Tttir Tollrgr Oitur,6 Queen Contest Features Costume Ball
*au IMP Indian Art Evening Gunnar Jobanmen features tomorrow's playa in Iasi of run. International Festival, tttir Tollrgr Oitur,6 (WI series tonight. A LIBERAL LOLUGE PUBLICATION vol,, 211. NIA!! (J)1.1.1.:1,1. 11N1ES. 1,11 \1 111411. 12. 1932 Nil. I I Queen Contest Features Costume Ball Gunnar Johansen in Concert Tonight at Dailey Auditorium Pirtist Enjoys Wide Co-Star Indian Art Evening Futuristic Design Reputation as One Is Feature of Second Will Be Motif In of Finest Pianists Day of Celebration Decorating Gym 1,IENUES 1.1ItElt X1 rs .ESSIONS CONTRIBUTE 11.01, MISS DOROTI1E Pill N,111N is xi id. \INICsi; TO INTEREST IA ILI, SING 11 OF ,to}1XNSEN OCCASION EVENT Star Program Will Be Varied Vernon De Mars To Dance Date Set for April 23 BEEN ENWA SORORITIES M 11.1. ENTER 11N1.4 BAS N Tom -Tom 1,1 1EltS WI11 CONTESTANTS FOR dNi-E .11:E. OF Pl'EXIt IN ISM s. 'EEN Hit.IITEEN t OS11 N1E The (:ostturie the first Toni:dit at M:15 in the Nlori Miss Dorothea Johnston. , .1 dance to take place in the EleW Iloilo Auditorium. (iiiiinar .I, student at San Jose State, mid gN innasium. scheduled for the loosen, youthful pianist, will al, dent of American Indian lorc, convert of twents -third of this ininith, will pear in the final a on'th, he one of the No guest artists at which wa, be futuristic in motif, announced skal series the "Indian Art Evening," s Melt Dr. I.uhowski today. This means .year.
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