October 2010 ARMY
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&INSTALLATIONS Dennis Steele/ARMY Magazine Dennis Steele/ARMY U.S. ARMY POSTS October 2010 I ARMY 293 more. DSN: 298-5201; (410) 278-5201. Fort Benning, GA 31905. Established 1918; This section includes posts and in - Anniston Army Depot, AL 36201-4199. named after BG Henry L. Benning, CSA; stal lations primarily supporting the ac- Opened 1941; repairs and retrofits combat home of Maneuver Center of Excellence; tive Army in the continental United tracked vehicles, artillery and small arms; re- Army Marksmanship Unit; 3rd Bde., 3rd Inf. States, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico. ceives and stores general supplies, ammuni- Div.; Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Army ammunition plants and Army tion, missiles, small arms and strategic ma- Cooperation; 75th Ranger Rgt.; 199th Infantry installa tions in caretaker or inactive teriel; 59 mil., 6,825 civ. (including tenants Bde.; 197th Infantry Bde.; 192nd Infantry Bde.; status have been excluded. and contractors); 15,000 acres adjacent to 198th Infantry Bde.; Martin Army Community Acreages reflect real estate under Pelham Range, 10 miles west of Anniston. Hospital; Medical Department Activity, Ranger Department of the Army control in 2010. DSN: 571-1110; (256) 235-7501. Training Bde.; 30,638 mil., 9,026 civ.; 181,386 The DSN and com mercial tele phone Fort A.P. Hill, VA 22427. Opened 1941; acres, 9 miles south of Columbus. DSN: 835- numbers listed are for operator assis- named for LTG Ambrose Powell Hill, CSA; win- 2011; (706) 545-2011. tance. ner 2008 Army Communities of Excellence Fort Bliss, TX 79916. Established as the post Data are cur rent as of August 7 and Award; 76,000-acre regional training center opposite El Paso in 1848; named after LTC are based on information supplied by used for active and reserve component train- William Wallace Smith Bliss; home of the 32nd each post or installation. ing of all service branches and federal agen- Army Air and Missile Defense Command; 11th cies; 27,000-acre live-fire range complex; Air Defense Artillery Brigade; the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005 and 1,661 mil. and civ., 227 reserve components. and 4th Brigade Combat Teams, 1st Armored 21010. Opened 1917, home to more than 70 DSN: 578-8760; (804) 633-8760. Division; 5th Bde. Army Evaluation Task Force, organizations, including Army Research, De- Fort Belvoir, VA 22060. An Army property 1st Armored Division; U.S. Sergeants Major velopment and Engineering Cmd.; Army Com- since 1912; named for the manor house of Col. Academy; William Beaumont Army Medical munications-Electronics Life Cycle Manage- William Fairfax, 1736–1741, the ruins of which Center; Joint Task Force North; German Air ment Cmd.; 20th Support Cmd.(CBRNE); remain on the installation; provides logistical, Force Air Defense Center; the Garrison Com- Army Public Health Cmd.; Army Developmen- intelligence and administrative support to more mand; 23,000 mil., 12,000 civ.; 1.2 million acres. tal Test Cmd.; 22nd Chemical Battalion; than 120 tenant and satellite organizations; ma- DSN: 978-0831; (915) 568-2121. CBRNE Analytical and Remediation Activity; jor tenants are Defense Logistics Agency; De- Blue Grass Army Depot, KY 40475-5001. Es- Army Communications-Electronics Research, fense Contract Audit Agency; Defense Threat tablished 1941; BGAD is a conventional am- Development and Engineering Cmd.; Army Reduction Agency; Defense Acquisition Univer- munition depot with a rapid industrial response Research Laboratory (Aberdeen site); Medical sity; U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Cmd.; capability supporting add-on armor, combat Research Institute of Chemical Defense; Ab- DeWitt Army Community Hospital; Night-Vision vehicle accessory production, ammunition com- erdeen Test Center; Program Executive Office and Electronics Sensors Directorate; CECOM ponent production and a primary mission of for Command, Control and Communications IEWSD Projects Division; CECOM Software performing standard depot operations (storage, (Tactical); Chemical Material Agency; Army Center-Belvoir; National Geospatial Intelligence receipt, inspection, maintenance and demilita- Materiel Systems Analysis Activity; Civilian School; Army Management Staff College; 29th rization) of conventional munitions, missiles, Human Resources Agency-Northeast; Civilian Inf. Div. (Lt.) (ARNG); approx. 6,400 mil., 17,200 nonstandard ammunition and chemical de- Personnel Advisory Center; Army Evaluation civ. (including tenants and DoD contractors); fense equipment for all DoD services; approxi- Center; 3,764 mil., 9,439 civ. (including nonap- 8,656 acres, 11 miles southwest of Alexandria mately 1,300 personnel; 14,500 acres, 6 miles propriated-fund employees), 4,146 contrac- and 17 miles southwest of Washington, D.C. south of Richmond. DSN: 745-6221; (859) 779- tors; 72,229 acres, 35 miles northeast of Balti- DSN: 685-2052; (703) 805-2052. 6221. Fort Bragg, NC 28310. Established as a field Fort Campbell artillery site in 1918; named after then-MAJ Braxton Bragg, U.S. Army (he later served as a general in the CSA); as “Home of the Airborne and Special Operations Forces,” houses the XVIII Abn. Corps; 82nd Abn. Div.; 1st Support Cmd. (Theater); 108th ADA Bde.; 44th Medical Bde.; 16th MP Bde.; 525th Battlefield Surveil- lance Bde.; U.S. Army Spc. Ops. Cmd.; Joint Special Ops. Cmd.; U.S. Army Special Forces Cmd.; U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special War- fare Center and School; U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Ops. Cmd.; 20th Engineer Bde.; the Golden Knights; 52,959 mil., 12,696 civ.; 160,832 acres, 10 miles northwest of Fayetteville, 50 miles south of Raleigh. DSN: 236-0011; (910) 396-0011. Fort Campbell, KY 42223. Opened 1942; 294 ARMY I October 2010 tions representing five Cabinet-level agencies and all armed services. The mission encom- passes three major areas: medical research, strategic communication and defense medical logistics; approx. 1,900 mil., approx. 8,500 civ.; 1,341 acres at main post in Frederick and For- est Glen Annex in Silver Spring, Md. DSN: 343- 8000; (301) 619-8000. U.S. Army Garrison-Detroit Arsenal, War- ren, MI 48397-5000. Established 1971; under the Installation Management Command- Northeast Region; provides installation sup- port services for Detroit Arsenal tenant orga- nizations, including the U.S. Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Cmd.; Program Ex- Corpus Christi Army Depot ecutive Office (PEO) Ground Combat Sys- tems; PEO Combat Support and Combat named for BG William B. Campbell, a Ten- at Hanover, N.H.; minimal staff at Fairbanks, Service Support; PEO Integration; and the nessee hero of the Mexican War and governor Alaska, and Anchorage, Alaska, field offices. Tank Automotive Research Development and of Tennessee; home of 101st Abn. Div. (Air As- (603) 646-4100. Engineering Center; 230 mil., 6,900 civ.; 169 sault); 5th Spc. Forces Grp. (Abn.); 160th Spc. Construction Engineering Research Labo- acres, 20 miles north of Detroit and 20 miles Ops. Aviation Rgt. (Abn.); 52nd Ordnance ratory, IL 61826-9005. Established 1968; one southwest of the Selfridge Air National Guard Group; 30,865 mil., 4,569 civ.; 105,068 acres, of seven labs in the U.S. Army Engineer Re- Base. DSN: 786-5000; (586) 282-5000. 15 miles south of Hopkinsville, Ky., 10 miles search and Development Center; conducts Fort Drum, NY 13602. Established 1908; re- northwest of downtown Clarksville, Tenn., and research and development for Army Corps of named for LTG Hugh A. Drum, commander, 50 miles northwest of Nashville. DSN: 635- Engineers programs in facilities construction, First Army, 1938–43; 10th Mtn. Div. (Lt. Inf.); 1110; (270) 798-3025. operations, maintenance and environmental 18,681 mil., 4,700 civ.; 107,265 acres, 8 miles Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013. Established quality, including pollution prevention, compli- north of Watertown and 78 miles north of 1757; site of U.S. Army War College; Center ance and natural resource management; 330 Syracuse. DSN: 772-6011; (315) 772-6011. for Strategic Leadership; Strategic Studies In- civ.; 33 acres at Champaign. (217) 352-6511. Dugway Proving Ground, UT 84022. Estab- stitute; Army Physical Fitness Research Insti- Corpus Christi Army Depot, TX 78419-5260. lished 1942; performs test and evaluation of tute; Army Heritage and Education Center and Opened 1961; DoD Center of Industrial and defensive chemical and biological materiel, Military History Institute archives; Peacekeep- Technical Excellence for rotary-wing aircraft; environmental technology testing, meteorolog- ing and Stability Operations Institute; 540 mil., performs overhaul, repair, modification, recapi- ical and atmospheric transport modeling; 5 760 civ.; 459 acres, 18 miles southwest of Har- talization, retrofit, testing and modernization of mil., 1,450 civ.; 798,218 acres, 85 miles south- risburg. DSN: 242-3131; (717) 245-3131. rotary-wing aircraft; serves as depot training west of Salt Lake City. DSN: 789-2116; (435) Fort Carson, CO 80913. Established 1942; base for active Army, National Guard, Reserve 831-2116. named for BG Christopher (Kit) Carson; home and foreign military personnel; provides world- Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AK 99506. of 4th Inf. Div.; 10th Spc. Forces Grp. (Abn.); 4th wide on-site maintenance service; oil and air- Managed by the 673rd Air Base Wing; home to Engineer Battalion; 43rd Support Bde.; 10th craft crash analysis; chemical, metallurgical the Alaskan Command; U.S. Army Alaska; 4th Combat Spt. Hospital; 759th Military Police Bat- and training support; 4,029 civ., approximately BCT (Abn.), 25th Inf. Div.; 3rd Maneuver En- talion; 24,600 mil., 5,700 civ.; 137,403 acres ad- 1,500 contractors; 158 acres (leased from hancement Brigade; 6,480 soldiers, 6,400 air- jacent to Colorado Springs and 235,330 acres Naval Air Station-Corpus Christi), 12 miles men, 3,070 civ.; 84,530 acres. DSN: (317) 552- at Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site near La Junta, southeast of Corpus Christi. DSN: 861-3627; 8151/8152. Colo. DSN: 691-5811; (719) 526-5811. (361) 961-3627. Fort Eustis, VA 23604. Established 1918; Cold Regions Research and Engineering Deseret Chemical Depot, UT 84074-5000.