FEPS Foundation for European CRS Fondazione Fondazione Italianieuropei Progressive Studies Centro per la riforma Fondation Européenne dello Stato d’études progressistes THE CHANGING FACES OF POPULISM SYSTEMIC CHALLENGERS IN EUROPE AND THE U.S. Edited by: Hedwig Giusto David Kitching Stefano Rizzo Published by: FEPS – Foundation for European Progressive Studies Rue Montoyer 40 – 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium info@feps‐europe.eu CRS – Fondazione Centro per la Riforma dello Stato Via Sebino 43 – 00199 Roma, Italy Crs‐
[email protected] Fondazione Italianieuropei Piazza Farnese 44 – 00186 Roma, Italy
[email protected] Edited by: David Kitching, Hedwig Giusto, Stefano Rizzo Distributed in the United States by Lexington Books ISBN: 978‐2‐930769‐01‐1 This book is produced with the financial support of the European Parliament Table of Contents Preface: Ernst Stetter (Secretary General, FEPS) 1 General Introductions: Massimo D’Alema (President, FEPS and Fondazione Italianieuropei) 5 Mario Tronti (President, CRS) 15 COUNTRY CASES Austria Austrian populism after the victory of the FPÖ in 1999: The political success of the discursive strategy of exclusion (Roberta Pasquarè) 27 France Populism and neoliberalism in France and Italy (Pierre Musso) 49 The Front National and the national‐populist right in France (Nicola Genga) 69 Germany The failure of right‐wing populism in Germany (Frank Decker) 87 Greece The rise of the Golden Dawn (Sofia Vasilopoulou, Daphne Halikiopoulou) 107 Ireland Hostage‐takers and gatekeepers: Populism and its potential in the Republic