57TH a NUAL MEETING August 17, 18, 19, 20, 1970 Roosevelt Motor Hotel Cedar Rapids, Iowa There's a Story in That Half-Shot Pot You're Looking At

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57TH a NUAL MEETING August 17, 18, 19, 20, 1970 Roosevelt Motor Hotel Cedar Rapids, Iowa There's a Story in That Half-Shot Pot You're Looking At JULY, 1970 Vol . 33 P. 269·304 No. 7 , ;. ----- 57TH A NUAL MEETING August 17, 18, 19, 20, 1970 Roosevelt Motor Hotel Cedar Rapids, Iowa There's a story in that half-shot pot you're looking at. A food processor we know had just about given up on his aluminum bean pots. Accumulated food stains were uncleanable. Or so he thought until a Pennwalt representative showed him what Pennwalt pot cleaners could do. A quick soak and rinse did the job. Do you have a cleaning problem with plant utensils and equipment? Chances are Pennwalt has a cleaning process to solve your problem immediately. And if we don't, your Pennwalt representative will put our chemical research staff to work until we do have the solution. And no halfway measures about it. Contact us now. You have nothing to lose but your stains. Dairy and Food Dept., Pennwalt Corporation Three Parkway, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102 - --~ · ~ liiEMI~LT CLEANERS & SANITIZERS Your Hospitality Host Iowa Association Of Milk, Food And Enviromental Sanitarians Welcomes You to CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA ROOSEVELT MOTOR HOTEL August 17, 18, 19, 20, 1970 57th Annual Meeting Of International Association Of Milk, Food And Environmental Sanitarians, Inc. Farris Biggart, Chairman, Local Arrangements Committee says: "Please send in your reserva­ tions at once!!!!", Time is getting short. ; PLEASE SEND ALL RESERVATIONS TO HEADQUARTERS ROOSEVELT MOTOR HOTEL (FREE PARKING AT ROOM LEVEL) 0 Roosevelt Motor Hotel Please make reservations as follows: 0 Holiday Inn NA~E -------------------------------------------· 0 Howard Johnson's ADDRESS _________________ ____________________ ---· 0 Montrose Hotel, Date o f Aniva l _________ ________________ -----------· I RATES: ROOSEVELT MOTOR HOTEL · ~ Date of Departure ------------------------------- Single _____ ----------_________________ $10.00 - -· Reserve Single Room ( 1 person ) Rate _________ _ Double- Twin Beds _______ ----________ $14.95 ' Double- Twin Beds Rate ________ - 2 Double Beds- 2 persons --------------$18.95 Double Room (2 persons ) Rate ___ ___ ___ _ Par1or Suites --------------------------$32.90 Parlor Suite Rate _________ . I ,.,. _..·· ·· ·· 116!1· ·u"~/-;;; ~/rtll s TIM F~ ;. ::>;./ / /-; prr.r-• 1-!{~t-Wul ~ , .1' • ' . , ' HAYNES-SPRAY U.S. P. LIQUID PETROLATUM SPRAY 6fuluM M Med ~ ~: U.S.P. UHIIED STATES PHARMACEUTICAL STANDARD> SANITARY VALVES CONTAINS NO AN IMAL OR VEGETABLE FATS. ABSOL UTELY HOMOGENIZER PISTONS - RINGS NEUTRAL. WILL NOT TURN RANCID-CONTAM INATE OR SANITARY SEALS & PARTS TAINT WHEN IN .CONTACT WITH FOOD PRODUCTS . CAPPER SLIDES & PARTS POSITIVE PUMP PARIS DES IGNED TO SANITARY-PURE GLASS & PAPER FILLING SNAP INTO MACHINE PARTS FITTINGS ODORLESS -TASTELESS and for All OTHER SANITARY MACHINE PARTS which oro LEAK-PREVENTING NON-TOXIC cleaned doily. NEOPRENE GASKET for Sanitary Fittings Tke lft~Jdetm HAYNES-SPRAY lftetltM ~ .C~ ~ tk4e $NA"P!JI'l''E rideta~et~ C~~ tttitk Ute lfti& Otufuumce mu1 CIJde Tight joints, no leoks, no shrinkage Time-saving, easy to assemble Self-centering R~ by Ute U.S. PK!ttie Hwftk Sewice Sanitary, unaffected by heat or fats No sticking to fittings - Non·porous, no seams or crevices The Haynes-Spray eliminates the danger of contamination which is Eliminate line blocks possible by old fashioned· -lubricating methods. Spreading lubricants Odorless, polished surfaces, easily cleaned Help overcome line vibrations by the use of the finger method may entirely destroy previous bactericidal treatment of equipment. Withstand sterilization long life, use over and over Ayoilable for 1", J~", 2", 2Y.t" and 3" fittings. THE HAYNES MANUFACTURING -CO. Pocked 100 to the box. Order through your dairy supply house. 4180 Lorain Ave . • Cleveland, Ohio 44113 HAYNES-SPRAY INGREDIENTS ARE APPROVED ADDITIVES AND CAN BE SAFELY THE HAYNES MANUFACTURING CO. USED AS A LUBRI CANT FOR FOOD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT WHEN USED IN 4180 Lorain Avenue • Cleveland 13, Ohio COMPLIANCE WITH EXISTING FOOD ADDITIVES REGULATIONS. A HEAVY DUTY SANITARY LUBRICANT *MADE FROM bolh TEFLON® SPRAY AND TUBE \1 Tke Soplmfiwhu! GMiwt II All Lubri ·Film ingredients are THE IDEAL UNION SEAL FOR approved additives and can be BOTH VACUUM AND safely utilized as a lubricant for Gasket Color. , • PRESSURE LINES food processing equipment when slightly off-white SNAP-TITE self-centering gaskets of TEFLON are designed for all used in compliance with existing standard bevel seat sanitary fittings. They SNAP into place provid­ food additive regulations. ing self-alignment and ease of assembly and disassembly. HAYNES SNAP-TITES of TEFLON are unaffected by cleaning solu· lions, steam and solvents. They will nat embrittle at temperatures ESPECIALLY DEVELOPED FOR LUBRICATION OF FOOD as low as minus 200° F. and are impervious to heal up to 500° F. PROCESSING AND PACKAGING EQUIPMENT FOR A FITTING GASKET THAT WILL OUT-PERFORM All OTHERS ... For Use in Dairies - Ice Cream Plants- Breweries- S~ecihy ... HAYNES SNAP-liTES of TEFLON e TEFLON ACCEPTED SAFE FOR USE ON FOOD & PROCESSING SAN;;~e~~g e.Pl~n~sN- ;~k;;~s ~ ~~~;~~~;a:in;;~~n~~ESSe c . EQUIPMENT BY U . S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION SPRAY- PACKED 6- 16 OZ. CANS PER CARTON Gaskoh made of DuPont TEFLON ® HE-FLUOROCARBON RESINS * TUBES- PACKED 12- 4 OZ. TUBES PER CARTON THE HAYNES MANUFACTURING COMPANY THE HAYNES MANUFACTURING CO. 4180 LORAIN AVENUE • CLEVELAND, OHIO 44113 CLEVELAND , OHIO 44113 II OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE BOARD Journal of PTesident, MILTON E. HELD, 910 Lupin Way, San Carlos, Calif. 94070. P·resident-Elect, DicK B. 'WHITEHEAD, 212 'Nest Monroe St., Chicago, Ill. 60606. MIL·K and FOOD Fi1'St Vice-President, ORLOWE M. OSTEN, Minn. D ept. of Agric., 517 State Office Bldg., St. Paul, :1-.11inn. 55101. Second Vice-P-resident, ELMER E. KrnL­ STHUl\·I, 616 - 54th Place, \Vestern TECHNOLOGY Springs, Ill. 60558. Secretary-Tmasu:rer, Roy FAIHBANKs, INCLUDING MILK AND FOOD SANITATION 210 E. Benton St., Box 143 Oswe­ Official Publ-ication go, Ill. 60543. Junior Past-P·resident, SAMUEL 0. NoLES, International Association of Milk, Food and Dairy Division, Florida State Board Environmental Sanitarians, Inc. of Health, Jacksonville, Florida 32201. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Sen-io1· Past-P1·esident, A. N. MYriH, Uni­ versity of Guelph, G uelph, Ontario, Vol. 33 No.7 Canada. July, 1970 Publication Board DR. ELMER H. MARTH Effect of Dilution Bottle Mixing Methods on H . L. THOMAssoN, RoY FAIHBANKS Editors Plate Counts of Raw-Milk Bacteria Dn. ELMER H . MARTH, Editor, Dept. C. N. Huhtanen, A. B. Brazis, vF. L. Arledge, E. W. Cook, of Food Science, University of 'Wisconsin, Madison, vVis. 53706. C. B. Donnelly, R. E . G-inn, ]. N. Murphy, H . L. THOMASSON, Executive Secreta·ry H . E. Rm1dolph, E. L. Sing and D. I. Thompson _________ 269 and Managing Editor, Box 437, Shelbyville, Indiana 46176. The Effect of Glycols Added to Disinfectant-Detergent Solutions Upon Aerosolized Tes t Nlicroorganisms Editorial Board Donald T . Bmymen mul Joseph R. Songe·r __ ___ ___ __ ____ 274 C. A. ABELE - -------Chicago, Illinois H . S. ADAMS ____ Indianapolis, Indiana Federal-State Quality Program for Manufacturing Milk E. F . BAEH --------Washington, D. C. F. W. BARBEH ____ __ Glenview, Illinois Harold E. Meister ------------------- ------------------277 J. C. FLAKE - -----Washington, D. C . The Fate of Salmonella Typhimurium in tl1e Manufacture and L. G. HAH!\•ION ____ East Lansing, Mich . E. K. HAHHis - ---------Bethesda, Mel . Ripening of Lo'vv-Acid Cheddar Cheese R. P . HAYWARD ----------Bowie, Mel. H . L. Park, E. H. Marth, ]. M. Goepfert and N. F. Olso·n __ 280 C. K. ] OIL'<S __ Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 0 . \V. KAUFFMAN ___ Cincinnati, Ohio Current Status of Food Handler Examinations in HEHMAN KoREN __ __ Terre Haute, Ind. State and Local Health Departments \V . C. LAWTON ____ St. Paul, M innesota B. J. LISKA __________ Lafayette, Ind . Ca.rol·ine Becker mul i\tor'l'is Shiffm.an ______ _________ ___285 W. S. MuELLER _____ Amherst, Mass. Observations on Sterility a nd Hermetic J. C. OLSON, Jn. __ \'Vashington, D. C. D . S. PosTLE __________ Jthaca, N. Y. Packaging in Flexible Containers ; 'vV. D . Pownm ______ Vancouver, B. C. Ernest Glaser ___ ____ _____ ____ __________________ __ ____ 290 R. B. READ, Jn .. __ __Cin cinnati, Ohio G. vV . REINBOLD ________ Ames, Iowa Amendment to 3-A Sanitary Standards fo r Internal R eturn \V . E. SANDINE ____ _C orvallis, Oregon D. F . SPLITTSTOESSEH __ _ Geneva, N. Y. Tubular Heat Exchangers for Use with :Milk and Milk Products __ 292 \ V: G. \•VALTEH ______ Bozeman, Mont. Association Affairs ______ __ _______________ _____ ________________ 293 K. G. \•VECKEL ____ Madison, \.Visconsin J. C. \VmTE ______ Ithaca, lew York IAMFES- List of Committees, 1970-1971 E. A. ZorrOLA ______ St. Paul, Minn. 'l'hc J ournal of i\Iilk and Food Technology ews and Events ---------------------------------- ----------300 is issued monthly b eginning witll the Janu ary Index to Advertisers ______ ____________________________________ 303 number. Each vo lume c omprises 12 numbers. Published by the International Association of __ ____________ _____ __ ___ __ ____303 ~[ill\, Fo o c~ and Environmental Sanitarians, Classified Ads --- - - --__ -------- Inc. with executive ofnces of the Association, Blue Ridge lld., P . 0 . Box 437, Shelbyville, Ind. Entered a s second class matters at the Post Oft ice at Shelbyville, Ind.,, March 1052, under Page Cha rge: Eff<¥! til·e January 1, 1060 a Single Copies .................................. .. .. ............ $ 1.00 the Act of March 3, 1870. charge of $25.00 per printed page will be made Orders for Reprints: All order s for r eprtn!s EDI'l'OiliAL OFFICES : Dr. E lmer H. Marth, for all resea :. ch papers which are published should b e sent to t.h e executive office of the Dept. of Food Science. Univei'sity of ' Visean­ See Volume 31, issues 10, 11, or 12 for details. Association, P. 0. Box 43i , Shelbyville, Ind. sip., Madison, Wis. 53706. H . L. Thomasson, Bu siness Matters: Correspondence regarding Memb ershi p Du es: Membership in the In­ Manag!ng Ectitor, P .
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