Orders WMFO Survey
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-I_____ Weather: 5 Clouds CSL Votes to Retain Right to Reconnize Student GrouPs1 by Ma-rk Dudzik The Committee on Student that, "the Senate should Life voted unanimously to have the right to fund or- retain the right to recog- ganizations, but recognition nize student clubs and or- is different from funding. ganizations at their meeting It's better if a student/ on Monday, November 16. faculty group like the CSL There had been some talk has that job." that the Senate, the group Senate member Danny Gel- that gives funds to recog- ber agreed that the Senate nized student organizations should keep its funding might take Over the job of function. "But what if a recognition. The CSL, in re- club recognized by the CSL taining' the right to recog- simply doesn't use the funds nize student groups, is also we give it, and just sits working to change the recog- on the money?" questioned nition process. Gelber. "Wouldn't it be bet- In voting unanimously on Monday night to uphold The relationship between ter if the Senate could the CSL and the TCU Senate so it student organizations first amendment rights, the watch those clubs, was clarified at the meet- TCUJ ordered that WMFO conduct -a listeners survey. could cut off funds without (Photo by Art Charlton) ing. It was decided that if going through the CSL fir- ' R club is not using Senate St?" funds, the Senate will be A CSL subcommittee is Judiciary Rejects Referendum,.bleto deal with that club currently wor'tii,ng to rewrite \ directly. If the problem the recognition process. If with a club lies in its t.his process is approved, Orders WMFO Survey goals or philosophy, how- every student organization by Art Charlton ever, the CSL will handle (evcn thosc already recog- First amendment rights be binding, we strongly rec- it. The CSL has done that. nized under the present sys- of student organizations ommend that the Senate con- once already this year, when tem) will have to reapply were upheld in a unanimous sider WMFO's responsiveness it recognized two black stu- for recognition next semes- decision Monday night when to this survey in deciding dent clubs only after those t~r.If a group is recogniz- the TCU Judiciary ordered upon future WMFO funding." groups redefined their ed for the first time, it the Senate-funded radio Byf ield' s propose+. refer- goals. will have to spend a year station WMFO to conduct endum would have asked stu- Dean of Students Bobbie on probation. This means their own survey to assess dents if they were satisfied Knable opened the recog- that 'each month, the group student feelings towards the with WMFO's present prcgrsin- nition discussion. She said continued on page 2 stat ion's programming by ming format, and would kiauc .,.,,~l,l,,.,, .l,..),l.,,-ll.,,-l,-,,-,,.,,. ~-i.-..-l~-~~-~~-'~-~~-~~-'.-"-~~-'' December 9, 1981. The Judic- also included a binding sur- 1 1 iary rejected a proposed vey on the percentages binding referendum brought airtime that the stationof 'InjuredI IonescoCancelsSpeech1 up by Freshman Senator should devote to different i I Dwight Byfield. styles of music. i by Jody Meier I "IIm pleased with the Station members argued attend t.he syinpos ium because I fact that. they (the Judic- that such a referendum would ! Eugene Ionesco will not he ' had injured his foot. iary) recognized the First. "set a precedent where stu- !speak tonight at the univer- Turtis Barnes, Director of 1 Amendment implications" said dents who do not like what !sity sponsored symposium Communications at Tufts, 1 WMFO news and public affairs a student group is doing can t'1948-1984: Visions of the said that "it's just one of i director Bonnie Stylides, go to the student body to fipocalypse in the Post-War those things that no one can 1 but she and General Manager have changes made." iEra." He was scheduled to predict. Of course, some I Jeff Ponting stated that During the ope,n port ion fappear at the Asean Aud- changes will have to be made I they were disappointed that of the hearing, senate mem- Zitorium in the Cabot-Inter- in the program." I the decision wasn't an em-- ,ber Peter Jobson said this !cultural Center at 8:30 pm. In Ionesco's place, Pres- phatic denial of a referend- kind .of referendum would !to give -a speech entitled ident Jean Mayer will speak I um process on the content effectively be handing over !''Apocalypse 1948-1384" A on. "World Food: The Morality .I of WMFO or any other student control of a student organ- icable from Ionesco received of Triage.'' Mayer was orig- 1 group. ization to the students, not iby Academic Dean John P. inally scheduled to give 5 The Judiciary's decision the members of that organ- iRoche. of the Fletcher School this speech at 1:45 as part i states that "while this sur- izat-0n.l' i-of Law and Diplomacy stated of the "New Fears" confer- ! vey would not necessarily continued on page 5 ,~a~~,~e.w~u~,-b,~,,~~l~,,~o-,~n~,~, t.l)l,. IC..Q- ..-,.-.,-. ,J 4 'Wednesday, November 18, 1981 Tufts Daily ARTHUR L. CHARLTON, JR., Editor in Chief News Briefs MIKE FEIBUS, Executive Editor ANTHONY EVERETT, Associate Editor LaVERNE P. HARGETT, Managing Editor JACK BARRETTE, News Editor :<EN SUNSHINE, Photography Editor Reiag a n Maintains ROBERT WOLF, Sports Editor ONA DIKE, Arts Editor "A-ONE" B09 KAPLAN, Features Editor His Confidence SUE LESSLER, Layout Editor BETH ROSE, Layout Editor JOE LUCA, Copy Editor MARY BUCCI, Graphics Editor It seems President Reagan Doctors have their eye DONNA UPIJ, Business Manager knew in September that his on a, protein which may hold TINA TERRACIANO, Office Manager SU.SAN COLE, Advertising Manager national security advisor the key to reducing the risk was being investigated. The of narrowing or hardening The Tufts Daily is a non-profit student-run neuspaper published by the students of Tufts Uni- Just.ice Department is prob- of the arteries. Doctors versity, weekdays during the academic year. Printing by the Harvard Crimson, Inc., Cambridge, MA. Please address correspondence to: The Tufts Daily: Curtis Hall, Tufts University, Uedford, ing Richard Allen's accept- studying the case of a woman MA, 02155. Telephone: (617) 628-5000, exts. 6130. 6131. Business hours 9-5 weekdays. U.S. ance of $1000 from a Japan- with heart disease found she Postage paid in Medford, Massachusetts. ese magazine for helping to lacked the protein called arrange an interview with "A-one." This protein is Letters to The Editor Nancy Reagan. White House needed to produce the sub- Spokesman David Gergen says stance that eliminates fatty Dealing with religious difficulties ex- Reagan was told of the probe deposits in the blood. ist. The foundations of mis- in the fall shortly aftrr Anti -Semit is'm understandings are largely the money was discovered in ............................ r based on ignorance ...y et ig- an Dffice safe. Gergen had i our FdvCwite :0 norance of racial back- To the Editor: previously said Reagan was grounds is rampant here. told of the probe last weex. .0 . Perhaps I'm just a naive What can be dope? I can . Latvian: .0 Gergen added that Reagan 0 Jewish schoolgirl ...Perhaps only suggest that those who still has confidence in Al- I'm just unaware of the cur- argue that a second holo- len and that the security .rent waves of American anti- caust could never happen, advisor has not offered his semitism ...Perhaps I just should open their eyes to resignation. Allen has said choose to block out those the rising tendencies in he meant to turn the money things I personally find ab- Boston--and nationwide--to over to authorities, but put horrent. anti-Semitism. Those who it in the safe and forgot of Yesterday's article in are unaware the problem it, the Boston Globe entitled should become aware of it. "When Anti-Semitism Flares," Ignorance breeds contempt. brought home all those Comtempt leads to hatred. things that - fear most: Hatred leads to... CSL,continued Seeing is rising Nazism in the U.S., Karen Etingin AI84 believkg! Anti-Semitism in Boston, Magazines, Paperbacks, painted swastikas on Jewish Based on an article in Tues- will have to fill 011f homes. How does one aeal day's Boston Globe, first report describing their Love, Ait, Educatbn, with the feeling that at any page of the Living,section. meetings and activities. Comics, Cross-word moment e second holocaust Also, under the revised rec- Fiction, Modem, Back could occur? ognition process, a new Issues,out-os-t~~news Some would call me an Solar Energy and You group would not be recogniz- MlDNlTE VARIETY alarmist, others would say ed if there were already an 15 UNION SO., SOMERVI I was paranoid ...both may existing group which covered OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK5 hfi-!YAM be right. Yet, the resur- the proposed organization's PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS OR MAIL gence of anti-Jewish, anti- To the Editor: goals. Zionist sentiments leaves me feeling lost in waves of Solar energy in various hatred and incomprehension. forms can provide a substan- ly expen'sive. Studies in- modified to accomodate solar Maybe-I refuse to accept the .tial portion of the energy dicat.e that nearly all home- heating features. In some rights of others to air used in Massachusetts. Solar owners recognize solar ener- cases these simple modifica- - their views when they so energy is a renewable, pol- .gy as an alteAative source tions have been made by the differ with mine.