Public Document Pack Town Council

Town Hall, Melksham, , SN12 6ES Tel: (01225) 704187

Town Clerk and RFO Linda Roberts BA(Hons) PGCAP, FHEA, FLSCC

To: Coluncillor J Hubbard (Town Mayor) Councillor H Illman (Deputy Mayor) Councillor K Iles Councillor M Pain Councillor T Watts Councillor T Welch Councillor C Andrewes Councillor V Fiorelli Councillor G Mitcham Councillor A Westbrook Councillor P Aves Councillor M Sankey Councillor S Brown Councillor R Wiltshire Councillor C Jeffries

18 November 2019

Dear Councillors

In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Sch 12, paras 10 (2)(b) you are summoned to attend the Full Council Meeting of the Melksham Town Council. The meeting will be held at the Melksham Town Hall on Monday 25th November 2019 commencing at 7.00 pm. A period of public participation will take place in accordance with Standing Order 3(F) prior to the formal opening of the meeting. The Press and Public are welcome to attend this meeting.

Yours sincerely

Mrs L A Roberts BA(Hons), PGCAP, FHEA, FSLCC Town Clerk and RFO

Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook:

Full Council Melksham Town Council

Monday 25 November 2019 at 7.00 pm in the Melksham Town Hall

Public Participation – To receive questions from members of the public.

In the exercise of Council functions. Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety, Human Rights and the need to conserve biodiversity. The Council also has a duty to tackle discrimination, provide equality of opportunity for all and foster good relations in the course of developing policies and delivery services under the public sector Equality Duty and Equality 2010.


1. Apologies To receive apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Interest To receive any Declarations of Interest in respect of items on this agenda as required by the Code of Conduct adopted by the Council.

Members are reminded that, in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, they are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest or other registrable interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared on the Register, as well as any other registrable or other interests.

3. Minutes (Pages 1 - 18) To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Full Town Council meetings held on 2 September 2019 and 26 September 2019.

4. Town Mayors Announcements

5. Police Report (Pages 19 - 30) Circulated with the agenda.

6. Melksham Oak Mr Alan Henderson, Principal, Melksham Oak School and Mr Simon Cowley, Whitehorse

Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook:

Federation will be in attendance to update Members on issues regarding Melksham Oak School.

7. Town Centre Development Project Mr Gerald Millard-Oliver will make a presentation on his Town Centre Development Project proposals.

8. Reports from Unitary Councillors Unitary Councillors to report on any matters affecting Melksham which have been discussed at Wiltshire Council Meetings.

9. Accounts

9.1 Payments (Pages 31 - 40) To RESOLVE to approve the attached payments.

9.2 Monthly Financial Statement (Pages 41 - 42) To note the statement.

9.3 Detailed Income & Expenditure Report as at 31 October 2019 (Pages 43 - 52) To note the Report.

10. Committee Minutes

10.1 Finance and Admin (Pages 53 - 60) To receive the minutes of the Finance and Admin Committee meeting held on 23 September, 21 October and draft minutes of 18 November 2019 (to follow) and consider the recommendation therein:

 To approve the appointment of internal auditors, Auditing Solutions as recommended at the Finance & Admin Committee meeting on 21 October at a cost of £880 + VAT per annum.

10.2 Community Development (Pages 61 - 66) To receive the draft minutes of the Community Development Committee meeting held on 4 November 2019.

10.3 Economic Development & Planning (Pages 67 - 90) To receive the minutes of the Economic Development and Planning Committee meeting held on 9 September 2019, 30 September 2019, 21 October 2019 and draft minutes of 11 November 2019.

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10.4 Asset Management (Pages 91 - 98) To receive the minutes of the Asset Management Committee meeting held on 7 October 2019 and draft minutes of meeting held on 4 November 2019.

11. Sub Commitee Minutes

11.1 HR Sub Committee (Pages 99 - 104) To receive minutes of the HR Sub Committee meetings held on 17 September 2019 and draft minutes of 7 November 2019.

11.2 King George V Sub Committee (Pages 105 - 112) To receive the minutes of the sub-committee meeting held on 18 September 2019 and 15 October 2019.

11.3 Town Hall and Assembly Hall Sub Committee (Pages 113 - 122) To receive the draft minutes of the sub-committee meeting held on 12 November 2019 and recommendations therein:

 To approve the Terms of Reference for this Group.  That the Town Council sponsor the Wiltshire Air Ambulance Event on 1 February 2020 by offering free use the Assembly Hall in return they use the Town Council logo on any publicity material.

12. Working Group Minutes

12.1 Leadership Model Working Group (Pages 123 - 172) To receive the notes of the meetings held on 17 October and draft notes of 6 November 2019 and the recommendations contained therein for approval:

 To adopt the Leader Protocol.  To adopt the amended Standing Orders reflecting the new Leadership Model. (Highlighted in yellow)  To adopt the new Officer Member Protocol  To adopt the new Political Balance Policy

12.2 Finance Working Group (Pages 173 - 180) To note the draft notes of the Finance Working Group meeting held on 14 October 2019.

12.3 Environmental Issues Working Group (Pages 181 - 184) To note the notes of the meeting held on 24 September 2019.

Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook:

13. Market Place Joint Operational Working Group To receive the notes of the Working Group meeting held on 30 September 2019. (To follow)

14. Boundary Review (Pages 185 - 190) To note boundary review changes have been implemented and to complete survey and feedback on the review processes and procedures, in order to identify improvements that can be made.

15. Environmental issues - Launch Event Following receipt of seven signatures from Councillors (in accordance with Standing Orders) to change the motion made on 24 June 2019 to support holding an Environmental Issues workshop event at the Assembly Hall free of charge. Members are requested to approve this event and free use of the Assembly Hall.

16. Neighbourhood Plan (Pages 191 - 198) An update for Members from the Council’s representatives on the Joint Steering Group and to note minutes of meeting held on 25 September 2019.

17. Wiltshire Council Streetscene budget and 'Sparkle Team' Councillor Fiorelli has put a motion forward that the Council instruct the Town Clerk to enter into discussions with Wiltshire Council about the prospect of Wiltshire Council funding an additional two grounds staff for Melksham Town Council in lieu of sending the ‘Sparkle Team’ to Melksham every two months.

18. Health Working Group - Motion from Councillor Wiltshire Motion from Councillor Richard Wiltshire:

"That the Council reconvenes the Health Working Group comprising our local medical and dental practitioners together with Councillors from Melksham, Melksham Without, Atworth and Broughton Gifford."

19. Speed Indicator Device Project - Motion by Councillor Hubbard (Pages 199 - 222) Notice of Motion from Councillor Hubbard regarding the installation of Speed Indicator Devices on Spa Road, King Street/Semington Road, Snowberry Lane and new 20mph limit areas (report attached)

20. Melksham Age Friendly Project (Pages 223 - 226) The Council is to consider a motion from Councillor Hubbard requesting that the Town Council part fund the professional support being considered for the Melksham Age Friendly Project. Report attached.

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21. Community Infrastructure Levy Following the Town Council meeting on 2 September 2019 it was agreed to allocate any CIL funding to ‘support better routes into town’. Following a query from Councillor Watts, clarification is sought on how specifically routes will be improved.

22. Telephone Boxes (Pages 227 - 230) BT are seeking views on the removal of telephone boxes in Littlejohn Avenue and Spa Road (opposite Giffords Surgery). Members are requested to formulate a response to BT. Correspondence attached.

23. Grants (Pages 231 - 234) To note Thank you letters from Melksham Seniors and Wessex MS Therapy Centre.

24. Thank you to Lorraine McRandle

Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook:

Agenda Item 3

Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on Monday 2nd September 2019 in the Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Councillor J Hubbard, Town Mayor (Chair) Councillor H Illman, Deputy Mayor (Deputy Chair) Councillor K Iles Councillor M Pain Councillor T Watts Councillor T Welch Councillor C Andrewes Councillor V Fiorelli Councillor G Mitcham Councillor A Westbrook Councillor P Aves Councillor M Sankey Councillor R Wiltshire Councillor C Jeffries

OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk Mrs Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 7 members of the public were present.

Councillor Baines, Melksham Without Parish Council stated he was at the meeting as a resident of Melksham.

He raised concerns at the backlog of Wiltshire Council neglect since the Town Council had taken over King George V Park.

Councillor Hubbard asked if Councillor Baines could forward his list of concerns to the Town Clerk to forward to Wiltshire Council and explained the Town Council had not as yet taken over ownership of the park, but had come to an arrangement with Wiltshire Council to update facilities, such as the splashpad. Councillor Hubbard clarified the asset transfer for the park had not taken place as yet and urged Councillor Baines to look at the Town Council masterplan for the park.

1 Page 1 1/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Brown.

2/19 Declarations of Interest

Councillors Welch, Iles and Fiorelli declared an interest in agenda item 17 regarding the Spiritualist Church.

Councillors Pain, Welch, Fiorelli, Mitcham and Hubbard declared an interest in item 10 regarding Grants

3/19 Minutes

The Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 24 June 2019, having previously been circulated, were signed by the town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard as a correct record.

4/19 Town Mayor's Announcements

The Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard explained he had provided regular updates as Mayor on Facebook, but drew Members’ attention to the fact the play area at George Ward Gardens had now been installed, however, there were still a few snagging issues, but hopefully they would be resolved shortly.

The Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard informed the meeting that having been stopped by members of the public enquiring why he had not attended the Food & River Festival the previous weekend, he wished to clarify that he had not been formally invited and wished this to be recorded in the minutes.

Councillor Westbrook informed the meeting, that the Food & River Festival Committee had not in previous years invited the Town Mayor.

5/19 Police Report

PCSO Maggie Ledbury was in attendance to help clarify any matters arising from the Police report which had been circulated to Members in the agenda pack.

Concern was raised at the increase in anti social behaviour taking place in King George V Park and what could be done to deter this type of behaviour.

Concern was also expressed at anti social behaviour taking place in Union Street and what action was being taken.

PCSO Ledbury encouraged Members and the public to keep reporting these issues, which in turn would create a log of evidence, which all helped with information gathering.

Page 2 2

6/19 Reports from Unitary Councillors

Unitary Councillor Phil Alford was in attendance and provided an update on what he had been doing, in particular the Young Persons Intervention programme.

Councillor Illman also provided an update and explained she had been out and about within the community getting feedback first hand.

7/19 Party in the Park

As Members of the Party in the Park Committee were in attendance to speak to this item, the Mayor sought approval from Members to move this item further up the agenda, which was agreed.

Mark Stansby, Party in the Park Committee had written to the Town Council regarding Party in the Park and was in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions relating to his letter.

The Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard stated that Members could not answer all of the questions and some could be dealt with at officer level. It was suggested a meeting take place with officers to try and resolve the issues raised, however, in order to help officers, he asked if Members could give a steer on some of the concerns raised within the letter.

With regard to the splashpad being open during the festival weekend in July a suggested preference from Members was that the splashpad be closed. However, it was asked that the licenced area be amended to exclude the splashpad and pavilion.

With regard to the question relating to a proposed new footpath, Councillor Hubbard informed the meeting that this footpath was due to be installed before July 2020 and therefore would not impact on the event.

With regard to the pavilion being used as a café and the impact this would have on PITP, Members felt they were unable to comment on this, given no agreement had been reached on when and who would be providing café facilities.

With regard to access to water it was suggested PITP contact Wessex Water, as they can provide water bowsers with drinking water for events.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, seconded by Councillor Aves, and

Page 3 3 RESOLVED, that officers arrange a meeting with Party in the Park representatives as a matter of urgency to discuss practical solutions to the challenges and report back to the Full Council in November on what progress has been made.

It was suggested if officers needed a steer from Members to take any items to the KGV sub-committee for a resolution.

8/19 Committee Appointments

Following the recent by-election in the Central Ward, Members were asked to approve membership of committees so they remained politically balanced.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Illman, and

RESOLVED, to ensure political balance that Councillor Jeffries replace Councillor Andrewes on the King George V Sub Committee and Councillor Pain from the Asset Management Committee.

9/19 Accounts

9.1/19 Payments

Councillor Pain asked why £422,455.00 precept payment was made to the Assembly Hall account.

The Town Clerk explained this had been paid into this account in error and would be transferred to the Town Council account. The Town Clerk explained she would be making Wiltshire Council aware of this error and provide the correct bank details.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Illman to note payments.

9.2/19 Monthly Financial Statement

Councillor Pain asked if there was a consolidated amount on the splashpad, if so what was left.

The Town Clerk agreed to send this information to all councillors.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Aves to note the monthly financial statement.

Page 4 4 9.3/19 Detailed Income & Expenditure Report

The detailed income & expenditure report was noted.

9.4/19 Earmarked Reserves

The ear marked reserves were noted.

10/19 Solar Farm Monies

The Town Clerk explained no confirmation of the amount of community funds from Sandridge Solar Farm had been received.

It was noted that just over £40,000 had been received the previous year and as there had been minimal changes to the housing figures in the Town, safe to estimate the, figures for this year would be similar.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard and following a friendly amendment, seconded by Councillor Westbrook and

RESOLVED: That all solar farm monies going forward be used as capital receipt for a capital programme for major projects and ongoing repairs to play areas.

11/19 Grants

A report on the grants approved at the Finance & Admin Committee meeting held on 27 August 2019 had been circulated to members.

It was noted there had been an overspend of £1352 and approval was being sought that this overspend be funded via general reserves.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Aves and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, to note the grant recommendations made by the Finance & Admin Committee on 27 August 2019 and to approve the overspend of £1352 be funded via general reserves.

12/19 Committee Minutes

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Illman and

RESOLVED, that the following committee meeting minutes be noted en-bloc.

Page 5 5 12.1/19 Asset Management

17 August 2019 and draft minutes of 5 August 2019.

12.2/19 Community Development

27 August 2019 (draft minutes).

12.2/19 Economic Development & Planning

17 June 2019, 8 July 2019, 29 July 2019 and draft minutes 19 August 2019.

12.4/19 Finance & Administration

Draft minutes of 27 August 2018.

13/19 Sub Commitee Minutes

13.1/19 HR

Draft minutes of 15 July 2019.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Illman, to note these minutes.

13.2/19 King George V Sub Committee

Draft minutes of 15 August 2019.

Proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Illman to note these minutes.

14/19 Working Group Minutes

14.1/19 Finance Working Group

Draft notes of 15 July 2019.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Illman to note these minutes.

14.2/19 Town Team

Draft notes of 16 July 2019.

Page 6 6 It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Illman to note these minutes.

14.3/19 Chair's Meeting

Draft notes of 8 August 2019.

The Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard informed the meeting due to the increased workload of the grounds team, particularly now the splashpad was in place, it had been suggested at this meeting that a further groundsman and an additional apprentice were required.

Councillor Pain raised a concern at the format of the meeting, as it appeared decisions were being made at the exclusion of other Members.

Members were reminded that this meeting, could not make decisions, the meeting was for the Clerk/officers to seek guidance, any recommendations emanating from this group having to go to a future meeting for a decision. Members were also reminded that any Member could attend these meetings, if they wished.

Councillor Iles noted she was listed as attending this meeting, however she was not in attendance.

Proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Fiorelli, and

RESOLVED, to approve the appointment of an additional groundsman and apprentice on the Groundsmen Team.

Councillor Westbrook left the meeting at 8.30pm.

15/19 Melksham Oak

Members were informed the new Head and a representative from Whitehorse Academy would be attending the November Town Council meeting.

16/19 Governance Review

The Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard explained following the recent Boundary Review, Wiltshire Council were seeking expressions of interest from parishes with regard to Governance Review requests. Therefore, Members needed to consider whether to submit a bid with a view to the following:

 Full amalgamation of both Melksham Town Council and Melksham Without.

Page 7 7  Full amalgamation, but creating a new parish of Shaw & Whitley.  Keeping the Status-Quo  The same (with new unitary boundaries as proposed to include East of Melksham)

It was proposed by Councillor Welch, seconded by Councillor Pain, and

RESOLVED: To forward an Expression of Interest to Wiltshire Council for a Governance Review stating the Town Council’s position would be to have a full amalgamation of both councils, but creating a new parish of Shaw & Whitley if they wished.

17/19 Neighbourhood Plan

Councillor Watt’s informed Members there was no update since the last meeting. The next meeting of the Steering Group was taking place on 4 September 2019.

18/19 Spiritualist Church

The Assistant to the Town Clerk had produced a report including a Risk Assessment relating to the issues involved if the Town Council took over ownership of the ‘Friends Garden’, formerly the garden of the Spiritualist Church, from the Trustees of the Spiritualist Church.

Members were asked to decide whether to proceed with the purchase of the Spiritualist Garden for £0.01, bearing in mind due delligence to identify true cost involved in doing this, other than those costs identified in the report, or whether there was another option such as a voluntary group taking on responsibility for this area with support from the Town Council.

It was proposed by Councillor Iles, seconded by Councillor Aves, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED: The Town Clerk ascertain full costs, including staff costs and any associated costs if taken on by either the Town Council or a voluntary group. It was also asked if the report considers the access road and what steps need to be taken, if any, to ensure assess and bring back the report to the November meeting for further discussion.

It was agreed to consult the Spiritualist Church to let the know the options the Town Council were considering.

Councillor Watts left the meeting at 9.10am.

19/19 Campus

Page 8 8

The Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard explained the plans would be discussed at the upcoming Area Board meeting and expressed a regret at the loss of the MUGA and two tennis courts from the scheme.

20/19 Notice of Motion from Councillor Mike Sankey

As several members of the Council, including Councillors Watts, Iles, Sankey and Pain were at a meeting to discuss creating a Melksham Climate action Network. Councillor Sankey had forwarded a motion seeking free room hire of the Assembly Hall in order to put on an event to raise awareness.

Councillor Sankey explained the group wanted to help with a launch type community event to investigate what small measures people can take on a day to day basis to make a contribution to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The Town Clerk informed the meeting that this motion was contradictory to the motion made at the meeting on 24 June with regard to climate change, therefore seven councillors needed to write to the Town Clerk to reverse that decision. If seven signatures were received, this item could then be placed on the next appropriate agenda. It was asked if prior to such meeting, that the room hire costs involved in holding such an event be investigated, in order for Members to make an informed decision.

21/19 Community Infrastructure Levy

The Committee Clerk had produced a report highlighting that £16,431 worth of Community Infrastructure Levy monies were available and sought guidance from Members on where this funding should be allocated.

It was suggested these monies could be used to create better routes into town, including improved signage.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Aves, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED: To use CIL funding to support better routes into town from Beanacre, Bath and through ‘East’ of Melksham estate.

22/19 800th Market Charter Celebrations

To note the report of the Community Engagement Officer regarding progress on this these celebrations.

23/19 Royal British Legion

Page 9 9 The Royal British Legion were seeking a Town Council representative to act as liaison/support to help with upcoming plans for the Melksham Branch, including their Branch Centenary.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Welch, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, that Councillor Andrewes is the Town Council liaison with the Royal British Legion.

24/19 Community Expo

To note the report from the Community Engagement Officer on progress regarding this event.

25/19 Take the Lead Initiative

The Town Clerk explained some schools had been met to explain the initiative which was to encourage children to take part in a competition designing a poster to become signage alerting dog owners of the importance of cleaning up after their animals.

The town Clerk explained she hoped to get sponsorship for this initiative and that several businesses had already pledged their support.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Illman, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, if this project is not fully funded through sponsorship, to underwrite this project up to £1000 for costs associated with the project.

26/19 Young Melksham

It was asked if the picture included with the Thank You, note could be scanned and circulated to Members.

Meeting Closed at: 9.30 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 10 10 Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on Thursday 26th September 2019 at 8.30pm in the Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Councillor J Hubbard (Chair) Councillor H Illman (Deputy Chair) Councillor K Iles Councillor M Pain Councillor T Watts Councillor T Welch Councillor C Andrewes Councillor V Fiorelli Councillor G Mitcham Councillor A Westbrook Councillor P Aves Councillor M Sankey Councillor S Brown Councillor R Wiltshire Councillor C Jeffries

OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk Mrs Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 1 member of the public was present.

30/19 Apologies

There were no apologies.

31/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

32/19 Minutes

The meeting was informed the minutes of 2 September 2019 would be submitted to the next Town Council meeting for approval.

The minutes of 17 September 2019, having previously been circulated, were approved and signed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard.

1 Page 11

33/19 Leadership of the Council - Amendment to Standing Orders - Motion submitted 17.9.19

This meeting had been called, following the HR Sub Committee meeting on 17 September 2019 where a motion had been put forward to amend Standing Orders in order for the Town Council to look at adopting a leadership model.

The Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard started the meeting by reading out a statement expressing a concern at what happened at the HR Sub Committee Meeting held on 17 September pertaining to his position as Mayor.

Councillor Hubbard asked if any Councillor wished to speak to the proposal for a leadership model and noted Councillor Pain had raised an amendment to proposals put forward, as did Councillor Illman.

The original proposal was as follows:

Review of the Standing Orders in accordance with Standing Orders 26(b) to add the following new Section 1 to appoint a Leader of the Council:

1: Leadership of the Council

(a) To elect a Leader of the Council by all Councillors with immediate effect and thereafter at the Annual Meeting of Council; (b) The Leader may not necessarily be the Town Mayor.; (c) The role of the Leader shall be to:

(i) Provide leadership to the Council but with no executive powers; (ii) Act as liaison between the Town Clerk and Councillors in indicating priorities and programmes for inclusion in Council business; (iii) Be responsible for working with other Councillors as appropriate to formulate the Council strategy; (iv) To be the first point of contact for the Town Clerk when a political or policy response is needed; (v) Line manage the activities of the Town Clerk to ensure that the work programme of Council staff is geared to deliver the agreed policies and priorities of the Council. (d) The role of the Town Mayor shall be limited to Chairing the Annual and Ordinary meetings of the Council and to representing the town at ceremonial and civic events and (e) To appoint a politically balanced sub committee of five Councillors to review what other variations to Standing Orders may be appropriate, reporting back to the next Ordinary Meeting of Council (November 2019).

Page 12 2 Councillor Westbrook stated she had no amendments to the original proposal she put forward at the 17 September meeting, which was read out at the meeting.

Councillor Pain had forwarded suggested amendments, which were tabled, it was agreed to adjourn the meeting for 10 minutes to allow Members to read through the amendments.

Councillor Pain’s suggested amendments were as follows:

1. That Council recognizes that it was a stated ambition that a leadership model be introduced by the 2020/21 elections that Council endorses this ambition and therefore requires the Town Clerk to form a working group forthwith to investigate best practice of this leadership model in other tier three councils where a leadership model is in operation and in due course to bring their findings and proposals to council in a timely manner for adoption.

2. If amendment one is accepted this second friendly amendment requires the terms of reference for this working group should include, but not be limited to: ‘to examine whether or not to await the outcome of the proposed merger of Melksham Town Council and Melksham Without Parish Council before making a structural change to our current model.

3. This third friendly amendment seeks clarity on the lawfulness of paragraph (c) (v) of this motion which reads ‘line manage the activities of the Town Clerk to ensure that the work programme of the council staff is geared to deliver the agreed policies and priorities of the council. This appears to be in direct contravention of the Local Government Act in that no one individual councillor shall direct the affairs of or manage the council administration, ie it is unlawful to delegate decision making to any individual councillor and this applies to supervision of the Town Clerk. The effect of this amendment is to require the Town Clerk to examine and advise council upon the lawfulness of paragraph (c) (v) and at the same time to verify and report to council upon the lawfulness or otherwise of all other verbiage within the motion.

4. This fourth friendly amendment requests that the proposer amend the motion to resolve any apparent conflict between para (b) and para (d)

It was proposed by the Councillor Pain, seconded by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard to approve the above amendments to the original proposal put forward by Councillor Westbrook.

Councillor Westbrook stated she did not support amendments 1 and 3, albeit 3 needed clarification. Stating Point 2 may or may not happen and would delay things. With Point 4 being covered in the original motion.

Page 13 3

Council Pain withdrew Point 4 of his Motion.

Point 3 was clarified for Councillor Westbrook and Point 3 of Councillor Pain’s amendment was accepted.

Councillor Pain asked that Point 1 be debated.

The Town Clerk confirmed that the role of Town Mayor and Leader were entirely separate roles adding that the Town Mayor must be apolitical.

Councillor Fiorelli proposed a friendly amendment to the wording of the original proposal points (c) (v) in response to Councillor Pain’s Point 3 as follows: work in partnership with the Town Clerk to ensure that the work programme of Council staff is geared to deliver the agreed policies and priorities of the Council.

Following discusion, it was suggested this sentence needed slight amendment to read as follows:

(c) (v) ‘work with the Town Clerk to ensure …….’

This was accepted by Councillor Westbrook.

Councillor Illman suggested a friendly amendment to Councillor Pain’s Point 1 in that the leadership model should begin on 1 January 2020 after investigations into such a model have been completed and the working party have reported on their findings.

Following discussion on timelines it was suggested any report from a working group should be presented to Full Council for adoption, prior to full implementation in the new year.

Councillor Andrewes asked if such a leadership model existed in Tier 3 Councils.

The Town Clerk explained she was already looking at good practice to help assist any working group and would do a compare and contrast. The Town Clerk also advised that other parties on the Town Council would be able to appoint their own leader also.

The Town Clerk stated a report of the working group on leadership models would have to go to Full Council first for approval, suggesting the scheduled meeting of Full Council meeting on 25 November. These changes would then have to go to another meeting for adoption, prior to appointing a leader and approval of amended Standing Orders.

Page 14 4 Following discussion on point 1 of Councillor Pain’s amendments, Councillor Westbrook accepted Point 1 of his amendments, with the friendly amendment from Councillor Illman.

A vote was requested on Councillor Pain’s amendments 1 and 3, with Councillor Illman and Councillor Fiorelli’s friendly amendments as follows:

 That Council recognizes that it was a stated ambition that a leadership model be introduced by the 2020/21 elections that Council endorses this ambition and therefore requires the Town Clerk to form a working group forthwith to investigate best practice of a leadership model in other Town Councils and to bring the findings and proposals to the Town Council meeting on 25 November 2019 for adoption.

 Work with the Town Clerk to ensure that the work programme of the Council staff is geared to deliver the agreed policies and priorities of the Council.

This motion was passed with 12 For, 1 Against and 2 abstentions.

Councillor Fiorelli proposed another amendment to include Deputy Leader, wherever possible in the proposal, it was agreed this could be looked at by the Working Group.

Confirmation was sought on the term of a leader, to which the Town Clerk clarified, this could change at any time, however, it would make sense to appoint a new leader at every Annual Council (Mayor Making) meeting.

The vote then went to the substantive motion which was proposed by Councillor Westbrook and seconded by Councillor Fiorelli with the approved amendments as follows:

(a) The role of the Leader shall be to:

(i) Provide leadership to the Council but with no executive powers; (ii) Act as liaison between the Town Clerk and Councillors in indicating priorities and programmes for inclusion in Council business; (iii) Be responsible for working with other Councillors as appropriate to formulate the Council strategy; (iv) To be the first point of contact for the Town Clerk when a policy response is needed; (v) Work with the Town Clerk to ensure that the work programme of Council staff is geared to deliver the agreed policies and priorities of the Council. (b) The role of the Town Mayor shall be limited to Chairing the Annual and Ordinary meetings of the Council and to representing the town at ceremonial and civic events and

Page 15 5 (c) That Council recognizes that it was a stated ambition that a leadership model be introduced by the 2021 elections that Council endorses this ambition and therefore requires the Town Clerk to form a cross party working group to investigate best practice of this leadership model in other Town Councils where a leadership model is in operation and to bring the findings and proposals to the Town Council meeting on 25 November 2019 for approval.

A recorded vote was requested by Councillor Wiltshire.

For Against Abstained

Councillor Andrewes Councillor Brown Councillor Aves Councillor Sankey Councillor Fiorelli Councillor Wiltshire Councillor Hubbard Councillor Iles Councillor Jeffries Councillor Mitcham Councillor Pain Councillor Illman Councillor Watts Councillor Welch Councillor Westbrook

The Town Clerk sought cross party representation to join a working group to discuss a Leadership Model for the Town Council.

As it was 10.00pm, as per Standing Orders, the Town Clerk sought a proposal to continue the meeting.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard seconded by Councillor Fiorelli, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, to continue the meeting.

The following Members agreed to join the working group: Councillor Pain; Councillor Watts; Councillor Fiorelli; Councillor Aves; Councillor Sankey and Councillor Mitcham.

Meeting Closed at: 10.10pm

Signed: Dated:

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Proud to serve and protect our communities November 2019


Wiltshire West CPT - crime and incident demand for the 12 months to October 2019

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• Wiltshire Police has had an increase in the volume of recorded crime by 3% in the 12 months to October 19 and continues to have one of the lowest crime rates in the country.

• Our service delivery remains consistently good.

• In October, we received 8,352 999 calls which we answered within 6 seconds on average and 12,566 CRIB calls which we answered within 1 minutes 47 seconds on average.

• In October, we also attended 1,598 emergency incidents within 11 minutes and 17 seconds on average.

• Wiltshire Police has seen a 13% reduction in vehicle crime and 15% in residential burglaries in the 12 months to October 2019.

• The Crime Survey of England & Wales recently ranked Wiltshire as one of the top forces (78.3%) nationally for public confidence. It covers the 12 months to March 2019. The publication can be found here: WWW.CRIMESURVEY.CO.UK

For more information on Wiltshire Police’s performance please visit:

PCC’s Website - HMICFRS Website - -

Area specific Page 2 Page 20 For Public Use For Public Use WILTSHIRE POLICE CPT Melksham Briefing Wiltshire West Community Policing

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Wiltshire West CPT Demand Overview – 12 months to October 2019

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SEPT 2019 CRIME DATA - Melksham Town and Villages combined (Area Board)

Melksham Area Board (*includes 3 Beat Areas, 1 for the Town ED11, and two for Rural and Villages ED12 and ED13) September showed a total of 134 crimes for the whole Melksham Area against the average of136 offences for this same month over the last two years. This is in line with what we would expect for the sector.

ED11 – Melksham Town September showed 78 crimes for the beat area against the average of 89.1 offences for this same month over the last two years. There are no exceptions within the data.

ED12 – Shaw, Whitley, Atworth, Broughton Gifford, Beanacre, Bowerhill and Berryfields September showed 31 reported crimes for the beat area against the average of 34 offences for this same month over the last two years. There are no exceptions within the data.

ED13 – Seend, Bulkington, Poulshot, Keevil, Semington, Great Hinton and Steeple Ashton September showed 25 reported crimes for the beat area against the average of 12.9 offences for this same month over the last two years. There are no exceptions within the data.

OCT 2019 CRIME DATA - Melksham Town and Villages combined (Area Board)

Melksham Area Board (includes 3 Beat Areas, Town ED11, and two for Rural/Villages ED12 and ED13) October showed a total of 125 crimes for the whole Melksham Area against the average of 134.1 offences for this same month over the last two years. This is in line with what we would expect for the sector.

ED11 – Melksham Town October showed 84 crimes for the beat area against the average of 87.9 offences for this same month over the last two years. There are no exceptions within the data.

ED12 – Shaw, Whitley, Atworth, Broughton Gifford, Beanacre, Bowerhill and Berryfields October showed 33 reported crimes for the beat area against the average of 33.4 offences for this same month over the last two years. There are no exceptions within the data.

ED13 – Seend, Bulkington, Poulshot, Keevil, Semington, Great Hinton and Steeple Ashton October showed 9 reported crimes for the beat area against the average of 12.9 offences for this same month over the last two years. There are no exceptions within the data.

Local Community Matters

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Proud to serve and protect our communities November 2019

PC Lee Pelling along with PCSO Steph HOLMAN and other members of the CPT supported the Town Council at the recent Royal visit by HRH Duke of Gloucester as a part of the Melksham Domesday celebrations.

PCSO Steph HOLMAN is continuing to look at drug and ASB issues in the area of Union Street. She is currently engaging with the local community to listen to the issues, gather intelligence and establish a plan to tackle the concerns raised. *UPDATE* a section 23 Misuse Of Drugs Act warrant was carried out at an address in Union Street on the 3rd October. While no positive arrests were made, important intel gathering opportunities were achieved.

PCSO Steph HOLMAN and Pc Lee PELLING are continuing to looking into issues in the area of The Friars, Melksham following reports of ASB and potential drug activity. *UPDATE* - Melksham Police along with Selwood Housing and Wiltshire Council were successful in securing a Closure Order on an address in the Friars on the 7th Oct from Salisbury Magistrates Court. The Order prevents anyone other than the listed tenant for being in or on the property. Anyone else found at the address can be liable to arrest. The order is valid for 3 months and runs until midnight on the 6th Jan 2020.

PCSO Maggie LEDBURY is overseeing the coordination pro-active Patrols of rural locations by the area officers. Recently there have been reports of poaching and criminal damage to farm and private land in the area of Steeple Ashton, especially Mudmead Lane and Sandpits Lane, Steeple Ashton and more recently in Keevil.

Staffing Update

PCSO Leigh HOLCOMBE has left the Melksham team, now moved to Warminster Town. I would like to welcome PCSO Luke HOSKEN to Melksham Town beat as his replacement. PCSO Janet GOULD is also currently training up a new PCSO for the area, PCSO Adam ALMOND. Once he has completed his training, the intention is that he will be posted to stay working in the Melksham area

OPERATION SCEPTRE (16th Sept 2019)

Operation Sceptre is a national knife crime awareness campaign launched by the Metropolitan Police in 2015 in response to knife crime and has been adopted nationally to raise awareness of the growing trends, with the overall aim of reducing knife crime and the harm it causes to individuals, their families and the wider community.

*UPDATE* - Op Sceptre closed on Sunday 29th Sept with a total of 321 knives handed in at police stations, churches and community centres across the community. Along with the opportunity to surrender knives without the fear of prosecution, there was a focus was on raising awareness of the impact and consequences knives can have when they are found in the wrong hands.

This year’s amnesty saw an expansion in the number of locations where members of the public could safely dispose of knives and bladed articles, and for the first time four churches from the Diocese of Salisbury and two community centres joined the amnesty, offering their buildings as a safe location for amnesty bins.

Sgt David Tippetts, who led on the amnesty across the county, said: “The key element for this year has been the community focus, which has been demonstrated with the additional Page 5 Page 23 For Public Use For Public Use WILTSHIRE POLICE CPT Melksham Briefing Wiltshire West Community Policing

Proud to serve and protect our communities November 2019

locations for the amnesty and the educational work undertaken in secondary schools.

“Partnership work is key if we are to see a continued reduction in knife crime. A large part of which is the focus on education so young people are aware of the risks associated with carrying a knife or weapon.

“Op Sceptre gives us the opportunity to highlight our ongoing work that aims to safeguard children and the vulnerable and reduce the impact of knife related crime.”

Operation Sceptre plays a key role in the annual crime prevention calendar with focused awareness week in both September and March.

ACC Maggie Blyth said: “Knife crime across Wiltshire remains stable, but that does not mean as a police force or a community we can be complacent. “The opportunity for amnesties and enforcement play an important part in reducing immediate risk and harm in our communities. But we need to be thinking long term, and education and awareness is key. “We need to work together to change the opinion of knives and where carrying a knife in a public place is completely unacceptable."

Police and Crime Commissioner Angus Macpherson said: "This has been another successful knife crime awareness campaign and amnesty – 321 is a good number. “That means 321 fewer weapons on the streets of Wiltshire which could potentially do harm. "Fortunately, we live in a very safe county and our knife crime figures buck the national rise.

"Early intervention is very much part of the crucial work around prevention; getting to the youngsters before they turn to use a blade for what they believe is protection but it’s not. “I would like to see every child in the county educated about the dangers of carrying knives – it’s the only way we will prevent knife crime in future generations.

"We all need to take more responsibility for the signs of knife crime in our communities - to spot them early on so they get 'nipped in the bud' before becoming a major problem."

Operation Sceptre has now finished; however, people can still hand in their knives and unwanted weapons at any time at their closest police station.

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YOUR CPT – Wiltshire West

Inspector Andy Fee Sergeant Dan Green (No Photo) Community Co-ordinators:

PC Charly Chilton (Trowbridge) PC Helen Daveridge (Westbury, Warminster)

PC Lee Pelling (Melksham) PC Darren Foulger (Bradford on Avon)

PC Rich Salter (Tisbury and Mere) You can find out more about Wiltshire West CPT, including news stories and contacts for local officers, on our website:

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Priority 1:

CSW - Community Speed Watch Speed Watch areas updates for Novt 2019 The current Speed watch locations for Every 2 weeks, 4 CSW Schemes across are selected additional enforcement are; for CPT targeting, enforcement to supplement the CSW team Frome Road, BoA planned sessions. The results are reported back to the CSW teams Shaw Hill, Melksham and local communities. Shrewton Rd, Chitterne, Warminster Edington, Westbury

Previous Sept/Oct Locations checked; Beanacre, Melksham – A350 Frome Road – Bradford on Avon Pitmead Lane – Bishopstrow, Warminster High Street, Fovant Lowbourne, Melksham Southwick Rd, North Bradley Devizes Rd, Poulshot Frome Rd, Southwick High Street – Dilton Marsh Bitham Park – Westbury Steeple Ashton – Trowbridge Chapmaslade – Warminster

Priority 2:

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Proud to serve and protect our communities November 2019

Op Artemis – Rural Crime Many pro-active patrols are still being carried out in rural locations across West Wiltshire, This is the ongoing rural crime operation overseen by the Rural with a focus on the areas of Steeple Ashton, Crime Team for the county. They will arrange for specific patrols Stockton and Chilmark specifically during the course of the year in cooperation with and supported by the farming community with a view to tackling, deterring and *UPDATE* - There have been a spate of rural detecting overnight rural crimes. post box thefts (Including Poulshot and Keevil). A group of criminals are stealing post boxes and their contents from rural locations across Wiltshire.

Priority 3:

Young people in Melksham involved in ASB and criminality *UPDATE* Enquiries are complete and CPS charging advice sought. As a result several In May a disorder was reported in the Hawthorn Road area of youths will be charged with assault offences. Melksham, which involved a large group of youths. Youth intervention officer Pc Darren Foulger and Pc Lee Pelling continue to work closely with some of the key youths and their families alongside partner agencies to prevent further instances occurring

Priority 4:

Enforcement of Closure Order – The Friars, Melksham The Order prevents anyone other than the listed tenant for being in or on the property. In response to ASB and drug activity, Melksham Police along with Anyone else found at the address can be Selwood Housing and Wiltshire Council were successful in securing a liable to arrest. The order is valid for 3 Closure Order on an address in The Friars from Salisbury Magistrates months and runs until midnight on the 6th Jan Court. 2020. The Police will be doing regular checks at the address.

*UPDATE* The Police have been called to the address twice in relation to breaches. Both times people have been removed from the address and given warnings not to return to the address.

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Proud to serve and protect our communities November 2019

HIGH LEVEL PCC UPDATES Community Policing: Ensuring that we have a policing model which meets the needs of the community it serves as well as ensuring it is fit for future challenges and demands, is crucial.

This is why, with my full support, Wiltshire Police has conducted a review of how community policing is delivered in our county to make sure it evolves to meet the changing demands on policing in the 21st Century.

It is important that we continually reflect on how effective the model is, particularly given we have an additional wave of new officers coming into the Force.

Currently, we have 41 officers going through training as a direct result of residents supporting me in raising the precept. This means we will have the ability to bolster our community policing offering.

I will continue to ensure the Chief Constable prioritises and strengthens the community policing element of the Force.

HIGH LEVEL FORCE UPDATES Community Policing: We remain totally committed to putting our communities at the heart of our policing structure.

When we introduced the Community Policing model in 2016, we were clear that it would undergo continuous evaluation to ensure we were constantly improving it by remaining responsive to the changing nature of demand. We also made a commitment that we would always listen and adapt to concerns from the officers and staff who work within these teams.

We want to do all that we can to improve the model – not only for those working within it, but also to ensure we are providing the public with the very best service we can – an aim shared by everyone at Wiltshire Police.

We need to ensure that we are allocating our resources to provide the most efficient and effective service for the public. It was also prudent to review our model in light of any future increase in officers.

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Proud to serve and protect our communities November 2019

Following a review of our model, we are now in the process of consulting with our staff on the preferred proposal. We will, of course, keep our communities sighted on any changes when appropriate.


• You can keep up to date with the latest • More information on your CPT area can news in your area by signing up to our be found here: Community Messaging service – and here

• You can follow your CPT on social media


Page 11 Page 29 For Public Use This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9.1

Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 This page is intentionally left blank Page 37 This page is intentionally left blank Page 39 This page is intentionally left blank Melksham Town Council Monthly Financial Statement 31 October 2019

Cash and Bank Balances: Represented by:

Lloyds Telepay Account 37,500 Current Year Surplus 111,257 Co-operative Current Account 538,804 Earmarked Reserves Used in year 382,516 493,773 Assembly General Account 227,682 Assembly Hall Bar Account 422,257 Lloyds Short Term Fixed Deposit 51,718 Lloyds Fixed Term Deposit 0 General Reserve balance at beginning of year 331,842 CCLA Investment 116 Credit/Debit Card Contol 116 Earmarked Reserves Petty Cash 285 Bar Float 1,100 Balance at 1st April 2018 799,039 1,279,578 Plus; Added from Precept 0 799,039 Debtors (monies owed to council) Less: Used to Fund Expenditure 382,516 416,523 Page 41 Page

H M Customs - Vat recoverable 4,752 Bar Stock 4,441 Specific Reserves Debtors and Prepayments 8,178 17,371 CIL 1,296,949 Balance at 1st April 2019 16,431 Less: Creditors (monies owed by council) Plus: Received in Year 0 Suppliers of goods and services 18,994 16,431 Other Creditors 1,209 Less: Used to Fund Expenditure 0 16,431

Paye, Ni and Pension Due 11,923 Agenda Item 9.2

Events Control 6,254 38,380

Net Cash Available 1,258,569 1,258,569

0 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9.3 13/11/2019 Melksham Town Council Current Year Page 1 16:40 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/10/2019

Month No: 7 Committee Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

Policy and Performance

101 Central Costs 4000 Salaries ENI & Pension 13,808 98,310 209,500 111,190 111,190 46.9% 4020 Lease of office equipment 148 1,389 1,800 411 411 77.1% 4021 Stationery & Sundry Office Exp 140 1,407 1,500 93 93 93.8% 4023 Advertising 0 1,284 1,500 216 216 85.6% 4024 Equipment/furniture 0 4,231 5,000 769 769 84.6% 4025 Maintenance of Equipment 0 40 0 (40) (40) 0.0% 4026 Photocopying 170 1,406 3,100 1,694 1,694 45.3% 4027 Telephones and Mobiles 229 1,400 1,500 100 100 93.3% 4028 Postage 0 551 1,800 1,249 1,249 30.6% 4029 Subscriptions 40 1,697 2,800 1,103 1,103 60.6% 4040 I.T Monitoring, Backup, Suppor 594 12,493 20,000 7,507 7,507 62.5% 4042 Website/licences & sundries 0 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% 4058 Insurance 28 7,204 7,500 296 296 96.0% 4061 Travel 117 291 1,000 709 709 29.1% 4075 Training 847 1,993 3,000 1,007 1,007 66.4%

Central Costs :- Indirect Expenditure 16,121 133,695 261,500 127,805 0 127,805 51.1%

Net Expenditure (16,121) (133,695) (261,500) (127,805)

110 Corporate Costs 1026 Income Interest 39 435 2,000 1,565 21.8% 1176 Precept Received 0 844,910 844,910 0 100.0%

Corporate Costs :- Income 39 845,345 846,910 1,565 99.8% 4017 Bank account fees 81 271 300 29 29 90.3% 4043 HR consultancy 0 10,544 2,800 (7,744) (7,744) 376.6% 4050 Legal Fees 0 1,048 2,500 1,452 1,452 41.9% 4057 Audit/Year End Costs/Prof.Fees 600 6,470 7,500 1,030 1,030 86.3% 4076 Health & Safety 0 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.0%

Corporate Costs :- Indirect Expenditure 681 18,333 15,600 (2,733) 0 (2,733) 117.5%

Net Income over Expenditure (642) 827,013 831,310 4,297

115 Civic and Democratic 4030 Town Crier's expenses 0 385 500 115 115 76.9% 4034 Councillors training 0 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% 4060 Hospitality 0 0 250 250 250 0.0% 4070 Mayor's expenses 150 150 900 750 750 16.7%

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Month No: 7 Committee Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

4085 Civic Ceremony 51 277 2,500 2,223 2,223 11.1% 4311 Remembrance Day 0 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0%

Civic and Democratic :- Indirect Expenditure 201 812 10,150 9,338 0 9,338 8.0%

Net Expenditure (201) (812) (10,150) (9,338)

120 Capital Projects 4400 Capital Projects 0 0 106,000 106,000 106,000 0.0%

Capital Projects :- Indirect Expenditure 0 0 106,000 106,000 0 106,000 0.0%

Net Expenditure 0 0 (106,000) (106,000)

151 Grants 4301 Grants 450 13,870 15,000 1,130 1,130 92.5% 4302 Grant CAB 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 100.0% 4303 Grant-Young Melksham 0 10,000 10,000 0 0 100.0% 4305 Grant Christmas Lights 0 7,000 7,000 0 0 100.0% 4306 Grant Party in the Park 0 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% 4310 Grant Food and River Festival 0 3,000 3,000 0 0 100.0% 4317 Grant Carnival 0 2,500 2,500 0 0 100.0% 4330 Grant TIC 0 4,000 4,000 0 0 100.0% 4331 Grant Trans Wilts 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 100.0%

Grants :- Indirect Expenditure 450 50,370 54,500 4,130 0 4,130 92.4%

Net Expenditure (450) (50,370) (54,500) (4,130)

Policy and Performance :- Income 39 845,345 846,910 1,565 99.8% Expenditure 17,453 203,210 447,750 244,540 0 244,540 45.4%

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve (17,414) 642,136

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Month No: 7 Committee Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

Asset Management

201 Town Hall 1020 Miscellaneous Income 0 799 0 (799) 0.0% 1034 Income Town Hall Bookings 2,102 10,898 8,000 (2,898) 136.2%

Town Hall :- Income 2,102 11,697 8,000 (3,697) 146.2% 4000 Salaries ENI & Pension 1,029 4,739 3,700 (1,039) (1,039) 128.1% 4100 Gas 44 1,530 4,000 2,470 2,470 38.3% 4101 Electricity 0 3,987 1,000 (2,987) (2,987) 398.7% 4102 Rates 1,004 6,958 7,400 442 442 94.0% 4103 Water Rates 0 721 1,500 779 779 48.1% 4104 Window Cleaning 20 1,227 1,350 123 123 90.9% 4106 Maintenance 0 1,885 2,000 115 115 94.2% 4108 Equipment and servicing 155 4,940 4,000 (940) (940) 123.5% 4109 Trade Waste 0 521 1,200 679 679 43.4% 4110 Telephone: security alarms 0 0 200 200 200 0.0%

Town Hall :- Indirect Expenditure 2,252 26,508 26,350 (158) 0 (158) 100.6%

Net Income over Expenditure (150) (14,810) (18,350) (3,540)

202 Environmental Services 1027 Agency Services Re-imbursed 812 812 1,600 788 50.8%

Environmental Services :- Income 812 812 1,600 788 50.8% 4000 Salaries ENI & Pension 9,566 94,318 149,000 54,682 54,682 63.3% 4027 Telephones and Mobiles 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 4150 Clothing &Tools 47 436 1,500 1,064 1,064 29.1% 4153 Vehicle Running Costs 294 3,312 10,000 6,688 6,688 33.1% 4156 Lease of van 332 2,321 7,000 4,680 4,680 33.1% 4163 Maintenance and Repairs 272 3,028 6,700 3,672 3,672 45.2% 4167 Street Furniture 2,827 3,162 4,000 838 838 79.0% 4186 Maintenance of defribrillators 0 770 1,750 980 980 44.0% 4196 Container storage 113 788 1,000 213 213 78.8%

Environmental Services :- Indirect Expenditure 13,449 108,134 181,950 73,816 0 73,816 59.4%

Net Income over Expenditure (12,637) (107,322) (180,350) (73,028)

203 Allotments 1045 Income Allotments 0 468 4,800 4,332 9.8%

Allotments :- Income 0 468 4,800 4,332 9.8%

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Month No: 7 Committee Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

4200 Water Rates - Allotments 0 334 750 416 416 44.6% 4201 Maintenance - Allotments 0 132 500 368 368 26.3%

Allotments :- Indirect Expenditure 0 466 1,250 784 0 784 37.3%

Net Income over Expenditure 0 2 3,550 3,548

204 Pavilion 1046 Income - Pavilion 0 (204) 750 954 (27.2%)

Pavilion :- Income 0 (204) 750 954 (27.2%) 4250 Telephone - Pavilion 0 0 200 200 200 0.0% 4252 Electricity - Pavilion 19 612 300 (312) (312) 203.9% 4254 Water - Pavilion 0 100 700 600 600 14.3% 4255 Fire Security - Pavilion 374 566 250 (316) (316) 226.5% 4256 Maintenance - Pavilion 65 751 3,000 2,249 2,249 25.0%

Pavilion :- Indirect Expenditure 458 2,029 4,450 2,421 0 2,421 45.6%

Net Income over Expenditure (458) (2,233) (3,700) (1,467)

205 Public Toilets 1060 Funding for Public Toilets 0 0 7,000 7,000 0.0%

Public Toilets :- Income 0 0 7,000 7,000 0.0% 4180 Cleaning: Public toilets 504 3,021 30,000 26,979 26,979 10.1% 4185 Electricity supply: Toilets 253 572 0 (572) (572) 0.0%

Public Toilets :- Indirect Expenditure 757 3,593 30,000 26,407 0 26,407 12.0%

Net Income over Expenditure (757) (3,593) (23,000) (19,407)

210 Corporate Properties 1040 Income 31 Market Place 0 1,927 5,780 3,853 33.3% 1042 Income Roundhouse 278 859 1,000 141 85.9% 1047 Income Unit at Bowerhill 0 (180) 3,600 3,780 (5.0%) 1048 Income Art House Cafe 1,003 3,528 7,500 3,972 47.0%

Corporate Properties :- Income 1,280 6,134 17,880 11,746 34.3% 4175 Costs Art House Cafe 0 130 1,000 870 870 13.0% 4178 Costs Roundhouse 43 80 800 720 720 10.0% 4191 Costs 31 Market Place 0 1,861 500 (1,361) (1,361) 372.2%

Corporate Properties :- Indirect Expenditure 43 2,071 2,300 229 0 229 90.0%

Net Income over Expenditure 1,237 4,064 15,580 11,516

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Month No: 7 Committee Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

215 Depot 4103 Water Rates 9 37 240 203 203 15.3% 4159 Electric - Unit 0 379 900 521 521 42.1% 4160 Leasing-Unit at Bowerhill 779 5,454 9,350 3,896 3,896 58.3% 4161 Rates-Unit at Bowerhill 226 1,506 2,800 1,295 1,295 53.8% 4184 Fire security: Unit 0 169 400 231 231 42.3%

Depot :- Indirect Expenditure 1,014 7,544 13,690 6,146 0 6,146 55.1%

Net Expenditure (1,014) (7,544) (13,690) (6,146)

220 Play Areas and Open Spaces 4157 Grasscutting 227 3,057 10,000 6,943 6,943 30.6% 4165 Maintenance play areas 0 1,180 20,000 18,820 18,820 5.9% 4169 Maintenance of trees 0 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.0% 4193 Rospa checks: Play areas 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0%

Play Areas and Open Spaces :- Indirect Expenditure 227 4,237 33,500 29,263 0 29,263 12.6%

Net Expenditure (227) (4,237) (33,500) (29,263)

403 Town Development 1023 Projects: SID Deploymen t 0 0 500 500 0.0% 1030 Income-Melksham Makers Market 718 718 0 (718) 0.0% 1191 Splash Pad Grants 0 3,500 0 (3,500) 0.0%

Town Development :- Income 718 4,218 500 (3,718) 843.5% 4080 Melksham in Bloom Competition 0 267 700 433 433 38.1% 4309 Newsletter 0 1,980 600 (1,380) (1,380) 330.0% 4313 Sports Roadshow 1,120 1,920 3,000 1,080 1,080 64.0% 4354 Parking Scheme 0 43 1,000 957 957 4.3% 4356 Highways projects CATG 0 0 7,500 7,500 7,500 0.0%

Town Development :- Indirect Expenditure 1,120 4,210 12,800 8,590 0 8,590 32.9%

Net Income over Expenditure (403) 7 (12,300) (12,307)

405 Solar Farm Projects 1182 Solar money received 44,627 44,627 40,000 (4,627) 111.6%

Solar Farm Projects :- Income 44,627 44,627 40,000 (4,627) 111.6% 4500 Solar Money Projects 0 0 40,000 40,000 40,000 0.0%

Solar Farm Projects :- Indirect Expenditure 0 0 40,000 40,000 0 40,000 0.0%

Net Income over Expenditure 44,627 44,627 0 (44,627)

Asset Management :- Income 49,539 67,752 80,530 12,778 84.1% Expenditure 19,319 158,792 346,290 187,498 0 187,498 45.9%

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve 30,219 (91,040) Page 47 Continued over page 13/11/2019 Melksham Town Council Current Year Page 6 16:40 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/10/2019

Month No: 7 Committee Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

Community Development

302 Projects 4031 Town Criers competition 0 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% 4032 Market Charter Anniversary 765 5,989 2,500 (3,489) (3,489) 239.5% 4071 Town Floral Displays 316 5,811 10,000 4,189 4,189 58.1% 4304 Christmas Tree 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0%

Projects :- Indirect Expenditure 1,081 11,800 15,000 3,200 0 3,200 78.7%

Net Expenditure (1,081) (11,800) (15,000) (3,200)

Community Development :- Income 0 0 0 0 0.0% Expenditure 1,081 11,800 15,000 3,200 0 3,200 78.7%

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve (1,081) (11,800)

Page 48 Continued over page 13/11/2019 Melksham Town Council Current Year Page 7 16:40 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/10/2019

Month No: 7 Committee Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

Assembly Hall

501 Assembly Hall Central Costs 1000 Income-Assembly Hall Lettings 2,923 25,474 35,000 9,526 72.8% 1014 Pavilion: Tuck shop 0 3,065 0 (3,065) 0.0%

Assembly Hall Central Costs :- Income 2,923 28,538 35,000 6,462 81.5% 4000 Salaries ENI & Pension 7,709 63,946 117,000 53,054 53,054 54.7% 4900 Uniforms 0 0 900 900 900 0.0% 4902 Salaries Casual staff 324 4,473 10,000 5,527 5,527 44.7% 4905 Cleaning Materials 221 991 1,750 759 759 56.6% 4907 Stationery/Printing/Postage 14 138 500 362 362 27.6% 4909 Licences 0 2,513 2,750 237 237 91.4% 4911 Electricity 965 3,778 13,750 9,972 9,972 27.5% 4912 Gas 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 4913 Water 0 1,565 2,500 935 935 62.6% 4914 Rates 847 5,939 9,300 3,361 3,361 63.9% 4915 Equipment-Purchases 0 1,100 2,000 900 900 55.0% 4916 Maintenance-Equipment 0 984 5,500 4,516 4,516 17.9% 4917 Service Contracts 443 4,723 8,000 3,277 3,277 59.0% 4918 Maintenance-General 0 76 3,000 2,924 2,924 2.5% 4922 Marketing 900 4,258 8,000 3,742 3,742 53.2% 4923 Cash register/bar phone 90 656 1,400 744 744 46.9% 4924 Telephone: security alarms 0 378 350 (28) (28) 108.1% 4927 Stocktaking 165 165 800 635 635 20.6% 4929 AIB and Worldpay 98 860 1,500 640 640 57.3% 4949 Provision/utilise stage lights 0 0 2,400 2,400 2,400 0.0% 4958 Hall hire: security 0 859 2,000 1,141 1,141 42.9%

Assembly Hall Central Costs :- Indirect Expenditure 11,777 97,401 194,400 96,999 0 96,999 50.1%

Net Income over Expenditure (8,854) (68,863) (159,400) (90,537)

510 Assembly Hall Events 1004 Film shows 0 330 4,000 3,670 8.3% 1173 Ticket sales: Live shows 14,564 44,011 84,000 39,989 52.4%

Assembly Hall Events :- Income 14,564 44,341 88,000 43,659 50.4% 4919 Films: expenses and contract 0 250 4,000 3,750 3,750 6.3% 4954 Production costs: Live shows 2,634 6,908 6,000 (908) (908) 115.1% 4960 Live entertainment: % cost 8,179 31,659 75,000 43,341 43,341 42.2%

Assembly Hall Events :- Indirect Expenditure 10,813 38,817 85,000 46,183 0 46,183 45.7%

Net Income over Expenditure 3,751 5,524 3,000 (2,524)

Page 49 Continued over page 13/11/2019 Melksham Town Council Current Year Page 8 16:40 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/10/2019

Month No: 7 Committee Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

520 Assembly Hall Bar and Catering 1001 Income-Assembly Hall Bar 8,758 30,906 65,000 34,094 47.5%

Assembly Hall Bar and Catering :- Income 8,758 30,906 65,000 34,094 47.5% 4901 Catering / other bar sales 1,785 8,423 1,000 (7,423) (7,423) 842.3% 4903 Assembly Hall Bar expenditure 662 4,669 26,000 21,331 21,331 18.0%

Assembly Hall Bar and Catering :- Indirect Expenditure 2,446 13,091 27,000 13,909 0 13,909 48.5%

Net Income over Expenditure 6,312 17,815 38,000 20,185

Assembly Hall :- Income 26,245 103,785 188,000 84,215 55.2% Expenditure 25,036 149,309 306,400 157,091 0 157,091 48.7%

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve 1,210 (45,524)

Page 50 Continued over page 13/11/2019 Melksham Town Council Current Year Page 9 16:40 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/10/2019

Month No: 7 Committee Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

Earmarked Reserves

901 Earmarked Reserves 1180 Wilts Council: CIL money rece 10,325 10,325 0 (10,325) 0.0%

Earmarked Reserves :- Income 10,325 10,325 0 (10,325) 9202 Unplanned Maintenance 0 0 66,964 66,964 66,964 0.0% 9203 Recreation Fund 0 0 19,402 19,402 19,402 0.0% 9218 Election expenses 7,170 7,170 13,000 5,830 5,830 55.2% 9228 Office Equipment 0 2,237 4,275 2,038 2,038 52.3% 9232 Street Furniture 0 0 10,814 10,814 10,814 0.0% 9233 Equipment Replacement 0 0 21,000 21,000 21,000 0.0% 9234 Professional fees 0 4,390 4,390 0 0 100.0% 9242 Neighbourhood Plan 4,737 8,354 13,941 5,587 5,587 59.9% 9243 Green Spaces 0 0 4,947 4,947 4,947 0.0% 9244 Major Projects Reserve 21,769 370,689 640,305 269,616 269,616 57.9% 9248 CIL 0 0 26,756 26,756 26,756 0.0%

Earmarked Reserves :- Indirect Expenditure 33,677 392,840 825,794 432,954 0 432,954 47.6%

Net Income over Expenditure (23,352) (382,516) (825,794) (443,278)

Earmarked Reserves :- Income 10,325 10,325 0 (10,325) 0.0% Expenditure 33,677 392,840 825,794 432,954 0 432,954 47.6% Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve (23,352) (382,516)

Grand Totals:- Income 86,148 1,027,208 1,115,440 88,232 92.1% Expenditure 96,565 915,951 1,941,234 1,025,283 0 1,025,283 47.2%

Net Income over Expenditure (10,417) 111,256 (825,794) (937,050)

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve (10,417) 111,256

Page 51 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 10.1

Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Finance and Administration meeting held on Monday 23rd September 2019 in the Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Councillor V Fiorelli (Chair) Councillor A Westbrook (Vice-Chair) Councillor J Hubbard Councillor P Aves Councillor M Pain Councillor M Sankey Councillor T Welch Councillor R Wiltshire

OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk Mrs Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: No members of the public were present.

Mr Mark Davies, CCLA made a presentation to Members regarding investment opportunities, following which Members felt a meeting needed to take place to look at reserves with a view to forming a short and long term investment strategy.

5/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Andrewes.

6/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

7/19 Minutes

The minutes of 27 August 2019 having previously been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chair, Councillor Fiorelli.

It was agreed the minutes of 3 June 2019 would go to the next Finance & Admin meeting for approval.

1 Page 53 8/19 Budget 2020/21

The following suggestions for inclusion in the budget had been made at the following meetings:

Community Development: Increase Xmas tree budget to £1200

Economic Development & Planning:

 A separate planning training budget (2 Planning training sessions, 2 Economic Development were suggested).  Costs associated with the new Economic Development Manager undertaking a Market Towns Survey  Costs associated with taking the Town Vision, currently being produced, to the next level.  A budget for the Economic Development Manager to attend events to promote Melksham.

It was explained the role of this committee was to sanity check the various suggestions put forward by other committees.

Discussion ensued on Xmas trees as it had been suggested previously that in the future the town could grow its own trees. Councillor Sankey explained he was speaking to someone about this to get their advice, it was also suggested these could be planted on Shurnhold Fields if the Shurnhold Fields Committee were in agreement.

It was proposed by Councillor Pain, seconded by Councillor Hubbard, and

RESOLVED, to support these proposals and to delegate to the Town Clerk to investigate costs on the various suggestions and bring back to a future budget meeting for consideration and to await feedback from Councillor Sankey and others on Xmas trees and bring back to a future Town Council meeting for consideration.

9/19 Finances

9.1/19 Budget Report for August

It was noted the electricity costs seemed high, compared to the annual budget. The Town Clerk informed the meeting she was currently investigating this matter.

Concern was raised at the costs associated with cleaning the public toilets, especially when a cleaner had recently been made redundant.

Page 54 2

The Town Clerk explained the costs for cleaning the toilets were attributed to Idverde who were TUPEd across when the Town Council took on the Market Place toilets.

Councillor Pain had noticed that recently the toilets had not been cleaned and asked if there was anything in their contract that would give the Town Council reason to ask for a reduction in costs.

It was suggested this was due to annual leave of the operative. It was agreed to request cover in the future.

With regard to 31 Market Place it was noted there was a cost of £1361 attributed to it, the Town Clerk agreed to investigate this.

Councillor Fiorelli suggested the structure renovations costs of the Town Hall needed to be considered going forward. 9.2/19 Earmarked Reserves

With regard to street furniture, it was asked for an update on when the proposed benches would be installed.

The Town Clerk agreed to investigate when these would be installed with the Community Development Officer.

The Earmarked Reserves were noted.

9.3/19 Monthly Financial Statement

The Monthly Financial Statement was noted.

10/19 Floral Planting 3 Year Contract 2020-2022

It was noted that Contractor A, had provided an amended quote.

The meeting was informed that the current floral contractor did not wish to submit a tender on this occasion.

With regard to what could be planted, it was suggested the Town Clerk speak to one of the grounds team for their advice and come back to council if necessary to make a presentation.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook seconded by Councillor Hubbard, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED: To approve the amended quote from Contractor A (Bath & North East Somerset) at £5,635.89 + VAT per annum.

Page 55 3 To write a letter to the current floral planting contractor thanking them for their years of providing an excellent service and that it was hoped in the future they would reconsider applying for this contract.

11/19 Christmas Fayre - Saturday 7 December 2019

A report had been circulated by the Community Engagement Officer on proposals for the Xmas Fayre and was seeking approval for £1000 to help towards these costs.

It was asked if adequate support was available for the day and it was suggested the Grounds Team may be able to assist. The Town Clerk agreed to discuss this with them.

Councillor Hubbard proposed, seconded by Councillor Westbrook, and

RESOLVED: That £1000 be allocated towards the costs associated with the road closure for the Xmas Fayre from general reserves.

12/19 Property Valuations

The Town Clerk informed the meeting that valuations had recently been undertaken to make sure Town Council properties were adequately insured and the information had been circulated to members with the agenda.

The Town Clerk asked Members to note the report, and to recommend to the Asset Management Committee, to include these in the insurance schedule. It was noted there were no figures available from the previous valuations in order to make comparisons.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Aves, and

RESOLVED, to recommend the Property Valuations report to the Asset Management Committee. That the Insurance Schedule with previous valuation figures is available at this meeting in order to make comparisons.

13/19 Motion Received from Councillor Westbrook

Councillor Westbrook had proposed a motion that investigations be made into updating the Town Council website, as follows:

That the Town Clerk is authorised, to appoint a web developer to completely rebuild the Melksham Town Council website. That the maximum cost of this should be £10K to be taken from general reserves.

As it had recently been approved to recruit additional staff, It was asked whoever was going to be responsible within the new structure for updating the website,

Page 56 4 that this is made clear in their job description and they are involved in the selection/procurement process for a new system.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, seconded by Councillor Hubbard, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, to authorise the Town Clerk to draw-up a website specification and bring back a brief to the next Finance & Admin meeting. The budget was set at £10,000.

Meeting Closed at: 8.30 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 57 5 This page is intentionally left blank Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Finance and Administration meeting held on Monday 21st October 2019 at 7.00pm in the Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Councillor A Westbrook (Vice-Chair) Councillor J Hubbard, Town Mayor Councillor C Andrewes Councillor M Pain Councillor M Sankey Councillor T Welch Councillor R Wiltshire Councillor C Jeffries

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Brown Councillor Illes Councillor Mitcham Councillor Watts

OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk Mrs Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 1 member of the public were present.

14/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from the Chair, Councillor Fiorelli who would be late. Apologies were also received from Councillor Illman with Councillor Jeffries substituting.

The Vice Chair Councillor Westbrook took the Chair.

15/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

16/19 Minutes

Members were informed the minutes of 23 September 2019 would be available at the next meeting in November for approval.

1 Page 59

17/19 Appointment of Internal Auditor

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Welch, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, to appoint Quote A as internal auditors at £880 + VAT per annum from 2020/21.

To place an item on the next Town Council agenda to approve the appointment of new auditors and send a letter of engagement.

18/19 Confidentiality Agreement

The Town Council had received a request from Wiltshire Council to sign a confidentiality agreement.

The agreement was connected to the asset transfer and devolution of services from Wiltshire to the Town Council.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, seconded by Councillor Hubbard, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, to authorise both the Chair, Councillor Westbrook and the Town Clerk sign the confidentiality agreement on behalf of the Town Council.

Meeting Closed at: 7.10pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 60 2 Agenda Item 10.2

Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Community Development meeting held on Monday 4th November 2019 in Melksham Town Hall at 8.30pm

PRESENT: Councillor P Aves (Chair) Councillor H Illman Councillor K Iles Councillor G Mitcham Councillor M Pain Councillor M Sankey Councillor T Welch Councillor A Westbrook

IN ATTENDANCE Councillor J Hubbard, Town Mayor Councillor V Fiorelli Councillor C Jeffries Councillor T Watts

OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk Mrs Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

Councillor Fiorelli declared an interest and left the meeting as an employee of the Post Office.

Mr Stuart Taylor, External Relations Manager, Post Office attended the meeting to address Members on proposals for Melksham Post Office.

Mr Taylor outlined proposals and explained as from January 2020 Melksham Post Office would be operated by an independent franchise partner and include a retail offer in conjunction with the Post Office with the change being required in order to maintain Post Office services at its current location.

The Post Office were currently engaging with the community on these proposals, but explained they were not seeking feedback on the change to a franchise offering, as this was a commercial decision for Post Office Ltd, but welcomed feedback and comments that could help inform their plans, particularly with regard to how people accessed the premises and services, as well as opening times.

Members sought reassurances on the following:

1. Would the current services on offer continue?

Those services which are currently available will continue to be so.

1 Page 61

2. What are the contractual arrangements for the new business to stay at its current location?

The contract is for a 5 year period to provide Post Office services. There is a 12 month notice period, if they should not wish to continue this service in the current location.

Clarification was sought on whether the 5 year contract specified the Post Office had to continue on this site, as this would influence the Town Council’s response to the engagement process.

Mr Taylor agreed to come back to the Town Clerk on this matter the following day.

3. Will there be enough counters and screened counters to cope with demand, specifically for large cash deposits.

Cash deposits can happen at any counter, 4 counters will be provided. Research indicates most people use the Post Office to take out cash rather than deposit.

The Town Clerk stated that Melksham Without Parish Council had been invited to the meeting, but as they had two meetings this evening, were unable to attend. They asked for reassurances that no services would be cut as a result of the increased retail offer proposed.

No services will be lost that are currently provided and the opening hours will be increased to all day on a Saturday.

The Town Clerk also sought clarification on whether the Post Office were consulting or just informing people on what was happening.

No this isn’t a consultation, this is made clear in the letter. We are just asking people to comment how the branch will be run. This falls under the Principles of Community Engagement on changes to the Post Office Network and we are seeking feedback and comments on areas such as access to the premises, access to Post Office services and opening hours.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 3 members of the public were present.

The meeting opened at 7.37pm.

9/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Brown.

Page 62 2

10/19 Declarations of Interest

Councillor Fiorelli declared an interest in item 5 regarding Melksham Post Office proposals.

11/19 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 27 August 2019, having previously been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chair, Councillor Aves as a correct record.

12/19 Budget Consideration 2020/2021

Members were asked to consider budgetary requirements for 2020/21 on the following:

Community Expo Shop Local Events KGV Event to replace Civic Service Xmas Lights Switch-on (road closure and marshals) Community Events

The Town Clerk suggested a way forward could be to have an event budget and wherever possible sponsorship for events would be sought.

Councillor Watts arrived at 7.40pm.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, seconded by Councillor Illman, and

RESOLVED, to recommend the following be considered for inclusion in the 2020/21 budget:

Community Expo: £750 Xmas Lights Switch on (road closure/marshalls): £1250 Community Events & other: £5000

13/19 Melksham Post Office

As part of the engagement process on proposals for Melksham Post Office, Members asked that the following response be submitted:

 The longevity of the contract and whether this means the Post Office will continue at its current site.

 That current services continue and whether coin counters will be available, other than the screened off counter.

Page 63 3

 That clear signage is provided directing customers to the appropriate counter.

 A guarantee that the same services that are currently provided are continued.

14/19 Community Hub

The Town Team having discussed how best to support the community had suggested the creation of a Community Hub within the town centre. The Community Development Officer had circulated a report on this proposal within the agenda pack for Members’ information.

Whilst Members expressed support for this initiative in principle, there were concerns at the costs involved in delivering such a project and the lack of a business case to support the scheme.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, seconded by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, and

RESOLVED, that a working party consisting of Councillors Aves, Westbrook, Welch, Pain, Hubbard, Iles and Sankey be created in order to investigate the potential for a community hub, including what the hub will be and how it will work, so that a suitable building can be explored and a business case is made to a future meeting.

15/19 East of Melksham

15.1/19 Anti Social Behaviour

Councillor Aves explained along with other Members, the Community Engagement Officer and PCSO Janet Gould had met James Shackle of Greensquare to discuss concerns of anti social behaviour at Cranesbill Road play area and consider proposals to mitigate it.

It was noted that Greensquare had proposed to circulate a letter to all residents raising this issue and signposting residents to Neighbourhood Watch and the Police 101 number.

It was suggested that a letter be sent to Greensquare to ascertain if they had already written to Neighbourhood Watch.

15.2/19 Update from Wiltshire Councillor Phil Alford

Wiltshire Councillor Phil Alford had met with representatives from

Page 64 4 Greensquare and Brookbanks on various issues at East of Melksham and these notes had been circulated to Members with the agenda pack for information.

16/19 800th Market Charter Celebrations

The Community Engagement Officer had circulated notes of a wash-up meeting following the recent 800th Market Charter events at the end of September.

Various points were raised at the meeting with regard to event management planning. The Town Clerk explained she would be working on a draft generic event management plan.

With regard to bunting for events, it was suggested the grounds team could take responsibility for making sure bunting was erected within the town centre for community events, including those not organised by the Town Council.

17/19 Community Expo Event - 20 September 2019

Following the Community Expo event in September, the Community Engagement Officer had produced a report circulated with the agenda pack for Members information. The report was noted and the following comments made:

Members felt this was a great success, however it was disappointing it wasn’t well supported by members of the public.

It was noted whilst a lot of publicity was done to promote the event, in future those groups who are invited could be encouraged to promote this event through their social media platforms also.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Pain and

RESOLVED, to hold a Community Expo event for 2020 and to delegate to the Town Clerk the organisation of such an event.

18/19 Cloth Road Art Project

Correspondence had been received from the organisers of Community Road Arts Week seeking potential venues for an arts event being held 2-10 May 2020.

It was proposed by Councillor Aves, seconded by Councillor Welch, and

RESOLVED, To support this initiative and invite them to look at the availability of Town Council venues.

Page 65 5

Meeting Closed at: 8.30 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 66 6 Agenda Item 10.3

Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Economic Development & Planning meeting held on Monday 9th September 2019 in the Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Cllr T Watts (Vice-Chair) Cllr J Hubbard Cllr H Illman Cllr S Brown Cllr K Iles Cllr G Mitcham Cllr M Pain Cllr M Sankey Cllr T Welch

IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr C Jeffries

OFFICERS: Heather Parks Locum Town Clerk Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 1 member of the public present.

15/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Westbrook with Councillor Welch substituting.

16/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

17/19 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 19 August 2019, having previously been circulated were approved and signed as a correct record by Councillor Watts.

18/19 Melksham A350 By-Pass

Having discussed the various proposed routes for the A350 by-pass and raising concerns at the safety of school children attending Melksham Oak School having to cross any route which flowed into the Eastern Way link road extension. It was,

Proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Welch, and

1 Page 67

RESOLVED: That Melksham Town Council support Option C as the only viable solution to address the issues of traffic.

19/19 Planning Applications

The Town Council objected to the following planning application:

19/08245: Crown House, Market Place. T1 – Fell Walnut tree due to clients concerns that tree is too close to building, creating access shading and allowing squirrels to jump onto roof (TCA)

Following a report from the Tree Warden, the Town Council objected to this application on the following grounds:

The Town Tree Warden could not see any justification to fell this healthy, robust tree. The Tree Warden report stated:

“The reasons given for the request to fell refer to shade and squirrels accessing the roof by jumping. The tree's location at the gable side of the building means there are very few windows affected by the shade it casts when in leaf.

It is just possible that squirrels could leap from the tree to roof and back. This alleged problem can easily be solved by reducing the length of the offending branches. Indeed if the tree had received regular maintenance throughout its life - by reducing the crown - then this ‘problem’ would not now exist.

I would suggest a tree surgeon be consulted about reducing the length of branches growing towards the roof without creating an imbalance in the tree's shape. They could also be asked if they can reduce the crown by about 20% without detrimental effect to the tree. This in itself could probably solve the squirrel ‘problem’ and reduce the perceived shade effect.

The Town Council had no objection to the following planning applications:

19/03329: Melksham House, 27 Market Place. Construction of Community Campus Building, including demolition of curtilage listed outbuildings of Melksham House (amended scheme) (DP3)

19/07763: Longhope Guest House, 9 Beanacre Road. Conversion of hotel and manager’s accommodation to 6 flats with bungalow in garden. (Full Plan)

19/07831: 12 Scotland Road. Two storey rear extension. (Full Plan)

Page 68 2

19/07927: Hunters Wood. 2 free standing V signs, 2 flags. (Advertisement) – applicant Barratt David Wilson South West

19/08240: 2 Spa Road. Notification for Prior Approval for a Proposed Change of use of a building from office use (Class B1(a) to a dwellinghouse (Class C3) (PNCOU)

20/19 Planning Decisions


21/19 Appeal Decision: 18 Wiltshire Crescent

Members noted the decision of the Planning Inspectorate to dismiss the applicant’s appeal against Wiltshire Council’s decision to refuse planning permission to construct one pair of 2 bedroom semi detached houses on land adjacent to 18 Wiltshire Crescent.

22/19 Proposal to form a Neighbourhood Plan Working Group

Councillor Hubbard expressed a concern that Members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group were not necessarily fully appraised of the Town Council’s opinion on particular items raised at the monthly Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meetings.

It also was suggested it would be appropriate to invite Place Consultants to a future meeting to bring Members up to date on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan. Therefore, it was suggested this needed to be brought to a future meeting, to approve any potential costs associated with this.

It was asked if the Town Council representatives on this group would be prepared to provide any background information to Members on the Neighbourhood Plan, if requested.

Councillor Hubbard proposed, seconded by Councillor Welch, and

RESOLVED: To arrange working group meetings between the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group agenda being issued and the meeting, in order to appraise steering group representatives of the Town Council’s position on certain items that may arise on an agenda.

Page 69 3

23/19 Budget

Members were asked to consider any budgetary requirements to put forward for consideration in the 2020-21 budget discussions.

Members asked for the following to be considered:

 A separate planning training budget (2 Planning training sessions, 2 Economic Development were suggested).

 Costs associated with the new Economic Development Manager undertaking a Market Towns Survey

 Costs associated with taking the Town Vision, currently being produced, to the next level.

 A budget for the Economic Development Manager to attend events to promote Melksham.

 As the Town Council are hoping to engage with Wiltshire Council on the Local Plan Review, that monies be set aside for this.

It was agreed to circulate this list to all Members separately, to allow them to put figures against each suggestion and bring these back to a future meeting for discussion.

24/19 Town Guide

Members were asked to consider whether they wished for a more up-to-date Town Guide to be produced.

Several Councillors welcomed the provision of an updated guide that contained more history and heritage information on Melksham to hand out to visitors to the town.

Councillor Hubbard suggested the creation of a Melksham App that could be provided via a tablet and provided in various locations around the town.

Councillor Hubbard proposed, seconded by Councillor Illman, and

RESOLVED: That officers investigate the production of a Town Guide, with the inclusion of more history and heritage and the creation of a ‘Melksham’ App.

Page 70 4

25/19 Designation of BRAG Picnic Area as local green space in Seend Neighbourhood Plan

Members were asked to consider a request to support the designation of the Bowerhill Picnic area as local green space in the Seend Neighbourhood Plan, recognising the importance of the area to the local community and seeing it as a shining example of how a community coming together can improve its neighbourhood, build on its social capita and support community cohesion.

It was proposed by Councillor Welch, seconded by Council Hubbard, and

RESOLVED: To support the above request, as the Town Council strongly believe that the area should be recognised and protected and identified in the Seend Neighbourhood Plan as a ‘Local Green Space.’


26/19.1 Traffic Survey Request - Church Lane

Following speeding concerns of a local residents, Members are ask to consider a traffic survey request for Church Lane.

Members agreed to forward this request to CATG for consideration.

26.2/19 Traffic Survey Request - Granville Road

Following speeding concerns of a local residents, Members are ask to consider a traffic survey request for Granville Road.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Illman, and

RESOLVED: To contact the local Police to see if they have any evidence of speeding on Granville Road. Once a response has been received to place this on a future agenda for discussion and to potentially forward to CATG for consideration.

To contact the resident to ascertain a suitable location for a metro count, should one be approved.

Meeting Closed at: 8.10 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 71 5

Page 72 6 Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Economic Development & Planning meeting held on Monday 30th September 2019 in the Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Cllr T Watts (Vice-Chair) Cllr J Hubbard Cllr H Illman Cllr KIles Cllr G Mitcham Cllr M Pain Cllr M Sankey Cllr T Welch

OFFICERS: Committee Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 3 members of the public were present (including Councillors Baines and Glover, Melksham Without Parish Council)

Mr Paul Johnson, TransWilts attended the meeting to make a presentation on the plans for Melksham Railway Station.

Mr Johnson went through all the phases for improvements to the station and the various issues which needed to be overcome and informed the meeting in order to complete Phase 2 more funding was required and planned to apply for grant funding in the new year.

Mr Johnson stated the Town Council had previously supported the group, by providing grants and asked if there was any possibility for match funding for the next financial year.

Members thanked Mr Johnson for his presentation and asked various questions with regard to funding and the way forward and whether the support of both the Town Council and Area Board would help make Wiltshire Council aware of the importance of the project and to make appropriate funding available within their budgets.

It was noted that as part of the A350 improvements that flowerbeds would be installed on the splitter island adjacent to the station, therefore, it was asked if the station would be prepared to add more planting to their site in order to enhance the area even further.

1 Page 73

27/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Westbrook with Councillor Jeffries substituting.

28/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

29/19 Minutes

Councillor Watts asked that the minutes relating to item 23 regarding the Budget be amended as follows: ‘as the Town Council are hoping to engage with Wiltshire Council on the Local Plan Review, that monies be set aside for this. ‘

The minutes of the meeting held on 9 September 2019, having previously been circulated with the above amendment, were approved and signed as a correct record by the Chair, Councillor Watts.

30/19 Neighbourhood Plan

30.1/19. Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes

With regard to the Local Plan Review, which was discussed at the Neighbourhood Plan meeting on 4 September, Councillor Watts proposed Melksham Town Council write to the Local Plan Review team leader at Wiltshire and relevant Cabinet Member, stating firmly that the Town Council are not satisfied with the responses received from officers following approaches by the Neighbourhood Steering Group. That Melksham Town Council and Melksham Without Parish Council must be involved in detailed discussions regarding strategic policies which affect the Melksham area, particularly if Melksham is expected to take several thousand more houses. Melksham Town Council seek a plan for the Melksham area, to be jointly prepared by Wiltshire/Melksham Town Council/Melksham Without Parish Council, similar to the "Placemaking" plan prepared by Keynsham and BANES.

Councillor Hubbard proposed a friendly amendment, which was accepted that a representative from Council read out this statement at cabinet on 8 October.

Page 74 2 It was proposed by Councillor Watts, seconded by Councillor Hubbard and,

RESOLVED: To note the Steering Group minutes and to write the above letter to the Local Plan Review Team and for a Member of the Council to attend the Cabinet Meeting on 8 October to read out this statement. 30.2/19 Expenditure to Date

Noted. 31/19 Planning Decisions


32/19 Planning Applications

The Town Council had no objection to the following planning applications:

19/08532: Garages at Land West of 10 King Street. Demolition of existing garage blocks and erection of 3 new dwellings and associated landscaping.(Full Plan)

It was noted the access road to this site, was in a poor condition and it was unclear who owned this road.

There was also concern at pedestrian access to the rear of those properties in King Street from this access road.

It was proposed by Councillor Watts, seconded by Councillor Hubbard, and

RESOLVED: To forward No objection with the following conditions to Wiltshire Council: That the whole of the access road is surfaced with bitumen macadam to a suitable highway grade specification prior to the properties being sold.

That the whole of the access road be adopted by the owner/s of these properties. Any changes to this layout or site as a consequence of the development should not prevent pedestrian access to the rear of properties on King Street.

The access road be open at all times, even during construction to allow access for residents of the lane.

19/08646: 18-20 Bank Street. External alterations in relation to the

Page 75 3 Certificate of Lawful Development for the change of use of the upper floors from a bank to 2 flats. (Full Plan)

19/08747: 18 Kenilworth Gardens. Front porch and bathroom. (Full Plan)

Meeting Closed at: 8.15 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 76 4 Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Economic Development & Planning meeting held on Monday 21st October 2019 at 7.00pm in the Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Councillor A Westbrook (Chair) Councillor T Watts (Vice-Chair) Councillor J Hubbard, Town Mayor Councillor S Brown Councillor KIles Councillor G Mitcham Councillor M Pain Councillor M Sankey

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Welch

OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk Mrs Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 2 members of the public were present.

32/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Illman with Councillor Jeffries substituting.

33/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

34/19 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 30 September 2019, having previously been circulated were approved and signed as a correct record by the Chair, Councillor Westbrook.

35/19 Planning Applications

The Town Council had no objection to the following planning applications:

19/09037: 83 King Street. Single storey rear extension & extension to

1 Page 77 existing outbuilding. (Full Plan)

19/09073: 10 Woodstock Gardens. Two storey extension. (Full Plan)

19/09045: 7 Church Walk. Change of windows from timber to aluminium. (Full Plan)

19/09394: 7 Church Walk. Change of windows from timber to aluminium. (Listed Building Consent)

19/09281: 3 Littlejohn Avenue. Erection of 1 dwelling and extension to existing dwelling. (Full Plan)

Members had no objection to this application, subject to the Planning Officer being satisfied the application overcomes the reasons for refusal of the previous application (19/03284), relating to Core Policy 57 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy and section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Councillor Fiorelli arrived at 7.25pm

36/19 Planning Decisions

The following planning decisions were noted:

19/03879: Roundponds Farm, Shurnhold. Minor material amendment to the battery storage facility, including increase in battery containers on site and associated layout updates. (Full Plan) – Approve with Conditions

19/07049: Eastbrook House, 375 Longleaze Lane. Roof extension with car port. (Full Plan) – Approve with Conditions

19/07225: 4 The Bramblings. Retention in fence in new location adjacent to previous fence of the same height and design. (Full Plan) – Approve with Conditions

19/07624: 54 Avon Road. Single storey rear shower room extension. (Full Plan) - Approve with Conditions

19/07927: Hunters Wood. 2 free standing V signs; 2 flags. (Advertisement) – Approve with Conditions

19/08245: Crown House, Market Place. T1 – Fell Walnut tree due to clients concerns that tree is too close to building, allowing squirrels to jump onto roof and creating excessive shading. (To refuse)

Page 78 2 37/19 Neighbourhood Plan

37.1/19 Steering Group Minutes

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group minutes of 25 September 2019 were noted.

37.2/19 A350 By-Pass

Councillor Watts explained at the Steering Group would write to Wiltshire Council to advise them their preferred option was route C. It was suggested that the Town Council and Melksham Without Parish Council do the same.

Support was requested from Members to write to Wiltshire Council and the Western Gateway Sub National Transport Body objecting to route A and B but supporting option C, being the only actual by-pass route proposed.

It was proposed by Councillor Watts seconded by Councillor Hubbard, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, it is the Town Council’s policy, as long as sufficient mitigation is provided to the communities, environment and wildlife in/close to any route, that the Town Council supports a full by-pass as indicated by route C outlined in the business case submitted to the Department of Transport in July 2019 and to write to Wiltshire Council and the Western Gateway Sub National Transport Body accordingly.

37.3/19 Expenditure to Date

To note expenditure to date on the Neighbourhood Plan.

38/19 Trees

38.1/19 Melksham House & St Michael's Church

Councillor Iles as Chair of Melksham in Bloom had asked if the trees within the grounds of Melksham House could have Tree Preservations placed on them due to their historic and environmental value. Both Melksham Town Council ‘s Tree Wardens supported the request for TPOs on the existing and remaining trees at Melksham House grounds. The Tree Wardens had also requested that the ancient healthy yew trees in St Michael and All Angels Church grounds were also considered for TPOs.

Page 79 3

Councillor Watts noted that the grounds of Melksham House were currently the subject of a planning application, therefore TPOs could not be applied for at present and suggested the Town Clerk speak informally to Wiltshire Council officers to see what could be done to protect trees on this site.

The Town Clerk suggested the Environment Working Group could undertake a town wide tree survey, drawing up a list of those which warranted TPOs being placed on them. Members supported this suggestion.

38.2/19 Tree Planting Budget

Councillor Watts explained the Environment Working Group were looking at lots of issues including additional tree planting and at the same time seeking permission from Highways and other landowners. He requested that Members consider recommending to the Asset Management Committee the £4000 monies in earmarked reserves (green spaces) budget be allocated towards tree planting.

A concern was raised that various projects had recently been approved, against varying budgets, therefore a word of caution was expressed that some of the monies above may have already been allocated elsewhere.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Watts, and

RESOLVED, subject to confirmation from the Town Clerk that £4000 was available from the green spaces budget in earmarked reserves, that a recommendation be made to the Asset Management Committee, that any remaining monies in this budget be allocated towards tree planting.

It was suggested that an extra ordinary meeting of the Asset Management Committee take place on Monday, 4 November 2019 to discuss the recommendation.

38.3/19 Tree Preservation Order - Crown House

Members noted that to safeguard the visual amenity and character of the area Wiltshire Council had applied for a Tree Preservation Order for a walnut tree located to the rear of Crown House.

Page 80 4 39/19 Melksham Campus

Councillor Watts had asked that this item be placed on the agenda stating whilst the Town Council had not objected to the campus project planning application on 30 September, there were aspects of the project which were a cause for concern, including the felling of two trees and the relocation of one listed gate post.

Councillor Watts explained whilst it was proposed to fell two trees, one was in a poor state and needed felling, however, the other a Lawson Cypress still had some life left and wished to see it retained.

Councillor Watts also expressed concern at the relocating of one pillar adjacent to a fire door of the Assembly Hall, as well as the impact this pillar could have, being so close to the Assembly Hall on any future plans for the building.

It was proposed by Councillor Watts, seconded by Councillor Westbrook, and

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be tasked with arranging an informal meeting, which Members should be invited to, with the Wiltshire Council Campus Project Team to discuss retaining the Lawson Cypress tree and alternative arrangements for relocation of the gateposts.

40/19 CATG Requests

40.1/19 Dropped Kerbs - Old Broughton Road

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Westbrook, and

RESOLVED, to recommend to the Community Area Transport Group that two dropped kerbs be installed either side of ‘The City’ junction with Old Broughton Road, stating the Town Council would be prepared to contribute up to 50% of the costs, if necessary in order to get the work done.

Meeting Closed at: 9.00 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 81 5 This page is intentionally left blank Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Economic Development & Planning meeting held on Monday 11th November 2019 in the Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Councillor T Watts (Chair) Councillor A Westbrook (Chair) Councillor T Watts (Vice-Chair) Councillor J Hubbard Councillor H Illman Councillor S Brown Councillor K Iles Councillor G Mitcham Councillor M Pain Councillor M Sankey

IN ATTENDANCE Councillor C Jeffries

OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk Mrs Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: No members of the public were present.

41/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from the Chair, Councillor Westbrook who would be arriving late. Therefore, Councillor Watts took the Chair.

42/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

43/19 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 21 October 2019, having previously been circulated were approved as a correct record and signed by the Vice Chair, Councillor Watts.

Councillor Westbrook arrived at 7.02pm

44/19 Planning Applications

The Town Council had no objection to the following planning applications:

1 Page 83

19/08700: 52 Lowbourne. Detached Double Garage. (Full Plan)

19/09350: 50 Lowbourne. Crown reduce Magnolia Tree (T1) by 50% and unspecified tree; remove one branch. (Works to Trees in Conservation Area).

19/09936: 2 Tower Road. Provide dropped kerb to form vehicular access. (Full Plan)

19/09963: Land East of Spa Road. Variation of condition 6 on 18/04644/REM to allow for changes to the layout, house types and removal of some garages. (Variation)

19/09972: 29 Crescent Road. First Floor Rear Extension. (Full Plan)

19/10110: 2 Barnwell Road. Demolish garage and storage, erect 3 bed detached property. (Full Plan)

Members objected to the following Planning applications:

19/08904: 45 Roundpond. Proposed 3 bedroom ‘Eco’ family home. (Full Plan)

Members objected to this application on the grounds of overdevelopment of the site.

19/09963: Land East of Spa Road. Variation of condition 6 on 18/04644/REM to allow for changes to the layout, house types and removal of some garages. (Variation)

Members objected to this application on the following grounds:

 Lowering of design with the removal of bay windows from some house types and the impact this will have on the street scene.  The impact the removal of garages will have with on street parking.  Impact on the street scene.

45/19 Planning Decisions

Members noted the following planning decisions:

19/06915: Melksham House. 27 Market Place. Clubhouse for tennis players and boundary fence (revised location) – Approve with Conditions

Page 84 2 19/08532: Garages at Land West of 10 King Street. Demolition of existing garage blocks and erection of 3 new dwellings and associated landscaping – Refuse

19/08643: 18-20 Bank Street. Change of use from a bank (use class A2) to a mixed use of bank and two flats (flats to be situated on first floor) Certificate of Lawfulness Prop use – Approve

19/08646: 18-20 Bank Street. External alterations in relation to the Certificate of Lawfulness Development for the change of use of the upper floors from a bank to 2 flats. – Approve with Conditions

19/09089: 4 Ferris Grove. Proposed Rear Conservatory. Certificate of Lawfulness – Approve with conditions.

46/19 Melksham Campus

46.1/19 Campus Site Meeting - 6 November 2019

Councillor Westbrook informed the meeting that several Members had met with representatives of the Wiltshire Council Campus Team at Melksham House to discuss the removal of 2 trees near the entrance and the repositioning of one of the entrance pillars.

Councillor Westbrook updated members with the outcome of the site meeting, regarding the removal of the 2 trees and repositioning of one of the pillars and felt this was a positive meeting.

Members felt that the removal of the trees had to be managed with Wiltshire Council and it would be important to keep members of the public informed via the local press explaining why this was happening and by whom, and that whilst two trees were to be removed several more trees would be planted elsewhere on the site in order to mitigate against the loss of these trees.

46.2/19 Notification of Strategic Planning Committee Meeting - 13 November 2019

The Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard explained he would be attending the meeting as a Wiltshire Councillor and would be happy to make a statement on the Town Council’s position.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, seconded by Councillor Hubbard and

RESOLVED: that the Town Clerk prepare a statement for the Town

Page 85 3 Mayor, stating whilst the Town Council support this application and were grateful to the campus team for meeting representatives of the Town Council on site to discuss their concerns and that discussions would continue with regard to the future of Melksham House and the Blue Pool. The statement prepared by the Town Clerk read as follows:

The Town Council are delighted that the campus will be built, but are disappointed that mature trees are being lost. However, we do accept and understand the reasons for their removal and the Town Council was pleased to hear about the mitigation Wiltshire Council is taking by replanting new trees. The Town Council would very much like to work with Wiltshire Council on all developments on the site, including Melksham House, so that the Town Council is fully informed about what is happening as well as the plans for the Blue Pool, which will affect the Town Council’s redevelopment of the Assembly Hall.

47/19 Proposed Works to Town Bridge

Correspondence had been received from Julian Haines, Bridge Engineer, Wiltshire Council regarding proposed works on the Town Bridge to install additional kerbing and pedestrian railings. They were seeking the Town Councils’ view on options for traffic management.

Councillor Sankey felt having one way traffic could be useful if put in an outward bound direction it might even improve traffic flow in Union Street.

It was noted Councillor Wiltshire had enquired whether the bridge could be cleaned at the same time.

The Town Clerk informed the meeting that she had enquired whether the cleaning of the bridge could take place at the same time as the traffic works were in place.

Wiltshire Council’s bridge engineer advised that given the type of stone involved he would not support this course of action, which is subject to listed building consent, adding that the Conservation Officer would also not support an application to clean the bridge. He went on to advise that the recent strengthening works had used concrete and the result of cleaning the bridge would leave a stripy appearance and it would be very stark. The Town Clerk referred to the cleaning bath stone report, supporting the bridge engineer’s views.

The Town Clerk confirmed that this response would be communicated to Councillor Wiltshire.

Page 86 4 It was proposed by Councillor Sankey, seconded by Councillor Illman, and

RESOLVED: to inform Mr Haines the Town Council would prefer a Temporary one way Traffic Order. With traffic being allowed to flow in a northbound direction out of town.

With regard to the cleaning of the bridge it was agreed not to support this request, given the advise of the bridge engineer.

48/19 Wiltshire Council: Notice of Variation of Charges for Off Street Parking

Notice of Variation of charges with regard to residents permits (where offered) had been received from Wiltshire Council and circulated as part of the agenda pack.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Tony Watts, and

RESOLVED: to write to Wiltshire Council stating the Town Council vigorously object to the increase in parking charges for residents permits, as residents should be treated more fairly. It could also mean residents parking on the street instead which would have an impact on the highway.

49/19 Planning Local

Members noted the information contained within this document.

50/19 Temporary Road Closure - Xmas Fayre

Members noted the information contained within the road closure documentation for the Xmas Fayre being held on Saturday, 7 December 2019.

51/19 Temporary Road Closure - Lower Woodrow and Forest Road

Members noted the information contained within the road closure documentation.

52/19 Waiting and Parking Requests

Correspondence had been received from Wiltshire Council seeking any waiting and parking restriction requests prior to the 31 January 2020 deadline.

Councillor Pain raised a concern that members of the public were parking in the taxi rank outside Lloyds. As this is an enforcement issue, it was suggested to contact Wiltshire Council to ask that enforcement action take place. The Town Clerk to write to Wiltshire Council to ask that enforcement action takes place in this area of town.

Page 87 5 Proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Watts, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, the Town Clerk write to all Members inviting them to submit any suggestions for waiting and parking requests in time for a response before the 31 January 2020 deadline.

53/19 CATG/Highway Matters

53.1/19 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday, 17 October 2019

The following issues were discussed at the CATG meeting:

Issue: 9-19-2 Snarlton Lane - Request for safety features at crossing point

It was noted at the meeting that Highways were requested to produce an estimate for warning sign ‘children playing’ and coloured high friction surface at the crossing point at the rear of Forest & Sandridge School into Snarlton Lane, due to the poor visibility and safety concerns.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, seconded by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, and

RESOLVED, to inform CATG the Town Council will contribute a third of the costs for these safety measures to be installed up to a limit of £1000.

Issue 9-19-3 No Access to Snarlton Farm Signage

It was noted CATG had agreed to recommend to Area Board that this issue be added to the priority list with an allocation of £100.

Issue 9-19-4 – Bath Road/Union Street: Request for bollards to prevent vehicles crossing the footway.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Watts, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, to authorise the Town Clerk to organise planters up to £5000 (including installation costs) to be installed to stop vehicles parking on this area following advice from Highways on appropriate locations.

Issue 6988: Union Street – road safety concerns.

Page 88 6 The Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard explained Highways were preparing a briefing note for the Town Council to use to consult residents and businesses on Union Street on this matter.

6048: Bus Shelters

It was noted a recommendation had been made at the CATG meeting that the current bench in Lowbourne could be relocated elsewhere.

Members felt it was appropriate that this bench stay at this location and to inform Highways.

53.2/19 Temporary Speed Indicator Devices

The Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard explained he had meet with a representative of Wiltshire Council regarding the new SID rules and discussed the possibility of having permanent ones installed and would bring a motion to Full Council for consideration. 53.3/19 Installation of Bollards Church Street

A request had been received from a resident for bollards to be installed outside their property in order to stop delivery vehicles parking on the pavement, making it difficult for them to exit their property on occasion, as well as causing traffic congestion.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Illman, and

RESOLVED, to seek advice from a Highways Engineer prior to undertaking a consultation (which could include enforcement), with residents and businesses in Church Street and to put an article in Melksham News seeking people’s views. 53.4/19 Lowbourne - Request for Speeding Restrictions

A local resident had written to the Town Council requesting speeding restrictions on Lowbourne following concerns of speeding on this stretch of road.

Whilst noting and having sympathy with the suggestions made in the resident’s letter, it was noted they did not adhere to currently highway regulations. However, it was noted that enforcement was already taking place, therefore, it was

Proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by

Page 89 7 Councillor Westbrook, and

RESOLVED, to write to the Police Sector Inspector to urge that enforcement is carried out in this area and to put out a press release to say what action the Town Council were taking.

To request to CATG that school flashing signs are installed warning drivers to slow down. It was suggested these should be on both sides of the road, one adjacent to the Library and one on Sandridge Road on the approach to Rivermead School.

To write to the resident concerned to thank them for their letter to advise them that the Town Council are looking at options and will get back to them in due course, once this research is complete.

Meeting Closed at: 8.40pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 90 8 Agenda Item 10.4

Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Asset Management meeting held on Monday 7th October 2019 in the Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Councillor J Hubbard (Chair) Councillor V Fiorelli (Vice-Chair) Councillor T Watts Councillor K Iles Councillor S Brown Councillor G Mitcham Councillor P Aves Councillor M Sankey Councillor C Jeffries

OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk Mrs Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 1 member of the public present.

12/19 Apologies

No apologies were received.

13/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

14/19 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 5 August 2019, having previously been circulated were approved and signed as a correct record by the Town Mayor and Chair, Councillor Hubbard.

15/19 Budget Requirements for 2020/21

A report containing suggested budgetary requirements was circulated at the meeting.

It was an aspiration that the grounds team would take on more grass cutting responsibilities. The Town Clerk informed the meeting consideration was being given to the capital equipment required for inclusion in the budget following a cost benefit analysis.

1 Page 91

It was noted the £1000 budget for electricity seemed low. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that investigations had been made into this cost centre and adjusted accordingly to a more realistic amount.

With regard to public toilets. The Town Clerk confirmed that, Melksham Without Parish Council’s 3 year agreement to split the cleaning costs had come to an end. They were currently looking at continuing the arrangement.

A request for the following budget items was made:

£5000 towards tree planting. It was noted that monies had been received from Sainsburys some years ago, which had been allocated towards tree planting. The Town Clerk agreed to investigate this.

Following a suggestion that any lightbulbs when required be replaced with LED ones in future, the Town Clerk suggested the new Amenities Manager could undertake an energy efficiency survey of both the Town Hall and Assembly Hall once in post.

With regard to costs associated with a replacement Speed Indicator Device, Councillor Hubbard explained he had discussed the possibility of having replacement SID devices throughout the town and had spoken to the Highway Engineers about this and was currently looking into costs, which would be presented at a future meeting.

With regard to toilet cleaning it was asked if there was sufficient monies within the budget for this. The Town Clerk explained she anticipated the same contractor for the Market Place toilets would undertake the cleaning of Bath Road toilets, so there could be some economies of scale.

Councillor Mitcham asked if Church Street toilets would be opened in due course. It was agreed an item be placed on a future Finance Working Group meeting that consideration be given to investigate the costs associated with opening these toilets.

16/19 Floral Planting/Street Furniture

Following a recent Working Group meeting, outlining the following:

 Installation of barrier planters of the Queen Mary Garden railings  Improvements to the War Memorial  Installation of Tiered Planters  Maintenance of the flowerbed outside the Masonic Lodge, Church Street

The Town Clerk explained that over the Winter she would be asking the groundsmen team to undertake an audit of existing planters and suggestions for

Page 92 2 additional planters, following advice from the Highways Team on suitability of locations. With a fully costed report being brought back to the December meeting.

With regard to the planters on the railings, the Committee Clerk advised the meeting that since the report had been issued the grounds team had managed to source some secondhand ones at minimal cost.

Discussion ensued on whether having these installed would detract from the garden itself, therefore a suggestion was made these could be installed for a year before making a decision on whether to make these a permanent fixture during the Summer months.

With regard to improvements to the wall memorial, it was explained the flowers in the horseshoe bed over the years had failed to thrive, the wall was also in need of repair, therefore, a suggestion had been made to ‘cap off’ this off this section with concrete.

A suggestion was made that some seating could be installed within the wall.

The Town Clerk suggested that Soldier Silhouettes could be installed in this area if the Town Council like the idea.

With regard to the flowerbed outside the Masonic Lodge in Church Street, it was noted asset transfer negotiations would be starting with Wiltshire Council next year, which would include this area.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Iles and

RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk work with a stonemason to repair the war memorial wall and investigate the possibility of including seating within it and bring back the findings to a future meeting.

17/19 Road Closures

The Community Engagement Officer had produced a report, outlining the cost of purchasing various traffic management signs and barriers required for events held within the town.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Fiorelli, and

RESOLVED: To authorise the Town Clerk to use £1100 within the Remembrance Sunday budget to buy the necessary equipment in order to be compliant this year and to bring back to committee in the next financial year, if more equipment was required.

Page 93 3 18/19 St Michael's Church

The Town Clerk explained she had met with Reverend Barry Blackmore prior to his departure from St Michael’s & All Angels Church to go through various issues regarding trees in the closed churchyard.

It was noted that some of the issues within the report would come under the maintenance budget, however, the Clerk did suggest an increase in the budget for 2020-2021.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor, and

RESOLVED to note the recommendations within the report, bearing in mind necessary permissions to proceed with undertaking some of the actions required.

19/19 Shurnhold Fields

The Town Clerk explained whilst there was over £90,000 in Section 106 monies for this joint project with Melksham Without Parish Council, this was for maintenance only. Therefore, the Town Clerk was seeking approval from the Town Council to contribute half the £1654.24 (ex VAT) costs, to come from the Green Spaces budget.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Aves, and

RESOLVED to contribute £827.12 towards this cost of purchasing this equipment.

20/19 Splitter Island, Bath Road

The Town Clerk informed the meeting the scheme for the splitter island had approval from Wiltshire Council and a standard licence had been issued, which required the signature of Knorr Bremse and the Town Clerk.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Aves, and

RESOLVED that the Town Clerk sign the agreement on behalf of the Town Council and proceed with the matter in order to get Knorr Bremse to sign the agreement also.

21/19 Bus Shelters

Councillor Hubbard informed the meeting it had previously been agreed to purchase two bus shelters, one for Lowbourne and one for Church Lane, unfortunately, the chosen shelters were no longer available. Mark Standsby, Highway Engineer had sourced alternative designs for Members approval at a cost of £10,700.

Page 94 4 It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Aves, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to approve the alternative bus shelter designs at a cost of £10,700, with the costs being allocated out of the Street Furniture budget in Earmarked Reserves.

22/19 Confidential Session

RESOLVED, that given the confidential nature of the following items, that members of the public and press be excluded from the meeting.

23/19 Methuen Avenue Play Area

Correspondence had been received from the Town Council’s solicitors regarding the draft lease relating to Methuen Play Area, informing the Town Council the land, is subject to an option and as a result the landowner wished to be able to end the lease on one months’ notice, despite the lease having a term of 15 years.

It was noted as the Town Council’s previous arrangement over the land automatically renewed at the end of the previous term, the Town Council had security of tenure, therefore the Town Council had the right to renew the lease on the same terms as before.

Councillor Hubbard informed the meeting that Methuen was split into two areas, one being a play area, with the other used for recreation and felt it was particularly important to protect the play area for the community to enjoy.

It was noted the renewing of the lease had taken some considerable months.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Mitcham, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, in order to protect the play area in particular, it was agreed to renew the lease on the same terms as previously. To authorise the Town Clerk to appoint an appropriately qualified solicitor to complete the lease.

24/19 The Roundhouse

Councillor Iles declared an interest in this item.

The current tenant of the Roundhouse had written to the Town Council seeking a break in her tenancy clause to seek suitable alternative premises for her business.

It was proposed by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Aves, and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to agree to the request to break the lease.

Page 95 5 That the property be surveyed so that improvements could be made before re- letting the property

Meeting Closed at: 9.00 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 96 6 Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Asset Management meeting held on Monday 4th November 2019 at the Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Councillor J Hubbard (Chair) Councillor V Fiorelli (Vice-Chair) Councillor T Watts Councillor K Iles Councillor G Mitcham Councillor P Aves Councillor M Sankey Councillor C Jeffries

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor M Pain

OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk Mrs Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: One member of the public was present.

25/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Brown.

26/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

27/19 Minutes

The minutes of 7 October 2019, having previously been circulated were approved and signed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard.

28/19 Tree Planting

Following a request at a recent meeting that any monies in the Green Spaces budget be allocated to tree planting, the Town Clerk confirmed £4119.89 was available in the Green Spaces Earmarked Reserves.

It was suggested at a recent meeting that the Environmental Issues Working Group undertake a tree audit within the town and as part of this exercise they should look at suitable sites to plant new trees.

1 Page 97

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Pain, and

RESOLVED, that the £4119.89 from the Green Spaces Earmarked Reserve is allocated towards tree planting and that the Environmental Issues Working Group investigate suitable locations within the town to plant trees and bring back proposals to this committee.

29/19 Property Valuations

It was proposed by Councillor Sankey, seconded by Councillor Watts, and

RESOLVED, to approve the recent property valuations undertaken and that they are included in the insurance schedule.

30/19 Closed Session

RESOLVED, that given the confidential nature of the following item, that members of the public and press be excluded from the meeting.

31/19 Unit 3, Venture House, Bowerhill

The Town Clerk informed the meeting the sub lease on this property was due for renewal on 27 November 2019 and sought guidance from Members on how they wished to proceed.

It was proposed by the town Mayor, Councillor Jon Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Sankey, and

RESOLVED, to delegate to the Town Clerk that in the event any outstanding arrears are paid in full within the next week to extend the sub lease for a maximum of 12 months, otherwise not to enter into a further lease.

Meeting Closed at: 8.55 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 98 2 Agenda Item 11.1

Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the HR Sub Committee meeting held on Tuesday 17th September 2019 in the Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Cllr J Hubbard (Chair) Cllr H Illman (Vice-Chair) Cllr C Andrewes Cllr V Fiorelli Cllr M Pain

IN ATTENDANCE Cllr P Aves Cllr S Brown Cllr K Iles Cllr C Jeffries Cllr M Sankey Cllr T Watts Cllr A Westbrook Cllr R Wiltshire Linda Rollason HR Adviser

OFFICERS: Linda Roberts

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 0 members of the public were present.

6/19 Apologies

No apologies received

7/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.

8/19 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 15th July having previously been circulated were signed by the Chair, Councillor Hubbard as a correct record.

1 Page 99 9/19 Staffing Review (HR Consultant Lynda Rollason will be attendance)

The appointment of the new Assistant to the Clerk, Patricia Clover was noted.

It was suggested that a consultant in engaged to carry out a buildings survey on all town Council owned Property with a view to creating a 5-10yr buildings maintenance schedule linked to a budget to aid budget setting.

The Town Clerk advised that the Economic Development Manager post would be re-advertised.

Members resolved to go into confidential session due to the sensitive nature of the business relating to staffing matters. Press and public were requested to withdraw.

10/19 Confidential Session

The recruitment of the Assistant to the Town Clerk was discussed and noted by members.

Confidential briefing paper of 13th September 2019 relates and was circulated separately to the Agenda.

Meeting Closed at: Time Not Specified

Signed: Dated:

Page 100 2 Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the HR Sub Committee meeting held on Thursday 7th November 2019 in the Committee Room Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Cllr J Hubbard (Town Mayor) Cllr C Andrewes Cllr M Pain Cllr A Westbrook

OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: No members of the public were present.

11/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from the Deputy Town Mayor, Councillor Illman and Councillor Fiorelli who was substituted by Councillor Westbrook.

12/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

13/19 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17th September 2019 having previously been circulated were signed by the Chair, Councillor Hubbard as a correct record.

14/19 Confidential Session

15/19 Report of the Town Clerk

The report of the Town Clerk was noted and the following decisions were made.

Committee Clerk

Members were pleased that a temporary Committee Clerk had been appointed to support the committee administration. The Town Clerk advised that they would have a handover with the current officer and remain in place until the recruitment process was completed. The Town Clerk added that the position had

1 Page 101 been advertised, that the closing date was 27 November and interviews scheduled for 3 December.

Economic Development Manager

Members were advised that a consultant had made an approach to the Town Clerk and offered their services. They were involved in a very similar initiative in Malmesbury and a key member of the Malmesbury Town Team. The Town Clerk advised that she would be meeting with them soon to discuss options. If the recruitment process was not successful this may be an alternate option and part of their role could be to assist in the recruitment of a permanent officer.

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Pain and

Unanimously Resolved if the consultant option was favoured that a plan would be brought back to the HR Sub Committee.

The Town Clerk advised that the role had been advertised again locally and nationally, adding that the organisation, Action for Town and City Centre Managers (ATCM) had agreed to advertise the role as we had not been successful last time.

It had been advertised, salary dependent on experience and Members were advised that a decision would be required at the appropriate time on the level of salary offered.

Amenities Manager

The Town Clerk advised members that she had been in touch with the Society of Local Council Clerks Consultancy Service who have offered the services of a highly experienced Operations Manager. In discussions with them the Town Clerk advised members that they could be brought in to carry out a critical analysis of the team, their working procedures and training needs, an assessment of their workload and whether further capacity was necessary to take on devolved services from Wiltshire Council, develop short term, medium term and long term work/maintenance schedules.

This would mean that the buildings maintenance and condition surveys would be carried out separately by a suitably qualified surveyor. With the ultimate goal for them to provide the council with a 5-10 year buildings maintenance schedule and budget. The Town Clerk was following up leads in this regard and would report back to the Sub-Committee. The Town Clerk advised members that both these pieces of work could be done well within the annual salary currently being budgeted. Once this work was completed the Council could then review the role of Amenities Manager.

Page 102 2

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Westbrook and

Unanimously resolved to approve the appointment of the consultant and buildings surveyor within a budget of no more than £25,000.

Amenities Team

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Westbrook and

Unanimously Resolved that the salary scales of the Amenities team is increased to scale pint 8 with the ability to move up to scale point 12 for further qualifications and successful performance in their roles.

Finance & Admin Officer

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Westbrook and

Unanimously resolved that the Finance & Admin Officer’s scale point is increased to be in line with the Committee Clerk’s points of 11-13.

Head Groundsman

It was proposed by Councillor Pain, seconded by Councillor Westbrook and

Unanimously Resolved to increase the scale point of the Head Groundsman within the range of 14-17 starting at 14.

16/19 To consider a full organisation salary review

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Pain and

Unanimously Resolved to carry out a full organisational review of salaries in twelve months when the new structure and new officers had been in post and settled into their roles. In the meantime the Town Clerk was to ensure that all staff were on sliding scales so training and good performance was incentivised by a progression in scale points.

17/19 Probation of the Town Clerk

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Westbrook and

Page 103 3

Unanimously Resolved to confirm the probation of the Town Clerk.

18/19 Town Clerk Appraisal

It was agreed that the Town Clerk’s appraisal would take place on Wednesday 4th December 2019 at 9.30am in the Committee Room of the Town Hall. All Members of the HR Sub Committee would be invited to attend.

Meeting Closed at: 8.45pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 104 4 Agenda Item 11.2

Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the King George V Sub Committee meeting held on Wednesday 18th September 2019 in the Melksham Assembly Hall Lounge

PRESENT: Cllr A Westbrook (Chair) Cllr S Brown Cllr T Watts Cllr K Iles Cllr C Jeffries Cllr T Welch

OFFICERS: Linda Roberts Town Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 2 members of the public were present.

21/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from Deputy Mayor Councillor Illman who was substituted by Councillor Welch.

22/19 Declarations of Interest

Councillor Welch declared an interest in Item 7: The proposals for the extension to the Adventure Centre Balcony.

23/19 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on the 15th August having previously been circulated were signed as an accurate record.

24/19 parkrun

At the request of the Chair this item was moved up the agenda to allow members of the public to speak. Colin Goodhind and Richard Southgate presented to councillors the current situation with what parkrun have achieved and regards to the parkrun storage. They have been able to secure long term storage at the Adventure Centre from December. The Council were thanked for their supported and appreciation for parkrun over the last 18months.

1 Page 105 It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, seconded by Councillor Watts and UNANIMOUSLY RESOVLED:

that the Town Council continues to fund the use of the storage container for parkrun for a period of two months to enable parkrun to continue to store their items until their new facility is available.

It was also noted that should the date for their move be changed that they keep the town council informed as notice will need to be given on the container.

25/19 Budget Update

Members discussed the budget and went through all items in detail.

It was noted that the Street Furniture was under budget. What remained would be used for installation costs once the permanent location of the items had been confirmed. The items had been used over summer. It was suggested that a meeting is held in KGV once the new pathway had been completed to decide the final location of the street furniture.

It was suggested that where possible when installing street furniture that grass is not removed and replaced with concrete rather that we maintain the green space in line with our environmental pledge.

It was suggested that a letter is sent to the donors of the £336 towards the Splash pad and that they are invited to attend a future event at King George V Playing Fields as guests of the Council.

It was also noted that there is no current budget for the works to the trees within King George V Playing Field and that whilst a tree survey had been done no prices had been sought for the costs to carry out works to the trees. Officers will need to investigate this and report back to the Council on these works and associated costs, and a budget line to be added.

It was noted that the resolution from the previous KGV Sub Committee meeting was that James Threlfall make contact with the Community Development Officer who will support the sourcing of external funding for the project and costs for Youth Work to support those using the Skate park. As yet no contact has been made. Officers will follow this up.

26/19 Play Areas

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook and seconded by Councillor Welch and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED:

Page 106 2 The nautical themed equipment purchased to replace the old paddling pool is moved to form part of the play equipment in Area C next to the Splash pad.

Councillors went on to discuss the budget and specification for the purchase of new equipment. Officers advised that additional funding was being sought on a match funding basis for both play areas A & C. It was suggested that sponsorship should be sought of individual items.

Members agreed that there had been sufficient consultation to date to enable concept designs of play equipment to be produced. Further consultation should take place once designs were produced. It was also noted that the play areas each had a separate target audiences.) This will also be considered as part of the brief for the Play Area designs.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, Seconded by Councillor Welch and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that:

A proposal go out to play providers for both areas A & C for a total budget of £100K. A suggested split of the budget of 60/40 be made. That designs are based on the current brief and that they include the transfer of the toddler equipment being placed next to the Splashpad. That the timescale for installation being March 2020.

27/19 Sensory Garden Update

An update was provided by officers. A planting scheme has been produced and agreed with MTC Groundsman/Horticulturalist. Planting will be started in selected areas prior to the hard landscaping taking place.

Quotes for hard landscaping had begun but the working group felt that local businesses may be willing to sponsor elements of the sensory garden. A meeting of the working group would be called to start approaching local companies for sponsorship of the hard landscaping and planting.

It was suggested that the October half-term would be a good time to plant bulbs and it would make a great community activity. Additional activities for the park over the half term were also suggested. Bulbs would be sourced and there may be donations from members of the public.

Officers will report back to council with updates on sponsorship and costings when received.

Clarification was sought on the Millennium Mosaic and whether it was being incorporated into the design. It was confirmed that the plan was to locate some of the more vulnerable mosaics to surround the base of the proposed water feature. Additional mosaics could be incorporated into the contrasting paving in

Page 107 3 the circular sensory areas. It was noted that match funding had been proposed for two additional mosaics to be done by local schools.

28/19 Adventure Centre

Councillor Welch declared an interest and abstained from this item.

Apologies were received from Kevin Bowerbank who had been unable to make the meeting but had asked officers to inform members on this item on behalf of the Adventure Centre.

The Adventure Centre are proposing an extension to their balcony onto the area adjacent to the river currently allocated on the Masterplan as a picnic area & additional Play Area C. The intention was to create a public performance space which would negate the need for a separate bandstand. The Adventure Centre would look to fund the proposed works and manage the use of the space moving forward.

It was suggested that it may be possible to speak with the Adventure Centre about exploring possibilities for the best use of the buildings within the park and whether a café may be better located there and other activities moved to the pavilion. Members agreed that this would be worth some initial conversations.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, seconded by Councillor Watts and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED:

That the proposal by the Adventure Centre for an extension to the balcony to create a performance space within KGV is welcomed and supported.

Meeting Closed at: 8.40 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 108 4 Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the King George V Sub Committee meeting held on Thursday 15th August 2019 in the Town Hall Market Place Melksham SN12 6ES

PRESENT: Cllr A Westbrook (Chair) Cllr S Brown Cllr G Mitcham

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor J Hubbard (Town Mayor) Councillor P Aves Councillor R Wiltshire Unitary Councillor J Seed Unitary Councillor P Alford Peter Dunford, Community Engagement Manager, Wiltshire Council Mr James Threlfall

OFFICERS: Linda Roberts Town Clerk Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: members of the public were present.

15/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Tony Watts.

16/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

17/19 Minutes

The minutes of the KGV Playing Fields Sub-Committee meeting held on 13 June, having previously been circulated were signed by the Chair, Councillor Westbrook as a correct record.

18/19 Skatepark - Proposed Extension

James Threlfall explained that whilst it was the intention originally to install a half pipe, but unfortunately due to lack of land available, this did not happen. However, due to the popularity of the skateboard park he had approached

1 Page 109 Wiltshire Council with a wish to expand the park to include one, thereby enhancing the offer available.

Councillor Seed advised Wiltshire Council were currently looking at funding streams and had approached several business for sponsorship, whilst being successful in securing some, there was still a shortfall in the funding requirement of £25,000.

Councillor Hubbard stated he would like to see additional funding put towards this project in order to fund additional youth workers to support youths using the facility.

Councillor Seed explained various support services were already attending the park on a regular basis.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, seconded by Councillor Brown, and

RESOLVED: That the Community Engagement Officer assists with fundraising for the additional equipment and youth worker support.

19/19 Disused Building

The Town Clerk explained she was working on a fee proposal with NVB to take the project up to Stage 3, planning permission, with a scheme being put before Members as soon as possible. Their advice had been not to demolish the disused building until planning permission has been granted for the new build.

The Town Clerk stated she hoped to get planning permission by September with building work taking place during Winter/Spring 2019/20, with any additional funding requirements being obtained from a Works Loan Board. Various funding options would be presented to Council in due course.

20/19 Play Equipment

The Town Clerk explained she had been looking at the various designs so far and felt they looked cramped and needed to be expanded, the Town Clerk had been in touch with several play providers regarding designs.

The Town Clerk stated she understood a quote had been received to move the play equipment from the bottom of the park to the new location and noted advice had been received not to move some of the older equipment.

The Town Clerk explained she felt it important that children were consulted on their views of what should be provided. It was noted that some consultation work had already been undertaken.

Page 110 2

Councillor Hubbard expressed a concern that there was no strategic overview regarding the budget for the KGV project and suggested that before going further with the project that Members have sight of a budget forecast for all aspects of the project.

A concern was raised at the condition of the dog walking area. It was agreed to make a request to the grass cutting contractors for them to tidy up the area.

It was proposed by Councillor Westbrook, seconded by Councillor Hubbard, and

RESOLVED: To undertake an analysis of all the remaining phases for KGV and what needs to be achieved. Officers were requested to provide estimate budgets against each project within the various phases and bring back to a Town Council meeting for discussion.

It was agreed that officers should research what consultation work has been undertaken, particularly with children and to decide whether any further consultation work is required.

Meeting Closed at: 7.00 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 111 3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 12.1

Melksham Town Council

Notes of the Leadership Model Working Group meeting held on Thursday 17th October 2019

PRESENT: Councillor P Aves Councillor V Fiorelli Councillor G Mitcham Councillor M Pain Councillor M Sankey Councillor T Watts

IN Councillor A Westbrook ATTENDANCE:

OFFICERS: Linda Roberts Town Clerk


Proposed by Councillor Fiorelli, seconded by Councillor Sankey and UNAMINOUSLY RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Watts as the Chair.


No apologies were received.


No Declarations of Interest were received.


The Town Clerk’s briefing was noted.


Councillor Pain’s paper was noted.


The example from Harpenden Town Council was discussed in detail with various amendments made to suit the model for the Town Council.


The Town Clerk is to prepare a protocol for a leadership model and present it to the next meeting of the working group which has been scheduled for Wednesday 6 November 2019 at 7pm.

It was also agreed that the Town Clerk prepare a press release to advise the community what the roles of a Leader and a Town Mayor will be.

Meeting Closed at: 9.00 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 114 2 Melksham Town Council

Notes of the Leadership Model Working Group meeting held on Wednesday 6th November 2019

PRESENT: Councillor V Fiorelli Councillor G Mitcham Councillor M Pain Councillor M Sankey Councillor T Watts Councillor A Westbrook

OFFICERS: Linda Roberts Town Clerk Patsy Clover Assistant to the Town Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: No members of the public were present.


Apologies were received from Councillor Aves who was substituted by Councillor Westbrook.


There were no declarations of interest.

10/19 NOTES

The notes of the meeting held on 17 October 2019, having previously been circulated, were approved.


Councillor Watts asked the Town Clerk to update Council with the amendments to the draft leader protocol following the meeting held on 17 October 2019.

At Councillor Watts’ suggestion, consideration was given to the general principles in the draft protocol in turn. It was suggested and agreed that several minor amendments to the draft protocol be made. Clarification was sought and given regarding the meaning of words and phrases in the draft protocol.

1 Page 115 A discussion then ensued regarding the process of appointing committee members, including the appointment of Mayor and the Deputy Mayor. It was agreed that the Town Clerk would produce a paper based on the system used by Calne Town Council, where Councillors expressed a preference for the committees they would like to serve on. The forms would be returned to the Town Clerk who would assign councillors according to their preferences and at the same time bearing in mind political balance. Discussion took place regarding the need for political balance and also having the most suitably qualified person in the role. Councillor Westbrook was not in favour of the using someone’s qualifications as a basis for selecting the committee they should sit on.

Consideration was given to the timing of the adoption of the leader protocol and the appointment of a leader.

The Town Clerk confirmed following a query from Councillor Pain that any decisions made regarding the draft protocol would be reflected in updated Standing Orders.

Councillor Sankey suggested that if the Town Council adopts the new leadership model at the meeting in November that the appointment could be made at the next Annual Meeting in May. Councillor Fiorelli responded that a Leader was needed asap, there is a lot of work to do.


The Standing Orders as amended by the Town Clerk to reflect the new leadership model were approved for recommendation to Full Council on 25 November 2019 subject to one or two typing and wording amendments.


The Town Clerk confirmed following a question from Councillor Pain that the Officer Member Protocol had been presented before and the Protocol was widely used by several Town Councils.

The protocol was recommended for Full Council on 25 November 2019.


It was recommended that the political balance policy would be put to Full Council on 25 November 2019.

Meeting Closed at: 9.05 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 116 2

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Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Finance Working Group meeting held on Monday 14th October 2019 at 7.00pm at Melksham Town Hall

PRESENT: Councillor J Hubbard (Chair) Councillor M Pain Councillor T Welch Councillor M Sankey

In attendance:

Councillor G Mitcham Councillor C Jeffries Councillor P Aves

OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk Mrs Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk

6/19 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Westbrook who was substituted by Councillor Sankey.

7/19 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

8/19 Notes

The notes of the working group meeting held on 15 July 2019, having previously been circulated, were approved and signed by the Town Mayor and Chair, Councillor Hubbard.

9/19 Draft Budget 2020/21

9.1/19 Summary Budget 20/21

The Town Clerk informed Members “we are at the beginning of the budget setting process and there would be a further opportunity to make suggestions and comments.

The Town Clerk informed the meeting the budget reflected the

1 Page 159 increases in staffing costs given the intention to employ additional staff within the Town Hall and Groundsmen team, including apprentices.

It was noted the first draft indicated a budget of £1,016,243 for 20200-21. However, the tax base was not yet known on which to base a Band D cost.

9.2/19 Assembly Hall

The following points were raised:

501: Assembly Hall Central Costs

4911: Electric; 4912: Gas and 4913: Water

It was unclear whether the water costs emanating from the Assembly Hall related to the Town Hall as well ie for water to water the plants around town.

It was agreed the Town Clerk would investigate whether the budgets allocated to gas and electricity were adequate and to make investigates on the source of water for the Assembly Hall.

1014: Pavilion – Tuck Shop

The Town Clerk explained the income from the Tuck Shop had been credited to the Assembly Hall budget.

The Town Clerk advised that a decision would be required from Council regarding the running of the Pavilion café.

It was agreed to place an item regarding the future of the pavilion onto the King George V Sub Committee.

1000: Income – Assembly Hall Lettings

A concern was raised that the income seemed low.

It was noted that some hirers may not be aware of events at the Assembly Hall, or that indeed it was remaining open until commencement of the campus.

It was agreed to make sure that all staff were made aware the hall would be available until at least 2022.

Page 160 2 510: Assembly Hall Events

4919: Films – Expenses and contract

It was noted that not many films were being shown.

It was agreed to place film offerings on a future Assembly Hall Sub Committee meeting agenda for discussion.

9.3/19 Asset Management

201: Town Hall

The following recommendations were made:

4101: Electricity

The Town Clerk advised that the Town Hall electricity budget could be reduced to £6000. It was currently showing £10,000.

1034: Income Town Hall Bookings

It was noted the projected income figure of £13,000 for room hire costs for 2020-21 seemed high, given the Committee Room was being converted into offices. The Town Clerk explained she was confident this figure was achievable.

202: Environmental Services

4000: Salaries ENI & Pension

The Town Clerk explained the salary budget to cover the additional grounds staff and a revision in the salary scale.

4153: Vehicle Running Costs

The Town Clerk explained replacement vehicles were being investigated. It was hoped that electric vehicles might replace some.

4156: Lease of Vehicles

The Town Clerk informed Members these costs had increased as there were requirements for a tipper truck to enable the grounds team to carry out their duties effectively and safely.

Page 161 3 1050: Grants Received

It was noted a £1500 grant had been received in 2018/19.

It was suggested the Town Council should take more opportunity to apply for grants.

205: Public Toilets

The Town Clerk explained the £30,000 allocated to this cost centre included both Bath Road Toilets and Market Place Toilets.

The Town Clerk agreed to advise Members what the breakdown of £30,000 represented, including utilities and business rates.

210: Corporate Properties

Roundhouse (4178 & 1042)

It was noted £1000 expenditure had been allocated to this property. It was explained that the current tenant wished to surrender their lease which had been agreed by the Asset Management Committee. Meaning there was an opportunity to refurbish the Roundhouse building and possibly include a toilet.

It was agreed the Town Clerk investigate costs associated with making the necessary improvements, including the installation of a toilet and bring back to a future meeting for discussion.

220: Play Areas and Open Spaces

It was agreed to include an amount in the budget for tree planting under this budget heading.

4157: Grasscutting

The Town Clerk explained these were the costs incurred using contractors.

4172: Prince of Wales Gardens

It was noted there was no budget allocated to this and concern was raised that it needed some maintenance work

Page 162 4 undertaken.

The Town Clerk agreed to speak to the grounds team about this and suggest a budget to cover it.

King George V Park

It was asked if the £10,000 allocated to the upkeep of the park and splashpad was sufficient.

The Town Clerk confirmed it was.

403 Town Development

4354 Parking Scheme

It was agreed to increase the budget from £250 to £1000 and for the Economic Development Manager, when in post, to investigate better ways of promoting the scheme.

4356 Highways Projects – CATG

It was agreed to reduce this budget from £7,500 to £5,000.

1023: Projects: SID Deployment

As discussions were currently taking place with Wiltshire Council on installing additional SID devices in the town, it was agreed to increase the £350 budget. Amount to be agreed.

9.4/19 Community Development

The following recommendations were made:

302: Projects

4031: Town Criers Competition

As no Town Crier competition would take place next year, remove it from the budget.

4081: Underpass

To increase this budget to £2,500.

It was agreed the following projects should be included in the 2020/2021 budget:

Page 163 5

 Tree planting  Age Friendly Project  Youth Support Worker/Scheme  9.5/19 Finance & Administration

101 Central Costs

4024: Equipment/Furniture

Given the Committee Room would shortly be converted into an office and extra equipment/furniture maybe required for existing offices, it was agreed the Town Clerk would investigate these costs and increase the £5000 allocated to this cost centre if necessary.

4026: Photocopier

The Town Clerk explained whilst £2,500 had been allocated to this cost centre, she would make investigations, as this could be reduced further, given a new lease agreement had been signed for a lower specification copier than previously leased.

4027: Telephone and Mobiles

The Town Clerk informed the meeting as a new VOIP phone system had been installed and new contract arrangements made. There would be cost savings going forward. The Town Clerk would check whether this year’s expenditure included the purchase of phones.

4040: IT Monitoring, Back-up/Support

It was noted £15,000 had been allocated to this budget, which seemed high.

It included the annual Mod.Gov fee and was agreed.


It was noted website was entered twice under cost centres 4307 and 4042.

4075: Training

The Town Clerk explained that all staff would undertake

Page 164 6 training, therefore the budget had been increased from £3,000 to £6,000 and that an increase was necessary for the additional staff.

4076: Health & Safety

It was noted whilst £2,500 had been allocated to this cost centre this year, so far it appeared no monies had been spent.

The Town Clerk felt monies had been spent against this, but could have been miscoded and investigations would be made.

115: Civic and Democratic

4060: Hospitality

It was agreed to remove this cost centre.

120 Capital Projects

4400: Capital Projects

Whilst £106,000 has been allocated to this cost centre, it was agreed to discuss capital projects at a future meeting.

151: Grants

4301: Grants

It was noted at a recent meeting TransWilts had asked if the Town Council would continue supporting them in their endeavours to make improvements to Melksham Railway Station by providing a grant next year.

The Town Clerk advised she had received a request for £3,500.

Members requested that a working group meeting just dealing with the grant funding budget would be useful.

10/19 Quarterly Management Reports

10.1/19 Budget Statement

The Budget Statement was noted.

Page 165 7 10.2/19 Monthly Financial Statement

The Monthly Financial report was noted.

10.3/19 Earmarked Reserves

The Earmarked Reserves were noted.

Meeting Closed at: 9.30 pm

Signed: Dated:

Page 166 8 Agenda Item 12.3

Melksham Town Council

Minutes of the Environmental Issues Working Group meeting held on Tuesday 24th September 2019

PRESENT: Councillor P Aves Councillor K Iles Councillor G Mitcham Councillor T Watts Councillor T Welch

OFFICERS: Committee Clerk

1/19 Appointment of Chair

Those present nominated Councillor Watts as Chair.

2/19 Apologies and Welcome

There were no apologies.

As Chair, Councillor Watts welcomed everyone to the first meeting of this group and explained he had drawn-up a suggested agenda for the meeting.

3/19 Terms of Reference of the Group

It was agreed that Councillor Watts would draw up suggested TORs for this group for adoption at the next meeting.

4/19 Membership of this Committee

It had been suggested at previous Council meetings that this group should include members of the public with a particular interest in environmental issues.

Whilst it was agreed both Annie Benham-Taylor and John Stewart, Town Council Tree Wardens should be invited to future meetings. It was agreed to defer membership of this group until the TORs had been agreed.

5/19 Tree Planting

Councillor Watt’s explained that consideration had started on suitable locations for new trees as part of the WW1 tree planting initiative and suggested a Tree Planting Policy needed to be considered for planting trees en mass in areas.

1 Page 167 Consideration also needed to be given to a policy on planting ornamental trees within the town centre.

It was suggested as the Town Council would be taking over management of various play areas from Wiltshire Council, there was a opportunity to look at tree planting in these areas, as well as other green spaces.

It was agreed that discussions needed to take place with Wiltshire Council on suitable locations, especially if adjacent to highways or on/in pavements. It was suggested it might be worth talking to Bill Parks and Chris Clarke.

6/19 Reduce Energy consumption of MTC Facilities/Equipment

The following suggestions were made in order to reduce energy consumption:

 Electric vehicles (It was noted discussion had already taken place about the possibility of replacing Town Council vehicles with electric ones in the future)

 Lighting. Investigate alternative energy efficiency lighting methods within the Town Hall.

 Boiler. Replace for more energy efficient one.

 Toilets. Replace in due course with more water saving models.

 Windows. When these need replacing to look at more energy saving options bearing in mind the Town Hall’s listed building status.

7/19 Zero Carbon Standards

It was suggested the Town Council look at zero carbon standards for future builds it manages, this would apply to:

 Assembly Hall  New building in KGV  Community Hall East of Melksham

It was agreed at a future meeting to prepare a recommendation to Full Council that they consider spending more in order that these buildings are ‘carbon neutral’.

8/19 Sustainable Procurement of consumables

It was suggested the following could be investigated in order to make them more sustainable:

Page 168 2  Soap dispensers.  Toilet Rolls  Tea Bags  Paper Towels

9/19 Waste Reduction and Recycling

It was noted that both the Town Hall and Assembly Hall staff already recycle the following:

 Glass  Tin  Paper  Cardboard

10/19 Use of Pesticides

It was noted the following policies had either been drawn-up recently or were in the process of being drawn up:

 Use of pesticides  Green Spaces  Environmental

It was agreed to bring these to a future meeting for the group to look at more closely.

11/19 Vehicle Pollution in the Town Centre

With regard to vehicle pollution it was suggested the Town Centre Vision currently being drawn-up could look at vehicle pollution throughout the town.

Meeting Closed at: 8.30 pm

Signed: Dated:

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Melksham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting

1 Swift Way, Bowerhill, Melksham

Date: Wednesday, 25 September 2019 Start: 6pm

Present Steering Group Members Officers

Cllr. Tony Watts (MTC) Teresa Strange (MWPC) Cllr. Richard Wood (MWPC) Lorraine McRandle (MTC) Cllr. John Glover (MWPC) Cllr Adrienne Westbrook (MTC)

ii. Community Representatives Mr Rolph Brindle (Transport) Mrs Shirley McCarthy (Environment) Mr Colin Harrison (Chamber) Mr Mike Sankey (Community) from 6.10pm

1. Welcome & apologies: Apologies had been received from Chris Holden, Wiltshire Cllr Phil Alford and Town Clerk Linda Roberts.

Also in attendance were Kate Lea and Vaughan Thompson from Place Studio.

2. Declaration of Interests There is a standing declaration of interest from Teresa Strange as a Trustee for Young Melksham.

3. Public Participation One member of public was in attendance who did not wish to speak.

4. Minutes of the last meeting: a) Agree minutes of meeting held 4th September 2019: RESOLVED: The minutes were formally approved and signed as an accurate record by the Chairman with the following amendment: Page 3 Min 6b amend from “original draft plan lacked expression of Melksham” to “original draft plan lacked a real sense of the nature of Melksham”.

AW clarified an issue that had arisen from the Minutes of the previous meeting (31st July) at a subsequent Town Council meeting; and confirmed that Melksham Town Council have Earmarked Reserves of £10,500 for the Neighbourhood Plan.

Mike Sankey joined the meeting at 6.10pm. 1 Page 177

b) Matters Arising: TS reported that Officers were delegated the task of resolving the issues with the website (Min 4b) and MTC had purchased the “.org” address the following morning. CH was now waiting for a reply from I Can who ultimately were making a decision on whether the original website address domain could be returned which was the preferred option.

5. Finance Report a) Current Budget: Expenditure to date was £28,272.23 with £15,574.11 being the amount paid between the two councils and £12,698.12 from grant funding.

b) Invoice: Place had not yet had time to produce the invoice as they had been doing a lot of work to get ready for tonight following Saturday’s Evidence Gathering Workshop. A detailed invoice would be raised, and would be no more than £3,500. RESOLVED: The invoice to be paid on receipt, to a maximum value of £3,500.

6. Place Studios (Katie Lea and Vaughan Thompson) a) Outputs from Evidence Gathering Workshop (Sat 21st September): KL explained that Place had presented a rough first draft of a Timeline on Saturday, and this was now to go to David Way, the Wiltshire Council planning link officer for his input. This had been produced to give the Steering Group a sense of when the Plan would be going out to consultation at Regulation 14 stage. This would be February, taking into account the evidence gathering work that is currently taking place and if any scoping for SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) was required for example. It covers the outline of work still required to be done, many of the tasks were happening concurrently such as the drafting of the Plan. The Timeline was a working document that would be shared, but needs input from David Way on timings for the tasks to be undertaken by Wiltshire Council. An SEA, if required, will be consulted on at the same time as the Neighbourhood Plan.

It was felt that Saturday’s workshop was an enjoyable and productive day. The groups looked at facilities, landscapes and views, green infrastructure and all the aspects that covered such as green spaces, rivers, public rights of way, cycle routes; and character and design. The groups recorded the assets, positive issues, trends and challenges coming forward and goals; all in a mapped form.

FACILITIES: The first stage is for the maps to be checked for accuracy and omissions; to fill in any gaps and to provide more details where there are queries raised. There is a briefing note for this section, which sets out the specific tasks needed and the deadline for the work to be completed is the end of October.

The originals from the workshop will be left with the officers, and a shared online file set up for the sharing of information between all moving forward.

2 Page 178 LANDSCAPE & CHARACTER ASSESSMENT: There were two maps provided this evening; one of landscapes and views and a landscape character map from the existing evidence that Wiltshire Council hold; this had been updated at the weekend at a local level, particularly with rural routeways.

KL explained that David Way had been very helpful in the run up to the Workshop in terms of detailing the evidence that Wiltshire Council are currently gathering for their own Strategic work and also in terms of providing mapping as other sources were proving to be an expensive option.

The landscape group identified where views were to and from, and now needed checking and photos taken to build the evidence. This is all set out in the briefing note, which requires a bit more technical evidence for the views; not overly complex but some guidelines to be followed to ensure consistency.

GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE: This group looked at public Rights of Way and TS had sent information subsequently such as key routes that they have already started mapping from the written form. This section also includes flooding areas, ancient woodland, tree planting strategies and a new map that starts to inform green infrastructure policy and the wider development strategy for the area. You can begin to start to see the early forms of the development plan.

CHARACTER & DESIGN: The Melksham Town map has been done, but the work done in the wider Without area at the weekend is still to be captured on the map. This shows pre-war, 20th century and 21st century housing; and then what/how people identify with their neighbourhood rather than its age or history. These maps need checking and Place are working on a brief to draw out the key features to influence future residential developments.

To sum up, for each of the 4 areas there will be a series of maps, and a brief with it with written task work or mapping requirements. These exercises to check and fill in gaps are the ideal opportunity to sit and review informally with other groups, such as ramblers and share the work being done.

There are some nice heritage assets in the town by the river for example, and this would be good to map and involve a historical group for example. There was also a discussion on Saturday about The Spa and an aspiration to have it classed as a conservation area, and there may be a way to do it by mapping it as a group of historical assets. Place will provide a toolkit for mapping locally valued heritage toolkits.

Place to discuss with officers and agree the best way for storing and distributing the briefs, information and plans, probably best by access to a shared drive with emailed links

TS explained that following the session on Saturday additional evidence had been sent to Place which included; review of polling stations (as important community venues), walking maps, public rights of ways priority routes, historic village green applications. TS shared the “grass cutting” mapping document. LMcR and TS had undertaken a wide community engagement exercise following advertising in the local paper and on social media and then met with all sorts of contacts such as a local vicar, community groups, representative from

3 Page 179 the nature reserve etc, and had undertaken a similar mapping exercise but with some really detailed local knowledge such as where the WI planted trees historically, where bats roost; where there are Christmas tree events and children’s informal routes to school etc. Place had photos of this mapping document, but the main hard copy to remain with the members at present for consulting. As the original use of this mapping document was to show Wiltshire Council’s grasscutting contract it already contained pretty much all the amenity space in the Plan area.

Task Groups: The following task group leads were reconfirmed, following the work undertaken at the weekend. FACILITIES: Adrienne Westbrook & John Glover


GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE: Richard Wood & Adriene Westbrook

CHARACTER & DESIGN: Tony Watts & Shirley McArthur, with the possibility of asking MWPC Councillor Alan Baines to join this group

STRATEGIC: Tony Watts & John Glover

TS reported that Broughton Gifford & Holt Explorers (about 15 young people aged 14-18 years) had contacted Wiltshire Council and had been filtered through to the parish and town council to see if there was any community work that they could do in the Melksham area. The Explorers were also from the Melksham area and had map reading skills etc and could be a good fit for the Landscape & Views work for example.

AW reminded members that there was a great community volunteer photographer, Linda De Santiz, whose photos were of professional quality and TS explained that another local photographer had also agreed for his photos posted on historic Melksham social media to be used for the Plan. b) Community Engagement: Vaughan Thompson explained that he has been progressing the evolution of the Plan whilst Katie and Georgina have been working on the evidence gathering tasks. VT had brought along to the last meeting an outline of draft content and structure for the Plan and is now working on importing the work already done to crystallise the priority policies already agreed. This will be brought to the next Steering Group meeting.

VT had also been putting some thought into the process relating to communications and engagement as the Plan moves towards its Regulation 14 consultation; to raise awareness of the importance and relevance of the Plan for the future of the Melksham area. This would be informally with key contacts within the community, and stakeholders. There is no time for a full consultation before going to Reg 14, but there is the opportunity to conduct some informal engagement with key people and organisations and for them to have an input. This is to ensure that the Plan is moving forward in the most robust and sound condition in terms of quality of information and policy direction at Reg 14 stage.

4 Page 180 VT referred to the Timeline and went on to explain that now and during October the team and Steering Group are working on gathering the best evidence base, and Place will concurrently be working on the Draft Plan, which will be a working document headed for November. He suggests that November would be a good time to do some communication/PR/publication about the Plan, to “reboot” it. The opportunity to explain why the Plan is being done, and how it fits in with the Local Plan, to explain the two staged process of a Plan to 2026 and then to 2036. Importantly, it’s the chance to set out what this Plan, at this stage, is covering and share the mapping/evidence base as working documents and how people can have an input at this stage. The aim is to get local people as informed as possible in November. This was envisaged to use the vehicles/routes used in the past; the local press, social media, events in venues and most importantly the website. The Steering Group had talked in the past about the need to keep local stakeholders and politicians involved, and November would be a good time to do this, perhaps with presentations to the town and parish councils; this could tie in with the evidence gathering work with specialist interest community groups which might be better by email communication as more content specific. So, for a 4-week period in November some feedback may be received in addition to the consultations undertaken before. The Steering Group may receive some rumblings of objections too, and these are better to be aired now and responses can be made.

December is the time to take the extra feedback and refine the Plan, and in terms of content is ready to go to Regulation 14. After Christmas is getting ready for the Regulation 14 process. KL explained that it was a formal process with lots of steps, and the parish and town councils will have to have a thought to their meeting cycles to ensure Plan approval before going out to the formal Reg 14. consultation. VT explained that he felt that the programme he had outlined gave a proportionate and appropriate amount of publicity and opportunity for informal input into the Plan.

It was clarified that the Steering Group weren’t seeking new views or topics, but seeking views on the topics and draft policies already in place – due to the timescales in place and to avoid consultation fatigue. Lots of consultation has been done over the last few years, and this is much more about engaging and informing of what the Plan is looking like and receiving comments on that content; looking for corrections and major omission and not new content topics.

RESOLVED: 1. The Steering Group to book a 2-page spread in the Melksham News for the 20th November issue, at an approx. cost of £450 2. The Steering Group to request to make a presentation at the next Area Board meeting to be held on 13th November. 3. Place to provide the content for the paper and presentation, with the next Steering Group meeting giving final draft approval. 4. Place Consultants to review the “Talking Heads” videos already prepared to promote the Plan and the Regulation 14 consultation.

VT did have a concern on meeting those timescales, and would discuss with his colleagues on his return to the office and review, but the officers to book the space and Area Board meeting in the meantime. c) Town Centre Strategy: KL reported that members of Place had met with consultants Townswork who were working on the Town Centre regeneration work for the Town Council. They felt that there were some areas of overlap, and Townswork had shared their

5 Page 181 contents page etc with Place, and they wished to do the same with the Neighbourhood Plan contents page etc with the blessing of the Steering Group. RESOLVED: The Steering Group are happy for the Contents report that the last Steering Group meeting reviewed, to be shared with Townswork.

VT felt that within the Neighbourhood Plan (2026) there was the opportunity to use some of the Town Centre high level objectives in the development strategy, which was crystallising before Christmas. It may also allow the Plan to develop a project for a Town Centre master plan or strategy, and gives the opportunity for some good, bespoke evidence for the Review Plan (2036) for economic development.

d) Local Plan Review: There is a planned Local Plan Review meeting on 1st October at Calne Library that representatives are attending, and this will have a rural housing focus (in a similar vein to the meeting held in the Town Hall in June which had a Melksham town focus). The agenda had been circulated which asks if attendees are happy with their plans for rural housing, but they will not reveal what that is until the actual session so it is hard to form a collective view beforehand; there would also be potential housing numbers revealed for villages. TS pointed out a Timeline in Wiltshire Council meeting packs from March and April which ran the Local Plan and Wiltshire Housing Site Allocation Plan alongside and which demonstrated that the Local Plan Review had already done their site allocation work during Q1 and Q2. Place Consultants had been asked for their steer to the reps attending the meeting on 1st October and their response was that the reps particularly asked about their process, programme and progress of the Local Plan review. To gain clarity of what they are doing and when; and when they will be releasing information that is relevant to Melksham in terms of evidence. It may be an opportunity for the reps to outline what the Steering Group are doing in terms of the Plan and be open and collaborative about gathering evidence, the topic headings etc. The aim to be an exchange of information. It was also noted that this session was not area specific, there were 3 sessions being held across Wiltshire and there would be a lot of parishes and towns represented. It may be useful to take the document from the “health check workshop” that outlined the topics that were in the Plan to 2026, in the Plan to 2036 and in the Local Plan. Town Councillors expressed the view that they did not see the point of them attending as the meeting had a rural focus and was not relevant to the town; their rural focus was Melksham Without. SMc commented that there would be more opportunity to discuss zero carbon options as the rural areas have a lack of mains gas and drainage. It was felt that the rural issues were important, but vastly different from the town issues. TW would prefer a much more targeted approach to Wiltshire Council about a specific meeting, and be more assertive in that request. VT felt that there was no problem with Wiltshire Council’s current level of engagement for the Neighbourhood Plan, and doesn’t see any harm in pressing them on their programme at the Local Plan Review meeting and if given the opportunity outlining what the Steering Group topics were for the 3 stages of the Plan (to 2026, to 2036, Local Plan). But did agree that it seemed silly that there was not more engagement with the Melksham Neighbourhood Plan that is emerging in the light of sizeable housing numbers in the Local Plan, and is treated in the same way as a small village.

7. Policy Requests: The Town Council requested that with the growing interest in tackling a Climate Emergency and the Government insulation standards lagging well behind what people want, that the Plan should push for a carbon zero standard in new housing. There were 3 to 4 comments in the evidence base about increased insulation standards and renewable energy. VT responded that

6 Page 182 one of the topic headings for the Plan would be “Responding to Climate Change: Tackling Climate Emergency” and that there was already existing policy content written on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Construction; a lot of narrative and evidence (nationally and internationally). It was acknowledged that the current Planning legislature was weak in these areas at present, but VT could see no reason why these policies could not be put into the Plan at this stage, that are “encouraging” – what you want to happen and why. It could be included in the Vision or the Headline Topic with encouraging/persuasive policies to back it up. KL added that it will also run through other topics as a theme, so in Green Infrastructure, and how people travel about in more sustainable modes of transport. It was discussed that this had been removed before, but it was felt that the policy may have included wording such as “must” and “insist” whereas these policies will encourage and persuade. RESOLVED: The Steering Group include encouraging policies on sustainable construction and renewable energy, to be as strongly worded as permitted.

8. Potential Melksham Bypass: Arising from Min. 6a from the last Steering Group meeting was a new agenda item to discuss the merits of the Routes A & C of the proposed Melksham Bypass.

RW gave the view of Melksham Without Parish Council. “Melksham Without Parish Council support an eastern bypass and of the two proposals currently on the table prefer Option C proving that sufficient mitigation is provided to the communities that will be in/close to its path.”

The Town Council representatives said that the Town Council also preferred Option C.

Both JG and RB suggested alternative routes at the Bowerhill/Seend end. RESOLVED: The Steering Group prefer Option C of the two routes proposed for the Melksham Eastern Bypass.

TW asked that the Steering Group write to Wiltshire Council and state that they prefer Route C and object to A and that the parish and town council do the same thing. RESOLVED: 1. The Steering Group write to Wiltshire Council and the Western Gateway and state that they prefer Option C and object to Option A. 2. Melksham Town Council and Melksham Without Parish Council be asked if they will do likewise.

7. Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday, 30 October at 1 Swift Way.

7 Page 183 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 19

Page 185 Page 186 Page 187 Page 188 Page 189 Page 190 Page 191 Page 192 Page 193 Page 194 Page 195 Page 196 Page 197 Page 198 Page 199 Page 200 Page 201 Page 202 Page 203 Page 204 Page 205 Page 206 Page 207 Page 208 Agenda Item 20 Notice of Motion – Support Age Friendly Initiative Full Council 25 November 2019

Full Council 25 November 2019

Notice of Motion Support the Melksham Age Friendly Initiative’s appointment of a Consultant to produce a 3-year action plan

Proposer: Cllr Jon Hubbard, Melksham South

Purpose of the report This proposal is asking the Town Council to make a financial contribution towards the cost of the appointment of a consultant to support the Melksham Age Friendly Steering Group to produce a 3-year action plan for developing the Age Friendly agenda in the town and surrounding villages.

Background Melksham was the first market town in the UK to successfully gain Age Friendly status.

The project has been led by the Melksham Area Board and there have been a number of projects undertaken such as the Community Benches scheme as well as the thematic Area Board Meetings.

The project has support from not just the Area Board but also from the Melksham Seniors Forum and other community groups.

Current Situation The Age Friendly Steering Group are keen to progress the work in the town and surrounding villages by developing a 3 year Age-Friendly Action Plan and the identification of resources to ensure the future sustainability and impact of the programme.

The project brief has 5 components:

1. Research and collation of all consultation outcomes to date, including relevant strategies and associated implementation plans and delivery reports, as relevant to the domains of the Age Friendly framework and the wishes of local stakeholders

PagePage 1 of 3209 Notice of Motion – Support Age Friendly Initiative Full Council 25 November 2019

2. An evaluation of current management arrangements and recommendations to build a collaborative multi-agency approach across the public, private and voluntary sectors locally to take forward this work

3. An investigation of the funding environment and opportunities to resource this programme of work on a sustainable basis

4. Engagement and consultation with stakeholders through events, surveys and other methods, as appropriate, to develop a shared programme of work

5. The presentation of findings to the Steering Group and partners, to include a 3 year Age-Friendly Action Plan with short, medium and long term outcomes together with recommendations for next steps.

The Area Board agreed a £ 3,000 grant for this work and the Melksham Seniors/ Forum 55 has already pledged £ 3,000 to match this sum.

The Age Friendly Steering Group is asking all of the Parish Council’s that will remain part of the Melksham Community Area post the 2021 elections to make a proportionate contribution towards the commissioning of this Action Plan. The proportions have been calculated using the Council Tax Base figures thus ensuring that every council is asked for a fair and proportionate contribution.

Whilst we cannot guarantee that every Parish will choose to support this important project, we do hope that they will see the value and make a positive decision. The work will be undertaken whatever, but the extent of the project, specifically with regard to targeting specific communities will be limited by the extent of the funding we achieve.

Tax Base Grant Figure to 2018/19 Apply For Atworth 0 £ - Broughton Gifford 348.04 £ 147.06 Bulkington 0 £ - Great Hinton 105.54 £ 44.59 Keevil 227.86 £ 96.28 Melksham 5425.19 £ 2,292.35 Melksham Without 2535.46 £ 1,071.33 Poulshot 0 £ -

PagePage 2102 of 3 Notice of Motion – Support Age Friendly Initiative Full Council 25 November 2019

Seend 0 £ - Semington 387.57 £ 163.76 Steeple Ashton 436.94 £ 184.62

9466.6 £ 4,000.00

Recommendations That the Town Council agrees to support the Melksham Age Friendly Project by funding £2,292.35 towards the cost of developing a 3-year Action Plan.

Costs A one-off cost of £2,292.35 for the Action Plan Project.

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