Study on High-Risk Groups for Trafficking in Human Beings.Pdf
Study on high-risk groups for trafficking in human beings Final report MigrationDirectorate-General and for Development and CooperationHome Affairs – EuropeAid Study on high-risk groups for trafficking in human beings Final report Authors This report has been prepared by Alessandra Cancedda (Ecorys), Barbara De Micheli (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini), Dafina Dimitrova (Ecorys) and Brigitte Slot (Ecorys) for the European Commission. The report was based on country reports for internal use that were prepared by: Astrid Winkler (AT), Annemieke Pickles (BE), Dafina Dimitrova (BG), Rafaela Camassa (CY and EL), Hana Pazlarová (CZ), Dorothea Czarnecki (DE), Mikael Bjerrum (DK), Anu Laas (EE), Valentina Patrini (ES), Tiina-Maria Levamo (FI), Diletta Zonta (FR), Djurdjica Kolarec (HR), Viki Sebhelyi (HU), Rachel Blades (IE and UK), Angela Genova (IT), Karolis Zibas (LT), David Mosler (LU), Ilze Trapenciere (LV), Dominik Kalweit and William Grech (MT), Brigitte Slot and Lorijn De Boer (NL), Monika Sajkowska and Katarzyna Makaruk (PL), Ana Cardoso and Pedro Perista (PT), Andreea Biji (RO), Maria von Bredow (SE), Anita Ramsak (SI), Viera Spanikova (SK). Disclaimer: The information and views set out in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union.
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