THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 29,1996 the TUFTSDAILJ Letters to the Editor Visit” in Last Thursday’S Viewpoints Sec- Jessica N

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THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 29,1996 the TUFTSDAILJ Letters to the Editor Visit” in Last Thursday’S Viewpoints Sec- Jessica N Semester in Review, pages 16-17 THETUFTS DAILY [Where You Read It First Monday, April 29, 1996 Volume XXXII, Number 63 University RE-DO! ELBO invalidates must still Culture Rep vote by PETE SANBORN decide on Daily Editorial Board Following the controversial vote on the constitution, Elections UNICCO Board (ELBO)announced Friday that the Tufts Community Union by DANIELLA BAIDER (TCU) will re-vote on Amend- Senior Staff Writer ment One in the fall of next year. As the University’s two-year The amendment did not refer contract with the UNICCOclean- to the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual ing company draws to a close this representative on April 18 and summer, Tufts officials say they 19,when it was voted upon. still have not decided to renew an Eric Pliner and Liz Doherty, optional one-year extension with co-coordinators of the Tufts Les- the cleaning service. bian, Gav, and Bisexual Commu- According to Tufts Vice Presi- nity (TLGBC) contested the en- dent of Operations John Roberto, tire constitutional referendum, the University’sthree year agree- including the two amendments on ment with UNICCO is divided April 23. into two parts. The first part is a Photo by Shane Tilsron ELBO decided that the elec- two-year contract which expires Putting the fun into the funk: George Clinton groovingon the President’s Lawn Saturday. tions were valid, but that students on June 30. The second part of the would vote again on Amendment agreement is an option for the One during the fall 1996 elec- University to extend the contract 6,000 infected with the funk tions, which willincludethefresh- with UNICCO for an additional man Senate, Tufts Community year. The cleaning company took by DAN TOBIN as many downs as it did ups. bopping with “Tear the Roof Of Daily Editorial Board His set began slowly, with a (Give Up the Funk)” which es. Union Judiciary, and Committee over all custodial service on the on Student Life elections. three Tufts campuses in 1994. Despitepredictions of terrible guy screaming out “George” over tablished a firm Mothership Con. weather, Saturday’s SpringFIing and over and then the band slip- nection between Medford anc Plinersaid, “I am glad they are ’ Roberto said that, although show was marked by excellent ping into a slow funk that didn’t the land of the Funk. Wher taking responsibility for their mis- UNICCO has a good working takes ... Ithinktheymadethedeci- knowledge of the campus and its I b motivate. The band obviouslv Clinton dimed.. into hisreservoii Spring Fling neededone num- of groove, he sion that will benefit everyone on needs, there have been someprob- 0.h all sides of the issue.” lems at times with its quality of to warm up See Spring Fling photo scored unbe- lievably. Anc The amendment failed during service. Pp. ‘Ow’ * the referendum. The vote, how- f~sl’ .f:lrt cook- his ultra-goofb‘2, “We’re discussing a lot of is- ---.z---- -Ip veather and an enormous turn- 2‘- 25 vu) cbsc Plinei said. sues, including the level of ser- ing. Once hi, sppcdrancz, _- )ut of nearly 6,000. Every act though, they kicked into the up- combined with bizarrechants (“A “It was my understanding that the vice, staffing, andqualityofclean- vote on the amendment was very ing,” Roberto said. vas well-received, especially beat funk groove of “Flashlight.” tail ain’t but a long thing, a booty close. I have no sense where this While UNICCO has performed ieadliner and funk legend George Thumping bass, raging horns, and ain’t nothin’ but a butt”) kept will go,” Pliner said. “I think if extremely well on specific :linton, who, along with his 30- wocka-wockaguitar set the scene smiles all around. they handled this properly this projects, Roberto said, the overall terson entourage, funked the perfectly for Clinton’s nonsensi- But then something happened: time, it would have passed.” consistency of its cleaning has ampus for almost two hours. cal lyrics. Only 20 percent of the student been spotty. Jnfortunately, Clinton’s set had The band kept everyone see page’ body will need to vote in order for “What they need to work on is the amendment vote to be valid, consistency of cleaning on a day- as outlined in the newly passed to-day basis. We’ve had some ups Report on faculty appointments constitution. Pliner said that and downs,” he said. ELBO has a responsibility to ad- Roberto did not wish to com- vertise and inform students about ment on whether the University to be addressed during summer the amendment in order to ensure has been looking at othercontrac- by JONATHAN BLAU by Senator Brad Snyder in con- report but is aware of the issues, enough students vote. tors. “I hope they put forth enough Roberto said that sexual ha- Senior Staff Wnter junction with Senators Lisa Can- said that faculty have been leav- Dean of Natural and Social tos and Claudia Slavin, detailed ing departments for various rea- effort in the fall in terms of adver- rassment complaints filed against tising to getenoughpeople topass UNICCO by two female custo- Sciences Marilyn Glater and Vice what the Senate believes are gross sons. Many faculty members have the ammendment,” Pliner said. dial workers od Tufts campuses President of Arts, Sciences, and inequities in fac- left the Univer- “It should be no problem if earlier this year will not be a ma- Technology Melvin Bernstein said ulty appointments sity, retired, or ELBO takes responsibility jor factor in the negotiations. In they plan to address a recent Tufts in social science died, she said. Community Union (TCU) Senate departments such Once per year, through advertising and student February, the Boston Globe re- outreach,” hi: said. ported that complaints made by report over this summer. The re- as economics and in conjunction However, Pliner said that he the Tufts custodians were two of port found that the number of so- political science. with the thinks ELBO should be improved nine sexual harassment charges cia1 sciences faculty hasdecreased One of the University’s bud- in recent years while the number major findings of getary cycle, aca- next year. “They have not repre- filedagainstUNICC0 since 1988. sented themselveseffectively as a “We’re aware of [the charges], of social sciences majors has re- the report was that demic depart- mained relatively stable. nearly half the stu- ments are invited responsible, objective body. I hope see UNICCO, page 15 Thereport,whichwasprepared dents in the to request new that will be corrected next year. I School of Arts faculty, appoint- think there will be a lot of anger and Sciences have ments. and frustration by many students majors in the so- “There are a lot if it isn’t corrected.” cia1 sciences, of things we con- Jesse Jackson will speak tonight on “Race at 7 p.m. in Cohen Auditorium. The lecture, s while only 27.7 sider in making Series, was postponed from e s month and is open to those percent of its fac- decisions about Inside: ulty represent faculty,” GI ater holding tickets from the origi Viewpoints ................P.3 According to Russell Reiter, co-chair of Lecture Series, students those depart- said. An insider’s view on the Spring Fling ments. Thereport According to were offered the opportunity to sell back their tickets to the lecture band selection process, the new add if they would not be able to attend. No students exchanged their also found that the Daily file photo Glater, depart- drop policy, and Hodgdon late-night. Political Science Marilyn Glater ments should not tickets, however. Reiter said he believes students who could not Department has lost 22 percent of assumethattheadministration will attend the lecture gave their tickets to friends. Features Pa5 its full-time faculty equivalent ap- automatically hire a replacement ..................... Reitersaid he apologizes for the lecture being postponed. “We’re TUTV produces a new soap opera, pointments since 1990. appointment if a faculty member glad the campus is still interested,” he said. learn about the Human Factors major, chooses to leave the department. Tonight’s lecture is co-sponsored by Entertainment Board, Tufts In addition, the report said that and a bit of Tufts stuff. The administration looks at Spirit Army, Tufts Community Union Senate, President’s Ofice, the Economics Department has African American Center, Executive Board, and Programming lost 24 percent of its full-time enrollment numbers and the num- faculty appointments during the ber of majors in a particular de- sports ........................ P.9 Board. Baseball wins, softball ends the sea- same time period. partment before rendering deci- son on an up note, women’s lacrosse, -Karen Epstein Glater, who said that she has and men’s track places second. I not reviewed the data from the see REPORT, page 15 __ page LWU THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 29,1996 THE TUFTSDAILJ Letters to the Editor visit” in last Thursday’s Viewpoints sec- Jessica N. Rosenthal Korizis family who have already contacted Editor-in-chipf President will not us. George was an important member of tion is yet another example of Turkish tolerate graffiti our department.We miss him and have only attempts to revise history. Ironically, this Managing Editor: John O’Keefe article appeared one day after April 24, Associate Editors: Dan Tobin, Samanthn Levine To the Editor: the best memories of his character, achieve- Editorial Page Editor: Gregory Youman While I have been a staunch supporter ments, and promise. He deserved nothing which is recognized by Armenians all over Production Managers: Ryan Uttoz of academic freedom and an opponent of less. the world as a day of remembrance for the Pratiksha Thakkar, Raquel Almeida 15 million Armenians that lost their lives Consulting Editor: David Meyen speech codes on campus, I feel only anger’ and disappointment at the recent graffiti during the Armenian Genocide which was NEWS incident in Carmichael Hall.
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