justice with patience law and the strengthening of the decen- istrates. The project has hence helped and an educational spirit, and a case tralisation process. The project lead- to sustain institutions like the National involving the ‘mountain commissions’ ers began by informing the population Audit Office and the Anti-Corruption also in progress. But best of all was about their rights and the way the jus- Squad, and also assisted the State in the fervour with which the whole vil- tice system works. Three groups of 900 training the magistrates of the adminis- lage discussed for hours topics on the households were interviewed, and the trative court. NGOs have been provided big educational boards explaining their results were very simple, with the popu- with training on the legal maze that legal rights. lation believing the legal system to be must be navigated to take action against corrupt and that to receive a favourable the State if need be.

The 56 C urier Report

Culture Vivace Bujumbura

or a country with only one large city, Bujumbura, Burundi’s capital of 400,000 citizens is bubbling over with cultural Factivity. The Drummers of Burundi have paraded through the major audito- riums of the world, but in their wake is a whole host of stars who stoke the fires of a pulsating cultural life. Inspite of the lack of resources and venues, the city has a huge variety of arts associations and production companies.

One of the most dynamic cultural asso- ciations is Menya Media (see the Courier No. 12 ‘NGO Menya Media has the wind in its sails’). It has just co-produced with Belgium’s French-speaking state televi- sion and other associated media groups a short film, ‘Na Wewe’ (‘You too’), which denounces violence between different Alida Baranyizigiye, singer and fashion designer. © Hegel Goutier ethnic groups by sometimes straying into comedy. The film was first presented in a special preview in Burundi at the begin- ning of April, and then premiered at started out at the age of twelve in a one Colombian and the Burundian the Centre Culturel d'Uccle in Brussels. gospel choir, and since then has flirted Fidélité Bivugire) whose half figurative, Menya Media has also just released the with the zouk of the West Indies, salsa, half abstract paintings stand out. musical composition ‘Haiti Campé’, R&B and jazz. She has fused zouk with Burundi’s gift to Haiti in the aftermath the soft and gentle intonation of the Another to watch is film-maker, Léonce of the earthquake, and, organised for the Kirundi tongue, and, in her own words, Ngabo who has kept up his musical first time in Burundi the regional festival her zouk is sung with love and sensual- interests whilst studying chemistry. He ‘Pearl of Africa Music Awards’, under ity, with an injection of soul to express wrote the screenplay for a short film and the name ‘Pamwade Burundi’. The top her strong feelings and R&B just for a fairy tale. A top Swiss film-maker who prizes were awarded to artists with very rhythm, all melded together to create a came to Burundi to film on location promising futures: Steven Sogo in the music made for the body. came across Léonce. In just one day a male singer category, Risiki in the female contract was signed between them for one, and Lions Story among the groups. You need time to stroll around the production of a full-length feature Bujumbura with Serge Nkurunziza** film, involving a large advance. The The Drummers of Burundi or Khadja since he gets stopped by everyone he film, ‘Gito the Ungrateful’, had enjoyed Nin apart, more and more artists meets. He is a musician, arranger and great success in Europe’s cinemas. In from the country are being discov- above all a singer with a wild sense of his own country Ngabo has set up the ered. Jérémie Hakeshimana and Sybille rhythm. He is also a talented designer FESTICAP (International Festival of Cushahayo*, were hugely successful as who has designed and decorated the Cinema and Broadcasting of Burundi) a support act for the Congolese star interior of a number of the most beauti- festival, now in its second edition. Baloji in Leuven, Belgium last April. ful villas and hotels in the city, from the Hakeshimana is a composer, arranger wall coverings to the furniture. and musician, while Cushahayo’s*, love songs show her off as a sensual diva. She There’s a relatively dynamic theatre is also committed to peace, to the fight scene too, strongly supported by the against AIDS and shares the struggles Centre Culturel Français (French * aka Kazuba DVD ‘Indoto & Akazuba’ of women in Africa. Cultural Centre). A wide variety of art (2009) and promotional DVD (2009), Ed exhibitions take place both in the Centre Menya Media. The music of Alida Baranyizigiye, itself and elsewhere. Some examples are another female singer to watch, encom- the works of the Maoni collective, made ** Most recent release, ‘Africa’ (2010, Ed. passes both dream and rhythm. She up of three women artists (one Belgian, Sodetra).

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 57 Report

Jean-Jacques Nyenimigabo: a much-loved Minister of Culture

ulture is an important part of dence of this. Other projects are being the Millennium Development filmed at the moment, and a film festi- Goals, and all the more so in val has been set up: Festicab, the cinema Burundi, where for example and audiovisual festival of Burundi. The "goodC values" are promoted through government is making major efforts "peace songs", and culture has played to provide support for these projects, a major role after all the horrors. This which also enjoy the backing of other is what the Minister of Culture, Sports sponsors, such as the French, German, Sybille Cisahayo. Performance in Leuven, Belgium. and Youth, Jean-Jacques Nyenimigabo, Belgian and American embassies. The © Hegel Goutier declared in his interview with the music industry is also developing in Courier. parallel, and to avoid the spread of pirat- ing, the Minister of Culture has decided Peace. Burundi is placing emphasis on to work with professionals in the field culture in the national reconciliation to set up an artists’ copyright office to process. At the end of the year, a festival protect this and other rights. A law has of culture is held in which all the prov- already been passed to this effect. inces are represented through dances, songs and other cultural manifestations, The Ministry of Culture has worked which helps them to get to know each together with the Artists’ Forum and other better. The culture of the Batwa with producers, and also in conjunc- Music for Haiti "Haiti, Stand up". tribe, for example, is quite different tion with the Ministries of Justice and from the others, and the festival allows Security. Checks are carried out regu- them to show themselves to best advan- larly in stores and studios, and the coop- tage and to feel part of the nation. eration between Nyenimigabo and the artists has been very successful. Even The economy those artists who criticize the govern- ment insist that the minister is on their In the last few years, the Minister side, because he shows his concern for stresses, Burundi has made great pro- their successes, interests and well-being. gress in the field of cinema, and he He is truly a well-loved minister, but cites the quality of the film "Gito the of course one swallow does not make a Serge Nkurunziza Ungrateful", by Léonce Ngabo, as evi- summer.

Burundi: Places to visit

• Saga beach, near Bujumbura • The waterfalls on the outskirts of Mwaro • Stanley and Livingstone (considered sacred, where all the queens of Burundi were buried) • The source of the Nile • Saga Nyanza, on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, on the border with Tanzania • The private park adjacent to the new luxury Iteka hotel at Mwaro. Don’t fail to talk to the master of • The market at Masekeza the house, Etienne Barigume, an endless source • Resha, on the shores of Lake Tanganyika of information on the region’s ecological riches (60 km from Bujumbura) • The waterfalls at Agasamo

• The Lake of the Birds (Kirundo) • The Rutana waterfalls • Lake Rwihinda (bird lake)

• National parks : Ruvubu, Kibira and Rusizi • The thermal waters at Rumonge, which is not developed for tourism, but a beautiful place, with a very hot pool for men and a lower, cooler one • The magnificent Fault of the Germans at Nyakazu for women (unwritten rule)

The 58 C urier Creativity

View over the stage An enthusiastic spectator © Moustapha Sawadogo and Innocent Kabore © Moustapha Sawadogo and Innocent Kabore “Je danse donc je suis” (“I dance therefore I am”)

Forty young people between the ages After the project’s launch seminar (18- term, the programme encourages par- of 12 and 18, two dance centres, 22 January 2010), 40 young people ticipants to reach professional level were selected to attend courses with the which can lead to real economic oppor- two African countries, one non-profit CDC* La Termitière (http://cdc-later- tunities. organisation and the European Union and Donko Seko (http:// have come together in the programme, – organisations How do you think the local popu- ‘Je danse donc je suis’ (‘I dance run by internationally renowned danc- lation will respond to this pro- ers Salia Sanou, Seydou Boro and gramme? therefore I am’). Ketty Noel. The programme now car- ries out artistic training, through work- The first public activities organised to shops, choreography and theoretical “give back” to society were received lessons on the history of dance and very enthusiastically by the popula- Elisabetta Degli Esposti Merli theatre and puts on local and regional tions of the two cities, who also wel- dance performances to “give back” to comed the change in perspective and society. It is a triennial project financed mindset [...] These activities also pro- by the European Commission as part of mote “universal access to culture” [...] he aim is to offer socially the ‘Investing in People’ programme, disadvantaged young peo- and is carried out by the Belgian cul- We believe that the local popula- ple in Africa an artistic tural organisation Africalia, in partner- tions of Ouagadougou and Bamako training course which ship with the aforementioned African will react positively. Firstly, because fusesT tradition and modernity and associations. the programme offers young people promotes social and socio-cultural in difficulty the possibility of find- integration. Social, economic and We put a few questions to Africalia: ing employment through a three- health-related problems can lead year professional training course. As to young people becoming dras- Why did you decide to use dance to Descartes famously said, “cogito ergo tically distanced from the socie- reintegrate the young people? sum” (I think therefore I am). “I ties in which they live. ANERSER dance therefore I am”, puts over the (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) and Africalia – Dance is a very effective idea that dance is a synonym of life, RIOEV (Bamako, Mali) aim to less- means of communication which allows an expression of being, an expres- en this. The former is a non-profit young people to express themselves sion of hope and a confirmation of association which works to reinte- using their bodies. The expression of one’s self and one’s existence. As the grate children, while the latter is a feelings through the spoken word is famous dancer Alphonse Tierou said, network whose members include 40 often difficult and complicated. As “if its music moves, Africa will also associations and 1000 street chil- a type of body language, dance has move”. dren. a therapeutic effect, as it encourages listening to others. [...] In the long * ‘Centre de Developpement Choregraphique’.

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 59 Creativity

Dak’art 2010: retrospective and perspective

Dak’Art, the Biennial of African Art, entitled RETROSPECTIVE AND PERSPECTIVE, was held in the Senegalese capital from 7 May to 7 June. The first edition of the Biennial took place in 1990 (in the form of the Biennial of Art and Literature), and was later dedicated to plastic artists from Africa.

Sandra Federici

s usual, the first week saw critics, curators and artists running between interviews, openings and performances whichA made up both the official pro- gramme, and the interesting ‘off’ events.

The 5 curators of Dak’Art 2010 were in charge of the selection of artists from the 400 applications received from art- ists who had never before exhibited at Dak’Art. They proposed an internation- al exhibition which represented above all an opportunity to discover young artists such as the winner of the Great Prize Léopold Sédar Senghor, Moridja Kitenge Banza (DRC). This exhibi- tion was held at IFAN Museum, along with a retrospective which presented the new artwork of the 9 artists who had won awards in previous editions of the Biennial.

The Galerie National des Arts exhibited the work of five Haitian artists, includ- ing Mario Benjamin and Maksaens Denis, displaying two installations Barthélémy TOGUO, Road for Exile, mixed techniques, 700 x 400 cm, 2008-2010, Exposition Toguo/ which dealt with the earthquake that Cissé, Galerie Le Manège, Dak'art Off, Dak'art 2010 destroyed Port-au-Prince.

Some of the ‘off’ events included: the duo Burundian artist Serge Nitegeka who heritage of African visual art. In addi- of Barthélemy Toguo and Soly Cissé at lives in South Africa, who was not able tion to funding from various European the Manège Gallery, the Afropixel pro- to travel because of his refugee status.” donors, it has always received signifi- ject at Ker Thiossane, and ‘La Cour de His sad email, in which he announced cant contributions from the Senegalese Joe Ouakam’, a highly respected writer that it would be impossible for him to state. and artist from Senegal. Of particular attend the event and thanked the organ- interest was a project by the Dakar and isers for the opportunity, was exhibited But this positive assessment must not Rouen Academies of Fine Arts, which in the space reserved for him in the rest on its laurels, and the organisers led to the production of a tabloid paper, international exhibition. must work to make the event more than suggesting ideas, images and glimpses just a classic and regular appointment, of the lives of young people in Senegal. The Dak’Art 2010 catalogue presents transforming it into something which a critical account of the last 20 years, surprises the viewer through innovation Although this edition attracted less through interesting contributions from and depth of thought. How can this be attention from the international world the people who created the history of done? Maybe a suggestion could be the of art, general secretary Ousseynou the event. As an institution, the Biennial artwork-appeal of the South African Wade made a positive assessment of the has been strengthened after years of duo Rosenclaire, which greets visitors event, above all from the point of view uncertainty, and has outlived many at the entrance of the IFAN Museum, of the organisation. “All of the works of events which were better financed but and invites them to ‘Investissez dans art arrived, except for one, which was which nonetheless failed. Moreover, the l’immateriel’ (‘invest in the immaterial’; supposed to be mounted in situ by the Biennial has built up an irreplaceable see next article).

The 60 C urier Creativity

Rosenclaire: investing in the immaterial

The artistic duo Rose Shakinowsky and Claire Gavronsky were born in South Africa invited Kentridge to collaborate with and live and work between Florence, Cape Town and Johannesburg. Twenty-five us, as a guest artist where we vacuumed up one of his large charcoal drawings, years ago, they left South Africa for Italy, where they established a prestigious with a vacuum cleaner. Rosenclaire are artists' residency programme in Tuscany. Rosenclaire share their ideas through here quoting Rauschenberg’s ‘Erased de collaborative projects which have recently received important recognition. We Kooning’* of 1953 and his ‘Factum I’ spoke to them at the Dak’art Biennial. and ‘Factum II’ of 1957. The Rosenclaire artistic entity is a result of the union of two very differ- ent art styles. How do you manage S. F. art production in the 21st century. It is to bring these two aspects together? a sign, a writing on the wall against the trafficking of art we have seen over the We join forces in order to creatively past decade. facilitate a dialogue on a specific theme, ou have been acknowledged place or situation. You could say our many times in the last Your work often has a political work is a cross-pollination between the few years: The Soapboxes aspect, through which the present flea-market, the studio, art history and outside the South African and the past are linked together. personal experience articulated through NationalY Gallery, the recent exhibi- What are the most important topics painting, drawing, sculpture, installa- tion at the Goodman Gallery in Cape addressed? tion and video. Town, ‘Domestic Departures’ exhibi- tion at California State University Racism, difference and identity (both Why have you chosen to live in Italy, and now the Dakar Biennial. Why is in South Africa and in Europe), mem- as well as in South Africa? this your first time at this event? ory and colonialism, violence against women and children and economic We love Italy for its way of life and what We feel that Dak’art is essentially an injustice. it continually offers us in our artistic opportunity for emerging artists from work; its lineage and history continue the African continent who have inde- The key to our artwork is that it is to inspire both us and the artists with pendently submitted work. However always in dialogue with art history and whom we work. We are deeply rooted this year the curator Marilyn Martin current critical discourses while engag- in South Africa, where we continue requested that we translate our sign ing in social and political issues. We to actively participate in art education ‘Invest in the immaterial’ into French employ both traditional and contem- and in the dialogues of contemporary especially for the entrance to the porary media in order to challenge pre- African art practice. Bienniale Pavillion. The sign calls on conceived notions of art production. artists, critics, curators and collectors In the feminist exhibition ‘Domestic * As an act of artistic expression, to invest in the intangible and the phil- Departures’, for example, with the Rauschenberg literally erased a drawing by osophical. An urgent refocusing and works ‘Gesture – erased WK drawing’ Willem de Kooning. reassessing the meaning and value of and ‘Vacuum I’ and ‘Vacuum II’ we

Rosenclaire, Punctuation, 2010, Oil on linen, French Rosenclaire, Seismograph, 2010, Oil on board and curve and ludo dot, 30 x 39 cm (painting). © Rosenclaire antique stethoscope, 18 x 12.5 cm (painting). © Rosenclaire

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 61 Creativity

Belgian Presidency H.G. En Couleurs and the Brussels embas- sies of 53 African countries have been of the European Union involved in the event’s planning.

avid Adjaye, a British Among its highlights will be the exhi- Homage to a architect of Ghanaian ori- bition ‘GEO-graphics: A Map of Art gin, is the artistic director, Practices in Africa Past and Present’, and Nana Oforiatta Ayim, which brings the masterpieces of ancient alsoD from Ghana, the research direc- African art face to face with contempo- ‘Visionary tor. Another novel aspect of ‘Visionary rary works. David Adjaye and Nana Africa’ is its marriage of artistic and sci- Oforiatta Ayim have played a key role entific research. As 2010 is not only the in curating the exhibition, and eight Africa’ anniversary of independence of many African museums have been invited to African countries but also the year of a send their works of modern art. Among symbolic event, the first football World the well-known artists from Africa and Cup to be held in Africa, the festival has the Diaspora who are to take part are reserved a space for the live screening Angélique Kidjo, Rokia Traoré, Papa of games. Wemba, Germaine Acogny and Raoul This is the title under which the Centre Peck. for Fine Arts, Brussels (BOZAR), in At the heart of ‘Visionary Africa’ is the association with the Royal Museum mission to organise a major cultural In Belgium, the festival will also encom- event to mark Belgium’s presidency pass a ‘museum of 21st century Africa’, for Central Africa at Tervuren, is of the European Union (1 July to 31 based on a museographic review of the presenting a major homage to the December 2010), and the government riches of the collections of the Tervuren dynamism and modernity of African has entrusted this to the Centre for museum and set up by the museum and art, including that of the African Fine Arts. The director-general of this BOZAR, in association with African institution, Paul Dujardin, proposed artists and cultural associations. When Diaspora. It also celebrates the 50th “an exchange project with Africa, firmly the curtain falls on the festival in anniversary of independence of 17 centred on the future”. The European Brussels, some African venues will be African countries. Supported by the Commission hopes that it will serve able to get a taste of its flavour includ- Belgian government, the European as a catalyst to strengthen relations ing the Africa-EU Summit in Tripoli, between the museums and cultural cen- Libya, 29-30 November 2010. Commission and the Secretariat of the tres of Europe and Africa. A number of ACP Group, the festival takes place Belgian cultural organisations focusing * Matonge is a Congolese quarter in from 30 May to 26 September 2010. on Africa, such as Africalia, as well as Brussels named after a suburb of Kinshasa, One of its most original aspects is that African Diaspora groups like Matonge* Democratic Repubic of the Congo. the programme was largely planned by Africans themselves.

Nana Oforiatta Ayim. David Adjaye. © Ed Reeve - Courtesy Palais des Beaux-Arts Bruxelles © Sam Pelly - Courtesy Palais des Beaux Arts Bruxelles

The 62 C urier For young readers

N. 17 N.E. – MAY JUNE 2010 63 International Conference Development Youth Prize: on Africa’s Development in Winners travel to Ghana Yaoundé At the invitation of the President of From 3 to 8 May, the 27 pupils who won the European competition ‘Development the Republic of Cameroon, H.E Paul Youth Prize 2008 – 2009’ travelled to Ghana with their teachers to learn more about Biya, a two-day International Confer- Africa and to watch development cooperation as it happened. ence “Africa 21”, has taken place in The ‘Development Youth Prize’ was open to pupils between 16 and 18 from any Yaoundé, Cameroon on 18-19 May European country. The 2008/2009 contest was the third edition of the event, which 2010, under the theme “Africa, an asks pupils to produce videos or posters that relate to Africa’s challenges and its Opportunity for the World: Realities future. The goal is to raise awareness of Africa and to boost knowledge of Euro- and Challenges”. Modelled after pean aid and activities in Africa. Each edition of the prize has a special theme; for the 1979 Monrovia Symposium, the 2008/2009 it was ‘Human Development in Africa’. Yaoundé International Conference The group followed an intense programme, which also gave them the unique op- came against the backdrop of the portunity of meeting African pupils to chat about their habits, cultures and experi- golden jubilee celebrations of the in- ences. The trip ended in Brussels, where the pupils stayed from 7 to 8 May, visiting dependence of 17 African countries the EU institutions in the run-up to Europe Day. in 2010, which will provide the right opportunity to examine the chal- lenges and perspectives of the conti- nent’s development. The Conference addressed issues related to resource management, good governance, se- curity, the role of the private sector, economic integration, and Africa’s role in the international order.

Development Youth Prize winners and Ghanaian students interact. © European Commission

Address: The Courier - 45, Rue de Trèves 1040 Brussels (Belgium) email: [email protected] - website:


July 2010 September 2010 November 2010

18-23/7 20 - 22/09 29 - 30/11 AIDS 2010 Conference UN MDG Review High Level Event Africa-EU Summit Vienna, Austria New York City, USA Tripoli, Libya For more information: More information: 27 - 30/09 3rd meeting of ACP Ministers in focus/items/article_10010_en.htm 25-27/7 charge of Asylum, Migration and African Union Summit: Assembly Mobility of Heads of State and Government Brussels, Belgium Kampala, Uganda 27 - 30/09 21st Session of the ACP Parliamentary Assembly and 21st Session of the JPA Brussels, Belgium

The 64 C urier Table ofContents

Africa – Caribbean – Pacific and European Union countries

EUROPEAN Caribbean UNION Antigua and Barbuda Austria Belgium The Bahamas Bulgaria Cyprus Barbados Belize Cuba Czech Republic Dominica Dominican Denmark Estonia Republic Grenada Finland France Guyana Haiti Jamaica Germany Greece Saint Kitts and Nevis Hungary Ireland Saint Lucia Saint Italy Latvia Vincent and the Lithuania Grenadines Suriname Luxembourg Trinidad and Tobago Malta Netherlands PACIFIC Poland Cook Islands Federated States Portugal of Micronesia Fiji Kiribati Romania Marshall Islands Nauru Niue Slovakia Palau Papua New Guinea Slovenia AFRICA Guinea Guinea-Bissau Samoa Solomon Islands Timor Spain Sweden Angola Benin Kenya Lesotho Liberia Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu United Kingdom Botswana Madagascar Malawi Burkina Faso Mali Mauritania Burundi Cameroon Mauritius Mozambique Cape Verde Central Namibia Niger Nigeria African Republic Chad Rwanda Sao Tome Comoros and Principe Senegal Congo (Rep. of) Seychelles Sierra Côte d’Ivoire Leone Somalia South Democratic Africa Sudan Swaziland Republic of Tanzania Togo Uganda the Congo Zambia Zimbabwe Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana

The lists of countries published by The Courier do not prejudice the status of these countries and territories now or in the future. The Courier uses maps from a variety of sources. Their use does not imply recognition of any particular boundaries nor prejudice the status of any state or territory. Woman from Itaba, Burundi. © Hegel Goutier

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