In 1938-39. the ·Meteorological Depar~Ment
DGO. 28. 89 620 - Report on the Administration of the Meteorological Department of the Government of India in 1938-39. the ·Meteorological Depar~ment_ . ~ . of the · Government : of India • in 1938-39. , PUBLISIIB:D B1' 'I'D MANAGD or PtriiLicATJONS) Du.a1. PamuD Jl'l' I'D lbNACu, Govmx~Dm' w hmu Puss~ Nrw DELHI. 1939. List of Agenca 111 India from whom Government ol India Publications are available. (II) PnoVIKCIAL GOVU..'QlBXT BOOK DIIPO'l'S. Alan: :-supertntenclea~ Allam SeeRtarlDt Press, 8hlllonc. Bm&& :-BuperlnteDdeat, Go¥erament Prtntfna:, P. 0. Gnl&arb&Rll, Patna. Bo• ...Y :-Bnpadotendent, Government Prlnti.DI and StaUonery, Qnceo'a Road, BombQ'. Ol!fTB&L PIIO'nlfOIB :-Superintendent, Oovnm:nont Prlntlq, Central Provinces, Nagpar Ka.ollAB :-Snperlotendeot, Government PreA, Mount Itoad, lladru. Ro&TII•WMI' homn PBovtlfOB :-Manager, Government Pr1nUng Gnd StatlonorJ', Peshawar.. OIU8U. :-PRW OBlctr, Secretariat, Cutt«k. PUKIAB :-superlateodtnt, Oovtmmrnt Printing, PunJab, Lahore. 81110 :-lfanacer, B!acl Government Boqlc Depot and l!Ccord Qmce, Karacld (S&dar), UIIITID PROYI!fOBS :-superintendent, Printing and Stationery, tJ, P., Allahabad. (b) PRIVATE DoOE.•IEU.US. Advanl & co~ The Mall, oawupore. r.ya11 Book nepot, Lynnpote. - Aero StorDI!!. 1\.ara.chl.• Malhn:ra ..t Co., Post !'ox No. O.t, l.Ahnre;l'tc:~sll!. U. P, Army Unaketry StorOI, l[t)~:'l (PUnJib).t l~Mhur & Co.. Mesua. B. &. Chaf.ur-VUu hote., Civil lbnthlya & Co. Ltd. S&al.lut• ltoad, Almer. Lines, J'odhpur (B4Jprttanr.). Bonq.::Ll flyhut 6tu~J. 'Dum Duro Caolt.• Mlnen-:t Book. Shop, Aon.rkull Street, Labore. Blunvn! ,t Sor1,, New Delhi.
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