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Durham E-Theses Durham E-Theses Sesleria caerulea (l.) ard. ssp calcarea (celak) hegi scop, in the North East of England an ecological study Yagoobi, Guiti Seyed How to cite: Yagoobi, Guiti Seyed (1977) Sesleria caerulea (l.) ard. ssp calcarea (celak) hegi scop, in the North East of England an ecological study, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/9067/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk 2 CONTENTS Pages Acknowledgments ii List of Figs. & Tables iii-iv Authorities v Introduction 1-7 Morphology & Anatomy 7-8 Aims of work 8 Study 1 Lowland Populations Experiments 1-3 8-15 Study 2 Thrislington Plantation Experiment 4 16-22 Study 3 Montane Populations Experiments 5 & 5a 22 - 30 Study 4 Transpiration 31 - 38 General Discussion & Further Experiments 39 - 40 Stomata 41 - 44 Plasticity 44 - 45 Transpiration . 45 - 46 Heavy Metals in Population H 46 - 48 Mechanism of Morphogenetic Change 49 - 53 Final Discussion 54 - 55 References 56 - 57 i SESLERIA CAERULEA (L.) ARD. SSP CALCAREA (Celak.) Hegi Scop, in the North East of England. An Ecological Study* by GUITI SEYED YAGOOBI Submitted to Durham University for the Degree of Master of Science The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published without his prior written consent and information derived from it should be acknowledged. Botany Department Durham University June 1977 ii The contents of this thesis are, apart from any text references to published work, entirely the product of my own research and have not been submitted for the candidature of any other degree or diploma. 0-. S&vA-So-^eW June, 1977 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My thanks are due to Professor D. Boulter for research facilities in the Department of Botany; to Dr. David J. Bellamy for his help and supervision; to Mrs. G. Walker for her help both in the laboratory and in the preparation of the thesis. Finally my thanks are due to my parents for all their encouragement and support. • • • XXX LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES AND PLATES Page Fig. 1 Distribution of Sesleria in Britain la Fig. 2 Habit of Sesleria 6 Fig. 3 Tracing of Photograph acetate peel of 7a Sesleria epidermis Plate 1 Acetate Peel of Sesleria Plate 2 Acetate Peel Epidermis of Sesleria (Detail) 8a Table 1 Expt. 1. Data from Populations A. and B. 10 Table 2 Expt. 2, Data from Expt. 2 12 Table 3 Expt. 2, Changes in Structure of Epidermis 12 Result of t test, change in the number of Stomata Table 4 Expt. 2, Results of t test, change in 13 number of Short Cells Table 5 Expt. 3, Comparison of Epidermis formed during drought and rains 1976 14- Table 6 Expt. 4, Number of Stomata, Results of t test 20 Table 7 Expt. 4, Number of Short Cells, Results 21 Table 8 Expt. 5, Number of Stomata, Results of t test 27 Table 9 Expt. 5, Number of Short Cells Results of 28 t test Table 10 Expt. 6, Number of Stomata and Short cells 30 formed in greenhouse culture Pig. 4 TRANSPIROMETER 32 Table 11 Expt. 7, Transpiration Rates 33 Table 12 Expt. 8, Transpiration Rates 35 Fig. 5 Expt. 7, Transpiration Rates for first two days 36 Fig. 6 Expt. 7, Transpiration Rates 37 Four day means throughout experiment Fig. 7 Leaf Blade of Sesleria 39 iv Table 13 Summary Number of Stomata vs number of 40 Short Cells Table 14 Summary Number of Stomata per Unit Area 41 Table 15 Soil Moisture 41 Table 16 Climatic Data 43 Table 17 Heavy Metal in Sesleria Leaf Tissue 47 Montane Populations Table 18 Stomatal Length and Longitudinal spacing 50 Table 19 Summary of number of Stomata, Length and 51 Longitudinal spacing Table 20 Expt. 4, Stomatal Length and Longitudinal 52 spacing Fig. 8 Tracings of Stomata from photographs of Acetate peels populations A. and B. 56-5 7 V AUTHORITIES Phytosociological Nomenclature Throughout is based on that Advocated by LOHENMEYER W etal. Contribution a L UNIFICATION OU SYSTEME PHYTOSOCIOLOGIQUE POUR L'EUROPE MOYENNE ET NORD-OCCIDENTALE. MELHORAMENTO 15, 137-151. All authorities quoted in the syntaxonomic sections will be found in this paper with additions from SHIMWELL, D. (1968). The Phytosociology of Calcareous Grasslands in the British Isles. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Durham For the naming of plant species the following references have been used FLOWERING PLANTS DANDY, J.E. (1968) List of British Vascular Plants, Br. Mus. Nat. Hist Lond, MOSSES WARBURG, E.F. (1963) Census Catalogue of British Mosses (3rd ed). Brit. Bryoc. Soc. Publ. Ipswich LICHENS JAMES, P.W. (1967) A new check list of British Lichens The Lichenologist, Vol. 3, 95-153. -1- INTRODUCTION Sesleria caerulea (L) Ard. ssp. calcarea (Celak.) Hegi Scop, is a member of the tribe Festucae of the family Graminae. It is a gregarious grass which forms an important component of sub arctic and arctic alpine grasslands throughout Europe and Fennoscandia. Apart from being found mainly on limestone substrata it appears to tolerate a wide range of soil types and locations from calcareous syrozems and protorendzinas to mature rendzinas, cf Bryan (1967); from Coastline situations along the Atlantic seaboard of Europe to the higher pastures and screes of the Centra 1 Alps, and from wet mountain flushes to dry south facing slopes in lowland situations. Its distribution in the North East of England is perhaps unique for here in a quite small area it is found in habitats which span the full range of wet to dry, skeletal to mature soils and lowland to montane sub-arctic alpine situations see Fig. 1. The range of calcareous grassland in the North East of England has been intensively studied from the phytosociological stand point by Shimwell (1968). A synopsis of the phytosocio• logical units in which Sesleria is a dominant or important member which have been used in this study is given below. Class Fjestuco-Broraetea Order Brometalia_erect^L Alliance Mesombromion • Sub-Alliance Seslerio-Mesobromion Association of Sesleria-Helictotrichon Association Ses 1 er-Caricetura_pu 1 ici^riae Association Asperulo^eslerietum Sub Alliance Eu-Mesobromion BCOTIDH -la- Fig. 1. B 682/1 SESLEMA CAERULEA (U)Ard. £2 ) • iflOonwirdi o Before 1930 I \ • 1 1 i 5 "By permission of the Botanical Society of the British Isles, taken from their Atlas of the British Flora and updated by the Biological Records Centre, Monks Wood Experimental Station, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon." .9 9 -2- Association Helictotricho-Caricet^um f^laccae Class Violetea_calaml.nariae Alliance Thlaspe^ion ca laminariae Association Minuartio-^hlaspeet^um Class Festuco-Brometea_ Br-JBlanq^ R.T.X._ 1943 A class which contains the dry anthropogenic, base-rich grasslands of Central and Western Europe. The limits of these grasslands are somewhat obscure. In the Mediterranean region they are confined to north facing slopes on mountains (Braun Blanquet 1951) being replaced in the lowlands by the more xeric grasslands of the class Thero-BrachypodieteaBr-B11947, and on the majority of the mountains by the class ONON^DO-ROSMARINETEA Br-Bl 1947 In the North and especially in the sub arctic climate such grasslands are replaced by grass heaths of the class Elyno-sesleriatea Br-Bl-1948. In the East their limit is obscured by intergradation with the grasslands of the steppes of Poland. Order-Broraetalia_Erecti Br-B1-1936 This order contains the bulk of the dry calcareous grasslands dominated by coarse grasses such as Bromus erectuSj Brachypodium pinnatum?Festuca ovina and Helictotrichon pratense Alliance Mesobromion-erecti Br-Blanq. Moor 1938 emend Oberd 1949 The alliance contains most of the familiar chalk and limestone grasslands of the British Isles and also includes some communities on stabilised calcareous dune systems. The majority of them must be considered to be secondary in nature being formed on the steeper scarp slopes layed bare by early deforestation. -3- Sub AllianceJEu-Mesobromion Oberd 1957 This sub-alliance was created to include almost all the lowland BSiesobroraion associations which are free from the de-alpine species (Meusel 1939) such as Sesleria caerulea. Association He ^ictotricho-Ca rice turn f^laccae An association which in many ways represents a zone of communities poor in order and alliance character species found arov.nd the Northern and Western limits of the Cirsl.o_Brometum. It forms a definite link with the sub-alliance Seslerio- Mesobromion. The outlier communities of County Durham form part of a succession which proceeds to a low scrub community best referred to the alliance Salicion_arenar/iae_RJUT^X^ 1952^ Sub-Al^iance_Seslerio Mesobromion Oberd 1957 A group of grasslands which occur in a marked zone across Northern England and Western Ireland and form a floristic link between the classes. Festuco-Brometea and Elyno-sesierietum. Association Seslerio-Helictotrichetura An association peculiar to the magnesian limestone escarp• ment of Eastern Durham at altidues varying between 60 and 160 m above sea level. The climate of the escarpment is an extension of the drier eastern climate of South England^ climate type VIib^Walter and Leith (1967), although the average minimum winter temperatures are somewhat cooler, average 25°C.
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