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Sentinel Op-Ed IN MEMORIAM: Boxing Great Former Watts Business Owner ‘Marvelous’ Marvin Hagler Dies at Turns 105, Defeats Two 66 (See page D-1) Pandemics (See page E-1) VOL. LXXXVII NO. 11, $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years, the Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself.” THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 2021 VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013 SENTINEL OP-ED serve is a priority. New challenges in stu- dent enrollment After a year of expe- riencing many challenges resulting from the COV- ID-19 pandemic, we face new obstacles in meeting previously set achieve- ment goals pertaining to student enrollment, suc- cess, and retention. Start- ing with enrollment: In my opinion, Compton Col- lege enrollment has been impacted more than any other community college in Los Angeles County Fudge, the former chair of the Congressional Black Cau- due to the number of cus, received a 66-34 vote in the Senate, making her the COVID-19 cases and the first woman to serve as HUD secretary since 1979. COURTESY percentage of COVID-19 PHOTO related deaths in our com- munity; and the low rate BY STACY M. BROWN ban Development (HUD),” of vaccination of our resi- NNPA Newswire Senior Marcela Howell, president dents. While we remain National Correspondent and CEO of In Our Own focused on the health and Voice: National Black safety of our students and The U.S. Senate voted Women’s Reproductive employees and continue to on Wednesday to confirm Justice Agenda, responded offer classes primarily in a Rep. Marcia Fudge as Sec- in a statement. virtual format, we realize retary of the Department of “Her appointment Keith Curry president, Compton College, CEO, Compton Community College District. that many students face Housing and Urban Devel- comes at a pivotal time COURTESY PHOTO extreme difficulties when opment. when her leadership is trying to pay for online The confirmation was sorely needed. The U.S. BY KEITH CURRY While fulfilling my duty responsibilities to our com- classes and other expenses met with applause from faces a severe housing President, Compton as president/chief executive munity. Making sure the such as housing and food, women’s and other groups. crisis as millions of resi- College, CEO, Compton officer of Compton College, college is a good communi- while also finding time for “We applaud the con- dents struggle to pay their Community College which is to ensure students ty steward by supporting the school among work and firmation of Rep. Fudge rent and mortgages due District are prepared for their fu- health, wellness, and educa- as secretary of the Depart- ture, I am also aware of my tional needs of all those we {See COMPTON A-8} ment of Housing and Ur- {See FUDGE A-10} Help is on the Way! SENTINEL NEWS SERVICE Congresswoman Max- ine Waters (CA-43), Chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services, issued the fol- lowing statement after the U.S. House of Represen- tatives voted to pass the American Rescue Plan Act. The legislation was sent to President Biden’s desk and Governor Gavin Newsom COURTESY PHOTO has been signed into law. “The historic American BY MANNY OTIKO AND Newsom on Monday dur- Rescue Plan was passed by ANTONIO RAY HARVEY ing a news briefing on the U.S. House of Repre- Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43) working with President Joe Biden on the California Black Media Zoom. In one-minute state- sentatives and has reached American Rescue Plan. COURTESY PHOTO ments, each one explained President Biden’s desk and Fourteen California why supporters are stand- received his signature. I am “The American Rescue your family, and our com- port for small businesses, Black Democratic elected ing behind Newsom as a so pleased that help will Plan is a $1.9 trillion pack- munity by providing direct and so much more. The officials serving at the fed- Republican Party-led effort soon be on the way for the age that I worked on with cash payments, increased historic nature of this leg- eral, state, county and city to recall California’s 40th millions of people strug- my colleagues, President unemployment benefits, islation cannot be over- government levels joined governor gains ground gling to stay afloat duringBiden and Vice President emergency rental assistance stated. hands in a virtual show of this pandemic. Harris, that delivers for you, to help with back rent, sup- {See WATERS A-8} support for Gov. Gavin {See NEWSOM A-10) Former State Director to Vice President Kamala Harris, Heather Hutt Considered Favorite (Left) Vice President Kamala Harris in her former role as CA Senator, with her former State Director Heather Hutt (middle).COURTESY PHOTO SENTINEL STAFF REPORT bly District Seat. The series of special elections Governor Gavin Newsom which feels like musical has called for a special elec- chairs, started in Novem- tion to be held on Tuesday, ber, when now Los An- May 18, 2021, to fulfill thegeles County Supervisor currently vacant 54th Assem- {See HUTT A-10} Emma Sharif FILE PHOTO Tana McCoy FILE PHOTO A-2 LASENTINEL.NET NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 2021 Congressmember Bass and Friends Discuss 2021 American Rescue Plan Provisions BY BERTRAM KELLER thing broke out,” said Bass the bill will provide.” ment Development Depart- these payments, be careful forgiveness rules laid out Contributing Writer as she makes her opening In what Congressmem- ment (EDD) has [added] up [and] wait to file [taxes] by the SBA. To qualify for comments. According to ber Bass described as “a to 11 weeks of benefits to until April, and the IRS will forgiveness, you must Amid COVID-19 vac- Bass, “If I had waited really big deal,” families PUA or PEUC claims,” as look at your data based on spend at least 60% of the cine reports and President another 10 minutes, I liter- with children received well as allow for tax 2019 [tax return].” loan on payroll expenses Biden’s ambitious $1.9 tril- ally would have walked The Small Business and use a portion of the lion stimulus package; into the insurrectionists in Administration (SBA) is loan to cover mortgage, Congressmember Karen the hall, and who knows currently offering PPP rent, or utility expenses. Bass organized a telephone what would have hap- loans until March 31, 2021, Californians will also town hall 24 hours after pened—considering they and this includes expand- receive additional econom- The House voted 220-211 were all hunting members ing eligibility to nonprofits ic benefits from the newly and digital needs services, passed a budget called the which was not available “Golden State Stimulus,” before. Since funding which will act “very simi- closed in August, according lar to what’s happening at to Ben Raju, “Over $7.25 the federal level,” accord- billion [will be added to ing to Senator Kamlager- the] Paycheck Protection Dove. “We are now going Program (PPP),” as well as to be sending out $600 or an additional $15 billion $1200—onetime payment for Targeted Economic to Californians who have Injury Disaster Loan faced hardships because of FILE PHOTO California’s newest State Senator, Sydney Kamlager-Dove FILE PHOTO says "We are working hard to make sure that more Congressmember Karen Bass advises LA County to file money is being connected to EDD." taxes in April to avoid ineligibility of stimulus check during Telephone Town Hall. some good news due to the exemption for the first changes in the Child Tax $10,200 of unemployment to pass the new relief bill. of congress.” Credit. Under the American benefits received in 2020. The previous town hall Despite politics obvi- Rescue Plan, taxpayers can Before long, the APR FILE PHOTO Bass conducted was pre- ous contentions, the Ameri- claim a credit of up to will provide a third round District Director of SBA Los Angeles, Ben Raju says SBA ceded during the aftermath can Rescue Plan Act of $3,600 per child under the of stimulus payments, will have over $28 billion available for the Restaurant of the infamous 2021 2021 (ARP), persisted as age of 6 and up to $3,000 which up to $1400 will be Revitalization Fund in the new American Rescue Plan of Breach at the United States the primary focus of the for children ages 6 to 17. directly deposited in the 2021. Capitol—early January. In Thursday evening town The Child Tax Credit has bank accounts of adults or retrospect, the right-wing hall. Speakers such as, Cal- the potential “to cut child any dependents. However, Advance (EIDL). COVID-19.” To qualify, attack against members of ifornia State Senator Syd- poverty in half,” said Con- “be careful” when filing EIDLs can reach $2 Byou must be 18 years or congress ended with 5 peo- ney Kamlager and District gresswoman Bass. “One of taxes due to potential ineli- million with the $10,000 older as of the last date of ple dead, and 2 related sui- Director of SBA Los Ange- the reasons we did this is gibility issues regarding EIDL advance automatical- the tax year, 2020 taxes cides. les District Office Ben Raju because we would love to stimulus checks. Congress- ly forgiven; and PPP loans must be filed, and be a “I was in the gallery compressed the relatively make it permanent.” member Bass advised, “If can reach up to $10 million CalEITC recipient, or have right before things were tall piece of legislature to California’s newest your 2020 tax data is going and are 100% forgivable if filed for ITIN making happening, and I was very key “highlights,” as well as State Senator, Sydney to make you ineligible for the borrower follows loan $75,000 or less.
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