Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay Geography
Geography Population size Deprivation Long term conditions Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay Geography •Population size: 20,053 people (23% of A&B population) •7 settlements: •Ardrishaig (1290) •Bowmore (720) •Campbeltown (4,670) •Inverarary (560) •Lochgilphead (2,300) •Port Ellen (810) •Tarbert (1,130) •All areas are considered ‘remote’ or ‘very remote’ •51% live in areas in the 20% most deprived for geographic access to services (derived from travel times) •8% of dwellings are second homes (compared to 1% nationally). •6% of dwellings are vacant (compared to 3% nationally) •17% live on an island - 2011 census populations: Islay (3,228), Jura (196) and Gigha (163). •4% decrease in population between 2011 and 2018 Sources: Scottish Government UR 2016, SIMD 2016, NRS 2018 population and household estimates, 2016 settlement estimates and 2011 census Based on a best fit of 2011 datzones to LPG areas. MAKI LPG Profile April 2019 Male Female 90+ 85-89 •There is a ‘bulge’ of adults aged 80-84 from 45 to 74 and lower numbers 75-79 70-74 of adults aged under 45. 65-69 •The age band with the highest 60-64 55-59 number of people is those aged 50-54 50-54. 45-49 •There is a narrowing of the 40-44 Age Age Band 35-39 pyramid around the younger 30-34 adults. 25-29 •There are a lower number of 20-24 15-19 females aged 15-29 than males. 10-14 05-09 00-04 1,000 500 0 500 1,000 Population Sources: Scottish Government UR 2016, SIMD 2016, NRS 2018 population , 2017 household estimates and 2016 settlement estimates MAKI LPG Profile Based on a best fit of 2011 datazones to LPG areas.
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