Nguzu Nguzu] 19Th Century Wood, Paint, Shell, Newspaper 12 X 7.5 X 9.8 Cm National Gallery of Australia, Canberra Purchased 1973
FACT SHEET Wednesday 23 February 2011 24 February – 29 May 2011 New Georgia Group, Solomon Islands Figure head [nguzu nguzu] 19th century wood, paint, shell, newspaper 12 x 7.5 x 9.8 cm National Gallery of Australia, Canberra purchased 1973 Owaraha (Santa Ana), Solomon Islands Centre post from a ceremonial house prior to 1945 wood, patina 128 x 18.5 x 18.7 cm National Gallery of Australia, Canberra purchased 2006 Roviana Lagoon, Solomon Islands Portrait bust of a young man 1870–1900 wood, paint, shell, hair 33 x 26 x 22 cm National Gallery of Australia, Canberra purchased 2007 Northern Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea Urar prior to 1944 wood, paint, hair 154 x 36 x 31 cm South Australian Museum donated by WO Nottage 1944 Modo Village, Ranongga Island Barava prior to 1921 shell (Tridacna gigas), fibre 30 x 40 x 3.5 cm South Sea Islands Museum, Cooranbong Northern Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea Squatting figure prior to 1911 wood, paint 43 x 10 x 10 cm South Australian Museum Kumbukotta Village, Ranongga Island Canoe prow tip prior to 1901 wood, paint, ochre, shell, nut putty 59 x 16.8 x 6 cm on loan courtesy of Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Australia Roviana Lagoon, Solomon Islands Forehead ornament [Dala] prior to 1908 clam shell (Tridacna gigas), turtle shell, fibre, cloth 11.4 diameter x 0.5 cm on loan courtesy of Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Australia Western Province, Solomon Islands Effigy of Banara prior to 1938 wood, paint, shell, fibre 68 x 5 x 9 cm South Sea Islands Museum, Cooranbong Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands Effigy of
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