Odisha Profile, 2018" Which Gives Synoptic View of Various Socio-Economic Aspects of the State
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GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA Odisha Profile 2018 DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS & STATISTICS,ODISHA ARTHANITI ‘ O’ PARISANKHYAN BHAWAN, HEADS OF DEPARTMENT CAMPUS, BHUBANESWAR – 751001 SURESH CHANDRA MAHAPATRA,IAS Tel : 0674-2536882 (O) Development Commissioner-Cum- : 0674-2322617 Additional Chief Secretary & Secy. to Govt. Fax : 0674-2536792 P & C Department Email : [email protected] MESSAGE I am happy to know that Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Odisha has come out with the publication "Odisha Profile, 2018" which gives synoptic view of various socio-economic aspects of the State. Development of the State envisages attainment of carefully planned goals and formulation of policy to achieve these goals. There is a need to map out strategic plans, set up machinery for execution of the plans and monitor the implementation process for which the role of statistics is vital and relevant. Thus generation of adequate, credible and timely data are essential for the purpose of policy formulation and monitoring the progress achieved in various sectors of the economy. I appreciate the sincere efforts put in by the officers and staff of the Directorate of Economics and Statistics for preparation and publication of this report. (Suresh Chandra Mahapatra) Sri Gopabandhu Satpathy, IAS Phone : 0674-2392098 Special Secretary to Government Fax : 0674-2536792 Planning and Convergence Department Government of Odisha Foreword Use of statistics on all aspects of our lives, our society and our economy continues to grow. Administrative Statistics are very much needed for effective planning and helps the Departments in discharge of their administrative functions and implementation of policies/schemes. Moreover, administrative statistics do not incur additional cost for data collection nor do they impose further burden on respondents. Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Odisha is bringing out a publication on 'Odisha Profile, 2018' and it presents a consolidated and updated statistics on socio- economic status of the State. This publication provides secondary information on various socio-economic parameters of the State and will serve as a useful reference tool to measure progress on various fronts. I am sure that this document will be of immense use to the administrators, planners, managers, professionals and academicians. (G. Satpathy) ସଙ୍କର୍ଷଣ ସାହୁ, ଭା.ପ.ସେ ଅର୍ଥନୀତି ଓ ପରିସଂ孍ୟାନ ଭବନ ନିସଦେଶକ Arthaniti ‘O’ Parisankhyan Bhawan ଅର୍େନୀତି ଓ ପରିେଂଖ୍ୟାନ HOD Campus, Unit-V Sankarsana Sahoo, ISS Bhubaneswar -751005, Odisha Director Phone : 0674 -2391295 Economics & Statistics e-mail : [email protected] Preface This publication “Odisha Profile, 2018” comprises of eight chapters. Chapter one to chapter two focus on the information on Scope, Geographical Location, Demography, Health, Education, Drinking Water, Sanitation facility available in the State. Information on Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Forest and Environment with Water Resources, States finance and Macro Economy are available in chapter three and four. Chapter five and six gives light on information about Industry, Mining, Labour and Employment, with Transport, Tourism and Banking Sector of the State. The information on Food and Civil Supplies, Disaster Management, Urban Development, Slum Scenario, Election and Excise are described in chapter seven whereas the comparable picture of Odisha and India on various administrative aspects are described in chapter eight. We are grateful and also keep on record to the continuous co-operation of various Government organisation in providing requisite data in time. I, express my acknowledgement and convey my thanks to all Government Organization, Officers and Staff of Publication Division and Computer Section who have made available data presented & designing of the report. Any suggestion/comments for improvement in the scope, layout and quality of the publication are welcome. Bhubaneswar August, 2019 (S. Sahoo) The Team Sri Sankarsana Sahoo, ISS Director Sri Ramesh Chandra Sarangi Joint Director Sri Prafulla Kumar Behera Deputy Director Sri Ranka Nidhi Sahoo Assistant Director Sri Gatikrushna Behera Statistical Officer Sri Sarat Chandra Sahoo Assistant Statistical Officer Sri Sunil Prasad Pattanaik Assistant Statistical Officer Sri Manoranjan Mohanty Assistant Statistical Officer Smt. Bidyutlata Patsani Artist Contents Sl. No. Sector Page Number 1 CHAPTER ONE 1-11 Administrative Profile 7 Geography 9 Culture 11 2 CHAPTER TWO 12 - 46 Demography 12 Health & Family Welfare 23 Drinking Water & Sanitation 38 Education 39 3 CHAPTER THREE 47 - 75 Agriculture 47 Animal Husbandry 53 Fisheries 60 Forest & Environment 64 Water Resources 75 4 CHAPTER FOUR 82 - 92 State Finance 82 Macro Economy 86 5 CHAPTER FIVE 93 - 113 Industry & Mining 93 Energy 100 Labour & Employment 106 6 CHAPTER SIX 114 - 134 Transport 114 Tourism 122 Banks 127 7 CHAPTER SEVEN 135 - 141 Food & Civil Supplies 135 Disaster Management 137 Urban Development 138 Slum Scenario 139 Excise 140 Election 141 8 CHAPTER EIGHT 143-162 Odisha & India Chapter One Administrative Profile Geography Culture Odisha Profile 2018 State Overview Location The modern State of Odisha is located between the parallels of 17.49'N and 22.34'N latitudes and meridians of 81.27'E and 87.29'E longitudes. Bounded by West Bengal in the northeast, Jharkhand in the North, Andhra Pradesh and Telengana in the South, Chattisgarh in the West, the State is open to the Bay of Bengal on the East. History Odisha, with a rich heritage that is more than two thousand years old, has a glorious history of its own. It was known under different names in different periods: Kalinga, Utkal or Odradesha. Kalinga had made its mark in the Indian history when the Nanda dynasty ruled the kingdom of Magadha. Ashok the Mauryan King of Magadh, conquerd Odisha, then known as Kalinga in 261 BC and this event has gone down in history as the Great Kalinga war. The Kalingan Empire reached the pinnacle of glory during the reign of Emperor Kharavela in the second half of the Ist century B.C. Other great rulers belonged to the Keshari dynasty and the Eastern Ganga dynasty who were also great builders. Subsequently, Odisha came under the Moghuls and the Marathas and finally in 1803 A.D., under the British. The modern state of Odisha (Formerly Orissa) was established on 1st April 1936, as a separate province in British India. Geography Covering an area of 1,55,707 sq.km. (Extends for 800 kilometres from north to south and 500 kilometres from east to west) Odisha has a stretch of coast line of about 480 kms on the Bay of Bengal. It is the 9th largest State in India by area and 11th largest State by population accounting for 4.7 % of the geographical area and 3.7 % of the population of the country. Puri, Ganjam, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Mayurbhanj, Balasore, Khordha and Sundargarh are some of the major districts/cities of the State in terms of population. Bhubaneswar is the capital city of Odisha. Geology Situated on the eastern fringe of the peninsular India, Odisha has about 73% of the area occupied by Precambrian metamorphic rocks (of Archaean and Proterozoic age) which host the majority of the minerals. The Gondwanas hosting the coal resources occur over about 8% of the land mass. The Tertiary and Quaternary formations, occupying rest of the area, provide avenues for aluminous/nickeliferous laterite and heavy minerals (in beach 1 Odisha Profile 2018 sand). The mountainous region of Odisha covers about three-quarters of the area of the state. Geologically it is a part of the Indian Peninsula which as a part of the ancient landmass of the Gondwanaland. Physiography Odisha's topography comprises fertile plains along the coast and forested highlands towards the interior. On the basis of homogeneity, continuity and physiographical characteristics, Odisha has been divided into five major morphological regions: the Odisha Coastal Plain in the east, the Middle Mountainous and Highlands Region, the Central plateaus, the Western rolling uplands and the major flood plains. The State is broadly divided into 4 Physiographic Zones namely Coastal Plains, Central Table Land, Northern Plateau and Eastern Ghats. These are further sub-divided into 10 Agroclimatic Zones namely North Western Plateau, North Central Plateau, North Eastern Coastal Plain, East and South Eastern Coastal Plain, North Eastern Ghat, Eastern Ghat High Land, South Eastern Ghat, Western Undulating Zone, Western Central Table Land and Mid Central Table Land. Soil The State has different soil types ranging from fertile alluvial deltaic soils in the coastal plains, mixed red and black soils in the Central Table Land, red and yellow soils with low fertility in the Northern Plateau and red, black & brown forest soil in Eastern Ghat region. The soils of Odisha have been divided into eight broad groups. Forests The State has varied and wide spread forests harbouring dry deciduous, moist deciduous forests as well as mangroves with several unique, endemic, rare and endangered floral and faunal species. Almost one- third of Odisha is covered by forests which make up about 34.90% of the total land area of the State. These forests cover most of southern and western Odisha. 2 Odisha Profile 2018 Rivers Rivers in Odisha though not perennial, serve the basic requirement of the State. These rivers are divided into four groups which flow through Odisha into the Bay of Bengal, They are (i) Rivers that have a source outside the State (the Subarnarekha, the Brahmani and the Mahanadi). (ii) Rivers having a source inside the State (the Budhabalanga, the Baitarini, the Salandi, and the Rushikulya). (iii) Rivers having a source inside the Odisha, but flow through other states (the Bahuda, the Vansadhara, and the Nagavali). (iv) Rivers having a source inside Odisha, but tributary to rivers which flow through other states (the Machhkund, the Sileru, the Kolab, and the Indravati). The State has 7 major river deltas of varies sizes and shapes formed by the rivers Subarnarekha, Budhabalanga, Baitarani, Brahmani, Mahanadi, Rushikulya and Bahuda. The longest river flowing through the heart of Odisha is Mahanadi.