©2006 Parasitological Institute of SAS, Košice DOI 10.2478/s11687-006-0005-1 HELMINTHOLOGIA, 43, 1: 21 – 26, 2006 The epidemiology of swine trichinellosis in China during 1999 – 2004 J. CUIa,*, Z. Q. WANGa, D. S. HUb aDepartment of Parasitology, bDepartment of Epidemiology, Medical College, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, P. R. China; E-mail:
[email protected] Summary ............ The epidemiology of swine trichinellosis in China during resulted from the ingestion of raw or undercooked meat 1999 – 2004 was reported in this paper. The seroepidemio- containing Trichinella larvae. Pork and its products are logical survey of swine trichinellosis was carried out by closely associated with outbreak of human trichinellosis. ELISA in 4 Provinces or Autonomous Regions (P/A), the Although human trichnellosis is relatively rare in many seroprevalence was from 1.63 % to 15.21 %. The prevalen- European Union (EU) countries, Trichinella-infected pork ce of Trichinella infection in swine slaughtered at abattoirs products were sometimes brought from Eastern Europe to varied from 0.0001 % to 23 % in 7 P/A. Both of the sero- the EU as gift, which caused several outbreaks of human prevalence and prevalence of swine trichinellosis in China trichinellosis (Pozio & Marucci, 2003). Out of 548 out- has obviously decreased compared with that in 1990’s. The breaks of human trichinellosis occurred in China during decrease was probably due to a combination of factors, in- 1964 – 1999, 525 outbreaks were caused by eating pork cluding development of industrialized pig farms, applica- (Wang & Cui, 2001a). Pork is the predominant source of tion of commercial grain forages, the improvement of pig outbreaks of human trichinellosis in China.