SUNDAY. PECOIBER 18, 1910 12 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. LAOS SPttDY ANO AGILE SOME HIGH SCHOOL OF COMMERCE ATHLETES. BOOM IN SCHOOL SPORTS Promising Athletes Out for Future Stars Unblanketed at Horace Mann Teams. Elementary Schools Games. HAS MUCH NEW MATERIAL FALLS TWICE ONE RECORD ' * ' rfT t.I. II mjf- CZ J Picked as .Formidable Contender Henry. Schultz Beats Negro Run- for Honors on Track and ner, Harold Anderson, by in Pool. 70-Yard Dash. Inches in The lnter?chola?ttcbasketbaH season 1* teams, us a -whole, yoimp^ters ran and Jumped in full swing. While the Nimble footM -weaker, they are more evenly heart's delifrht at th- Klementary appear to he \u2666o*'th"lr »h" balanced.; pchools -which heretofore c ij: cJi.impionFhip-. b-'ld In and the oo Indoor ye«- positions of less: Importance In the <7th- ;. tjmm Armor>'- la , held are prepared to make a bol" of to the members of football' team* who Schools Meet. School 6 Manhattan, made the their letter, for football In the season of Tublic . teams, same time, and in the final heat Schnlti 1910. The race -will be for four-man the IMasefi in R Un. The old mark each man to run 220 yards. Prizes will be revered first, VICTOR IN MILE WANTS FULL was S S-5 seconds. Anderson -was. beaten by awarded to the teams finishing sec- WENDLING DISCUSSION^ j ond and third, and a cup to the school TEAM \u25a0 In^hes. OF COMMERCE 'CBOBB-COCNTRT f.~ } than human aeew maker? KGB SCHOOL championship. entering the winning team. More .VW Which finished second for interscholastio Judgment Two Hours Considered Too •wr.r- «wi([MIn th*> jrallprieF. and from tn* Horace Mann School promises to be a Shows Splendid and Short lofty sides of thf armory resounded their formidable contender for scholastic honors by Spurt in Stirring To Take Up Every Phase thftir Height? Wins a 5^ Vnyo-jp discord. They bepan racket this season. The Morningside of Sport. : "re the start of Ike first «vent. the midget Well in Van school has some of the best material In Us Finish. ~Js dash, and tb«»y were atSI chattering Morris Gunners career, with a. large of veterans rO-yard ' number Tomp- Plan? have. been launched to establish, « -as " parsed out nt the from which to pick and choose. The in- The lithe-limbed athletes of the like BMSPI \u25a0«"•> Congregational Church were all-day session for th» coming anaaa) ratherlnf- doom. coming class has been prolific in. new ma- kins Avenue Clinton Advances Victors to of the Sun- meeting of the United States Nation! With scores, of arms and >cs ewinsinc Defeat of DeWttt terial, both for the track, basketball and victorious in the annual-meet Association, HAASE. League, held under Lawn Tennis \u25a0which win > in:countJ»»ss dir*H-:tinns spills on the turn!" mLUAM swimming. Mr. Kersey, coach of track and day Schools Athletic neld — - Goodly Grip on P. S. A, L. Title. High School of Com- Company at the Waldorf-Astoria dnrin? th« -r inevitable, rare. Even The crack mller of basketball, the of the Ist of the 13th yet injuries wrf merce. and Mr. Holm, coach of the direction \u25a0week of February. Heretofore the business to the boards he gen- Bronx, score. He has returned perfect cards In team, Regiment In the armory last night; The wben h. bay \u25a0"\u25a0ail so Th" Morris High School, of Th». swimming are net backward in pre- of a year, together with matters of inter- erally up with a suddenness seldom six eight contests, being In the Tompkins avenue lad? scored total of 23 flashed a long step toward the Public School of the dicting a most successful season. fa ;national challenge, revision of rules ami in flickering Illusion of took point lower, with 345. points and -'ha rely nosed out -the boys of all notice except the League sub-target championship other two only a On the track team practically all of last of the ever Increasing details of the r--. c picmro screen. Oddly tnuiiaji, Athletic Buckbe*, two other Clinton the Congregational Church, who -motion when it defeated th* De Wit: Clinton Higu Hubbard and season's squad is back, and with the ex- Central have been crowded into a brief two hoon th» only real mishap of the m^t eocmrreel the range students: Shapiro, of Commerce: Sottth- WELL perience and confidence- gained year finished second, with \u25a0 points to their School 1" a match on latter"? WIN BAILEY RUNS last jat night. There has been no tinse for runninng high lump. ion-pound worth, Training; Marcus, of Episcopal w»a m Hw class. Friday. was the seventh of Manual and the practice of this fall, the boys credit. .Tanes Methodist" practical discussion, and the real t'=-^ Behnnuna, d to the lane In 11 seconds in his h^at of man, in their pa\t>n matches to date, have more hundred persons were Dr. PhilipB. Hawk, of the UnlverHiKpt equalled The defeat was Clinton's second out School, in the quarter-mile dash. is,capable of than fifteen and r«r*ated in the. final. This in fatWl to win once. Bryant High /He hand. While, lacking in numbers, the ! and lately/if the University of eight matches, which puts the school BRYANT FORCES HIM OUT covering the distance in 51 seconds and ''an on Illinois "Fens- th*1 old record, made a year ago. Goodwin victory only two contests and lost enthusiastic, congrega- ; sylvanla. i*th» official second position. Hall's which has won run the inn and the 220 in 10 4-5 and 23 4-5. crowd was and each who moves tcrvsxi <\on by \u25a0 comfortable marpin from Will- even showing rapid Improvement. with all their more light and openness in lawn over Manual Training put it on an six. is respectively. Tredway Is also a sprinter, tion "rooted for the boys tenafeai- lam Pujreeln. Hotli represented Manhat- e*ch matches scheduled for next fought, and j fairs. Lawn tennl« legislation basts with the . The final inMidget Dash at and is considered to be the equal of his hearts. The races were hard that Is" h tan schools. are; Boys' High vs. Morris, at Boys- Malone Scores every player the same, . . being with five victories and two Friday many stirring finishes marked the night's iaffect of turij* Arthur -was the • ."- credited Hall, at Clin- r brother. The other sprinters on the squad lieve?, open BioaMr successful High; Canton vs. Erasmus Stu3 vesant High School Cernea, sport. This m especially so in the mile, j should be- to discussion h~ pound mldpet In the {V^-ya'd sprint. defeats. Commerce, at are Eddie De who played left half- «vpry one of the crack shots of the ton; Eastern District vs. run for the Intermediate class and the ' man affiliated with the national gn«. v.lnlo Benjamin Adelman. from Bronx, Khersfie.ld. vs. Manual, at Games. back on the second football team last sea- erning body any Th«» team, un; to compete yes- Eastern District; Curtis quarter-mile the BUMclass. who na* opinion on rW Clinton was me at son, and Charley Smith, who played end on run in .-!. f..'jnt^d for the 60-yard rac*\ where th« Myers, recruit, Curtis, Bryant vs. Stuyvesant, Congrega- : subject ami wishes to voice tats vf^rr?. g, terday owing to illness. a and In a spirited tinish Winfield Bailey, of the same team. able, R. Wendling, of the Central xffight was on* hundred pounds. inn, the Both are fast and and i does not believe handing decisiosj limit never shot in open petit Bryant. York Club, tbe ten-mile Ama- Church, with a handicap of 75 yards, in out I.ouis and Arthur R. Solesky were who had New Athletic have run the hundred yards in tional from Lolls inexperience with a poor score. standing of the teams to date champion, under 11 race, barely de- j behind closed doors-. • bis The teur Athletic Union defeated seconds repeatedly. ran to victory in the mile ')[.. finishing- socond and third re-spec- showed - Smith is also a 220- In the past history tennis M ciec was also out of form. . three relay runners In the feature race of Herd, a few seasons ago of lawn tj\>ly.. Tarler f0llOWS: yarder and has shown 23 4-5 in practice. feating Eddie who { damage. -.-, Clinton, however, enjoys the ABgregate games the Stuy- High has worked much It has led De Witt L the sixth annual indoor of The make-up of wore the silks of the Commercial j Pnnicir'ants in th«» various relay races the aggre- School. Regiment the relay team is as yet the sport being misunderstood and has of leading its rivals in' ' r- vesant High School at the 71st IVendling '.yon in a driving finish the honor *lS date, from which the team willbe selected, by a scant two yards. Fred | erhirjg bod.v. At pr*-s»nt Dr. Ha- - mldcets for the points exceeds the •Krssniuß Hall I <:>\u0084 j -,j-,g Barclay C. isU School's score of 2.125 against H. Robertson. P. and Hequembourg German Reformed Church, was thirJ. some thy were so brimfui of surplus ener^y follows, "t\inis *? 3 are the brothers. Humphrey, imember of the executive *-* Training.' which Stuyvesant 2.050 Bryant, who ran in relays of one milr. committed difficulty total of Manual captain-elect distance behind. \u25a0 that they with restrained thrm- School \u25a0 -fi 2.047 who is of next season's foot- therefore his openly expressed views ;,--• by points. Stuyvesant High Common--* 2.061 At the outset Bailey started at a lively which. in the nelves -while on their marks awaiting the. « Manual Training ;• -> d"l ball team: De Holt, who At the crack of the pistol, Iadditional weight at this time, closely the Brooklyn school, with * ft evidently anxious to secure a big Smith. Cornea. It Wilt bY 1?, Manhattan, follows Boys' High *.- 733 pace, played empty armory, sounded like 'the boom of • open 7-stol's bark. School won Bryant 7. '- 1 tackle on the second team last sea- remembered that in an letter i jrH 2,Ck*>o points. i ' . 1633 lead on Robertson, his first opponent. The of ihis race, closely pressed District 0 . '•«*» son, and Guthrie. In speaking- of boys a 13-Inch gun. Herd set out in an endeavor ago Dr. Hawk first attracted the the final h<-a: Black, of Clinton, maintained his lead of Eastern} champion went, so fast that he the j atte:nit3 Manhattan, 1 ten-mile the limit men In two laps players throughout by Si in the fight Curtis shot tie at 265 all. tFor- gap and their work, Mr. Kersey said that he to cut down jof the country. Th»i . the large field of marksmen ""^Erasmus and . Foon opened up a big between himself he was running in position, five yards he In tho (40-yard relay. l<"i0-pound class. felted to Curtis High. Bailey was almost afraid to pick out any four, as third I championed the cause >•{ the clay cow*. for the gold medal for the best individual and the Stuyvesant runner. When leader, next lap Manhattan School 19 raced to victory in there was so little to choose between the behind the and on the shot players*, who comprise at lea«t M -..- covered the mile in4:51 he bad pained three- carried ces: -..•- .seconds, which, in th*» absence of boys, and that each showed to better ad- out Into the lead with a sprint that of the following in this country. Be*or» . ot rifle team A dead heat for first honors added The strain of running down the leader* told, logical and common sense argument to be* The Erasmus Hall High School races Bailey's lead to about fifty yards. Mann will also be strong. In the weights rrvoklyn, won SSft-yanl unlimited est to the weekly schoolboy skating down on Herd, coming into the straightway. |in a fearless, free and open manner. the improved its position in the tournament Bryant, Stuyvesant's third man, proceed- Guthrie and Wolhaupter are working hard and \u25a0 TOMght r^lay quite easily. Ilubhard, were held at the St. Nicholas Rink Wendling, who had saved his strength, icame out and fought in open. Jur- na'nding by defeating] the Manual Training whicb interesting by rushing and are putting the ball out forty-four to . the doing Bamett. the school- ed to make matters tired and breast- So. well' did he cexjFon, Trottner and Sicdenweigr ail yesterday by a.score of yesterday. Lawrence forty-five feet average. | spurted past his opponent work that at the annsar - High marksmen" Hlsh out from the touch-off so well that after on the Dunn and :-- boy champion of De Witt Clinton ed the tape a winner. meeting of last February the clay c*M Ct**>' -fA to 266. .The' members of each team lead. From Howell are the nailers, and both are School, who competed from scratch, and tv.-o laps he had assumed Use. of the championship in S Th" Md events Ike Jumpers and was the only gunner first rank. The summaries follow : of the United States beeaail ; shot well. Kronman School, at the SO- there on the champion allowed Bryant to Dunn is showing fine form an (handicap)-— Won James %'<- pounder, clrare-3 th*? • y,->r;.\u25a0 A. TTlllhtjit feet>. Central I of the Omaha Field \u25a0sria division, v evident. to he sprinted ami sailed by his man. dications 4:35 for the mile seems to be T. <>> feet). TompMr.s Avenue cte«i«e)a- ear «' 4 tf"l 3 inches hi his and -- - • in the one-haJf mile event. Forced when T^xrb<^r a record entry list, only slightly small?: lo "fading within.his grasp. Holt, A. ,5 feet). Goldberg. with The scV3r»« Grace Pres- numerically man fir.-t prize, while Aaron Bk&te at his best ter byterian, thirl. Time. 0:05 1-5. than Newport, and nearij * TRAIXIX.;. KUASMUS HALL. the turns at as many expected, cut loose a a tackle on the second football team, .-) 3*»«j* of r*et 7 inches, won In the 100- MAXUAU 33 accomplish the task. Taking ["away," Fin yard boys teeniH»e|Q Woe by Irv-Ievery state In the Union was represented (r 34 K~?ve are running in the quarter-mile .«hspiro -• •\u25a0•:; Van Bufikirk. 34 the preparatory school managed to get to the front. lie won by swim Sixty-yard dash, juniors 'hanli-ai>» Won by sltlon. \u25a0* - ball fivo yards behind going , V j -".- !»lEriclt«m reserve speed, yards in 15:13 and each is at a fast pace. Howaw K. n. Link '14 feet*. St Jam-:?'» Methodist Kpi.-»- . f**»t inch. Kronman f*&* Ptident. ••ailing: upon his three S-o. copal; B. Lutgen (8 feet), second; ! From his experience at th*» annual meet- Soutnacrth '\u25a0'-- Williamson Rice, and SommerrfUe have been timed in 30 Fr^d McK*n- Although tb^y had th«»ir hands full, the Baraett jumped aft^r and succeeded The interdepartmental faculty relay race zle iH) feet). Wyckoff Heights ruieejimileie. i ings of the association Dr. Hawk bis ....268 a seconds for the distance. Jack Mofflt is third. Time, 0:07. competent officials run the propraznrae off Total ...... "2081 TCtal catching him on tho tape. It was furnished a novelty. Some of the instruct- - learned that the best interests of the spec in captain of the team swimming in Seventy-five-yard das! , i'iai;>ii . n t"ll atjrle. Jam*? K. Sullivan, nee- performance by the Red and Black ors were content to run ordinary street and is — iatenaedlatM may wWwn.l brilliant in good cap) Won by <"har!«-3 Foter '13 ff«t>. Tompkins 1 be served by lengthier sessions. Tf- •\u25a0 Bee- form. Benore and G. Dunn are roi^ry f the Amateur Athletic Union, was The time was 1 minute 37 clothes, and on one individuaJ suspenders in A.-: r*oufcTe(?atlonat: A. McKinley -12 fMI),!' hours were for work SCORES AT TABLE student. 100-yard event and have Avenue second; insufficient the d r„ - ERASMUS were noticeable. The race was won by the the been timed in Tompkins Coaß^eeßSteeaL K. A. hand, ' onds. the distance. Martin oint va« won by School Sweep at to Another livelyfinish occurred English department as a result of good 0:08. grown to such national proportion? that \u25a0 Made Dinner rac^, to midgets. James ;ui n«>xt with 11 |>oints, while No. *>f Winning Football Team. Steiger, of Public School ST. Samuels. They were on scratch. High School lias a pair of pro—lalng milpr?. rlan; E. 119 feet». Wyehefl I'resby- !the most Influential athletic clubs »ad on h«. by a few yards terian, Gentarii I Bronx. \n. <•. of Bro"klyn. and No. players of Hall 7r,-yard handicap, won Handicap men accounted for the three Both boys are running in remarkably .«'--'ond; W. WeMauli '!."» feet). Tompklna!:ganizatlons country. hours *\u25a0 Th* football Erasmus fast Avenue Cnnsr<-?rational. third. Timt\ O:1O 1-5. in this Two 5-\ of^Manbatt^n. Tver** grouped in a triple success Orshal. a diminutive student prizes in the half-mile run. Robertson time and the prospects are that Veypje, enough nothing High School, who met with such a from Arthur H. the 10>-jTird dash, regimental ihaixllcap'*—Won by all well when west of CMm •\u25a0- -with 10 points to their or»"3it. season, 166. who was on the scratch, flier of Commercial will . on th*. Kridiron during the last of Public School started from but the best he could have the. time of 11. Brennan - follows: at the annual dinner of hrnor mark. The do was to finish a close fourth. \\\ Kine- his life to win the championships thi* win- second: i?. Robinson Am*>, to! Otei '-" r*>lgn<*d supreme by peay, third. Tlm«>, (>:1O3-S. iconsidered. ! association, held at ner was too much to overcome GerstaX. marrn, aided by an thirty ter. Bryant, is a first year hoy and has — policy that he did- TRACK EVENTS. the athletic which was allowance of 600-yard run mental; Won br Pursuing the same - a brother, who had a 20- yards, event, three years more which develop. r'irrj-ya.r'i rfaeh v." pound 'as-, orat semi- the Assembij^ Brooklyn, last night. Sam Gershal. won the with G. Christi in to H. Bi-"iman (45 yards). Ist «> ineem ..D. _ Ma- year ago. Hawk has Just Issued tit . Th«> time was (12 Dr. tlnsl«^-W"Tt "V'j" I^o GlaEbert. p. S. 147. ,Man- and fifty quests, among yyrd allowance, was third. second. honey yards). Ist Company. «<»rond; '». following letter upon' the subject: hsttst J. Donheteer, >*. S. 0, The Bronx, sec- One hundred Roberts, a guard on Stuyvesant. is play- •"hristman (IS varisi. l.»: Company, inlnt. Time, — 5 4 4-n second?. by ond. Tim*-, ••'7'f second aeni-fltHU Won by whom were many former Erasmus athletes T. Malone. aided a six foot allow- ing a. good. Steady sarn<\ Roberts i« a l:2o*s. "The time is approaching when those.* W. H. ance, — O. TT-uncttr.rrt. P. >V M. Qmotmm: Calder. fought vic- won the midget sixty-yard dash. A. Interest! who had battled through hard product of interclass tournaments and has Standing broad jump u,-.i«ic»-ts. handicap! us who have at heart the best P. B. U Marhatran. second. Time, 0:07. Third Mosheim, feet, ivon by A. Nodasky •>; iwliwi>; r^. -T — by Queens; in bygone days, attended and assist- with a handicap of four season? in Creeley the game of tennis in this country nat \u25ba'trii-flnHl Won A. Rotner. P. S. 61. tcries HIGH two more school. inches). Warren Street M. E.. second: Karl Mo- of X K. Mayer. V. £. 10. Brooklyn, second. Time. making most successful. FLUSHING_BEATS BOYS' finished second. The s»r.ior sixty resulted urally our thoughts toward the com- \u25a0>- ed in the event L a ?- — shot National Lawn Tennis Association. IwonM J, Lt>ul»eltr. p. B. '.«. The Bronx, third; L. «Tins- handicap of 'i tlon on the basketball team of New Won by W. Houback »2 inches). Baptist I", Manhattan, fourth. the function. in seconds. York Temple; L. Marbes (14 Borough Park like to propose a change- In the- charact* t-r.rz. B. 47. Time. Owl. enliven Fast Game. (handicap) — T'niversity. Golluber. of Clinton, W. !nches>. \u25a0 880-yard Won by W. Kone- is also avi dish (tao pound class; (bet aeaaf- Many prominent speakers made short ad- High School basketball run Baptist, second: Q. B. XeJ. Sixth of our annual official gathering and w«li by S. Manhattan; The Flushing mann (30 yards); G. Christi (So yards), second; out for a place on the Avenue Baptist, third. Distance, 41 feet *-"' flrelt— L.. l^lis.- P. 62. dresses, among whom were James E. Sulli- Boys' High D. Cameron (38 j-ards), third. Time, Univer- IMi the proposition be considered M. Roaenbeqßßr. P. c 10. Th«— Breaz. second. team easily vanquished the 2:13-». sity five. inche?. ask that Tirr,*. <• \u25a0- by of the Amateur Btxty-yard dash (handicap; midget: 100 pounds — Second aeini-final Won 3. Adel— van, se-cretary-treasurer in a tournament game at Avon — yard run tboys; handicap* Wen by H. discussed. nut P. P. IT;. The Bronx: A. R. .Solcsky, F. S. School limit; final heat) Won by T. Malono (6 feetc sz3r& I*nnal1 Union: Dr. Walter B. Gunnison. Brooklyn, yesterday, by score of 25 A. (4 second; cooert Loun^burj- (10 feet). Central Congregational: S- my proposition Is that the 0«. Manhattan. aeoaatd. Itme. OKI'S *- Athletir Hall, a Moshelm feet); S. t.7 t>~i>, The Horace Mann School has one of tne Baptist, "Now. %aBMJ by Fultz, 0:07 Williamson ilOfeoti. Green Avenue sec- nnal beat— Won B. A.!clin«r.. F. S. 23, j'rincipal of Erasmus: David "L. of game was fast throughout, but third. Time. H. — promising half ond;' Wyckoff Presby- meet:rg of the U. S. N. L. T. A. be hip Th« rtron*; 1^ I-<»!is, to 12. The Sixty-yard (handicap: senior) by most miler? in the city W. Soder •» feeO. Heights -> P. B. 62, -Manhattan. aec- University, the former baseball tendency dash Won terian, third. Time, sessions, morning owJ.—J*; ,c.,c Manhattan, Brown marred by the of the losers (!) B. Waugh (scratch), in Chris Street, the 0:13%. in two a session. R. C'll'all.'. •' . '*>. third; Tilden, was H. Stevens feeO: sec- captain od the track — r<;s-'--r;bcrE<:r. c- Bronx, Joseph ond; J. (8 feet), 2^«>-yard (junior; handicap) by K. (2-s>. -r. M. P .c. 10, The. fourth. player and football official: to foul often. The Flushing five displayed Donahue third.— Time. 0:'»'. : team. Street won the half-mile race in the run Won and an afternoon session Then ts* Time. R.-O6 Ray 220-yard dash (handicap) Won by C. Schus- Orris (is yards). Janes \u25a0 M. i;.; H. Anderson at Erasmus. team work opponents. Academy last, year \u25a0 evening delegates varioj* **'°n*y-yard d»^^; «115 pound class; flrst Feml- former athletic- director better than their ter , Grace M. K. eeeeadj W. R. Stevens (18 let the from the i>~sit -Won by H. andereea. P. S. W. Manhat- McXulty. the former Buff and Blue all- Smith, Umbach and Runge. of Flushing, L. Heyxnan (8 yards), third. Time, 0:25. out beint? pushed. Bernie Wefers, the track yards). Xostrand Avenue M. E., third. Time. clubs get together with the officers m&* tan :'R. liuchmsin, P. B. i". The Bronx, second. athlete, and John Clarke, of Com- conspicuous good around work. Three-mile exhibition race (W. Bailey. Xew I'niversity, 0:24. '\u25a0 •\u25a0<\u25a0' — •round were for all P. Barclay and coach of Columbia has association and have a nice little Time, F'^ond s«»mi-final n«a- Won by York A. C. vs. H. Robertson, de- yard (seniors; handicap) — **5 - • P. S. *. Manhattan: I'istorino, mercial High School. Johnson was the goal eager of the Boys' Brvant. High School) —Won by clared (Street to be a comer. hurdles Won by In order that tv© may rewf! H. -..-. K. C. Stuyvesant Street is aNo H. W. Lawson (13 yards). Hanson Place M. E. ; 'love feast* I". P. Is. Manhattan, second. Time. C.-on^». The record of the Erasmus football High team, he shooting the only three fiailoy! Time. 15:13%. — a member of the relay te-am. •'. Hanscn M. sections our country t& ririf.X P. 440-yard ihandicap) by Waugh K. Hill CIO yard*). Piece E.. sec- to the various of beat—Won by 11. Schulz. B. 6. Jian- run Won E. Pears« yards), Tompkins Avenue • of the last season was a brilliant scored by his team. yards), second; A. ond: J. »lt> spirit." and acq:*3tot** •\u25a0H-. 11. Anderson. P. S. 89. Manhattan. sec- eleven (5 yards); B. McGuire iio '"ongregritional, third. 0:'-t>. of 'tennis better '•Mi: Huchman, P. B. The Bronx, third; players engaged nine contests, line-up (scratch), third. 0:.'.0. tnitlget relay Time. delegate* IJ. M. 0n.,. The in The follows: Lent Tim*. (four laps; The of Horace Mann hi a — with our fellow and with ftfi r*. Pistorlno. P. S. 13, Manhattan, fourth. Time, Boys' High (12). Flushing (25). Inter-tJfpartmental faculty race 440-3-ard run (Intermediates) Won by A. Mc- (•rftMg <.;«w emerging from the conflicts a victor in Position. Department (Bates, fast combination. The "'kids" are hard, > of association and more k«p? records. Gordon forward handicap)— Won by English Kinley 2."> yards), Tompkins Avenue Congrega- officers the -yard tuniiinitrj weight ; first them, single touchdown marring I>ft Smith Prury Marston, Samuels) (scratch); Jlathrmatics willingworkers, Kersey, coach, A. McKinley O yard*). Tompkins 100 —da?h aefßl- fight of a Johnson Right forward '..Umbach «>_>ldstein) and Mr. the tional: W. appreciative of the scope and import**** Jinal kr-z.ii «\u25a0•\u25a0 bjr W. Kucic*«m, P. S. 27, -de- Rung* (Hollander. Cornell. Belcher, i.'» Avenue Congregational, second: R. M. Chan (3 their otherwise clean slate. The only Mallefsky Centre second; Chemistry Mott, Ball. lias hopes of a successful winter cam- Lutheran, United 3*o* Manhattan: A. Joces. F. 357. Brooklyn. 6"c- Gavin Left guard Peck yards), 'Startle. yards*, St. Peter's third. Tune.O:s4. of the tennis Interests of the «->nd. Tim*-, 0:11*». se F. «>«odv(iri. P. S. 5. Manhattan; J. Meifcens, one the. hardest fought bat- — Kunninp high jump \u25a0V\"Hckoff tin yards) (Hicks, Sfeeiea, second. eleven after of Goals from field Johnson (3), Malleff-ky, (5 inches) with an actual jump of 8 feet Heiich»f> P. ?. H Qaeeaa.— Time. 0:11. (2). Hader actual Ten Eyck. big guard on Sod»»r and More); Tompkins Avenue hfjat Won by Fred Goodwin, S. tles witnessed on the schoolboy field. Smith (3). Umbach (3). Runge Goals from 4 W. McGuire (3 inches), with an the the Eastern C'^Ti-sa- NEWTOWN HIGH FIVE WIWS . Elaal P. 3. foul—Smith (8), Runge, Mallefsky and Gordon inches- Bock (2 inches), with tlocal «5 yards) (Burr. Loeber, Meyers and Mfcr.hattac"; WllHani BuES lm, P. S. 27. ilan- their appreciation of their ear- jump of 5 feet, second; 11. District High School basketball five, is une Wanner), CongregatianaJ (scratch) tsweme; John Merk«-r)«, > Queens, To show and handicap) — ~«0-yar<3 relay (INf-pounS class) by Inches). feet 7 850-yard (senior; by ,>; Won P. golden foot- 38 aggressive and is an adept at covering run Won W. ;;Basketball. '"'V**j S. (Marksteln. Ooldsiein upon which wa> a miniature feet). 37 feet 2 inches, third. Knack. Curler Presbyterian (SO yards); A. 1». Manhattan Dubrun. KN) pounds limit; forty his man. sure a. High easily #,' >•d Bernstein); P. £. f3. Manhattan '>. third; P. B. 147. Manhattan -j-«rd rplay (100-pound class) Won by p. Balcom, McMath, St.erry. Roth. Brierly. Jamaica STUYVESANT fastest the (15 yards>BeU>: t*o.ler, whirlwind courts to-day, and byterian i«*haTi. Goldschrotdt ?,\u25a0 1». Kaiibattaa fßoddy. Kos**"] i^-bulz); Manhattan (Hampton, .^helton, j by yards* (Chan, Munskey. P. 5. SS and Wagner. ball team everything way in Beats Eastern District Five when an!c combination is and Ha- town bewildered Its rivals by p*o" tin111 and Krag). aeeeed; P. B. 14, Manhattan Kinney, ilcGivney, Ralmers j had its own mann). third. Time, 0:523-5. rt«i I-/»bnotti, P, third; defeating Jamaica High picked it" they maintain their present — and confusing passing. rHeld. and P. usual custom, the selection of the j the School five at Last form •'regimental ; As is the Rally in Half. speed. quick to On«-ml!e run handicap) Won b> B. 30. Manhattan ir>pany (scratch.)- Johnson, the brilliant forward O'Brien), fourth. Time, Oi.Vj-. Establishes captain for next season willnot occur until game between Stuyvesant their J. F. Martin. V. left I ' ' new The score was 33 to 10. The Red Black The basketball guards and are accurate in their passing- Schwartz. Ist Company (scratch), second': IX Newtown. again played a wonderful **\u25a0* T*cor>3. month. and High School teams at yards), relay a flve from the field ac<* *****?| •*rir.iLn,Brighton and £. Brooklyn, passing bewildered Jamaica, j Trenholm. of is Thnejkea by R. Wfndling (75 yards). Central Ccnjrresa- goals from the and I'^rid!»»tcn>. aeeoßdi P. d it mvenv PulJic School 0. with cross' which At the end of first foul line. Bailen ESaeeaaaa, Dickrnaii and inches): score of 33 to H. the great speed in his in tional; E. Herd. Jr. (scratch). Tompkins Arenti* also played .-»••\u25a0\u25a0- ! «?* '\u25a0'hattan T>"* .* 7 feel Wk W. Brown. Public | Grossman and Hirsehner. the two Clinton work the tank. Tren- Congreßational, second; Berg well. Kiufnan). third: P. B. 144. Beeaklra (Monell. aSunb Urooklyn, second. Jump of 7 feet & flfteen-mlnute half the scorn stood 7 to 7. third FreJi <7O yards). The line-up follows: Tirue, School 73 Brooklyn, forwards, guarded their basket well and holm finished in the championships German Reformed Emanuel. third. ' v»i lyjjcas. Kanta and Alvamowetz. fourth. fv,h£>- Kilon. Public School 64. throughout second session Stuyve- TJm<» (31 1 L of 7 feet 4 inches; conspicuous shooting. tut the last season, but has shown, \u25a0.:--> 2-5. Xewtown . Position. Richmond Kl'K — third jump Sol. Hammer were by their will. such steady 440-yard race, 1 .As£3*"i£<. «\u25a0 by Manhattan, fourth, jump Hirsch- baskets almost at relay junior "handicap. Johnson Left forward ..»..-• "jUoi'yarfl r*lay funllmlt«*a eisht Won P- Public School 27, of sant threw Improvement in his work Mr. Woa Kelly . **1 1 • (llub»>ard. Jurgenson. - jner shot no- less than seven field baskets, that Hooks by Jinn Methodist Episcopal St yards), Right forward..... l* *: P Brooklyn Trottner (mi ->i- (14). tears •";- inches. •(Bf> \u0084,*,,..class)— Stuyvesant CM). I'osition. Easfn Dist. Of the team, predicts composed of J. Latent, Corley d Card Centre and T'Jdenviggt; P- 3*. Manhattan (Becker. Riinninir high Jump pound Won by while caged three and eight from coach victory for uruns. a: "\cker- second; School 27. Grossman Frlediand I*f.tforward. .Brown him ley; Wyckoff Het yard*>. »eatn compose^ Levy .Left guard ***J W*lner Tone and HeOaalarli P. S. 27. laiT-f" O'Brien. Public Manhattan. Uothstetn this season. :.*i%»*-*Sita Mare, Reinhardt, and of 4 feet 3 Inch**; B. A. Daii-y. the foul line. Hosenkrantz Right forward of Miller. Mackenzie. Kn\anna!-. and Sorter' Ballen R!sht ruard...:....««« V Manhattan 'I> learner wit>V a jump second, Centre. . •. • Fraenznlck second: Central Congregational. i 'xa\aji*gbi. third:' P. S. 10, Bba Bronx (Bon»- PMhli.- Schorl 10. Manhattan, jumpof 4 The line-up Williams first team Cols from Johrssca. *f(? •> fJosgins, Public follows: L*« truard- (scratch), team compose.! of M... l> A ' " '- "' Tiuwiown M j.^rte, Marcus, Carpenter *nd Mawar), fourth. f-r" inches; R. School 11. (13). Position. ,Jamaica (10). Blhrersteta guard Ten••^"'nByck Davis and Rogers, the D*. Ha»«slra Oard. Levy. Gallon \u25a0;«». RlfhpwnftfSS third, jump of 4 feet 1 inch; H. Vin- I>e Wilt Clinton . Roberts. Right Witt Clinton Gales an.l Leffert. third. <2K —'** Brooklyn, Grossman forward Hoffman swimmer?, Time.— 0:4.5. . Aahniead. Donal.Jwn. O<eft from Stuyvesant— Friedland. 4: will be towers of strength to One-mile medley relay race Won v r«,tmi — - l cent, Public School .... -field: Unger. L'njpir'-r*"'* Right forward Herkowitz Goals the (scratch), . •T>. Referee Kelly. MU EVENT.-?- Inch. Hirediner 8; Wllliamß. 2; 2. and Black this Ooocresetlonal team ct>mn,«#,i # of 4' f<»ot 1 I»awscn Centre Cummliigs! Boeenkranu. SUremebi. Red season. Both ex- Wynne, G. Rouse. Time of periot>— minutes 2®' (unlimKeKrd team comr'X,JJ ";°' Woa by M- Feinblatt. Public School 42. P...... Right guard. ..:.:... .Brcnnan Goals O. Court. W. Court, Schneider an.l feet 1C Inches; K. fcießficld. 8 feet* inches; J. U. Wolf*-. B. 2.1, Brook- bebaiucor Eastern District—Fraenznick, «. Rad». at the hilltop school were among the k«1 .T",' »«th a. put of 34 7% jump of 8 inches; Witt Clinton— Grossman, Substitute— Nathan best end: Central Presbyterian (30 yart,, ,« & 25. Bronx, second, vrilb a put of lyn second, feet 7 A. Jueko- Goals from field: De | TUn« of halves— in minutes. in their events. >\u25a0 tos,;. "* <•°™~2? STUYVESANT "wiNS IN Public School P. S. 62. Manhattan, third, jump of S 3; Hlrschner, 7: Haber and HohahiEer. Jamaica - -Iv of Skerr>. Ml.l.lletool Sa CKeu *!?!" MCeet I*-1 JBfrbea; W. Miller. Public Schf«l 10. wltz. oft; Anderson,feet — Curnmings. for Brmvn.# . house, third. Time. XTxi an*. eluhhoiw? However. bT- PutJlc School 62, Manhattan. P. S. 27. each Beach traps of the Marine and Field Club been dubbed by his friends in school, mending MMMatreat rtn n-,,-.,,, nu-hing i.— Stuy^***ioe^ Jacob Ksnsack.* Inches; War.a- points; p. he has and Dr.. Aldinger hopes hay© .i th. , \ ; the ..: team •work. jump of fe«t s.i John ti*d. with 11 S. 42. Bom. P. S. ft. the -weekly of the Red and Black last sea- to Hlv T with a Manhattan, eecond, Brooklyn, and P. S. 10, Manhattan,, tied yesterday and easily won shoot was catcher husky putting Tnake'- Public School M each son second among the league's the lad back the shot a * «M MM***the match. Both Inches; H. Hamel. Public with 10 points; P. 8. 10. Bronx, and P. ft. Mi, the December Cup. The event was at and finished in Artrvir \\ O scboo?**£v% t*l^ jump or 8 ftet 2H for batsmen. few weeks. Commerce needs his Dorm- 1 ,^_ far below their usual form.' Bronx, third, jump of 7 feet fr» Manhattan, each tied with 9 points; P. S. 14. winner .broke forty- serviced. - " "" School 12. Bronx, 6 points: p. 81, Queens; S. 8, fifty targets and the- ..... scotes • , tnch»«: J. Murphy. Public School 3. Manhattan. S. P. ; Love, of Commerce, who was se- were return ji* jan>P » inches. Bronx; P. S. 23. Bronx; P. S. b. Manhattan: four of the flying targets. ;V;>/I'j Russell IfYanzeneck. the centre of Strucke; captain. -vpsANT. foctth. of 7 feet — byv_ Manhattan, the Eastern fl^t Thorn*, 1 000-pound class) Won P. S. 7, Manhattan; P. S. 34, and by many as one of " cram . h!rh jump pcores follow: lected critics the all- District High School - w <-%;v R-annfn* 25, Th* basketball || ttnan.Ma! secretary. ni./n JCtGrtmrn \u0084..-«"^'*.* Goldberg, Manhattan, with P. F. 164. Brooklyn, each had 5 points. P. S. team. lVim A PublJc School 7 2*2* Strings halfbacks, Is trying out for game am v B?a]^ >m"h * Inches; L,. Eyrkln. Public Kronx. SS ix>lnts: P. S hi. Queens; P. S. 147, scholastic the playin?c the of his career this jj 3310J Ple^O ...«t*r^; a y:rr.p of 4 feet 7 H'd'cap. season. cordins .lecretarv. Tif,» ....••••;;:-Iv< \u25a0 jump 4 Manhattan; P. 30, Manhattan; SO, -of 25 Total. Love one' v Norri-. SI Smith c \u25a0 Bronx, neccnd. cf feet 6 S. P. S. Name basketball team. -is. or the best He is a tall, rangy *' .:.;—• T 'h'^.! 42. 62, P. S. 73. Brooklyn; Manhattan; C. .--12 IS 14 44 lad. fast and HRsressive ' <*-.ier sa'sherrr «o"'*:.£ <>h'» E H«rschs.uder. Public 'School Man- Queens: P. S. 51. I^mbcke « all-round athletes In Commerce and Is hi.-, LeaL'eau' rr 3?;Herraan»ea. "•"~" third, jornp 4 feet I\u25a0• p. S. 25, Brooklyn, P. 16. Manhattan, J. H. Emanuel. jr.....---- .jjf' 20. 88 In his work and sari in shootin?:. plane; - »«> l1 hin»s of Inches: M. and S. • good in baseball lie is Alexander -v. ~r, V l!- Public School 89. Manhattan, fourth, each had 3 polnU; P. S. 11. Brooklyn; P. S..M. P. G. Cha*s i § }} }* 33 as and basketball a:: he of the. leading measurer. "\u25a0' 32 Artber ...•••••.*•"\u25a0.** Martlno. S. » •' '* mm candidates for .ill echo. '-• \u25a0(; ion 33'\\\ Otrry .•.—"•.;* Juisp of 4 *••\u2666• 4 lnche*. Brooklyn: P. 12. rrm. and P. S I*B. Man- C. M Camp H proved himself to be on the- gridiron. ' flwt ••••••»-"-; — \u25a0 '\u25a0< - hattan, iMtla honors. wim^r. Curry 2^"^r^CST2 wrls'htinan 2Stl>. \u25a0 broad jump (Sfr-pourd claw) Won by each *:or»<3 2 point*. W r.arnlfy...... { _ .:'y+*js Total \u00842*J4] Tctal -..'*^.