Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-15-1914 Journal Publishing Company

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Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-15-1914 Journal Publishing Company University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-15-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-15-1914 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-15-1914." (1914). abq_mj_news/1054 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUERQUE MOKMI JOURNAL. H YEAR "On TlllltTV-MXT- ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, '1914. Dully by Carrier or Mall vol.. f XXXMH. Mi. 77. Month. Single Copies, B, Wi'hr. Besides, they have cut en- (PEACE TREATIES WITH trenchment eight feet wide nd ten ft. YOUNG RUSSIAN VICTORY liet deep, NEARLY EVERYBODY RETREAT BEIIERAL COMPLETE "A possible binding llli GERPAII of Italian nt Trieste, which Id linn unfortified been !? WORN. MS JOURNAL RMCIAL LIARIS WINt) provided against hy entrenchment on LIEUTEIMAMT Washington, Sept. 14. Pence trea- the Cnmpn Murzo hill which . over- AND ties lift ween the l'nlte, Stale und look the town, m n I hy blockhouse Great Britain, Fiance, Spain and Chl-n- u WITH CAPTURE OF "round the Onlf of Trieste. Tin- - re- four countries whose combined AIID ENERGETIC PURSUIT IS 1,000 mainder of the count of Istrlu unci population In more than tw of lnlmni;i huH been mined." EMILY DROWNED the total of the earth will bo signed here at 1 p. in. tomorrow. HUNGARIAN CAV AI.P.Y The Washington government at- AUSTRII1II IS l)II Itltll.l.l.WT W'Ollk tache the highest Imporlanru to the PUSHING INVADERS HARD PRISOIIERS signing of the new Hemic because It Home. - 14 (vln Purl. 11:22 Willi believe the peace of the I'nlte Stale p. tn.) A dispatch received here Mil will be tniule secure with MMUO.tlOrt from Pctrograd expresses udiiilrntlon people. for tho Intrepidity of t be Hungarian The pad provble that ull disputes BELGIUM FRONTIER PETRD6RAD says magnificent i REPORTED PROP cuvnlry. It their Prominent McKinley County nhnll he submitted to n permanent WARD Ichaigo facilitated the crossing of the i ommlsslon for Investigation for a pc jsun, Vistula nnd Dncister river of Attorney and Officer From ro of one year. the nt riu tin who survived defeat hit thp hand of tho Russian. Praise Fort Wingate Meet Death SMALL REWARD FOR In thp Riven also to Kusxlan aviation Mariano, FOURTEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY corps which, It I declared flow over in Lake DANGEROUS ENTERPRISE VON KLUCK UNDERESTIMATED (the battle line and located Import- ant Austrian contingents In time to ' MORfcIN .IOURNAL RRICIAL WIRII 'prevent . ly IIMIS PIECES OF ARTILLERY TAKEN their HEROIC ATTEMPT TO llerlln. Spt. I( (via. Copenhagen STRENGTH OF BRITISH ARMY p. m.) The most ex- compelled FRIEND anj London, 10 (.i:itMs RESCUE FAILS tensive lint of German casualtle yet IN FIGHT OF SEVENTEEN DAYS TO HEIXIXHU'E FRONTIER published hud been made public here. OPPOSING HIM, IT. IS SAID It comprise 7S4 killed, wound- PetroRTad, Sept. 14. An official !,10 HI 4 mission, The total of 'nil by of the Recoil of Gun Causes Boat to ed and communication the chief published losses up to dat are now general stuff nay: t t Capsize and Men Go Down in Russian energetic as follow: Part of Kaiser's Troops Are Cut Off From Main Body and German Army Is Said to Have Been Defeated "The rapid and advance Four thousand one hundred eluhty of General Rennekampf's army In Be Before Assistance Can killed, 15.KS5 wounded and 5.1170 iiiIns-iiif- Allies Are Straining Every Effort to Convert Defeat Into . Poland With Loss of Fifty Thousand Men; Muscovites east Prussia, and our decisive success- un AuHtrlan army numbering Extended Them, Claim to Be Advancing Into Prussia and Besieging Strong es over t'ommercial cotinelllor Feodor, of Disastrous Rout Along Whole Line; Center, May Be Envel- more than 1,1100,0110 men, have forced promised 60(1 - Hcrlln, ha marks to send buck a consider- t Compelled Pau Is Execut- Fortress of Koenigsberg; Francis Joseph's Ambassador to the German ($l2,ril to the rh-H- Zeppi'lin which oped and to Surrender; General 'uble portion of their troop from the throw successfully elaht homlm on Which It Is Hoped Will Tells Entirely Different Story, Asserting western frontier. - ing Brilliant Flanking Movement United States an l VI HI- iKiiKllsh soil. I W VI it "From August 28 to September 7, linnii Victorious t Kltl 1 I KOM I.AKi; t End Campaign in France, Making It Certain That Next Big That Soldiers of the Dual Monarchy Have Been bring, j r lti: t lhe German were continually 21 TRAIN LOADS OF LOOT Ung reinforcement to their eastern Will Be Soil of Since War Commenced, and That Enemy Was tlallup, X. M., Sept. 14. At r . Battle Fought on Prussia. Generally Then they tegan un frontier. h midnlKht neither the body of Mr. 4 FROM BATTLEFIELD across Muzur lake In a Crushed at Lemberg. the Young nor that of Lieutenant which wa well known lo them. reiKTtipatiou Amiens by the French ami llie prepara- Karly been recovered. It I i Tlit ut Us they advanced, their right wing had t1 known that both men wore heavy London, Sept. I.V (:2.t n. in.) tions by the (k-nnan-s on the river Aisne to make a stand against the to develop great strength - LONDON, Sept. 14 (10:05 p. in.) A dispatch to tlie Central threatened clothlmr and hip loot and that .Tenty-or.- e train loaus or ihm.ij cot- on Norden burg to allies the chief contained in the latest state- are the front from they carried heavy ammunition 'lected on the(Marne battlefield have are aiiinutnccinrnts News from Rome says advices received there from Pctrograd jOohlap Survalkl. Mncp and In their pocket. Three feet of brought Into Vlncenn.s ment issued by the French government. Apparently the Germans tlie effect that the 17 days' hattle of the Russians against the ' "This maneuver, which threatened t'en,Himdiy mornlliK, say a Iteutcr dis- - to weed cover tho bottom of Lake north- Rennenkampf's i war also arc preparing to tesist on the heights to the north and Atistro-Cicrma- to place General It Is exceedingly rrom ne spoil oi n forces ended with the following results: Marlano, and ':iicn I encount- wu-b- e troops In a serious situation, doubt fill If the bodies will ever Include eleven guns, seven motor west of Uhcinis. Prisoners taken, 180,000; field guns captured, 450; fortress ar- In wings Trom our with ammunition, ma- - ered resistance the recovered. Kn filled four IYtrograd reports that the Russian troops are crossing the 1.000 pieces: transport wagons taken, 4,000; aero- covering troop which In a mot self-- j No hats or oar have been jtrullleuses, three aeroplane, two large tillery captured, ene- sacrificing manner held up the the- - drifting 1,1,1 ",eu San river and that the Russian army in repulsing a desperate attack 7. found. Only boat planes captured, my' pressure. upsldo down so far ha woris ana chiimoscs, '''".oo.h,c huh ashore wagon by the Austrians captured many prisoners. The Russian embassy in Rome, according to the correspondent "Eventually, after fighting which told the tragic tory of the. death 1' urriage and of different ,l 1 KinilS. M I xiucu hit: The Hritish official press bureau denies the reports that Rus- German commanded by cost the enemy dearly, our entire of Mr. Young inl.,n,int emmaueil lion of the Central News, says that the army from this U, t, beginning of last week noout thirty .troop extricated themselves Early .I.,-.- .. sian troops have landed in ISdgiuin and declares also there is up.-- n forty that General Von Hmdenburg has been defeated near Mlawa, Russian '.difficult situation and occupied posl- - AAA A guns, uni ty foiiruiiif tui.i ' i wagon have been captured from the j no truth w hatever in the rumor that Russian soldiers have landed loss of Hon with a view to later operation. and the Germans arc evacuating Poland with a 44444 i Poland, that n.tciAL mTrM to ohin jouhli Opi'miuia In addition to u considerable o,- - i Jin passed through t treat Britain on their way to prance and fifty thousand men. The ambassador adds that the Russians have Gallup, N. M., Sept. 14. While 'quantity of ammunition. AMERICAN OPERA HAS lielguim. assumed the offensive in Prussia and have commenced to lay siege ..,11. CHANCE IN NEW YORK t 'V!?!;,,"!!,,",! i MAY POSTPONE TIME A Copenhagen dispatch says ail vices from Berlin admit that the to Koenigsberg. "::rtt a ney of Gallup and one of the mostj OF OPENING BANKS chief Austrian army sutjercd an absolute defeat at the hands o citizen of western New; I nrominent tlie Sl4lAL WISI) nnd Kallsz ha I grand Russians. lY MORNIN JOUNL LIAtD lnnL'lonieBIa mine. New York. Sept. 14. The Mexico, nnd Lieut. J A. Fat ly, Troop Mass., Sept. 14. Wire- Grossgarten. j tonight with Munthester, been renamed opera season opened K, Twelfth cavalry, V. S. A., stationed, Among trie German prisoners arriving in the neighborhood of by Dr.. semi-offici- sung w..shll.,)l, s,., H. In view of less odvlce received today "A communication idounod' "Ilomeo und Juliet," Wingate, were drowned.
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