ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1945 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. WASHINGTON. 1946 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office: Washington 25, D. C. Price 20 cents COMMISSIONERS MEMBERS OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [As of January 1, 1946] CHAIRMAN PAUL A. PORTER (Term expires June 30,1949) PAUL A. WALKER EWELL K. J'ETT (Term expires June 30, 1946) (Term. expires June 30, 1950) RAY C. WAKEFIELD CHARLES R. DENNY (Term expires June 30.1947) (Term expires June 30, 1951) CLIFFORD J. DURR WILLIAM H. WILLS (Term expires JUne. 30, 1948 ~ (Term expires June 30, 1952) 11 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS CO~IMISSION, Washingt"", 25, D.O., April 3, 194fJ. To the Oongress of the United State.: In accordance with the requirements of section 4 (k) of the Com munications Act, the Eleventh Annual Report of the Federal Com munications Commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, is submitted herewith. Respectfully, CHARLES R. DENNY, Acting Ohairman. III [ Page IV in the original document is intentionally blank J TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SUMMARy _ vii Chapter I. GENERAL_________________________________________________ 1 1. Administrative_ __ __ _ __ ___ __ 3 2. Commission membership changes_____________________ 3 3. Staff organization_ __________________________________ 3 4. PersonneL '_ _____ ____ ______ _ 8 5. Appropriatiotls_ _____ ___ __ ____ _______ __ __ 3 6,. LegislatioD_ ________________________________________ 4 7. Litigation_ _________________________________________ 4 8. Dockets_ __ __ __ ___ _______ 6 9. InternationaL ~ _________________________________ 6 10. Indepartment Radio Advisory Committee______________ 7 11. Freqnency allocation ~____ 7 II.
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