Are you a patient, carer or citizen from Derbyshire? Are you interested in getting involved in your local NHS? PPI Involvement Participatory Coproduction Userled Research Production Inclusion Engagement Rachael Murfin - Patient Experience Lead Here are some key NHS/health related organisations in Email:
[email protected] Derbyshire – what they do and their contact details. Phone: 0115 931 6218 You may contact any of the organisations in this leaflet to Sue Higginson - Patient Experience Manager find out how you can get involved. Email:
[email protected] Phone: 01246 514 066 Joined Up Care Derbyshire (JUCD) Amanda Brikmanis - Public Involvement Manager Email:
[email protected] Also known as Derbyshire’s Sustainability and Transformation Phone: 01246 514 328 Partnership (STP), brings together health and social care organisations across Derbyshire. They work together to provide more effective and Claire Haynes - Public Involvement Manager efficient health and care services for local people. Email:
[email protected] Phone: 01332 868 677 JUCD are looking for people with different interests, backgrounds and experiences to become involved in a variety of ways. This starts Website: with participating in their Citizens’ Panel and telling them your area of Twitter: @NHSDDCCG interest, so they can match people to opportunities that suit them. Communications and Engagement Team Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) Sean Thornton - Head of Communications Your General Practitioner (GP)/doctors’ surgery should have a PPG. They Email:
[email protected] are made up of patients and general practice staff working together to Karen Ritchie - Head of Engagement improve GP services and facilities for patients.