I Organizer of Trip to Cuba May Face US Legal Charges
THETUFTS DAILY IWhere You Read It First Friday, November 22,1996 Volume -ID, Number 54 I LOOK AT US! WE’RE HIGH ON CRACKER! I Organizer of trip to Cuba may face US legal charges by LINDA BENTLEY or upper- [class] socioeconomic Daily Editorial Board background, attending presti- Having organized astudent trip gious universities like Tufts, while to Cuba last May in which three the students denied visas were of Tufts students participated, a lower [class] socioeconomic Roxbuy Community College Pro- background, part-time students, fessor Tom Reeves is facing pos- and represented five different na- sible legal action by the US Trea- tionalities, ranging in age from 19- sury Department. Refusing to re- 78.” lease the names and addresses of Murphy, who went to Cuba to ten college students who traveled study religion, said that “there was illegally to the Caribbean nation definitely acrackdown after Helms- without visas, Reeves faces fines Burton was passed, because this of up to $250,000,imprisonment, issue did not surface until this and the loss of his job. summer. Ithinkit’s ascaretactic.” The students were denied per- The Tufts junior said that The mission to receive visas by the Boston Globe, in an article amear-.. rnoro oy Kony snram State Department because of a ing on the front page yesterday, These students had a front row view in DewicWacphie on Tuesday night when they saw Guster and government ~ccrackdown,,on incorrectly reported that Reeves Cracker perform in this year’s Fall Show. The group traveled to Cuba “Tom Reeves just organized [the shortly after the passage of the group],” she said.
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