
,, ' 1 10m ,'~ <:r.i va Thursday, December 24, 1964 THE JEWISH POST , -,II -, - _l"~ JAM 1965 fI,r'SH QUANDRY \.:,'\~; ...5 tom half go Tuesday, Dec. 29. • is bringing Lennie' Lavitt, Harry._I piloting 'Lennie . Gol. oboft and.', ....·.. .•..J ~.·. Look for Lerner in' one' half and Fenster and Harold Ross. Kaptan Buckwald. Entries may be flledWlth •• • B@h in d either Hamovich or Robinson (whose leads Dr. Alex Mintz, Harry Lyman the ice maker no. later than~;' I~SEEKGLOBAL PX~CT ON ARMS TO MIDDLE il!ilrn .. rink seems to be starting to jell) and Al Lexier, and Neuman is ber 31. ' . . J th@ in the other. London (J:TA) - Prime Minister Harold WIlson has to "Israel is a small and isolated country; certainIy Asked about the proposal nfude earlier in ,the week by Loose Straws . • . We Ilave a Best Wishes for a Bright and Happy ,New Year called for an h!.ternational agreement to restrict arms ship- her intentions are not aggressive," Br. Burden said. He Britain's Premier Harold Wilson for an agreement to make ments to Isi'iililand .,the; Arab State~ and for the creation asked: "Why should it not be in the interests of people the Middle East a nuclear-free zone, he said the Immediate Glass ••• winner in the Maple Leaf ladies' of a "nucle,!ll' freij>,zo!'e". u,t1i:e"'~ear E8st. in general to insure that such countries should have arms problem was not de-nuclearization "since there are no club . • . thanks to Sybil Plattner Mr. W;jlson'i;poke in the House of CommonS where he with which to protect themselves?" nuclear arms ill the Middle East." The true problem, he t g' R,J. Co!,.,. who supplied us with the informa­ FRIDEN AGENCY was askeil. whether the gov'~ent would sell Israel the Mr. Wilson replied that "the Government has not been said, was stabilization of the balance of arms and avoidance tion. . . . Edythe Cohen captured British auc!caneer hlrcraft, '"He said that "as far as arms asked to supply Israel with Buccaneers. If this question, of an escalation of conventional arms in the region. the St. Michaels Knitwear Trophy. Phone TU 8·4885 are concerned, the solution must lies in getting intema- so far hypothetical, became a renlity, it would raise some He also charged that this year, the Arab states mad .. it .tional a\ireement to' ~~o~.the competitive shipment o! arms very difficuit issues." He stresSed that the Government clear that they consider the Arab refugees as a force of ... Rhoda Ross came in second and Still Alive : : : Hersh Lerner kePt IBen Tregebov • • . moved into the 435 Berry Street St. James to any"N<;W' F.aJ;tem,,~1intry, and to work.: as quickly as wanted to avoid an arms race in the Near East. hostility and possible aggression against Israel. He quoted Maple Leaf from being devoured top group. . . . Tregebov made it Eva Dolgin took third place hon­ possible to seeure'il-""non-lluclear. zone: In that area to . In New York, , Israel's Deputy Premier, the spokesman· for Kuwait, who addressed the Assembly ors. '. . . What with the Brier pr~~fw"'aUs:a1\'eady, a dangeroiis situation becom- proposed that the Soviet Union join with ·the United States, previously, to ,the effect that the Arab aim was "not in last sUnday in the Inter-Club race with four wins iii. ''B'' .... Ritter and play~ 'arms downs and the upcoming IDgh inlhlibrSe ·:bY·' becoming nuclear." . Britain and France and other leading United Nations mem- assisting the refugees, but liberating their homeland." He for the" cbllmpionship.'11he Maple Dave Baker also moved up and School 'spiel, curling will be held /.~;IDs;;comment followed a suggestion by Frederick A. bers in guaranteeing the territorial integrity of all Middle .appealed. to ,the United Nations to reject .the Arab thesis Leafers 'hosted 'Elmwood's current into ''B''. . . . Ritter came out of , Burden, Conservative, that, Britain sell the Buccaneer jets East countries. that Israel had no right of existence and could be liquidated. representatives, Bill. McTavish "C" and Baker made the long climb to a minimum until after the New A Very Happy Holiday to all our Jewish Friends and Customers Dr. • • imd.m.'.D!C): B~ a UkelY 'pair to from "D" with six wins and one loss. Year. 0001 off the' red bOt148p1e Ileaf ... Gordon,Guttman, Soloway and Time Rllnning Out '.' • With just ! tvorld N@WIJ In Bri@1 ~i I rinks. 'Ibe r,;,mersllad complete Kaufiilall. are new faces in "C" two weeks to go, Max Saper,cIlair~ man of this year's edition of.. the I control in their game against Mc- Kaufnum came all the gr;,up .... B'nai B'rith Bonspiel. has announced Bonn Tavish even though they were ex.., way from "E". . . • Soloway slid Between 20 and ~lO Gennan mechanics and technicians have taken up jobs that entries are coming in fast and tended to a full ,ten-end game. up from "D".... Guttman bounced PHOTOENGRAVERS in the Egyptian arms industry within the past few weeks, replacing McTavish was three down coming out of "A" and Gordon was squeezed he hopes to reach the 64 rink quota those whose contracts have run out. A Swiss firm aoted as agent for the Egyptian Government and the experts concerned have been given home and ran. out Of rocks when out of "B" (with 1!hree "wins) .••• before the deadline which is set at . COMMERCIAL ARTISTS December 31. Early out-of-town COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS five-year contracts with guaranteed pay of up to 3,000 marks (about his third man had finished shooting. Dr. CIlarles Rusen and Labinsky $800) a month. We can recall McTavlshputtin& dropped down to "D" with Labinsk)' entri~s include "Kappy" Kaplan of ELECTROTYPERS STEREOTYPERS Lerner out of the Consols a few malting ,the second ,big move in Regina, Ken Neuman (skipping a !'1NIPEG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1964 No. 53 .. OFFSET PLATEMAKERS .. ,,- Saskatoon entry)., Elle Ross of Flin --- -- .__ ._--_. __._.- -_.. _.- ._. __ . __ .------._._,_.- , ... years back in his first bid for the two rounds. . . . He climbed from The Coptic religious leader Joachim EI-Anthony has been deported to Manitoba cha!nPionship. Phil,J~- "0" to "B" with six wins and one ]'lon, Allan Lack from the Lake­ head cities, Art Rappaport of Sas­ WHitehall 3-5235. WHitehall 3·8001 Egypt through the Gaza Strip. He had been released from prison last fries making his initial appel!raJlce loss in the first round and dropped . - , Empirical Proof? month after serving seven years of a 12-year sentence fOJ: spying in the Inter-Club league proved to from "B" to "D" with six losses and katoon. Lack will 'have Murray 474 Hargrave St., at MeDermot Ave. against Israel. be no match for the Dick.Bird rink, one win it1- the second round. . • . Stitz, Alex Devon and Irv Ash. RoSs I but went. dowri swinging. The targe If he can repeat, it will be worth l""======~ Winnipeg 2 Manitoba Traditional Jewish CODc@pts london ,-".:-- b t Lo d II r'IHl' Tables - Slate - All Sizes crowd of pro-Maple Leaf speetato1'8 w hile'~ a ou. . .. n on " Rebuilt As New. Terms Arthur Louri's present consultations with the Foreign Ministry in Jeru­ I was treated to. a Pleasant surprise and Nozick also moved up to "D • Order Yours Today salem are likely to be his last in his capa'city as Israeli Ambassador to f,., when Ken Neuman (a former Maple ... Averbacll. Shot down to "D" from Challenged by IiAt'heist~ Habbi Britain. Before he left last week It became known that Mr. Louri's Leafer) turned out to ,be the akip "C",thanks to Laurie Udow and CRAFTSMA~I~~CREATIONS tour of duty in London was to end next spring, by which time he will have served for five years. It is expected that he will be succe~ed " of the Bird rink, Kep cUrled with company . . . ,they gave him his - Detroit (JTA) - The 140~member Reform congregation of the Birmingham Temple in suburban Detroit! Coulter Phone 775-5350 - in April by Abaron Remez, 45, the head of the department for technicnl Terry Braunstein at Granite last only win of the round. . .'. Abe has come to the defense of its rabbi who has proclaimed himself from the pulpit to be an atheist. Rabbi Sherman I co-operation in the Foreign Ministry, which is responsible for aid to 1 year and is enjoying a good season Schwartz tumbled into ''E'' along T. Wine has also challenged a number of traditional Jewish positions. in his sermons. No issue of revoking , developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Mr. Remez his ordination for alleged heresy has been raised beea use Reform Judaism has no such procedures. The out at Elmwood. JelJries will now with Dr. Alvin Shinoff... .'Wertier, Excellent Care 01 Children in for.. Cameras was the first, conunander of the with the rank of Sidn.'1 Sfu.eit.,., c.A. congregation ii; not.affiliated with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations or any other Jewish reli­ Brigadier-General, and the son of the late David Remez, a leader step down and make room for Ralph Zilz and Masloff stayed pat in "D:' My Home, Days or Evenings. ''The Store that Shows You How" gious grouping. _ ____ and former minister. . Hamovich ~hom 'he replaCed as the with three wins each. . • . Also ~ to Baby Sit Chartered Accountant 2 Locations At a recent "godless' Chanukah He also expressed the belief that the I . . .'. . h'/1 di d h' .number two club in "A" group at Brier PlaydoWDS are Ila1f way New Year's Eve. 318 Smith St. WH 3-65!!5 "all Greeks were adulterers and Hellenist, or Greek, Jews of the I Samuel S~lvenn8n, Bnto!"'s belh~e.rent Jewls llac. st, was ere te 1'. IS Telephone 832-1042 Sabbath service, Rabbi Wine, who murderers and all Jews were good." '.the.end .. of,round .two,. '.' It seems completed.... In the first round CALL JU 2-1296 Polo Park Shopping Centre Maeeabean period were "the Re- I we~k With ~ key role In the British H~use of Conunons vote to ~bohsh 3-6070 is 36, declared that Judah Macca­ He also said that the premise that form Jews of their day." , capItal purushment. The peppery' JeWish solon, who has been m the Btrahge that ~ch, arid Rpbin':' ..: .. .;.Hamovichdowned Trester. III~,"" lok~erBI~ ... ,Winnipeg b'ee was not as great a figure 'as he there would be no mornlity in the . . House for 29 years, has long been a supporter of unpopular causes. He son.before him, were both m6ved Ludwick stopped Cham .•. Miles is portrayed in Jewish history. He world if it were not for the Jewish­ The graduate of Hebre~ U';';lDn Was twice expelled from the Parliamentary Labor party and has been - out of the Inter-Club league with- headed Udow . . . Robinson topped Ofllee Phone - R~. Phone said it was "absurd" to believe that Christian tradition "is for the birds." College was quoted as saymg: On in nearly every rebellion within the Labor party since the war. out suffering a loss . . . thafs the Kaufman ..• Hersh Lerner swamped NICE DUPLEX SUITES &- w"igll WHItehall 8-4464 JUstice 2-4888 the Simple, popular level, I am an atheist, but in the sophisticated New York way the draw bounces. Baker . . . and Ralph Gordon side- Portage, cl. to Bay, 5 rm. $100, Barristers and Solicitors Max Yale Di.mond sense. I don't know ... I would B.A.. LL.B. SCHWARTZ FUND FOR LEADERSHIP TRAINING In the House ... The juggling in lined Yale Lerner. . . .' In the Ilm,ain fir.; 5 rm. $85, 2nd flr.; 2 object to being caUed 'atheist' when A movement i~ under way by American Jewry to channel some of the rms., $35, 3rd flr.; 3 rm., $60, 2nd 402 Royal Trust Building BarriSter and Solfcltor "A" group is really a mish-mash. second round it was Hamovich over Edmonton Alberta Notar7 Public ESTABLISHED AT H~BREW UNIVERSITY it has the inunoral meaning that energy now devoted to attempts to improve the situation of Russian fir. Light, water incl. Warkentin 618 AVENUE BLDG. society has often given it." Jewry into the struggle to extend'the statute of limitation on Nazi ..• Hersh Lerner stayed with seven Ludwick, Hersh Lerner over Gor­ ph. GR 4-1955 or 783-9n3. 422-4489 , Wlnnlt>elr Manitoba wins, along with Jeffries with six don, Jeffries over Easton (they both Rabbi Wine said that he prefers crimes which Is considered more immediate. The hope has been expressed that the American JewiSh Conference on Soviet Jewry will turn its wins, Hamovich with five and Miles had a bye), Kaufman over Udow, to be called an Uignostic." He de­ LINES BERRY fined that as a person who says attention to the statute or, if not, that another cortference made up of with three. . ., The other four Yale Lerner over Baker (Baker got 1- l\flNU11~' . I about God: "r don't know what the same 24 organizations, will be formed. rinks, Robinson, Ditlove, Guttman two Lemers in a row), and Bobby HOME DELIVERY • B.A., LL.B. you mean and I can't tell whether and Yale Lerner dropped down and Robinson over Lew Miles in an Barrister and Solicitor your statement is true or false," Soft Drinks and Mixes ,Off. WH 2-1030 Res. JU 6-1961 IcDANIEL & SAFIIN Shanghai out of the group..• :Maltz Weiner- extra ender.... The finals of the Empties Picked Up . .' Barrlste1'8 '" SoIl.I~r" He contrasted this to an agnostic From 25,000 twenty years ago, the nnmber of persons registered with the i 421 Somerset Bldg. . whom he said takes the position: man, Sam Bay, Sidney Slo. and top half will be played Saturday, 256-5596 Winnipeg 1 Marutoba . 104 Sterling Trust Bldg. I Council of the Jewish Community here is now 26, six of whom are Ben Tregebov • . . 'Yesay again, Dec. 26, and the finals of the bot- Regina Phone LA 3-7674 Sask. "I know what you mean, but I don't know whether it's true or false." from Harbin. A. I. SHUMIATCHER, Q.C. He also said he is not an atheist W h . I have a COLD WAVE M. C. SHUMIATCHER.B.A., LL.B. in the conventional sense who says:' as .ng on Entertainment· News LL.M., JUR.D. "I know what you mean, but I be- Israel' and the United States have signed an additional agreement fOJ' the convenience of your own AJao of the British Columbia Bar Heve your statement is false." purchase in 1965 of $17,400,000 in surplus American commodities (feed NOW PLAYING AT THE FOLLOWING Qualified Hairdresser. Mrs. Suzanne Velick, Temple sec- grains, rice, beef and tobacco), bringing the total purchases to date S!.-iaklur & Sfuu,.ialc~e,. retary, issued the congregation's for next year to $34,400,000. Call Beth - GR 5-0094 BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS statement in support of Rabbi Wine ~=~=:...::..::.::=-::.:...-=-...:..:...::------Winnipeg AM 2-1717 207 Lindsay Bldg. which asserted that all religions Ch · IS· ., M·· H THEATRES Grain Exchange Bldg. ..Calgary, Alto. have concerned themselves with the . rlS m"s p,,'.. .ss.ng.,. ere CAPrroL _ Debbie Reynolds, Tony Curtis, Pat Boone in "Goodbye " .problem .of human destiny and have SNOW REMOVAL tried 10 help man understand and Jerusalem - Three Israeli police­ Charlie." (A::d=ul=t)~_. ______-:- ____-=-=----;::::-:: SHOCTOR, KENNEDY & PEKARSKY control his future. To solve this men were wounded last week in a METRoPOLITAN - The most lovely motion picture event of all - "My Driveways and Walks problem, the statement said, "man gun battle with Jordanian troops on Who Is a Jew? Cleared Regularly BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS . Mount Scopus. Officials of the Jerusalem (JCNS) _ Mrs. Rina Fair Lady," statring Audrey' Hepburn, Rex Harrison. Technicolor. JosephH. Shoctor, Q.C. Donald W. Kennedy, B.A., LL.B. needs to know the truth about him­ Super Panavlsion. Matinee 2 p.m. Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday. Call ED MANN self and the world in which he lives. United Nations Truce Supervision Eitani, a Mapai member of the Upper Daniel U. Pekarsky, B.A., LL.B. Organization intervened to save the Nazareth local council, has been Evenings 8:15 p.m. Monday through Saturday (8 p.m. Sunday). Seats Phone 586-2775 .- PHONE GA 4-0664 He can best do this through use of available at 'performance time. (General) the common sense or empirical wounded policemen. One was seri- asked 'by the Ministry of the Interior 400 Toronto-Dominion Bank Bldg. Edmonton, Alta .. method." ously injured. to return her Israeli passport, on GARRICK - Cary Grant, Leslie Caron in "Father Goose," with Trevor "Commonsensical people invite The Israelis had been watching the ground that she is not Jewish. Howard. Technicolor.' Feature at 12:30, 2:50, 5:15, 7:35 and 10 p.m. Housekeeper Available Jordanian women picking olives in She was issued the passport as an Christmas Day open at 3 p,m. Feature at 3:00, 5:20, 7:40 and 10:00 p.m. every idea to be testea by the evi­ If you are planning a holiday and r dence of human experience," the a grove on the Israeli sector of the employee of the Jewish Agency. (General) 100kIDg for a nice, respectable Prowse, Eslrin & Giossman congregation statement continued. mountain. The women suddenly left The daughter of a non-Jewish woman for housekeeping and look- "If the idea passes this test, it is the area and the Jordanians began German mother and a Polish-Jewish OnEoN _ "Gold Finger," with Sean Connery as James Bond, with Honor BARRISTERS, SOLICrroRS, NOTARIES PUBLIC shooting, an Israeli spokesman said. father, Mrs. Eitani entered Israel as Blackman. Color. Doors open 11:45 a.m. Feature at 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, ing after children, phone 589-4620. worthy of belief. We at Birmingham In other incidents two Arab infIl- an "illegal" immigrant, settled on a and 10 p.m. (Adult) Phone 422-2188 Temple are committed to the use of this empirical method in the dis­ trators were killed in I: clash with kibbutz and married a fellow­ Furnished Room for Rent Edmonton. GAIETY _ A Walt Disney - "Emil and the Deteetiv~s," with Walter 1 large furnished room for rent ~5 Tegler Building -' covery of essential truth. Like the an Israeli patrol in the Negev. A member. Shfl is the mother of two . . Siezack and Bryan Russell Feature at 1:50, 4:25, 7:00 and 9:35 p.m. in a quiet home, downstaim. Suit­ men of science, our minds are open. Czech riile and anvnunition was children, ,both brought up as Jews. • able for a working person. Phone There is no belief we are unwilling found near the bodies of the Arabs The Ministry of the Intedor al­ (General) ___. ____ ---: __ =_--:::---::-=--:---: Dr. Joseph J. executive vice-president of the Israel JU 9-0434. to alter if the evidence proves us who also had Jordanian identity leges that she falsely claimed to be TOWNE _ ;'Mediteranean Holiday - Burl Ives, Your Host."Feature at Bond Organizatifm, left, receives the SCOP)1S Award, the highest wrong." The statement emphasized cards; and clashes were reported in Jewish when sh.. married in 1950. 7:15 and 9:40 p.m. Color. (General) ._ Schulman & Schulman honor of the American Friellds of the Hebrew University, from that the congregation "will also use the central sector near the village of Mrs. Eitani has expreSllCd her wil­ Will Share Apartment Budreus lingnessto undergo formal conver- -C-O-LLEG-E - The Be~tles in "Hard Day's Night." Also starring Wilfrid A widow would like to share a BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Israel's AmbasSador to the U.S"Avraham Harman. The presentation all customs and ceremonies 'that can in New York marked the inauguratloll of the Dr, Joseph J. Schwartz effectively symbolize the values we There was also an excllange of sipn, but the Tiberias rabbinate has Brambell. (General) suite or rent a room to working H. Schulman, Q.C. Mark '\W, Schulman, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. Perry W. Schulman, LL.B. Fond for Leadership Training at the Hebrew University. The Fond hold sacred. We want to preserve fire in the Lake Tiberias area where requested that investigations should girl or woman. All conveniences. a Syrian was reported wounded by' first be made into allegations that DELUXE _' Deborah Kerr, Hayley and John Mills in ''The Chalk Garden." Close to transportation. Phone 208 Childs Bldg. Phone 943·5428 Winnipeg will support a wide range of teaching and TeSeareh programs, in­ whatever in Judaism is both ra­ Israeli action there earli,er this week. she ~ "hClStile to judaism." Color. Plus "Any Number Can' Win." (General) . 338-1436. cluding student and fllClllty exchanges. tional and humanistic," it declared.


