12.95 Washingtonxaprn 13—(/P) Mrs
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V . ^ I -v. ? C-v - L .• ' _ » • SATURDAY. APRIL H. 1955 PAGE TWEI^VB April 11, 1958 atonal honor has- been placed in h a v i n g A PARTY? question by a Heard Along last Youngsters Take Parents to School Auto Fatality 10,936 About Town week which told of triplets who WEDDING r e c e p t i o n ? ,Heard Along Main Street used 72 diapers a day. Mer&ber of th« Audit Membera of the Mancheeter Fed Cohen had already gone on Brjiigs Arrest CLUB SOCIAL?— Call ^ Bureau of Ctrcnlatkma eration of Democratic Women are And on Some o.f Manchester*$ Side Streets^ Too record in this column as saying 10 reminded of the meeting; and elec or 11 per baby per day was the average. He termed "riduc.iious" a S. Illoyvley. Jr., 48. of 62 tion of offlcera to be held Tuesday .^Clinton' street, Is charged with “Tha Party Shelf’ll led Adrarttitai Page 14)' MANCttESjTER. CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 13.1953 nitht at 8 o’clock at the home of statement that one set of triplets V O L .1 X X II, NO. 164 Boilin’ Mad ,«of the community, a frugal man. used 10 dozen a day. And 72, which f^H gent homicide In the highway MI-O-8496 or MI-8-7674 Mra. John l*Belle, 21 Benton The Old Timer hasn't been, and the vice-president and treas- /Oeath-Jaat night of a New Britain is six dozen a day, ia-no mc,rs rea -Sandwiches, Hors D'oeavres, atreet. arpund in some, time, but he burst; urcr of a very solvent local cor- sonable in his estimation. man who .was struck and killed .by intb the -office the othi^r day at i poration. "It’s tough to make an issue of Rowley’s .car on the Berlin trun-’ Canapes, Tea Cakes and.lCooktes . The Polish-American Club will high boiling point. Recently he entered a Main this .sort of thing,” Cohen said to plke. hold a traditional "Swicconka" to State police s a y . William Ft Doubt Cast He had just read a book, a street liquor dispensing establish- a Herald reporter, "but one dozen 8IRS. RICHARD COBB, morrow «aften»oon at-2 o'clock for clreumstance ih itself startling | ment and sought to purcha.se some Malarney, 71.\W8* killed instantly ,18 the figure. That’s my story and 215 HILLSXOWN ROAD members of the club and their enough. But it was the suject mat- HQuor of a sort suitable to his sta I’m stuck with It." when hit as\he .was w a l k friends. ter of the book that set the OT to tlon in life and in an amount suit- He spoHe in a tone which seemed ing across the o II t h b o' u n d On Soviet’s blowing. his top. »‘ble to his moderate Uste to indicate he WOUI4 ' brook no lane of the t u r n p i k e .. The Manchester Rod and Gun Club It Was W. L, White’s "Back The proprietor refu.scd to sell on further contradiction Unless some accident occurred about U ;20 members are reminded to report Down the Ridge ’ that set him off. ! the ground the man wa.s a minor one had proof to offier. Malarney, police said, had been o r tomorrow at 9 a. m. for the an "I’m facing. ,5,000 cancelled driving north when his wife, Peace Aims The book dcala With the medical! set . X ' i nual apring clean-yp- Dinner treatment of soldiers wounded i„ out to demonstrate to the man be- accounts," said Cohen on the other Bertha, became 111. He stopped his will bo aervod. hind the counter how very foolish end of A telepohne line. "They tell car, to get a glass of water at a Wkshinjrton, April 13— (JP) limes "to I wa.s to think him under age. He motel on the west side of the Washington. April 13— (^)— Pre.sident Eisenhower and his lack of blood supplic.s at Umes. t^ fiVst evidence of his me a dozen i? the figure. ’■Sometimes when Its an only highway, and was returning with family— wife, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, — ^^’“Senater Knoidand (R.. Mra. Arthur L. Johnson of Con save the lives of many of these , position, then his mem- the empty gla.ss when he was hit, Calif.) proposed today that stance road will entertain the. men. child and the ‘mother is very plus their dog— took off in the rain today for a golfing vaca ber.ship in a fra.ternal organixa- finicky—maybe ns much ai two police reported. the U n it^ Nations test the Hartford Colby Junior College "Look a. there!" sputtered the tlon, and, in turfi, several other Rowley was released on $1,000 tion in Augusta, Ga. Two pas.sengers— in addition to the black Club a t . her .home Tuesdsji, night-. Old Timer..shoving Uie open .bopl<, dozen. But . never triplets, The iaith-of,Russian..peace jno.ves, proofs- of his ■ age. He finally■ con 'mother doesn’t havie time'.” ‘ bond-pending a coroner’s Inquest.- ■ ,1 I II I-----. ' - ^acottte "Skunky’-’-r-wer«-added - to Local girls who are graduates pf under our nose. "Read that there vinced, but-, it wa's a long hard State Policemen Roy H. Paige, ! the list at the last moment—Bud with a demand for free elec paragraph!" and he tramped about, the school will be welcome to at .struggle. ..., Right Or IVrong? John McGurk. Joseph Pllkln and get JDlrector Joseph M. Dodge »nd tions that might unite Korea. POW Agreement Signed tend. • fuming, as ,we read: Serves him right. We have it on ’Total precipitation for the firat Anthony J. Kurylo Investigated FORD 102. Billion MaJ. Gen. Howard Snyder, the Knowland, chali'man of the Sen "The Army even appealed to our. good authority he.mixes. Canadian three months of the year., ._10,A5, the accident* ,. _ . President's personal physician. ate-Republican Policy committee,, The Connecticut Club of Good recent enemies, the Japanese. They Club with Coke. Ah jilde said there was ub -psr- joined Senatpra 'Taft fR-Ohto) and B alks inches." Counsel - College, White Plains, N. responded better than did the GHEVROCET ticular reason for the two addl- Wiley (R-Wia.) In casting doubt n iat was a report last week on tions. Hbwever the presence bf T., will hold IIS' first tea this American people. Long queues of So There! the accumulation of rain for the U. S. Fiinds on the Kremlin's sincerity and in afternoon at 5 o’clock at the volunteer Japanese blood donors A local resident, knoWn to u.s, at months of January, February and PLYMOUTH Dbdge Indicated Elsenhbwer plans cautioning against letting the free home of Mrs. Oliver Zelgler, 23 formed in front of the Army's least, as a mild-mannered, easy March of 10.53, Now, what is the to woric on budget matters during world’s guard down. Valentine atreet. Waterbury. blood bank in Tokyo— perhaps be going sort of person, was out COW MANURE his Georgia stay. On Full Details meaning of "one inch of rain? bUes To Meeting ~ cause they were closer to the war, working- in his yard one snappy From the World Almanac, we For Gardens and Lawns Is ^ n s p e n t ijmousinn Crowded Knowland flew to San Francisco The WSCS of the Vernon even though It was not their sons morning a couple of weeks ago found the following dcacription: $5 and $10 loads. Dellvemt The President and his family today to address a meeting of the Methodist Church, of which Mra. who were dying." when he started to heft a b.askct- An a.cre of ground contains TEL. »n-8t7804 arived crowded In one limousine. California State Dental aaaocla- Washington, April 13— ( ^ — Henry W . Grunewald, 60-year- ful of debris onto the back, of a 12.95 WashingtonXAprn 13—(/P) Mrs. Eisenhower, bright In a red old “mystery man,” told a House committee today he was Mary l>Duc is pre.sldent. an ♦S .’iBO .square feet. Consequently, a $ tion. In a prepared text, made "Doesn’t that make your hair nounces a roast beef supper in wagon a little higher than his rainfall of one inch over one acres Includes — Former Underketn’etary of coat and big smile, was first up available here, he suggested the hired for an investigation job by John L. Lewis at a time curl?" he demanded. "It's out; waist. The h.asket was heavy, hut MaGill the plane’s ramp. the vestry this evening for the boys, our sons and. brothers and of ground would mean a total of Lining and Labor the Trea.sury Ro.sw^ Communists may want a truce In when Lewis and his United Mine Workers faced contempt benefit of the church Improve he managed to lift it about even 6,272,640 cublcMnches of water. She was followed closely by Mrs. Korea so Russia can have a year husbands, who need the blood. And with the tailboard and then, as said today the gover: lent chargea in federal court. Grune-^------------------- ment fund. Patrons will be This is equivalent to 3,630 cubic Rivetless John Eisenhower, w-ife of the or two to stockpile atomic bomba wald refuaed to answer when ask we don’t have the gumption to he said, he tried to "belly It" over A PERSONALIZED AND would have 102 billion President’s son.