THE UNESCO CourierApril-June 2018 Welcome to the Anthropocene! 2220-2285 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Read the Subscribe to UNESCO the digital version Courier It’s 100% and spread FREE! the word! Published in Be a major actor! 9 languages Arabic, Chinese, English, Share the UNESCO Courier Esperanto, French, Portuguese, with your network Russian, Sardinian and Spanish. by promoting it, in line with Become an active publishing partner by proposing new language editions of the Organization’s Open Access the UNESCO Courier. publishing policy: Contact:
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[email protected] tO¡t1VCMJTIFETJODF Editors: *44/tF*44/ Arabic: Anissa Barrak The UNESCO Courier is published quarterly by Chinese: Sun Min and China Translation the United Nations Educational, Scientifc and and Publishing House Cultural Organization. It promotes the ideals of English: Shiraz Sidhva Periodical available in Open Access under the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO) licence UNESCO by sharing ideas on issues of French: Régis Meyran (http://