DECC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Video-Conference via Zoom Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM


II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Board Meeting on February 24, 2021 Action Item

III. APPROVAL OF CHECK RUN Check Run - February 2021 Action Item

IV. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT a . Operational Highlights i. Food and Beverage Manager ii. Grandma’s Marathon iii. DSSO

V. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Executive b. Finance i. February 2021 Finance Report Action Item ii. Audit Update c. Governance i. DECC Enabling Legislation Update d. Personnel i. Update e. Executive Director Search i. Update f. Strategic Planning i. Update




IX. UPCOMING MEETINGS Our next regular business meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 11:30 AM. Location to be determined.


• Minutes • Check Run • Executive Director Report • Staff Reports • Committee Materials


A Regular Board Meeting was held Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 via Zoom. Board Members Present: Chair Pat Mullen, Vice Chair Lynne Williams, Secretary Mary Finnegan, Don Ness, Peter Singler, Laura Mullen, Bill Nelson, Matt Baumgartner, Martha Bremer, Carrie Heffernan Board Members Absent: Roz Randorf DECC Staff Present: Roger Reinert, Caty Kaups, Renae Matt, Jeff Stark, Steve Rankila Others Present: Guests – Steve Hanke (City of Duluth), Joel Bergstrom (Orion Search Group), Deb DeLuca (Duluth Seaway Port Authority), Chris Fleege (City of Duluth), Anna Tanski (Visit Duluth), Members of the Public, Media

CALL TO ORDER and QUORUM: P. Mullen called the meeting to order at 11:31 AM. A quorum of directors was present. The Board reviewed the agenda. Finnegan joined at 11:32 AM. MOTION: Nelson made a motion to approve the agenda and Singler seconded. The agenda was approved unanimously. It was noted that a correction in the January meeting minutes should be made. The first sentence should state Wednesday, January 27, 2021 instead of 2020. MOTION: Nelson made a motion to amend the meeting minutes by replacing 2020 with 2021. Finnegan seconded. The amendment to the minutes was approved unanimously. MOTION: L. Mullen made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the regular meeting on January 27th, 2021. Singler seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously. MOTION: A motion was requested to approve the January 2021 check run. L. Mullen made the motion and Bremer seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Executive Director Report The Board was given updates regarding recent events, and was informed that the current week is the busiest the DECC has been for almost a year. It was noted that $500,000 grant from the MN DEED Convention Center Relief Grant (CCRG) was received, which will bring the current reserve balance to $1.4 million.

Ness joined at 11:37 AM.

A brief overview of upcoming events was shared. The Board took time to acknowledge the positive press coverage in recent weeks.

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 3 Committee Reports Executive: The Executive Committee gave an update regarding recent discussions. They are reviewing options relating to the Interim Executive Director role, as the current contract is approaching its expiration at the end of March.

Finance: The Finance Committee announced they are revising reports and are working on clarifying the AMSOIL bond payment obligations in order for all Board Members to have a clear understanding of the way the bond payment works.

An overview of the finance report and variance analysis was given. More detail was presented regarding budgeted revenues, as well as expenses, such as snow removal.

Heffernan joined at 11:45 AM.

It was noted that the annual audit is still in process so the December 2020 balance sheet is not ready at this time. The Board took time to discuss the audit process and the timing of Board approvals on the financials. It was agreed that the monthly Board approvals is simply to approve the monthly snapshots, and the full Board approval of financials comes after the annual audit.

The Board took time to ask questions surrounding the ledger and notes.

MOTION: A motion was requested to approve the January 2021 Finance Report. Singler made the motion and Heffernan seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Governance: The Governance Committee presented proposed updates to the state statutory language. It was noted that the committee has been in contact with local legislators regarding the revisions. The Board took time to discuss the recommendations and made the decision to increase the requirements surrounding bids from the current $2,000 to $50,000, with the acknowledgement that there should be internal policies in place to define purchasing protocols more thoroughly.

The committee requested approval to move forward and stated that the Board will be updated by email if any additional changes were needed after the City attorney reviews the document.

MOTION: A motion was requested to approve the proposed changes to the DECC enabling legislative language, and increase the purchasing bid requirement amount to $50,000. Finnegan made the motion and Nelson seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Personnel: The Personnel Committee reported they had been reviewing three drafted policies, including an Electronic Systems Usage Policy, a Mobile Phone Reimbursement Policy, and the updated COVID-19 Organizational Policy. The committee recommended the Board approve the revisions to the COVID-19 Organizational Policy to better align with CDC guidelines. MOTION: Baumgartner made the motion to approve the revisions to the COVID-19 Organizational Policy and L. Mullen seconded. The motion passed unanimously. It was noted that the Executive Committee will help define where the line should be drawn between governance policies and organizational policies.

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 4 Additionally, it was added that the Personnel Committee is in the process of analyzing information and reviewing the proposed salary range for the permanent Executive Director position. Executive Director Search: The Executive Director Search Committee stated they had selected Orion Search Group as the search firm. The group has begun the process of meeting with internal and community stakeholders for input on the qualities needed for a leader at the DECC. It was noted that two community members (Mary Tennis, Executive Director of The Depot, and Nathan Stumme, Chief Prosecutor at St. Louis County) have joined the Executive Director Search Committee in order to broaden the representation and bring an outside perspective. The Board took time for Joel Bergstrom from Orion Search Group to share his strategy and listen to information he requested from existing Board Members. It was noted that Board Members have been sent information to review. The committee plans to compile and review the input, then finalize the marketing document for the position next week. Once completed, it would allow them to move forward with the search process. Strategic Planning: The Strategic Planning Committee reported they have been working to build the outline of a strategic plan and have another meeting scheduled. The committee intends to have the initial framework done by April so that once a permanent Executive Director has been selected, the new leader will be able to have input prior to the Strategic Plan being finalized.

Old Business No old business.

New Business Great Lakes Cruising/CBP Facility Update: Deb DeLuca, Chris Fleege, and Anna Tanski from the Cruising Coalition presented information to update the Board on the current status of the cruising plans. Several Board Members had questions for the group regarding the DECC’s role and responsibilities, both operationally and financially. It was mutually agreed that the DECC would not be responsible for any capital, or constructional, expenses. It was clarified that the ask of the Board was to appoint someone to participate in upcoming meetings and have the authority to speak on behalf of the DECC with the Cruising Coalition, but any outcomes that require a decision will require either approval by the Executive Committee or the full board. This would allow the group to move forward on engaging in planning, evaluating space (and the value of the space) for a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) passenger clearance facility within the DECC complex, as well as assisting in preparing documents and policies to be presented to the DECC Board for approval. It was agreed that the Executive Committee would discuss and select someone from the DECC to take on this role, whether that be the current Interim Executive Director or another staff member. It was noted that there should be clarification in the language of bullet #3 from the Cruise Partnership Request, dated February 24, 2021. The clarification should make clear that the DECC’s only contribution is the in-kind use of space within the DECC complex and there is no current expectation for any financial support. The Board continued discussions regarding the CBP requirements, as well as upfront or construction levy fees, which would be paid by the cruise lines.

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 5 MOTION: L. Mullen made a motion authorizing the Executive Committee to select a designated person to work with the Cruising Coalition on behalf of the DECC, and to make the necessary changes to the agreement to clarify that the DECC would not be responsible for any expenses incurred, other than the in-kind contribution of space. Singler seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: P. Mullen adjourned the meeting at 1:01 PM.

Upcoming Meetings The next regular meeting will be held March 31, 2021 at 11:30 AM. Location to be determined.

Minutes reported by Renae Matt, Executive Assistant.

Submitted by:

______Patrick Mullen, Chair Mary Finnegan, Secretary

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 6 DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 7 DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 8 DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 9 DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 10

Executive Director Report

DECC Board March 2021

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 11 Executive Director Report Roger J. Reinert, Interim Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Vaccination Site The MDH vaccination site in City Side continues to have great impact for our community. Several local media outlets joined together on February 24th to answer questions from the public regarding vaccinations, and MDH/Vault have held several clinics for 1st and 2nd doses of the vaccine. To date, the DECC site has supported distribution of 9,683 total doses as of March 24th.

Event Growth In the last month we have held many events within the current state restriction guidelines. A fundraising dinner, drive-thru free food giveaways, UMD Hockey, youth hockey, police department meeting, dance competitions, the COVID-19 testing site, the COVID-19 vaccination site, the Duluth Wedding Show, the gun show, and the DSSO. We held the largest catered dinner since the start of the pandemic, and the first exhibitor event in over a year.

The state will adjust guidelines for large venues effective April 1. All venues can open at 50% capacity up to 250 people. Venues with normal occupant capacity over 500 can add additional guests: o Seated outdoor venues can add an additional 25% of their capacity over 500, with a limit of 10,000 people. o Non-seated outdoor venues can add an additional 15% of their capacity over 500, a limit of 10,000 people. o Seated indoor venues can add an additional 15% of their capacity over 500, a limit of 3,000 people. o Non-seated indoor venues can add an additional 10% of their capacity over 500, a limit of 1,500 people.

Below are the preliminary numbers Staff have calculated for our most popular spaces: INDOOR NONSEATED (dinners with social hour, weddings with social hour, trade shows, proms)  Harbor Side Ballroom – 350  Lake Superior Ballroom – 600  South Pioneer Hall – 430  North Pioneer Hall – 350  Fitzgerald Hall – 350  DECC Arena – 844  AMSOIL Arena – 938

INDOOR SEATED (concerts, dance recitals/competitions, commencements, meetings)  Harbor Side Ballroom – 400  Lake Superior Ballroom –775  AMSOIL Arena – 1,281  DECC Arena – 1,141  Symphony Hall – 508

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 12 Grandma’s Marathon Grandma’s Marathon is moving forward at 50%, and has been sold out for all races since last fall. They are counting on DECC space to support packet pick-up, the Expo, and the spaghetti dinner. Race weekend is June 17-19, 2021.

Seawall RFPs The City of Duluth asked me to assist in reviewing RFPs regarding the design of the Baywalk/Waterfront space near the DECC seawall. This helps ensure the DECC is part of a major project impacting DECC operations in 2022, and provides an opportunity for input on the adjacent landscape component of the seawall rebuild.

Skywalk Security We are in conversations with the Greater Downtown Council and City of Duluth regarding an increase of criminal activities in the Skywalk Northwest Passage. We continue to have issues with vandalism and drug use within the skywalk. Typically, over 700 downtown Duluth workers park at the DECC and use the Northwest Passage to access downtown work spaces.

Pending Policies

The policies below have been drafted and routed through legal, or HR, and await review and final approval based on DECC Board action: • Data Request Policy for the Public • Data Request Policy for Data Subjects • Public Use of Space Policy


- Vista: Addendum, signed and executed - Marcus: Awaiting signed addendum (but paying per the addendum verbiage) - Beverage vendor: Expired; no current contract - MediaUSA Advertising: signed 5-year agreement; advertisements will start running in April - Parking: RFP drafted


MUI Liability The reduction of the outstanding MN Unemployment Liability reduced the DECC account on March 24th, 2021. This was expected per a letter from MUI last fall, but we have been carrying the full liability on our debit sheet pending actual reduction. That has now occurred. The MUI liability was estimated last summer at $1.1M, but reduced as a result of the difficult decision last September to permanently lay-off nearly 300 employees. Actual liability was $701,970. As a result of applying Federal funds that is now down to $345,872 (see below).

Billed Fed Reimb Due Q1 $15,264 -$7,632 $7,632 Fed Reimb per UI letter Q2 353,733 -180,104 173,629 Fed Reimb per UI letter Q3 278,881 -140,352 138,529 Fed Reimb per UI letter Q4 54,092 -28,011 26,081 Fed Reimb estimated at 50% $701,970 -$356,099 $345,872 Remaining Potential liability

DEED indicated in their letter that they will now review the remaining balance for application of additional State relief. This may take several months, but it likely to result in a sharp reduction - or even elimination - of the remaining MUI balance.

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 13 St. Louis County Phase 3 CARES Act Funding We applied for the Phase 3 grant funding through St. Louis County, but we were notified of denial on March 15th.

Save Our Stages Grant The application window for the Save Our Stages (SOS) Venue Grant through the U.S. Small Business Administration is expected to open in April. SOS will allow reimbursement of up to 45% of the gross earned revenue of the eligible entity during 2019, with a maximum grant award of $10,000,000.

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 14 Staff Reports

DECC Board March 2021

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 15 March 2021 INTERNAL Operations Report

Team Lead: Steve Rankila

Needed Repairs, Supplies and Inspection Costs 1. AMSOIL Smoke Evacuation system (T & M $149.00 per hour) $5720.00 *Johnson Control will try and resolve in one day for time & materials 2. Required Elevator Safety upgrades and repairs 15000.00 3. AMSOIL ice plant compressor #2 rebuild 400.00 4. AMSOIL ice plant chiller pump #1 bearing replacement 350.00 5. DECC Arena ice plant chiller pump #1 rebuild 350.00 6. Pioneer Hall ice plant chiller pump #1 & #2 rebuild 700.00 7. AMSOIL refrigerate for cooling system 1000.00 8. Replace heat pump valve in AMSOIL 2500.00 9. Boiler room sump pump replacement 987.00 10. City Side sump pump replacement 7500.00

Priority Capital Expense Items 1. North Pioneer Hall ice plant-Curling Club – 1976 $400,000 2. Pioneer Hall chiller-A/C for City Side, Pioneer Hall & Harbor Side-1976 350,000 3. DECC power transformer- original equipment – 1966 120,000 4. AMSOIL Arena heat exchanger (4) $20,000 each 80,000 5. Garage Door 6 25,000 6. Entrance F – entry doors – 1966 36,000 7. Entrance A – entry doors – 1976 25,000 8. Symphony Hall cooling coil – 1966 30,000 9. Johnson Control upgrade for City Side 75,000 10. DECC Arena coil – 1966 30,000 11. City Side coil- 1990 30,000 12. Paulucci Hall Air Handler 50,000

Engineering and Maintenance • With the Hockey season coming to an end, routine maintenance and needed repairs will be done to our ice plant systems. AMSOIL ice plant will need a compressor rebuild and new bearings in chiller #1. DECC Arena rebuild on chiller #1 and rebuild Pioneer Hall chiller pump #1 & #2. • A State elevator inspection discovered some required safety upgrades and repairs. Some work will be completed in-house and additional work will be completed by our contracted elevator company for approximately $15,000. • AMSOIL Arena smoke evacuation system is currently out of service and is required to operate at full capacity. Johnson controls will be contracted on a daily basis, charging time and materials to resolve the issues ($149.00 per hour). If they cannot repair in one day, the total quote is $5720.00.

Security Update • Unwanted traffic in the Northwest Passage and the DECC parking ramp continues to be an ongoing issue. The Duluth Police Department has increased patrols and deal with individuals who have been trespassed. • Held a meeting with City of Duluth and Duluth Fire Department to discuss installing two remotely lockable doors in the Northwest Passage. Doors would be located near Curling Club and DTC.

William A. Irvin • Work to open the Irvin will be starting ASAP, weather permitting. • Annual maintenance has been on a 3-year suspension due to seawall restoration and reduction in maintenance staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. • Painting and museum maintenance are crucial to presenting a top-notch product for our guests.

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 16 March 2021 EXTERNAL Operations Report

Team Lead: Jeff Stark State of MN Guidelines • Stay Safe Guidelines have been updated and will go into effect on March 29th with new capacity numbers. Based on the provided formulas from the State, we can now host a number of events at a larger capacity based on our occupancy status. These new occupancies provide a path forward to financially beneficial events being hosted at safe levels. Below are the updated occupancies for our most utilized spaces • INDOOR NONSEATED (dinners with social hour, weddings with social hour, trade shows, proms) o Harbor Side Ballroom – 350 o Lake Superior Ballroom – 600 o South Pioneer Hall – 430 o North Pioneer Hall – 350 o Fitzgerald Hall – 350 o DECC Arena – 844 o AMSOIL Arena – 938

• INDOOR SEATED (concerts, dance recitals/competitions, commencements, meetings) o Harbor Side Ballroom – 400 o Lake Superior Ballroom –775 o AMSOIL Arena – 1,281 o DECC Arena – 1,141 o Symphony Hall – 508 • Wedding and special events are no longer treated differently than any other events and can be held at the capacities listed above.

Event Updates: • Wedding Show 3/14 – First expo since March of 2020. Event had 70 booths/vendors, 500 attendees and over $2k in bar sales. • Gun & Knife Show 3/20&3/21 – This event did the largest Saturday business the show has seen in recent memory. The line wrapped around the 2nd floor of CitySide, down the escalator and a few hundred feet outside onto the sidewalk. The line lasted from 9am- 12pm. This was all done under a capacity of 250 patrons in the room at any one time. • Commencements & Graduations o Sales/Event Planning have pitched utilization of AMSOIL Arena to Duluth East, Duluth Denfeld and Hermantown to host their graduations. These events have now booked that space for early June in order to take advantage of our increased capacity numbers. Press coverage for their event: -news/hermantown-high-school-graduation/6044490/ o CSS is moving forward with a hybrid Commencement where graduates will walk with 2 family members to receive their diploma. This will be hosted at AMSOIL Arena/DECC/Paulucci Hall. o UMD Commencement has gone virtual this year. There is no rental attached to this event as its part of the larger UMD Hockey contract, but it does typically draw over 10,000 people to the area. • Duluth Junk Hunt April 29-May 1st o Event Planning was able to reformulate the layout of this event to utilize AMSOIL Arena, Paulucci Hall and DECC Arena. We are now able to host 1,500 people in the facility and can make events like these profitable for the promoters and the DECC.

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 17 Ice Season • Ice has been removed from DECC Arena. Season concluded on March 26th. • Ice will be removed from AMSOIL Arena as soon as UMD Men’s Hockey season is at a conclusion. • Ice will return in late June for a series of camps and tournaments.

Bayfront • Capacity increases by the State allow for 2,500 patrons as of March 29th. This trend allows a path forward for most events and directly lead to the confirmation of Fourth Fest and Hairball in early July.

Sales Confirmed New Events 2021 • Economic Development Association of MN – Oct. 29, 2021- 200 guests • MN Safety Council – September 27-28, 2021 – 250 guests • 2 additional weddings – 200-300 guests

Events are coming • We have a small lull in events in the beginning of April, but start down a path that shows 190 unique events that are currently in the planning stages through December 31, 2021.

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 18 2021 DECC Events Start Date End Date Description Status Attendance Booked Spaces 04/13/21 04/17/21 Duluth Superior Symphony - Masterworks Definite (30) 500 Symphony Hall 04/14/21 04/14/21 Leadership Duluth Tentative (28) 50 AMSOIL Arena Lobby 04/16/21 04/16/21 Life House Staff Retreat Definite (30) 50 Harbor Side Ballroom, Meeting Room 305 04/18/21 04/18/21 Duluth Superior Symphony - Youth Orchestra Tentative (28) Symphony Hall 04/19/21 04/21/21 Minnesota Logger Education Program 2021 Definite (30) 200 City Side Convention Center All 04/22/21 04/22/21 Dale Carnegie Training Tentative (28) 30 French River Room 04/22/21 04/25/21 Celebration Talent Competition #1 Definite (30) 1,500 Paulucci Hall, Symphony Hall 04/28/21 05/01/21 Duluth Junk Hunt Definite (30) 1,000 AMSOIL Arena, DECC Arena, Paulucci Hall 04/28/21 04/28/21 DECC Board Meeting Definite (30) 17 Solon Board Room 04/29/21 05/02/21 Celebration Talent Competition #2 Definite (30) 1,500 Chester Creek Room, Symphony Hall 05/01/21 05/01/21 East High School Prom 2021 Definite (30) 515 Harbor Side Ballroom 05/01/21 05/01/21 Proctor High School Prom 2021 Definite (30) 200 Horizon Room,Meeting Room 202 05/05/21 05/08/21 Duluth Superior Symphony - Masterworks Definite (30) 500 Symphony Hall 05/06/21 05/06/21 Dale Carnegie Training Tentative (28) 30 French River Room 05/07/21 05/09/21 Ovation Dance Challenge Tentative (28) 1,000 Harbor Side Ballroom 05/08/21 05/08/21 UMD Commencement Definite (30) 10,000 AMSOIL Arena, DECC Arena, Paulucci Hall 05/09/21 05/09/21 Duluth Superior Symphony - Youth Orchestra Tentative (28) Symphony Hall 05/14/21 05/16/21 College of St. Scholastica Commencement Definite (30) 5,000 AMSOIL Arena, DECC Arena, Paulucci Hall 05/14/21 05/14/21 Minnesota Ballet - Student Performance Tentative (28) 500 Symphony Hall 05/15/21 05/15/21 Rikkola/Tollerud Wedding Reception Definite (30) 250 Harbor Side Ballroom 05/15/21 05/15/21 Esko High School Dinner & Prom Definite (30) 150 Horizon Room 05/16/21 05/16/21 NYLA Dance Competition Definite (30) 1,000 Paulucci Hall, Symphony Hall 05/20/21 05/23/21 Sterling Silver Studio Dance Rehearsal and Recital Definite (30) 800 Symphony Hall 05/21/21 05/22/21 Duluth Dance Center Recital Definite (30) 1,500 Symphony Hall 05/22/21 05/22/21 Koch/Colling Wedding Reception Definite (30) 300 Harbor Side Ballroom 05/24/21 05/24/21 Duluth East High School Honors Night Definite (30) 500 Symphony Hall 05/26/21 05/26/21 DSACF Annual Celebration Definite (30) 300 Harbor Side Ballroom 05/26/21 05/27/21 Northwood Children's Services Banquet Definite (30) 500 Lake Superior Ballroom 05/26/21 05/26/21 DECC Board Meeting Definite (30) 17 Solon Board Room, Sym Hall Mezz City Side 06/02/21 06/03/21 Red Cross/UMD Athletics Blood Drive Definite (30) 100 AMSOIL Arena 06/04/21 06/05/21 ALS Banquets Tentative (28) 700 AMSOIL Arena, Lake Superior Ballroom 06/04/21 06/04/21 Loch/Butera Wedding Reception Definite (30) 175 Gooseberry Falls Room, Harbor Side Ballroom 06/04/21 06/05/21 Madill Performing Arts Center Recital Definite (30) 1,000 Symphony Hall 06/05/21 06/05/21 Johnson/Medin Wedding Reception Definite (30) 200 Harbor Side Ballroom 06/06/21 06/06/21 Hermantown HS Graduation Tentative (28) 1,000 AMSOIL Arena 06/06/21 06/06/21 Proctor High School Graduation Definite (30) 850 Symphony Hall 06/09/21 06/09/21 East High School Commencement 2021 Definite (30) 2,300 AMSOIL Arena 06/10/21 06/10/21 Denfeld High School Graduation Tentative (28) 1,200 AMSOIL Arena

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 19 06/11/21 06/12/21 Stacey's Studio of Dance Education Recital Definite (30) 1,000 Symphony Hall 06/16/21 06/19/21 Grandma's Marathon 2021 Definite (30) 10,000 Entire Facility 06/23/21 06/27/21 DX Events National Dance Competition & Conv Definite (30) 1,500 Symphony Hall 06/25/21 06/27/21 Duluth Gun Show Definite (30) 500 Lake Superior Ballroom 06/30/21 06/30/21 DECC Board Meeting Definite (30) 17 Solon Board Room 07/08/21 07/10/21 Minnesota ParaUnity Convention Definite (30) 500 HSCC, Fitzgerald Hall, Gooseberry Falls 07/10/21 07/10/21 Forcelle/Schafer Wedding Ceremony & Reception Definite (30) 175 Gooseberry Falls Room 123, Horizon Room 07/10/21 07/10/21 Johnson/Speich Wedding Reception Definite (30) 200 Harbor Side Ballroom 07/14/21 07/18/21 7-Lag Stevne 2020 Tentative (28) 400 Harbor Side Convention Center 07/14/21 07/18/21 Duluth Kennel Club Dog Show Definite (30) 1,000 North/South Pioneer Hall, Parking Lot 07/16/21 07/18/21 Northern Exposure Hockey Tournament Definite (30) 1,000 AMSOIL Arena 07/24/21 07/24/21 Bettschen/Schnell Wedding Reception Definite (30) 250 Harbor Side Ballroom 07/24/21 07/24/21 Moore/Engseth Vow Renewal & Reception Definite (30) 200 Horizon Room 07/28/21 07/28/21 DECC Board Meeting Definite (30) 17 Solon Board Room 07/30/21 07/30/21 MN Craft Brewers Guild Conference Definite (30) 300 City Side Convention Center All 07/31/21 07/31/21 Wangerin/Sandstrom Wedding Ceremony & Receptio Definite (30) 215 Gooseberry Falls Room 123, Horizon Room 07/31/21 07/31/21 Lenz/Strey Wedding Reception Definite (30) 300 Harbor Side Ballroom 08/01/21 08/03/21 MN CLE Strategic Solutions for Solo & Small Firms Definite (30) 550 HSCC, Lake Superior Ballroom 08/05/21 08/08/21 Stella Maris Academy - Vatican Returns to Duluth Definite (30) 2,000 Lake Superior Ballroom 08/17/21 08/19/21 Greater Downtown Council Annual Meeting Tentative (28) 600 Harbor Drive, Paulucci Hall 08/19/21 08/22/21 USA Hockey National Hockey Coaches Symposium Definite (30) 500 Arena, CSCC, Paulucci Hall 08/19/21 08/21/21 MN Defense Lawyers Association Definite (30) 175 HSCC 08/25/21 08/26/21 Red Cross/UMD Athletics Blood Drive Definite (30) 100 AMSOIL Arena 08/25/21 08/25/21 DECC Board Meeting Definite (30) 17 Solon Board Room 09/03/21 09/06/21 AAD Temple Shrine Circus 2021 Definite (30) 5,000 DECC Arena, Paulucci Hall 09/08/21 09/10/21 National Assn of Housing & Redevelopment Officials Definite (30) 350 HSCC 09/08/21 09/11/21 Duluth Superior Symphony Definite (30) 800 Symphony Hall 09/10/21 09/10/21 St. Luke's Foundation Circle of Light Definite (30) 350 Lake Superior Ballroom 09/11/21 09/11/21 DPD 9/11 Service Tentative (28) 50 DECC Arena Lobby 09/11/21 09/11/21 Light Duluth Teal Definite (30) 250 Harbor Side Ballroom 09/11/21 09/11/21 Alzheimer's Association Duluth - Walk Definite (30) 1,500 North/South Pioneer Hall 09/12/21 09/12/21 Morgan Park Graduates Reunion Lunch Definite (30) 250 Lake Superior Ballroom JK 09/14/21 09/17/21 Am. Water Works Assn-MN Section 2021 Definite (30) 400 HSCC, S. Pioneer 09/15/21 09/17/21 Minnesota City/County Management Assn Definite (30) 240 City Side Convention Center All 09/17/21 09/18/21 North Shore Inline Marathon Tentative (28) 2,000 North/South Pioneer Hall 09/18/21 09/18/21 Johnson/Biles Wedding Ceremony & Reception Definite (30) 250 Gooseberry Falls Room, Harbor Side Ballroom 09/18/21 09/18/21 East Class Reunions - Class of 1971 Definite (30) 170 Horizon Room 09/18/21 09/19/21 Lundeen Fall Wedding Show Definite (30) 900 Lake Superior Ballroom 09/21/21 09/23/21 Benedictine 2021 Fall Leadership Conference Definite (30) 350 City Side Convention Center All 09/23/21 09/23/21 St. Luke's Employee Service Awards Dinner Definite (30) 450 Harbor Side Ballroom, HS Skywalk Lobby 09/24/21 09/25/21 Celebration Talent Convention Definite (30) 1,000 Lake Superior Ballroom

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 20 09/25/21 09/28/21 MN Asson of School Administrators Fall Conf Definite (30) 400 City Side Convention Center 09/25/21 09/25/21 UMD Lacrosse Alumni Dinner Definite (30) 250 Harbor Side Ballroom 09/26/21 09/30/21 WME Entertainment - Peppa Pig Live Tentative (28) 1,800 Symphony Hall 09/28/21 09/28/21 Minnesota Safety Council Tentative (28) 250 Harbor Side Convention Center 09/29/21 10/02/21 AFSCME MN Council 5 Annual Convention Tentative (28) 900 City Side Convention Center All 09/29/21 10/01/21 Economic Development Association of Minnesota Definite (30) 250 Harbor Side Convention Center 09/29/21 10/01/21 Lions Pancake Day 2021 Definite (30) 8,000 North/South Pioneer Hall, Parking Lot 09/29/21 09/29/21 DECC Board Meeting Definite (30) 17 Solon Board Room, Sym Hall Mezz City Side 10/01/21 10/03/21 MTMI - Breast Imaging Conference Definite (30) 110 Harbor Side Ballroom, Horizon Room 10/01/21 10/02/21 Rising Hope Foundation Tentative (28) 500 Symphony Hall 10/01/21 10/02/21 WME Entertainment - Peppa Pig Live Tentative (28) 1,800 Symphony Hall 10/02/21 10/02/21 Alzheimer's Association Duluth - Walk Tentative (28) 1,500 North/South Pioneer Hall 10/03/21 10/15/21 Creative Artist Agency LOL Surprise! Tentative (28) 1,500 Symphony Hall 10/04/21 10/06/21 MN/WI Public Transit Conference and Expo 2021 Definite (30) 400 CSCC, South Pioneer 10/05/21 10/07/21 Minnesota Association of Court Management Definite (30) 250 Harbor Side Convention Center 10/06/21 10/09/21 Duluth Superior Symphony Definite (30) 800 Symphony Hall 10/07/21 10/08/21 Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless Annual Conv Definite (30) 500 City Side Convention Center All 10/08/21 10/09/21 UMD Women's Hockey Definite (30) 1,000 AMSOIL Arena 10/08/21 10/08/21 Essentia Health CME Conference Definite (30) 240 Harbor Side Convention Center 10/13/21 10/15/21 Health & Human Service Conference 2021 Definite (30) 3,000 CSCC, HSCC, S. Pioneer, DECC Arena 10/15/21 10/16/21 UMD Women's Hockey Definite (30) 1,000 AMSOIL Arena 10/15/21 10/16/21 UMD Hockey Icebreaker Tournament Definite (30) 5,000 AMSOIL Arena 10/16/21 10/16/21 Isaacson/Sloan Wedding Ceremony & Reception Definite (30) 300 Gooseberry Falls Room, Harbor Side Ballroom 10/17/21 10/19/21 Special Os Training Association Tentative (28) 350 City Side Convention Center All 10/18/21 10/20/21 PetroChoice Mobil 2021 Tentative (28) 175 Harbor Side Convention Center 10/20/21 10/23/21 MN State Fire Chiefs Association - 2021 Definite (30) 800 CSCC, HSCC, S. Pioneer 10/21/21 10/21/21 Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge Dinner Definite (30) 250 Harbor Side Convention Center 10/21/21 10/21/21 U. S. Air Force Concert Band Definite (30) 2,000 Symphony Hall 10/23/21 10/23/21 Emporium Presents Home Free Definite (30) 2,000 Symphony Hall 10/26/21 10/27/21 GO Show formerly Northland Senior Expo 2021 Definite (30) 2,000 Fitz Hall, CSCC 10/26/21 10/26/21 REIF Breakfast Meeting Tentative (28) 250 Harbor Side Ballroom 10/27/21 10/27/21 DECC Board Meeting Definite (30) 17 Solon Board Room 10/27/21 10/30/21 Duluth Superior Symphony Definite (30) 800 Symphony Hall 10/28/21 10/28/21 Duluth Area Chamber Annual Dinner Definite (30) 1,200 CSCC 10/29/21 10/30/21 UMD Women's Hockey Definite (30) 1,000 AMSOIL Arena 10/30/21 11/02/21 Upper Lakes Foods Fall Show 2021 Definite (30) 5,000 S. Pioneer Hall, Fitz Hall, CSCC 11/03/21 11/06/21 Duluth Junk Hunt Definite (30) South Pioneer 11/03/21 11/10/21 Creative Artist Agency LOL Surprise! Tentative (28) 1,500 Symphony Hall 11/05/21 11/07/21 Festival of Trees - Junior League of Duluth Definite (30) 4,000 City Side Convention Center All 11/08/21 11/10/21 Food Justice Summit Definite (30) 500 CSCC, HSCC, S. Pioneer 11/11/21 11/11/21 City of Duluth Veterans Day Event Tentative (28) 800 Symphony Hall

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 21 11/12/21 11/13/21 UMD Men's Hockey Definite (30) 1,000 AMSOIL Arena 11/12/21 11/13/21 UMD Women's Hockey Definite (30) 1,000 AMSOIL Arena 11/12/21 11/14/21 FIRST AVENUE Concert Tentative (28) 2,200 Symphony Hall 11/13/21 11/16/21 Minnesota School Counselors Association Definite (30) 350 City Side Convention Center All 11/13/21 11/13/21 Gales of November Definite (30) 200 Harbor Side Convention Center 11/15/21 11/16/21 Creative Artist Agency LOL Surprise! Tentative (28) 1,500 Symphony Hall 11/17/21 11/20/21 Duluth Superior Symphony Definite (30) 800 Symphony Hall 11/22/21 11/22/21 Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Tentative (28) 2,000 Symphony Hall 11/24/21 11/24/21 DECC Board Meeting Definite (30) 17 Solon Board Room 11/26/21 11/27/21 Fight For Something | MN Christmas Market Definite (30) 1,000 Edmund Fitzgerald Exhibit Hall 12/01/21 12/04/21 Duluth Superior Symphony Definite (30) 800 Symphony Hall 12/03/21 12/04/21 UMD Women's Hockey Definite (30) 1,000 AMSOIL Arena 12/03/21 12/05/21 Duluth Gun Show Tentative (28) 1,000 Edmund Fitzgerald Exhibit Hall 12/03/21 12/04/21 Cirrus Aircraft Holiday Party Tentative (28) 1,300 Lake Superior Ballroom 12/04/21 12/04/21 Cloquet National Guard Holiday Party Definite (30) 90 Harbor Side Ballroom 12/05/21 12/06/21 Kwik Trip Year End Meeting 2021 Definite (30) 800 Edmund Fitzgerald Exhibit Hall, LSB 12/05/21 12/05/21 148th Award Ceremony Definite (30) 1,000 Symphony Hall 12/06/21 12/12/21 Minnesota Ballet - Nutcracker Tentative (28) Symphony Hall 12/07/21 12/07/21 VFW Pearl Harbor Day Tentative (28) 100 Paulucci Hall 12/08/21 12/12/21 Shamrock Productions Ice Fishing Show Definite (30) S Pioneer, DECC Arena, CSCC 12/10/21 12/11/21 UMD Men's Hockey Definite (30) 5,000 AMSOIL Arena 12/11/21 12/11/21 Kolquist/Klingeisen Wedding Reception Definite (30) 300 Harbor Side Ballroom 12/14/21 12/14/21 DECC Board Meeting & Holiday Party Definite (30) 17 Solon Board Room, St. Louis River Room 12/17/21 12/18/21 East High School Holiday Concert 2021 Definite (30) 2,300 LSB, Paulucci Hall, Symphony Hall 12/31/21 12/31/21 Leveille/Stolzman Wedding Ceremony & Reception Definite (30) 200 Gooseberry Falls Room 123, Horizon Room 12/31/21 12/31/21 Northern Lights Foundation New Year's Eve Tentative (28) 300 Lake Superior Ballroom

2021 Bayfront Events Start Date End Date Description Status Attendance Booked Spaces 05/25/21 05/26/21 City of Duluth Parks & Rec Dance Class Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 06/01/21 06/02/21 City of Duluth Parks & Rec Dance Class Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 06/04/21 06/06/21 True Grit Presents Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 06/08/21 06/09/21 City of Duluth Parks & Rec Dance Class Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 06/12/21 06/12/21 Pinnacle Pointe Studios Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 06/12/21 06/12/21 Harbor City International School Graduation Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 06/15/21 06/16/21 City of Duluth Parks & Rec Dance Class Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 06/18/21 06/18/21 Grandma's Whipper Snapper Races & Irvin 5K Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 06/22/21 06/23/21 City of Duluth Parks & Rec Dance Class Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 06/25/21 06/25/21 Twin Ports Entertainment- Ribfest Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 22 06/25/21 06/27/21 Duluth Air Show Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 06/26/21 06/26/21 Beer n' Brats Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 06/29/21 06/30/21 City of Duluth Parks & Rec Dance Class Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 07/02/21 07/02/21 Twin Ports Entertainment Country Jam Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 07/03/21 07/03/21 DECC -Hairball Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 07/04/21 07/04/21 Duluth Fourth Fest Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 07/10/21 07/10/21 FIRST AVENUE Concert Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 07/13/21 07/14/21 City of Duluth Parks & Rec Dance Class Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 07/16/21 07/16/21 Reinert Hold Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 07/17/21 07/17/21 Bayfront Reggae World Music Festival Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 07/18/21 07/18/21 Honor the Earth Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 07/20/21 07/21/21 City of Duluth Parks & Rec Dance Class Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 07/24/21 07/24/21 Taste of Duluth Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 07/27/21 07/28/21 City of Duluth Parks & Rec Dance Class Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 07/31/21 08/01/21 All Pints North Summer Brew Fest Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 08/01/21 08/02/21 Atmosphere Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 08/05/21 08/05/21 Twin Ports Night Life | For King and Country Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 08/06/21 08/07/21 City on the Hill Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 08/09/21 08/16/21 Bayfront Blues Festival Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 08/18/21 08/18/21 Grill Wars Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 08/19/21 08/19/21 USA Hockey at Bayfront Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 08/19/21 08/19/21 Kids, Cops, Cars Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 08/20/21 08/22/21 Art In Bayfront Park Art Fair Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 08/26/21 08/28/21 Tribute Fest Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 09/04/21 09/04/21 Bayfront Pride Festival 2021 Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 09/06/21 09/06/21 Duluth AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park 09/08/21 09/08/21 Twin Ports Entertainment-Avett Brothers Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 09/11/21 09/11/21 Lake Superior Harvest Festival 2021 Definite (30) Bayfront Festival Park 09/17/21 09/23/21 Oktoberfest Tentative (28) Bayfront Festival Park

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 23

Committee Materials

DECC Board March 2021

Finance February Financial Reports | pg. 25-30

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 24 DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 25 DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 26 DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 27 DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 28 DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 29 UPCOMING EVENTS BY DATE February - May 2021

Expo/IT/M Catering/ MONTH DATE EVENT GUESTS SPACE Notes Rent isc Concess Bar Total FEB 6 Duluth Superior Symphony Pops 150 Symphony Hall $3,900 $700 $4,600 5-6 UMD Men's Hockey vs. Miami 150 AMSOIL $0 13-14 Gun and Knife Show 2021 moved to March $0 18 UMD Men's Hockey vs. CC 250 AMSOIL $0 20-21 UMD Women's Hockey vs. Minnesota State 250 AMSOIL $0 27 Duluth Superior Symphony 250 Symphony Hall $5,300 $700 $6,000 26-27 UMD Women's Hockey vs. Wisconsin 250 AMSOIL $0 27 UMD Men's Hockey vs. St Cloud 250 AMSOIL $0 27 Lundeen Group Women's Expo Moved to April $0 27 Gems Dance Competition 250 Harborside Ballroom NEW $2,595 $2,595 February Total $13,195

MAR 3-14 FIRST Robotics Canceled $31,150 $9,500 $12,000 $0 4-7 Masquarade Dance Competition 250 Symphony Hall $11,180 $11,180 9 Real Presence Radio Dinner & Program 250 Harborside Ballroom $0 rent contract $0 $2,100 $2,100 12-14 Triple S Dance Competition 250 Symphony Hall $4,190 $4,190 14 Duluth Wedding Show 250 x 2 Lake Superior Ballroom relocated | Rent/Expo down slightly $7,850 $4,200 $2,000 $14,050 20 Duluth Superior Symphony 250 Symphony Hall $5,300 $700 $6,000 21 Gun and Knife Show 2021 250 Lake Superior Ballroom relocated | Rent/Expo down slightly $3,500 $750 $4,250 March Total $41,770

APR 17 Duluth Superior Symphony Pops 250 Symphony Hall $5,300 $700 $6,000

DECC Board Packet - March 2021 | Page 30