DOCUMENT RESUME TE 499 972 ED 023 691 Teaching Aboat Minorities in ClassroomSituations:Resource Bulletin for Teachers inthe Secondary Schools. Curriculum Bulletin, 1967 -68 Series, No.23. New York City Board of Education,Brooklyn, N.Y. Bureau of CurriculumDevelopment. Pub Date 68 Note -122p. Available from-Board of Education of theCity of New York, PublicationsSales Office, 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11201 (HC $200). EDRS Price MF -$050 HC Not Available fromEDRS. Background, Cultural Descriptors -*AmericanCulture, ChineseAmericans, CulturalAwareness,'Cultural Differences, CulturaJ Education, CulturalInterrelationships, Cultural Pluralism, CulturalTraits, Ethnic Groups, Italian Americans, Jews, *Minority Groups,Negro Culture, Racial Integration,Secondary Education, *Social Studies, Subculture , *Teaching Guides This teaching guide for the studyof minority groups in America isintended to help the secondary school student(1) improve his self-image through anappreciation of his heritage, (2) recognize thecontributions of the diverse groupsthat make up American society, (3) realize thatinterdependence is a part ofAmerican life, and (4) develop skills in interpersonalrelationships. Typical problems arising innewly integrated schools and appropriate reactions tothese problems are outlined.Background information on the culture, history, and aspirat(onsof nine American minority groups is provided, in addition to brief guidelinesfor lessons on the buildingof America; on the causes of riots;and on developing definitionsof an American, a neighborhood,and a democracy. Activities and lists ofmaterials--including books, articles,films, filmstrips, recordings, and pictures--are suggested.(JS) , TEACHING ABOUT MINORITIES IN CLASSROOM SITUATIONS Bureau of Curriculum Development Board of Education of the City of New York 144 this copyrighted work hasbeen granteif fel-mission to reproduce and t'"i to the Educational ResourcesInfermat'on Conter (ERIC) the U.S.
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