Dear AMCHAM Members and Friends, As you can see, we had a busy winter season! As always, AMCHAM is pleased to point out that we are a member-driven organization focused Welcome to the Spring issue of Connexion! Now, as I write this, we are putting the on providing world-class services and doing finishing touches on the first ever Drone Race everything we can do to support the econom- We started the New Year with UK Ambassa- which we are pleased to see is generating ic vibrancy of and the prosperity/ dor John Marshall giving us an excellent and quite a lot of excitement and bringing us into success of our members. comprehensive overview of the complex issues contact with interesting people and industries and current approaches of the UK Government both within and outside Luxembourg. Please If you are an English-speaking international regarding the Brexit negotiations. This was see the photos included later in this issue. focused company in Luxembourg, you are al- followed by an excellent evening presentation ready part of our constituency and we would be hosted and managed by Allen & Overy on the As part of our efforts to support the “I Can delighted to welcome you as members. Please subject of “Employees’ rights to use company IT Vote” campaign, we are trying to arrange contact us to discuss the opportunities and vs. Employer’s rights to monitor such use”. a Town Hall meeting of the senior political benefits of AMCHAM membership. leaders of each of the major political parties In March former Minister of Finance Luc Frieden of Luxembourg. We hope to put on a “speed With respect and our best regards, shared his perspective concerning the impact of dating” type of event giving each of the Brexit on Luxembourg and his suggestions for political parties an opportunity to tell our Luxembourg to position itself as a net benefi- international audience why they should vote ciary. Also in March, our Tax Committee pulled for their political party in the upcoming Fall together a globally based panel for an excellent community elections. broad ranging discussion with a closer look on the most recent developments in the European If you are a legal resident of Luxembourg for 5 and International tax world, with particular focus years or more and 18 years of age or older, we on the upcoming US tax reform, and how those recommend you register for vote not later than Paul-Michael Schonenberg changes may impact business in Luxembourg. 13 July 2017 in your commune of residence. Chairman and CEO




NEW MEMBERS Free Newcomers’ Orientation Course ...... 4

SPECIAL FEATURE Interview with Adrien Ney, President and CEO of LuxairGroup . . . 6 a

AMCHAM COMMITEES Employees’ Rights to Use Company IT Adrien Ney vs. Employer’s Rights (President and CEO of LuxairGroup) 6 to Monitor such Use ...... 10 Brexit: Where Are We at? And Where Are We Going? ...... 14 Luc Frieden Calls for Reduced Taxes. . . 16 Drones - for Good and Evil ...... 20 Update on US and European Tax Policy and its Impact on Luxembourg . . . . . 26


LANGUAGE LEARNING The Languages of Luxembourg . . . . 18 Drones - for Good and Evil 20 MEMBERS SPOTLIGHT Sacred Heart University Celebrates 25 Years in Luxembourg. . . 28 Find out about Corporate Services Provider 2.0. . . . . 29 our upcoming events

EXPAT PROFILE SNAPSHOTS Lisa Francis-Jennings 31 Lisa Francis-Jennings ...... 31 Jeremy Bird ...... 33




MOVING PEOPLE AIXA CENTRAL DE CRÉDITO 2 LUXEMBOURG AGRÍCOLA MÚTUO, Bénédicte Souy CRL CEO and work permit expert João Barata Lima Rue de la Pétrusse Head of International L-8084 Bertrange Business Department T + 352 691 987 403 233 – 233a, Rua Dastilho E [email protected] 1099-004 Lisboa www.mp2lux.lu Portugal T +351 21 380 55 62 F +351 21 112 92 69 LUXRELO E [email protected] RELOCATION SERVICES Stéphane Compain www.creditoagricola.pt

Managing Director 147, route de Burange FARE S.A. L-3429 Dudelange Mr Thomas Fairfax-Jones T +352 691 455 025 Partner E [email protected] 1a, rue du Verger www.luxrelo.lu L-2665 Luxembourg

T +352 621 29 49 49 ICOMPARE GLOBAL SARL +352 26 897 897 F +352 897 898 Jamie Eltorkey E [email protected] - [email protected]

CEO www.fare.lu 66a, rue de Luxembourg L-8140, Bridel SAVILLS LUXEMBOURG T +352 661 525 209 E [email protected] Régis Luttmann www.icompare.lu Managing Director 20a, rue Eugène Ruppert L-2453 Luxembourg T +352 20 60 65 E [email protected] www.savills.lu


The American Chamber of Commerce in a temporary or long-term residence permit) tion, health scheme, child allowance, culture, Luxembourg, under the auspices of and for less than 18 months. etiquette and customs, leisure and entertain- with the funding support of the “Asylum, ment, shopping, expat organizations, sports, Migration and Integration Fund” (AMIF) and Sign up information can be found on the music, cycling, recycling, integration. the Luxembourg Reception and Integration AMCHAM website in the Events section: Agency/Ministry of Family and Integration http://www.amcham.lu/events/ If you know of someone who is eligible and (OLAI), organizes free of charge 6 hours interested in attending, please refer them to long Newcomers’ Orientation Courses. Topics covered on the course: Bureaucracy, the AMCHAM website for registration. your local commune, working life, day to day Due to the funding specifics, these course living, tax card, renting, utilities, phone and offerings in English and Portuguese are internet, TV, radio and the press, history, geo- targeted for attendance by non-EU citizens, graphy, politics, insurance, vehicles, driving legally residing in Luxembourg (holders of and transportation, education, music tui-



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INTERVIEW WITH ADRIEN NEY President and CEO of LuxairGroup

Adrien Ney, President and CEO of Luxair- Group, in conversation with Paul Schonenberg, Chairman and CEO AMCHAM Luxembourg.

Could you give us a SWOT analysis­ of the current environment/landscape of the airline industry in Luxembourg: what are the strengths & opportunities that Luxembourg holds; what are the weaknesses of Luxembourg as a loca- tion; what are the strategic issues and how have they evolved over time; and how has Luxair Luxembourg Airlines responded to these issues?

STRENGTHS Firstly, I think the specificity of LuxairGroup as an umbrella entity for four business units linked to air transportation is worth mention- ing. Our business units are: Luxair Luxem- bourg Airlines, regional carrier; LuxairTours, tour operator; LuxairCARGO, air-freight handling agent; and LuxairServices, airport service branch for airlines operating at Lux- embourg airport, providing passenger assis- tance, baggage and aircraft handling and catering. So, for example, if we were faced with a difficult period in one business unit, we could compensate losses with another business unit.

Our shareholding structure is another advan- tage. We are proud to have very committed shareholders. This is a valuable asset nowa- days. Our main shareholders are the State of Luxembourg, BCEE and BIL savings banks, as well as Delfin, an Italian investment com- pany. The majority of our shareholding struc- ture is therefore . We used to have two international shareholders in the Adrien Ney past, but over the last few years our share- (President and CEO of LuxairGroup) holding structure has remained stable, which is very positive.

The aviation sector goes through chal- world which has its own structures. The WEAKNESSES lenging times all the time: the challenge business community is hugely interest- The bottom-line is that we do not rely on one of being a national flag carrier, your ed in making sure that there is effective sole activity. Nevertheless, all our activities home high cost environment, in some transportation in and out of Luxem- are linked to the aviation sector, so if this cases other state actors have a great- bourg so you’re important to us, to the sector is facing hard times for any reason, er degree of financial support than in business community and obviously to such as in 2001 or in 2008, this will have a a small country like Luxembourg and the country. negative impact on all our activities. But, our then you have to deal with the low-cost strength lies in the diversification and relative autonomy of each of our business units, as 6 they each have their own brand.


And long term? There is also overcapacity on both the airline structure and creating four separate busi- If you look at our balance sheet, you will see and the cargo side. These are facts we have ness units that operate under one roof. We that Luxair is in a financially stable position. to deal with and which influence both our put more emphasis on the tour operating We have always applied the “Prudent person” airline business and our cargo handling ac- side of the business and this was the right principle, when it comes to decision making tivity. Finally, as a Luxembourgish company, thing to do. I am very proud of what we have and in the history of Luxair we have never our cost structure is different from low-cost accomplished. made hasty short-term decisions. airlines, which makes it difficult to face in- creasing competition at . This year and next year will be decisive as We also have a very good reputation in Lux- to how we position ourselves for the next embourg and in the surrounding areas. How has the environment/landscape five years. We should not only take into ac- changed for an airline over the time count the low-cost airlines, but also other OPPORTUNITIES you have been the CEO of Luxair- players in the tour operating industry, such The demographics of our environment are Group? as Booking.com and Airbnb. Even the tech- very positive. Population growth and the na- Increasing passenger numbers at Luxem- nology giant Google is planning to enter the tional economy’s overall growth are bene­ bourg airport is a positive evolution for us and tourism trade. ficial for our business activities. When you the Luxembourgish economy. This is due to take into account the size of Luxembourg, high quality infrastructures and services pro- Our air-freight handling business is depend- it is remarkable that we have been working vided at the airport. ent on our customers. This means that we for and with major international players in cannot boost activity ourselves, so we are the aviation industry. Indeed, our catchment It’s a great building. very happy to work with partners that are area not only covers Luxembourg but also Yes, the airport building is beautiful and is experiencing tremendous growth. the Greater Region and as a key player in located in the heart of Europe. It provides an the Greater Region, we have four target mar- attractive and pleasant environment for lei- So, to sum up, the major changes over the kets. In particular, the Saarland and Rhine- sure and business customers alike. It is es- past years were that we managed to posi- land-Palatinate regions in Germany, as well pecially convenient for business travelers, as tion ourselves differently, our colleagues as the Province de Luxembourg region in Luxembourg is an international hub for the have been given more latitude and this is Belgium and the Lorraine region in France. financial sector and EU Institutions. However, what I am most proud of, the fact that we Our LuxairTours tour operator also targets this growth has also attracted new compet- changed the company’s structure and men- travel agencies beyond these core markets. itors, who now see that Luxembourg is an tality. Being a key-player in the Greater Region is interesting destination with a great deal of beneficial to the company as a whole, as it potential. Competitors that already operate If the company had not managed to repo- pushes us to perform better. Staff that are in flights to and from Luxembourg will not be sition itself as LuxairGroup, we would not direct contact with customers, such as cabin leaving any time soon. On the contrary, we have been able to face various crises, such crew, check-in agents or Customer Service must be prepared to face new competitors. as geopolitical instability and the arrival of Center agents endeavor to communicate Some of our activities are growing, despite low-cost airlines. The biggest visible change, with each customer in their mother tongue. the challenging situation at the moment. Po- in my opinion, was to renew the fleet and I Our brochures and marketing campaigns are litical and economic uncertainty affect book- am also very proud of this decision to invest also published in different languages. ing figures considerably and this can be seen in new aircraft. very quickly. As the ninth largest employer in THREATS Luxembourg, LuxairGroup has a social re- How do you see the next 5 years? We follow a “point to point” airline model. This sponsibility. We take this very seriously by The next 5 years? In the aviation industry, may be perceived as a weakness, as well as a creating jobs in Luxembourg and the Great- if you can see 2 to 3 years ahead, this is strength. We rely heavily on the Luxembour- er Region and supporting various local social already a good thing. I think low-cost car- gish economy and the geopolitical situation. and environmental non-profit organizations. riers, such as Ryanair, Wizzair, EasyJet etc. The Arab Spring had a negative impact on will continue to grow. Tour operators will be all tour operators providing holiday packages What is the accomplishment you are challenged by new actors appearing on the to North Africa and the Middle-East. Tunisia most proud of? market. Platforms like booking.com and Air- and Turkey had been badly affected by vio- My proudest achievements are the changes bnb have already changed the way people lent attacks in the past, which explains peo- we made during the “Building a new airline” travel and plan their vacations and this is ple’s reticence to travel to these countries up rebranding campaign in 2006. We showed just the beginning. until now, but demand is increasing steadily, the world that Luxair is not just an airline, notably to Djerba. by completely reorganizing the company’s



Digitalization will play a significant part in To be honest, I like London City better So many years ago the first time air-freight handling, but also in terms of pas- than I like Heathrow. I flew to Europe via the New York - senger assistance. A new generation of air- Firstly, Heathrow wanted us to stop operat- Reykjavik - Luxembourg connection craft is currently being developed and we will ing flights to the airport, because our passen- and that was wonderful! need to see how these new planes will af- ger number was too low. In fact we had to Firstly, there used to be two factors in its fect maintenance and servicing procedures. pay landing and handling fees as if we were favor, at that time. Reykjavik was an interna- Limitations in terms of slots or regulators no operating a 250-seater, but in fact we were tional hub with flights to New York, Baltimore longer exist, so it is now very clear that we flying to Heathrow with a 49-seater. When and Chicago. Yields were much higher at live in a liberal environment. I joined Luxair in 2005, we used to oper- that time, than they are now. This business ate 3 flights per day to London-City with a model was not viable due to a decline in Over the next few years, we will focus our 37-seater, now we have 7 rotations per day yields. Secondly, if there was a Luxembourg energies on very challenging projects that with a 76-seater. If we choose a new fleet, – New York connection, it would mainly be require major investments, such as the we should take London-City into account a business flight, which means that instead re-fleeting strategy, the expansion of the as a major destination when we select the of having 140 or 180 seats, you would have Cargocenter and the construction of a new aircraft knowing that London-City requires a 40-20 business seats and 15 or 25 premium maintenance hangar. special certification. But, we need to find our economy ones. niches and most importantly control our cost We need the right tools to meet these chal- structure. One of the topics brought up lenges and to effectively position ourselves by the business community refers in the market, such as aircraft, digital trans- What is your biggest disappointment? to intercontinental flight connections. formation and well-trained staff. I do not really have a major disappointment, Sometimes when we have visiting but I sometimes wish we could act faster. people looking at Luxembourg In my opinion, the airline sector will undergo Sometimes, we can act very quickly for major compared to other locations they major changes and mergers in the near fu- decisions, but there is room for improvement say that Schiphol is easier to get ture to form just two major airlines in Europe. for the smaller ones, as it should not be so in and out of, Frankfurt is easier Of course, I think that the Middle Eastern ac- complicated. to get in and out of. What are the tors will keep growing and may also go on possibilities for expanding the range to form just one consolidation. The number What are the issues associated of direct flight business connections of big tour operators may also decrease to with having a plane connection as opposed to connection flight. just three or four omnipresent major players with the U.S.A.? As mentioned before, intercontinental flights in Europe. Small tour operators will have to As a national carrier, we are aware that from Asia, the Middle East or from the US, find niche markets to survive. We have done Luxembourg­ could be an interesting hub for always land at big hubs, such as Frankfurt, just that up until now. I was heavily criticized intercontinental flights, especially New York. Paris, Amsterdam or Heathrow. We have (also by your organization) when we stopped For the time being, we do not have the ca- analyzed this in depth and there is a large our flights to London Heathrow. But, I think pacity nor suitable aircraft to operate long- catchment area. On the one hand, I can see that it was the right decision to focus on a haul flights. But, we are constantly doing how it may be easier to fly from Chicago to niche market by providing connections to market research to review new destinations. Luxembourg, but on the other, when you see London-City Airport. how well connected we are to Frankfurt and New generation aircraft that are now availa- Amsterdam, it really is amazing. On average, Today we operate seven flights per day to ble are smaller. This could then make it tech- there is a 2-hour difference between a di- London-City and we are the only airline in the nically feasible. When you fly to New York, it rect flight to the US and a connecting flight, Greater Region that provides as many daily is also very important to have a code share with a stopover at one of the major Euro- rotations to Great Britain. We do not want partner. You need the right airport, the right pean hubs. The main difference is that the to compete with the low-cost carriers or the code share partner, a loyalty program and Greater Region’s catchment area is much major players. Air-freight handling and pas- then, it also depends on the commitment of smaller than in Dusseldorf or Paris. If, long- senger assistance in Luxembourg airport are the business community. If it was that easy, haul direct flights from Luxembourg were a also niche markets, where we have managed some American companies would already profitable and viable business model, one of to keep all our clients due to our high-quality be operating flights here. I think NY could the major players in the airline industry would passenger and B2B client service. be a permanent intercontinental destination, already be operating them. as traffic flows have remained constant over the years. New York is a very important hub. So, of course we are studying this possibility.


Q2 2017 BOUTIQUE SWAROVSKI BOUTIQUE SWAROVSKI BOUTIQUE SWAROVSKI BOUTIQUE SWAROVSKI 49 Grand Rue City Concorde, 80 rue de Longwy Belle Etoile, route d’Arlon Shopping Center Auchan Kirchberg, Luxembourg Bertrange Bertrange 5 rue Alphonse Weicker Tél: 26 20 30 97 Tél: 26 38 33 22 Tél: 26 31 13 64 Luxembourg Tél: 24 52 76 83





Femmes Magazine 211 x 273 Fall.indd 1 COLLECTION 15-07-16 11:44 AMCHAM COMMITTEES: HUMAN RESOURCES


L-R: Christophe Ernzen, Catherine Di Lorenzo, Paul Schonenberg, André Marc

Access by unauthorized persons (staff use of company IT and will outline the main Performing such investigations will in prac- or external) to confidential information of Luxembourg data protection and employ- tice very often entail the processing of a company is an issue that is relevant for ment law rules that should be considered in personal data through the analysis of log any business. Unauthorized access to such these circumstances. data (e.g. which document was accessed or information can be the result of various printed by whom, at what time), the review sources such as cyber-attacks (which are In case a data breach has occurred, the of employees’ email accounts, internet us- increasingly persistent and sophisticat- company will want to perform investigations. age or data storage devices to verify suspi- ed and may be difficult to detect), the use It could do so by filing a criminal complaint cions and to obtain evidence which may be of external service providers (e.g. for data with the police, which would then perform used to justify disciplinary measures against hosting or handling), but also by the em- an investigation. But this will in most cases the suspected employee. These activities ployees of a company. In fact, staff in prac- be the ultima ratio. In general, a company will qualify as “monitoring” in the meaning tice causes most data security breaches; will first perform internal investigations, po- of the Luxembourg data protection act of 2 high staff turnover, a mobile workforce or tentially with the assistance of a specialised August 2002, as amended (the DP Act). bring-your-own-device schemes increase external service provider. this risk. This article focuses on employees’



L-R: André Marc, Christophe Ernzen, Catherine Di Lorenzo (Allen & Overy)

The DP Act defines “monitoring” very broad- ing measures, as the authorization has no The monitoring may not cover any private ly as “any activity which, by means of tech- retroactive effect. For instance, if the au- content stored on the employer’s IT infra- nical instruments, enables the observation, thorization is issued on 1 January 2017, structure (e.g. private photos) and private collection or recording, on a non-occasional the employer is not authorized to monitor emails sent or received by an employee. basis, of the personal data of one or more emails that have been sent or received on This is due to the principle that any employ- persons, in relation to their behaviour, move- 31 December 2016. The express consent ee has a right to privacy even at the work- ments, communications or use of electronic of employees with regard to the monitoring place. This principle also applies in case the and computerised devices”. of their use of the employer’s IT infrastruc- employer has prohibited the private use of ture has no influence and does not super- the IT infrastructure by its employees. For the sake of the protection of the em- sede the absence of a CNPD authorization. ployees (notably their privacy), monitoring However, once issued, such authorization is From an employment law perspective, the of the employees’ use of company IT is sub- then valid indefinitely (i.e. not limited to one employees’ obligation to make appropriate ject to stringent conditions, including a prior specific investigation). use of the employer’s IT infrastructure al- authorization from the CNPD (the Luxem- ready results from general legal provisions bourg data protection authority). The CNPD Moreover, prior to performing the first mon- (e.g. general obligation of loyalty, compli- will only authorize the monitoring if, accord- itoring measures, the employer must inform ance with trade secrecy, etc.). Furthermore, ing to article L.261-1 of the Luxembourg the employees concerned that investiga- it is recommended that employers establish Labour Code, such measures are necessary tions may occasionally take place. Addition- more specific rules to regulate how employ- for the protection of the company’s assets. al information in case of a specific investi- ees shall use the company’s IT infrastruc- gation would generally not be required. ture. These rules should ideally be included The CNPD authorization must have been in the employer’s internal guidelines/poli- obtained before performing any monitor- cies.



Christophe Ernzen (Allen & Overy)

Catherine Di Lorenzo (Allen & Overy)

In addition to the employer’s obligation to with), the employer can impose disciplinary Alternatively, if the preconditions for moni- obtain a prior CNPD authorization and to in- sanctions on the employee. As with any mis- toring have not been complied with, the em- form the employees concerned prior to per- conduct, the type of the sanction depends on ployer can rely on evidence that was gained forming the first monitoring measures, the the seriousness of the misconduct and can by other means that do not qualify as moni- employer will have to comply with collective range from a formal warning to a dismissal toring measures in the sense of the DP Act, labour law obligations. The establishment or with notice or even a dismissal with immedi- such as witness statements or evidence modification of the abovementioned internal ate effect for gross misconduct. discovered by law enforcement authorities. guidelines/policies triggers, depending on the employer’s headcount, either an informa- If an employee’s misuse of company IT is To sum up, it is highly recommended to per- tion and consultation right of the staff del- discovered without the employer having form the prerequisites for lawful employee egation or a co-decision right of the works complied with the above data protection monitoring before an incident occurs so council. Furthermore, the implementation of and employment law requirements, it may that the employer can take all appropriate an employee monitoring regime (via technical be more difficult for the employer to prove actions if suspicions arise. equipment) is also subject to an information the employee’s misconduct and thereby the and consultation right of the staff delegation, justified character of a potential disciplinary a co-decision right of the works council, or, if sanction. Indeed, if the employer has not By André Marc neither body exists, the prior information of complied with the legal conditions for em- (Partner, Employment & Banking), the Luxembourg Labour Inspectorate (“In- ployee monitoring, a labour court may re- Dr. Catherine Di Lorenzo spection du travail et des mines)”. ject the employer’s findings as evidence of (Counsel, IP/TMT) the employee’s wrong-doing. In addition, the and Christophe Ernzen In the event an employee’s misuse of com- employer could theoretically expose itself to (Senior Associate, Employment), pany IT is discovered within the framework of criminal and/or administrative sanctions for a a lawful monitoring (i.e. the abovementioned violation of the DP Act. lawyers at Allen & Overy Luxembourg SCS conditions have previously been complied




The Bec Fin restaurant invites you to discover the latest concept in weekend dining in the city of Luxembourg : The Champagne Sunday brunch with Kids club. An exceptional offer that combines free flowing Champagne, all manner of delicious foods including oysters, foie gras, salmon and various accompaniments, not forget- ting the fabulous beef carvery and home-made assortment of deserts. The weekly Sunday brunch is fun for all the family: while the parents can indulge in a sumptuous buffet with all of the trimmings, the children have a separate area for their own brunch featuring eating options as well as entertainment. Each week, the offer varies from: balloon animals, magic shows, face painting and much more. The club is available for children between the ages of 3-9 with multi-lin- FOR RESERVATIONS gual staff. PLEASE CALL +352 456 141 38 OR EMAIL Sunday brunch is served from 11.30am to 2.30pm [email protected]

Brunch Package: 35€ per adult Additional Beverage Champagne Package: 20€ per adult RESTAURANT LE BEC FIN Brunch Children Package: 12,5€. 1 Fruit Juice included per child 5, AVENUE MARIE-THÉRÈSE (aged 3 to 12) and complimentary for children below 3 L-2132 LUXEMBOURG PARCPLAZA.LU AMCHAM COMMITTEES: ABAL

BREXIT: WHERE ARE WE AT? AND WHERE ARE WE GOING? Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Luxembourg expresses his views.

of having worked in London (with Deutsche Bank) as well as from Luxembourg’s - he is currently Chairman of BIL and was Minister of Justice in Luxembourg’s previous govern- ment.

Ambassador Marshall took a look ahead at what 2017 will have in store for the UK, in- cluding the beginning of negotiations on the UK’s exit from the European Union (specifi- cally Brexit and its foreign policy), building a close and productive relationship with the new US administration, and galvanising a concert- ed international effort to eradicate modern slavery.

He thanked AMCHAM and the BCC for coming up with the joint initiative, and congratulated the British Chamber on its 25th anniversary.

On Brexit, he recalled the British government came under fire at the end of 2016 for not having a plan; he felt this was unfair as there was much to do and discuss beforehand, and the British Prime Minister stated in November that Article 50 would be triggered before the end of March. He referred to the Supreme Court’s decision which dictated, amongst oth- er things, that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland did not need to be consulted on the H.E. Ambassador decision to leave the EU, just the two Houses Mr. John Marshall of Parliament in Westminster. (British Embassy) Subsequently, on 17 January, British Prime Minister Theresa May spoke at Lancaster On Monday lunchtime, 6 February 2017, the and what effects they will have globally, with House and stated that Britain would leave, not American Chamber of Commerce in Luxem- Robert Deed, representing the British Cham- only the EU, but also the single market and bourg (AMCHAM), together with the British ber of Commerce, introducing HM Ambassa- the customs union. He underlined that she Chamber of Commerce (BCC), hosted the dor John Marshall. stressed that it remains in Britain’s national first of three events co-hosted by both cham- interest that the EU is a success, and that the bers, looking at the issues of Brexit and the The other two events in the series includ- Member States would prosper. Although Brit- new administration in the US, amongst others; ed: (2) on 27 February the British Chamber ain would be leaving the EU, they would not this ABAL Luncheon was held at the Double of Commerce (BCC), in collaboration with be leaving Europe. Tree by Hilton in Luxembourg-Dommeldange. AMCHAM, invited Luxembourg’s Minister of Finance, Pierre Gramegna, to address the He stated that PM May wants to guarantee AMCHAM Chairman, Paul Schonenberg, same issues from the perspective of the Lux- the rights of EU citizens living in Britain as well opened the event at which the British Am- embourg government; and (3) on 6 March, as the rights of British citizens in the EU, as bassador to Luxembourg had been invited as AMCHAM, in collaboration with the BCC, in- it is the right and fair to do. Britain is looking the special guest to be the first to address the vited Luc Frieden, to address the same issues for a new strategic partnership with the EU on issue of Brexit and the new US administration, again, but this time from the perspectives shared values.



After noting that some have characterized He mentioned that PM May was the first for- its global diplomatic network in an attempt Britain’s decision to leave the EU as Brit- eign leader to meet the new President of the to deliver change. ain turning in on itself; he said that nothing USA, Donald Trump. She delivered important could be further than the truth. Facing glob- messages and underlined that NATO is the In finishing, he said that Britain will contin- al challenges together has been there for all cornerstone of the US defense; President ue to show leadership and will continue to see, including facing piracy off the coast Trump later confirmed that he is 100% behind to engage in dialogue. In the subsequent of Somalia, contributing to the EU’s role in NATO. She also emphasized the issue of mul- questions from the floor, on the issue of securing the Paris climate agreement, the ti-lateralism, but acknowledged that reform of education, he said that it would be difficult issues in Iran and in the Crimea, etc., and institutions such as the UN, may be necessary to address each and every aspect before that Britain has a lot to offer in these ar- to move forwards. Article 50 is triggered, but acknowledged

L-R: Paul Schonenberg (AMCHAM Luxembourg), H.E. Ambassador Peadar Carpenter, H.E. Ambassador John Marshall, US Chamber DSM Alison Shorter-Lawrence, H.E. Ambassador Thomas Antoine (Belgian Embassy), H.E. Ambassador Peter Kok (Dutch Embassy), Robert Deed (British Chamber of Commerce)

eas in the years to come. Britain also has He recalled that the new US administration that universities in the UK are keen to grow a strong foreign policy outside the EU, in- has garnered more headlines and controver- internationally. On the issue of the Republic cluding through bilateral relations as well as sies than its predecessors; yet the fundamen- of Ireland (with which Britain shares its only through NATO and the Commonwealth. tal fact remains that there is no other country land border), Ambassador Marshall said that with which Britain has forged such strong re- Britain also has a special relationship with He stated that Britain is one of a handful lations over the past decades. Ireland and “lots of discussions” have been of countries to spend 2% of GDP on de- taking place; he did acknowledge that no- fense, and the only country to spend 0.7% On the issue of modern slavery (human traf- body knows what the solutions will look like, of GDP on development; Britain is the larg- ficking, child sexual exploitation, etc.), PM but stressed that nobody wants borders like est military power in Western Europe. He May has set it as her twin goal of eradicating before and there is a shared determination talked about humanitarian projects around it in the UK and reducing it considerably over- that the outcome is one that will work for all the world, quoting big numbers in the pro- seas, defending the freedom of men, women communities. cess. This is Britain showing leadership on and children whom are exploited. Britain will The Luxembourg Chronicle a global stage. be driving an international initiative through



LUC FRIEDEN CALLS FOR REDUCED TAXES and for More English to Be Taught in Luxembourg’s Schools to Ensure Future Competitiveness

Luc Frieden (Partner at Elvinger Hoss Prussen and Chairman of BIL)

On Monday lunchtime, Amcham Luxem- number of upcoming Amcham Luxembourg to Luxembourg’s DNA. He said that both bourg held its March ABAL luncheon at the chamber events, including both ABAL the UK and the US share the same demo- DoubleTree by Hilton in Luxembourg-Dom- lunches as well as evening seminars. cratic values as Luxembourg. With the UK, meldange, in collaboration with the British though, it is a “jump into the unknown”, with Chamber of Commerce (BCC) in Luxem- He also announced The Languages of Lux- one part negotiating the terms of the depar- bourg, the third such joint chamber event so embourg, a free online language course on ture of the UK from the EU, and the other far this year on the issues related to Brexit www.amcham.lu which includes 3 levels negotiating the best possible future deal. and the new administration in the US. of courses, each of 500 words in 5 differ- There is great complexity dealing with the ent languages - this is being upgraded to final outcome as the number of subjects to The first such event had the British Am- 7 languages with Farsi and Arabic to be be addressed is extremely numerous. bassador to Luxembourg, John Marshall, included; in 3 months’ time a mobile app talking about the British perspective on will also be available in audio form. He also He said that certain other countries will Brexit; the second event addressed the top- mentioned the opening of a multi-functional play a part in these negotiations, as exam- ic from the perspective of the Luxembourg International Community Centre in Luxem- ple France and Germany with their upcom- government, with Luxembourg’s Minister bourg-Bonnevoie. ing elections. London’s place as the lead- for Finance; and the 6 March event saw ing financial centre is at risk and will likely Luc Frieden, a partner at the EHP law firm, Guest speaker Luc Frieden, Partner at change; there will be no more passporting Chairman at BIL and former government Elvinger Hoss Prussen and Chairman at facilities (of financial products) via Luxem- minister, addressing the issues from other BIL, acknowledged the role of the interna- bourg or elsewhere within the EU. perspectives. tional community in the Grand Duchy, spe- cifically the English-speaking community. He called for an extended discussion ex- Paul Schonenberg, Chairman of Amcham ploring the added value of Europe for all of Luxembourg, addressed the almost hun- The future of Europe and positioning Lux- us. It has brought us a lot, together, both dred-strong attendance and mentioned a embourg at the heart of Europe is central politically and economically. “Europe is the



L-R: Daniel Eischen (Bristish Chamber of Commerce), Sophie Kerschen (Bristish Chamber of Com- merce), Luc Frieden (Elvinger Hoss Prussen), Paul Schonenberg (AMCHAM Luxembourg), US Embassy DCM Alison Shorter-Lawrence, H.E. Ambassador John Marshall (British Embassy)

answer to globalisation” he stated defiant- Luxembourg must be an actor, not an ob- social cohesion which is essential for Lux- ly. As a consequence to Brexit, we should server, in modelling the future of the EU. embourg to remain prosperous. have a discussion on where Europe should To be the best in class, one must be better move next. Borders are still difficult due to than all the others. The speed at which decisions are made the regulatory framework. by public authorities needs to be improved In terms of taxation, we must become but first it needs to be measured. In classifying different groupings, he ar- much more competitive, regarding both gued that one group of countries could be corporate and personal taxation, by look- He acknowledged that with his experience those who view Europe both politically and ing at what other countries are doing. De- in a private law firm, he would now draft economically; or those that see Europe spite growth here, there is still public debt. laws differently, but it is difficult to move just economically; those that see Europe He praised the current government for its between the private and public sectors; he as just political; and others looking form economic policy of keeping spending un- called for such moves to be easier, includ- outside the EU. der control. ing the transfer of pension rights, etc.

He acknowledged that the political world Looking at the competitiveness index pub- He did not rule out a return to politics for is very short-term in its outlook, and called lished by the WEF, Luxembourg should himself at some time in the future. upon AMCHAM and the BCC to look at all rank among the top 3 of its competitors. issues from both medium- and long-terms. For Luxembourg to be competitive, he The conclusion of his excellent speech He described the Eurozone as having its called for English to be taught in pre- was acknowledged by generous and sus- challenges from the start, but called for schools. He also called for the expansion tained applause. European dialogue to discuss both fiscal of international schools here, an invest- and economic union, these two being the ment in the long-term solution for the keys to success within the Eurozone. country. He also called on a new housing The Luxembourg Chronicle policy, including social housing, to ensure



AMCHAM’s “The Languages of Luxembourg” About Mateneen providing aid to the disadvantaged, and in gen- project is carried out under the auspices of The OEuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-­ eral to promote the well-being of individuals and with the support of OEuvre Nationale de Duchesse Charlotte is a public institution un- and the community. To do so, the OEuvre is in Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte through der the supervision of the Prime Minister of touch with those active in the field and regu- the mateneen initiative. Mylanguage is AM- Luxembourg. It runs and organizes the Nation- larly involves itself in investigations with key CHAM’s partner in this project. The “Lan- al Lottery. Its mission is to promote philanthro- players from a large network of associations. guages of Luxembourg” project proposes py in Luxembourg. Its initial purpose of aiding In order to identify and meet the needs that a tool for the development of simultaneous victims of World War II has been broadened occur in our society, the OEuvre launches calls communication competences in 7 languag- over the years to support the many philan- for projects such as “Actions Addictions”, “Re- es: Luxembourgish, French, German, English, thropic activities and projects conducted by spect”, “Yes We Care” and mateneen. Portuguese, Arabic and Farsi. organizations in the fields of social issues, cul- ture, environmental protection and sport. Launched in late December 2015 by the OEuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duch- The OEuvre’s goals and values can be summa- esse Charlotte in response to the migrant rized as the protection of the most vulnerable, flows and the huge wave of public solidarity,


Participating Participer An einem Gespräch An engem Gespréich Participar in a conversation à une conversation teilnehmen matschwetzen numa conversa

Welcoming guests Accueillir les invités Die Gäste begrüßen Invitéeë empfänken Receber os convidados

How do you do? / How are you? Enchanté. / Comment allez-vous? Wie geht es Ihnen? Moien, wéi geet et Iech? Como está?

Did you have a good journey / a safe trip? Vous avez fait bonne route / bon voyage? Hatten Sie eine gute Fahrt / eine gute Reise? Wéi war Är Rees? / Hat Dir eng gutt Rees? Fez boa viagem?

Cette tenue vous va très bien This outfit fits you really well. (pour une femme) Du siehst blendend aus.(Männer / Frauen) Du gesäis gutt aus. Du straals(M+F) Estás deslumbrante.(senhora) You look really elegant F / very handsome M Vous êtes très élégant(e). Sie sind sehr elegant. Dir sidd ganz elegant. Está muito elegante.

Je peux vous débarrasser? (prendre votre Kann ich Ihnen etwas abnehmen? (Ihren Would you like me to take your coat / bag / Kann ech Iech Är Jackett,(Äre Mantel, Äre manteau, votre sac, votre parapluie, votre Mantel, Ihre Tasche, Ihren Regenschirm, Ihren Posso ajudar? (em qualquer situação) umbrella, hat? Prabbeli, Ären Hutt,...) ofhuelen? chapeau) Hut nehmen)

Could I get you a drink? / Would you like a Je peux vous servir quelque chose à boire? / Kann Ich Ihnen etwas zu trinken anbieten? / Kann ech Iech eppes fir ze drénken zer- Posso servir qualquer coisa? / drink? Vous désirez / voulez boire quelque chose? Möchten Sie etwas trinken? wéiere? / Wëllt Dir eppes drénken? Deseja beber algo?

Is there anything I can offer / get for you? Je peux vous offrir quelque chose? Kann Ich Ihnen etwas anbieten? Kann ech Iech eppes offréieren / ubidden? O que vos posso oferecer?

Starting a conversation Amorcer une conversation Ein Gespräch beginnen Gespréich ufänken Iniciar uma conversa

Where do you know Mary from? / Comment connaissez-vous Marie? Woher kennen Sie Marie? Wéi hutt Dir d’Marie kennegeléiert? De onde conhece a Maria? How do you know Mary? Vous connaissez Marie depuis longtemps? Kennen Sie Marie schon lange? Kennt Dir d’Marie scho laang? Conhece-la há muito tempo? Have you known Mary for a long time?

I’m a longstanding friend / long-time friend. Je suis un(e) amie(e) de longue date. Ich bin eine langjährige Freundin. Mir kennen eis scho ganz laang. Conheço-a de longa data.



mateneen is a call for projects that is unique About Mylanguage in Europe. With the selection process having Mylanguage is a language company special- ended in July 2016, the call for projects with ized in language courses and translations. 15 million euros at its disposal is enabling 80 Created in 2009 to respond to specific lan- project holders from the civil society to imple- guage and cultural needs of the internation- ment projects designed to bring the people of al work environment in Luxembourg, it has Luxembourg and the new arrivals together, developed a language learning program that and to facilitate the latter’s integration. The combines academic knowledge and practical mateneen programme has not been conceived skills in order to offer high education in a re- exclusively for refugees. In placing emphasis al-world setting. on making displaced people self-sufficient and www.mylanguage.lu on social cohesion in the broadest sense, it intends to be actively engaged in forging the society of the future.


Participating Participer An einem Gespräch An engem Gespréich Participar in a conversation à une conversation teilnehmen matschwetzen numa conversa

Welcoming guests Accueillir les invités Die Gäste begrüßen Invitéeë empfänken Receber os convidados

How do you do? / How are you? Enchanté. / Comment allez-vous? Wie geht es Ihnen? Moien, wéi geet et Iech? Como está?

Did you have a good journey / a safe trip? Vous avez fait bonne route / bon voyage? Hatten Sie eine gute Fahrt / eine gute Reise? Wéi war Är Rees? / Hat Dir eng gutt Rees? Fez boa viagem?

Cette tenue vous va très bien This outfit fits you really well. (pour une femme) Du siehst blendend aus.(Männer / Frauen) Du gesäis gutt aus. Du straals(M+F) Estás deslumbrante.(senhora) You look really elegant F / very handsome M Vous êtes très élégant(e). Sie sind sehr elegant. Dir sidd ganz elegant. Está muito elegante.

Je peux vous débarrasser? (prendre votre Kann ich Ihnen etwas abnehmen? (Ihren Would you like me to take your coat / bag / Kann ech Iech Är Jackett,(Äre Mantel, Äre manteau, votre sac, votre parapluie, votre Mantel, Ihre Tasche, Ihren Regenschirm, Ihren Posso ajudar? (em qualquer situação) umbrella, hat? Prabbeli, Ären Hutt,...) ofhuelen? chapeau) Hut nehmen)

Could I get you a drink? / Would you like a Je peux vous servir quelque chose à boire? / Kann Ich Ihnen etwas zu trinken anbieten? / Kann ech Iech eppes fir ze drénken zer- Posso servir qualquer coisa? / drink? Vous désirez / voulez boire quelque chose? Möchten Sie etwas trinken? wéiere? / Wëllt Dir eppes drénken? Deseja beber algo?

Is there anything I can offer / get for you? Je peux vous offrir quelque chose? Kann Ich Ihnen etwas anbieten? Kann ech Iech eppes offréieren / ubidden? O que vos posso oferecer?

Starting a conversation Amorcer une conversation Ein Gespräch beginnen Gespréich ufänken Iniciar uma conversa

Where do you know Mary from? / Comment connaissez-vous Marie? Woher kennen Sie Marie? Wéi hutt Dir d’Marie kennegeléiert? De onde conhece a Maria? How do you know Mary? Vous connaissez Marie depuis longtemps? Kennen Sie Marie schon lange? Kennt Dir d’Marie scho laang? Conhece-la há muito tempo? Have you known Mary for a long time?

I’m a longstanding friend / long-time friend. Je suis un(e) amie(e) de longue date. Ich bin eine langjährige Freundin. Mir kennen eis scho ganz laang. Conheço-a de longa data.




The question of “Good or Evil” drones has We moved on to drone demonstrations and The Opening address by Paul Schonen- been on the agenda for some time now networking with the participation of: berg, Chairman and CEO of AMCHAM and AMCHAM, in cooperation Digital Lët- • MaxxUAV.EU Luxembourg gave the start of the Drone zebuerg, the lead sponsor of the event, and • Service Incendie et Ambulance race organized by “FPV Racing Luxem- together with BCE, SECURITYMADEIN.LU de la Ville du Luxembourg bourg”. and FPV Racing Luxembourg organized a • 4G LTE one day event on April 27th at the heart of • Agroptimize and LIST the historical Junglinster Longwave Trans- • LUX-DRONES SARL mitter. • Lugus Studios BVBA – Liftoff • Geocoptix and Luxsense geodata The day started with a Cybersecurity • Hack4Kids Break­fast on the topic “Security, safety and drones, friends or foe?”. Kenn Sebesta (CyPhy Worcs Inc.), Gary Cornelius (Uni- versity of Luxembourg), Pascal Kremer (Luxair) and Pascal Steichen (SECURITY­ MADEIN.LU) gave their insights on this topic.



1 2

1. Eugène Muller (BCE), Roger Lampach (LuxConnect), Tun Van Rijswijck (BCE) 2. Roger Lampach (LuxConnect), Melanie Delannoy (SECURITYMADEIN.LU), Marton Fullop (Docler Holding), Karoly Papp (Docler Holding)


3. Tun Van Rijswijck (BCE), Jean-Paul Hengen (Luxinnovation), Emilie Muller (SECURITYMADEIN.LU), Pascal Steichen (SECURITYMADEIN.LU), Melanie Delannoy (SECURITYMADEIN.LU, Paul Schonenberg (AMCHAM Luxembourg), Gary Cywie (Allen & Overy Luxembourg), Marc Schambourg (POST)

Digital Lëtzebuerg Since its inception in 2014, Digital Lëtze- include but are not limited to the deve­ The rise of digitization and the accelerat- buerg has launched and implemented a lopment of ICT infrastructure, the foster- ed transformation of society it brings with diverse set of measures, pilot projects and ing of digital skills and of Luxembourg’s it are two unprecedented challenges that initiatives with tangible results. Initiated innovation and start-up ecosystem, iden- the Government aims to turn into an op- by either the public or the private sector, tifying and generating new opportunities portunity for the country and its citizens. these measures are instrumental in cre- for the financial services sector (FinTech), The political objective is clear: to use dig- ating an environment in which digitization e-government, e-health, smart mobility, itization as a lever for transformation, to can thrive and generate innovation and digital creativity, and adapting legislation prepare Luxembourg for the future and to positive change. to current and upcoming technological harness the huge potential that new tech- developments. nologies can offer. The aim of Digital Lët- Digital Lëtzebuerg is thus as much an in- zebuerg is not only to respond quickly and centive to stimulate cooperation between Contact: www.digital-luxembourg.public.lu with agility to this profound ongoing trans- the Government and the private sector formation, but also to shape it proactively as it is a tool that helps identify areas by making Luxembourg an ultra-connect- for further action and seize opportunities ed, innovative and dynamic country - a for growth and innovation that the dig- world-leading digital nation. ital boom can leverage. Priority themes



The award ceremony was followed by a • Pascal Kremer, Airline Safety Manager • Professor Holger Voos, conference stream on the following topics: at Luxair: “Let’s fly together”, Professor at the University • Henry-Michel Cauchie, LIST: safety aspects of drone operations: of Luxembourg, Head of the “Take a fresh look at your water body: an airline point of view Automatic Control Laboratory using flying wings to monitor the water • Hans Schrauwen, Unifly: • Gary Cywie, counsel, IP/TMT quality of lakes” Bridging the gap between manned at Allen & Overy: “Legal aspects: and unmanned aviation civil and leisure use of drones” • Sandro Monteiro: European Drone Film Festival - an artistic use of drones

JUNGLINSTER, WHERE HISTORY MEETS The Tier II datacenter has been extended as well this year with FUTURE MEDIA TECHNOLOGY additional 150m2 connected via a dark fiber ring to BCE’s The Drone event of AMCHAM Luxembourg took place at the inter­national backbone. With BCE connectivity in Europe, it is historical RTL Radio transmitter site of Junglinster operated easy to setup a connection from any major European city and by BCE. Today the site is used as a back-up of the Beidweiler use our teleport for broadcasting, data distribution but also for Longwave transmitter covering 2/3 of France but also hosts a the reception of content. BCE can also install new antennas wide range of services for multiple customers worldwide. on his site. BCE has a telecom network with connections in key datacenters in the many European cities. BCE is also able Over the last years a new Teleport has been added to this site to provide state-of-the-art connectivity, exceeding 3.5 Tbit/s with in total 30 dishes for various international customers. The with redundant connections to cities like Amsterdam, Brussels, new teleport is directly connected to BCE headquarters in Frankfurt, London, Strasbourg, etc. Luxem­bourg City, setting new possibilities for Television broad- casting as well as data transportation. BCE operates as well in Junglinster DR (Disaster Recovery) services for RTL Group’s main TV channels (Belgium, the “The new teleport has the widest view of the sky in Luxembourg Nether­lands, France and Luxembourg) but also service abroad with state-of-the-art infrastructures. We can virtually connect to to customers located in Eastern Europe, Africa, India and Asia. and with any company or territory in the world. The teleport has The platform ensures as well the recovery for RTL Group’s fi- also room for more antennas, our system integration team can nancial services like SAP. therefore install a new platform for your company while giving you access to our network” says Eugène Muller, Head of Tech- Contact: www.bce.lu nical Services and Transmissions at BCE.



LUXEMBOURG ARMY in crisis management operations under the strengthened its deterrence and defense The celebrates in 2017 aegis of the United Nations, NATO and the posture by enhancing its military presence its 50th anniversary of the voluntary service. European Union. In addition to these com- in the eastern part of the Alliance, the main Since the entry into force of the voluntary mitments, Luxembourg units participated effort of the Luxembourg Army’s commit- service in 1967, more than 8350 volunteer in the NATO and the European Union rapid ment has shifted towards the collective soldiers have joined the Luxembourg Army. response forces, designed to respond to a defense. From the early 1990s onwards, the Lux- crisis. In view of the recent change in in- Contact: www.armee.lu embourg Army has participated regularly ternational geopolitics and as NATO has

SECURITYMADEIN.LU the ICT community. It is an initiative of April 27th, the breakfast tackled “Security, is the main online source for cybersecu- “security made in Lëtzebuerg” (SMILE) safety and drones, friends or foe?” rity in Luxembourg. Its goal is to gather g.i.e. launched in February 2015. Contact: www.securitymadein.lu the cybersecurity ecosystem and provide news, relevant information as well as a Every month, SECURITYMADEIN.LU or- Email: [email protected] toolbox with useful cyber security solu- ganizes a Cybersecurity Breakfast on a tions for private users, organizations and specific topic along with its partners. On

FPV Racing Luxembourg type where participants control “drones” Junglinster. The winners received pric- FPV Racing Luxembourg a.s.b.l. is the first (typically small radio-controlled aircraft es amounting to about 500€ which our club in Luxembourg only for FPV Drone or quadcopters), equipped with cameras sponsors (Drone FPV Racer, FPV24, Racing. It was founded in 2016 and has while wearing head-mounted displays Flyduino, RCTech) placed at disposal. All a total number of 21 members. Our main showing the live stream camera feed from in all it was a great event, the pilots en- goal is to promote the drone racing sport the drones. joyed the track and the special scenery. and to offer our members a place where Contact: [email protected] they can meet and fly together. FPV drone On April 27th, AMCHAM offered us the racing (where FPV stands for first-person wonderful occasion to organize a demo view or first person video) is a motorsport race next to the longwave towers at



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We are grateful for the sponsorship of We also thank G4S, the Luxembourg Army, Thank you for having shared this informa- Coca-Cola Luxembourg who served their Rosport Luxembourg and Brasserie Simon tive and fun day with us! Chaqwa coffee (www.Chaqwa.lu) through- for their support. out the day.



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AVEC LA COLLECTION AUTOMNE/HIVER DÉCOUVREZ PLUS CHEZ SWAROVSKI.COM Collection#GiveBrilliant à partir de 49 € www.kpmg.lu THE MOTHER’S DAY © 2017 KPMG Luxembourg,25 Société coopérative, a Luxembourg entity and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent Femmes Magazine 211 x 273 Fall.indd 1 member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”),COLLECTION a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.15-07-16 11:44 Q2 2017 AMCHAM COMMITTEES: TAX


L-R: Bernard David (Deloitte), Fabien Hautier (PwC Luxembourg), Javier Lasso Pena ( Mittal), Frank Muntendam (EY Luxembourg), Marlies de Ruiter (EY Netherlands), Fred Gander (KPMG), Paul Schonenberg (AMCHAM Luxembourg), Pieter Stalman (Loyens&Loeff)

Following the success of last year’s confer- Marlies, who recently joined EY as Glob- ence on Luxembourg’s position in the new al ITS policy tax leader, used to head the tax world, the Tax Committee of the Ameri- Tax Treaty, Transfer Pricing and Financial can Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg Transactions Division at OECD. Under her has again invited us to have a closer look leadership, the OECD developed seven of on the most recent developments in the the fifteen actions of the BEPS Action Plan, European and International tax world, with in particular the actions on tax treaties and particular focus on the upcoming US tax re- transfer pricing. This was a unique opportu- form, and how those changes may impact nity for the audience to get insights into the business in Luxembourg. current status of the BEPS process.

Paul Schonenberg The conference named “Update on US Marlies provided an overview of the status (AMCHAM Luxembourg) and European tax policy and its impact on of the implementation of various actions of Luxembourg” was held at the premises of the BEPS Action Plan; she elaborated on the Banque du Luxembourg, and was spon- words, and introduced the distinguished the Multilateral instrument project which sored by Deloitte, EY Luxembourg, KPMG, speakers. should change a high number of tax trea- Loyens&Loeff, and PwC Luxembourg. ties currently in place, including the ones Marlies de Ruiter, the keynote speaker of concluded by Luxembourg. A signing cer- Frank Muntendam, Chairman of AM- the event, gave an interesting presentation emony in June of this year will produce the CHAM’s Tax Committee, together with Paul during which she updated the audience first wave of changes to these tax treaties. Schonenberg, AMCHAM’s Chairman and on the status of the implementation of the Marlies also paid attention to the so-called CEO, opened the conference with welcome OECD BEPS Action Plan across the globe. Mutual Agreement Procedure and its im-



portance to solve issues leading to double the first initiatives of his administration. Fred taxation. The take away from the presenta- indicated who the likely winners and losers tion was that it is of crucial importance that of this tax reform would be. It is critical for the stakeholders are aware of how the on- Luxembourg to closely monitor these devel- going changes are impacting them, and that opments in the US. they prepare to address and embrace the enhanced transparency. Fred’s presentation proved to be very val- uable for particularly those people in the audience, who have their business in the US, especially about ideas how to minimize adverse consequences for imports (i.e., as- Marlies de Ruiter sessment of the existing supply chains, op- (EY) erating models and pricing strategies, and even a potential shift of supply chain activi- The conference concluded with a panel dis- ties to the US). cussion moderated by Frank Muntendam, with the presence of all speakers. The pan- elists discussed further some of the points brought during their presentations, and the Fred Gander floor was handed over to the audience who (KPMG) raise some interesting questions as well .

Given that the conference was organized by the American Chamber of Commerce, we could not miss the reference to the current political situation in the US, following the last US presidential election. The new presi- Javier Lasso Pena dent has already announced a broad reform (Arcelor Mittal) to change the federal tax system. Described as “historic” tax reform, it will surely have an The last presentation of the evening was impact on Luxembourg, both for Luxem- done by Javier Lasso Peña, head of tax for bourg based companies investing into the Americas and Asia at ArcelorMittal, who Frank Muntendam US as well as for US companies investing gave an industry perspective on the pro- (EY Luxembourg) into Luxembourg. gressing globalization and transparency in the tax environment, and how this impacts Our second presenter, Fred Gander, a lead- big multinational companies like ArcelorMit- The event was finished with an entertaining ing partner in KPMG’s US tax practice in tal. Javier explained how companies strug- cocktail reception. Europe, outlined the key elements of the gle to keep up with all the changes and un- proposed US corporate tax reform. The new certainty that they bring. US president has announced his plans to incorporate this new tax reform as one of





In the late ’80s, Luxembourg was rapidly ex- Since 2012, an MBA with internship program Based on hundreds of conversations panding as a center of international trade and lasting 16 months has been added. Participants through the years with students and alum- politics, but had no academic institutions that of- enroll in a nine-month internship, gaining inval- ni,” Fairfield professor Mary Trefry says, fered advanced educational degrees, crucial for uable work experience in internationally recog- “I know that their MBA studies in Luxem- so many in reaching professional goals. Henri nized companies. bourg’s multicultural environment have Ahlborn, the then Director of the Luxembourg provided incredible opportunities for their Chamber of Commerce, recognized this gap Candidates apply from all over the world for this individual growth and evolution.” and reached out to universities in the United program as it optimally combines work experi- States in hope of collaborating to bring a course ence with courses taken in the evening. Instructors teaching these students have ad- of study leading to an internationally accredited vanced degrees from leading universities in Eu- MBA to Luxembourg for the first time. Upon graduation students from outside the Eu- rope or the United States and assume respon- ropean Union have an opportunity for full-time sibilities in business. Some instructors join us in The goal was threefold: nurture local talent, employment in Luxembourg. As practical train- Luxembourg on detachment from Sacred Heart prevent established talent from leaving Lux- ing occurs simultaneously with the academic University in Fairfield. embourg in pursuit of an advanced degree, and courses, no previous work experience is re- bring new talent to Luxembourg with the dual quired for the full-time program. But time never stands still, and besides the part- promise of professional and educational oppor- time MBA, the MBA with internship program, tunities. Sacred Heart University answered the and shorter professional certificates, SHU Lux- call and for 25 years has been serving Luxem- embourg recently launched its Executive Edu- bourg’s professional community—just as Henri cation program. “Financial Modelling / Fore- Ahlborn envisioned. casting and Valuation of Companies” will be taught in 3 two-day sessions by Bridget Lyons, “Twenty-five years ago, it was not possible professor at SHU Fairfield, who has trained for managers to pursue an MBA in Luxem- thousands of analysts at Goldman Sachs in bourg,” says Dr. Alfred Steinherr, Ph.D. Aca- New York over the last 15 years. demic Director and Professor of Economics and Finance at Sacred Heart University’s Before the summer break, three additional ex- Jack Welch College of Business in Luxem- ecutive courses will follow: “Networking as a bourg. Students past and present have played a sig- Business Tool” by Jing’an Tang, professor at nificant role in the program’s growth, especial- SHU Fairfield, “Leading and Managing Peo- “They would have had to be away from their ly through their accomplishments. To mention ple” by Marcus Mueller, professor at SHU Lux- jobs. The idea here was to create a program that just a few examples: a former SHU graduate is embourg and “Quantitative Investment Strat- would allow young managers to combine their Chairman of British Steel; a recent graduate is egies: How to Make Sense of a Random work with an evening education, leading up to the General Manager at Ampacet Europe; an- World”, by Nicolas Martelin, a prize-winning an MBA. The whole program was designed to other alumni is the Artistic Director and General professor at SHU Luxembourg. make it easy to do that.” Manager of all theaters in the city of Luxem- bourg; and a former student who worked for We are pleased to announce our 25th Anni- Indeed, the program’s flexibility is part of what Goodyear, created a spin-off of the company. versary Celebration, June 15th, 2017, at the continues to attract students today. In fact, that Luxembourg Philharmonie and look for- enrollment has nearly doubled over the last five “This is the entrepreneurial spirit in the ward to welcoming all SHU students past years alone. This flexibility also extends to pro- program.” says Administrative Director, and present, from all over the world to join gram offerings, which include professional cer- Antoine Rech. us for the event. tificates in addition to our U.S. accredited MBA program in Luxembourg. In the cross-disciplinary core of the program For more information on the Sacred Heart groups of students work on particular aspects University Luxembourg please visit the From the program’s beginnings in the early ’90s necessary for the success and expansion of a website. the focus has been, and continues to be, provid- real company by exploring how product-plan- ing a solid managerial education coupled with ning, financing, marketing, accounting, produc- www.shu.lu opportunities for hands-on experience in global tion and management all come together. business.




out and for tasks which today can be com- pletely integrated in management systems. To satisfy all profiles, we adopt a common “Our aim sense approach by budgeting for the annual workload with the client and offering pack- is to enable aged services. This lets us give entrepre- our customers neurs and investors visibility, thereby laying to focus on the foundations for a relationship of trust. their company’s Is this a new business model? Let’s just say that it’s a model adapted to management our times. Finimmo is constantly investing in and development dematerialization of the accounting process so as to move towards the “0 paper” objec- strategy, with tive - offering any of its customers who wish the strength of to do so, the chance to intervene directly in this process - and at the same time auto- a real partnership mating the simple and repetitive tasks. This behind them.” new platform also allows our customers to consult their business’s financial informa- tion in real time and remotely.

Our growth has been recurrent in recent years, perhaps because we depart from the clichés of our profession: we are not a one- stop-shop! Our managers are genera­lists who can identify problems and then refer our customers to the most competent spe- cialists, which is a real win-win situation for all stakeholders. Our aim is to enable our customers to focus on their compa- ny’s management and development strate- gy, with the strength of a real partnership behind them.

How do you imagine the future of Luxembourg? In very optimistic terms... Luxembourg Adrien Rollé should benefit from the political instability (Finimmo) of its neighbours... not to mention Brexit, which gradually seems to be having posi- For Finimmo CEO Adrien Rollé, corporate are also one of the innovative companies in tive repercussions on the market. We are services providers today must adapt not our sector as we offer very transparent pric- convinced that Luxembourg, as in the past, only to technological innovations, but also ing, suitable for all the types of business we will always be able to put forward “that to the new expectations of their customers. serve, and this at all the different stages of something extra” which allows it to differ- their development. For example, we have entiate itself from its competitors, espe- What differentiates you from oth- created a platform dedicated to start-ups cially now that implementation of the Jere- er corporate services providers? offering certain services in a spirit of part- my Rifkin strategic study should definitively Essentially, we try to differentiate ourselves nership. Many market players still too often allow the country to concretely enter the by the competence of our teams, mainly invoice their services on a per-hour basis third industrial revolution. comprising university graduates. I think we without any real analysis of the work carried



EXPAT PROFILE SNAPSHOTS IntegrationEXPAT is a two-way street: newcomers need to adjust and fit in, but at the same time they can make a great contribution to the economicPROFILE and quality of life success of Lux- embourg. The following two interviews are designed to put a human face on expats ex- plainingSNAPSHOTS who they are, what they think about Luxembourg,Integration is a their two-way aspirations, street: whynewcomers they are hereneed andto adjust what andcontributions fit in, but atthey the havesame or time can makethey canto Luxembourg. make a great In this contribution edition and to theall of theeconomic 2016 successeditions andof Connexion quality of lifewe inwill Lux fea- - tureembourg. two Expat The followingProfile Snapshots. two interviews Our goal are is todesigned bridge to the put gap a human between face newcomers on expats ex and- long-timeplaining who residents… they are, what and they therefore think supportabout integration.Luxembourg, This their initiativeaspirations, is why supported they are by thehere “Asylum, and what Migration contributions and Integration they have Fund” or (AMIF)can make and to theLuxembourg. Luxembourg In this Reception edition and and Integrationall of the 2017 Agency/Ministry editions of Connexion of Family we and will In - tegrationfeature two (OLAI). Expat Profile Snapshots. Our goal is to bridge the gap between newcom- ers and long-time residents… and therefore support integration.



LISA FRANCIS-JENNINGS StratAffect SA. Luxembourg’s Giving Spirit

Before immigrating to Luxembourg, Lisa For her, that community involvement is one Francis-Jennings had lived in several other of the most notable differences between countries. Mexico, Jamaica, and Switzerland Luxembourg and other places she’s lived. taught her the importance of cultural herit- “My grandmother always advised us to give age, and working in the Netherlands, Eng- 10% of our time and money to some good land, France, and Kazakhstan demonstrated cause, but here in Luxembourg, it seems the power of diversity while giving her a real to be much more than that. Virtually every- appreciation for effective communication. one I know volunteers. I’m not sure if it is Arriving in Luxembourg for a short visit in because there is such a mix of cultures, or 2002; what was supposed to be a week- because immigrants find it a good way to end away ultimately led to residency and make friends and meet people, but I think changed her life. “We were literally passing that it is also part of the fabric of the Luxem- through on a weekend trip. We had lunch, bourgish community and culture. Whatever took a walk around town and struck up in- the reason, I think it is marvelous.” teresting conversations with a few people we just happened to meet. I felt so comfort- Lisa jumped into the volunteer community able here. It was meant to be.” with both feet. When she is not running her society, and to call this multicultural country own boutique consulting firm that special- Lisa and her family found it difficult getting home. As an amateur linguist, she loves how izes in different aspect of organizational established in those first years. Business people flow between languages so easily. transformation, she is involved with half a travel made up over half of her schedule, Her company is the European headquar- dozen not-for-profit organizations, including and in a time when most government servic- ters for Kitchen Table Conversations (KTC), AMCHAM (in the Diversity Committee), the es and local utilities were paper-based, be- and Lisa sees a real opportunity to highlight NETWORK, (an association for professional, ing away for 4 or 5 weeks regularly, created Luxembourg’s natural strength in this area English-speaking women), the Oxford Uni- some challenges. Lisa smiles a bit when she to create a reputation for moderator excel- versity Society (OUSL), the Change Lead- thinks of the things she didn’t know. “We lence. Providing training as well as interven- ers (Organizational Change professionals), didn’t have any great orientation classes tions that use this organizational change AIESBO (Association of International Eng- back then and it was quite complicated to management methodology, she works reg- lish-speaking Business Organizations), and immigrate as an independent. We were al- ularly with KTC moderators in Luxembourg the Cherie Blair Foundation. ways late with one document or another, or to manage conversations about everything missing some vital paper. We were lucky to from women’s equality in the workplace, to Lisa tries to support local causes, promote have help from some and the challenges found in Luxembourg’s ed- equality, and strengthen diversity wherever a few Canadian friends who were already ucation system. They are also using Kitch- she can. “I’ve been volunteering since I was well-established and knew the ropes, but en Tables to do some interesting brand 12 and I’ve always loved being involved in still everything took months! But what an research for a program at Oxford University. the community. I love my work; I am blessed outcome… and what an adventure!” And af- to work in a field that is really quite a per- ter almost 15 years, she still feels privileged Although Lisa’s work still involves frequent fect match for my skills. I have friends and to live here and continue her adventure; dis- travel, more and more she tries to work with colleagues who are so kind and supportive, covering new things and interesting people clients remotely, preferring to stay close to the least I can do is to try to give back. So regularly. home. “I’m on-board with the digital revolu- many people are so open to helping resolve tion. I try to minimize my travel and carbon issues and to overcoming barriers that it is Although Lisa’s children completed their footprint. By taking advantage of available easy to make a difference here.” education outside of Luxembourg, eventu- technology, I can work with clients around ally everyone applied for and received their the world and still be here and involved in citizenship. It was a big decision and quite a my local community!” lot of work, but it was worth it to be able truly feel rooted in this positive, down to earth






Jeremy Bird, who received approval for his program gives good guidance and explanation isse or other trails around the country. They immigration within about 4 weeks of his im- for services and regulations that impact the also take advantage of Luxembourg’s central migration application, is proof that the Luxem- day-to-day lives of immigrants, insight into the location to travel. Edinburgh, Athens, Madrid, bourg government’s focus on streamlining and local culture and sensitizes participants to the Istanbul; Jeremy is taking every chance to simplifying the immigration process is working. effect of such a large immigrant population on discover as much of Europe as possible in his Jeremy was joined by his wife, Tara, who em- the locals. short time here. “Having a car would be great igrated with a work permit as well, in another for sightseeing, but public transportation here 4 weeks. Like other immigrants arriving from North is excellent. Rail and air travel prices are very America, Jeremy is challenged with French. reasonable; and my annual bus pass here cost Hailing from the hedge fund practice of the “We have such a rich cultural experience here. almost the same as a monthly subway pass in New York office, Jeremy is on a 2-year place- You sit around a table and there are people New York.” ment, working as an auditor. This program al- from Germany, France, the UK, South Afri- lows Deloitte’s personnel to gain experience in Discovering Europe eases some of the inevi- countries around the world and with a variety of table loneliness that comes with being so far teams. “I had visited Luxembourg several times from home, especially around special holidays when I was a teenager. My father was stationed when friends and family are usually together. at the base just outside of so I Having a strong support system also helps. Al- was familiar with the country. When it came to though they haven’t met many Luxembourgers, a choice between London and Luxembourg,” Jeremy and Tara’s friendly work environments comments Bird, “London seemed too similar to allowed them to develop a strong circle of New York. I decided that Luxembourg would friends quickly. This doesn’t completely combat give me international experience and a more the loneliness, but it is a first step in dealing interesting life experience.” with the challenge of being so far from home. A surprise to Jeremy was also the active team- As a main European financial hub, Luxem- sports scene here. In the United States, just bourg affords high performers the best of both about everyone who is not a professional, gives worlds. Excellent cooperation between global up sports after college; spending weekends regulators, government and private financial watching it instead. Here, Jeremy has found a institutions ensures a global presence for pro- vibrant sports culture that encourage an active fessionals in this field, while the smaller, more lifestyle, and creates built-in support systems relaxed environment of our city, affords an for newcomers. enviable work / life balance. One of the first ca, Italy... everyone is from somewhere else. things Jeremy noticed was the friendly, wel- Because of that, you have the most interesting Included in his advice for people thinking of coming atmosphere here. “People take time to conversations and get to know other cultures relocating to Luxembourg is to do some home- stop and say hello or to chat on the street, it more quickly. The connecting language is Eng- work, stay open to new experiences and to get is quite a contrast to the brusque hustle and lish. I feel lucky to be here, but for people who involved in the community as quickly as possi- bustle of New York.” are coming in to contribute to the economy and ble. “There will always be the ‘unknown’ for every society on a more short-term basis, it would be move, but living outside your comfort zone is Jeremy’s initial weeks were spent looking for nice to have more accessible information in important. We are taking advantage of the wel- accommodation, learning to navigate the new English.” coming, warm culture here to really expand our environment, and doing the inevitable paper- horizons and learn more about world cultures.” work. When it comes to settling into a new Speaking only English means that shopping country with a different language, the 2 days and dining out becomes a challenge. Jere- allotted weren’t really enough to do everything my relies heavily on Tara, who speaks some Lisa FRANCIS-JENNINGS required, but Jeremy found the AMCHAM French, when they are out and about in their orientation to Luxembourg very helpful. The neighborhood, or even hiking in the Petite Su-



CHARTER MEMBERS The American Chamber of Commerce ALFI in Luxembourg a.s.b.l. is an international Alter Domus voluntary organization of business persons AMMC Law - Avocats à la Cour committed to promoting English-speaking AMPLEXOR Luxembourg networking opportunities and business Arendt & Medernach, Attorneys at Law relations in the Grand Duchy. Badenoch & Clark Bank Julius Baer Luxembourg S.A. Bank of China CHAIRMAN AND CEO BDO Tax & Accounting BIL Paul-Michael Schonenberg BNP Paribas Real Estate COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR By Lentz CASTEGNARO Natalia Durus, - [email protected] Clearstream International Covidien MARKETING MANAGER Dechert Luxembourg D. Law Malek Lahmadi - [email protected] Deloitte Delphi Corporation EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Docler Holding Natalia Durus, DSM Avocats à la Cour Paul-Michael Schonenberg Etude Notaire Karine Reuter European Relocation Services LAYOUT CONCEPTION EY Luxembourg Finimmo lola.lu Fragomen G4S Security Solutions PRINTER Goodyear Print Solutions Guardian Europe Halsey Group AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN LUXEMBOURG Intertrust (Luxembourg) Intrasoft International 6, rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - L-1432 Luxembourg Java Business Management Phone: (+352) 43 17 56 - Fax: (+352) 26 09 47 04 KNEIP KPMG Luxembourg WWW.AMCHAM.LU LOGOS IT Services S.A. Loyens & Loeff McKinsey & Company MNKS Oppenheim Asset Management Services Oracle POST Luxembourg PPG Luxembourg PwC Luxembourg RBC Investor & Treasury Services Please Note: Ramius Enterprise Luxembourg Holdco The American Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg Sandstone does not necessarily endorse the views or opinions expressed State Street Bank Luxembourg in this periodical nor accept any responsibility in connection with information rendered. Streff Removals & Storage Team Relocations Copyright © 2017: The American Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg Totalserve Management No part of this publication may be reproduced without written Unify S.A. permission from the American Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg. United International Management All editorial materials and advertising inquiries should be addressed Weidema van Tol Luxembourg to the Chamber at the above address.

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