Easter Quiz Round 1-General Knowledge

1) According to a You Gov poll in 2017, what then was the UK’s most liked topping added to a Pizza? Mushrooms

2) In an English trial, how many people sit on the jury? Twelve

3) What do you call the place where a colony of rabbits live in burrows? Warren

4) Who manufactures Malteasers? Mars

5) How many times has the UK’s Lewis Hamilton won the Formula One world championship? Six

6) Which musical instrument can have up to 7 pedals and 47 strings? Harp

7) Jelly beans are enjoyed in many countries, but what is the most popular flavour of Jelly bean in the US? Cherry

8) Who wrote the novel Little Women? Louisa May Alcott

9) Which bird lays the largest eggs? Ostrich

10) How many of Henry 8th Wives were called Catherine? Three

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Round 2-Film and TV

1) Name the James Bond actor who starred in the film ‘From Russia with Love’? Sean Connery

2) In the film twins, name the actor who plays Arnold Schwarzenegger’s brother? Danny DeVito

3) In the soap Coronation Street, what’s the on-screen Christian name of Peter Barlow’s son? Simon

4) In the 1965 film The Sound of Music, how many of the Von Trapp children are girls? Five

5) In the TV series Absolutely Fabulous, who played the part of Patsy? Joanna Lumley

6) In which English seaside town was Fawlty Towers set? Torquay

7) Who first said “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough”? Mae West

8) Warren Beatty has an elder sister who is an academy award winner, actress, dancer and writer. Can you name her? Shirley Maclaine

9) In the Tv series Keeping up Appearances, what is the name of the social climbing main character? Hyacinth Bucket

10) Dame Elizabeth Taylor was as famous for her love life as her acting. How many times did she marry? Eight (seven husbands as she married Richard Burton twice)

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Round 3-

1) Which Russian jewellery firm is famed for designing elaborate jewel-encrusted eggs? Faberge

2) What name is given to the Sunday before Easter?

3) When eating a chocolate bunny what part of the bunny do 76% of people bite off first? Ears

4) Which light fruit cake, with layers of marzipan, is traditionally eaten during the Easter period? Simnel Cake

5) Easter celebrates the resurrection of Christ. After his crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead how many days later? Three

6) The New York takes place on which famous street? 5th Avenue

7) Eggs are associated with Easter because they are a symbol of what? Rebirth

8) In which country is the believed to originate from? Germany

9) What was the name of the hill where Jesus was crucified? Golgotha

10) In 1873, which company introduced the first chocolate in Britain? J.S. Fry & Sons

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Round 4-Geography

1) Name the capital city of Latvia? Riga

2) According to a report published by the World Tourism Organisation, which country received the most visitors in 2018? France (more than 89 million)

3) The European flag consists of a circle of how many gold stars on a blue background? Twelve

4) Europe’s Rhine River empties into which sea? North sea

5) By area which is the smallest country in the World? Vatican City

6) Which city was formally known as Constantinople? Istanbul

7) Easter Island belongs to which country? Chile

8) How many official languages are there in South Africa? Eleven

9) What is the highest active volcano in Europe? Mount Etna

10) The Great Barrier Reef is off the coast of which Australian state? Queensland

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Round 5-History

1) In which year did Edwina Currie provoke outrage by suggesting that most of Britain’s eggs were infected by salmonella? 1988

2) What year did decimalisation take place in the UK? 1971

3) In which year did the Titanic sink? 1912

4) In which year Nelson Mandela released from Prison 1990

5) What year was the NHS launched? 1948

6) What year did Elvis die? 1977

7) In which year did the Battle of Hastings take place? 1066

8) In which year was Maradona’s ‘Hand of God’ goal in the World Cup? 1986

9) In which year was the final Harry Potter book released? 2007

10) In which year did Martin Luther King Jr make his ‘I have a dream’ speech? 1963

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