BfONDAT. JUNE 17. IM S. 4 iKanrifrBtrr Ettnting Ifrrald AVEKAOB DAtLY CnCB^TtON THE WBATHUr Foreeaat at O. 8. W eetaif for Bw maetfe af li^r. IM f Bartfara Daugbters of Liberty, L. I., O L., Helen Davidson Lodge, Daugh­ Membert of tb« Mispab group ot Ho m I Drigga of Walnut street and No. 125, wUl hold iU regular month­ ters of Scotia, wiU enjoy a turkey the South Methodist Wesleyan Guild CAMP FIRE GIRLS Mias Catnerlna WUsoo of Elm ly meeting tomorrow evening at 8 supper tomorrow, evening at the are to hold a picnic Wedneaday ave- street prasentad several amusing 5 , 5 1 9 Ooody, probaMjr BmiaBBeal rata ABOUT TOWN nlng at the ^ rin gton cottage at Impersonations. Games were play­ .The J W . H A k C c o o'clock In Orange hall. A social will home of Mrs. E. 'S. Haling, 39 Lo­ HONOR MISS WIGGIN Membor af tka AaiR tonight and Wndaaaday, not neMh lOatrctta, aon at Mr». Anna follow the business, with a commit­ cust street. The meal will be served Columbia lake, to which the hus­ ed and refreshments were served lEtif ning IJeralb change -In tetnpenitat*. and the guests departed at a late Bnraea af amelatinea of ScluKd street was grad- tee In charge composed of Mrs. at 6 o'clock and guests of honor bands have been invited. Supper will be served at 6:30. hour. jteta d last week from S t John’s Hannah Smith, Mrs. Margaret O. will be Grand Chief Daughter Mrs. Torch Bearer’s Rank Awarded Smith, Mrs. Blary B. Smith and Mrs. Sarah L«king of New Jersey, Grand The members of the Msnebester ^iriveraity L*w School of BrooUyn. to Dover, N. Girl Former­ Otmp Fire Girls are; Viols and with the degree of L.L.B. He Annie L. Tedford. Deputy Catherine Robinson of Wes­ The postponed meeting o f the VOL. LIVn NO. 221. AdvartMeg on Faga le.) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JUNE 18. 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS terly, R. I., and Grand Recording ly of This Town. AUco Adamson o f Cooper Hill ^ e J E A N H A R L O W a graduate-of Manchester High Manchester police commissioners street, m is Bldwell and Nathalie Mrs. Jessie Sweet of North School Secretary Janet B. Rutherford of for the month of June and summer ' where he was prominent in Ellen Douglas I»dge of Hartford. Moorehouse of Prospect street, athletics, and entered S t John's street, with her son and father, Ar­ Inspection of the members of the Last evening a special Camp Fire The supper will be followed by a Ceremonial was conducted by the Ruth V. Woodward of Pino" street, adtar graduating from Canlslus In thur Ingraham, are at their :;ottagt; police department as to uniform and Bertha Mikoleit of Woodland street, "\jou d-ast dtitU s St Kelsey Point, Westbrook, where business meeting in Tinker hall, at equipment, will be held tonight. The Manchester Camp Fire Girls before Finding Crime Doesn’t Pay lSS3. Mrs. Mlst-etta and her son which delegaUons from Hartford Adelaide Howell of Main street, CROSSING ROAD they will remain until the first of Inspection will take place at 6:3U a group of twenty invited guests at jS^Mph attended the commencement and New Britain will be present. A Catherine Wilson of Elm street and SHIP SUBSIDY PLAN i the home of the guardian, Mlia B. Aardaes and have just returned July. and the meeting of the commission­ P.outh Wlggln. Miss Wlggln ra- social hour will follow the business ers will follow. V. Woodward of Hollister street. In 380 CONVICTS MUTINY ftom New Tork. tumed to Dover, N. H., yeeterday. Members of MysUc Review, Wo­ session. honor of Miss Ruth F. -Wlggln of IN RAIN, WOMAN Dover. N. H., daughter of Mrs. Staying In the air for two min­ man's Benefit association, are re­ WITH minded of the supper In Odd Fel­ The Salvation Army will hold a Mrs. Walter Matteson of Grass Lloyd B. Nevers. of 49 Woodland utes, 55 and one half seconds, a Valley, Calif., arrived by Transcon­ ROBS TAXPAYERS, lows hall tomorrow evening at 6.30 strawberry festival at the citadel street. For her achievements in model airplane built by Michael tinental plane Friday afternoon and ISSTRp,DIES followed by an entertainment and Thursday evening. The band will leadership and skill in craftsman­ LOOK AT YOUR SHOES! Vetrano of 62 Garden street smash­ is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. '8. Rls- 730 FT. UNDERGROUND; open meeting. Members may Invite j[lve a concert on the front lawn at ship, Miss Wlggln received the COLOR. ed the world record before a large ley of Lake street. Mrs. Matteson First Quality hiuband or friend. ";30 o'clock. highest award that a local Camp crowd at the annual outdoor meet at was formerly Miss Pauline Cooley Fire organization can officially be­ SAYS SENATE BODY RentChler Field, East Hartford, of Rockville. Miss Delia Wehr, Long An Mr. and Mrs. Jame.s F. Mackaey Mrs. Margaret Brown of 20 Arch stow upon any member—namely, Rubber M eelf HARMONY Saturday, The old record was one have moved from 43 Brookfield the rank of Torch Bearer. Miss minute, 52 seconds, Indicating that street was pleasantly surprised yes­ street to the home of the late Mrs. terday when the members of her Thomas j. Hackett, a student at Wlggln was awarded the sterling Employee at Chen^ Hit GUARDS AS HOSTAGES the mark of Vetrano's plane la re- silver, national emblem for Torch MAKE-UP to the un- Mary Cone Moeser on East Center family gathered at her home In rec- LaSalle Academy, Lond Island, ar­ 2$e OcetB Mail CommhtM D e W t e b le . ! street, recently occupied by the fam- ognltToognluon of................................ her birthday which ............ oc Bearer, together with an appropri­ A ttara^ SPECIAL SALE limited class for young men over 21, p, pinney. Harry England,' rived home early this morning. He ately decorated candleatlck and sil­ —ones you learn the art e f by Osano’s Auto — Dies 1 ily curred on toturday. The guests has completed bis year's course years of age. who bought this property from Mrs. brought with them a bountiful sup­ ver canQie. JEAN HARLOW make-up at famous tcreen noonces Past Operation of Deep Down m Coal Mine there and left the academy at 4 The Flag Day decorations were /II jr-c-JTi -REoatss- James McCaw. Sr., plans to develop ply of good things for supper. In­ o’clock, yesterday afternoon, reach­ Sam T u ly e t start know it EVENT BEGINS at the HospHaL Senators to Probe The 6rst of the annual series of it this .summer. cluding a beautifully decorated patriotic and during the ceremonial SHOE REPAIR SERVICE concerts in Center park by the Sal­ ing Hartford early this morning and red, A’hite and blue candlesticks Merchant Marine, Demand birthday cake. They also presented was met there by his father John J. 701 M ^n St., Johnson Block Personal instruction in the Art o f MAKE-UP. Fee- Kansas Prisoners Defy vation Army band, scheduled for to­ The final setback of the season to Mrs. Brown a number of useful five feet high were lighted—sym­ einsUng illiulrtted leuon, revelling bow tulei of ert morrow night, has been postponed Hackett, reaching Manchester at 2 bolic of Work, Health and Love. ON THURSDAY Miss AdsUa N. Weir, o f Glaston­ at the Highland Park Community personal and household gifts. o'clock. eonoeraing color, contour, highlight and ihadow ere Drastic Changes. MitchelVs Charges by David Addy, bandleader, until the club will be held tomorrow evening After the formal program piano epplied to meke-up to create raviihing beauty. bury, formerly of 56 Cfiiestnut street, Officials; Eleven Unarmed neat Tuesday. June 2,1. The con­ at 8:30. In addition to the regular Rehearsals for the pageant solos were effectively rendered by was fatally injured last night at 9:40 certs have been planned each sum­ Miss Anne Strickland of Highland now to Rouge playing prizes and grand prizes for •Search for the Light" which will Miss Norma I. Grazladlo. daugh­ a Round Foe* MAX FAaOR’S HOLLYWOOD Watblngton, June 18.— (A P )— Tercentenary Sales Days to when ahe was struck by a light Guards With Them; Tele- mer for several years by the band, the series, which have been under ter of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Gra- Park, who also entertained the Against Sec. Roper the Chamber of Commerc and the be given at the Emanuel Lutheran guests with palm readings. Miss We Specialize In • ART SCHOOL OF MAKE-UP Chargiog that ahlp BUbaidy policlea truck operated by Urbano Osano, of the auspices of the baseball team, a church Wednesday night will be ziadlo of 264 North Main street, town park department How to Rouge led to a "satumalia'’ by men bent 156 Oak atreet, during the heavy phone Wires to Surface door prize will be awarded and re­ held os fellows this evening: Ar» started on a motor trip Saturday LAWN MOWER a Thin Face Qaase* iaUy arriu ^ throu^ the eourteay of Be Biggest Merchandising freshments served. morning to Sidney, Novu Scotia. Max Factor. Hollywood'a Make Up Geniua on "robbing the taxpayer,” the Sen­ shower., Osano was proceeding east Washington, June 18.— (A P )— .JScaUed, Mitchell made public today Plano pupils of Mrs. Paul Motley thur Johnson's group at 6, Grace on Center street and Miss Weir was Theoe boys know that crime doesn't pay.
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