Proposal Gives Students Role in Admissions Process
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TheU-Hig id Vol. 45, No. 10 • University High School, 1362 East 59th St., Chicago, Ill. • Tuesday, February 10, 1970 Proposal gives students role in admissions process Students may become involved in • The student guide will fill out cipal, admissions secretary and the admissions process at U-High. a frank evaluation about how he gmdance chairman - are submit A proposal to include students in feels the candidate would fare at ted to the school principal and then admissions decisions was presented U-High, and other pertinent obser to Mr. Lloyd, who makes the final Friday to the school's nine-mem vations he could make. This eval decision. · ber faculty-administration Admis uation will be submitted to the ad The new proposal evolved from sions Committee. If the committee missions committee for considera an annual evaluation of the admis approves the idea, it is to be sub tion. sions process by the Admissions mitted in the form of a proposal to • A thorough orientation session Committee. English Teacher Arthur the faculty for a vote. Adminis for student guides will be conduct Sherrer and Industrial Arts Teach Photo by Bob Atlas trators and the Student Legislative ed to inform students of the prob er Herbert Pearson were assigned BEFORE SUBMITTING it for cal drawing of a house and land. Coordinating Council would also lems of writing evaluations, con to investigate student roles and Arts Week competition, Senior Mal scape. It took him most of last have to approve the proposal. ducting tours, assuming proper came up with idea of involving colm Morris retouches his mechani- year to design the drawing. THE PROPOSAL includes, among rapport with applicants, and the students. others, the following provisions: iike. The same idea had been dis • All applicants shall spend a day • An officer of SLCC would be cussed at faculty meetings last Arts Week at U-High, following the schedule come an official member of the year but proposals were never for of a special student guide, to Admissions Committee. mulated. be selected from elected student CURRENTLY, AD.VHSSIONSde AT THE request of the commit to he doubled leaders. cisions are finalized by Lab Schools tee, Mr. Sherrer solicited the sup Director Francis V. Lloyd Jr. on port of SLCC, which he advises, Assemblies Thursday, Feb. 12 the basis of a recommendation January 29. A letter from SLCC and Friday, Feb. 27, will begin and submitted to him by a faculty explaining why it wants students end a double Arts Week at U-High member who has independently mvolved in admissions would ac this year. read the applicant's folder. company the measure when sub Movies, slides, lectures, perform It includes the original applica mitted to the faculty for a vote, ances of music, drama, dancing tion, test scores, a writing sample, according to the committee's plans. and poetry, and displays of student results of an interview with a fac Of the proposal, Mr. Sherrer and faculty art projects will high ulty member and school records. commented, "This entire process light the expanded program, ac If the new proposal is approved, is geared to be a privilege for the cording to Erica Meyer, co-chair the folder also might include a applicant. No longer will an appli man with Lisa Lefkowitz. student evaluation. cant have to face an interview Students from Latin, Francis THE RECOM.l\lENDATIONS of ( with a faculty member) with fear Parker and North Shore will per the folder readers - six are elected and anxiety, because the insights form also, as they did last year, for one- or two-year terms by the gained and activities observed dur. ) Erica said. These schools have faculty and also serve on the Ad mg his tour of U-Hlgh will provide Photo by Abram Katz adopted their own Arts Weeks as a missions Committee with the prin- i:;u,Jstance for useful questions by result of U-High successes with it. BLOW TORCH in hand, Senior ...vth the applicant and the inter Arts Week was begun in 1967 by Hannah Banks carefully tries to viewer. then Student Council President solder the fast section of a brass ·'Through the admissions pro David Boorstin. Last year Student neck choker to the main section cess we will involve and educate Union took it over as part of its in to meet the Arts Week our students in an important area duties under a new student govern deadline, Photo by Jon Harrison of learning." ment constitution. JUNIOR KAREN MATLAW adds Mr. Sherrer expressed concern Enthusiastic student response to added, finishing touches to her sketch of that facUlty memners might over past Arts Weeks prompted expan Films will be featured each day a girl she plans to enter in Art react to the proposed admissions sion from one week to two, she ( continued page 4, col. 1) Week competition. p, ocecture changes. ~ "This is a very delicate proposi tion," he explained. "Teachers Colorado sing and run may feel they have been left out lJc'CdUSethey haven't been official By Barbara Goiter in the Colorado Academy Glee Afterwards, the Student Union ly informed about what is going on. "Chicago is nice, but it's awfully Club, which sang at neighboring sponsored a party for the boys, al "Actually, we haven't told them cold," commented David Rice of International House last Tuesday though they could stay for only 15 anything yet because there is no Littleton, Colorado, one of 88 boys as part of its fourth annual nation minutes since they had to leave for thing conctete to reveal. This pro wide concert tour. Milwaukee. posal is still in the earliest stages "We really haven't had a chance Student turnout for the perform of discussion. When the committee to meet anyone here because our ance and the party was small, but passes a statement, then we'll go In The schedule's so crammed," David Music Department Chairman John to faculty and parents. Photo by Abram Katz said before rushing off with the Klaus said he "was not disappoint "Then, too," he added, "I sus group to its next stop, ed by the number of people who TO COMPLETE a wax replica of pect people will get nervous about showed up because U-High audi her hand for Arts Week exhibition, ind Colorado Academy is an all-boy even the possibility of having stu ences are hard to get out, especial Senior Erica Meyer holds a burning college preparatory s c h o o l in dents participate in something as Arts Weeks programs are not inclu ly for music programs." candle to drip wax for the final Englewood, Colorado. Its students important as this, as they always ded in this calendar; see story this layer. do." page and page 4. come from all sections of the Today - Girls Basketball, Faulk country. Students find ner, 3 p.m., there; Swimming, Despite colds and stomach flu Fenger-Mt. Carmel-South Shore, which bedded six of its members, couches tasty 4:15 p.m., South Shore; Ice Hoc the 92-member glee club sang at key, Mather, 8:45 p.m., Rambo 11 schools during two days in Perhaps tired of cafeteria food Arena, 4836 North Clark Street. Chicago. a few U-Highers with classes in Wednesday, Feb. 11 - Basketball, rooms I 06, 303 and 304 have turned to ripping up the easy St. Michael's, 4 p.m., here. Delayed at WMAQ (channel 5) ;,tudios, where they taped two seg chairs and couches there, and eat Friday, Feb. 13 - Girls Basketball, ing the stuffing in them or throw. Morgan Park, 3:45 p.m., there; ments for "Sunday in Chicago" ing it on the floor. The furniture Track, Senn, 4 p.m., Fieldhouse, (shown last Sunday) and "It's Aca. was placed in the rooms by teach demic'' (to be shown in March), ers to provide a relaxed settin.g 56th Street and University Ave for class discussions in English and nue; Basketball, Glenwood, 6:30 the boys arrived at U-High one hour late. Social Studies. p.m., there, Complaints to Principal Carl Tuesday, Feb. 17 - Basketball U-High's choir and wind en Rinne from other teachers, parents and Girls Basketball, Latin, 4 semble joined the Coloradoans - and visiting educators that the eat. p.m., there. dressed uniformly in blue blazers en-into furn.iture encouraged slop Friday, Feb. 20 - Girls Basketball, and white slacks - in singing Gus piness prompted a crash repair program by English students two North Shore, 4 p.m., here; Tr?ck, tav Holst's "Turn Back O Man." weeks ago, according to Teacher Calumet, 4 p.m., Fieldhouse; Then the visitors sang selections Ruth Kaplan. She pointed out that Basketball, Illiana, 6:30 p.m., from "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" and most students feel the furniture there; Swimming, district nieets, other popular songs. has prompted more fruitful class discussions and should be retained. 7 p.m., Hinsdale South High "The Catchers in the Rye," a School. Last week, however, after a stu. triple barbershop quartet which dent found a broken microscope Saturday, Feb. 21 - Swimming, travels with the glee club, sang slide in a ripped-open chair, Mr. district meets, 9:30 a.m., Hins barbershop ballads, Negro spiritu Rinne told Mrs. Kaplan and the dale South. als and rounds. John Burdick, a other teachers that he planned to Tuesday, Feb. 24 - Midway out Colorado senior, played an original remove furniture he considered dangerous. after school; Basketball, Angel composition, "Rebecca," on the SENIOR LAURIE Schnerow de Photo by Jon Harrison Well, that's one way to knock Guardian, 4 p.m., here.