BfONDAT. JUNE 17. IM S. 4 iKanrifrBtrr Ettnting Ifrrald AVEKAOB DAtLY CnCB^TtON THE WBATHUr Foreeaat at O. 8. W eetaif for Bw maetfe af li^r. IM f Bartfara Daugbters of Liberty, L. I., O L., Helen Davidson Lodge, Daugh­ Membert of tb« Mispab group ot Ho m I Drigga of Walnut street and No. 125, wUl hold iU regular month­ ters of Scotia, wiU enjoy a turkey the South Methodist Wesleyan Guild CAMP FIRE GIRLS Mias Catnerlna WUsoo of Elm ly meeting tomorrow evening at 8 supper tomorrow, evening at the are to hold a picnic Wedneaday ave- street prasentad several amusing 5 , 5 1 9 Ooody, probaMjr BmiaBBeal rata ABOUT TOWN nlng at the ^ rin gton cottage at Impersonations. Games were play­ .The J W . H A k C c o o'clock In Orange hall. A social will home of Mrs. E. 'S. Haling, 39 Lo­ HONOR MISS WIGGIN Membor af tka AaiR tonight and Wndaaaday, not neMh lOatrctta, aon at Mr». Anna follow the business, with a commit­ cust street. The meal will be served Columbia lake, to which the hus­ ed and refreshments were served lEtif ning IJeralb change -In tetnpenitat*. and the guests departed at a late Bnraea af amelatinea of ScluKd street was grad- tee In charge composed of Mrs. at 6 o'clock and guests of honor bands have been invited. Supper will be served at 6:30. hour. jteta d last week from S t John’s Hannah Smith, Mrs. Margaret O. will be Grand Chief Daughter Mrs. Torch Bearer’s Rank Awarded Smith, Mrs. Blary B. Smith and Mrs. Sarah L«king of New Jersey, Grand The members of the Msnebester ^iriveraity L*w School of BrooUyn. to Dover, N. Girl Former­ Otmp Fire Girls are; Viols and with the degree of L.L.B. He Annie L. Tedford. Deputy Catherine Robinson of Wes­ The postponed meeting o f the VOL. LIVn NO. 221. AdvartMeg on Faga le.) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JUNE 18. 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS terly, R. I., and Grand Recording ly of This Town. AUco Adamson o f Cooper Hill ^ e J E A N H A R L O W a graduate-of Manchester High Manchester police commissioners street, m is Bldwell and Nathalie Mrs. Jessie Sweet of North School Secretary Janet B. Rutherford of for the month of June and summer ' where he was prominent in Ellen Douglas I»dge of Hartford. Moorehouse of Prospect street, athletics, and entered S t John's street, with her son and father, Ar­ Inspection of the members of the Last evening a special Camp Fire The supper will be followed by a Ceremonial was conducted by the Ruth V. Woodward of Pino" street, adtar graduating from Canlslus In thur Ingraham, are at their :;ottagt; police department as to uniform and Bertha Mikoleit of Woodland street, "\jou d-ast dtitU s St Kelsey Point, Westbrook, where business meeting in Tinker hall, at equipment, will be held tonight. The Manchester Camp Fire Girls before Finding Crime Doesn’t Pay lSS3. Mrs. Mlst-etta and her son which delegaUons from Hartford Adelaide Howell of Main street, CROSSING ROAD they will remain until the first of Inspection will take place at 6:3U a group of twenty invited guests at jS^Mph attended the commencement and New Britain will be present. A Catherine Wilson of Elm street and SHIP SUBSIDY PLAN i the home of the guardian, Mlia B. Aardaes and have just returned July. and the meeting of the commission­ P.outh Wlggln. Miss Wlggln ra- social hour will follow the business ers will follow. V. Woodward of Hollister street. In 380 CONVICTS MUTINY ftom New Tork. tumed to Dover, N. H., yeeterday. Members of MysUc Review, Wo­ session. honor of Miss Ruth F. -Wlggln of IN RAIN, WOMAN Dover. N. H., daughter of Mrs. Staying In the air for two min­ man's Benefit association, are re­ WITH minded of the supper In Odd Fel­ The Salvation Army will hold a Mrs. Walter Matteson of Grass Lloyd B. Nevers. of 49 Woodland utes, 55 and one half seconds, a Valley, Calif., arrived by Transcon­ ROBS TAXPAYERS, lows hall tomorrow evening at 6.30 strawberry festival at the citadel street. For her achievements in model airplane built by Michael tinental plane Friday afternoon and ISSTRp,DIES followed by an entertainment and Thursday evening. The band will leadership and skill in craftsman­ LOOK AT YOUR SHOES! Vetrano of 62 Garden street smash­ is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. '8. Rls- 730 FT. UNDERGROUND; open meeting. Members may Invite j[lve a concert on the front lawn at ship, Miss Wlggln received the COLOR. ed the world record before a large ley of Lake street. Mrs. Matteson First Quality hiuband or friend. ";30 o'clock. highest award that a local Camp crowd at the annual outdoor meet at was formerly Miss Pauline Cooley Fire organization can officially be­ SAYS SENATE BODY RentChler Field, East Hartford, of Rockville. Miss Delia Wehr, Long An Mr. and Mrs. Jame.s F. Mackaey Mrs. Margaret Brown of 20 Arch stow upon any member—namely, Rubber M eelf HARMONY Saturday, The old record was one have moved from 43 Brookfield the rank of Torch Bearer. Miss minute, 52 seconds, Indicating that street was pleasantly surprised yes­ street to the home of the late Mrs. terday when the members of her Thomas j. Hackett, a student at Wlggln was awarded the sterling Employee at Chen^ Hit GUARDS AS HOSTAGES the mark of Vetrano's plane la re- silver, national emblem for Torch MAKE-UP to the un- Mary Cone Moeser on East Center family gathered at her home In rec- LaSalle Academy, Lond Island, ar­ 2$e OcetB Mail CommhtM D e W t e b le . ! street, recently occupied by the fam- ognltToognluon of...... her birthday which ...... oc Bearer, together with an appropri­ A ttara^ SPECIAL SALE limited class for young men over 21, p, pinney. Harry England,' rived home early this morning. He ately decorated candleatlck and sil­ —ones you learn the art e f by Osano’s Auto — Dies 1 ily curred on toturday. The guests has completed bis year's course years of age. who bought this property from Mrs. brought with them a bountiful sup­ ver canQie. JEAN HARLOW make-up at famous tcreen noonces Past Operation of Deep Down m Coal Mine there and left the academy at 4 The Flag Day decorations were /II jr-c-JTi -REoatss- James McCaw. Sr., plans to develop ply of good things for supper. In­ o’clock, yesterday afternoon, reach­ Sam T u ly e t start know it EVENT BEGINS at the HospHaL Senators to Probe The 6rst of the annual series of it this .summer. cluding a beautifully decorated patriotic and during the ceremonial SHOE REPAIR SERVICE concerts in Center park by the Sal­ ing Hartford early this morning and red, A’hite and blue candlesticks Merchant Marine, Demand birthday cake. They also presented was met there by his father John J. 701 M ^n St., Johnson Block Personal instruction in the Art o f MAKE-UP. Fee- Kansas Prisoners Defy vation Army band, scheduled for to­ The final setback of the season to Mrs. Brown a number of useful five feet high were lighted—sym­ einsUng illiulrtted leuon, revelling bow tulei of ert morrow night, has been postponed Hackett, reaching Manchester at 2 bolic of Work, Health and Love. ON THURSDAY Miss AdsUa N. Weir, o f Glaston­ at the Highland Park Community personal and household gifts. o'clock. eonoeraing color, contour, highlight and ihadow ere Drastic Changes. MitchelVs Charges by David Addy, bandleader, until the club will be held tomorrow evening After the formal program piano epplied to meke-up to create raviihing beauty. bury, formerly of 56 Cfiiestnut street, Officials; Eleven Unarmed neat Tuesday. June 2,1. The con­ at 8:30. In addition to the regular Rehearsals for the pageant solos were effectively rendered by was fatally injured last night at 9:40 certs have been planned each sum­ Miss Anne Strickland of Highland now to Rouge playing prizes and grand prizes for •Search for the Light" which will Miss Norma I. Grazladlo. daugh­ a Round Foe* MAX FAaOR’S HOLLYWOOD Watblngton, June 18.— (A P )— Tercentenary Sales Days to when ahe was struck by a light Guards With Them; Tele- mer for several years by the band, the series, which have been under ter of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Gra- Park, who also entertained the Against Sec. Roper the Chamber of Commerc and the be given at the Emanuel Lutheran guests with palm readings. Miss We Specialize In • ART SCHOOL OF MAKE-UP Chargiog that ahlp BUbaidy policlea truck operated by Urbano Osano, of the auspices of the baseball team, a church Wednesday night will be ziadlo of 264 North Main street, town park department How to Rouge led to a "satumalia'’ by men bent 156 Oak atreet, during the heavy phone Wires to Surface door prize will be awarded and re­ held os fellows this evening: Ar» started on a motor trip Saturday LAWN MOWER a Thin Face Qaase* iaUy arriu ^ throu^ the eourteay of Be Biggest Merchandising freshments served. morning to Sidney, Novu Scotia. Max Factor. Hollywood'a Make Up Geniua on "robbing the taxpayer,” the Sen­ shower., Osano was proceeding east Washington, June 18.— (A P )— .JScaUed, Mitchell made public today Plano pupils of Mrs. Paul Motley thur Johnson's group at 6, Grace on Center street and Miss Weir was Theoe boys know that crime doesn't pay. They’re graduates of a Johnson's group at 8:15, Hllma She Is accompanied by her grand­ SHARPENING ate Ocean Hall Committee today A Senate Investigation of charges a letter to President Roosevelt rc- will be heard In recital at her home Mrs. Max Bengs of Pitkin street Dial How to Qyneeal Period Ever Staged by crossing Center street from the course of study offered by the Boys' Anti-Crime Council of New York’s Cut Down. Dahlman’s group at 6:30, Elsie mother, Mrs. William J. Douglas of Hollow Cheeks Special Crttqaqemenl denounced past ope;-at'..a of Mer­ by Ewing Y. Mitchell, assistant sec- ^ nevring his contention there had i this evening at 104 Haynes street. has returned to town after a ten-day Dobsonville, and uncle and aunt. 0 .AII work done with pre­ north to the south side about 60 feet lower east side, and 25 of them were sent to Washington to receive Brandt's group at 6:45 anc' the rest 5321 chant Marine aubsidiee and de­ medala from the boss of the G-Men himself. Some of them are shown retary of commerce, against his su -' been "scandalous disregard of the Parents and friends will be welcome visit in Washington, D. C., and Balti­ Mr. and . Mrs. Herbert Lyon of cision machinery. east of the Intersection of Knox perlor, Secretary Roper, was ordered ; public interests" and "racketeering to come and enjoy this musical pro­ of the cast at 7 o'clock. How to Make Up MISS PEGGY GARVIN manded draatlc terma for any fu­ Merchants m Manchester. street when the collision occurred. hare being decorated by J, Edgar Hoover, chief of the Bureau of In­ more, Md. Mrs. Beng.s was the Springfield, Mass. They expect to For ttSatIsfactlOD guaranteed. today by the (Commerce committee' practices" In the Department of BULLETIN! gram which Is to commence at 7:30 guest of her slater, Mrs. L. D. Car- be back In two weeks. Thin Lips Max Foctor Make-Up Artirt ture govremment aid. Not Beodlly IdeAtUled vestigation of the Department of Justice. The annual outing of the Army .Ffee Delivery •Delivery Service. It alao charged that aome public Miss Weir was taken to the Man­ to begin tomorrow morning. CJommerce. Lansing Kas., June 18,— (AP) roll, in the latter city, and while in and Navy club will be held Sunday, servants flagrantly betrayed their Announcing the committee action, Serious Charges. —Fighting broke out In the Mrs. Rachel Tllden, royal matron Washington attended the reunion of FREE: An Art and Color Analysis and Tour Own Color Harmony Make-Up Chari Mafichester Tercentenary Sales chester Memorial hospital by Harry .lune 23 at the Villa Louise, Birch trust and said government officials Elliott of 76 Henry street. At the Chairman Copeland declared Mitch­ “The charges are serious," Cope­ Kansas Penitentiary coal mine of Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ her class at Trinity college. Days—one of the greatest merchan­ land said, but Insisted bo did not today w:hen a group of striking ranth. left for Bridgeport today to Mountain Road. Reservations must WELDON Karlsen & Edgerton MAX FACTOR MAKE-UP SERVICE DEPARTMENT... MAIN FLOOR made a farce of the competitive time of her admission her identity ell would be put on the stand "un­ be made in person at the club can­ 653 North Main Street bidding provision of thu Jones' dising events ever held locally—will der oath" for questioning about his place much credence in them. i convict miners attempted to attend the supper and meeting of The Salvation Army will hold Its was unknown. Captain Herman teen not later than closing time, TRAVEL BY BUS DRUGCO. TeL 7885 or 5416. White Merchant Marine ac. of 1928. bo offered to the public Thursday, charges that Roper had signed a The committee voted 13 to 5 to | capture the gun cage manned Morris Court of that city. Visiting annual strawberry festival Thurs­ Schendel detailed Sergeant John Thursday night. It Bald the etandau'da for comput­ MoGUnn to the hospital to make the contract permitting the United report favorably the nomtoatlon o f : hj' five prison officials on the matrons' and patrons' night will be day evening of Uils week. In the New York— Friday and Saturday of this week John Monroe Johnson of South Cjar-'; 790-foot level. observed and Mrs. Tllden will fill ing compensation under this act are Identification. Sergeant McGUnn State Line Company to retire the rear of the citadel. The band will $2.50 (O.W.) $4JM> (R.T.) “unworkable and predictive of with more than 50 stores partici­ Leviathan from service without pay­ olina as Mitchell’s successor. | The convicts, part of the 880 the station of warden. Supper will give a concert on this occasion and Newton Taggert, Jr., who has Bocton $2.25 (O.W.) $t.05 (R.T.) pating to present genuine money­ found Miss Weir’s name in her hand be served at 6:30 at the Temple on fraud." bag which was confirmed after call­ ing the government the penalties “ I want It understood," Copeland: miners who mutinied early to­ the usual large crowd la expected. been enjoying a week's vacation, Providence— .A saving values over the three-day day and since have held the Broad street. has returned to his work In the Frankly advocating government ing upon several friends of the vic­ due for not keeping the big ship In said In announcing the vote, "thatj Tickets have been placed on sale $2.00 (O.W.) $3.60 (B.T.) K . o f C . ownership and operation ot Mer­ period of the event. service an a part of the subsidized every member of the committee I mine, were repulsed by gas and a successful affair is antici­ North Main street store of the First Exteoelve Scale tim living in the vicinity of the acci­ Fares equally as low to other chant Marine, the committee never- dent. Merchant Marine. said he had nothing against Johnson | guns. The five men In the cage Miss Leora Hibbard, director of pated. National Stores, No effort has been spared to make girls' activities at Manchester Y. M. polnta. ______tbeleas conceded that bitter opposi­ It was learned that Miss Weir, Mitchell was ousted by President but questioned the policy of confirm-1 reported by telephone to the tion would prevent this and so It the Tercentenary Sale:: Days the Roosevelt as assistant secretary of ing him In advance of an invesUga-; surface that they could bold C. A., entertained a group of 16 cf Twenty members of the Hartford outstanding event of its kind ever who had been employed as a clerk tha members of the Busy Bee club, Dr. F. F. Bushnell has purchased FILMS— 5c Roll, Developed. GRUNOW SPORT DANCE recommended an alternative plan in Cheney Brothers for nearly 40 commerce after he refused to re- Uon of the Mitchell charges. their position Indefinitely. Chapter of Trinity College, Wash­ held in Manchester. It Is the first girls from 7 to 10: and the Y. U. O. the Benjamin Tryon property on ■ (Informal) of "government ownership and pri­ years, recently lost her work and sign. Everybody is satisfied Johnson Is Woodbridge street from the own­ ington, D. C.. alumnae, were enter­ CENTER vate operation, the operation to be time that a three-day sale haa been He made public yesterday charges J a good man." Lansing, Kas., June 18.— (A P )— G. club, girls from 10 to 15„ at the tained Saturday afternoon at the went to live with her slater In ers. Mrs. Eva White and her nephew, TRAVEL BUREAU Auspices of aubsldleed where It proves neces­ conducted on such an extensive scale of improper favoritism and graft in I As he left. Senator Vandenberg Threr hundred and eighty sullen Hibbard cottage at Black Point. home of Mrs. Max Bengs of Pitkin and, with an unusually large number Glastonbury. For 12 years Miss Bathing, boating and games on Earl Beamon. Mr.^^and .Mrs. Roy At the Center Phone 7007 is sary. Weir lived In the Centennial apart­ the Commerce dipartment. ■ ------convicts mutinied in the depths of Warren have occupied the house for street. After the usual , business Campbell Council, No. 573 It consists of five members of of merchants taking part, it Is town­ At a press conference he had| (Continued on Page Two) Shore, with a hearty dinner, rounded meeting tea was served. Mrs. Robert wide in Its scope. The committee in ments, 56 Chestnut street, the Kansas Penitentiary coal mina out a full day at the shore. the past year. whom only two signed the report ments, 56 Chestnut street. She will Mahoney of North Whitney street, without reservation. They were charge, of the event consista of today, made hostagek of 11 guards, Hartford, poured and Una. ten-year- Elmer Weden, chairman; Raymond be remembered by many as the In­ The Army and Navy club auxil­ The meeting of the Italian Club Senators Black, Democrat, of Ala­ formation clerk at the entrance to and defiantly held out againat pris­ scheduled for this evening has been old daughter of Mrs. Bengs. assisted. bama, chairman, and McCarran, E. Hegel and Leon Thorp. on authorities who sought to end iary will hold Us final meeting of Mannehester Country Club the main office of Cheney Brothers. the'strike. the seawD and annual outing postpone^- by President Arturo Democrat, of Nevada. Senator A special supplement of The Her­ BIG ROCKVILLE STRAWBERRY ald has been arranged for In which Skull Fractured The mutineers cut off virtually Wednesday afternoon and evening at Gremmo to Sunday, June 23, at A surprise kitchen shower In King, Democrat, of Utah, signed It A superficial examination by , c Man Reported - Crystal Lake. They will make a. m. at the clubhouse. honor of Miss Alice Sharp of Sum­ with the reservation that he dis­ the merchants are advertising the physicians at the hospital revealed a all communication with tlie surface. SUPPER agreed with any form of subsidy. wealth of remarkable values avail­ Warden Lacey Simpson said he "their headquarters at "Linger mit street was held Friday night at AT WILLIAMS’ FARM Saturday Eve., June 22 positive fracture of the skull and These boys know—now—that crime doesn't pay. They killed a i^ka BUILDING BURNS Residents of Manchester and vl the home of Mrs. Louis Kllnkham- He proposed tariff -ujustments and able during Tercentenary Sales in an attempted robbery, and are held on homicide charges In New doubted that the convicts had fire­ Longer," the cottage of Mr. and Buckland othqr less serious Injuries. While arms or other weapons thM clubs, Mrs. James Sullivan, where supper clnlty have been Invited by the El mer of 131 Summit street, attended other legislation to build up a mer­ Days. A total of 9,000 copies o f the visiting In Manchester Miss Weir York. The weapon was a pistol t hey had stolen from a police station. .Auspices of Nine O’Ciock supplement have been diatributed In Missing Found rocks and possibly a few knives. llngton Tercentenary committee to by twenty-five friends from this f-' chant marine. will be served at 6 o'clock. For fur­ Women's I-eagur for Service, was the gfiiest of her aunt, Mrs. Eflie Frankie Damato, 13, (center) Is ''c llcvcd to have been the “ trigger attend the anniversary program town. Mias Sharp received numer­ MlnoHty Report the trading area around Manchester man ” for the trio, which Included bis 11-year-old brother. Julius (left), The fate of the unarmed guards ther particulars members will please Weir Beechler of 16 Winter street, was unknown but prison officials call Mrs. W. J. Shields, 7808, not next Saturday. There will be a ous useful gifts. During the eve­ Second Congregational Church. Senator White, Republican, of and it will be carried as part of to­ who upon confirming the Identity of and Libson Lawrence, 13. later than this evening. Others on patade at II a. m.. a pageant in the ning, refreshments were served and W EDNESn.AY, JUNE 19, 8 P. M. Art M cKay’s Orchestra Maine, whose ahlp subsidy measure morrow’s regular edition of The her niepe by the purse delivered by n n i f i i n I m expressed belief they would not be afternoon and an Old Folks dance in a social hour was enjoyed. Miss was attacked In the report and Sen­ Herald. Dead In Auto the committee of arrangements with Menu Sergeant McGlinn at 10:3d last Mrs. Sullivan are: Mrs. Elinor Free- the evening. Sharp,- the daughter of Mr. and ator Austin, Republican, Vermont, Special Prizet night, Immdlately Informed Miss 39 Vilhje St. L«d; Three,'“ S C 'S , u,. ■Mrs. William Sharp, is to be mar­ Salads Baked Beans Plan To Be There For A Real Good Time! not only declined to sign, but Indi­ As an added Inducement, $200 In was Mine Superintendent Robert Jave, Mrs. Margaret McCaughey and Cold Meats Rolls Relish Weir's sister In Glastonbury and Mrs. Freda Morehouse. George Marlow, son of Mr. - and ried to William Allen of Bloomfield. Admission (Including T a x )...... $1..')0 Couple cated they would submit a minority cash will be given away In two other relatives. The body of Frank C. Mansfield, Trapped, Saved. Murray who went down after the Mrs. Nathan Marlow of Holl street, Coffee Strawl>erry Shortcake statement. drawings of $100 each. Each draw­ EXPECT SPEEDY CLEAN-UP about S3, of Hill street, missing mutiny became known Md, unarm­ Shortly after the accident Osano, ed M d alone, struck off Into ths The Wesleyan Guild of the South left for Cambridge, Mass., today to Mrs. Margaret Hackett of North Admission 50o The report was packed with In­ ing will be divided into a first prize who had been enroute to his home from his home since ' o’clock yes­ 730-foot mine level In m effort to take part In the commencement Main street, Buckland, with her stances In which, It was alleged of $25, second prize of $20. third on Oak street from Hartford, was terday morning, was found in his Methodist church will hold Us final companies violated the “spirit” of (SpeHal To The Herald.) i negotiate with the miners. Several masting of the season tonight at 8 exercises at Harvard College, Mr. niece. Miss Mary Hackett, daughter prize of $15 and eight $5 prizes. held in bonds of $500 for his appear­ automobile near Bush Hill road this Marlow was appointed a Junior of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hackett, re­ the contracts to "pipe proflta" Into Duplicate number coupons will be IN WEYERHAEUSER CASE Rockville, June 18.—Trapped by i hour.s later he sUIl was missing. o'clock at the church, when a large ance in town court thla morning on a allernoon at 2:30 o'clock. dense smoke and roaring flaroes, Warden Albert usher by the Class Day committee turned yesterday from ralifornta their own tills Instead of devoting given away at all participating technical charge of reckless driving. He had committed suicide by car­ . . J. Gra­ attendance Is hoped for. The enter­ the money to building up the mer­ three, persons were rescued from ham, veterM of aeveral prisonr tainment will be furnished by the of 1931. Earlier In the year he was where they have been since last At the time of placing the bond bon-monoxide gas. Medical Exam­ elected vlcc-presldnt of the Avukah chant marine. (Cootiniied OD Page Two) death or serious injury by firemen breaks here, said he wa.. not sura Wadsworth group and the olllccrs October. Read The Herald Advs. Miss Weir’s condition was critical. iner LeVerne Holmes declared after early this afternoon as fire of un­ Club. The report eald J. t'. Grace, pres­ K Kidnapert Plead Gsih; SEWER DIGGERS what the men were striking for but will serve refreshments. ident of W. R. Grace and Ckimpany, She died at 2:50 this morning with­ an examination. determined origin swept through a declared the prison was In a better operator of several Grace lines, to- out regaining consclouaness. The TTbe automobile had been driven three-story dwelling at 39 Village po.s'tion than ever before to cope caae was continued until July 20 They Will Be On Way to about 100 yards off the road near street here after destroying a with the situation. geth- r with banking and other busi­ under the same bond. ness Interests, received In 1928 sal­ URGES A NEW FORM _ , I f t . , „ Found 100 Feet Beneath French Steiner's Grove in the southeast bakery and garage at the rear of the I “ Work .\s Usual” ary, commissions and dividends of Speed Moderate part of the town, not far from the building. The property is owned by ' “Work os usual," was the order Osano reported to the police that Federal Phson by Sal* city—ilany skeletons Are man’s home. A hole bad been cut PINEHURST Dial THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. $971,660. Discovered. Louis Koelsch, and as this was writ­ on the surface as Graham, aided 4151 The committee also declared that OF CHECKING BANKS he was driving at a moderate speed through the floor boards of the se­ ten, the fire was being brought un­ only by his regular guard shift, Coal, Kuml>'.>r, >la^onfi' Ktippitefi. Paint in the driving rainstorm. Miss Weir dan and a funnel arranged to con­ PInehurat Freshiv The First Shipment of Stanley Dollar received from his ordayc der control through the heroic efforts hovered ovei the air shaft and W6 No, Main St* Tcl, 414D Munchf^tor crosled from the north side of the Vienne, Isere Department, duct the fumes into the interior of of the city fire department. sought to learn from Guard O. A, Dollar Steamship line and Admiral France, June 18— (A P )—Sewer GROUND BEEF EARLY JUNE Orlentol line $698,750 as commis­ street to the south side and was the closed car. The body was In Mrs. James Kane M d her son, Johnson, on the 730-foot level, what struck head-on, one of the lights of diggers have discovered a the front seat. Harold Kane, were carried to safety the convicta were doing. sion incident to the purchase of Tacoma, Wash.. June 18— (A P )— 29c lb. PEAS ships from the United States gov­ Expert Would Have Examin­ Osano's car being damaged by the medieval underground towm one The car was found this afternoon from the third floor of the dwelling, Johnson, armed guard who had .Green Peppers to stuff. From the O. S. Cane lllut* Klb- Impact. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon M. Waley, ac­ hundred feet below the preaent by Mrs. Mansfield and W. B. Royce while Mrs. Louis Koelsch was car­ preceded the day shift of miners in­ OFFER ernment at low prices. cused kidnapers of George Weyer­ tHm Farm. As another Item, the report cited; ers On Same Basis as At 8:30 last night Hugo Opizzi, city of Vienne. who had been searching the area ried from the second floor. The fire to the shaft, sent first word of toe SHoe«l, Fresh 15, of 73 Cottage Street, and Joseph haeuser, may be on the way to Fed­ Many akeletons and powder­ yesterday Md today. Overcome by was discovered about 1:35 o'clock trouble to toe surface. 3 quarts 25c "The Roosevelt Steamship Co., eral prisons by Saturday, under CALVES’ LIVER which took Its name from Kermit Reale, 13, of 26 Oak street, received ed wood have caused archeolo­ the shock. Mrs. Mansfield was near thla afternoon but by that time had When the last two men came serious injuries when they were plana of authorities to "clean up” gists. who estimate the towm's collapse in her home this afternoon. made such rapid headway that the Fancy Young Roosevelt In 1920, with a then out­ Supreme Court. the caae aa quickly as posaible. down on toe shaft cage, be reported 33c V2 lb. standing capital of $22,0()0, made struck by an automobile driven east age as eight hundred to nine She reported to the police at 7 flames had swept thrugh the parti­ by telephone, they were met by BEET GREENS *blue coal* proflta under a lump sum agree­ on Oak street by Joseph Polize, of A Federal Grand Jury, summoned hundred years old, to conclude a. m. yesterday that her husbMd tions of the house M d mushroomed three others who assisted them la ment from 1931 to 1938 Inclusive, 274 Oak street. In bis report to the by Judge E. E. Cuahman, will alt that the place was Inhabited. was missing Md she feared be had through the roof. The three occu- piling empty mine cars on toe cage Canadian Bacon. Pittsburgh, June 18.— (A P )— A tomorrow and while District Attor­ Pockets of Tripe, 21o lb. 15c peck amounting to $371,987.” police PoUze stated that both boys Three long galleries and a taken hla own life. She Md fellow pMta of the house were trapped by to prevent Its being returned to toe at exceptionally low summer prices bank examining department, "on a dashed out from behind a parked car ney J. Charles Dennis and bis aMlst- network of passages oonnact employees at the town garage where Competitive bidding for the “mall basis similar to ths Supreme Court dense clouds of smoke M d only the Burface. Tender, Yoong Native Head Lettuce. 7c earh. pay” contracts was evaded, the re­ directly Into the path of his car. ant Owen P. Hughes refuse to com­ big stone rooms some of which be worked until recently, told the PIrM Gas Gun Kadlshes. bunches c. of the United States” was recom­ swift action of the firemen resulted 2 6 port charged, and It quoted W . Irv­ He swerved bis car, he said, to avoid ment, it is known they hope to have are thirty three feet long, police he had frequently threatened In their removal without serious Johnson fired bis gas gun a FOWL...... 95c each Native Broccoli, mended before the National Associa­ striking them hitting a car parked the Lindbergh law kidnap Indict­ twenty feet wrtde and thirteen to commit suicide. ing 'Glover, former second assistant tion of Credit Men today by William consequences. them from his armored guard box White Bunch Celery. t'ubliugc, lOc hrnd. postmaster general in the Hoover on the south side of the street. There ments returned wdthin a day. feet high. > UeutenMt William A. Barron M d they fled back Into toe mine. Honey Dew .Melons, Tonka, of Cleveland, for years a stu­ Under District Court practice An automobile in the garage was administration, as saying in connec­ were several eye-witnesses to the ac­ The subterranean town has a searched most of yesterday forenoon destroyed. The heavy rain that Johnson mMaged to free the air Cantaloupes. dent of financial credit. cident. here. Indicted persona are arraigned chapel with frescoed walls. through the woods In the vicinity of Friend’s Pork and Beans WeVe never quoted such low prices tion with the negotiation of one Tonks, now on leave of absence fell all morning almost entirely shaft cage Md that was toe only Ice Cold Watermelons. contract that "I think it Is well to Their Injuries and enter pleas on the motion day the MMsfleld home M d around the tneaxia of entrMce in to' toe mine, 2 large cans 29c. from the Industrial Loan Depart­ following return of true bills. eliminated the dM ger of spreading for such a high quality fuel, ‘blue , word your advertisement so that It The injured' boys were taken to banks of ponds in the south end of flaroes and It was believed that the toe main shaft cages having been Grnpe-Nut Flakes, 10c. ment of the R. F. C. and who is th% Manchester Memorial hospital Saturday Is the next day for-ar­ the town. EXTB.A SPECI.AL! , might fall Into the tap of the Co­ president of the Robert Morris Asso­ firemen would be able to extinguish blocked. Johnson's celephone also Parsons’ coal’ at our present reduced rates lombian Steamship Company." where their Injuries were reported guing motions before Judge Cush­ Besides his wife be leaves two ciates, national organlaztion of bank DEATH OF WOMAN the fire before the house became a was the only one to escape damage, STAR WATER. 2 for 19c. lIoiiHehold Ammonia Mitchell’s Charges not to be critical. Oplzzl suffered man and It was said at the federal sons and a daughter. The body was total loss. all others having been cut off. offers a saving that every home credit men, said in his address: building today that If the Waleys DANIEL WEBSTER The report comes at a time when lacerations and bruises of the chest, taken to Hollaran’s funeral home, From the bakery of Adam B. Four men were sent to aid John­ 19c qt. “At present there are too many back and hands and possible fracture decide to plead guilty, it would FLOUR, 24'/,.lb. bag $1.1.'). Regular 25c bottle. owner should quickly take advantage of. some Senators are seeking an in­ home. Rajczewskl on the first floor of the son, who came to toe prison from vestigation of accusations hurled at kinds of examiners, state, National of the ribs. Reale suffered a possi­ doubtless be done then. Federal PUZZLES SLEUTH Council Grove, Kas. They were Su­ bank. Federal Reserve, Clearing authorities were loath to comment three-story building, the flames the Commerce Department In con­ ble fracture of the right hip and INJURED BY TRUCK spread through that structure to the perintendent Murray, John <3hrts- Be thrifty. Don’t wait until prices are higher to House, Federal Deposit Insurance on the Indictment, but It Is thought nection with ship subsidy by Ekvlng knee. X-ray diagnosis will be made garage Md Mother bakery on one tlan. Council Grove: Fred Hunpy, fill your bins with ‘blue coal’. Now is the money-. I. Mitchell, who was removed as Corporation and possibly others. today of the Injured boys. that an Immediate trial is in pros­ Bridgeport, June 18.— (A P )—Carl Kansas City. Kas., and John Stew­ Past bitter experience shows vivid­ pect if the Waley’B wish to fight Khe aide while threatening a dry goods assistant secretary of commerce It was reported to the police that Her Body Foimd in Home of Cederholm, 39, truckmM of 19 store on the other side. The Uiree- art. Lansing. saving time to order. Phone us for ‘blue coal’— lost week, by President Roosevelt. ly the necessity now of consolidat­ the two boys were playing and charges that they and William Ma- Fountain avenue, Middletown, was CrMam - listed toe unarmed ing the control of bank examiners hna, Btlll a fugitive, kidnaped the story building bousing the bakery right now. Mitchell contended that a con- chasing each other on the sidewalk seriously Injured early today when M d Mother apartment is leased by guards held as hostages as follows: Have You Got Your Veteran*s ct consummated by Secretary and their Information In one central and that they suddenly ran from be­ nine year old boy on May 24, took Former Husband— Hint Pit Boss NatbM van Meter, John point which plan would eliminate he walked into the rear end of a Rajczewskl. oper for laying up the liner Levl- hind the parked car directly into the him to Blanchard and Spirit Lake, moving truck on the Post Road In Heslop, Levi Day, Milt Gould, the proven weakness of each type of held him at Spokane, Wash., and A t 2:30 p. m.. the Rockville de­ Coupon Book Bought Yet ? ithan was "againat the public In- path of PoUze's car. Pairfleld. He was rushed to St. Vin­ partment composed of four fire com­ James SkahM, John Edwards, ’ terest” and that “those Interested In examination.’’ Third Aecideht sold him back to hia parents, Mr. at Suicide. Gabe Kamersback, Dave Whlt^ Insurance Tonics declared that there should and Mrs. J. P. Weyerhaeuser, Jr., for cents hospital M d Is suffering frac­ panies was battling the blaze wiUv Oo the company Including P. A. S. In a third accident last night tures of the hip, skull M d nose Md out outside aid, but firemen had it James Wilson, Joe Studdard Md be a compulsory examination at $200,000 ransom. An Absolute Guarantee of Franklin, John M. Franklin, Vin­ automobiles driven by Henry A. multiple contusions. He Is on the under control Md the recall sounded FrM k Sawaski. least once a year of each bank “by Scballer of 14 Olcott street and In addition to the conspiracy Nyack, N. T.. June 18— (A P) — cent Astoi and Kermit Roosevelt” danger list. at 3:35 o'clock. Graham summed up the convicts’ the amazing new air conditioned would beneflt by it. men free of political appointmento Helen Mahoney of 80 Maple atreet count and the Lindbergh law kidnap Authorities were puzzled today over nosltion by saying that they had ao b l u e c o a l * While commenting that "the his­ or Influence, who are not “hired and collided on Main street opposite charge, Mahan also has been ac­ the enigmatic deatl. of comely food M d no weapons and that tha tory of marine subsidy In the Unit­ Bred' by the bankers themselves. In Pearl street at 10:15. Nobody was cused of mailing the ransom letter. Myrtle Bennett Best, whose body AMfRICA S fINisT ANTHRACITE chief danger was that they would ot Serviee refrigerator ed States does not encourage this other words, conducted on a basis Injured and damage to the cars was As Federal authorities here pre­ was found yesterday at the home of start a smudge fire to drive John­ $ ^ ^ ^ . 1 0 similar to the Supreme Court o f the G 'V committee to believe that such a slight. pared to lay the Weyerhaeuser caae her former husband. son Md hia crew from toe gun cage subsidy is likely to be honestly ad­ United States. It Is not so much ^ e Mahoney car was turning before the Grand Jury, speculation Although reiterating his belief Painting On Playing Card they occupied. The guards began that is forging ahead to new and unparalleled pop­ the present technic of banking that ularity and sales volume this season. ministered In the future," the com­ south after entering Main street. became stronger that Mrs. Waley that Mrs. Best had committed sui­ sending ammunition supplies down R s mittee nevertheless recommended U wrong, but the InabUlty, through Mr. Schaller, driving north on Main may plead guilty to the conspiracy cide by shooting herself with a re­ to Johnson to be stored In toe cage. limitation of ship operators' salary poor supervision and lack of author­ charge and face a maximum of 20 volver, District Attorney Georga V. Expected to Bring $15,000 Johnson and his crew are equip­ ity to correct adverse findings." For $]|[.00 Its patented air conditioning chamber not only to $17,500 a year and proposed that (Oonttnued on Page Twn) 3rears imprisonment and $5,000 fine. Dorsey said: ped with gas masks which would be U A keeps food cold but also washes, humidifies and the government recapture any prof­ Federal law presumes a wife takes “There are several unusual angles effective against a smudge, toe dep­ Notice—Local 2125 circulates the air. It means an end to covered its above 6 pe^ cent on subsidized part in a crime through her hus- which we are Investigating.’’ London, June 18— (A P )—A paper ^centuries of International history, uty warden said. dishes, mixing of food flavors and drying out of lines. band'a coercion. Dorsey said that Investigation had circle, two Inches In diameter M d could be carried in a small packing The little group on toe 730-foot N F Also, it was pointed out. Federal disclosed the existence of an “opium case. level kept in conatMt telephone For your convenience these sales depots hare heen DUES MUST BE PAID ON OR BEFORE foods. TREASNRY BALANCE The agents contend it was through her cut from a plain playing card. Is ex­ , One of them, known as the “ Ar­ communication with toe surface. As Washington, June 18.— (A P )—The layout" In the home of John Can- pected to bring nearly $15,000 next mada Jewel” given by Queen Eliza­ ntablished at these convenient places: confession In Salt Lake City that delmo, the former husband o f the the mo/ning hours w.nt by Johnson SATURDAY, JULY 13, Or An Attempt O E Coolerator uses ice in a totally different fash­ position of the Treasury on June 15 they caught her husband, recovered week In a London salearwm. beth to Sir Thomaa Heneage in reported only silence from the dead woman who is the object of a was: Receipts for June 15, $776,- much o f . the ransom and put them The card, the seven of diamonds, gratitude for the country's deliver- miners. Once, he said, he thought ion so that you have uniform cold temperature YALE-HARVARD BOAT RACE state-wide police hunt. Made To Pay Or Organization Will Take whether the ice chamber is full or nearly empty. 694,129.30; expenditures, $827,216,- on the trail o f Mohan. bears on Its back a miniature por­ M ce from the armada, is to be aold he heard a slight noise. ;Canteen at Army & Navy Club W 706.10; net balance, $1,969,844,- Candelmo, roadhouse proprietor, trait painted by Holbein the on the opening day. Thirty-three and Mrs. Best were divorc^ four Action On Those Whose Dues Are Not a iiia s H fiC f’it iir r t% ^ • x 376.81; customs receipts for the A s A CHAPPELL SEES RACES Younger during the Reign of Henry years ago it was aold “Monymous- BODY FOUND IN RTVCR Reingrerator Get Full Details of Coolerator Before You Buy month, $15,257,812.79. New London, June 18.— (A P )— years ago, and she subsequently Vin Md Is one of J. P. MorgM's ly" for a few thousMd pounds but Paid. Dues Can Be Paid At Office On married Alexander Best, Manhattan Hotel Sheridan Any Refrigerator. Receipts for tho fiscal year (since Frank B. Chappell, chairman of the collection o f 800 miniatures. is expected to comroMd more now. BalUc, June 18.— (A P) — Two . July 1), $3,560,593,919.52; expendi­ Vale-Harvard regatta committee, Insurance broker. •The collection, now on exhibition, Artists nmge from Holhem the 3Toung boys found toe body of Ben*' . Thursday Nights And Saturday Mornings. tures. $6,864,067,119.43, Including MANCHESTER GIRL SEES IT bos earned a day of rest. He has Brother Finds Body will be offered for sate at Christie's Younger M d Hilliard, to Isabey Md jamin Brett floating in the TTie body of the 27-year^ld wo­ auction rooms for four days .begin­ Jacques Augustin. They have de­ here today. Brett, a cripple. Is 33.419,695,056.79 of emergency ex­ The Herald Has Arranged An Unusual Feature As Part been busy for weeks getting Uie Metter’ s Smoke Shop O N LY A F E W penditures ;exceiis of expenditures, Thames river ready for Friday’s man was found by Candelmo’a broth­ ning next Monday. picted Kings and Queena, society Ueved to have fallen Into the CLARENCE LUPIEN, er, Ernest, slumped on a divan, $3,303,473,199.91. Of Its Cloverage Of The Rowing Classic On The classic. He has been doing this sort •nree hours each day have been women, statesmen M d demagogues. while crossing a bridge. He President, Gross debt, $28,700,415,830.28, a ’Thames At New London On Friday Afternoon. of thing every year since the Span- bullet wound near the heart and a allotted for disposal o f the collection, There are thirteen examples of the been living with a matter In .88 caliber revolver laying nearby. D A YS LE FT L. T. WOOD Co. decrease of $91,655,578.00 under the ish-American war. So today be the sale is expected to realize about work of Petltot, a Seventeenth Cen­ for severs! years att$r .$a$s^li:'' Bray’s Jewelry Store Local 2125. took a day off. He went to Pough­ Two shots h.-d .been fired fifOm the half a million dollars. tury artist who defied a King to from Chicago. 53 B iw ll Street Phone 4496 previous day. (Sold aasets, $9,078,- FOR DETAILS SEE TODAY’S SPORTS PAGE. $4U6O80^ keepsie to see tha home college The miniatures, portraits of men convert him, was jailed M d eacfp ad crew taaaa. (OomUnuad m Page Tw*) and women famous during three to Geneva, . 3 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.

The conuniltee will alao cooalder date for the annual meetiag. and It recognised throughout her Police Chief Edward T. NSlaw Under the General Aasembly act cake of lea at tbe Ludwig lee plant EXTRA SESSION WEDDINGS in thla city, and displayed for the native state as an able speaker and' mediately went to Port Jerrlz. the town ia to vote on whether or SCHOOL BUDGET HERE expert organizer. Her experiences CROSSING ROAD LEGION FIREWORKS Young Keller told Turner M [ Dr. Moore, dial 456T and Dr. past two days in the window of not It will take over the aaeeta of I Weldon, 0740, are the physicians the Tennstedt-Brendel store on In working with the New Jersey or-, "wanted to get away from people.” the Ninth diatrict. It la provided ganizatlon and her work In assisting' The Keller family had looked •$ that the diatrict will continue to NEEDED TO GET Petersen-Worsaa I who will respond to emergency I Market street. I calls tomorrow forenoatu | IN RAIN, WOMAN PUygrouad AssoolstloB Meettag I other states to organize will be the property recently in the Port Jervis ftmctlon until the (p sp takea It A T $310,000 FOR 1935-36 FUND HITS $72.25 Ulea Gladys Worsaa, daughter of • 1 theme of her talk at the Connecticut i _ . area and It waa believed the youth meeting Ti e Rockville Playgrounda Aseo- over. Thua the a o n W Urt. Clara Woraaa at Washington National Vice President corventlon. | . Farmer Reads Newspaper Ac­ went to that vicinity aa the reeult may be faced with ciatlon, Inc., of which Raymond F E D E ^F U N D S street, Hartford and Maurice E. the Bristol reductions slightly more Schrumpf li president, will meet Young: Republicans to Speak The far-reaching effects of her: counts of Search and Notifies He had been miaslng five dayc. In O fn l Cliss Niglit Program revenue for maintenance of the dia­ W orsaa of thla town, w as marrlecl IS STRUCK, DIES ELUNGTON GRADUATION work with young Republican groups I at Hlghschool auditorium, ii D eem ie of $2,000 (h er than those made here and in Water- this evening at 8 o'clock in the Po­ at New London Conference. Boy’s Father. the meantime, hia father offered trict Recreation centera and library this morning at 10 o’clock to j bury. . Those Who Plan to Contri- was attested to recently when the' Tomorrow $1,000 remard for information which until aucb time aa the town makea ABOUT TOWN lice Ck>urt room. Memorial building. June 19. Chrlatopher J. Petersen, son. of Mr. (Oontlaned from Page One) young Republicans of New Jersey: Manchester Green would lead to his safe return. Alfred, to Be Held Tonight, ita declalon. I agf VM ir’c Alllirnfirnrim i Andd F. Gustafaon, head of the EXERCISES WEDNESDAY Plana will be discussed for raising Slite Most Have Assembly and Mrs. Christopher Petersen of L a n le a r S HpproprHUKnl jaaltorlai fares of ths school sysUm, The annual mcetiag of -Center funds for the coming season’s acu- Miss Dolly Madison of Metuchen gave a testimonial dtaner in her;®‘^ 'l°* graduation, 8 p. m. Summit, N. J., June 18.— ( A P ) — his father said, recently bad a nerv­ Elarl street, Hartford. T bs cert- street told tbe pokes Ms esr was hote Are Asked to Talk Church Women's FaderaUan will viUes. It ia planned to openi. the Kh.irmsn of honof. Former President Herbert. S*hrch for Alfred Keller, 33, Lehigh graduate, ous bhreakdown. J mn AAA u « ' : 5****'^ pralssd by Mr. Vsr- in tbs trollsy trseka and ba waa un- N . J national vice chairman of headed the Hat of nationally, at Emanuel Lutheran However. mony Was performed by Rev. Wat- take place tomorrow evening at 8 Dramatization of Life of N a­ two 'public playgrounds the < first Pass On Loans Before abls to turn out in time to avoid the Young Republicans, will address the who had been missing sines laat aoa Woodruff at the parsonage of and $2,000 More o'clock in the parish house. Annual week in July. ”—...... ’’• known Republicans who either at-!®''V‘"’ BARN IS DESTROYED accident. H e agreed to settle for With Officials. than Hale to Be Given in ,70.— Barnard school gradu­ week from the home of his wealthy the Center Q>ngregatlonaI church In reports will be made by President Held Picnic Connecticut convention of Young tended the dinner or sent testl-‘ the' damage to the other car, the Town Hall. ation In morning. Hollister street parents, was brought home from IfaaekMtar Hitta’i olua day ezar- Bnildings Couhl Get Finan* the presence of a email party of the tendsnt of tchooi**rs|iorteS!^*Se Mrs. Esther Pieklss and her osso- The Dramatic Club of tha Rock­ which will be held Satur­ monial letters which were read at Spent Last Year; Janitors I poUca reported. The aeddent was achool in afternoon at 3, Buckland Port Jervis, N. Y., today by his d aM w ai* poatpOMd until tomorrow AS STILLS EXPLODE immedlata relatives. The bride wae , school buildings wers heatsd with ciata officers. Reports will also be ville High school held a picnic at day morning, June 29, at the Gris­ that time. Investigated by I^>licemaa John J, Chairman Aide Ptganl rsported The graduation exerclsee of the school in evening at 8. father, after a farmer there found afternoon at 9 o'clock beeaiiae of the attended by her sister. Miss Eunice made of the various groups of wom­ Crystal Lake yeaterday afternoon. wold Hotel, N ew London, In connec­ Cavagnaro. June 21;— High school graduation the youth living in a lonely shack. inclement wnatber today but the cial Backing. Worsaa, and Kenneth Davla of Hart­ because Mr.° O u s ta fs ^ tM l^ en Worlcere, and officers elected for today tbe standing of the Legion Ellington grade schoola will take The following were In charge of the tion with the New England Young Get hcretse; Yerplanck at State theater In morning. Ike Turner, a farmer who said he date mgtit profram will be held aa Farmer Who Owned Buildimr ford was Mr. Petersen'e beet man. , ... men in the operation of the heating the coming year. A large attend­ MIsa W eir's Thmny. fireworks, amounting to $72.28, srith place tn the Town Hall, Ellington arrangements: Louis Gessay, C. The bride wore a gown of whits Mias W eir is survived 1^ one sis­ Also Strawberry Festival at Con­ read newspaper accounts of the aeheduled at the High achool audi­ O f d t flflie n i systems and watched them conatant- ance la h o p ^ for. Befreahments contributions coming tn slowly. Marcus, O. Sullivan and M. Flaher­ MISS ETHEL ANDERSON Says He Rented It to Two ter, Mrs. MUmle J. DsUey: one Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. cordia Lutheran church, 7:30 p. m. search for the youth, found him and torium tenlght at • o’clock. Hartford, Jun* ll.-J-(AP)— The lace with tulle veil, falUng from a ly. and a toclaf time will follow the bua- 'With the holiday but two weeks ty. Stranglers. nieoe, Mrs. Mytie W h IU and one The program will open with aelec- June 22.— Knights of Columbus telephoned Alfred’s father, Karl probable coursea open to Oonnecticut cap of lace end orange blossoms. KoeeuMBenSe nttng Iness. Mlea Ann Brookinge wui be a'way, those who plan to contribute Pastor to Remain nephew, Alfred Dailey, aU of East HONOR GUEST AT PAR H sports dance at Country Club. Keller, sn engineer. The father and to avail Itaelf of new Federal relief Shs earrisd a bouquet of gardenias Saying he would conclude his the guest speaker and Miss Gladys to this year’s fund are requested to tiona by the orchestra and Invoca­ Rev. Charles S. Johnson, pastor Branford. June 18.— (API—Two fund, came under closer sdrutiny to­ and valley lilies. Tbs bridesmaid A acliool budget ealUng for an duties in a few daya end that he wae Kletsle will sing. Glastonbury, two grandnieces and call the committee, Mr. Pegani or tion by Rev. Roscoe F. Metzger, of the Rockville Methodist ^ u rc h Coming Events TO CONSIDER NINTH’S illicit alcohol atina with an eatimat- was gowned In blue lace with tur­ one grand npehew, also of Glaston- June 24-29.— Carnival at Dough- day aa a result of the policies enun­ appronrtation of 1810,003, or $2,00U etngtng hie swan eong, M r. ver- send their donations to Harold Olds, pastor of tbe Ellington Congrega­ h$a been returned'to the church aa Office employees of the J. W. ed capacity of 1.000 gallona. were ban to match and short veil, and buryr She was a resident of Man­ 'erty's lot, sponsored by local veter- ciated for the benefit of works pro­ l*M taan was voted last year and planclt this morning, recommended Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wolcott and treasurer, 21 Florence street. tional church. pastor for a fifth year. Rev. John­ Hale Company honored Miss Ethel Several loan plana. I deatroyed today when a bam houa- her arm bouquet wae of pink chester for so years. son has returned from the South­ an.s' organizations. WOULD A LOAN STATUS UNDER LAW gress administrators by President $1,000 more than was a ^ t latt eucCeseor. son, Stuart, are spending a few days The exhibition this year is ex­ The Center scliool will present a T. Anderson, advertising manager Take as long aa need­ Ing them on the farm of John Alex, Premier roses and gynsophlla. Ths The funeral will be held from the .Ijinc 26.— Indian pageant and drill Roosevelt and Herry L. Hopkins. year, submitted by the Board of Arthur H. Bllng, as a common sense in Westbrook. Mr. Wolcott will pected to surpass those of the past Nathan Hale dramatization as fol­ ern New England Conference of of the firm for .a number of years, burned to the ground following a ceremony was followed by a recep­ Watkins Brothers Funeral Home. at Masonic Temple by Eastern Star. ed to repay— up to 20 On thing apparently was certain— EMueatlon, w as approved by the msn with sAne and conservative combine business with plsasure. few years. Chairman Pagan! re­ lows: Act I. time 1775, an April the Methodist Episcopal church with a shower at the Rclohard farm UP TO $300 — After- serlea of cxploalons. tion held In Hartford for the mem­ 142 East Center street, Thursday which was held at Taunton, Moss., June 28.— Minstrel at High school. months! Committee Meets This that Oovemor Wilbur L. Cross must Joint Board of School expenditures Judifrment. While at the shore he will repair a ports. The Salvetlon Army band morning, place, N ew London, Cann., in Bolton last evening. Twenty ot Queatloned by (?aptnln Murphy of bers of both families and close afternoon at 2 p. m. Rev. Watson closing Sunday night. July 3.— Block dance. noon to Discuss What Action call the Generrl Assembly for a this momihg during a meeting in Members of the school board and portion of the concrete wall and will give an hour’s concert at the the Union gram m ar school; Act. II, the girls were in attendance and a f­ FOR 20 MONTHS The nnlf rhmrge !■ ClirM the Branford police, and Joseph C. friends. The young couple on their Woodruff trill officiate and burial Rev. Johnson was also appointed July 4.— Legion fireworks display Should Be Taken. special session if the state is to un- the Municipal building. the selectmen thanked Mr. Ver­ greetiSWard damaged by high waves Old Golf lots before the holiday e time, 1776, September 14, place, ter a delicious salad supper, served p«reo®fit per moatli • • Kane of the Federal Alcohol Tax return from an unannounced wed­ will be In the Bast cemetery, tdtlon. Washington’s headquarters, Harlem for a second year as pastor of the at Old <3olf Lots on East Center ■ tinpnirt funoant of 1oa« dertake capital improvements. Ton Back Balanoe planck for his many years of service at the sottage of Mr. and Mrs. W il­ by Mrs. Relchard with the assist­ — HELP YOO Unit for Connecticut. Alex was ding trip will occupy their newly kins Brothers Funeral Home 1 le fund standing to date: Heights: Act III, time, September Crystal Lake Methodist church. He street. The Ninth diatrict committee will Senator Matthew A. Daly of New An unexpended balance of $4,142 to the town and the town's Schools liam Kronlch. He has just com­ ance of her daughter. Mra, E'rilz quoted as aaylng he rented the barn furnished suite in the new apart­ open to friends of Miss W slrL_ lously reported ...... $56.00 20, place. Long Island, the British came to Rockville from Taunton, July 6.— Washington L. O L de­ meet late thla afternoon to take un­ Haven the works prog-css adminis­ will be turned back by the educa­ espeoUUy during the racent years pleted Improving the grounds and Noren, outdoor sports were onjoy- to two men several month ago and ment building at 88 Brtiok street. 7 p. m. Wednesday until the hour ' lUah War Veterans ...... 5.00 camp; Act IV. time, the next morn­ Mass., succeeding Rev. Melville gree team lawn party at rear of der oonelderatlon the ^ dietrlct'a tion department toward balancing While school consolidation was setting out shrubbery at Mr. and thc rain sent the party in­ Morried or tingle : You con ersonal inance aince that time he had not entered trator for Connecticut said after Mrs. Clara Worsaa, who is at the funeral. ing before sunrise, place, room Ellsworth Osborne, now of Baltic. clubroom on East Center street. P F COi overdrafts in other municipal de- worked out under his guidance. Mrs. Kronick's Stephen street home Sub-Alpine CHub ...... 5.00 doors where other games were etatus with the paaaage of'the refer­ the building. jresterday'e conference at Washing­ present with Mrs. Otherlne AUSr- Falls From Roof borrow up to $300 and hove partmenU. Except that the price of Saying he had orig'Aially been op- in this town; William Pitkin ...... 1.00 where Captain Hale Is confined. played. Telephone 3430 endum act on the town's taking Alex la reported to have told po­ ton with President Roorevclt and Jyce of Hartford at her cotage at Victor DeCarll, 40, of Sadds Mills,, There are 15 per cent more earth­ coal Increased last year after the posed to consolidation, Bdsrard J. John M cM en em y...... 1.00 Violin solo, "Symphony Eatag- Miss Anderson, .whose engage­ the coth In your hands within over the aaeeta of the Ninth diatrict. lice he was awakened this morning Hopkins that It was made plain Chalker Beach, Is a daughter of a Ellington, waa seriously injured quakes when the moon is nearest I budget had been prepared the sav­ Murphy of the school board credited SENATORS TO PROBE Robert M. Reid and S o n ...... 1.00 nole,” Edward Lalo. Eugene Ep­ ment to Donald jil. Thrall of Lakc- Room 2 State Theater Bldg. by a aeries of 14 or 15 explosions there would be no 100 per cent former-pastor of the Swedish Con­ stein, accompanied by Miss Ruth Monday when he fell from the roof 48 hours. As long os you’re em­ ings would have totaled $8,4io, su- M r. Verplanck srith its succeae Id Manchester Coal A Grain Co. 1.00 vine. wa.s recently announced. wa.s. “ ''® ‘t , and foiltid the barn, about 78 yards grants to the sU te but that Federal gregational church on Spruce street, Charter. of his home to which he was apply­ 7.')3 Main Street pOrlntendebt of Schools FVed A. Manchester as compared with Hart­ Depot Square Garage ...... 1.00 presented with a beautiful- set ol rincsi a ay. ployed, you hove o'choice of from his house, a mass of flames. funds would be made available on Rev. Eric Ostergren. Last night a MITCHEU’S CHARCES State Connecticut authors. Long­ ing paint. He slipped on the fresh Verplanck, stated, in excess of the ford where ogitaUon had started for Jack's Tavern ...... ,50 Imported china deml taaae cups and Police and Are officials were the basis of 48 per cent grant and party and family reunion was held OBITUARY view school: Spirit of Connect! paint and fell to the ground, landing $S,()00 as was suggested to the an­ return to the district system. Mr. William Alvord ...... 50 saucers. waiting for the smouldering ruins 88 per cent loan. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John cut, Robert ' Heller; Spirit of on his heels. Dr. R. C. Ferguson of nual town meeting last fall. Verplanck gave his Ume svllltngly, at (Conttnaed from Page Oae) (Thristie M cC orm ick ...... 50 to cool before starting a search for Larson of Middle Turnpike East, In Greater ConnectlcuL Robert Lugin- Rockville, who was called, ordered Don't take Assembly Must Act The Increase In the budgets ap­ a reduced salary, to Ironing out the ■ otslble victima of the blast. Alex . Thus, If Connecticut Is to finance honor of Mrs. Frank W-. Larson and FUNERALS $72.25 buhl; Noah Webster, Frank Met­ him removed to. the Hartford hospi­ was unable to tell police whether proved this morning from the problems bf consolidaUoh, whereas (R., Mich.) declared be would op­ tal and he was taken there at once ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT such projects aa a Soldiers Home at son Ernest who are here from amount expended this year results calf; Mrs. Lydia Huntley Sigourney, there wae anyone in the place at Crosby, Texas. Mrs. Worsaa oed Hartford called in an outsider at In­ pose confirmation until aitter the Mary Donillk; reader. Helen Fluckl- in the Rockville City hospital am­ Rocky Hill, a new institution for the from Increases tor transportation, creased costs to do the SaiBs work, Mrs. Thompson Appleby Mitchell investigation. hllee Dolly Madfonn the time. The loss of the bam was Mrs. F. W . Larson are sisters. Manv gcr; Harriet Bcachcr Stowe, Pearl bulance. DeCarll injured his heels feeble minded and expansion of the janitora' services and fuel. Mr. Murphy said. The funeral of Mrs. Julia Appleby* Those voUng to withhold Immedi­ John McMcnemy of Marble street estimated at 88,alnting jobs and laying concrete ed. in answer to a question, that the yeaterday. since then additional in- and the lawfulnesa of tha mulUudes committee on education; awarding the speakers at the afternoon ses­ day at St. Anthony's church in New walks. Oak Park, Chicago, formerly of and Ma-ssachiisctts will unite thla shores 50 years .ago tomorrow. ployed and that the policy would be $2,000 in the school budget for li­ tereattng facts nave been teamed of of business transacUona that came of diplomas, Horace S. McKnight, sion of the New England conference Jack Fi-ost Granulated Sufirar, Haven. The jroung couple were at­ Manchester, who came East for. tbe year at the Eastern States Exposi­ It wa.s on June 10, 1885, that a to select projects Involving low This summer the board was told, brary and Recreation Centers ex­ her early history. She was a naUve to me for approval and when 1 found chairman of Board of Education; and at the banquet in the evening. tended by Frank Oalll of this town commencement exercises at Smith tion from Sept. 15 to 21 Inclusive In French battleship arrived In New CORNER MAIN and PEARL STREETS 25-pound material cosU and subrtanUal labor one of the four boilers In the heat­ penses is for rent, light, heat and uf (Soldamin, Surrey, England, and that ships costing nUlliona o f dollars music, orchestra: reception to grad­ With Miss Madison on the afternoon aa beat man and MIsa Jane Dreger Cfollege, their daughter Marion be the first N ew England Onion and sack . . . ___ payments. ing plant of the Lincoln school at power In accordance trtth the agree­ and In ^rfect condtuon were being uates. program will be a woman Young York harbor \vlth France's gift to $ 1 .2 5 of N ew Haven as maid o f honor. told one of her friend here that ing a member of tbe graduating Potato Show following closely along Should the governor decide to call A the Center, which has never been ment- made when the library waa delivered for scrapping on an Illegal The following are the graduates; Republican leader from each of .the I the United States . to-commemorate . Krasdale Sauerkraut, On their return from a short wed­ when a comparaUvely young wo­ doss, were tendered a party last the lines of the Connecticut Valley used there, will be moved to the Center school: Arthur S. Avery, N ew England states. Following th e; centenary of American Inde- special .soesion and most leaders left ding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Kebart will moved Into the Bast Side Recreation man she once lutd tbe great honor contract, that millions of doltare In evening at the Villa Louise in Bolton shows which have been conducted 3 largest cans Unloh school from which the Steve BankowskI, Melvin Cantor, speaklng program the conference 1 pendcnce. 2 5 c the Capitol at the close of the regu- reside at their newly furnished center, the problem bf supporting and privilege of preparing coffee for mall pay were bring aquandered by the members of the bridge club successfully at the Exposition tor Robertson school Is heated, to re­ Earl Victor DeCarll, Edward C. \rill divide into group.* which will The statue, the work of the Wednesday Night at 8.30 Grape-Nuts, i r * lai session two weeks arto, believing home at 68 North street here. the libarary and Recreation centeis King Edw.ard, father of King George without any regard for pait due ob­ to which they belonged when here, the last three seasons. Both dis­ place a broken boiler. The trans­ Dombek, Stephen Flllp, Thomas discuss various phase.* of Young | F'^it^nch sculptor, Frederic Auguste that he will, the question of capital Mr. Kebart Is employed by the activities after Ninth district goes of England. She was especially ligations of the contractor to the Other friends swelled tbe number to plays will be under the supervision pkg...... 16c fer will be made this summer by the Bowden Hopton, Walter B. Hoff­ Republican work. Among the 1 Bartholdi, required 10 years to com- importance will share the feature Orford Soap company and Is widely out of existence was not discussed. .^killed along special lines of cook­ government, and other Treasury 25. A delicious dinner was enjoyed of Professor Grant B. Snyder of Wheaties, regular janitorial force, giving tbe man, Boyd L. Kibbe, Charles 8, plctc. spotlight on the program with the known in state bowling circles, Those Present. ery, and parted with her sisters and plundering transacUona were going and tbe guests of honor were de­ Massachusetts State College. topics will be organizing local clubs; Tickets Given Free For A Radio And Several Other Valuable tovm a new boiler with no expense Llebman. Roy E. Luginbuhl. Mar­ 2 pkgs. f o r ...... problem of state aid to munlolpait- being town champion and one of the The meeting waa attended by Mr. brothers in ths old country to come on without check or hindrance, I re­ lighted at the opportunity of meet­ Each state will conduct its own, organizing county units; state or­ C except $100 for new fixtures anil cella H. MaeVarish, A. Lillian Pe­ DIPIXJMATIC SHAKFA P Prizes. outstanding duck-pinners in Con- Hyde, Harold Alvord, Mrs. Bowers, hers 28 years ago. She waa located fused to approve such racketeering ing again so many t>f their friends. competitive show with uniform clas­ ganization; campaign activities and Puffed Rice, < •% the .salaries of the janitors at 48 terson, Dorothy Ruth Preusse, B ar­ No Municipal Aid ,«(cUcut. Mr. Murphy and Rev. Knut Brick- pracUces. Mr. Rippin Is a well known nurs. sifications, with tbe exception of finances. i ------cents an hour^ for some time in N ew York state, bara K. Sikes, Ferdinand S. Svirk, Winners Must Be Present pkg The General Assembly wound u son of the school board,' Mr. CM k, Made Enemies. ery man and with his family lived Miss Madison haa been active in! Rome, June 18. f-APl A dlplo- ...... l i e . Transportation Costs and was persuaded by the mother of Maine, which will add classes for NEW YORK Mr. Jensen, Mr. Williams and Mr, "Naturally all of the racketeers In Manchester at two different Solomon Isaac Yazmer. Republlcan party affairs for a num- shakeup, involving a number Jersey Corn Flakes, ^ a j Ite regular ac.islon without a pro­ An Increase of $250 for transpor­ the young wife of one of the present ...u v*.. . j . .. certified seed potatoes In which n S p r i n 3 L Pero from the Board of Selectmen, periods, moving to Rochester, N . Y., •Longview school: Helen Archacki, her of years. Since 1932 she h a s, changes among Italy’s foreign 2 large pkgs. f o r ...... gram of municipal aid after several tation of school children is included Cheney executives to enter her "^° ***^ their henchmen in Maine growers specialize. E!ach X O C Superintendent of Schools Verplanck official key positions were resentful for a time but returning here where Mary Donillk, Helen Anna Fluckl- been vice chairman of the Young representatives. It wa.s learned to- attempts to enact a ^alee tax had a the new budget. More pupils in daughter’s employ. ger. Robert Beryl Heller, Pearl competing state wilt provide prizes Loganberries, ^ f \ George H. Waddell, town treasurer and found no difficulty in persuad­ their daughter Marlon, who was Republlcans of New .Jersey, d u rin g ; day. will be made within a few been thwarted. SPECIAL SALE the old Oakland district necessitates Mrs. Appleby :eaves besides the for Its individual exhibitors, while Evelyn Klee, Norman Everett Rio­ tall can ...... 1 \ I C During the daya, a measure and clerk of the Board of Selectmen. ing Secretary Roper that my 'atti- graduated yesterday, was educated three grand sweepstake awards for which time she has taken a very ■ w’eeks. RILEY CHEVROLET CO., three instead of two trips of the members of her family in England, ter, ^ b e r t John Luginbuhl, Frank v/ns dr.Tftcd proposing a two per Mr. Cook was elected chairman tuda.i’ were imsultcd to tha position in the public schools. which all entrants will compete will active part in the development of Ono of the traimfcrz was said to Bean Hole Beans, r % automobile u.scd to carry them to her husband and daughter iFlorence, Hamilton Metcalf, Beatrice Ange­ and Mr. Hyde clerk of the joint I cccuplcd.” During their stay in town Mr. and be offered by the Exposition man­ that organization which now has be (hat of Count Plgn.atl Morano dt 60 W^ells Street cent sales levy to finance aid to EVENT BEGINS the schools which they attend. and a stepdaughter, Mrs. Jessie lina Minor, Gloria A. Mitchell, Jo­ Manchester board. Gustazo from the post of Am bassa­ 3 medium size cans for m OC He added that "nearly all of the Mrs. Rippin and their daughter are more than 35,000 members. Miss Spring (lim e Imi in yaera — Mores municipalities as well as capital Im­ A little less than $500 more than Kerr and a stepson Russell Appleby. seph F. Tomasck, Edward Zadoroz­ agement. itocked with thrilling new feshioni — The budget as presented by the worthwhile appointments you have guests of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Potatoes will be shown in lots of Madison has also been active in dor to France to be ambasaador to Cut-Rite Waxed Paper, provements. last year was asked for light and She Was also past president of Lady ny. eidraelk cafe, iproutinx privet hedse Board of Education to the Joint made in Missouri have gone to the Glenney of Porter street. 25 specimens and in 100 pound com­ Women's club work in New Jersey the Vatican. * 10c pkg...... The House, however, refu.sed to power, a further increase in the Roberts Lodge, Dauebters of St. Crystal ^ k e school: Walter Hen­ — thi* happy aetaon calaTli you to New ON THURSDAY Board of School expenditures Is notorious Pendergast-Reed machine, mercial sacks. Onions, a major crop suspend the mien to permit consld- price of coal being antlcipateT am srear. New yoik city GROCERY ing will be held this Saturday, Jims Edith L. Pearson for property with the national administration for the Boslick, Victor Boslick, Ruth Riley, use with recipes on the use of the the oldest Inhabitants of this town Verplanck about the possibility of plan’s are to hold the dance this year 183 Spruce Street 23, at 3 o'clock, and the second 82 feet frontage on the souta side removal of Mitchell. -MBS. B. R. W A T S O N D IE S M ary Rodvanfl, Raymond Baxter, onion and potato in the home, to could not recall any previous event reducing the budget further citing between Oak and Maple street on drawing wUl be held Thursday, June of Hemlock street. The committee vote for tbe Mit­ encourage their consumption. of a similar nature. the condition of many persona In Main street. The proper application EM ward Kibbe. A Narcissus play 27. at the same hour. Ann Jane McNally to James Jas­ chell investigation was unanimous, was presented with the following ' Allen Way, 62. and his wife, M ar­ town unable to pay taxes and that should have gone to Jie board of Bridgeport, Juno 18.— ( A P ) — Mrs. sie and Edith Jassie for property Copeland said, and was reached with taking part; Prank Makara. Marv garet. 46, died In the Middlesex diminishing tax payments by police commissioners, hut It haa been Rosalie laynor Watson, vrife of Dr. with 250 feet frontage on Hifuar!! little discursion of his charges. Rodvan, Margaret Banning, Edna INDIAN BAND COMING hospital, Middletown, over the Cheney Brothcre and other Indus­ the custom in tne past to ask the John B. Watson, Weston, eminent street. Vandenberg moved that an Inves­ Makara, Rose Riley, Marion Newell, week-end from Injuries received DEATH OF WOMAN tries had added a great burden to permission from the selectmen and psychologist and president of Eat small taxpayers. Elizabeth H. Smith to Wilfred tigation be made at once and that Bethora' Kibbe. when their automobile was In a col­ they in turn hod passed the appli­ son. Thompson and Co., of N ew TO TOWN ON FRIDAY A reduction of 35 per cent has Terryberry of Hartford, for a lot Mitchell be "summoned” and Roper York, died last night at the Norwalk A program of songs was present­ POPULAR MARKET lision In Essex, June 14. W ay had with 100 feet frontage on Raymond cation on to the jmlice commission­ be "Invited." hospital. ed undir the dlrecUon of Miss 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING started bis first season os profes- PUZZLES SLEUTHS been made (n the education budget. ers for their a p p r^ a l. Each time the John Hyde of the school board said, road and 180 feet frontage on Mch- Mra. Watoon leaves her huzband, Sarah Hammond of this city, musi­ W hat win probably be the great­ alonal on the Old Lyme golf club. ard road. request has been granted and pro­ WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOPI explaining echool costs have been two sons, William R. Watson, a stu­ cal director at the home. Prayer est attraction ever to come Into OonUnned from Page One) vision has been made by the police reduced from $436,000 excluding Certificate of DUtrUrathm. dent at Taft school and James B. was offered by Rev. W. T. Tyler, Connecticut, will be the personal department to see that proper pro­ building maintenance to $288,878 The estate of Edward Alonso SPECIAL Watson; her mother, Mrs. Rebecca pastor of the Vernon Center Con­ appearance of the famous CTilef Wednesday SPECIALS Wednesday gun, Dorsey sadl, and the hammer Bliss, who died April IS, 1634, to his tection is given and the cecUon gregational church and the diplo­ Personal Notices this year excluding building main­ Raynor, Baltimore, Md., and one sis­ Shunatona and his official U. 8. In­ had fallen on a third bullet which widow, Edna R. Bliss a lot on where the dance is held roped off and mas were presented by (Seorge Sls- tenance. to r ATTRACTION!. ter. Miss Evelyn Raynor, New York, dian dance orchestra. This spec­ CHOICE did not explode. the south side at Bast Middle Turn­ policed. wlck, chairman of the Board of Cut Other Costs Mrs. Watson was a graduate of tacular attraction comes here for IN MEMORIAM N o trace of the second shot could pike. While tbe greater part of the ex­ School Street Management at the home. (Thalrman Aaron Cook claimed Vassar and collaborated with her Its only appearance In this terri­ be found, the district attorney said. the reduction of nearly $150,000 Certificates of Devise. pense will be met from funds pro­ The graduates were Mary Rod- tory, having been built up as one of MPound e In loving memory of my desr Recreation Center husband In many of his writings. She Pound Best, questioned by authorities, The estate of Leroy A. Hall, who vided from aetivitios in the recrea­ van, Victor Boslick, Frank Makara, LAM B LEGS brother S.imuel 3. Ilerrcn. who pa*a- from the peak year tn the school ap­ was bom in Baltimore where her the nation's greatest attractions. ea sway oh Jun. l»lh, ISM; could throw no light on the mysteri­ died August 10, 1934, to bla widow, tion centers it v/IU be from money John Boslick. Thomas Edwards. propriation far exceeds savings Friday, June 21 family haa long been prominent and This band pla.ved at tbe Inaugural ous shooting. He had divorced the Elizabeth M. Hall, f6r an undlvtdceen set aside from the The following boys had charge of Day by day I tadly mUv him. made In other town departments where her fathn.-, the late Albert Ball at Washington, along with dead woman several days ago he one half interest in property on the different dances that have been held the scenery for the play: Victor Rudy Vallee, Guy Lombardo and Deaply do I (««1 his loss, and told the other selectmen mem­ Raynor, a writer, lived until his Lonely It my h*srt without him. told Dorsey, and had made a cash bers of the joint board they should west side of Bentcn streeL in the recfeation building and can , Chief Shunatona Boslick, John Boslick, John Wood Paul Specht. MIUf-FBD VEAL death. and John Perottl. Help me Lord to bear the cross. settlement. cut other town costs before asking The estate of Laura Runde who not be conaldc'ed as coming out of i And His The band, under the. direction • of K. of C. fifeetlng , The Rockland county coroner Is the school board to go further. ■ died January 8, 1634, to Alfred the budget of recre.ation aa made by Chief Shunatona, will appear at Ever remembered by his loving sis- Offlclal U. S. Indian FRANCE ECONOMIZING The Rockvtile Council, Knights of ter, .Minnie Herron Brady, 9JJ E expected to make his report on Mrs. Waterbury, Bristol and Manches­ Runde, William Runde and Emma the Ninth School diatrict a year ago. ^ the Recreation Center at Manches­ Pound Dance Band Columbus, will hold's meeting this ^ Legs and Rumps Pound Broadway. IVoodmere. L. 1. Best’s death late tomorrow. ter have made the most drastic cuts Smith, children, for a lot on the east A s usual, the dance will be held on ' ter. Friday night, June 21, and this Paris, June 18.— (AP)— The evening In the K. of C. hall at In school costs of any places In the side of Cooper streeL the night of July 8. 1 .Admission ...... 886. Is really a big bargain for the French government today began which time the first degree will be state, Mr. 'Verplanck reported, with dance and music lovers of this sec­ saving money by orders to release conferred upon a class of candi­ tion. There will be no advance in 100,000 conscripts from army serv­ dates. The Council has a number ESTIMATED SCHOOL BUDGET FO R 1885-1888 admtssjpn prices, the usual low tar­ ice and to cut its railroad deficit. of applications for membership and Am. Bologrna 21ba. Quality Franks Estimated EsUm atM iff prevailing. This is made posalble Blspenditures The soldiers, who completed their plans an active program during the because of the fact that the band is ApproprIaUons Budget coming mdnths. ^ 1984-1935 1984-1985 ^ a r ’s service in April but were held. enroute to Boston, where It will Wednesday Specials 1981M986 Town Meeting Iil Ellington Minced Ham Teachers' S a la rie s ...... $216,995 $218,495 ||duty because of tbe rearmament open at the exclusive Totem Pole Polish Rings $216,207 A special town meeting of the Janitora’ Wages ...... 17.660 17,700 ermany, will be mustered out ballroom there for a run of several 18,000 voters of the town of Ellington will at Office Ehepenae ...... 4,300 4,600 Uy 6. The railroads' expected loss- weeks. 4,800 bo held at the Town Hall In Elling­ Hygiene ...... 6,488 S,560 "eti tor 1935 will be about 4,600,000,- The band ja composed of all MIS ton this evening at 8:30, daylight Dental Hygiene ...... 600 500 800 M m - 000 francs and a coordination of rail young full-blooded Indiana, dressed CHOICE saving time. The meeting haa been Text Books and Suppilea...... 16,700 16.000 16,000 and automobile traffic is expected to in full regalia, making a great flash Library and A p p a ra tu s ...... 420 save 1,250,660,000 francs. called to take action on the ques­ and putting out some smart Ameri­ 520 820 tion that the Board of Selectmen of Fuel. Light and P o w e r ...... 16.768 18,500 17,388 Premier Pierre Laval faces a can dance music for the dancing, KLEIN’S MARKET the town of Ellington be authorized and plus some great entertainment Incidentals ...... 350 deficit of 6,500,000,000 francs in the „£* Sirloin Steab ® 850 1,100 and Instructed to enter Into an 161 Center Street Phone 3256 Transportation - ...... 6,860 budget In addition to the 4,500,000,' this band should do a terrific busi­ 8,SOD T.IOO agreepient In the name and on be­ STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY. Attendance Off. and Bnum...... 434 500 800 000 franca deficit on railroads. ness at the ballroom at Manchester. Typewriter Appro...... 1.120 half of the town of Ellington with 1 LAMB FORKS 1.200 •0 0 the highway commissioner for the STKWING l a m b fSfua BONDS OVERSUBSCRIBED fulfillment of the purposes of the 1 VEAL ROAST OUTDOOR PICTURES FRESH HAMBURG FVesh Ground Hamburfir...... 19c lb. $187,080 $288,818 $388A7i vote passed at a special town meet­ Building Maintenance: New York, June 18 — (AP) ing held on M ay 21, relative to the Loin or Rib Lam b Chops...... 25c lb. Labor, Summer Janitors .$ 2.458 $ 2.288 I 8,068 Charles R. Dunn, fiscal agent of tbe expenditure of town aid funds c lb . 1,281 Federal land banks announced cash HERE TOMORROW NIGHT L _ X 5 ® " ’ 15 Shoulder Pork Chops...... 18c lb. 1,800 867 which will be available for the fis­ 8,173 3,900 8,468 subscription to tbe $239,000,'000 cal year beginning July 1, 1935. consolidated 3 per cent bonds of tbe Tankeroosan Hayloft to Meet A fine program of out-door V E A L C H O PS t 6,913 $ 8,038 $ 7.340 banka was heavily oversubscribed Tonkeroosan Hayloft wiU hold a "movietone” pictures will be pre­ Fruit and Bakery Department Snppiala L A M B S T E W Janitors' Supplies . 560 500 600 agd books were closed within a few special meeting In Red Men's hall sented by the Riley CTievrolet com­ Water and Insuraac 4,500 4,500 8.000 minutes after they were opened to­ this evening at 8 o'clock. Matters pany at the used car lot, Main and 25c lb. 5c lb. F u m ltu rs ...... SHORTCAKE RAISIN FRANKFURT 630 400 882 PLUS . day. of importance will be discussed and Pearl streets,' tomorrow night at BISCUIT BREAD Rubbish and Truck • 1.141 1.200 400 a 'large attendance ia urged. 8:30. The films will be educa­ ROLLS * ' ejTPjvyr-'nTfvi


ord. Th* raemborthlp la lArga sad propelling either to a safs landing. tho flitAndsl support in strong and But those are infrequent happenings. I IN the summer. Mrs. Chase and their BEHIND THE SCENES Summit two daughters, who are spending a faithful. Fatalities seldom occur. SALES AT AUCTION UTTLE BUSINESS The rowboat **roeker" ban should' POLISH NATIONAL few days at the seashore, wlU arrive Some of Manchester’s moat capa­ IN WASHINGTON Daily Accident later. ble moral and spiritual loaders have be clamped on everywhere, even NEW Mr. and Mrs. (Tharlea C. Sellers of i riUNTlNO O O H T A J n ------BY RODNEY DUTCHER tt MaMlJ Str««l been pastors of the South church. the vicinity of Manchester. By A\ab«l McEllioH PROGRAM IS GIVEN Report MARKET DROP OFF New London, and their son. Horace FOR POLICE BOARD lUaeliMt«r. Oo»n. Tts record of achievement la great. The Bsrald Washington Corre­ Avtawpolnt Roosevelt Anally aoespt. A8 o r MONDAY, JUNE 17 Welle Sellers, spent the week end THOMAS rHROUSUN B 1933, NEA Service. Int 1088 at their Hebron borne. O u tral Maaacar It will contlnua to be eo. Dr. Story DINING AN INDEX spondent ed was headed by Prw. FsUg YORK 1BS4 TeandaS Oetalar 1. Iltl Frankfurter, close friend of Juetlee , IHmci s c OJWO ...... Accidents...... 0 ,1 1 8 Mr*, aaude W. Jones and her two Tabltahad XTary XTaalog Cacapt win And Mancheater’a wolcomt Btatlsttclsns give us all kinds and Weahington. June 18. —Presldant Brandsis and of many prominent KA’™ ^ n «iE * * ^ ’rRVKHrR«iT ***• «l««W°n was next week. v.ito North End Chorch Obserres 107 ...... r a t a l i t t e s ...... 178 Strawberries Brought m daughters, the Misses Aceynath and Force Inspectied and Routine ■nadaya aad Holiday. Katarad at tha warm. Ha svlll And the community U>I*nM>N OOB« DAY ! 3 tog wedding going on and Sally S.04B ...... I n ju r la o ...... 4 ,0 8 0 Merle, also Mrs. Helen Porter and roat om oa at Uancbaattr. Conn., aa types of Indices by which ws are y *’**2***^J****'J? * 5 * * ' insisting on getting all her • a m d CUaa Mall Mattar. cooperative aa well aa his o« ti par­ IN ITS TASnON K n X E D sons, are spending the week at •OMCIUFTION HATES supposed to bo able to note the rise; to NRA to Aght for it in the fact of ■ phrased as follow : sac^ElT’^HEATmR^E ' *"* to”* 'toering things from the Strike Total of $1,836.58 Giant’s Neck, NIantIc. . Matters Transacted — No ish. Thsre It no reason to bellevs Father’s Day Here With 97 ...... Pedeetriaa ...... 04 Oaa faar. by Baall ...... •••«• and fall in business and commtrca.' oonsldsrabts opposition of long 'Junk the whole works and build Fainillar Namea Are Seen Along n * ' ' “ y instead of patronizing the 79 Henry Emmons, who haa been a Par Mapt^ by aiatt .J® 09 ...... O c c u p a n t ...... that Dr. Story cannot go on adding One tells us that car loadings as re­ standing, a stunning U. S. Supreme up substitutes that esn be an- RW te In ...... B l e y l l s t ...... 2 summer boarder for aome years at Slayla Copy ...... J_.0; foresd snd will achisvt ths objtc- i to antagonized), the election 1 in Hour’s Business Here. Block Dance Request. OalTrarad oaa y a a r ...... I*.00 to hla laurela here and the South Court decision, and public apathy. father Is rich and Aiipropriate Exercises 17 eeeeoeeo Clxtld eeooeooe 17 tho H. C. Porter pl.ace, has returned ported by the railroads Is the best tlves originally sought by NRA. By FACX HARRISON bar atepoMther | be certain to go against Hla decision to abandon NRA and la anobbish. 180 eeeeoee* A dU lt •eoeeoee 108 to Boston. MXHBKR o r THE ASSOCIATED Methodlnt church ahould continue to Indicator. Another watches bank "NRA Isn't being chforetd and him. He know Innicock, H* forsake the old code plan for a new London. June 18.—With a pip-pip The night following Ms mar­ m J U B E D Queenie and Quentin Keefe, chil­ PRESS be the factor for good In Manchester; skeletonized program was a dectalon cs-i’t be enforced. Employers are hadn't been president of the bank There were only 550 crates ol In toe absence of Colonel Harry Tba Aaaoautad Praaa la aaeiaaiyaly and a cheerio, England’s capital has riage Michael la Injnr^ Ir a traf- A t St. John’s Polish National 1 4 8 3 ...... Pedeetrlan ...... 1,289 dren of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keefe, aautlad to tba aaa (or raoubllcatloa It always has been. not to make NRA symboll.' of the cbleeling on wages u d atrstchlng gone just too, too devastatingly gay for 20 years without learning a strawberries brought Into the Man­ are spending two weeks as guests of B. Bitsell, secretary of the board of others ths reaction of carrier etocka bours and many oodts are Ignored. 8e accident and when he regains good deal about the way th* Catholic church FathSr’a Day was SJW3 ...... O eonpont ...... 8 ,8 80 of all aaara diapatcbaa craditad tc I) whole New Deal and etr' - the fata this season. oenscionsneae his memo’.y Is Im- chester auction market yesterday their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. police commissioners, the summer or not othanrlar oraditad la /thia and so on. o f hla administration on tha least NRA is loaded, both u to person­ minds of the vlllsgers worked. observed with the following pro- 78 ...... B icyU st...... 70 and the sale, which started at 2 papar aad also tha lueal na«a pob> Your oopreapondent Is an old paired. He fergeta ths marriage...... C h ild s...... 086 WlUard Walters, of Washington, D. TROLLEYS VS. BUSES These statistics are all right for popular of the New Deal agencies. nel and eatabltahed policies, Bgalnat He had several reasons for not gram: B09 o’clock waa completed by 3 o’clock. Inspection of the uniforms and Itsaad barata. labor snd consumers. meanie who generally has dispar­ Katharine, onawxre of this, be- telling sally this. The first ws* 4 ,0 0 8 ...... A d u l t ...... 8,701 equipment of the members of the All liybts of rapablieatlea of the man who Is mathematically In all probability, the president Hevea be has deserted her. She Opening song, by the Senior choir. The ssile amounted to $1,830.58, Ames W. Sisson Is at his home in aprelal dlaontchas hrrsin ara alio ri- There has been some talk, prolv I "Ths only way labor standards aged the capacity al tha English to thst she would not consider the 182' ... Age Not Stated .. 212 Manchester police department waa will yet go to bat on tha supreme i plana to leave for New Mexico and .h rhs ReclUUon, “For Your Trouble* which was $160.44 less than on the Hopevale, having finished for the sarrad. ably rumor entirely, that the Con­ minded and enjoys digging into dry court Issue. But he listened to a ' can be enforced le by the labor bavo real fun under any circum­ second day of the auction a year last night conducted by (Commis­ stances whatever, but he will admit her frlead, VIOLET MERSEK. Sa'dTer ‘ wiy TSfer-ridm^* Dear Daddy," Isobel Olekelneka. season his duties as assistant super­ Pull sarrtea allant o( R E A Sara. necticut Company planned to dU, figures. What better Indication of large group of advisers who told movement Itself, which can be Address by the rector. Rev. F. ago. There were but few of the sioners C. R. Burr and John J. that there are certain manlfeeuuons agrees to engage a lawyer In her all bia objections. The second intendent at the Capitol. Mr. and Hackett. The me’-, were compllihcnt- tea taa Improved financial conditions, of him ha needed a sturdier cteed to atreagthened through the Wagner Mlkloezewski. trucks t^at ckrae into the market continue the trolley service between bin. of spirit in this town which a liberal absence to arrange aa annul­ was that an air of myatery Iw- Mrs. Harry Jaqulth of Blast Hart­ ed upon their appearance and the Pobitalisr'a .laprasaatatlia: Tbs healthier pocketbooka than crowded ride to that war than th critter ment of the marriage. Plano duet, by Mary Kacemarezyk yesterday that had anywhere near a Hartford and South Manchester and reared by Oen. Hugh Johnaon aad The Supremt Court decision observer might call gaiety. You can pressed her mors than . straight' ST. JAMES’S SCHOOL capacity load, due to the lack of ripe ford are hla,guests at Hopevale for work that they *iad done since the Julius Uathswa Spselal Apsney—Naw dining places? Hotel dining rooms, hear laughter In the cabarets and DB. JOHN KAYE, an old friend, and Joseph Grzyb. a time. Tork, Cbleayo. Uatro t and Boston. substitute buses^ T he' genial Jerry Donald Rlchberg. leaves plenty of room for rs|ula- forwardness. She waa Inclined to Song, by Junior choir. berries, the season being late in last inspection. Following the in­ tion of Industry. But It would N bravos In ths thssters, sad It mskes ■ese Katharine off oa her trip. He be a bit mysterloua herself. Mr. and Mrs. T. H.^ Kellogg of Scott, supeintendent of the Hartford restaurants, grills, lunch carts and There ware many who urged him Iclls her he haa always loved her. Two "Cracolrens", K. Grzyb and Manchester section. spection the commissioners met with MEHMEH AUDI1 BUREAU or to "go out and fight.’’ Rlchberg foolish to jump Into another far- no Important diffsrenes that much .’’Sneaky,’! Mr. Moon calls" ^ GRADUATES DANCE Several of the buyers protested West Hartford spent Sunday at (Chief Samuel G. Gordon and went CIBCUUATlONa division, assures us that there are private catering places? NOW OO ON WITH THE 8TOKV H. Kudyz. their country plact on the Hopevale- . . . ______and Johnson pleaded wrlth him to rsaohlng sxperiment without first of tha exubersnes Is displayed by a L'ke her mother's people, 'A folk aong duet, by Steffle Berg because of lack of protection from over routine matters. (Commlsioner Tba Harald Frlatlaf Company, lae., no immediate plans for such a sub­ A short time back it was possible | coogreea for a new recovery taking A breathing spell, aassylng lot of foreigners from Sioux City, CHAPTER XXXV of the Moons bad been anel the aun on the platform and as a Jonee street road. Burr remarked after the meeting ataamss no SnanelaT rssbonsiblllty 'bd Henry Wierzblckl. stitution. but that a year or two to get any one of the many Inne in ; act which wfould give the narrow- the situation, and dstermlnlng nssd Vienna, Dsllss, Buffalo, Berlin and Violet Merser wee weeding all open and aboveboard to pr "Trip to Warsaw," by girls from Class of 1935 in Final Get result there is likely to be a canvas that the work that the commission­ for typograpbleal arrors appsarlnc In sad extent o f public demend for it. hdvartlamsnta la iha Manebasisr hence will probably And tha tVolley tho vicinity of Manchester to cator | oet possible construction to the Pittsburgh. her roiebcd when she saw his inteiests against the depreda­ Claes A. B. C. and D. Together at Hall of School cover erected over the platform be­ ers had taken up was only routine Golden Rose Evsning Harald court's dicta on Interstate com­ ‘To stake everything on NRA The town Is having its biggest Michael ride by. It was the first tions of his womenfolk. Women fore the end of the week. and said, "The men are working so cars out. for a dinner party on shorty notice. Monologue, by Joseph Grzyb. Laat Evening. merce powers in tha Bcbecter de­ row le to Imperil moet of the rest boom In entertainme-nt business time she had caught a glimpse of had no conscience! whatever The bidding was brisk as the buy­ well and the department is going TUESDAY. JUNE 18 None o f them were rushed. Dinner Acrobatic number, by Edward NORTH COVENTRY Bus transportation hasn’t reached cision. of the New Deel, fur which you since the war. At this writing, 43 him since hie accident and since when they wanted their own way. Skrsbaez. ers all seemed to want berries. The along so good Uierc Is little for the Oolong or Mixed can make a much stronger snd He wouldn’t be sorry to eee the perfection stage yet, and It is parties came few and far between. That would have meant a new legitimate theaters are lighted, and Katharine’e amazing disclosure. Recitation, by Chester Kosak. The members of the class of 1935 first three lots that went up sold commissioners to do." ARGENTINA BEEF network of codes, omitting only mors popular esse." Katharine had been gone two days Sally married. She’d been a bit for $3.20, $3.25 and $3.30. The high Mr. and Mrs. Brighton and Mr. doubtful that the service given by Today it la different. In order tO I haven't attempted a census of tbs Song, by Ixiya from CTlass C. of St. James's school held their final It was expected that an applica­ such obviously local enterprisea ae big picture houses snd vaudsvills now. Stanley Mereer was taking of a problem since her mother Monologue, by B. Partyka. price paid was $3.65, the low was and Mrs. Graves of Boston, Ma*s'.„ tion would be made for the usual Conversation the other day with the trolleye can be equalled by the arrange for an outing, or any gath­ cleaning and dyeing shops, restau­ Faith Lost In NRA died. Cocktails, flirtations, all gathering as a class when they met $2.70 and the average $3.34, which shows. Two ysars ago vaudeville steps towrard the end the girt was Novelty tap dance, by Olive and spent the week-end with Rev. and July 4 block dance, but no such ap­ AT OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT a Manchester youth who Is enlisted motorbua eystem. Manchester ering at those places specializing In rants, retail storea, alaughter This sdvics flttsd tn with Roose- now so anxious to attain—the an­ kinds of craziness, her father told in St. James’s hall last night for a means 'that there was paid nearly 'v.'Bs aa dead heis as It now Is on Phylla Skrabaez. Mrs. Leon H. Austin. plication was made. Is one of the C. C. C. oamps In this dinner parties, it l.s necessary to houses and barber thope. valt’s own private donbts as to nulment of that astonishing mar­ himself. Tills young fellow was Dialogue, by J; Grzyb and B. 14 cents a quart for berries. The Frtthiv Slietd folks abandoned the trolleys for au­ NRA’s value, doubts sharsd to Broadway, but Daisy a nugs bouse dance. Yesterday afternoon there MACHINE SLICED make • rcservatlona well in advance. . It would have left the great bulk riage ceremony a few weeks be­ good with horses. Maybe he’d Partyka. price was too high for buyers from Mr. and Mrs. J. Vilbert of Wind­ state brought put an Interesting and tomobile transportation In their of business under .‘■IRA. some dsgrea throughout ths admin­ such as ths Palladium has qututs a hold the whip hand over Sally ae waa a party held in the ball and all sor spent the week-end with the block long waiting to pay up to 18.30 fore, Song, by Junior choir. Boston and others from Worcester, paradooHcal situation. Commenting commuting to work In the city be­ It Isn't that tha stomachs are any istration, except by NRA officials, well. He chuckled at the thought. of the members of the class were while a New Vprk buyer was unable latter’.* sister, Mrs. John E. Wright. GIVE HUGH McIn t y r e CALVES LIVER a aeat. Motion picture theaters may "Tho man reuet be a roost hor­ Recitation, by Irene Ferenc. present. Last evening dancing was fit:hly Ground *' on tho foodstuff served at these cause of the speed the autos rnadt emptier. It’s baeaiise the purses are Doors Left Open I who were emotionally devoted to rible villain.” Violet esld to her- "What are you chortling Song, by girls from Claes B. to get sufficient berries to fill his A shower was given Thursday legally and technically, there | their "holy ceuae” to the end. charge as much aa 81.60 for pre­ about?" Sally wanted to know enjoyed and the party broke up at truck. He went to New Haven last evening to Barnes by Boiled camps tbs local young man waa not possible. Fifteen to twenty minutes a bit fuller. ferred balcony scats, tnd then the self, prodding at the earth about Recitations, by Mary Kaezmar- midnight. It la the intention of could be tittle valid objection, once It did not and was not meant to the roots of a Dorothy Perkins. rather angrily. Really her father ezyk, Helen Grzyb, Phylla Ferenc night to try to get more. Mrs. Leon H. Austin. Previous to A FAREWELL P A R H HAMBURG at all critical. lie said that the con.MUijied ip a trip to Hartford Is I the new act waa revamped to meet affect the President’s fundamental customers get no vaudeville'—just was being too stuffy about this. most of the pupils to enter Manches­ In the New Haven marke last this Miss Barnes has been given one a newsreel, s comedy short and a "And yet — he doesn't look like and Phylla Sharbaez. ter High school in September. HAM iu]*r Cuicd — Whole or Eiihtr End Utmoat in care waa takeu to sec liable to win patronage far more: i the court's opinion as to delegations belief that the nation's social-eco­ one In the least." She was rather It made her tired. But since ha Song, by male voices from the night there were 1,121 li crates ot from the neighbors by Mrs. Fred nomic welfare depends upon a more featura. Goinff to Scotland Soon On An that ths food was substantial, that quickly than 3b to 40 minutes. 1 of power. ashamed of hen earlier enthusiasm held the purse strings there wn* Senior choir. 32 quarts each sold The total Bray and one at Windham by Mrs. The decision Isavss many doors liberal Interpretation of the Conitl- Namea Taken Lightly no fighting him. And she wanted amount of money paid for straw- Charles Schell. An Extended Visit— Is Fore­ SMOKED HAMS tha diatary planning waa good and Abandonment' of the trolleys GILEAD for Michael. Folk dance, "Polonez” , by Steffle LB 4 5 ^ ( ajar. The New Deal had every tutlon’s commerce clause. But It A good many familiar namefiiare The whole thing waa definitely a troiiiseau that would put ev­ Berg, Irene Ferenc, Josephine and PUPILS OF MISS LILLIAN berricB In the New Haven which, Graduation exercises at the North man of Rollers iVfill. Mildly Cuied Corned Btil that sanitary conditions were be­ would be caused naturally by heavy j right to take such course and bring was accomplished by a conspicuous on the marquees. "The Greeks Had eryone’s eye out. like the Manchester market. Is In Coventry grammar schools took absence of any great popular de­ queer. First the boy had engaged Helen Grzyb, Phyll#. Skrabaez, yond criticism. expense. The Connecticut Com­ The Gilead and Hebron Congre­ up a test rase under the new law a Word For It" {Uid "Stevedore” himself to Sally Moon. That made "Nothing." He changed the Emelia Kosak, Mary Sumtstawska charge of R. M. Retd A Son, was place Wednesday evening with ten Hugh McIntyre who is shortly to to try to find out just when tho mand for NRA continuance. have just finished good runs. "As $4,207.84. The hlgl price was $5.67 MIDDLE RIBS One bit of comment attracted us pany feels that It can operate tts gational church held a union service him appear a fortune hunter. subject ha.stlly. "You going Into and Mary Kaezmarazyk. GRANT IN RECITAL members in the graduating class. leave on an extended visit to Scot­ at the Gilead church Sunday morn­ court felt intrsststs commerce hsd Tho Frankfurter group urged Thousands Chssp," rsUUed "Stop towm today to shop?" A special recitation and presenta­ for a lot of three crates and the low Franklin Orcutt, a member of the land was honored Saturday night at particularly, bowe\^r. It was re- line to South Manchester by b'js wage and hour requirements In Then he bad run bff with Katha­ Spiced V A ■ 2 lb (v j ing, The Puritan manner of wor­ a,"dlrsct” effect on Interststa com­ Press", is ths hit rsvua, although It rine on what seemed now a most That was always a good way to tion of flowers to the pastor, by was $2.86, these being a poorer school board, presented the certifi­ Tinker hall by a party. This will Biarked that a eensldarabla amount much more economically than oy ship was used with several wearing merce as distinguished from "Indi­ government contracts and White has bssn sorubbad up a bit sines divert her. Her black eyas Spar­ Phylla Skrabaez. grade than the others, with an aver­ cates. be Mr. McIntyre’s first trip to his House support for the Wagner bill. cruel Impulse, only to behave ae Miss Lillian Gertrude Grant, drs' of canned beef had been used in the trolley. But it may develop that costumes and dresses which were rect" effect, which, under the fines wers levitd against ths produc- though tbs whole thing bad nsvsr kled at tbs thought bt trying op Song, by Senior choir. age of $3.82. Coventry grammar schools held homeland since he left there, a HAM MACKEREL used in the Colonial days. The aer- Scbechter decision, provides no It also asked for expanded Federal srs for two "offsncivs" sklU which clothes, of watching mannsquin* matic reader, and teacher of expres' their school picnic Thursday at va­ young lad seeking his fortune in a etinp food fare and that this canned resort to will result In an even Trade Commission power end ac­ happened at all. All the numbers were well ap­ Ficihly Sliced mon was delivered by the pastor. ground for fedtrsi rsmilstlon. Broadway applauded. "Th# Wind parade (because this time she plauded by the audience at the end ston both in this town and tn Hart­ rious places. Schools closed Friday new world. After extensive travel­ bscf came In cartons marked "A r- tivity aa to trade praetlosa, sn- Violet stood up, brushing her further decrease in patronage. A Rev. Walter Vey. So few understood the limits of and ths Rain'*, only mooeratsly suc­ was going to the really expensive of the program. The president of ford, and Mrs. Marion Jacobson for the summer recess. ing in the Indies he finally settled the decision, however, thst sny foreemant of anti-trust laws, and earth-stainsd hands Impatiently gvitlna". Prasssd on tbU partleu* speedy comfortable service whether Mr. and Mrs. Louis Twining, Mrs. cessful In New York, now Is In Its together. She opght to go to see places and have ths very best), the church committee, I. Wierzblckl HEBRON The annual strawberry supper In Manchester, where he has lived •-B 3 5 < STEAK COD such course surely would have been "protection" of states from goods Seelert, teacher of pianoforte, in i lay point our Informant dlscloaed by trolley or by bus should win back A. H, Post and Miss Rhliiey Fllh second year on London’s rialto. But him, ought to find out how hs and of choosing hats and shoes expressed his thanks to all who given by the Coventry Fragment ever since. He is well known around spent Sunday at the Twining cot­ popularly regarded as open defi­ produced In states where low labor and cobwebby stockings to supple­ their third annual Joint recital pre­ A number of people owning sum society was highly commended. An­ that he had been employed in tho the customers for the Connecticut standards prevail — all of which the D’Oyly Carte Gllbert-and-Sum- stood In tbs matter before Stan participated in the program. this section and is well liked and tage at Coventry Lake. ance of the court. ment those already pTiad In boxes A supper was served by the sented 25 of their junior pupils In a mer homes hero have been annoyed other similar supper will be given respected by all who contact him. Mtrhen of bis camp during two en- Nevertheless, the night before may be In the cards. van Company, with the plaudits of turned the affair over to Adrlan- pleasing entertainment last evening FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Company and It seems that should Mrs. Bertha Hubbard and son, son, their discreet lawyer friend. snd bags In her room. Whatever Ladies Adoration of the Blessed on their return for week ends or for in the near future. For many years he haa been fore­ Ultmenta and that all the canned tho press conference at which Finally, It proposed s corpora-1 M d Canada still ringing In in the Center church parish house. be considered over and above the Richard, of New York City, called its ears, haa returned to compare- She washed her hands at the you might say about Daddy Moon, Sacrament Society. The girls of the summer to find that their places John E. Kingsbury spent the man of the west mill of the Rogers Roosevelt disclosed his Intention. tIon profits tax. graduated on th# The program included piano solos, CALIFORNIA bssf he had seen come Into the abandonment of the trolley lines. at the home of Hart E. Buell, Sun­ live obscurity, sink In ths gleaming small kitch­ Sally reflectad, you couldn’t ac­ the Senior choir waited on the have been entered and ransacked. In week-end attending the Mcridale Paper Mfg,-Co. day afternoon. Rlchberg. Johnson snd General amount of profits, which la hardly cuse him of being stingy. character sketches, action songs, Jersey sale and a directors' meet­ LETTUCE CARROTS camps evidently came from Argen- likely to become an administration Jane Cow) ii here, but not behind en and called to Lavlnia who was tables. some cases small articles of value The party was composed of his Hebron Ladies’ Aid have invited Counsel Blackwell Smith of NRA Bhs bad real in last night’s and a short dialogue. The piano have been missed, such as shoes, ing of the Connecticut Jersey Cattle friends at the west mill and some ot tlBA. He Bald that those In charge were all sure that Roosevelt would measure at this session. the footlights. She baa authored a on ths porch, shelling peas for the solos were well chosen and were in­ NATIVE FANCY APPRECIATE TREES Gilead Ladles' Aid to meet with play spelle^ "Hervey House" and children's lunch, that she was go­ newspaper of Katharine StryK- garden tools, etc. In other cases club. He was a guest of Marcy his fraternal brothers. Sandwiches RIPE didn’t seem to think there was any­ them Wednesday afternoon, June revive the code structure, for most Roosevelt himself dotsn't know hurst’s departure for the wasL terestingly rendered by Mrs. See- Berger at Woodbury, Conn. and refreshments were served after ICEBERG TOM ATOES of Industry. what further steps he will take dur­ pronounced "Harvey House", and ing to walk up ths road a bit. MISS MILDRED WRIGHT lert’s pupils all of whom were nothing Was missed except matches thing odd In that, and no attempt Tha rcsidenta of tha Eighth dis­ in, at tha home of Mrs. Merton Michael's horse had been headed And she had felt a tiny prick ot or other trifles. In one case all the Children's Sunday was held at the which entertainment waa gtven to Hills. Ths hoetessea are Mrs. Hills, ing thia "stopgap" p#rlod. But It which hat nothing to do with mid­ relief. While Katharine had been obliged to play without their music, Second Congregational church Sun­ CALIFORNIA trict are to be commended (or mak­ in the direction of tha riding club. bedding, mattresses, quilts, etc., bad the group by the individual mem­ MED SIZE was made to explain tba cendlUona Mrs. Mary Mitchell and Mrs. Wal­ "Junk the Works" seems he is definitely through 111- dle-western railroad restauriuita. It around Sally hadn’t felt entirely and several of whom had taken but day morning. A miscellaneous bers. Everyone took his turn at en­ advisers whose < toning to Rlchberg snd Johnson. And ha had been alone. It would GETS PRIZE IN CONTEST been stolen and there were evidences BEETS ORANGES that, made It necessary to bring in ing provisions to protect the many ter Vey. The group of Is. instead, a veJdy, veddy British easy about Michael. He had been a few lessons. program of recitations and singing tertaining and each bit received play, full of dukes and ducfiissses, be a good time to talk to him. Miss Grant’s pupils displayed that the house had been occupied for basf from South America to United handsome elm trees In tho district Mrs. Sherwood Raymond and restive « t times. Sslly had sus­ come time. It looks as if the offen waa given by the various children’s much applause. N A llV E FANCY RIPE after the less far-sighted voters In ctlff-nscked old-famlly pride, a pected In the beginning that he Charter Oak Street Resident much naturalness and edse in the departments. Two babies were Mr. McIntyre waa presented with States soldiers enlisted In an unem­ children. Sherwood, Ruth and Gor­ ths place of the vitamin D which touch of decadence, a labor leader, As Violet Merser turned into portrayal of a wide variety of char­ ders had keys caprble of opening the 3 13# i BANANAS tho town at large refused an appro­ don of New Britain, called Sunday the Ians that ran beside ths old was attracted to Katharine, al­ Captures Second Prize In average lock, as there have usually presented for baptism. They were; a Gladstone bag, a gift from his ployment project. would be .nanufaetured In ths body and butlers who knock each other though why anyone would prefer acter sketches ea LLS URY’S situation has been grossly exagger­ oi Horace Murphey. park superin­ Meriden In her life. would be on Wednesday, and In* ter winning. June 25 Miss Ellen Van Cloef will 1 13 1 6 ' 1 . 1 1 4 syoid nsusss. popularly called Graustarklan musical called. 'Glaijj. for her to meddle In Katharine’s conducted by Kemp’s. Just bring respective teachers. Miss Grant’s ated. Col. North, of the olTIce of Charles way affaire. She said rather lamely, vitations would go out by hand Many sore backs resulted from ex­ hold an all day meeting in Coven­ B tendent and tree warden ihel they birthday Monday, June IT. Frisnds "morning klcknsss." This Is bast oroiis Night". Mr. Ivor Novello your films to Kemp’s -md they will Expression club will convene for a the Aasistant Sccretarj- of War, is QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS "About the horsee—for the little the day before. It was, Sally told be entered in the contest. The two posure to the sun at the school pic­ try where she will assist the (Coven­ TW ENH GRAND FAILS arc. the town meeting which voted snd neighbors csllsd st th“i horns of controlled by s esrsful diet snd «Tois it, composed the tunes, and herself, a pretty queer way to do business meeting and election of of­ try 4-H Clothing club members In BAKERY DEPARTMENT tha symptom usually yltlds sat­ girl. She hasn’t been riding late* best weekly will receive free en­ nic at Lake Terr,amuggus, Marl­ quoted, however, as saying that down a request for fl.onn tn spray Mr. Way In ths afternoon snd sx- (Bowlegs In .Adults) plays the male lead. Opposite him U ly." things, but her father had eome ficers September 28 and both Miss borough, Friday. Miss Barbara Ten­ getting their spring dresses. isfactorily to ths proper fsading r#- largements. The entries are increas­ Grant and Mrs. Seelert will resume Fresh Daily from own Bake Shop Argentina canned beef was used In all tba elms In Menrhestar. was Unded greetings and best wdahei. vivacious Mary Bills, just tiach from Michaal bowed. Hie tone was crazy notion In hla mind- It nant waa obliged to spend the next TO SHOW IN ENGLAND COFFEE Ths U dics’ Aid of ths Ollesd glmsn. Th# ganeral dl#t advisable Question: Mr. L. F. wrltss; Hollywood and very nice to look at ing each week, and the fine quality teaching October 1. The program the C. C. C. camps. That part Is "Would special exercises straightsn formal, aloof. didn t do to argue with him when snapshots being taken on Kodak day in bed, so badly was she sun TROTSKY IN NORWAY shortsighted. church w'tll have bstr annual for ths expectant mother must and listen to. he was Ilka this. follows; lor no exaggeration, surely, since It Is Include; an sdtouat# amount of my legs? My age is 35.” "Do you mind seeing Jerry, mv Verichrorae films, chow profound in­ burned. All schexiis of the town were Lemon Loaf Cake The. ability of the North enders strawberry supper snd sale st the U t nobody tell you that the Eng­ She longed to shout the news Song—Hello: Everybody, Glad to Oslo, Norway, June 18.— (AP) — Ascot, Ehig., June 18.— (AP) — Gilead Hall, Friday. June 31. « most each day which provides pro­ Answer: It is difficult for adults aasistant, about that? I haven't terest on the part of picture-takers. closed Friday for the summer vaca­ printed in the A. A. A. report. It to see the value of their elms was lish lank the knack for extrava­ been well lately. . . ." He pt.nseU from the housetops. But she See You Here, Eldridge; Miss Leon Trotsky, exiled Bolshevik lead­ Twenty Grand, Mrs. Payne Whit Norton Warner, who Is employed tein. The protein of the meat may to attem|>t to straighten the bones The prize winning snapshots an­ Grant’s pupils. tion. ney’a great American thoroughbred, Finest Cookies All Vttitllei Ibi IS stated that the United States pro> probably learned from the late Her ganza. Tha scenery, costumes and hie hand over hie eyes and. with didn’t dare. ' Well, all the old eats In order to avcld being relegated er, arrived by steamer today from at the Pratt street bank In Hart­ be supplemented by thst secured of the .cgs If they have become no­ dancaa provide ths most colorful who had been »o nasty to her nounced above, are now on display Old Folks at Home, Marjorie failed to place in the Queen Anne KYBO Antwerp and was given permission ducss but little canned beef. When bert O. Bowers, for many years a ford, attended the annual outing of from one or two eggs. The next ticeably bowed. However, by taking another stiff little bow, went Into In Kemp’s window. to an old road between Amston and dot cpsctaele this observer ever witness- the bouse. would know soon enough. L«i Clay; Maylath. to stay here a month for his health. Stakes which marked hia debut on IN THE NEW I LB BAG Finger Roiis the market for canned beet In this the bank employeea which waa held most Important foods are the non- eertalii exercises such as the deep Colchester, those attend!,ag baseball English tracks today. rastdent on North Elm street and «d. and I’m not forgetting ths works them gnash their teeth then. Set Spring Voices. Olive Tuttle: Krop- Detectives were on watch as Trot­ at Ssybrook Saturday afternoon. starchy vegetables, used both raw knee bend and alternately rising on Jenw was at her elbow. Some­ mann. games at the Amston Lake diamond J. A. Dewar’s Fair Trial won by country grew it Is noticeable that traa wardland Echoes, Wyman; Lours cars going to the diamond. Large way or any friendly state. Glorney’s Democrat, failed to place. Prudence Corned Beef Hash agricultural adjustment policy. It Mr. and Mrs. .Morgan Stednian quantity of this particular kind of thualaxtic, Aa zalvot of applause head, perhaps. The newspaper hitch In the proceedings now. * of the year was :eriod last year de­ Sealpakt Baked Beans 1 *9^ i brulaes." Who could tell what Malden’s Prayer, Baderzewska witness the games and they are bC' of the agricultural program dared jecting thorn to this apecial brand spent the week-end st the Welles- toll this Is usually not possible for a full ten minutes It wsa pleas­ be Lady Carden. spite all the troubles experienced by Barbara Wallett. Wsy farm. with the Increase In weight which I h i. damage had been done? ginning to cause something of a Gorton's Codfish Cakes R t . d y m o'f“'t"hS p r u n e the United Statcj meat packera to of tantallsatlon. after the cataract has progressed ant to think o f ths thunders that To Be Continued) the Industry this year There was WlHIe Goes to the Zoo, Elaine Lll- traffic problem as well as Co threaten Miss Charlotte Warner It spend­ la normal. From the beginning to have broken over Mrs. Biddont. Gar­ She walked swiftly toward her continued curtailment ol production beat the Argentinians at any game. In the natural courst of eventa beyond a certain stage. The moet Itan Krob. the peace and safety of lake cot­ Quality Peas swetnende. . ing a tew days with her sunt In the end of the geetatton period, a satiiifactory treatment yet devised rick, Keen and a thousand others own houec, eager to put through In May, the trade paper says, but re­ gal., of 30 pounds is generally con­ Fairy Wedding, Turner; John tagers. A 100 per cent cooperation g . r 2 1 < all that happens is a thoroughly Rockvlll# Is operative treatment. I euggeat thsre. a telephone call to her husband. vised figures for April indicate the Harvey. sidered normal. In apecial ctreum- "Stan, have you got in touch on the port of all “fane" Is urgently Quality Cut Green Beans 3 “ ‘u * / gor.'d acare for all aboard the usual­ that the best plan is for you to coci- Several other London offerings mcmtli made a better showing than The Bluebird, Morrison; Evelyn HELLO W.\RM WELCOME requested In the observance o f the I sfanecs, where the patient le over­ almost certainly will see Broadway with Adraianson yet?" ly frail craft. The rowboat "rock­ NO FIRES FOB FIREMEN weight at the start. It Is often help­ suit an eye specialist who will ad- had been expected. Smyth. above rules, tn order to ensure their Sweet Mixed Pickles ALICE Dr. Earl E. Story comes to the vise ymi approximately when the End Hollywood soon. Thars’s Jack His slow, reassuring voice en- i ^^Half-Siek" Dialogue—The French Conversa­ ing" pest reaps hla richest thrill in ful to keep the diet .arranged In awered her. “Have an appoint- ‘ continued use of the main road. All b r i . Tamaqua. Pa,—The visiting fire­ cataract will be ready to remove Buchanan in "Tha Flying Trapeze", Net income of the Pennsylvania tion C3aaa, Edgerton; (re-arranged Indian Root Beer Extract 2 2 5 i Ikiuth Methodist Episcopal church watching the hysterical antics and such a way that very llitle gain In ment with him at two. Why? i care will be stopped at the junction, MANCHESTER o m a t o uice man are In town, but they'll hear no weight 1.S secured. Modern obstetri­ a musical play in an 1880 circus set­ railroad tn the first four months of by Miss Grant). Esther Pitkin, trucks beaded off on to the back T J with a record of service in the listening to tha pleadings of hts Anything happen?” j H u m m s e . 1888 amounted to $6,030,718 after Marjorie Inman, Jvvel DeNezzo, Raleigh Cigarettes 2 p k f i 2Si fire alarms while they're here. cal specialists realize the advan­ (Knota On Finger Jolnia) ting. And "Charlut'a Char-a-Bang!" , She dared not talk over the i road, and regulations explained to church that Is enviable. The New Fire Chief Frank Behr, remember­ the wittiest o f intimate revues. charges, equal to 32 cents a ahare on Elaine Krob, Frances Wallett frightened passengers. Ha stands tage in controlling the diet so as to Queation: Mr. Fred V. aake: "la telephone. Everyone said the ex­ t e Not elck—yet not well. Is tlu t the others. Sunday’s game, between HOTEL PARAMOUNT, N. Y.--BROADCAST!NG Kool Cigarettes p k f Z S < Bedford district has thrived under ing the 33 false alarms turned In encourage a weight of six to seven there any way of removing knota "L Fancy Prunes U '. '* LOi bury, ordered the alarm system A fairly common question refers sumably caused from hard work. natural for American revision. "Yea, cento a ahare In the same period a One Summer Day, Shirley Mae rBATVRU TF yoaVe New York beand, why not ZMke depression were met with courage. think I've-hit on eomething. li Very likely the condition Is OBO that Uebe. home team, by a score o f 7-2. Of the POST BRAN which he enforces hli gueata. He turned off for duration of the erir- I 1. the best way of protecting the Thay havs formed within the last Madame?" la the slickest comddy year ago. seven games played thia season the X yonr visii a oiemorable ooa Here al The 0 a b v Q Buy Two Tint and G«l One Ficc 2 X l ^ may be a hunch. I don’t know." calls not for drugs, but fee oa addi« Queen of the Fairies, Smith; fee KooMS He hoa a reputation In the confer­ la not Just a playboy, a "cut-up"— rent masting. I mother's teeth during this Impor- six monUu,." bit stnee "No, No, Nanette". Every town team has lost but one. In Sun. fOO B ATH S Paramoaal, kvsIiieM le easily combined lioaal supply of ritamlns, mlaarals Marlon Durkee. 7 t o . ence for hU ability to conduct the Telephone arrangements haveltant period. 1 advise that the Answer: Since the enlargement show In town Is, by Main Street CLIPPER AT HONOLULU OrraUUnt let wtih pleatnre. During toe day, yoaVe P A G Soap 2Si he is a real Itabtlity at any watering "I don’t understand why you or other food factors. Better have a Shopping tor Ribbon, Marjorie day’s game “Sonoj’" Bailey pitched, FLAKES work In the church with directness, bean made for handling real fire j expectant mother visit her dentist has occurred within the last six atandards, clean. For England’s want me to do It so quietly," Ray Holland was catcher, and Carl­ tetitv minniee away from bntlDe** and •hopping place. calls. I as early as possible at which time months. It la Ukaly that the under­ Lord Chsmberlaln sxsrelass an auto­ ulk with your doetor. And whoa ho Honolulu, June 18— (AP) — An­ Buzzell Inman. Air Ceadltlteti Chipso 2 ' v ; 35^ and efficiency. He is popular not pouted Sally Moon. "Old Ruthie hands yon ■ preaeriptiaa, bring It . Robin's Return, Fischer; Margaret ton H. Jones played second and third eonter*. . . Al alghl, there are h n n d r^ of Sometimes—all too often- -some­ any teeth which need filling should lying cause Is an Inflammation. cratic power of conaorahjp. other pioneering feat —r the fltat base. dow*n at the Innicock , News nas flight m a commercial plane to and Henneiiuinn. toootree, reetanroals and night clnbe lo Finast Sandwich Spread 2 i* r. 2S i p i - i l O # only among tba parishioners but. by thing happens. ’The boat ships i be given attention and the teeth Your trouble might be due to arth- Tha films, too, :irs relatively spot­ been calling up everj’ day to see hare to bo filled. Wo maintain an Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gross of Ams­ TRIPLE THREAT ritia. In aome forma of arthriUa, ample stock of ths now apprnrod from Midway Island—^went into the The Etude, Wollenhaupt; Dorothy omnso yon. Truly, you’ll enjoy yonr New what Is a better criterion, among i should be cleaned. The best diet less, and the Induetvy still le emart- If I’ve any date to give her. She's DAILY jursi water, a chyd or woman gets over food ooooan tralaa. log book of the Pan-American’s Earle. ton were badly bruised and their car I to protect the teeth Is ons which particularly during the early atagea Ing from the visit of a couple of anxious to run the story ot the demolished as the result of an auto­ BinCLI MSO York visit slaying here. Mlllbrcjok Palt Dry S 8 e$ i the putora In other churches In Us hysterical, the oars drift away and Spokane, Wash.—They’ll soon be enlargement may occur without Clliiper today as mechanics groom­ An Important Errand, Juel Mqrie provides plenty of calcium. Food American Decency Legionnaires who wedding, but she doesn’t dare say mobile-collision at Branford Sunday jVe* ^ district the boat capsizes. It Is then that triple threat men, the uniformed po­ calcium may be obtained from any noticeable pain. Th- nest ad- ed toe huge Hying boat for the re­ DeNsszo. bottle lice of Spokane, and cracked skulls Junketed over here to lay down the a word about it as long as l tell afternoon, when :iiey were on their DOU9LB M OO Charttt L, OnuutM, fitutmgtr Club Sodo or Lim* Rickty Maocheatcr’a South Methodist orange Juice, milk and the green x’lce I can give you la to consult The Weldon DrusT Co. turn bop to Alamada, Cat., next Frl- Oiuntry Gardena, Grainger; Pran- Ginger Ale conteeb tho comedy-jester becomes an aren- for resistance again looms for of- law on exporublc BriUsh pictures. her to hold off. And probably rtay. ces Hyde. way home from New Haven. They ebureh la one of the moat Important leafy vegetables. If the patient le your doctor and have him tell .rou everj-one’s talking about me. 003 51ain Street CLOCK ALE or LAGER murderer, dispelling anguish and fenders against eocletj’. to get the good out of calcium aft­ what la wrong. If the enlargement Greeted psora like a eligtatly over­ Watching the Circua Parade, were able to come home in the car OLD m w m i i la tba Norwich diatrtat U not the Police Chief Ira Martin announced Probably they say tha thlng’a off.” We Call For and Deliver Praacrlp- Shirley Caroline Clemaon. sent for them. Mr. Grose la A E T N A ALE sorrow over a wide area needlessly- er it le eaten It le also necasaary for is due to a growth of bone, com­ A new type of automobile seat, Bone. Phone 6S3L due ferrybMit than eky trail blazer, f l O T U FIDELIO ALE he bad ordered a supply of old fash­ plete reduction le difficult. "I have my rsasons." Mr. Moon the Clipper swxmped down out of the Mountain Stream, Schmitt; Fran­ brother-in-law of Ira Turshen and a n m Naw Bofftoad SouthaiB Oonferwice. Boats and canoes are, at their her to obtain sunbath as the ultra dsalgnefi for use on long trips, keeps said solsnmly. If telly wsrsn’t ioned bill clubs, the kind the cope vlolat raya tn the sunlight will en­ afternoon tun at 4:88 p. m. (9:88 p. ces Eleanor Wallett partner with him In the Amston It la B mark o f dtatincUon for a beat, tricky craft. When subjected ths driver and paaesngsra ooolsd by so wrapped up tn her own affairs, used to swing 30 years ago. to be­ able he. to make use o f the calcium A new- type gauge flaahee a red m. e. a t.) yeaterday and came to A CuUud Lady in Saeolety, Blather general store and grain businesa. contents HittodlBt psator to iRya the the evaporation of moisture from he thought. She would be able to local to suddao equalle a trained oarsman come part of every patrolman’e or to meUboltie It. If eunahine la light on ths instruntsnt bosrd when- reqt on toe watera of Pearl Harbor Sherman Pitkin. Professor Eugane P. Case of felt in the tiitsiior. This felt may figure out tt# problem for her- j With a Tear in One Lafayette CbUege. iMB big h a ^ full coatrelUag and equipment, slong wlto mofietn fife- impaaitbls, tosg a \ltainto o prsM - #»•»•ev*r sir air piprs«sura la tow Is autone* toe mlqutea after •NtolMtoWRBa.^ to ta « B o R tjw t Ttaiqtotopsd wbsR ^Hntsi. qU tot yqtos he f f ri % r ^ O/v/E# MANCHESTER BVENTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, 0ONN.. TDESDAT, JtJNElS, 1985. IIANRinaiBK rmaniTO nxracd, WAirontBemBn, cxnm . t d-bpp a t : -m. v a « r

provement o f aeouatles la the hall ■liver bloc was net satlsfisd with tha county o f MlddlsMx to borrow ventloa t i axis o f iafarlor drugs, Company was among the first to not laoxceasof 88,800,000 In bonds, eoamstlea and merehaadtae; eoa- of the Houae o f RapraoeaUtlver tbs latest Morgenthau letter ex­ authorizing ths eaUbUabment of sign the President's agreement and TRADERS CAUTIOUS plaining the government's sllvsr GOV. CROSS SIGNS ons-tsnth o f oacb issus of bonds to earning carttfleata for amployment ^ L D HUGE TANK Incrcas^ its staff mors than S3 be repaid annually from ftmds of of minora; concerning a tamporary state police barrackt at Colchester; buying policy. authorising the town of West Hart­ per cent. During the past year the The financial district appeared to the B u te Highway Dapartmant. clgaretta tax and concerning the ford to give a pension to Benjamin company has consistently tried to IN TODAY^S MARKET ba Interested, but not particularly BRIDGE MEASURE Other public acts sined follow: committee on approprlatlona and " mHYGRADEOIL place more men at work. Building moved, by Congressional activities. Concerning the establishment of appropriation bUls. T. Alger from the data of hla re­ operations, new stations and other There was a growing feeling, how­ prevailing rates of wages on road Meaning of Meaaore tirement (Jetober 1, 1938; making an appropriaUon of 8138,(X)0 for the enterprises have kept scores o f men ever, that various bills now under and bridge work by the state; con­ The bill referring to the commit­ purchase of a state park at Sher­ constantly In the employ of the consideration may have some of cerning town boards of education; tee on appropraltlona elmply makee wood Island; creating a coramlaaion firm. Grabs and Cotton b Rally; their teeth extracted before becom­ ProYides fo r Immediate Con* concerning members of ths Milk It unnecessary for the Board of Capidty of Rocky HiO Plant Last winter when heavy snows Regulation board; concerning treat­ on InteraUte compacU affecting la­ ing laws. Control to sit with the approprla­ bor and Industry; authorising the tied up deliveries everywhere and Followsrs of the power and light ment of patients suffering from tlona committee, eomething that has stmetion of Bridge from city of Hartford to establUh a re­ distributors faced big transporUUon Bonds Mbed Durbg Early stocks were pleased by word from venereal mseasea In hospltala re- been diaregarded for aevaral aea- . WiD Be SoYon MniioD Gal­ tirement ayatem for city employed PAYS FOR THE NEW MODEL problem. Hygrade malnUlned un­ Washington that the House inter­ cclvlng state aid; concerning Inter­ Biona except that thk commissioner broken service. Every contracted state commerce sub-committee had Portland to Middletown. est penalty on delinquent taxes; authorising the city of Bridgeport Hours. of finance has always met with the to Issue Harrison atreet axtanaion customer found his supply delivered voted to delete the "death sentence " concerning peddlers. Junk dealers appropriatloiui committee. lons When Finished. obligations; and appropriaUng on time, and others who faced ac­ section from the utility bolding and Itinerant vendors; concerning The temporary cigarette tax la 828.000 for the State Department of tual “famine,” called Hygrade In company measure and that the full registration, operation and transfer one of the revenue producing meaa- OPENING WEEK New York, June 18— (A P ) —The Hartford, June 18.— (A P ) —Gov­ Labor and Factory Inspection for for'aid. committee was expected to sustain of ownership of motor vehicles; urea recommended by the finance with eonstruetioa sUrtlnc ee a Stock Market grdped for, higher ernor Crosa has signed the bill pro­ maintenance of employment office*. this action later In the week. concerning revocation o f Itcansea by committee, passed during the clos­ In addition, oonsumers also sought levels today but bullish forces were t4KK>.00(Hr>llons tank In Rnckjr HUl, The hunt for Income, even of the viding for the Immediate construc­ ths milk administrator; concerning ing days o f the Aaaembly, and con­ assistance from Hygrade, and the more than ordinarily cautious and In addition to the 4,600.00ft-gantn» most meager sort, was exemplified tion of a bridge between Middle- publication of annual rata o f Inter­ A Unlveralty of Michigan aurvey company turned to and brought fuel buying continued highly selective. cerning which much was aald at tha ♦.wire capacity already there, the by announcement that the 8239,000,- town and Portland, and authorizing est of small loan companies; pra- legtalattve sesatona. Indicates that good students uae the aid to hundreds of homes. So suc­ Many traders stood aside on the 000 consolidated 3 per cent bond Among the special acta signed by dlcUonary sparingly, figuring out Hysrade Oil Company. Inc., of cessful was this phase of business | theory that eome sort of a technical Issue o f the Federal land banks, the governor were the following; word meanings themselves when­ Hartford wlU soon have a bulk oil that Hygrade will go into consumer j reaction was due. A t the same time offered today, had been heavily Creating a commitalon on the im­ ever possible. plant of 7,000,000 gallons, thereby trade permanently this year. ; sellers were extremely timid. The oversubscribed and the books clos­ b m m ln g the largest independent Certified Oasollne WeU Known. ! plethora of Idle funds •was still seen ed within a few minutes after they Arm of Its kind In New England, Where a few years ago Hygrade i as the principal supporting Influence outside o f Boston, It has been an­ certified gasoline was generally un­ were opened. of die new economy plan diai paie~^teRifi for equities. Latest freight car loadings state­ nounced at company headquarters, known, today It la well known to all Grains rallied as heavy rains were ments Indicated traffic was more K 32 Charter Oak avenue. motorists. Certified Hygrade petro­ believed to be delaying harvests. marks the spots AddlUonal plants, housing about leum meets standards that are far than holding Its o'wn. Brokers said A MONTH’S Cotton also Improved. Bonds were that industrial specialties wtlh earn­ •where the most 800,000 gallons, will also bo esUb- above government speclflcatlons for somewhat mixed. The French franc ings potentlaltlaa were being picked llshed In Manchester and Bristol. motor operation as It has done from was firm In foreign exchange deal­ up quietly by careful purchasers. features will b« Harry liovltt, president of Hygrade, the outaft. The company Is alert ings, reflecting further optimism will personally take charge of the to the needs and demands of motor­ over the recent aid given this cur­ found "5 MAY ROBSON ON HOUDAY tBilhia , , « actual construction. ists and Is continually Increasing rency by the United States Treas­ Less than four years ago, when the value of Its products wdth every ury. New York, June 18— (A P I — May REFRIGERATION Hygrade took over the distribution worthwhile Innovation brought out The activity In stocks was not Robson, "Mother” character player e< Richfield gasolines, the company by petroleum research chemists. pronounced. Advances of fractions of motion pictures, arrived here to­ was selling less than a quarter mil­ The company especially points out to a poliit or more, however, were day In the liner Santa Elena from lion gallons of gsaollne a year. Dur­ that It carries a superior typo of regletered by Johns-Manvllle. Amer­ California for a visit with three NKW I I A U m ing the last four years, Hygrade has fuel oil that gives more heat units, ican Can, Dll Pont. American generations o f her descendants. She boosted the number of gallons sold more economically. Hygrade petro­ Tobacco "B." Bayuk 'Cigar. Radio will stay with her son, grandson and a great many times. leums are made from the finest Preferred “ B", American Telephone, great-granddaughter, 10-months old NIW STYIINOI Pays 1117,000 Oasollne Tax. crude oils In America Just as It has Coneolldated Gas. Public Service of May Robson, at Bayslde. Queens. A t present Hygrade pays the larg­ always endeavored to offer top New Jersey, Macy, J. C. Penny Miss Robson mentioned Greta FREE! est gasoline tax —8117.000— of any quality gasolines, kerosenes and sim­ Woolworth. Union Pacific. South Garto as one of her enthusiasms. NKWRATUMSI company operating In Connecticut, ilar allied products. ern Pacific and N. Y. Ccntrol. During their association In a film, with the exception Of the major Some of the reasons to which the The steels, motors! chemicals and she said, Miss Garbo became "her corporations. Fuel oil Is not In­ company attributes its success are metals were unchanged to a shade child” and obeyed her counsel to • In fact, you will save more cluded In this tax. these: Hygrade Is Independently higher or lower. eat liver to make herself stronger. During this same period of four than that with a General owned and locally controlled; Us The mining group was listless In The elderly actress Is on a six years there has been a growth from products are above United States the face of reports that the Senate weeks' holiday. six to 13 company-owned and con­ Elearic for the famous G-E standards'. It employs local people, trolled sendee stations and 150 deal­ deals locally, hulld.s and pays taxes | sealed-in-steel mechanism ers distributing both Richfield and locally; It gives personal contact Hygrade ptroleums in Connecticut uses only 5c or 6c worth nticis AS low AS and Massachusetts. Hygrade han­ service to automobile owners; Its low overhead gives the customer ■ dles gasolines, motor oils, Jscroseno, o f electric current a day. fuel oils, solvents for cleaning and better price advantages, ^ alcohol. Hygrade OH Company drivers who It was In 1927 that two men first have perfect records for three GRUNOW months, receive bonuses for their - HAS started the Hygrade Oil Company, $79*50 achievements. Seventy-five employ­ pooling their entire reiruirces. A $ Come in and see the 1935 model part-time bookkeeper was added to ees of the company controlled sta­ the staff. A s business developed a tions work on a profit sharing basis DuLux Finish Foot Pedal Door Opener Hotpoint—a beautiful new electric 40,000-gallons bulk plant was re- and everyone carries group Insur­ Kfirigerator built and guaranteed IN8TAUID eured and rapidly grew to 2,000,000 ance. Ice Tray Release Metlfex Ice Trays gallons. More sales men were While the Hygrade Oil Company the new 1935 KELVINATO R NT' • placed on the contact staff, now cosu but a few cents a day to own— has Its main office at 22 Charter Pounds of Ice at One Freezing A donn 0-1 Medela trucks and drivers were Added and Oak avenue, Hartford, the bulk Kelvioator offers striking new beauty o f design and it offers the maximum in de­ TIRMS TO SUIT the company extended Its operations plant with millions of gallons of te select trem — and finish as •well as many notable features to three controlled gasoline stations 12-Qt. Vegetable Crisper pendable trouble-free refrigeration. IVIRY lUDOIT petroleum. Is locatsd In Rocky Hill, that make for easier handling and better and six dealer stations. It was In along the Connecticut river. Here at prices at lew at 1981 ttat the company started sell­ this bulk plant, the company main- Automatic Interior Light $5.00 preaervation o f foods. COMPARE THESE FEATURESI ing Hygrade and Richfield gasolines. talfls garages, warehousing equip­ There is the famous Kelvinator Food File with The company now employs 160 per­ a Sturdy all-steel cabinet—NO WOOD. ment for 20 carloads of motor oils, Freezing Unit In Center dtllvcn a G-8 its three separate compartments; for dairy sons, operating the 13 stations men­ solvents, antl-freezo alcohol and Refrtgarator Glistening white porcelain or Glyptal- tioned above and distributing also $ 8 4 - 5 0 products, for le ^ vegetables and for usable soft soaps and huge tanks for stor­ to your horns baked enamel cxjtecior, eteinlesi through the 150 dealers. table left-overs. There are such extra features age of Hygrade and Richfield gaso­ Rubber Sealed Door On Freezing Chamber tem orro'w . porcelain interior. 'Tfae most besntifiil. Extent of Territory. lines of all grades. The new tank as the sliding shelf, a re-arranging shelf for the refrigerator esdsinet in Americet The Hygrade Oil Company's op­ of 2,500-000-gaUons capacltly will be Automatic Defrosting Switch convenient handling of food, and the folding a Stsinlcu-Steel Super-Freezer. Will net erations through lU own gasoline used for the storage of fuel oils and stations Includes territories In Hart­ shelf that moves up out o f the 'way and allows chip or tarniih. Freezes more ice faster, other tanks already on the land will ERNEST H. BENSON the storage o f tall oottlea. ford. West Hartford. Bast Hartford. contain various types of fuels for Number of Positions On Freezing Control GENEB.AL ELECTRIC STORE a 9-Point Temperetnr* Control for all Bristol. Manchester. New Britain, heating. Including kerosene, fuel Make it a point to see the new Kelvinator before freezing speeds, Norwich. New London and several 689 Main Street Phone 8083 oils, No. 1, 3. 8, and 4. Laat year Forced Draft Air-Cooling you buy any electric refrigerator. Easy Terms. a Automatie Interior U ^ t. other towns and dries. a large pier was erected oh the Con­ with the Inception of the Nation­ a Defrosting Switch dutjproeldas nnfe- necticut river allowing bargea with SALES AND SERMCE al Recovery Act, the Hygrade Oil a half-million oil capacity to dock No Vibration tertupted r^gerstiea while defrosting, at the Hygrade OU Q}mpany plant. a AuxilUiy Foot Pedal Door Opanaa Tha company's' plan of sharing AND IK II iiMiai profits with sci-vlce station men In a Sliding Shelves. controlled stations have proved MANY OTHERS U*WMATilNtUt Standard Plumbing Co. a Twin Cylinder Compressor. Ample Medsli end that far tvsty Less than effective during the past two years 901 Main Street Phone 8304 teserre power for any unusual demands. hMit—ell wirii iMsiy la- for Id many cases men have earned Only $3.89 a Month Buys Built for years o f dependable, trouble- itflMs Mist yravia. lawe new models ... .low carrying charges.... longer terms many hundreds of additional dollars. free service S t low cost. Uses lets current. atebl. tl.raa. taai*. Contests are frequently held In — PLUS — which prize money Is awarded and , I5 c per day monthly meetings make the sales This Genuine Frigidaire! policy of the company effective. SAFE SPECIAL Paid with your REPORT UNFOUNDED

London. June 18.— (A P )—Gov­ CARRENE iJLI- 8. Paymeat eaa ba made with your aleetrle bill which ernment sources stated today that la convenient and certain. .Light Bill! i. THe New Economy Plan published reports that Ramsay it. Make Your Electric R e/rt^ ^ f^ P S y MacDonald, lord president of the Come In and Let An extraordinary plan (available only for customers of And Yon Can Own A council and former prime minister, NIMFICnin * IT HKUl tUtllK Once the electrical induatry in Mancheater regia* the Manchester Electtic Co.) which enables everyone For Itself on This New Plan was oontemplatlhg visiting Jhe te ra a i United States on a diplomatic mls- Us Show You! practically to pay for a refrigerator out of the savings Model PF-5 alon were entirely without fo\mda- it makes! tlon'. Ths Electric R ef^^rator Oealera of Manchester and See your dealer for prices and terms on the particular It was further stated that the ) models you are interested in. A FEW CENTS SAVED EVERY DAY WILL DO IT. CROSLEY government does not consider that tha Mancheater BlHi|'ifijCo..^ve developed a unique questions Involving the United Regular Price pikti, in cooperation with Commercial Investment Trust, You can often save 8c to 4c a pound on meat spedala; States and Great Britain had reach­ HAROLD T. WEST, Inc. $170.00 Inc., a financial in a t l^ io h of national acope, which Remember These Important Points you can save wastage from left-overs; you can save on ed a point where any such mission I Shelvador could be useful. 29 BISSELL TREET TEL. 5202 'Y o u Save gives consumers in thiawrrltory low carrying charges spoiled foods; yon can save in payment for other meth* OUR PRICE ... Both the Herald and tha Malt Lv -9i.< $41.50 ods of refrigeration. . published reports that MacDonald Open Thursday and Saturday Evenings. as well a i longer terms and opens up electric refrigera­ ONLY WITH ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION can you was considering a diplomatic trip to tion T O D X Y to A L L homes. idcurg automatic refrigeration at minimum cost. the United Statee. 10.9 Square Feet Shelf Space. It’s easy to save the few cents a day which covers tho $ 7 9 - 5 0 up Under this plan O N LY W ITH ELECTR IC REFRIGERATION can you buying and operating coat of electric refrigeration on Full 5.3 Cubic Feet Interior. enjoy minimum operating costs. the new plan. Many will do so. and will enjoy the nso I. The huge rasatmia of CemnWdal UvaatoMat Trust of their own refrigerator fully paid. Why not you? ' a n made avallabla Mr tha uae of Maatiwetar por- ONLY WITH ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION do you Your Investment Is Safe ohaaera. Order Yours TODA Y have a choice of twelve nationally known makes. Ic A DAY OPERATING COST on the Electric Light t. laterMt eharge* are greatly redueed beeauae the Blce- ONLY WITH ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION do you Company’s "Share the Benefits" Plan. This la what WriTH A 193S tric Ugbt Oorapany doaa tha beokkaaptag. Under the co-operative finance plan of the Maneheater have an automatic unit that can be placed anywhere the operation of an electric refrigerator in the average a. Tima to |My Is graatly aataadad ae that mMthly payw home amounts to for this year under this remarkable Electric Company you cannot afford to be without a ONLY 14 BOXES and moved on an instant’s notie«. meata are vary low. offer. T ry to beat it! Now you can own a ■ WESTINGHOUSE Frigidaire NOW’! It’s economy to have one inatalled ONLY WITH ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION do you S. The down paymeat to ahaut tha saaM aa the krw aienth- right away. Your savings will more than meet the AT THIS SAVING ly paymaat, fantsad of balag Btaeta higher aa to gau- take another forward step towards having an Ali- AN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR REPRESENTS [HELVADOR* araOy tha aaaw * monthly payment required. Don’t^wait— decide on your Ekclllfi ttSJDI* NEW ECONOMY AND NOT NEW EXPENSE. Also 9 Boxes, 7.2 Cubic Feet, 13.1 Square 13 MODELS Frigidaire now—nuid be sure that yon get a genuine NORGE Feet Shelf Space. Regular Price $224.50. S Taar Frigidaire, irith the famous on the Manchester $ 8 6 * 5 0 Guarantee Frigidsdre Super Freezer OUR L p On Hermetically Sealed Electric-C. I. T. Payment PRICE ' Yon StT8. PAY WITH YOUR ELECTRIC BILL 0o5*00 Unit On Everj' Model For Pay W ith Your Light Bill There are over a million and a half more 85.00— Which I b Included Plan Under Our 30 Payment Frigridaires in use than any other make THE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR DEALERS of MANCHESTER In Delivered Price. Plan. Kbw It is easier, afid more convenient, to owa a K orge on the market than ever before! Select yours right now 'when yOu need it most . . . take up to 30 months to pay for it at a new low Benson Radio finance charge! M M w W aii M wy, IWllilln Remember . . . only Norge has tha exclualva, Ufe-tlma & Furniture OwYarhwItnM 8-part Rollator (the heart of the refrigerator.) It'e powered 711 Main Street Dial 877S ,. ntn (m m .,. NOT A SINGLE DISSATISFIED WESTINGHOUSE Take Advantagre of These Special Low for the Tropica ao you'll always have more cold than you wlU ,enra caamwnen ever need. See Norge before you buy. ’•«b7.ik

-n i M l . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN» TUESDAT. JUNE 18.19811. Jersey, are summer guests of Miss bis wife, are the gueets ot Rev. and ------^ » ------— —------' " ■ ■ ' ' ■ '■■■■" II ' ■ ' " ■ ' Adelia Loomis. which every one was Invited. A quar­ VAN DINE HflULLER Mrs. David Carter, at the Wapping tet from the Salvation Army in AHY RADIO PROGRAM Alexander Ware la "a guest of his WAPPING pareonoge, preached a most excel­ aunt, Mrs. Alescander Bunce. He Manchester, plaiyed several ,1ae Deaths Last Night TUMOAV, ^UNE It (CtBUml tsd CUUTB 8tftOAmorlean Program — baate: Edith Karan A Orchaatra Walter Weasels of Hartford was half o f the sons, thanking the fath­ Coventry Grange, No. 75. g t the opening tomorrow at the State the­ 85. veteran lake and -allroad ship­ Jones as major dome of the world’s Another bit of equipment that will OF PUBUC SENT! SMt— 4i4i — Phymto for Nuroory— — wait: Rhythm Rhapaody— Dlzla a recent guest of hla cousin, Mrs. ers for the advantages which.fathers Wapping Community Church House ping man. ENTERED THE RING oaat: ta tty Marlowa Prog.— weat 6:46— 7:46— Rhythm Rhapaody Cont. ater, Paul Lukas, featured player of have given their sons. this Wednesday evening, June 19. . FIa —Sportsmen with an amateur golfers, will need all hie , stand the amateur king In good 4:0D - 4:00 ■■Orgata of tho Air. Skotch 7:06— 8:06— Brat Harta Drama Thomas Bently. such successes as "Little Women” Rev. Karl Rlcliter of the Concor­ The players win bring their own or­ eye to comfort tried a fox hunt by New York—Warren Edn-1n Diefen- great skill and every one of hls 22 stead at Muirfield Is hit ability to 4 : 1 ^ 6:14— Waokty Hymnal tinging 7:60— 6:36— Phil Spitalny'a OIrl Ravua Mr. and Mrs. R. Rich are attend­ automobile but It didn't work out so dorf. 42, widely known insurance 4 'J/^ 1:60—Proao-Radio Ntwa Ptrlod — baalc: Tha Muaical Album— Dlzla and "The Fountain," brings to the ing the graduation exercises of their dia Lutheran church of Manchester, chestra, and there will be dancing clubs to win the British open at exploda from bunkers. There la no 4:66— 6:66— Mary tmali* tonga •;06— 6:06— Waltar 0*Katfa A Show well. man. AS AMATEUR BOXER Judge Makes It Clear daughter Elizabeth at the Univer­ gave a very interesting address. The after the play. Muirfield. next objective in hls phe-1 such thing as chipping or rolling 4:46— 6:46— Billy A Batty— weat only i:S6— 6:30— Lifth Stavana* Harmenlaa screen a third distinctive portrayal For one thing, after the cast, the Washington—Brls. Gen. P. D. •:0t— 6:06— Tha Thrao toampa. Voc. 6:46— 0:46— Advica for tho Conaumar of Philo Vance, S. S. Van DIne’a sity of Vermont. first half concerned fathers. He said Harry P. Filet Jr., who is at Bon­ nomenal two-year career. 'nut of the average British sand pit. 6:16— 6:16— Hall and Oman* Pianoa 6:06— 10:06— laham Jonaa* Orchaatra— tlmt as Christian men, they should ny E ^ le Camp, West Buxton, dogs became so badly separated Lochridge, 71, retired, recipient of The 72-hoIe grind over Scotland’s I The ball has to be exploded almost 6:66— 6:66— Easy Aeas Striai Sketch baalc: Prankia Maatara* Or.— midw famous fictional detacUve. the diatingulslied service medal and Action Results from Ni 6:46— 6:46— You and Your Govarnm't give their sons advantages, which Maine, for the eummor, spent the from the motorized hunters that It links on the Firth of Forth perpendicularly, oftimes as high as 6:66— 10:60— Tad Plorlto Orchaatra Rather than present a purely took the edge off the fun. other awards. 6r06-f 7:06— Uoe Roiaman’o Orehoatra 10:06— 11:06— T o Bo Announeod dramatic myatery Producer Luclen MORE TKOOPS FOR AFRICA they themselves did not have. He week end at h!s home in Wapping. Scores Forty Kayoes As will find the Callfoml* bomber op- eight or ten feet, and any .player 7;6I^Wayna Klng'a Orehaitra 10:36-11:36-Ray Harbock'a Orch. For another, the automobile* took posed to the world's leading profc.4- who can’t play such a shot and stop 7:06— 6:06— Bon Btrnia and tho Cadi 11:00— 16:06— Dane# Music— waat only Hubbard has chosen to make the urged the boys to do what they were G. Walter Smith and son, Ralph erons Appeals in Behalf o f J 7:66— t:U^Bddla Duchin— to e Naples. June 18.— lA P i—The 8. fitted to do. saying that "If you Smith also Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith a good deal of punishment In at­ slonal stars, Including Henry Ontr It dead when It hlU the green I* NBC-WJZ NETWORK newest Philo Vance thriller an un­ tempting cross country travel b r e a k 'CHUTE RECORD Simon Pore, Then Decides i.*00— •.’06— eight Opara Shew— e to e usually humorous yet mystifying S. Colombo depa.-ted for East A fri­ don’t think you can do the thing and arrived at their home Sunday after­ ton and Gene Sarasen, on a course; out of luck. Uttls Is one amateur 6:06— 10HI6— Stanlay High. Commant ca today bearing 2.000 troops, Net results of the hunt were that hitherto has proved far to o ' who can. Consequently, he should Ex-Conyict, T o Play Witk 6:16— 10:16— «lcaaa Crawford at Organ BASIC — Baat: wji wba-wbxa wbal story - with rapid-fire action and step aside, Just watch, some one else noon from Oakland. . Moscow, June 18.— (API — Six 6:60— lO :6 ^ S ta n Myara A Orchaatra wham kdka wear wjr wlw wayr wmal sparkling dialogue suggestive of among them Second Lieutenant Nino wUI do it.” A quartet of local men chalked up today as several tough for any amateur to disturb i not have any chance-nilning eights — oaat: Palaman— woat rrpaat wfil: Mid: wexy wenr wla kwk kwer The Young People’s association scratched, weary hunters, several women parachutists who Jumped to Torn Pro; Comes from the ranks of* *'ths money players. and ten* on hi* card, while some of 6:46— 10:46— T h t Hoofinghama, Sketch koll wran wmaq kao wkbf the tempo of "The Thin Man,” Starace, eon of the secretary of the sang several selectiona. held a service in the . Federated Albany Chib. ~m aged automobiles, several lost from a height of 23,000 feet today The last British open played at the professionals will. — 10:00— 11K>6— Ben Poflaek’a Orchaatra NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtml one of the year's outstanding pic­ Fascist Party. Rev. Ferris E. Reynolds, who with church last Sunday evening, to claimed a world's record for wom­ — aaat; Btrnia— w rit rrpeat wiba kitp webe wday kfyr cret efcf tures. dogs and a solitary dead fox. a Family of Fighters, Muirfield, In 19M, was won by Wal­ Uses Variety of Stick* 10:66— 11:3Q— Oaorga Duffy*! Oreheatra en's group Jump. SOUTH — wnra wptf wwno wla wjaz Blend of Comedy ter Hagen with a four-round total The extreme versatility of Llttle'a CB»WABC NETWORK wfla'WBUn wlod warn wmo wsb wapi of 292. He had a margin of six game is best Illustrated by the fact Albany, N. T., June 18— (AP) — wjdx wimb kvoo wky wfaA wbap kpre That the new picture baa Its Stroks* over the runner-up, Johnny that he used all hut five of hls 22 Edwin C. (Albama) Pitta, anc iim4 BASIC—Baai: wabe wa4o woko wcao woal kiba ktba waoo wava funny momenta Is assured by the EDITOR’S NOTEi This I* the waab wnao war wkbw wkro whk ckiw MOUNTAIN— koa kdyl kflr kghl Farrell. Cyril Tolley won the ama­ cliiba at St. Anne'a. Ha carried Sing Sing prison athlete, today fac­ wdro areau w ^ waan arfbl wapd wjaa fact that the inlmlUble Alison first of six artlelee describing the teur medal with k (Core of 312, or wbca: Midwaat: wbbm wfbm kmbe P A C IF IC — kfo kf! k zw komo khq kfad two extra drivers since he broke one ed the Job ot making good for the ktar kpo kex kza kgr kya Skipworth. who last scored In "Six esnsatioBal rls* of Jsmee J. Brad- an average of 78 strokes to t>i« In last year’s American amateur, kmoz wowo whaa kfab of a Kind,” la prominently cast as doek from the relief role* • year friends whose faith caused Keneaaw EAST—whp whar«wlbi wfaa wore wlec Cant. East. round! and a couple of extra mashles. He Mountain Landis to unbar the doore rfrb ekac wibx wmaa the domineering "Mrs. Llewellyn" ago to the heavirtvelght rhamplon- To present even a better idea of baa wedges and peculiar cluba in hls DIXIE—wfit wafa wbre wdod 5:30— 4:30— T h . Slnqtne Cady< around whom much of the action tblp of tbs srorld. of professional baaeball. klra. wroo wlac wdau wtoc krid wrr 3:40— 4:40— Orphan Anni*— 4a .t only the hasards to be encountered at bag that he might use only once a Landis, bassbalTs high commis­ ktrb ktaa waco koma wdbo wbt wdaa 4:(Xh— S:0O— PouBhk..p.l. R.gatta circles. Others who have promi­ Muirfield, where the winds blow a 4:30— 4 :l(h -P r..* -R a a l. N .w . — b*> Manchester Tercentenary tournament, but he knows when to sioner. late yesterday In Chleage wblg wdbi wwva wmbg waja wmbr nent roles in tha production In­ By H.\RRV GRAYSON ale: Tha aingln* Lady— mlOw rpt constant gals and the traps are so use them, and how. wala ktol ksko wcoa wdno wnoz kwkh clude Donald Cook. Roaallnd Rub- ovciTUlcd a decision banning Pitts MIDWEST — wgl wmt wmbd wlan 4:30— 0:30— Ja:Uf thilkrat'a Orchaatra Sports Editor, NEA Service deep and steep they have to he It all comes back to hla putting. wibw kfh wamk wkbn weco wabt kacj 4:40— 0:40— Lowall Thomaa — aaat; aell, Arthur Byron. Ted Healy, from baseball but made it clear that wnax woo Orphan Annia— repeat to midwaat walled with planking; In sis opens If he Is getting them down at Muir­ his action resulted from tbs numer­ Eric Blore, Isabel Jewell and New York, Juno 18.—The wise played there since 1892 the average MOUNTAIN—kzor Kis kob kal 0 :00— 0:00— Amoa 'n' Andy— eaat only Louise Fazenda. field—look out Sarazon, Cotton, et ous appeals In behalf of the ex-con- COAST — khj koin kfre kol kfpy kTl 0:10— 0:10— To ny A Qua. tarial (k it eentlngent said hs was no fit match winning scora has been 303! Cotton al! If not, he may have difficulty kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kgtnb kgb 0:30— 0:30—Qraca Havaa tonga The new Van Dine baffler con­ vict. 0:40— 0:40— Graham MoNamaa— wja for Max Baer, this James J. Brad- won last year at Sandwich with 282, qualifying for the laat two days. He ruled the 23 year old parole* Cant* Baat. 0:00— 7:00— Tha Crima Cluaa Myatary cerns the latest adventure of Philo a record shared with Barazen. 6:66— 4:30—Jack Armitrong — aaat dock. Ehiperts asserted the Butter­ Whatever happens, he will go on might play with the Albany club ot 0:30- 7:30— '-Walcoma Vallay,” tarlal Vance and hla unusual solution of Here’s Brighter 8tde putting in hls own way, waiting for only; Orehaat.—DIzIa; Vocal—weat 7:00- *:0O-"Rad Tralla," Dramatio a scries of poison mysteries that fly Butcher Boy would massacre the International League but insist­ 6:46— 4:46—Oick Tracy—baalc: Savitt 7:30— 3:30— Handa Acroaa tha Dordar the Jersey longshoreman, and went That Is the darker side of ths pic­ them to start dropping. Hls game ed his activities be limited to regu­ Orch.—Dlzle: Tax Owana. Rangar 4:00— 9:00— Fibbar McOaa and Mollla envelop the wealthy and eccentric ture for Little. On the fairer aide 1* satisfies him as It Is. and ho can't —west: Mlnlaturas—midweat 8:30— 9:30— "Heart Throba," Drama Llewellyn family. SALES D AYS so far as to back their arguments lar games of the schedule. 4:06— 5:06—Buck Rogero—east: Shar. 9:00— 10:00— Cl Chico Rivua — baalc: with odds of 10 to 1, the longest In the the honest impreislon of a nalf- be stampeded into experimenting. Agrees With Others man Orchaatra—waat and Olxla . Amoa *n’ Andy— weal repent Vance receives an anonymous heavyweight title history. doeen of England's leading critics On on* particular round of tbs He appeared to agree with ths 4:16— 6:16 — Bobby Banaon — east; 9:10— 10:10— Tony A Cue— wort repeat letter directing him to watch Sharman Orchaa.—waat and Dlxla 9:30— 10:30— Doraay Brea. Orchaatra There’s many an empty purse and players, expressed to the writer, amateur he had putted miserably, atand taken by Judge W. Q. Bram- 4:30— 6:60—Coaaaek Choir — haatc; 10:(XL-11:00— Shandor and Hla Violin young Lynn Llewellyn, whose life on Broadway as the result of Brad- that Muirfield Is "made for Little.” taking three strokes on about evei^ ham, president of the Association of Cadft Quartat — weat: Jack Arm- 10:09— 11:08— Dance Oreheatra Is.; In danger, at a notorious gam­ They say he will eat It up— at the third hole and sink ing nothing atrong, Skatch—midwaat rapaat 10:30— 11'4 ^ B l lly Blaaatt A Orchaatra dock's springing the greatest ptigil- M 1 no r Professional Baseball bling casino. After drinking water Istie surprise In the books by win­ end of tho tournament be hailed hon­ longer than six Inches. Afterward Leagues and the asaoclatlon'a exeeu- supplied by his uncle, Klnkald, the ning Baer's heavyweight diadem In estly In England as "another Bobby he was out practicing, knocking ball tive committee. In barring Pitts be- 6. . ;00—Evening Radio Journal. casino owner, Lynn collapses. Let*s Plan To 15 rounds In ths Oardsn'i Long Is­ Jonst.” after ball at the hole that sUll causa ha Is an ax-conviet but added: 6:15— Paul Wing, the Story Man. At the same hour Lynn’s wife land Bowl. Muirfield Is long and heavily- sludsd him. Jack McLaan, Beottlib "Since then (the exaeuUv* com­ 6:30—Prcaa-Radlo Newa. dies of poisoning In Mrs. Llewel­ Wtaila bis victory cams ss a trapped. but a paradise for a golfer ■tar, watched him eameitly for a mittee decision) however, a qaw WTIC 6:35— Ray Jones. lyn’s home. Vance discounts a abook to most of us, it was not a who can bit hls drives a mile down few moments and then offered a situation has aristn. Condlttona 6:45— Peter Schuyler Sports Briefs. suicide note found at her side. A the middle and control hls Iron shots ■uggestlen.. bav* been created as a rssult o f Hartford, Conn Be Sure And surprise to Jimmy himself. He was 6:46—Lowell Thomas. little later Doris Reed, the old honest and alncere when he told me In tbs wind. Little, as h* proved at "Thanh*,'t said Llttl*. "but that which there cannot be much doubt SO,000 W. 1040 H. C. m .R M 7 :0 0 -'Amos 'n' Andy. lady's secretary - companion, be­ at hls Loch Sheldrake training fit Anna’s, can do both whan be is would ba changing my whole «ys- a* to the best restrictive effort on Traveler* Broadcaatlng Servk« 7:15—Tony and Giia— draniai.ic comes unconscious after drinking camp a couple of wseks ago to la / shooting for keep*. He comes nearer ten>.” "Atobama’’ Pitts Pitts’ effort toward rchabllltatlan aketeh. water from a carafe intended for than any amateur to duplicating And he went on kneeklng them at of not permitting him to enter, base- the elder Mrs. Llewellyn. Shop In a bet on him. He firmly believed CAROLINE NEILL to write 7:30—Radio Nature League. that from poverty he was destined BEARS SEEK THIRD Hagen’s low, wind-defying irons. It the hnie and missing. ball employment. This was not con­ Tneoday, June 18. 7:45—Air Adventure* of Jimmie Because the vlctlma were made to rise to ths riches that go with CONCORDIANS DEFEAT templated nor Is It due to thOYUltng T. M Alien. violently 111 after drinking water the heavyweight championship. STRAIGHT VICTORY yale, harvard boat race of tha preitdent or the axseutive 4;00—Woman’* Radio Review, 8:00—Eno Crime Clue*. Vance perceive* a water motif Tbs Cinderalla Man they’re committee* of the association. Of 4:80—Marta De Viiie. 8:30—Edgar A. Guest. lanning through the case. He calling him now. And hls climb TERRYYILLE RANGERS this situation repressntetlve people 9:00—Rod Tralla. learns that Klnkald and Dr. Kane, IMANCHESTER have presented to me their belief 4:45—Wadsworth Athenum Taik— to tbs top la a story that rivals any ON HUDSON TODAY Friday for the herald Robert Drew-Baer. 9:30—Hand* Across the Border. fiance of Lynn's sister, are experi­ panned hy Horatio Alger. Injuries, Illness Hit there has been a complete reform*- 5:00—Alma Skllton and Bentrice 10:00—Fibber McGee and Molly. menting with "heav,v water," be­ tlon of Pitts’ character x x X . Naturally, Joseph and Mrs. As a novel and Interesting addi­ ^ert. Her account will bs carried on Chalk Up 6-S Victory as Slur Flak, planistH. 1 0 :3 0 -WBZA Player*. "The Strike" lieved to be poisonous. During Tercentenary O’Toole Braddock didn’t suspect No Exhibitlan Game* 5:16—Pan Americana. Gordon Hawkins. .Mather Found Dead tional feature to the regular cover The Herald sports page Saturday. geon Scattara 6 HiU and “ Solely for these reasons, Pitts that tha ton bom to them at 5 age of the annual Yale-Harvard Miss Neill has been actively en­ 6:46—Nur.aery Rhyme*. tt'.OO Time. weather. baacbatl With Doris, who has recovered, in the morning of June 7, 1908, at Geta 13 Strikaouta. will be allowed to play, on condtUea 6:OO.^Wrlghtville Clarion. scores. California la Favored at 6 to crew classic on the historic Thames gaged In the crew sport since she Major Loop Ball Gubs that a new contract he executed by Vance is trapped In Klnkaid’s 851 West 48th streeL New York 8:30—News; baacball Rcorei. 11:06 Bradford Orrhestra. at New London this Friday after­ entered Wellesley In 1982. ■ During the Albany dub and Pitta contain­ secret laboratory but Is later re­ City, would be the future heavy­ noon. The Herald hat mads arrange­ her first year at college, she pulled 6:4I>—Harmoneera. 11:15- Wayside Footl Shop Orches­ leased by Klnkald. Lynn’s mother, SALES D A YS weight champion. But the fact he 5 in Poughkeepsie Regat­ Sunday afternoon at the Blue- ing a covenant that during the year 7:05—Dyno (To WDRC). tra. ments to have a apecial story on the No. 6 oar and was promoted to the 1935 Pitts shall appear only in regu­ found dead with a gunshot wound, utlghed 17 ^unds at birth should four-inlla boat race written by Miss stroke berth In her second year. She fields diamond the Ckmcordla Lu­ 7:J6—"Muaical Moments." 11.-SO -'Glen Island Casino OrcheS' has left a note admitting she had have been a tlpoff. Pirates and Indians Latest therans came through with tholr lar league gsm ei and sboU not ap­ 7:30—Lum and Abner. tra. ta With Washington, Navy Caroline Neill, daughter of Rev. also stroked the Wellesley varsity pear In or at exhibition games, this engineered the poison plot, Pop Braddock from the first, Baer, Braddock second successive win. Playing 7:45—"Early and Frequent Ocntal 12:00-'Shnndor, viollmst. and Mrs. J. . Stuart Neill of Bt. crew this season and this spring was condition being imposed because it Vance also discredits this "con­ June 20-21-22 however, harbored the desire to Mary's Episcopal church here, and accorded the honor of the captaincy. Care," Dr. John L. McEnteu. 12:06 William Penn Hotel Orches­ fession," declaring the old lady ate hls boy become a fighter. That Victims of Scourge; Pytlak headsup baseball the Concordlans is distlncUv in Pitts’ Interest that 8.00— Leo Reismon'a Oreheatra. tra. at 2 to 1. captain and stroke of ths Wellesley Miss Neill’s athletic sotivltlas at smashm' out a 6-3 victory over the mere notoriety be not exploited and was trying to conceal her son'. intluencsd the selection of James college crew. VVelleslay have been confined solely 8:30—Wayne Klng'a Oreheatra. 12:30 Royal York Hotel OrchesTra. Lynn traps Vance and Doris in the Jay as the name of the youngster. IHctures To Be Rangers, a snappy club from Terry- capitalised.’* 1:00- Sign-ofr. Alan Gould, sports editor of the to erew and she la well qualified to Goes Home, Blanton Is vllle. The younjg southerner wbo asrvad 9:00—Ben Bemlc'a Oreheatra. deserted casino planning to kill It'was conferred In honor of James Acsoclated Press, will write the WTlte a vivid account of the Yale- 0:80— Eddie Ouchln'a Oreheatra. them because they know too much J. Jeffries, then potentae of the big BY EDWABD J. NEfL Up until Sunday the Rangers had five years of an eight to Id years rre'n n. count of the colorful event, Harvard classic. She prepared for won six games in s row. Sturgeon 10:00—Beauty Box Theater. Ho boastfully tells everything. fel!"ws. Associated Press Sport* Writer. Stricken; Giants Bury term for an armed robbery in New while Miss NcUI will give her im- college at St. Margaret's in Water- Shown A t State sgain was master of his game, thir­ York City, was quiek to express hU 11:01—Krakowaka Orche.atra - An- From thence to the final scene Tlie elder Braddock was an In­ Poughkeepsie. N. Y.. June 18.— preasion.'i of the race between the bury. where she was active in "The Casino Murder Case" races veterate fight fan. Jimmy's mother, teen men falling before T a slants appreciation. Solek, director. (A P )— The annual Job of beating Blue and the Crimson sweepswing- hockey and basketball. and not one Ranger man getting a 11:80—Slumber Hour. to an exciting climax with light­ t(M, liked a good shindig. Since her Cards 14-3 "Judge Landi* will never rogreC California was turned over today to Motion pictures of the James J. free trip to first. Sturgeo,. also bad having made that decision” b t said. 12:00—Midnight. RADIO: ning rapidity- with Philo Vance ■OP took up the sock game, she the broad backed oarsmen of the adding another startling crime hasn’t missed many of hls Important Braddock and Max Baer ,,itlc tuMie a big day with the stick, collecting "I won’t ever do anything to maks Navy, Washington, Cornell, Syra­ for the heavyAvetght championship three out of four at the plate. Snow him regret it." solution to his amazing record. battler. cuse and Columbia as the little city By HUGH S. FULLERTON, JR. of the world last Thursday night and E. Werner did their share In He praised the two men who led For the second feature you will When Jimmy reached the age of of Poughkeepsie reveled again in ite .Assoeiated Press Sport* Writer see May Rob.son In “Strangers All." MORIARTY’S-GREEN will be shown at the State Theater bringing the runs across the plate the fight to win him a baseballjXNfi- 9 months, the Braddock* moved to annual day of erowda and excite­ Local Sport The season which pennant con­ (Kasteni Htandard Tlino.) West New York, N. J., where the this Friday and Saturday as a spec­ for the Concordias, Snow getting tlon. General Manager Johnny Evers New York, June 18. (API — The ment the S7th Ir.-ercolleglate regat­ ial attraction, it was announced to­ tenders fear and few ever mSnage two out of tliree and B. Werner father, now 70, started a furniture ta. o f the Albany club and Warden WDRC •All-Star, baaeball game between TO MEET JULY 4TH day by Manager Jack Sanson. to avoid seems to be coming in hammering out a long drive Into Lewis B. Lawes of Sing Sing prlassL moving business. Twice in a row the ma.**ive Bears Chatter major league baseball. That’s the ftft Hartford. Ooim. ISH i picked teams of the American and It was here that. Jimmy com­ The pictures give a round by deep right field which wa- good for "They have been great. They BOLTON have sailed to victory. This year’s time when some Important player a trtole, scoring the first two runs National League will come from menced to show the fighting spirit round, blow by blow description ot stuck with nid from th* start of this Cleveland over both NBC and CBS crew,. If anything, looks better than the fifteen-round encounter in which gets sick or is hurt, when the mana­ for Concordia, ^ l a coming Sunday thing and I’m glad to have a ekaiica of hls forebears from Galway. HI* the varsity eight that nailed its i:> ,.The Blueflelds' 4 to 1 triumph networks July 8. Braddock turned in the most as­ ger’s carefully laid plans have to be the Concordlans win be pitted to show them they were right" Tuesday, June 18. The Grange held Its regular meet­ unc.'e. another James,; was a rough weat rival, Washington by three fiui over Moriarty Brother* at the Weat P.M. Try these tonight: Stellar Attraction Is Slated tounding upsat In ring Hittory by rearranged. against ano-her strong elup of Charles H. Knapp of Baiuinnra, ing In the basement of the Center ■nd tumble fighter on the other lengths at the 1934 finlah with Navy Side field Sunday afternoo ■ was de­ 4:00—Poetic Stringa. WBAF-NBC 8. Bcii Benilc; 8.30, outpointing the title bolder and Manchester, the Porterfield Sleber-. president of th* InterndUonal illll."''’ Notice was read of the elde. Another uncle, Tim, besides cloiMit ot the eastern fleet. cisive enough as far as the score is The latest vlcUms of the scourte 4:30—Educational Fcslure Eddie Duchin: 0. James Melton A for Holiday at New West winning the unanimous verdict ot are the Pittsburgh Pirates and lings. There Is keen rivalry between League said he was glad Pitts tip te 50th anniversary of the state being handy srith his dukes ■was a Dick Burnley, the big stroke who concerned but It seemc certain that these clubs and both teams will be 4:45—Betty Barthell. Co. Grange held in Olastnnburv June 24 both Judges and the referee. imUans, -have hls chance and ”I heps MU great runner. appeared to be a California boatload the outcome will be argued and de­ CIsveland both of whom In there to get tha first, break, 6:00—George Bernard Shaw — W ABl’-CBS 7:30, Abe Lyman: 9, A sho:» report was give; of the bated far into the .summer, due to hope to flniAh z t or near the top. make good.” Young Braddock was a natural- was not even brought east this year, renmrdiaps "Freedom." Walter O'Keefe; 9:45, Emily N. Pom^ona Grange, held In Suffleld, bom scrapper. He demonstrated the fluke by which the tew" champ* Side Diamond. Cleveland’* flr*t string catcher, Blair on "The Consumer* Stake in bis plac* won by a' mighty 185 AB R H PO A E 6:80—Mayfair Melodies. by Elsie Jones. She passed on the aarly superiority over rivals attend­ pound lophomorc, Gene Berken- tallied twice In ths ■seoni' inning. Frankie Pytlak, finally gave up bli RECRBA'nON-AMEBlCAIf 5:80—Jack Armstrong the New NRA." Warren. 2 b ...... 4 1 1 3 1 0 All- invitation by Mr. and Mrs. Henry ing 6 t Joseph's parochial school, kamp. Four of last year’s \reterans START PRO FIGHTS effort to recover from an liinest LEGION s o n BAIX LBAODV American Boy., WJZ-NBC— 10:30, Dorsey Broth­ Moriarty Brothers’ nine, defeated E. Werner, e . . . . 8 1 I lO i o Bridge to all Pomona Grange mem- and became champion of hls class are in the boat. ■ It’s neither here nor there to say while wandering around with the Noake, lb ...... '4 fi 1 9 0 0 5:45—Dick Tracy. ers Orchestra; 11, Shandor, Vlolln- June 27 to celebrate at the age of 10. that the result would have been the club and left for hls home in Buffalo. l*t; 11:30, Billy Bisaett orchestra. Al Ulbrickion’s huskies from last Sunday by the Blueflelds, 4-1, Fischer, S b ...... 4 0 0 0 3 1 8:00—Yankee Network Newa Serv­ weir 50th wedding anniversary. In one argument with Elmer Fur­ Washington and Buck Walsh's swift, same no matter what hoppened. ON MONMY NIGHT The Tribe didn't miss him much 1— Veterans Foreign Wars, ice. , What to Expect Wednesday: are slated for a practice session at Sturgeon, p ...... 4 0 8 0 3 0 Mr. Bridge is chaplain of the East long, Braddock let fly a right-hand smooth stroking Midshipmen from Eliminating those two runs, the when Bill Brenhol substituted ably Zwick, r f...... 4 1 .1 I 0 1 2— Manchester Fire Department. 8:15—Bunkhousc Follies with Caf- WEAF-NBC--1 p. ni.. Georgette Central Pomona Grange The resig­ Blueflelds would still be the victors the West 9lde. field tomorrow night 3— Hose Co. No. 1. smash that floored hls foe. Fur­ the Naval Academy at Annapolis, and mad* two hits In an 11 to 2 Magnuson. If ...,4 1 1 1 0 0 aon Robinson. Cohan: 2:30. Ma Perkins. nation of George Rose as treasurer long's head hit the cancrete walk, by 2-1, but It’s not at all certain at 5 o’clock and all players ars re­ 4— Blueflelds Sr*. WABC-CBS—6:30, Household mu are figured the chief competition Ralph Lenny to Meet Jackie triumph over the Red 8ox. Snow, Cf ...... ,8 2 2 2 0 0 8:80—Rhythm Round Up. of Bolton Grange was read. It and It took a doctor half an hour again as California sought to pull a that the game would have followed quested to be present. Manager Fellg The Pirate* got a worse blow Juit 5— r American .Legion- 8:45—Barbara Troop, pianist. sic box; 6. JusLElnfcrtalnment. 3 Big Sales Days a similar course in the later Innings ^ ’inzler, ss ...... 8 0 l 1 0 2 tvim voted to accept this resignation to revive him. Jim and another 6— Main Office. WJZ-NBC—9:05 a. m.. Dead let­ notch closer to the four straight McEvitt unnouneed today that Mori- after they had slugged the Phillies 8:65—Baaeball scores. with regret. Irene Geneveal was schoolmate, Johnny Morris, had a record Cornell’s great eights scored had the unfortunate Incident not 7— Hose Co, No, 4, 7:00—To be announced. ter office sales', 1:30 p. m., Hhrvard arty’s had completed arrangements Davis in Feature Boot at into submiulon 12 to 6 without their 1 83 0 11 27 8 4 appointed as the treasurer and In- long-standing feud, that ranged in the varsity duels from 19U9 taken place. As things now stand, to meet the Green ;it the new Wcet leading clouter, Arky Vaughan, who Rangers 8— -Army A Navy. 7:16—Hartford Public School Ser­ Class day. a long and heated controversy f sWIIed. A committee was appoint- through 80 bloody battles. through 1912. Side diamond on the afternoon of Is nursing a Charley Horse. Darrell F, ies— Camp School, Selec­ seems in prospect. AB R HPO A by the Maater and CIveraeer to Tha new heavyweight champion’s Washington particularly is dream­ the Fourth of July. Next Sunday, ^Q th Park. Blanton, brilliant rookie pitcher was Schubert, 8b .8 0 0 3 2 0 Date Teams Place tions from the cantata arrange for a Grange picnic. The decision for a ring career came at "Hiawatha.” ing of a record never before attained Moriarty’* travel to New Britain to atriekan with acute appcnuuiti* and Kostyk, If ...... 4 t 1 1 0 0 committee follows: Joseph Mack the age of 12. Then a messenger on the Hudson. Tha Huskies have The Incident In question oeeurrsd ...... 4 1 1 12 1 0 June IT—1 vs. 8 .... .Charter 7:80— 7:30—Singing Sam Recreation ('enter Elsie Jones and Lydia Young. The when Bogginl, first man up for the meet the Cremo Brewery team of hurried to a hospital for an opera­ Williams, lb boy, he read a blow-by-blow descrip­ a crack eight in the two mile fresh­ Hartford, June IS—Ralph Lssny, Valendtskt, 7:48—Boake Carter. literary program was as follows: Blueflelds in the second, walked. that city In the playoff of *, postpon­ tion. June 18—2 vs. 6 . Y. U . a Items of Interest tion of the Willard-Dempsey fight man race, opening the day’s festivl- ed game. a favorite with H^r^ord fans In the Pittsburgh increased its margin c, 3b, as ...... 4 0 0 2 0 2 8:00—Lavender and O l d ______n a g night. Reveille, by Arthur .OO at Toledo from a newspaper bulletin Rautenberg sent, a roller to the tlei at 4 p. m„ eastern standard BIscoe. 2b ...... 4 0 2 2 3 2 June 19—3 vs. 7 diharter OsikM Frank Mimn, tenor; Bernice Plnney roll call, a rule for Uklng board and rooted for Dempsey. mound. Hewitt scooped up the ball days when Bat Battalino was Bit­ over tha third place St. Louis club time, and the Sophomores for the ting on the featherweight throne, to a game and one-lialf as the Cards Burch. 3b, p ...... 4 0 0 1 2 1 Claire, soprano; Gustave care of our flag; reading, Eva Rob- The Manassa Mauler became and threw to second. It was a June 21—4 vs. 8 Charter Haenseben's Orchestra ■ TuMday three mile junior varsity at five and will be on display befors local fol­ were buried under a 14 to 3 score by Gosllckl, ef ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 batto; comet duet, Arthur and Jim’s Idol, and has been ever since. mighty close play that could have 0 0 0 0 8 ;30—Abe Lyman's Orchestra with the varsities pull from the starting been called one way or the other METHODISTS OPPOSE lowers o f boxlM next Monday night the League Leading Giants. Schulte, rf ...... 2 0 July 1—8 v*. 4 .. The women’s swimming classes Eleanor Plnney: recitation. Hazel 200 Meanwhile, bis three brothers, boats. Roberts, rf ...... 2 0 1 0 0 0 Ctvrt/KcSif Vivienne Segal and Oliver Hutchinson, at tha South n r k wbsn th* first 'nis esllar dwelling Braves smots will-meet as follows: 7 to 7:46, be­ Ralph, Joe, and Al. were making and Umpire Llnnell declared Bog- ...... 2 0 0 0 8 0 Smith. Ulbrickson wants to swasp the glni safe. As Llnnell crouched over profsssional boxing show of the out­ th* Reds twice in ths course of Marsh, p . . . July 2—2 V*. 3 .. ginners: 7:45 to 8:30, Intermediate. It was voted to replace window rapid strides In the boxing world. river this time. California was the THE GREEN TONIGHT Roman, e ., ...... 2 0 0 1 1 0 9:00—"The Right Eve of the Com­ Wednesday panes in the cellar of the basement second with arms spread wide, door season wdll be held. Bunker Hill Day doubleheader 8 to Ralph was a corking amateur favorite at 6 to 6 with Washington July 8—8 V*. 1 Charter QtM 'i mander," by Bret Harte. The women's bowling club will and pay half expenses as a com- heavy; Joe had 19 pro battles as a Plnney rifled the ball to McCann at Lenny will have as hls opponent 8 and 5 to 1, and left the losers only 9:30—Hour of Charm -- Phil Spi- and Navy coupled at 2 to 1, Cornell, first with Rautenberg still a yard or the aggressive and game Jackie 37 3 6 23x 14 5 bowl at 3 o'clock. The men's life inunlty project. Ulllan Mack, Given Away In CASH welter: and Al boxed 20 times as a Men’s Club to Pitch George lUy a few points ahead of PhlladeIpblA Score by innings; July 3—T vs. 8 .. Charter Dili talney and hi* 32 Melody Pennsylvania and Syracuse at 3 to more from the bag. Llnnell's back Davis, who did battle here last saving class will meet from 7 to chairman of the home economics lIgbUe. Two homers by Chuck Klein, each M anchester...... 003 100 02x—5 Ladies. 7:45. A public setback party wUl committee Has charge of the pro­ 1 and Columbia the long sHot at 15 was to the play and Umpire ■ Bill Against the Hublarditea at summer with both Jimmy Leto and with a man aboard gave the Cuba July 9—8 V*. 8 The fight fever bit Braddock to 1. TsrryvlHs ...... 200 001 000—3 . Y. M. O. A ^ r 10:00—Walter O'Keefe, Annette be held at the West Side Rec on ject. more forcefully than ever after Brenn. n at the plate was evidently . .Jarvis Grove. Battalino. Davis and Lenny srill their winning margin in a 5 to 3 Hanahaw, Caaa Loma Or- The race schedule, starting times watching second also, so Rauten­ clash In a ten-rounder which will X—Snow hit by ball. July 9—2 vs. 8 Cedar street. Play will start at Mr*. John Massey and grand­ watching his brothers do their stuff. triumph over Brooklyn. Runs batted In, E. Warner 2, T. M. C A -l ' etaestra and Ted Huslng. 7:45 and prises will b* awarded. daughter, Betty Lou Massey are and lanes; berg was also safe. The Green and' the Methodist be a companion bout to a ten- The Shopping Event You Have At 15 he entered the ring. Weigh­ Freshman race, 2 miles, four p. Noske 2, Warren 1, Magnuson 1, July 10—7 vs. 1 Charter Oldi:; 10:80—Leith Steven's Harmonlas. Thtirsdsy visiting In New York state for a ing 168 pounds, he fought under the Men’s club will tangle tonight at rounder between Stevie Carr and 10:45—Constimers' National Advla- The Model Airplane Club will few weeks. m. (c. 8. t.)—1 , University of Cali­ Moriarty’s then made the mis­ Jarvis Grove !n the first game of >* Terry Warrington. Volcndoakl 1; two base hits, Zwick',' name o f Jimmy Ryan. Commissioner Gosllckl, Kostyk; three base hit, E. July 12—8 vs. 4 Charter Oak ^ •orj’ Cguncll on Radio m meet at 7 o'clock in the club rooms. The Hall trustees met Saturday fornia;,. 2. Columbia; 8, W’ashington; take of starting to protest without home and home scries between these Then in a special six-round affair CLARKE AND DIUON Harry Buesser, of North Bergen, 4, Cornell, S, Syracuse. Werner; hits, off Msrsh 9 in 5, off EMucatidn. The women's swimming clauwes at the ball for a business meeting Been Waiting For. Every Store calling time. Bogginl sneaked two clubs. the keen Hartford rivals, Joey Isao July 18—8 vs. 1 ..... caiatter ~ 11:00—-Yankee Network News Serv- who a long time later put Jim on Junior 'Varsity, 3 miles, 5 p. m.— Burch 2 In 3; sacrifice hit Wlnsler, will mset at follows; 7 to 7:45, ad­ The trustees are: Charles Loomis the relief rolls, matched him with quietly to third and reached the The Methodists will send George and Eddie Reed will come together. ICB. vanced; 7:46 to 8:30, life saving. Jr.. Samuel Alvord, Mr*. Louis 1, California; 2, Washington; 3, sack long before McCann’s belated Warrington and Carr 'are carry­ TOP AMATEUR SLATE Snow; stolen hoses, Warren, B. July 16—2 vs. 4 Tommy Hummell. They fought four Ray to the hill to endeavor to stop Werner, Sturgeon, Wlnzler: left on Y. M. C. ,X3,;i6—labano Jones' Orchestra. Friday I^vle, Mrs, Alice Lee, John Massev Syracuse; 4, ComoIL throw. On the first pitch to Andy the Green outfit. Ray lost a 1 to 0 ing on a feud which has found ,11:80—Ted Florlto’s OrcheatrA Participating Will Offer Excep­ terrific rounds. Braddock scored Varsity, four miles, 6 p. ro.—1, baseq, Manchester 8fi. Terryville 7; July 17—3 v*. 8 Charter O d The girls' swimming classes will Charles Sumner and Carlos Ruggles. three knockdowns. Raguskus, Rautenberg stole second. decision to the Green lost, year and expression In two battles at Boston. i Tv meet as follows; 3:30 to 4:15, begin­ Rev. Dr. H. Potter, dean of the California; 2, Washington; 3, Navy; On the next, Raguskus drove a dou­ Carr won the first for a great upset base on balls, off Marsh 1. Burch 1; He scored 45 victories in as many he Is out for revenge, it is not Hartford, June 18—Ritchie Gib­ losing pitcher. Marsh; hit by pitch­ July 19—7 vs. 6 ners; 4:15 to 6, advanced. Hartford Seminary, preached the 4, Syracuse; 5, Cornell; 0, Columbia; ble into deep center, scoring Bog­ but In the second meeting Warring­ bons, lightning fast Springfield bo^, starts in the amateur ranks com­ 7, Pennsylvania. known who Sammy Kotoch's choice er, by Burch (Warren): struck ou t The women's plunge period will sermon Sunday morning at the Cen­ tional Values* ginl and Rautenberg. will be but It Is rumored that he has ton turned the tables to win on a will stop off In Hartford this week July 22—4 vs. 1 be held from 7 to 9 o'clock. Women ter church. Special music was ren­ peting for the Jersey Irish-Ameri- knockout by Sturgeon 13, Marsh 2, Burch 1. cbMxtotdm ean Club. He held the Ught-beavy dug up a new pitcher. to combat Lou Dell in the third out­ Time, 1:65: umpire, M. Haberern. members may get towels from the dered by the choir. A violin solo E.AST SIDES VTCrrORS From our position on the Blue­ Carr is working out dally and door amateur boxing show ot the July 23—2 V*. T T.Btj life imard. Membership cards must and heavyweight titles. The game will be called at 6:15 was given by Alexander Ware ac­ flelds' bench, we thought that Bog­ o'clock. says be will be in great shape for season dowm at South Park. Ritchie b* Mown. companied by Mra Thomaa Bently. Brother Joe took Jimmy in band . The East Sides drubbed the ginl was out at second and that the bid to atone for the defeat In bis July 24—8 vs • a ...... CtertHM and entered him In various tourna­ has been here several times and has HORNETS STING RAIDERS Batarday Anita Oagllardone, daughter of throwing Mill by -the score of 11 to Rautenberg was doubled at first. second meeting with Terry. , always made a hit. He Is not meet­ ■* ' — — ments. His first fight sway from 6. The Throwing mill boys got July 26—8 V*. 8 .. •ctartd The men’s plunge period will be Mr. and Mrs. Eugene GagUardone. Watch This Newspaper However, Plnney may have missed ing any pushover In Dell for the The Hornets gave the Raider* a held from 7 to 8 o'clock. Nancy Jane Hutchinson, daughter home took place In 1925, when he away to an early lead but the East touching the bajg and at any rate, boxed the Butcher Boy, managed Last Night *8 Fights DIAMOND CHALLENGES Hartford boy has conquered some of bad sting by defeating them 9-8 In All gams* must start p i « i i | | of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hutchinson, Sides went on a hitting spree in the play was close enough to cause the best youngsters In the state. by Paul Berlenbach. liie bout was the fourth Inning that netted them an extra inning tilt. Greens and 8 o’clock. wars b^ptlaed Sunday. no protest over LinnelTa decision. St. Jamea's School team ebal- In the feature bout of a card ot (Hiadwick were th* opposing pitch- b l a s t k i l l s t w o Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Carlevaro For Announcements staged at the K. of C hall in As­ 7 runs. It was the play at first that found lenges the Cambridge Street Juniors \ ,-.y.^ ■ toria. L. I. ’ By ASSOCIATED PRESS twelve, Jackie Clarke, one of tha era with Green* coming out on th* TAVBBN NOTE entertained guests from New York The Bast Sides would like to hear the umpires fast asleep and It gave Chicago—Davey Day, Chicago, to a game at their field. Contact cleverest boys in the state Will nat- Qasta, Italy, June 18.— (API — Braddock triumphed In three from other softball teams in town, long end of the score by letting the Sunday. the Blueflelds at least one run a* a outpointed Patsy Sevsra Medlll, William McCarthy of 23 Purnell tie It out with young Joe Dillon ot Raiders down with flv* hits and Two Marines were killed and four rounds, and became a -tremendous especially the Army and Navy, gift. Th* Sprue* Strset I The berry season has opened and Pa., (10). Place. New Haven. Tbta three-rounder striking out 11. Cbadwleh alloweo cd tb* were Injured today by a premature all farmers are busy harvesting the card. Hosa Houae No 4, and tha Machine Omaha—Frankls Hugbaa, Clin­ Ho scored 40 knockouts — and promises planty of action and the six bite when bits meant runs and tbs eeor* c8 8 to L explosion of a gun aboard the de- crop. Shop. Eighty-nine of the 200 players, ton, Ind„ defeated Tommy Romano, The All-Star* cballMge any team East Hartford boy la out to make a •troyer Borea, partldpxting Imflrlng then the thought hit him that It Score by innings: erratic flaldlng spellad hln defeat Saar* by toatont Mrs. Davidson and daughter. coaches and managers in the Amer­ Cleveland, (10). In town with player* under 18 years pleoslDg showing. B. Squatritc, H. fiquatrlto and praetle* of ths first naTal aquadrait. Margarst and son. Tkaodora of New would be a good Idea to cash in Ft H Gs ican league have Irish blood In them, Lancaster, Pa.—Charley Burns, of age. For games, get In touch I ,‘.k 'll PII on hla ring talent. As usual there will be twelve all- Greene hit well for th* Rorp^a. “Throwing Mill 203 000 1— 8 12 2 24 being Hibernian on both sldei ot Johnaton-n, Pm., defoated Frankie with MUce Genolfi of 11 Chestnut star bouts and the entire card will 1 H* (ieoldod to turn pro. East Bides 201 710 x— U 17 2 thsir families. while Belflorc and McCooc el , Wallaes, Oevelaad, (8). strset be asnoimoed teraomw. for the Rakted. 5


Toonerville Folk« By FonUine Fnx OUR BOARDING HOUSE SENSE and NONSENSE A u n t S o ph r o ny a n s w e r s Junior's question

U R MB OBOW LOVELY Heard a nan dlecuaetog aaothi ms grow lovely, growing old— man the othw day. He aald: ‘*nits WALPO &0 INSISTENT, 1 8o many fine things do; gtiy U a grsat fallow. Ha’s Ilka a ”P6 N E Ij OPE.VOUVE HEA-RD Lioces, and ivory, and gold, sky rocket—makes a lot of racket N\E TELL A'BOLTT TH' M RS. HACKLEW EN \**-'BUT And silks need not be new; —nevsr knows whara ha Is gotag ONV>f ON ONE OONPITION; And there is healing In old trees. and cornea back A burned stick." A V'®''. eat '** „ WELL .THIS IS LITTLE Old atreeta a glamor bold; How's that for a good dsacrlption? J V a t A NEPHEW .OVER AT HIS HOUSE. MOWER SHARPENING, key mak- FOR RENT 67 trucks laden with garden produce TehachapI yesterday, was Mrs. rance was assisted In serving by Mrs. Bladder— How do vou knowT North Methodist church for the bill and acknowledgement of the It waa what happened later. Lias ratsa par dar (or tranatsnt mg, lock, vacuum cleaner, clock, in the market to be sold. Phillips’ only actual reminder of her Gertrude Liddon and Mrs. Edith Mrs. Osbber—Heard them over Bda. FOR RENT—COTTAGE at Point morning services. ■ protest was received from the gov­ He told police his car was in s Miiwk IT, iM f gun repairing. Bralthwalte, 52 Bolton and Glastonbury growers lurid career as "The Tiger Woman," Judd. the party telephone. o’ Woods Beach, South Lyme. Call A special communication of Man­ ernor this morning, ohly a few hours slight collision with that of a wom­ Cash Chare* Pearl street. chester lodge will be held at 7:30 to­ looked to Hartford as places to sell and the penalty she paid for the The members gathered round the 4 CoBMoutlva tlaya a.| 7 ott) I eta after 6 p, m. Tclophcne 4308. Mrs. before he signed the measure. The an who then asked to see hla Ucenae. night at which time the Fellow- their produce. The number bring­ title. ptano and closed the evening with a The one objection we have to pub­ 1 CoBsaeatlva Oayi • oitj 11 ota Gertrude ing their fruits and garden trucks original bill was introduced by the Truskolsky handed her bis wallet, 1 x>»y ...... ! II eta! II eta craft degree will be conferred. A The key-figure In the slaying of number of old-fashioned and modern Meriden Chamber of Commerce and lic ownership is that nobody thinks PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 23 to Hartford were such that the songs. Organist Cockerham accom­ containing 320 in addition to bis A ll orders for irracular inaartiona number o f applications for member­ Alberta Meadows—Clara’s husband. was aimed solely at Itinerant ven­ of the darn thing till some smart credenttals. re rMutu rm. h id firm bt ohartad at tba ona tlroa rata. prices were being lowered. Three Armour Phillips— still is missing, al­ panying. apaelal rataa for long tarm avary MEN W ANTE D W ITH fair educa- W ANTED TO RENT 68 ship have been recently received dors who come Into a town or city guy builds up something worth own­ Aw ay sped the wroman, wallet and years ago the Manchester Market­ though he once swore he would be Am ong those present was John 4ay advartlaing glva upon raqutat. tlon, mechanically Inclined, now and It Is the desire of the officers and rent a vacant store for a ' few ing. all. Ada ordarad for thraa or als days to confer the necessary degrees be­ ing Auction Market was conceived waiting when _hla wife was released. Johnston, an active member of St. employed, desiring to better their WANTED— FOUR ROOM FLAT, and Bolton and Glastonbury grow­ days. The section of the bill that aod stopped bafora tha third or flfth fore hot weather arrives during He Is wanted in Orange county In Mary s parish who has recently Jerry— hear Snick ha S(.'ORCHY SMITH Backward Big Shot dgy will ba chargad only for tha so* positions by qualifying as Inatalla- strictly modern, modc-ato fcnt, five ers, in addition to those in Man­ makes It applicable to all peddlers STROKS OF LUCK which time the lodge usually sus- connection with the alleged grand graduated from the University of Job. tual Bumbar of tmea tha d appear* Mon exports and Service ongincers rooma will be conaidcred. Address chester and other towns to the east was added through the efforts of atf, charging at tha rata aarnad. but spends Its metings. theft of 35.000 In bonds and 31,665 the South at Sewanee, Tennessee Harry—Ain’t it a fright what f W i'w PUU4N' In Electric Refrigeration and Air Box R, Herald. of Manchester joined. Tht sales at Anthony Mauricllo, organizer of the Chicago — Something new for mo allowanca or rafunda can ba mada In cash. where he has been studying for the Hartford Traveling Peddlers Asso­ some folks 'wlU do for money? ■ INTO THE CARUMBA ' am ala tima ada stopped aftar tha Conditioning. No experience neces­ the Manchester market lost year ministry. tired golfers. / «TATION ( - HBV The only Information Mrs. Phil­ ciation, who came to Manchester Mth day. . sary, but appliermts must be will­ totaled 384,000. Directors of Westward Ho Oolt I I.OOK AT THAT , No *'tni forblda**; display lloaa aoc LOUIS PERO IS ACCORDED lips would give concerning a possible M^r. McCullagh was extended best over a year ago and waged an ex­ A new theory has It that Eve’s ing to train sp.are time for a few LEGAL NOTICES 78 It makes little difference whether Club here voted to purchase three \ CItOWD f — w h a t's •old. reunion was that her mate was wishes for a pleasant voyage by all tensive campaign against the local apple was a peach, but * there’a Tha Harald w ill not ba raaponaibla months. Write fdvlng age, phone, it is in the Manchester market or rickshaws to be rented to tired TM' BI6 IDBAF At R Court of rroiirtte HoMrn nt "standing by." present. The party was arranged fee without success, being turned plenty of evidence, too, that it waa for mora than ona incorrect maertloa prc.seut occupation and address. the New Haven market that a per­ members who feel tbe necessity ot e f any advartlaamant ordarad for roiumhiA within .iml for ihr IMwtrici FULL CREDIT FOR SALES by a committee composed of Mrs. down by both the Selectmen and a soma kind of a lemon. rest between shots. Box 100, Station N, New York. t AtHiovrr on Ih^ i:ith rtDUD STOMP AW FOR HIMSELF.' ARE kYAP.' ^twss lor Rtnt ...... IM HAVE IT RIGHT you without coarge. R. T. McCann IE GET L™R0NE.> (vou ARE?>vCHEER.' WE GONNA l e t . abitrbaa for Rant ...— ,^IN TW’ NECK.' . tom aor Bomsa for Rant 69 Center street Dial 7700. HIM GET AWAY Vja»ktaB to Root ...... 3 WITH IT.> ■sal Blatato Pat kala FOR R E NT— FOUR ROOM tene- want Bulldlak for Balo . — ment, at 134 Maple street with all laas Proporty for Balo ..... improvements, garage If desired .LAFF.'v 'frnit aad Issad far Bala Inquire 132 Maple, HBMkW f ^ Bala A »et Proparty for Bala FOR R E NT— 4 ROOM flat. 8ret Bbiffbas for Balo ...... a,, floor, all conveniences,' good neigh­ leal Batata for ■cobaaso . . . _ borhood. available July 1st. Chaa. J. R «te4 —Beal Batata ...... Strickland. 168 M ain'street Phone 7374.

TOR RENT—27 ULLEY street, modem 6 room apartment with ga- y e . Just ott Uaia Btre«t Inquire