Benchmarking New York City's Municipal Building Portfolio
California Energy Commssion DOCKETED 12-AB1103-1 TN # 68675 NOV 26 2012 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 2 ROLE OF BENCHMARKING IN CARBON REDUCTION STRATEGY 5 NYC GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS VS. NATIONAL AVERAGE 8 RESULTS BY BUILDING TYPE 12 RESULTS BY OPERATING AGENCY 21 CONCLUSION 22 TABLES AND FIGURES INDEX 23 APPENDICES 24 Executive Summary Benchmarking Effort Overview In 2009, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg signed the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan, a landmark legislation package that enacted a set of energy efficiency requirements for existing buildings in New York City. Local Law 84 requires facility owners of public buildings over 10,000 square feet and private buildings over 50,000 square feet to benchmark their energy use each year. Since 2009 the City has benchmarked 2,730 buildings including libraries, police stations, firehouses, schools, courthouses, health, community, and family centers, and government offices. The City performed this benchmarking using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Energy Star Portfolio Manager tool which is widely accepted as the industry standard for benchmarking. For eligible facilities Portfolio Manager rates energy performance on a scale of 1–100 enabling building managers to see how their facilities are performing relative to similar buildings nationwide. This report highlights the Portfolio Manager benchmarking results for libraries, fire stations, police stations, warehouses, medical offices, K-12 schools, courthouses and office buildings. These building types represent a variety of City departments’ facilities and provide a representative sample of municipal buildings. Collectively, these eight types make up more than 75% of the City’s building portfolio. Role of Benchmarking in Carbon Reduction Strategy This report provides the most comprehensive benchmark information possible on New York City government buildings which are 10,000 square feet or larger.
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