Search on the Cloud File System
SEARCH ON THE CLOUD FILE SYSTEM Rodrigo Savage1, Dulce Tania Nava1, Norma Elva Chávez1, Norma Saiph Savage2 Facultad de Ingeniería, Departamento de Computación, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) , Mexico1 Computer Science Department, University of California, Santa Barbara,USA2 {rodrigosavage, opheliac},, ABSTRACT Research in peer-to-peer file sharing systems has focused 1. Introduction on tackling the design constraints encountered in distributed systems, while little attention has been devoted Distributed systems are a collection of autonomous to the user experience: these systems always assume the computers connected through a network. A distributed user knows the public key of the file they are searching. system permits the computers to share resources and Yet average users rarely even apprehend that file public activities, allowing the end user to perceive the system as keys exist. File sharing systems which do consider the a powerful single computing machine. Peer-to-peer user experience and allow users to search for files by their systems are a particular type of distributed systems, where name, generally present centralized control and they all computers, also known as nodes, present identical show several severe vulnerabilities, that make the system responsibilities and capabilities. Peer-to-peer systems unreliable and insecure. The purpose of this investigation have many advantages over traditional centralized is to design a more complete distributed file sharing systems: they present better availability, scalability, fault system that is not only trustable, scalable and secure, tolerance, lower maintenance costs as well as lower but also leverages the user's cognitive workload.
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